Capacity Building For Septage Management Plan

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Training Module on

Septage Management Plan

MEETRA, Nashik
15th September, 2015

PAS Project, CEPT University, INDIA

Structure of MODULE
Module 1: Introduction to Septage Management
 Key Sanitation facts from Census 2011 – India & Maharashtra
 What is septage and need for septage Management
 Various types of sanitation systems
 Overview of sanitation situation in Maharashtra
 Components of Septage management plan as per MoUD Advisory
Module 2: Key activities involved in Septage Management Plan
 Septage management activities related to Infrastructure creation
o Assessment of existing toilets and septic tanks through surveys and creation of database
o Design and construction / refurbishment of septic tanks
o Desludging of septic tanks
o Scheduled septic tank emptying services
o Treatment of faecal sludge / septage
Group work: Planning for septage management for a case city – Participants will plan for the infrastructure that is required for implementing the setpage plan in terms of
number of septic tanks to be emptied, number of trucks required and their capacity , treatment options with size and capacity.
Module 3: Institutional and governance aspects in Septage Management Plan
 Septage management activities related to Governance and Financing
o Regulations for septage management systems
o Awareness generation and capacity building activities
o Record-keeping , reporting (MIS), monitoring and feedback systems
o Sources of revenues for septage management
Group work: Implementing septage management plan for the cities – Participants will discuss issues related to institutional and governance aspects of septage management
plan, challenges, the nature of support required from government and financial institutions, costing , financing aspects and operational aspects etc

Module 4 : Private sector participation for septage management activities

 Exploring private sector participation for septage management
 Six processes in structuring a PSP option for septage management
Wrap up and close
Module 1 – Introduction to Septage Management
Key Sanitation facts from CENSUS 2011 - INDIA






Key facts for Maharashtra (Urban)





64% OF Wastewater is UNTREATED

Onsite sanitation and septage management –
emerging questions


Are septic tanks linked to soak pits

Are they built as per Codes / Specifications ?
How often are they cleaned ?
Where does the effluent flow ?
What happens to the SLUDGE?
What is septage . . .
As per MoUD Advisory on Septage Management

“The settled solid matter in

semi-solid condition
usually a mixture of solids
and water settled at the
bottom of septic tank. It
has an offensive odour,
appearance and is high in
organics and pathogenic
Characteristics of septage

Physical and chemical

characteristics of septage

Characteristics of septage in
tropical countries

Source : Advisory note on Septage management in Urban India, MoUD Jan 2013
Need of Septage Management ?
 Facilities like septic tanks, dry latrines,
community toilets, or other types accumulate
fecal sludge

 Septage needs to be removed periodically.

If this septage is not properly managed,
negative impacts on the urban
environment and on public health may

 Environmental pollution is caused by

Effluent and septage
effluents of not regularly de-sludged septic from septic tanks
tanks or community toilets; systems impacts
ground and surface
 Improper handling of septage regenerates
the risks of faecal matter re-entering the
water resources
domestic environment
Source : Advisory note on septage management in urban India, MoUD January 2013
Emerging recognition of septage management

 NUSP has accorded high importance to plan and

implement actions for the organized and safe
management of fecal matter from on-site

 It highlights the importance of safe and hygienic

facilities with proper disposal. It emphasizes proper
disposal and treatment of sludge from on-site installations
(septic tanks, pit latrines, etc.); and proper operations &
maintenance (O&M) of all sanitary facilities.

 Recommends developing a Septage Management Plan

(SMP) as a part of city sanitation plans (CSP)

 Septage Management Advisory of Government of India

provides references to CPHEEO guidelines, BIS standards,
and other resources for preparing SMP / FSM plan.
Various type of Sanitation systems in which septage is generated. . .

User interface Collection Conveyance Treatment Reuse/disposal

Centralized or decentralized Reuse for industrial

Septic tank fecal sludge treatment facility /agriculture/ energy
Effluent disposed Vacuum suction
through soak pit emptier trucks / trolley

Conveyed through settled sewer

Septic tank Reuse for industrial
/agriculture/ energy
Centralized or decentralized conversion
treatment facility

Conventional sewer system

Reuse for industrial /
agriculture / energy
Centralized or decentralized sewage
OFFSITE treatment plant
Various type of Sanitation system


Twin pit system

On-site for excreta
+ settled sewerage Simplified sewerage Conventional sewerage
OR system system
system for grey water
Septic tanks for excreta
settled sewerage
/ greywater + Soak pits
for effluent / greywater
for all wastewater
after settling (Hybrid) Only possible if:
• High water Only possible if:
consumption • High water
consumption by
• High public or households in the area
Only possible if: Only possible if: neighborhood • High public or
• sufficient space household investment
• Sufficient space investment capacity
is available capacity.
is available in
in the plot. • Planned settlement.
the plot.
• Sufficient natural
• Average to high water gradient
consumption • High local technical
• High public or and financial
neighborhood management skills.
investment capacity Non-Conventional
Components of Non-conventional Sanitation (1/2)
Twin Pit
This technology consists of two
alternating pits connected to a Pour
Flush Toilet. The blackwater is
collected in the pits and allowed to
slowly infiltrate into the surrounding

Septic tank

A Septic Tank is a watertight 2-3

chamber made of concrete,
brickwork, PVC or plastic, for the
storage and treatment of blackwater
and greywater. Settling and
anaerobic processes reduce solids
and organics.
Components of Non-conventional Sanitation (2/2)
Settled Sewer

International Experience
Following its successful installation in Northern Zambia
(1960), settled sewerage was then installed in:
•Australia, in 1962;
•Nigeria, in 1965;
A Settled Sewer is a network of small diameter pipes that •United States, in 1975;
transports solids-free wastewater
•Colombia in 1982;
Soak Pit •Brazil, in 1987; and
•South Africa, in 1989.
It is now most common in Australia and the United States,
with over 300 schemes installed.

National Experience

A Soak Pit, also known as a soakaway or leach pit, is a covered, Under Punjab Rural Water supply scheme
porous-walled chamber that allows water to slowly soak
into the ground. Pre-settled effluent is discharged to the • 100 Villages are going to be provided with settled sewer network
underground chamber from where it infiltrates into the
surrounding soil
Overview of sanitation situation in Maharashtra
Access Collection Conveyance Treatment Disposal/Reuse
Access to type of sanitation Method of collection of Methods of conveyance of Treatment of wastewater Disposal of waste
(‘000s of HH) waste waste (in MLD) (in MLD)
(‘000s of HH) (‘000s of HH)
~9886 ~7014 ~9886 ~3748 ~1345
defecation 7% Others1 3% 4% No 8%
22% drains Untreated 64%
Pit toilets
Septic tanks
37% Open
Community drains

Closed Not reused 95%

Sewerage 56% drains 65%
Individual Treated
toilets 71% Reused
~690,000 HH practice ~250,000 HH with ~730,000 HH have no ~2,400 MLD of ~1,280 MLD of treated
open defecation and ~1/5th personal toilets use other drains for conveyance of wastewater is left wastewater is disposed off
of HH depend on method of waste wastewater untreated every day without being reused
community toilets, even collection
in non-slum areas

• 197 cities provide

• STs are oversized • None of the cities have independent septage
septic tank
and are cleaned at treatment facilities
emptying services
an interval of 8-10
Septage years
Management • 23 cities have • Only 6 cities treat septage along with sewage at
licensed private their STPs
• Effluent from STs
sector for providing
goes into drains or • Septage is dumped at dumpsite or open land
septic tank
soak pits
emptying services
Source: CEPT PAS data 2011 &
2014 , Census of India 2011,
Current situation of septage management in Small – Medium towns
of Maharashtra

User interface Collection Conveyance Treatment Reuse /Disposal

Existing Pit and Septic

Pour flush latrines Open / covered drains
tank with drain field
Into river or natural drain
No conveyance system
in new developments

No treatment of fecal
sludge Dumping along with
solid waste

Old city area - Inadequate primary treatment but good

conveyance through open drains
Lack of 100% coverage of Lack of scientific disposal of
Lack of treatment facility
conveyance system septage
New developments - Improved primary treatment through septic
tanks but no drains

Missing links in Sanitation value chain in a city

Water body
End-to-end IFSM solution – From red to green
Disposal /
Access Collection Conveyance Treatment

Pour flush Suction emptier No treatment Disposed off on

Septic tanks
toilets truck facility dumping site

• Lack of universal • Septic tanks lack • Only 2-4 % of septic • No facility for fecal • Septage disposed off
access to improved manhole covers tanks cleaned annually sludge treatment on dumping site
toilets • Septic tanks are not of without treatment
• Lack of adequate data standard size
base on toilets for • No database on septic
properties tanks for properties

Pour flush Suction emptier Treatment Revenue from

Septic tanks
toilets trucks facility compost

• Providing access • Preparing a schedule • Installing treatment • Safe dumping of

Proposed Approach

• Converting
unimproved toilets to manhole covers to for period cleaning of facility for the treated fecal matter
improved toilets allow regular cleaning septic tanks, to ensure treatment of septage and/or the sale of
that all septic tank are septage at a fixed rate
• Ensuring 100% • Enforcing regulations
cleaned at least once in to nearby farms or
access to improved on septic tanks design
3 years agro-businesses
toilets • Data base of properties
• Enforcing regulations
• Data base on toilets with septic tanks and penalties for
for all properties periodicity of septic
tank cleaning and safe
handling of sludge
• Payment using local
taxes using escrow
Extent of septage management (SM) required in Maharashtra (1/2)
Total 259 Cities with 30.2 million population requiring FSM

Partial SM Citywide 100% SM

1. Large city
Municipal partial
corporations 22 Cities
(16.6 Mn population)
4. Citywide FSM
- medium
3. Medium- 56 Cities >50,000
small cities Pop. (5.8 Mn
near STPs
2. Small city 36 Cities
(with STP within 5. Citywide FSM
Municipal partial 15/30 km.) - small
Councils 19 Cities (3.1 Mn population) 126 Cities < <50,000
(1.2 Mn population) Pop.
(3.6 Mn population)
Extent of septage management (SM) required in Maharashtra (2/2)
48.6 %
Distribution of cities by Number (126 Cities)
Number of cities to total cities in Maharashtra (%)

21.6 %
13.9 % (56 Cities)
8.5 % 7.3 % (36 Cities)
(22 Cities) (19 Cities)

Partial sewerage, onsite sanitation in uncovered Partial sewerage, onsite sanitation in uncovered Full onsite sanitation systems possible, located in Full onsite sanitation systems with citywide Full onsite sanitation systems with citywide
areas and in periphery in Municipal Corporation areas and in periphery Municipalities 15 km (Hilly terrain)/30 km (Plains) radius of possibility of ‘end-to-end’ FSM (Cities with > possibility of ‘end-to-end’ FSM (Cities with <
existing STPs 50000 population) 50000 population)

Septage Management is required for all the cities in the state to serve 61% urban state population

Distribution of cities by share of total urban population served by SM

33.7 %
(16.6 Mn) Population to be served by FSM (% to state urban population)

11.7 %
6.2 % (5.8 Mn) 7.2 %
2.4 % (3.1 Mn) (3.6 Mn)
(1.2 Mn)

Partial sewerage, onsite sanitation in uncovered Partial sewerage, onsite sanitation in uncovered Full onsite sanitation systems possible, located in Full onsite sanitation systems with citywide Full onsite sanitation systems with citywide
areas and in periphery in Municipal Corporation areas and in periphery Municipalities 15 km (Hilly terrain)/30 km (Plains) radius of possibility of ‘end-to-end’ FSM (Cities with > possibility of ‘end-to-end’ FSM (Cities with <
existing STPs 50000 population) 50000 population)
Key Elements of Septage Management Plan as per the MoUD Advisory

Desludging of Septic tanks Transportation Treatment / Reuse / Disposal

 De-sludging of septic tanks - using  Vehicles are available in different

mechanical devices capacities from 2,000 to 12,000 litres.  Treatment at existing sewage
treatment plants
 Small scale vacuum trucks called
 De-sludging frequencies of septic Vacutug are recommended for areas  Septage addition at the nearest sewer
tanks once every 2 to 3 years, or inaccessible to large vehicles manhole
when the tank becomes one third  Septage addition at the STP
full  The no. of cleaning machines - based  Septage addition to sludge
on frequency of cleaning, distance of digesters/sludge drying beds
 Periodical desludging also helps location of treatment facility and
reduce the pollution levels in the local conditions  Treatment at independent septage
effluent treatment plants
 A Transportation Plan should be
formulated which should include:  Space is not a constraint : Lime treatment,
 1-2 inch of sludge should be left Sludge drying beds, Anaerobic baffled
in tank to facilitate future reactor, stabilization pond, Constructed
 Scheduling and routing for trucks
decomposition  Customer service protocols wetland, co-composting with solid waste
 Locating tanks and cleanouts with proper  Space is a constraint : Mechanical
Dewatering system
 Regular desludging activities pumping equipment operation and worker
require well-organized  Properly treated sludge can be
 Transportation requirements, including
community and public/private rules of the road reused to reclaim parched land by
service providers  Disposal procedures at the treatment application as soil conditioner,
 Routine service of equipment
and/or as a fertilizer
 Tanks should not be scrub cleaned
 Recordkeeping for all tanks pumped and
or washed with detergent wastes discharged at the disposal facility

Regulation and Monitoring by the ULB and Awareness Generation

Key activities for Septage Management Plan
 Key activities involved in Septage Management Plan
 Assessment of existing toilets and septic tanks through surveys and creation of database
Module 2

 Design and construction / refurbishment of septic tanks

 Desludging of septic tanks

 Scheduled septic tank emptying services

 Treatment of faecal sludge / septage

 Institutional and governance aspects in Septage Management

 Regulations for septage management systems
Module 3

 Awareness generation and capacity building activities

 Record-keeping , reporting (MIS), monitoring and feedback systems

 Sources of revenues for septage management

 Exploring private sector participation for septage management

Module 2 : Key activities involved in
Septage Management Plan
Key activities involved in Septage Management Plan

 Assessment of existing toilets and septic tanks through

surveys and creation of database

 Design and construction / refurbishment of septic tanks

 Desludging of septic tanks

 Scheduled septic tank emptying services

 Treatment of faecal sludge / septage

Assessment of existing toilets and septic tanks through
surveys and creation of database (1/2)
System required

Present system Details of toilets

 No database of toilets, septic tanks for HHs

 No ready database to show how often a septic tank

is being cleaned and at which location in the city

Details of where toilets are connected

Creating database and improving monitoring :

 Create GIS database for each HHs / property depicting

details on Toilets, septic tanks, soak pits details

 Update of HHs / property on server through mobile

Details of where bathroom and kitchen are
application or reporting systems once the septic tank connected
is cleaned
 Automatic reminder sent to the HHs after 3 years to clean
the septic tank
Assessment of existing toilets and septic tanks through
surveys and creation of database (2/2)
Assessment should capture the following Sample Questionnaire
Toilet availability assessment
aspects 19
Where do you dispose greywater from kitchen and bathroom?
(1. Sewer, 2. Septic tank, 3. Soak Pit, 4. Covered drains, 5. Open drains, 6. Others, specify, 7. Don't Know)
20 Do you have your own toilet on your premises? 1. Yes 2. No.
 Toilet availability If 20=1, Does any member of the household still go for defecation in the open? (1. Men. 2. Women. 3. Children. 4. No
 Where is the toilet connected to Septic tank assessment
What is the type of toilet facility is being used? (1. Flush/pour flush toilet connected to piped sewer system, 2.
Flush/pour flush toilet connected to septic tank, 3. Flush/pour flush toilet connected to other system, 4. Single Pit toilet
 Size and shape of septic tank 22 with slab, 5. Single pit toilet with ventilated improved pit, 6. Single pit toilet without slab / open pit, 7. Twin/Double pit
toilet , 8.Night soil disposed into open drain, 9.Service toilet with night soil removed by humans, 10. Service toilet with
night soil services by animals
 Number of chambers in septic tank If Q22 is 2 (toilet connected to Septic tank) answer 23 to 46
If Q22 is not 2 (toilet connected to Septic tank) go to B
23 No. of septic tanks in the property (1.Number________, 2. Don't know)
 Access covers to septic tanks 24 Distance of septic tank from the nearest well/bore (1. Distance _________ft. to on-site system, 2.Don't know)
25 Septic tank outfall is connected to (1. Soak pit, 2. Open drain, 3. Covered drain, 4. Others (Specify) 5. Don't Know)
 Accessibility of septic tanks 26
What is the average frequency of cleaning of septic tank? (1. 1 year, 2. 2 years, 3. 3 Years, 4. 4 Years 5. More than 5
years, 6. Don't Know)
27 What is the shape of your septic tank (1. Rectangular, 2. Circular, 3. Don't Know)
 When was the septic tank last cleaned. 28 Can you provide the dimensions of the septic tank? (1. Yes 2. No.)
29 If Q. no 27= 1 and 28= 1, provide L ___________ft, B ____________ft., H______________ft.

 Cleaning frequency of septic tanks 30

If Q. no 27= 2 and 28=1, provide
Diameter __________ft., Depth_______________ft.
31 How many chambers are there in the septic tank (1. one, 2. two , 3. three, 4. Don't Know)
 Problems encountered while cleaning of septic tanks 32
The base of septic tank is (1. Sealed with concrete and /or plaster, 2.No base – only soil, 3.Other, please specify, 4. Don’t

 Reasons for emptying septic tanks 33 Are there ventilation pipes for septic tanks (1.Yes, 2. No)
What construction materials have been used for constructing septic tanks?
(1. R.C.C, 2. Cement concrete and brick, 3. Prefabricated unit, 4. Don't Know, 5. Other, specify)
35 What is the age of septic tank? (1. No. of years____________, 2. Don't know)
Where is septic tank located? (1.Front yard, 2.Back yard (easy access), 3.Back yard (no access/through house), 4. House
36 side , 5.Under house, 6.Near the toilet, 7.Don’t know)
(Note: The person can be allowed to answer more than one option i.e. Backyard (Easy access) and near the toilet)
If Q 36 = 6, Where is the septic tank located near the toilet?
37 (1. Away from toilet, 2. Only 1st chamber is below the toilet, 3. All the chambers are below the toilet or other

PAS has developed a Mobile App- “SaniTab” for

structures, 4. Don't Know)
Is the septic tank accessible from road for cleaning by using a suction emptier truck? (1. Yes, 2. No, 3. Don't Know)
What is the approximate distance of septic tank from the road? (in meters)

conducting household level sanitation surveys,

Is there proper access with manholes/covers for any of the chamber of septic tank which can be easily opened
(1. Yes , 2. No)
If 40 = 1, then type of material of access cover (1. Concrete, 2. Cast iron, 3. Farsi (Tiles), 4. PVC/FRP cover, 5. Others,

which can be used by the ULBs

specify, 6. Don't know)
When the septic tank was cleaned the last time?
42 (1. Last 6 months 2. from 6 to 12 months 3. 12-24 months 4. 24-36 months 5. more than 36 months 6.Never 7. Don't
Why was the septic tank emptied?
(1. Blocked toilet, 2.Overflow from access hole/manhole , 3.Smell, 4.Others, specify) , 5.Don't know/remember )
Key activities involved in Septage Management Plan

 Assessment of existing toilets and septic tanks through

surveys and creation of database

 Design and construction / refurbishment of septic tanks

 Desludging of septic tanks

 Scheduled septic tank emptying services

 Treatment of faecal sludge / septage

Design and construction / refurbishment of septic tanks
 The septic tanks need to be designed and constructed as per the norms suggested in:
 Swachh Bharat Mission Guidelines, 2014
 Manual on Sewerage and sewage treatment systems , CPHEEO, 2013
 National Building Code of India, 2005
 IS: 2470 - Code of practice for installation of septic tanks - Part 1: Design and Construction and
Part 2: Secondary treatment and disposal of septic tank effluent 1985 (Reaffirmed 1996).

 Notices should be issued to all property owners whose septic tanks do not meet the standard septic
tank design.

 All insanitary toilets need to be converted to sanitary toilets with twin pits or septic tanks
Liquid Depth
(Cleaning interval of)
No. of Users Length(M) Breadth(M)
2 Years 3 Years
Recommended size of septic tank up to 20 users
5 1.50 0.75 1.00 1.05
10 2.00 0.90 1.00 1.40
15 2.00 0.90 1.30 2.00
20 2.30 1.10 1.30 1.80
Recommended size of septic tank for housing colony upto 300 users
50 5.00 2.00 1.00 1.2
100 7.50 2.65 1.00 1.2
150 10.00 3.00 1.00 1.2
200 12.00 3.30 1.00 1.24
300 15.00 4.00 1.00 1.24
Note : A provision of 300 mm should be made for free board.
Typical sizes of septic tanks for various user sizes Typical two compartment septic tank
Design considerations for septic tanks . . .
 Septic tank should be designed for 1 to 2 days of sewage retention.

 Septic tank shall have minimum width of 750 mm, minimum depth of one metre below water level and a
minimum liquid capacity of 1000 litres.

 The septic tanks are normally rectangular in shape and can either be a single tank or a double tank

 In double tank, first compartment is usually twice the size of the second

 The liquid depth is 1-2 m and the length to breadth ratio is 2-3 to 1

 For circular tanks the minimum diameter shall not be less than 1.35 m and operating depth shall not be
less than 1·0 m.
 Each compartment of a septic tank shall be
provided with a rectangular access opening
measuring not less 455 × 610 mm or a circular
opening 500 mm diameter

 Ventilating Pipe—Every septic tank shall be provided

with ventilating pipe of at least 50 mm diameter.
The top of the pipe shall be provided with a suitable
cage of mosquito proof mesh. Typical two compartment septic tank
Construction considerations for septic tanks . . .
 Baffles are generally provided at both inlet and outlet which dip 25 cm to 30 cm into and project 15 cm
above the liquid. The baffles should be placed at a distance of one-fifth of the tank length from the mouth of
the straight inlet pipe

 The invert of the outlet pipe should be placed at a level 5 to 7 cm below the invert level of inlet pipe

 For two compartment septic tanks, the tanks should be interconnected above the sludge storage level by
means of pipes or square openings of diameter or side length respectively of not less than 75 mm

 The height of the ventilation pipe should extend at least 2 m above the top of the highest building
within a radius of 20 m
 Septic tanks may either be constructed in Typical two compartment septic tank

brick work, stone masonry or concrete cast

in situ or pre-cast materials

 The floor of the tank should be of cement

concrete and sloped towards the sludge outlet.
Both the floor and side wall shall be
plastered with cement mortar to render the
surfaces smooth and to make them water tight.
Do’s and Don’ts for septic tank construction . . .

Key activities involved in Septage Management Plan

 Assessment of existing toilets and septic tanks through

surveys and creation of database

 Design and construction / refurbishment of septic tanks

 Desludging of septic tanks

 Scheduled septic tank emptying services

 Treatment of faecal sludge / septage

Desludging of septic tanks

As per CPHEEO Manual on Sewerage

As per Prohibition of Employment as Manual and Sewage Treatment , 2013
Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013 ,
IS : 2470 (Part I & II), 1985 on Code
desludging / emptying of septic tanks will be of Practice for Installation of Septic tank
undertaken by mechanical devices like suction emptier
trucks / vacuum tankers
“Yearly desludging of septic
tank is desirable, but if it is

For septic tanks which have not feasible or economical, then

proper access roads, a larger septic tanks should be
vehicle maybe used
cleaned at least once in two -
three years, provided the tank
is not overloaded due to use by
For septic tanks located in
narrow lanes or those that do more than the number of
not have proper access roads, persons for which it is designed”
smaller vehicles maybe used

Pg 9-22, CPHEEO Manual

Recommendations for desludging as per MoUD Advisory
Desludging of Septic tanks Transportation
 Vehicles are available in different
 De-sludging of septic tanks - using capacities from 2,000 to 12,000 litres.
mechanical devices
 Small scale vacuum trucks called
 De-sludging frequencies of septic Vacutug are recommended for areas
tanks once every 2 to 3 years, or when inaccessible to large vehicles
the tank becomes one third full
 The no. of cleaning machines - based
 Periodical desludging will help reduce on frequency of cleaning, distance of
the pollution levels in the effluent location of treatment facility and local
 1-2 inch of sludge should be left in
tank to facilitate future  A Transportation Plan should be
decomposition formulated which should include:

 Scheduling and routing for trucks

 Regular desludging activities will  Customer service protocols
require well-organized community  Locating tanks and cleanouts with proper pumping
equipment operation and worker safety
and public/private service providers
 Transportation requirements, including rules of the
 Tanks should not be scrub cleaned or  Disposal procedures at the treatment facility
 Routine service of equipment
washed with detergent
 Recordkeeping for all tanks pumped and wastes
discharged at the disposal facility
From complaint Redressal To regular service

Current septage management practice Recommended septage management practice

~2-4% of tanks cleaned per year ~33% of tanks cleaned per year
(once in >8-10 years) (once in 3 -5 years)

Current barriers Proposed solution

1 Cleaning is done on-call by the household, who do

1 Septic tanks will be cleaned on a pre-determined
not see the need for regular cleaning
Regulations and penalties will be set in place to
The cleaning services of the ULB are currently
ensure periodic cleaning
treated as a complaint redressal system for
overflowing septic tanks rather than a regular cleaning
Awareness generation activities will educate
and maintenance service
households about the need for regular cleaning

2 2
Each town will now require an additional 1- 3 trucks
Each town mainly has only 1 truck, owned and
to meet service standards, which can be operated
operated by the ULB
by a private player

3 3
Households generally pay ~INR 400-1000 to get Local taxes levied by the ULB as per municipal act 1
tanks cleaned, but only once in >8-10 years when the will be used to recover the operating expenses for
tanks overflow regular cleaning

Note (1) Maharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and Industrial Townships Act, 1965, Chapter IX : Municipal taxation, Section 108
Planning for a scheduled septic tank emptying services –
Answer following questions . . .
Septic tank cleaning cycle Divide the city into zones and
of _____ years prepare a yearly plan
 To maintain a cycle of ___years,
roughly _______ nos of septic
tanks need to be cleaned
annually Zone 2

Zone 3

 To clean ______ septic tanks, Zone 1

_____ nos of suction emptier

trucks of ____ capacity would be
No. of septic tanks to be cleaned No. of Days
 Each vehicle needs to make Year Zones
annually (no) required

____ trips daily Zone 1 1889 201

Year 1 Zone 2 947 101

 Roughly _____ Working Days Total 2836 302

Zone 2 1262 135
are required Year 2 Zone 3 1582 169
_____ nos of trucks of ______ litre Total 2844 303
capacity are required for cleaning HHs Zone 3 2762 294
Year 3
and non-residential septic tanks Total 2762 294
Prepare a scheduled desludging service plan for each year. . .
6 5 Year 1
No. of septic
7 13 4 No. of days
Zone Ward tanks to be

11 17 16
4 62 7

15 5 25 3
10 19
14 6 183 20

7 357 38

10 71 8

11 101 11

12 195 21
Zone 1
13 226 24

14 53 6

15 68 7

16 127 14

17 199 21
21 18 146 16

19 76 8

Zone 2 21 947 101

Total 2836 302

Then develop a quarterly desludging service plan for a given year. . .

6 5
Year 1
No. of septic
Quarter No. of days
Zone Ward tanks to be
7 13 4 Plan required
4 62 7
12 5 25 3
11 17 16
6 183 20
15 Q1
10 19 7 357 38
14 53 6
Sub Tot 680 74
10 71 8
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 11 101 11
12 195 21
Zone 1 Q2 13 226 24
15 68 7
19 76 8
Sub Tot 737 79
16 127 14
17 199 21
21 21 Q3 18 146 16
21 235 25
Sub Tot 707 75
21 713 76
Quarter 4 Zone 2 Q4
Sub Tot 713 76

Total 2836 302

Sample Calculation for arriving at number of suction trucks
required and nos of septic tanks to be cleaned. . . (1/2)

Sr.No Description No. Formula

Basic details

A Population 65251 Input

B Total households (HHs) 13112 Input

C HHs having toilets with septic tanks 6091 Input

D Up-gradation of HHs pit to septic tank 2152 Input

E No. of HHs to be provided with Individual toilet 1658 Input

F No. of HHs dependent on community toilets 3211 Input

G No. of community/ public toilets having septic tanks 21 Input

H Total capacity of Community/public toilet septic tank (cum) 10 Input

I No. of Septic tanks cleaned for CT/PT on daily basis (no) 3 = G / 7 days

J Total Septage generated in in CT/PT on daily basis (cum/day) (in all CTs) 10.1 = (F * O) / 365 days

K Septage collected in per CT/PT per day (cum/day) 0.48 = (J/G)

L Septage cleaning cycle (7 days). Therefore total septage collected from each CT/PT 3.36 = ( K * 7 days)

M Total Septage collected from CT/PT per day (cum/day) 10.1 = ( I * L)

Sample Calculation for arriving at number of suction trucks
required and nos of septic tanks to be cleaned. . . (2/2)

Sr.No Description No. Formula

Septic tank emptying Plan

N Septic tank cleaning cycle (Years) 3 Input

O Total septage generated per HHs in a year (as per USEPA, 230 litre/year/person) (cum) 1.14 = (230 * (A/B)) / 1000

P Total septage generated after 3 years in each HHs (if cleaning cycle is 3 years) (cum) 3.43 =N*O

Q No. of working days 300 Input

R Truck capacity (cum) 5 Input

S No. of HHs level septic tanks to be annually cleaned (no) 3300 = ( C + D + E) / N

T No. of septic tanks to be cleared daily (assuming 300 working days) (no) 11 = (S / Q)

U Total septage to be cleared (cum/day) (septage cleaned after 3 years) 37.77 = ( T * P)

V No. of trips possible per vehicle per day (trip/day) 4 Input

W No. of vehicles required (no) 3 = (( T+ I) / V)

X Standby vehicles (10-25%) 10% Input

Y Total Vehicles required 3 = ( W + (1+X%))

Licensing of septage transporters for providing scheduled services

 ULBs should either provide Septage Transporter Permit for _________ Municipality

the emptying services In accordance with all the terms and conditions of the current _______ Municipality’s Rates, Rules and
Regulations, the special permit conditions accompanying this permit, and all applicable rules, laws or

themselves or enter into regulations of Government of Maharashtra, permission is hereby granted to:

NAME OF PERMITTEE: _________________________________________________________________

appropriate management ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________________________
contracts with private For the disposal of septage from domestic septic tank or commercial holding tank at

agencies. the___________________ treatment facility.

This Permit is based on information provided in the Septage Transporter Permit application which
constitutes the Septage Management Hauled Permit.

This Permit is effective for the period set forth below, may be suspended or revoked for Permit
 In case of private sector Condition Non Compliance and is not transferable. The original permit shall be kept on file in the
Permittee’s office. A copy of this Permit shall be carried in every registered vehicle used by the
contract, ULBs should permittee.

certify and license private EFFECTIVE DATE:

septage transporters to de- ____ CHECK IF RENEWED PERMIT

sludge and transport waste Permit is liable to be cancelled in case of violations of any Acts, Rules and Regulations relating to the
operation of Septage System or in cases of safety protocols not being adhered to or in case of non-
to the designated treatment permitted disposals.

Sample licensing format1
1: Source: Operative guidelines for septage management for urban and rural local bodies in Tamil Nadu.(2014)
Key activities involved in Septage Management Plan

 Assessment of existing toilets and septic tanks through

surveys and creation of database

 Design and construction / refurbishment of septic tanks

 Desludging of septic tanks

 Scheduled septic tank emptying services

 Treatment of faecal sludge / septage

Dumping site वर मैलाची साधारण ववल्हेवाट
Treatment of faecal sludge / septage as per MoUD advisory
Treatment / Reuse / Disposal
 Treatment at existing sewage
treatment plants

 Septage addition at the nearest sewer manhole

 Septage addition at the STP
 Septage addition to sludge digesters/sludge
drying beds

 Treatment at independent septage

treatment plants

 Space is not a constraint : Lime treatment, Sludge

drying beds, Anaerobic baffled reactor, stabilization
pond, Constructed wetland, co-composting with
solid waste
 Space is a constraint : Mechanical Dewatering

 Properly treated sludge can be reused

to reclaim parched land by application
as soil conditioner, and/or as a
Septage treatment options based on outputs. . .

Sedimentation ponds /Settling Tank/ Thickening ponds

Sludge drying bed / Unplanted sludge drying bed

Group A :
Septage to Compost
Planted sludge drying bed

Co – composting

Mechanical Dewatering

Septage Waste Stabilization pond (Non-aerated)

Options Advanced Nutrient Recovery

Bio-Methanation/Anaerobic biogas reactor

Group B: Incineration
Septage to Energy


Comparison across various aspects for treatment options
that convert septage to energy

Sr Bio-Methanation/
Technologies / Parameters Incineration Gasification Pyrolysis
No Anaerobic biogas reactor

Limited (Except for advanced

1 Operational Energy Demand
sludge pre-processing methods)
High Very High High

2 Energy Recovery Efficiency 50-70% 50-60% 70-80% 70-80%

Pyrolytic oil as industrial

fuel in boilers. Char as
Methane as a fuel for heat,
Energy Product and its Electricity or heat from Syngas - As fuel for solid fuel for heat
3 applications
electricity and transport
hot steam/air heat and electricity production in furnaces
Compost-Soil fertilizer
and medium for soil

5 Capital cost Medium-High Medium-High High High

6 O&M Cost Medium-High Medium-High High High

7 Land Requirement
(Underground Construction)
Low Low Low
Comparison across various aspects for treatment options
that convert septage to compost

Sedimentation Sludge
Planted Waste
ponds /Settling drying bed / Deep row Advanced
Sr Technologies / sludge Co - Mechanical stabilization
Tank/ Unplanted entrenchme nutrient
No Parameters drying Composting Dewatering pond
Thickening sludge nt recovery
bed ( Non - aerated)
ponds drying bed

1 Expertise for design Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes

Built with Local

2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No

Expertise for
3 No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Expertise for
4 No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes

5 Capital cost Low Moderate Moderate Low Low High Variable Very High

High: cold
6 Land required High Moderate High average : High Low High Low
Low to
7 O & M cost Low Low Medium Low High Low Very High
ponds - 1 to 7
Resting period (i.e
SP : 8-12 Months; 2-3 years / days
8 No. of days / 10-15 days 6-8 weeks - - -
ST: 2-4 months 5-6 Years Facultative
months / years )
ponds - 5 to 30
Quality Standards for Reuse of treated Septage
 Dewatered septage/sludge use as a  As per MSW Rules, 2000 compost
fertilizer in agriculture , should quality should not exceed the
satisfy criteria of Class A Bio-solids of prescribed limit as below:
 Fecal coliform density < 1000 MPN/g total
dry solids
 Salmonella sp. Density < 3MPN/4g total
dry solids
 Helminth egg concentration < 1/g total
dry solids (WHO, 2006)
 E – Coli of 1000/g total solids (WHO, 2006)

Properly treated sludge can be reused to reclaim parched land by application as soil conditioner, and/or as a fertilizer.

Deteriorated land areas, which cannot support the plant vegetation due to lack of nutrients, soil organic matter, low pH and low
water holding capacity, can be reclaimed and improved by the application of treated septage

Drip irrigation is the preferred irrigation method for settled septage effluent when irrigation is feasible. Crops which could be safely
grown are corn, fodder, cotton, trees including fruit trees, eucalyptus and poplar.

Aquaculture can be practiced for settled septage effluent when freshwater is available to achieve dilution to ensure dissolved
oxygen is above 4 mg /l. Fish species of tilapia and carp are preferred since they tolerate low dissolved oxygen

Source : Advisory note on Septage management in Urban India, MoUD Jan 2013 &
Guidelines for ‘Open Defecation Free Towns’ under the Mahatma Gandhi Swachhata Mission, 2015
Sample calculation for arriving at number of sludge drying
beds required for treating collected septage
Should go for this option if land availability is not an issue

Unplanted Sludge Drying Bed

Dried sludge must be removed after 15 days
Treatment Plant Option
( Unplanted Sludge drying Beds)
Quantum of septage to be treated (cum/day)
A 47 U+M
(HHs + CTs)

B Single Drying Bed area (12m x 10 m) 120 Input

C Max. septage depth (m) 0.3 Input

Unplanted Sludge Drying Bed
D Capacity per bed (cum) 36 =C*B

E Daily requirement of beds (no) 1.3 =A/D

F Sludge drying cycle (days) 15 Input

G Total No. of sludge drying beds required (SDB) 20 =F*E

H Total SDB area (Sqm) 2400 =G*B Output :

Dried Sludge
Total site area ( SD Bed area + 10% SD bed area + (Treated Septage)
= H + 10 % (H)
I area of office and dried storage + area of ancillary 3110
+ 20 % (H)
units) (sqm) Capital Cost : 2-5 lakhs / SDB
Group Work 1 : Preparing a septage management plan for city X (1/2)

Participants will plan for the infrastructure that is required for implementing the
septage plan for the following city in terms of number of septic tanks to be
emptied, number of trucks required and their capacity , treatment options with
size and capacity.
Sr.No Description No.

Basic details – City X

A Population 36053

B Total households (HHs) 7580

C HHs having toilets with septic tanks 4429

D Up-gradation of HHs pit to septic tank 716

E No. of HHs to be provided with Individual toilet 135

F No. of HHs dependent on community toilets 2300

G No. of community/ public toilets having septic tanks 48

H Total capacity of Community/public toilet septic tank (cum) 5

I No. of Septic tanks cleaned for CT/PT on daily basis (no) 7

J Location of Dumpsite from City 4-6 km

K Availability of suction emptier truck with City 1 no (5 cum cap.)

Group Work 1 : Preparing a septage management plan for city X (2/2)
Plan of the City

Location of Dumpsite
Module 3 : Institutional and governance aspects
in Septage Management
Institutional and governance aspects in Septage Management

 Regulations for Septage management systems

 Awareness generation and capacity building


 Record-keeping, reporting (MIS), monitoring and

feedback systems

 Sources of revenues for septage management

 Exploring
private sector participation for septage
Various aspects that need to be covered under the regulations for
septage management

 Design of septic tanks, pits etc.(adapted to local conditions) and methods of approval of
building plans, or retro-fitting existing installations to comply with rules

 Periodicity of desludging

 Operating procedures for desludging and at treatment facilities including safety


 Licensing and reporting

 Methods and locations of transport, treatment and disposal

 Tariffs or cess/tax etc. for septage management in the city

 Penalty clauses for untreated discharge for households as well as desludging agents

 Special provisions for new real estate developments

Various provisions for these regulations (1/3)
Sr.No Description of regulations Legal Provisions Design Provision
1 Design of septic tanks, pits  Section 200, 202, 208, 209 of the Chapter  Section 17.15 on septic tanks of DCPR for Class
etc.(adapted to local XIII on Drainage of Municipal Act1 A,B, C municipal councils of Maharashtra
conditions) and methods of  As per directives given by DMA, Letter
approval of building plans, or No.NPP/2014/Swachh
retro-fitting existing Bharat/Guidelines/Section-11, dated : 20th
installations to comply with December, 2014
rules  Chapter 9- Onsite sanitation , PART A-
CPHEEO, 2013 (GoI)

2 Periodicity of desludging  Section 208(2) of the Chapter XIII on  As per directives given by DMA, Letter
Drainage and section 232 of the Chapter No.NPP/2014/Swachh
XVI on Nuisances of the municipal act Bharat/Guidelines/Section-11, dated : 20th
 The Prohibition of Employment as Manual December, 2014
Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act,  Chapter 9- Onsite sanitation , PART A -
2013 CPHEEO, 2013 (GoI)

3 Operating procedures for  The Prohibition of Employment as Manual  Chapter 9- Onsite sanitation , PART A -
desludging and at treatment Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, CPHEEO, 2013 (GoI)
facilities including safety 2013  Chapter 5: Sludge treatment facilities of PART B-
procedures CPHEEO manual, 2013

4 Licensing and reporting  The Prohibition of Employment as Manual

Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act,

Note (1) Maharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and Industrial Townships Act, 1965
Various provisions for these regulations (2/3)
Sr.No Description of regulations Legal Provisions Design Provision
5 Methods and locations of  Section 232(b) and section 233 of the  Chapter 5: Sludge treatment facilities of PART B-
transport, treatment and Chapter XVI on Nuisances of the municipal CPHEEO manual, 2013
disposal act1  Chapter 6 – Design and construction of sludge
treatment facilities & Chapter 9- Onsite
sanitation, PART A-CPHEEO, 2013 (GoI)
 As per directives given by DMA, Letter
Bharat/Guidelines/Section-11, dated : 20th
December, 2014

6 Tariffs or cess/tax etc. for  Section 105, section108 and section 112 of  As per directives given by DMA, Letter
septage management in the city Chapter IX on Municipal taxation of the No.NPP/2014/Swachh
municipal act Bharat/Guidelines/Section-11, dated : 20th
December, 2014

7 Penalty clauses for untreated  Section 230, section 231, section 232 and
discharge for households as section 233 of Chapter XVI on Nuisances of
well as desludging agents the municipal act
 The prohibition of Employment as Manual
Scavengers and their rehabilitation Act, 2013

Note (1) Maharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and Industrial Townships Act, 1965
Various provisions for these regulations (3/3)
Sr.No Description of regulations required Action to be taken
1 Design of septic tanks, pits etc.(adapted to local conditions) and  Council resolution
methods of approval of building plans, or retro-fitting existing  Additional monitoring for newly
installations to comply with rules constructed septic tanks

2 Periodicity of desludging  Council Resolution

3 Operating procedures for desludging and at treatment facilities  Contract inclusive of monitoring
including safety procedures

4 Licensing and reporting  Contract inclusive of monitoring

5 Methods and locations of transport, treatment and disposal  Contract

6 Tariffs or cess/tax etc. for septage management in the city  Council resolution

7 Penalty clauses for untreated discharge for households  Council Resolution

as well as desludging agents
Institutional and governance aspects in Septage Management

 Regulations for Septage management systems

 Awareness generation and capacity building


 Record-keeping, reporting (MIS), monitoring and

feedback systems

 Sources of revenues for septage management

 Exploring
private sector participation for septage
Awareness generation and capacity building activities

Awareness generation for


Capacity building for

municipal staff

Capacity building for septage

transporters / private vendors
Awareness generation for residents
 Members of Resident Welfare Associations, community
organizers, self-help groups and the general public should
be made sensitized periodically regarding the need for a
septage management system including a 3-year cycle.

 Health hazards associated with improper collection and

treatment of waste, and the ill-effects of sewage discharge
into fresh water/storm water drains should be explained to
the residents

 Awareness generation activities should be carried out at the

beginning of introducing a scheduled service in all wards
and then repeated periodically over the three year cycle.
Awareness generation pamphlets
Proper Design and Cleaning of your Septic Tank!

Wrong Right

Outlet pipe to

soak pit or
closed sewer
Home Nagar Palika Pumping Truck

Services provided by _______ Nagar Parishad

Proper Design Cleaning your Septic Tank

• Clean your septic tanks regularly once in 3

• Septic tank base should always be water tight and it
should have proper vent pipes
• Do not wait for it to overflow. This will
• Proper access manhole should be provided for easy
adversely affect your health and your
Empty Septic tank regularly

Nagar Palika

Septic tank should be emptied every 2-3years

Avail Nagarpalika services!
Not emptying it regularly will result in-

backflow Foul odours

Unsettled sewage
flowing in effluent

Dampness in floor and

walls near the tank
Do’s and Don’ts for septic tank construction . . .

Capacity building for municipal staff
 Municipal Commissioners/ Chief Officers, Engineers, Sanitary
Inspectors, Health Officers, and Sanitary Workers should be well
trained in safe septage management and its best practices

 Training sessions on safe collection, treatment and disposal of

septage should be undertaken

 Information regarding standard septic tank design, the need for

periodic inspection and desludging of septage, design of a treatment
facility, tender details for engaging licensed transporters, etc. should
be disseminated

 Training should also be provided on safety standards

Capacity building for septage transporters / private vendors

 Local Bodies should ensure all safety norms are

clearly explained to the septage transporters

 Private Operators and Transporters should be well

trained in safe collection and transportation of
septage including following aspects:
 vehicle design and operation
 process of desludging,

 safety gears and

 safe disposal at the nearest treatment facility.

Institutional and governance aspects in Septage Management

 Regulations for Septage management systems

 Awareness generation and capacity building


 Record-keeping, reporting (MIS), monitoring and

feedback systems

 Sources of revenues for septage management

 Exploring
private sector participation for septage
Record-keeping & monitoring systems
 Recordkeeping and manifest forms Sample Form to be filled by Operator / Transporter of Septage

should be an integral part of a i. Identification of Waste:

a) Volume ___________
comprehensive septage management b) b) Type: ____ Septic Tank ____ Others
c) c) Source: ____ Residential ____ Commercial ____ Restaurant ____ Portable Toilet ____Others

program. ii. Details of Waste Generator

a) Name:
b) Phone Number:
c) Address:
d) Pin:

 This completed document or e) Any kind of deficiencies, missing pipes or fittings, improper manholes or access covers, any other
cracks or damage observed: _______________________________________________________

documents with signatures of the The undersigned being duly authorized does hereby certify to the accuracy of the source and type of
wastewater collected and transported.

household/property, suction truck Date: ______________ Signature: _______________

operator and treatment plant iii. Details of Transporter / Operator

a) Company Name:
operator should be submitted to the b)
Vehicle License:
d) Pump out date:
local government for their records
The above described wastewater was picked up and hauled by me to the disposal facility name below and
was discharged. I certify that the foregoing is true and correct:

e) Signature of authorized agent and title: ___________________________

 Payment to the suction truck operator iv. Acceptance by __________________Municipality’s authorized STP

The above transporter delivered the described wastewater to this disposal facility and it was accepted.
should only be made if there are Disposal date: ________________ Amount Collected from Transporter (if any):_______________

signatures of all the stakeholders Signature of authorized signatory and title: ___________________________


1 - Source : Adapted from operative guidelines for septage management for

urban and rural local bodies in Tamil Nadu.(2014) Sample Recording keeping format1
Monitoring framework for scheduled septic tank emptying service

Receives copy 4 of receipt

Cross verification
ULB office /
Receives a signed copy with Receive an SMS on the server mentioning the Generates an automated database MIS system
customer and treatment plant property tax no / GIS ID of the property that of septic tanks that need to be
operator signatures has received the emptying service cleaned after 3 days

Sends an
automated SMS

Receives copy 2 of receipt

receipt of services
Counter signs on the same Septage treatment
receipt that the customers Receives the septage waste at plant operator
had signed for receipt of septage treatment facility
Informs ULB
of providing
the services
and gets it Suction truck
signed by the goes to
Sends an SMS to server regarding

ULB treatment
Septic tank
Gets an SMS from server emptying operator
Receives a signed copy from regarding which septic tank
the treatment plant operator needs to be cleaned (After 3
Retains copy 3 of receipt Signs on
receipt of
services Informs the
Yes customer

Customer gets informed 3 Customers

Septic tank gets emptied on
days prior to emptying of its
the fixed date
septic tank
Receives copy 1 of receipt

Payment to the private sector is only made after verification of copy 4 by the ULB
Monitoring mechanism for septage management activities
Type of monitoring mechanism
Activities to be ULB random
Performance Metrics Households Self ULB sample Grievance
Monitored treatment site
reporting Reporting HH survey Redressal

Percentage of households cleaned as per

   
Number of instances where safety regulations
weren’t adhered to or manual scavenging took  
Cleaning of septic place
tanks Number of instances of spillage during
  
Number of septic tanks damaged    

Percentage septic tanks cleaned inadequately    

Number of instance of spillage during

 
Transportation of transportation
fecal sludge Number of instances of fecal matter being

dumped at non-designated sites

Time taken to construct sludge drying beds  

Standard of constructed sludge drying beds  

Safe disposal of
fecal sludge Number of instances where safety regulations

weren’t adhered to at treatment site

BOD and COD level of the treated septage 

Performance metric can be linked to payment in terms of

performance incentive or penalty in case of non-performance
MIS and GIS database

 MIS database: Based on the survey that Details of toilets and septic tanks

is undertaken using the questionnaire

create a database of toilets and septic
 Update the database every four years along with
property tax assessment survey

 GIS database : Link the database to GIS

help to update property level details
regarding availability of toilets and septic
tanks and help monitor whether the septic
tanks have been cleaned as per the planned
Feedback systems

 Complaint redressal system :

To be set up in the ULB to track the

performance of private sector in
terms of whether they are emptying
the septic tanks properly or not and
to track whether they are dumping
the septage at the designated site
or not
Institutional and governance aspects in Septage Management

 Regulations for Septage management systems

 Awareness generation and capacity building


 Record-keeping, reporting (MIS), monitoring and

feedback systems

 Sources of revenues for septage management

 Exploring
private sector participation for septage
Sources of revenues for septage management
 Sanitation tax should be levied on all the properties for sustaining the septage
management activities. The tax can be added either as surcharge on property tax or
a new sanitation tax can be levied under the Maharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagar
Panchayats and Industrial Townships Act, 1965, Chapter IX: Municipal taxation,
Section 108.

 Periodic revisions for the taxes to be effected based on revisions in costs involved

 To the extent possible, revenues should be generated from sale of treated septage for
agriculture or other purposes.

 If Private sector is involved in septage management, then an escrow account can be set
up where revenues from the sanitation tax are transferred. The contractual amount
for FSM services to the private party can be paid from this escrow account to avoid
Module 4: Private sector participation for
septage management activities
Exploring private sector participation for septage management

Access Collection Conveyance Treatment Disposal / Reuse

Pour flush Suction Sludge drying Revenue from
value Septic tanks
toilets emptier trucks beds compost
A • Refurbishment of B• Periodic cleaning of C• Construction E• Sale of septage at a
Activities septic tanks with septic tanks along a treatment facility fixed rate to nearby
required access manhole covers regulated schedule D• Operation and farms or agro-
maintenance of
treatment facility

Buyers of septage
Labor contractors for septic tank cleaning

2 Maharashtra Organic
Septic tank cleaning companies Farming Association
3 Agro-based industries
Pure-play treatment
4 Local farmers and
Integrated fecal sludge management providers growers associations

Small scale players (<10 employees)

Medium scale enterprises (>10-50 employees)
Need to assess work profile, interests and capacity of private sector doing
septage management activities

Labour contractors Septic tank cleaning companies

Pure play treatment players Septage management service providers

Exploring willingness of players to undertake various activities in the
sanitation value chain as per their competencies and interests

Activities A B C D
• Refurbishment of • Periodic cleaning • Construction of • Operation and
required septic tanks with of septic tanks treatment facility maintenance of
access manhole along a regulated treatment facility
covers schedule

Key Interested, with Interested, no Experienced, Not interested, not

previous experience previous experience not interested experienced

Labor Company 1
contractors Company 2
Company 3
septic tank Company 4
Company 5
STP Company 6
companies Company 7
Integrated Company 8
players Company 9

Assess interests of private sector for various activities

Six processes in structuring a PSP option for septage management

1 2 Revenue stream
Bundled or
enough to meet
Unbundled Operational Source of private players’
contract? role of the revenue
private return expectations?

How to address 6 3
the major risks Who should
Risk Selecting an invest in
for the private Investment
mitigation appropriate /ownership of capital assets?
player and the
and PSP Option capital asset

What is the 5 4 What is the

appropriate Contract Payment appropriate
contract duration length and structure payment
for private and ULB value structure for the
? private player?
Need to assess contract options for septage management activities

Assessed possibilities
of bundling and unbundling
of contracts

Possible contracts based on

interests and capacities of
private sector
Formulate possible PPP structures for Integrated septage management

Source of Ownership
Contracts Payment method Contract length and value
revenue of asset

Refurbishment and cleaning of Private Recurring fixed fee with 2-3 year, ~INR ____ lakhs in for
septic tanks + O&M of treatment ULB player Fixed fee per unit for city X
facility refurbishment

Overall fixed fee on a ~ INR ______ lakhs for city X
Construction of treatment facility ULB ULB lasting the time period of
pre-decided schedule

2A Recurring fixed fee with

Refurbishment and cleaning of Private 2-3 year, ~INR ____ lakhs in for
ULB player Fixed fee per unit for city X
septic tanks refurbishment

2B Overall fixed fee on a

pre-decided schedule 12-18 months, Construction cost
Construction and O&M of ULB ULB
+ recurring fixed fee for plus ~_____ lakhs annually for
treatment facility O&M in city X

Recurring fixed fee for

3A Integrated contract involving Trucks – Private cleaning and O&M with Payment for refurbishment,
refurbishment, cleaning of septic ULB Fixed fee for cleaning and O&M as in 1A above;
tanks, construction and O&M of SDBs- ULB Construction and Fixed payment for construction as in 1B
treatment facility fee per unit for above
Need to assess contact values and taxes to be committed/ levied

Contract valuations for a city

City X

S. No. Types of contract Contract length Sanitation tax per Sanitation tax per
Annual contract
residential property non-residential
value (INR, Lakhs)
(INR) property (INR)

Refurbishment and regular cleaning of septic

1A 2 - 3 years 15-17 ~190 ~230
tanks with O&M of treatment facility

Duration of
1B Construction of treatment facility 24-28 N.A. N.A.

Refurbishment and regular cleaning of septic

2A 2 - 3 years 11-13 ~140 ~170

2B Construction and O&M of treatment facility 1 year 28-33 N.A. N.A.

Refurbishment and regular cleaning of septic

3A tanks with construction and O&M of treatment 2 - 3 years 39-45 ~190 ~230

Property owners currently have to pay local taxes of about Rs ________/annum in City X
To cover the costs of a cleaning cycle of ~3 years would require an increase in annual tax spend for a household of about
________% in City X
Good risk mitigation and allocation can attract good contractors and help
reduce contract price

Several risks involved during

lifecycle of the project, where
PPP is involved.
These need to be addressed

Concerns about addressing the

risks were raised by private
sector during interactions
Address the risks involved in PPP engagement for IFSM activities

Managing performance risk through performance based monitoring and payment

Managing termination risk Managing payment and cost escalation risk

Group Work 2: Implementing septage management plan for the cities

Participants will discuss issues related to following aspects:

 Institutional and governance aspects of septage management plan

 Challenges

 The nature of support required from government and financial


 Costing and Financing aspects

 Operational aspects etc

Wrap up and close
Reference documents. . .

Fecal Sludge Management – Advisory note – Septage IS 2470 – Code of practice for
Manual on sewerage and
FSM Policy Guidelines - Systems Approach for Management in Urban India, installation of septic tanks,
sewage treatment systems –
Maharashtra implementation and MoUD,2013 Part I & II
CPHEEO Manual, 2013
operation, 2014
Thank you
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
PAS project

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