2017-18 Nur 2013p Practicum Course Report

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Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing

Annual Practicum Course Report


Course Information
Academic Year 2017 - 2018
Course Number 2103P
Course Title Competencies for Nursing Practice I
Course Credit (Contact Hours) 2
Type of course
(Identify the type of course from the following list- BSN Practicum, BSN Practicum
RN-BSN Practicum)
Faculty Completing Report Kimberly Brownie
(Insert faculty name leading the course report)
Additional Faculty Angel Daniels
(Insert additional faculty names that taught course within the Catherine Mikelaites
Academic Year) Jessie Swann
Marilyn Dargitz
Kaitlyn Chidley
Tammy Krukiel
Ann Pryor

Review of the Previous Academic Year

Course Action Plan Course Recommendations
(does not need curriculum approval) (need curriculum approval)
Based on the analysis you completed last academic year, Based on the analysis from last academic year, what
what course improvements were you planning making? recommendations were provided to curriculum last year?
[e.g. modify teaching/learning strategies, test revisions,] [e.g., syllabus recommendations to curriculum to include
(copy & paste information from last year’s report) change in content/modules, change in course objectives,
change in evaluation methods ]
1. Increased clarity and structure to Blackboard site and (copy & paste information from last year’s report)
2. Orient faculty new to teaching 2103P 1. No Recommendations
3. Improve discussion surrounding observer role during 2.
simulation 3.
4. At this points MCAT grades have not significantly
increased related to the integration of the medication
ATI modules. Will continue to work with students
and stress the importance of medication math
through classroom instruction and clinical post-

For each item on the action plan listed above, indicate if Were the recommendations accepted by curriculum? If so,
it was completed, in progress, or not done. Provide brief how did the change(s) impact students? Provide an expert
description or explanation if needed. analysis.

1. Complete – Course placed into new Blackboard 1. N/A

template making it more organized and user friendly 2.
2. Complete – Provided Ann Pryor orientation to the 3.
course as well as needed materials.
3. In-progress – Introduced and discussed role of the
observer in simulation.
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing
Annual Practicum Course Report
4. In-Progress – Students continue to have difficulty
with medication math. PowerPoints have been
updated in the course to be clearer, offered one on
one assistance/ review with the students outside of
Practicum Hours
Detailed practicum hours need to be submitted separately in spreadsheet format and include all clinical groups within
the practicum course. In the table below please provide a summary of the average total hours spent in each practicum
setting. This information will come directly from the course practicum hour spreadsheet.
Expected Hours/Student #35 #0 #10 #0 #0 #30 #75
Type of Setting DC/A DC/C DC/SIM OBS Alt. Exp Other Total
Average for Fall 2167.56 0 631.78 0 0 1869.56 4668.9

Average for Spring 1936.25 0 600 0 0 1704.2 4240.45

Average for Summer n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Provide an expert analysis of the practicum hour  The practicum hours allotted for this course are
breakdown. Consider the following: Does the appropriate for student learning and meet the course
breakdown of practicum hours provide the best objectives.
opportunity to meet course objectives? Does it provide  No community hours are provided in this course, the
enough variety between acute and community students do have one scheduled observation with the
experiences? Does simulation augment the practicum wound care nurses (1 Hour) during their practicum time.
experience? A second Rehab observation is available for the students
when the PT/ OT therapist on the unit for one hour.
 Respiratory observation was removed due to availability
of the Respiratory Therapist.
 Simulation hours are appropriate for this course with
additional time allowed if needed.

Course Assignments
Type Description Evaluation Is the evaluation method appropriate,
(Reflection, Criteria the appropriate weight, and effective?
simulation, paper, (satisfactory/ Provide an expert analysis.
concept map, ATI etc.) unsatisfactory,
point system)
Med Sim Guided Reflection Questions P/F The medication simulation is appropriate
Reflection 1 and allows the student to practice the
administering medications prior to
administering medications in the
practicum setting. Reflection allows the
students to review the simulation and
provides an opportunity to evaluate self.
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing
Annual Practicum Course Report
Med Sim (Final) Guided Reflection Questions P/F Final medication simulation allows the
Reflection 2 student to demonstrate confidence they
have gained during the semester.
Reflection provides the student the
opportunity to review their progress
throughout the semester.
Skills Checklist Student Log P/F An appropriate method to document
progress with skills throughout the
Mid-Term Student evaluates self: P/F Mid-term evaluation provides the student
Self/Faculty Eval strengths/opportunities. Faculty with the opportunity to discuss strengths
evaluates student as well and opportunities to this point and allows
the faculty to provide information
regarding strengths and opportunities
that student may not realize and to
encourage growth within the student.
Final Self/Faculty Student evaluates self: P/F Final evaluation allows the student to reflect
Eval strengths/opportunities. Faculty on their growth throughout the semester and
evaluates student as well highlight their strengths and areas of
opportunities. The faculty has the
opportunity to discuss growth with the
student and provide encouragement as they
progress forward. This time allows the faculty
to discuss areas for the students to focus on
in the future.
ATI – Skills Computer based guided learning P/F Students complete the assigned ATIs at
Modules with pre and post test their own pace to allow for review of the
content as needed to increase their
knowledge on the specific skills being
covered. A pre and post-test are taken to
assess student knowledge on the specific
topic being covered
ATI – Dosage Computer based guided learning P/F Students complete the assigned ATIs at
Calculation with post test their own pace to allow for review as
Modules needed to increase their knowledge base
on medication administration and dosage
calculations. A post-test is administered
to assess learning.
Grade Distribution
Semester A B+ B C+ C D+ D F P W WS WU
Fall 63

Spring 60

Faculty Analysis of Grade Distribution
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing
Annual Practicum Course Report
(As the course expert, write a paragraph critically reflecting on the grade distribution considering the following questions:
Is the grade distribution appropriate? What percentage of students were successful/unsuccessful? Are there trends that you would like to explore?
Were there unusual circumstances that you would like to provide rationale? )

The grade distribution for Fall 2017 NUR 2103P course was appropriate.
The grade distribution for Spring 2018 NUR 2103P course was appropriate.

No trends to explore
Student Course Evaluations
Course Evaluation Participation Rates Course Evaluation Satisfaction Rates
(Benchmark 50%) (Benchmark 90% Positive Responses)
Semester Rate Did it meet Semester Rate Did it meet
benchmark? benchmark?
Fall 46% No Fall 100% Yes

Spring 52% Yes Spring 100% Yes

Summer N/A Summer N/A

Select Student Comments from Course Evaluations

Fall  More time to practice skills and a separate quieter space to take the
math test.
 Able to practice the skills in lab and then apply them to the clinical
 Small class size to teacher. Very helpful because the hospital setting
can be scary but having 1 teacher per around 8 students made it easy
and accessible to access the teacher when needed.
 I enjoyed post-conference after clinical days to share highs and lows of
the day in a safe setting.
 More open lab time/ practice of skills

Spring  The Clinical setting really helped me increase my understanding of

what we learned in the simulation lab. The clinical setting taught me
how to apply the information with different types of patients.
 I learned so much by being taught how to do something then being
able to do it in the hospital.
 Strengths of the faculty were teaching students and helping us
understand the skills needed. Secondly, during clinical the faculty was
patient, kind, and helped students seek learning opportunities.
 I like how things were broken up in the simulation lab room so that it
wasn't overwhelming. We broke up into clinical groups and did
activities that way. I also like how we were able to have breaks in
between because it helped us get refocused again to the classroom.
The instructors were really helpful with teaching and explaining to us
what was going on.
 I LOVE THE OPEN LAB TIME. PLEASE keep the lab open for practice. It
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing
Annual Practicum Course Report
was a HUGE assistance to me in developing skills and practice times.
 Recommendations:
o Improve the skills checklist
o Course count as a grade instead of P/F
o More practice with Medication Math in the class
o Having the students practice certain skills more than once in
lab so that it is more ingrained in their memory.

Summer N/A

Faculty Analysis of Student Course Evaluations

Fall – Overall the evaluations were positive. The students seem to like having a smaller clinical group so when they are
in the hospital the instructor is more accessible. The students seemed to have a good clinical experience on their
assigned units.
Spring – Overall the evaluations were positive. The students seemed to have a good experience on their assigned units.
Some had some difficulty with staff but were able to work through it. Students enjoyed being able to learn/ practice
skills in the lab and then move to practicum.

Student Practicum Site Evaluations

PR = participation rate; SR= satisfaction rate
Fall Spring Summer
Site PR SR PR SR PR SR Select Student Comments
MRMC 65% Nurses to be told a little more information about what our skill
set is in order to help them most efficiently. The unit was
welcoming and the nurses were supportive in my learning
experience. I can't get over how much we learned this
semester and all the nurses in the Telemetry unit were truly a
huge help. Many thanks to them all for their support and
guidance and willingness to mentor us. I wish I had had the
confidence at the beginning of the semester to have asked
them questions and shadowed them a bit closer! I agreed with
the staff being helpful, there was minimal communication. This
unit definitely taught me a lot and for the most part every nurse
was very great at providing teaching opportunities for us as
MRMC – 94% Learning experience has been great. I had the opportunity to
PCU apply skills learned in lab to real life situation in the hospital
setting while taking care of patients. Could have used double or
triple the amount of time with the wound care nurses. The
clinical site, at Memorial Regional was a great site. The nurses
on the unit were very helpful and had a positive attitude. I was
very glad that I was able to learn and be able to further
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing
Annual Practicum Course Report
understand how to perform specific nursing skills. This clinical
experience this semester has increased my understanding and
helped me a better nursing student and future nurse. All of the
nurses were amazing at talking through steps and explaining
why something was to be done versus not. I only encountered
one nurse who was not helpful and did not communicate and
patient status or changes with me throughout my clinical day.
Otherwise, I loved my time on the PCU and felt as though I
gained a lot of knowledge.
MRMC - 75% The nurses that I appreciated the most were the ones who
CPC included me in the care of the patient and showed me things
that they were doing so I could experience the most. It would
be helpful for the nurses and techs to know what patients are
going to be assigned to students? Along with that, a list of
responsibilities the students are capable of completing during
our five hours on the unit. CPC was a great unit to get
experience on. The clinical experience on the CPC unit helped
build on skills that were learned in class.
MRMC – 81% Everything was great! I wish we got to take care of at least 2
Oncology patients instead of one. I think that would really help with
getting more experience during clinical as well as giving us more
to do. This semester has been a great experience. Staff has
been wonderful. Very supportive and willing to answer
questions, very professional. A more active floor assignment
would have allowed for a better intro experience. Other groups
seemed to have an active learning experience and chance to
shadow nurses.
SMH – 5 100% This unit was great. I am thankful for the opportunity to have
West worked in the hospital setting. Some staff were very helpful.
SMH – 5 71% This was a great first clinical assignment! The nurses and patient
South care techs were very helpful, and always seemed happy to have
us there. There were not many opportunities to practice with
foley catheter insertions on this unit. However, we were able to
practice plenty of skills that we have learned throughout this

Faculty Analysis of Practicum Sites

Please provide your expert analysis of the practicum sites used in the course considering student evaluations and your expert analysis.
The data for the Fall semester hospital units was not clearly identified per unit and students completed multiple surveys
and not just the one for the unit they were assigned to for the semester. Overall the students felt the units were
welcoming and supportive of student education. The students felt like they learned a lot and had great experiences on
each of the units.
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing
Annual Practicum Course Report
Surveys were deployed so we could gather specific data from each of the nursing units. Students were also asked to
only complete the survey for the unit they were assigned to for the semester.
PCU – There were several new nurses in orientation on the unit that provided insight into the Bon Secours program and
were very supportive and willing to share their knowledge with the students. Some had concerns with little or no
communication from some of the nurses but overall the nurses were welcoming and supportive of the students. Many
learning opportunities were available to the students. Some had opportunities to follow their patients to other
departments for procedures. Overall I feel the students had excellent learning opportunities while working on the PCU
with patients and staff.
Oncology – Mondays I was on Oncology. This was also a very welcoming unit. The staff was excellent, but the students
did not have as many opportunities for skills (the nurses made sure they got them when they were available), and it was
rare for us to see Rehab services on the unit.
CPC – CPC on Fridays and I felt that the unit had ample opportunities for the students. The nurses/techs were receptive
and helpful.
SMH 5 West – Found the entire nursing staff to be collaborative and very open to working with students. It is a unit that
gives a variety of skill opportunity for students to observe and later in the semester to perform if they have had the skill
in lab. I would recommend that this unit continue to be used for this course. The faculty member does need to talk with
the nurse manager just prior to each clinical time so she can remind the staff what skills we are looking for that week.

Faculty Impression, Action Plan, and Recommendations

Critically reflect on the data provided above and critically reflect on the course.
Strengths and Best Practices  Course has a good clinical focus at the end of the semester with
As the course expert, describe the course strengths and best having three weeks back to back in the hospital.
practices. Consider the following: practicum hours,
practicum sites, ATI, grade distribution, student course
 Medication practice simulation with the manikins using the sim
evaluations, and site evaluations. pad was added and has helped to increase student comfort level
during the Practice Medication Simulation.
 End of semester reviewed procedure cards with the CSC staff
and moved content around in week five and week seven. This
will allow for nutrition and I/O to be covered earlier in the
 ATIs – students are completing 100% of assigned ATIs
throughout the semester.
 Students are completing 100% of Medication Administration
ATIs throughout the semester.

Opportunities  Updates to PowerPoints (some have been updated, will continue

As the course expert, describe the opportunities that exist in to work on the remaining PowerPoints)
the course. Consider the following: instructional
 Continue to have focused material in post–conference but would
methodology, technology, evaluation measures, ATI, grade
distribution, student course evaluations, and site like to have more student involvement in presenting information
evaluations  Continue to educate students on the observer role
 Increase student education and Medication Math.
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing
Annual Practicum Course Report
Course Action Plan (Does not require Curriculum  Continue to work with students on Medication Math. This
Approval) seems to continue to be a struggle for the students even though
they are completing the ATI modules. Would like to provide
additional resources and practice questions on medication math.
Provide additional one on one support for those students
needing additional help.
 Continue with the discussion of the observer tool. The tool is
not currently being used in 2103P but is introduced so students
are aware of the tool in their Junior One semester.
 Orient new faculty teaching 2103P.
Recommendations (Requires Curriculum
No recommendations require curriculum approval at this time.

Curriculum Committee Impression of the Course Report

Overall impression
 Did the faculty critically reflect on their
course, provide insight, and appropriate
recommendations to provide the committee
information for review?
 Is more information needed?
 Does the committee have questions for the
 Are the grade distributions appropriate?
 Are the assignments appropriate?

Curriculum vote on recommendations

Communication from the committee to the

course faculty
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing
Annual Practicum Course Report

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