Island Eye News - September 28, 2018

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Since May 2005

Volume 14 Issue 12 FREE September 28, 2018

Sullivan’s Island • Isle of Palms • Goat Island • Dewees Island

Three Island
Challenge is


he Three Island Challenge, an
annual golf event starting in
October and continuing through
early November, will pit three teams from
Wild Dunes, Seabrook Island and Kiawah
Island against each other in a game called
Lasting over the course of three
matches, the first round of 18 holes will tee
off at 9 a.m. at Seabrook’s Ocean Winds
Course on Oct. 10. The subsequent two
rounds are played at the Links Course
Wild Dunes on Oct. 23, wrapping up with
Turtle Point at Kiawah on Nov. 7.
Originating in 1991, the Three Island
Challenge was started to create a spirit
of camaraderie and friendly competition
among the three islands.
The object of Nines, also called 5-3-
1, is to play off of handicaps, basing Beach Santa shows his trash report. Volunteer in her IOP Clean Up Crew t-shirt.
scoring around the largest handicap in PHOTOS COURTESY OF IOP CLEAN UP CREW
a threesome, according to Mike Gollobin,
president of the Men’s Golf Association INSIGHTS FROM IOP CLEANUP CREW’S
at Wild Dunes, who helps coordinate the
Wild Dunes team. S U B S TA N T I A L S U M M E R H A U L
Each team supplies 18 players, (golfers
of all different handicaps) which are
broken up into threesomes. The idea is BY THE ISLE OF PALMS CLEANUP CREW
to closely match players based on their FOR ISLAND EYE NEWS
handicaps, explained Gollobin.
As the game’s name implies, there are sle of Palms Cleanup Crew volunteers gathered each Monday evening to collect trash
nine points available on each hole. You recorded collecting more than 23,000 pieces with a focus on the island’s popular Front
want to win each hole or ‘game’ and earn of trash on the beach during a series of 11 Beach.
five points. Second place receives three sweeps this summer, according to data logged A South Carolina Aquarium team helped
points and third place gets just one point. with tools and guidance from the South Carolina greet volunteers and encouraged them to track
If everyone ties a hole, then each player Aquarium. the garbage they collected, either with an old-
scores three points. Ninety points is the Their haul included at least 10,240 plastic fashioned handout that listed trash categories,
most you can score in a match and 18 is items and 8,424 smoking-related items - mostly or the aquarium’s new Citizen Science App,
the lowest point total you can accrue. cigarette butts, which also contain tiny plastic which is available to anyone in the public to
If you manage to score in the upper pieces in their filters. use for free.
From the last week in June through Labor
Challenge continues on page 7 Day, Isle of Palms Cleanup Crew volunteers Cleanup continues on page 3


page 2 page 9 page 11
September 28, 2018

Sullivan’s Island Mayor’s Message

Dear Island Neighbors, it could be us, so…
I am grateful to be able to report what you already know: that I’m sure many of you have already done what you can to provide
the Island’s loudest wind from slow-moving, indecisive, ill-tempered aid to the folks who have suffered so much from Florence’s winds,
Hurricane Florence was the sound of our collective sigh of relief when flooding and other severe post-storm effects. However, if you are still
we were spared. looking for ways to provide help directly to the storm’s victims, here
Needless to say, no celebrations were in order, given the magnitude are two with local connections:
of destruction and displacement suffered by so many of our SC and Donate Supplies: Our Sullivan’s Island Fire Department is
NC neighbors farther up the coast and inland. Once these storms are partnering with the Isle of Palms Fire Department to assist North
anywhere near landfall, their tracks are zero-sum situations: to miss Carolina residents suffering from Florence. Through Oct. 3 you may
us they have to hit someone else, and vice-versa. donate supplies such as water, baby needs, building supplies, tarps,
Don’t forget: Wilmington could have been us with a track personal hygiene products or even Walmart gift cards. Articles of
change of barely a couple of degrees latitude (north-south): a one- clothing are NOT needed.
degree difference in latitude is only 60 nautical miles, roughly 69 Items may be dropped at the Sullivan’s Island Fire Station next
of the landlubber miles we are accustomed to. We were less than to Town Hall, or the Isle of Palms Public Safety Building on JC Long
two degrees latitude south of the point of landfall. And note that the Blvd.
distance that matters is direct, as-the-crow-flies distance, not the Those of you who went through Hugo may recall the kindness and
more meandering, as-the-car-rolls distance you get on Google Maps, assistance that small rural North Carolina communities gave to the
Waze, etc. barrier islands after Hurricane Hugo. This is an opportunity to either
In the aftermath of Florence, there is also long-overdue media and give back or pay forward.
expert attention to the overemphasis paid to Saffir-Simpson categories, DONATE MONEY TO GO ENTIRELY FOR SC AND NC FLORENCE
which are based solely on maximum wind speeds and remain silent RELIEF:
on the geographic spread of a storm, its duration, its storm surge The Lowcountry Mayors’ Disaster Relief Fund has been established,
potential or its rainfall potential. Cat-1 Florence has certainly shown which will raise money exclusively for Florence-related disaster
us that water is much more often the cause of misery. assistance via the Coastal Community Foundation’s Disaster Relief
Also, even just considering winds, (which we should not do), Fund. You can make a contribution to the fund online by visiting bit.
thinking in categories exaggerates the tiny borders between artificial ly/2MNw1YE and specifying the name of the fund in the comments
distinctions which mask the really wide range of trouble within each section. You can designate the Mayors’ Fund (all of which, for the
category. Do you really care if you are on the upper limit of a Cat 1 record, goes to SC and NC assistance…not to the Mayors) or to other
storm (95 mph winds) vs. the lower limit of a Cat 2 storm (96 mph)? Coastal Community Foundation funds for direct assistance to storm
Personally, I’m more worried whether, for example, I will face 74 victims, designating the geographic area to which you wish your
(bottom of Cat 1) or 95 (top of Cat 1) mph winds, not to mention the contribution to go.
ranges within the higher categories. Please consider these and/or any other fundraising efforts that
Please remember: If you’ve seen one hurricane, you’ve seen, well, promise to direct your contributions to the folks hit by Florence, and
one hurricane. They are as different as snowflakes, just way nastier. not for general operating or fundraising expenses.
Don’t assume the next hurricane threat will turn out like Florence,
for us or anyone else. The next time, and there WILL be a next time, Mayor continues on page 3
September 28, 2018
Lucky Dog Publishing
Katrina Limbach, an owner with Surfrider Foundation’s
Cleanup continues from cover
of Isle of Palms Beach Chair Charleston Chapter and Coastal o f SC, LL C
Company, and City Council Conservation League. Publisher of the
Conservation Programs Member Susan Hill Smith came Some volunteers arrived with
Manager Kelly Thorvalson together at the start of summer friends, family members or co- The Island Eye News
said the primary objective of to create Isle of Palms Cleanup workers, while others came out and The Island Connection
the South Carolina Aquarium Crew, which operates as an on their own and met new people.
Citizen Science App is to help independent entity with the Church groups, Boy Scout
inform communities about the support of local businesses and troops and even the Charleston
environmental issues they face. environmental organizations. Southern Women’s Basketball
“We were happy to help the The effort taps into the Team helped rally attendance.
Isle of Palms Cleanup Crew track community’s growing desire to Regular Howard Hogue of
the impact of their efforts in the keep the beach clean and protect Moncks Corner - a.k.a. Beach
Litter-free Digital Journal, a tool the health of marine ecosystems, Santa because of the uncanny
within the Citizen Science App,” which have been overwhelmed by resemblance - was already
she said. “Because the 11 Isle Lynn Pierotti
an escalating amount of garbage, spending countless hours picking [email protected]
of Palms Cleanup Crew sweeps especially plastics. The sweeps up at the beach. Each time he
were so consistent in location, also provide a social component joined Isle of Palms Cleanup
duration, and interval, they as volunteers gather after each Crew, he would collect more Katy Calloway
provide great insight into what’s sweep at a local restaurant. than 400 pieces of trash as an [email protected]
happening on the beach during “We were blown away by the aquarium volunteer shadowed managing editor
high season. The sheer number response we received from so him and logged the stats.
of cigarette butts and plastics many corners, not to mention the Isle of Palms Cleanup Crew Jennifer Tuohy
documented week after week is volunteer turnout from week to 2018 Premier Sponsors included [email protected]
startling.” week,” Limbach said. “We hope Acme Lowcountry Kitchen and Isle contributing editor
It’s important to note that Isle to continue that momentum of Palms Beach Chair Company.
of Palms Cleanup Crew collected Swan Richards
with monthly off-season sweeps, Additional sponsors included
even more trash during its which we are starting Oct. 8.” Coconut Joe’s, The Windjammer,
senior graphic designer

summer sweeps than what was Each of the 11 summer Banana Cabana, The Dinghy, Alejandro Ferreyros
recorded because participation sweeps attracted at least 35- The Boathouse, SC Department graphic designer
with the Litter-free Digital 40 volunteers, but more often of Natural Resources, Surfrider
Journal was optional. Lori McGee 843-614-0901
twice that amount. Three sweeps Foundation Charleston Chapter, advertising executive
Mayor continues from page 2 pulled in around 100 or more Mic Smith Photography LLC and
people, including a shared event Cafe Panamé. Christian LeBlanc
THANKS TO THE FOLKS [email protected]
WHO PROTECTED THE Here’s a closer look at the haul Isle of Palms Cleanup Crew
social media

ISLAND THROUGH THE recorded over the course of 11 summer sweeps Emma Woodham
Florence reminded us again Plastic straws/stirrers.................................. 833 Mimi Wood
how fortunate we are to have the Other plastics............................................... 9,407 staff writers

dedicated and knowledgeable Cigarettes/filters.......................................... 8,142

staff who look after the Town Cigars, lighters, tobacco packaging............... 282
in peaceful times and in Styrofoam..................................................... 809 •
threatening times. As in prior Medical supplies/personal hygiene............... 410
emergencies, I got to see them Cans, stakes and misc. metal....................... 388 CONTRIBUTORS
every day in action throughout Fishing gear................................................. 141
Colin McCandless
this event. They were, as always, Glass............................................................ 117 Susan Middaugh
deliberate, well-practiced and Balloons....................................................... 78 Mary Pringle
very knowledgeable, putting in Large items like building materials............... 49 Richard Wildermann
Other misc. items......................................... 2,445 Savannah Brennan
many, many extra hours. Every
member of every department Total trash items..................................... 23,101

made important contributions Monthly off-season sweeps start in October
to the Town’s readiness for this During the off-season, Isle of Palms Cleanup Crew will continue
emergency, often at the cost of PUBLISHED BY
to build on its 2018 summer success, but with a switch from weekly
being with their families. Lucky Dog Publishing
to monthly trash sweeps on the beach.
And this was yet more of South Carolina, LLC
Starting Oct. 8, the crew will meet the second Monday of each
evidence of what a great Town P.O. Box 837
month with sign-ins at the beach end of the walkover by the city
Administrator we have in Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482
restrooms on Front Beach. Volunteers can take advantage of free
Andy Benke, who put in an 843.886.NEWS
city parking, which is available for all until spring.
incredible number of hours and October sign-ins will start at 5:30 p.m. for the hour-long sweep. Submit your letters to the editor to:
kept our community informed The crew will adjust start times in November, December and [email protected]
throughout the event. January to 4:30 p.m. to accommodate earlier sunsets.
Please thank all of our staff Sweeps are designed to be flexible and fun. Volunteers only need
when you see them. Every to put in 30 minutes of cleanup time and afterward can gather at an DEADLINE: OCTOBER 3
person played a part. island business (October’s gathering spot will be Papi's Taqueria, for our OCTOBER 12 issue
And let’s hope we are done the creative new taco spot at 1012 Ocean Boulevard). You are also
with hurricanes for this year. welcome start your trash collection at a different section of beach
See you around the Island! and join us as you finish.
Pat O’Neil, Mayor Please follow Isle of Palms Cleanup Crew on Facebook, or email
843 670 9266 | @oneilpm1 [email protected] to sign up for the crew’s e-newsletter.

CIVIC CALENDAR The Island Eye News, a wholly owned

subsidiary of Lucky Dog Publishing of SC
LLC, is a free, independent newspaper
Recycle - THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10 - Recycle published every two weeks and is for and
about the Isle of Palms, Sullivan’s Island,
Goat Island and Dewees Island. Copies
Isle of Palms Sullivan's Island Tuesday, October 2 & 9 5:30 p.m. are mailed free of charge to every active
843.886.6428 843.883.3198 Municipal Court 2056 Middle Street mailbox in our coverage area and are also
available at area businesses. Contribu- www.sullivansisland-sc. 3 p.m. tions of information, pictures and articles
com 2056 Middle Street Planning Commission are welcomed and are used according to
6:30 p.m. space limitations and news value and can-
Monday, October 1 Wednesday, October 10 2056 Middle Street not be returned except by special request.
Op-ed articles and letters to the editor do
Council Workshop 2018 Comprehensive not necessarily reflect the opinion of
6 p.m. Thursday, October 11 Lucky Dog News, or its writers.
Plan Public Hearing
2056 Middle Street RESCHEDULED FROM Council Workshop All advertising rates are listed at:
WED, SEPT. 12 6 p.m. under “advertising”
2056 Middle Street
4 5
September 28, 2018

Barrier islands and rising seas Everyone invited to join the party

he 35 barrier islands that and bays. Behind the islands, the up with earthmoving equipment. As the built environment and BY MARY PRINGLE
form a broken chain along salinity of estuaries and aquifers New dunes are stabilized with natural landscape on barrier islands FOR ISLAND EYE NEWS
the South Carolina coast will increase, threatening aquatic fences and planted vegetation. evolve, well-informed planning is

have important responsibilities. life and water supplies. Continuing this massive effort will essential to identify and put in place
They protect the coastline and In some cases, barrier islands have slow but not stop land loss along the best methods to sustain our ow that our loggerhead nesting season is Creek Grill, Saltworks Dockside Deli, Luke
are the front-line guardians of a shown they can take a punch from the Louisiana coast. quality of life. Communities should over, we invite you to celebrate with us at FINAL NEST RESULTS
No storm damage from florence and Ollie’s, Acme Lowcountry Kitchen, Banana
vital ribbon of life at the interface occasional hurricanes and, with Solutions for developed barrier assess what natural and man the Windjammer on Ocean Blvd. and 10th Cabana, Coconut Joe’s, The Dinghy, Café
of land and sea. Salt marshes, enough time, regenerate naturally islands are more difficult. We can’t made components of their islands Ave. for our 6th Jammin’ for Jammer party on IOP SI Paname, The Boathouse at Breach Inlet, New
Tuesday, Oct. 2 at 7 p.m. Nests 18 3 York Butcher Shop, Long Island Café, Mex 1
essential habitat for marine life, or with beach renourishment. just dump and bulldoze sand on are most vulnerable to sea level
nestle behind them for protection. But the threat from rising seas is top of established communities. rise and then prioritize efforts to As you probably know, this is to honor a False Crawls 17 0 Coastal Cantina, The 450 Pizza Joint, Harris
While they are dynamic and fragile, relentless. As the National Oceanic Usually the first steps are to address those threats. Cooperation loggerhead turtle that was when he was rescued Eggs Laid 1,967 314 Teeter, Costco, The Long Point Grill and the Sea
barrier islands are critical to the and Atmospheric Administration upgrade stormwater and flood with neighboring islands would in a near death with an emaciated condition Hatchlings 1,465 261 Biscuit Café.
Lowcountry’s economy. Everyone points out, “The ocean takes a very management systems and to help address the many challenges called “debilitated turtle syndrome” and taken to Avg. Incubation 54.8 days 52.3 days The wonderful Silent Auction is a highlight of
loves the beach, so we crowd onto long time to respond to warmer require that new homes be built that could overwhelm individual the SC Aquarium in the summer of 2011 where he Hatch Success 81.9% 80.4% the party. Come and do your holiday shopping
barrier islands to live or just to conditions at Earth’s surface, so higher. Other measures may communities. It’s hard to imagine was called “Jammer.” He had washed up on the early. There will be wall decor, pictures, outdoor
have fun on a summer weekend. ocean waters will continue to warm include requiring greater setbacks now, but in time the only option beach near the Windjammer and was released in JAMMIN FOR JAMMER items, kitchen items, jewelry, pillows and much
Barrier islands are particularly and sea level will continue to rise for new construction in low-lying remaining for residents of the robust health in May of 2012. Our Isle of Palms • 7-10 pm, Tuesday Oct. 2 more—even a Ukulele with sea turtles on it.
vulnerable because they are for many centuries at rates equal to areas and elevating roadways islands most at risk will likely be fire Chief Ann Graham and Windjammer co- We plan to use proceeds from the party to
inherently unstable, low-lying or higher than that of the current where they cross tidal inlets and to leave. owner Bobby Ross did the honors of releasing • At the Windjammer on IOP help support the ongoing genetics research
and surrounded by water. Their century.” creeks. Jammer at the Isle of Palms County Park. We are • $20 donation at the door project studying loggerhead sea turtles and to
Richard Wildermann, a always overwhelmed by the support of so many • Includes live music, food, cash bar and also give a gift to the Sea Turtle Care Center at
oceanfront edges are constantly Since the early 1930s coastal Typically structural barriers
twisted and reshaped by the Louisiana has lost about 2,000 are built to keep water out, and Seabrook Island resident, was people and businesses in the community as we silent auction the SC Aquarium. Next season will be our 10th
relentless forces of waves, tides, square miles of wetlands due to the when flooding occurs the water is an environmental specialist and raise money for sea turtle conservation right year of participation in the genetics project,
currents and wind. Rising seas loss of Mississippi River sediment, pumped back to the sea as quickly manager with the U.S. Department here in our area. which covers multiple states and has made amazing discoveries and
pose an additional threat. As subsidence, oil and gas canals, as possible. With expert advice from of the Interior. He directed agency This year’s party will be bigger and better than ever. Sponsors of the advancements in sea turtle conservation all along the Atlantic coast.
erosion and increased flooding eat storms, and sea level rise. Almost the Netherlands, some localities are compliance with environmental event are The Island Turtle Team, The Windjammer, The Island Eye News, We are so grateful to our sponsors and donors. Please make plans to
away at protective sand dunes, a billion dollars have been spent in employing a new technique called laws and managed the analyses and Allegra Design Marketing and Print. bring your friends and join us at the Windjammer. You will have a great
salt water will inundate an island’s the last 20 years to restore about living with water, that integrates for offshore oil and gas proposals in Once again we have made a hand stitched sea turtle quilt which is time and at the same time help a very worthy cause.
interior, killing vegetation and 75 miles of undeveloped barrier some floodwater into the landscape being raffled. The winner will be drawn at the party and need not be
federal waters. He currently works Mary Pringle has been the Project Leader for the Isle of Palms/Sullivan’s
contaminating groundwater. islands that protect the state’s and allows it to recede gradually. present to win. Tickets are $5 each or five tickets for $20. They can be
with nonprofit organizations in the purchased online in advance at Island Turtle Team since 2000. It is one of about thirty nest protection
Back-barrier marshes will also coastal wetlands and human Areas set aside to store the water Lowcountry in opposition to offshore projects under the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. She is
be flooded; some will disappear communities. Sand from offshore is can be left natural or aesthetically Live bands will be Sweetgrass and No Shoes Allowed. Food is being
seismic surveys and oil drilling. donated by the following local restaurants: The Windjammer, Morgan also on the Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network.
and be converted to tidal lagoons pumped onto the islands and piled landscaped as amenities.
September 28, 2018 7
Challenge continues from cover Charleston Moves’ annual
Pedal & Panache


harleston Moves presents our 4th equitable opportunities and better
annual Pedal & Panache on Nov. access to affordable food and housing,
7 at Cannon Green! This year’s as well as job security for citizens. It
gala features soulful, means an improved
funky music by local economy. It
Charleston’s own The Pedal & Panache means cleaner air and
Black Diamond Band, Wednesday, Nov. 7, 6 - 9 p.m. water, climate change
Team Wild Dunes poses with the Three Island Challenge trophy after an open bar stocked Cannon Green (103 Spring St) mitigation, improved
winning the challenge in 2017. with local beer, wine, public health, and
and a special cocktail $55 Pre-Sale Admission reduced traffic
50s and 60s during a round those are considered by The Rarebit, (through Oct. 4) congestion.
good scores and the 70s is excellent, albeit rarer, said upscale hors d’oeuvres $65 General Admission Charleston Moves
Gollobin. from Cannon Green's (through Nov. 7) continues to expand
Once all three rounds of the Three Island Challenge kitchen, current donor All inclusive ticket plus a the notion of what
have been played and the cumulative points from each perks with Charleston reusable gift bag. transportation can
match are totaled, a champion is crowned. Moves, a reusable gift be, working with
The winning team earns bragging rights and gets bag of goodies curated by our generous stakeholders in the greater Charleston
awarded a trophy that they keep for a year at their sponsors, and a silent auction boasting area to ensure improved mobility options
respective pro shop until the next Three Island tickets to Charleston’s best events, while conserving what we all hold so
Challenge. Team Wild Dunes emerged victorious in original handmade goods and artwork, dear. We look forward to celebrating
2017 and they are excited to be sporting new golf and much more. this vision with you.
shirts this year as they look to defend their title and Your all-inclusive ticket will directly Walking, riding a bike or taking transit
maintain the trophy at The Links Course one more support our vision for a safe and to the event is strongly encouraged. Free
year. connected Charleston for those who bike valet will be on site.
“It’s competitive, but friendly,” said Gollobin of the walk, ride a bike and take public transit.
Charleston Moves encourages mobility
event. “It’s really well done.” Enjoy a $10 discount on tickets through
October 4 at by bicycle and on foot for the improved
You must be a golf member at Wild Dunes and a health and well- being of greater
member of the Men’s Golf Association to play in this pedal-panache.
event for Team Wild Dunes. Every day, we work toward a vision Charleston – our people, neighborhoods,
It costs $60 per person to participate in the Three of a connected Charleston, allowing the business districts and overall economic
Island Challenge. Each team from Wild Dunes, Kiawah community to choose among many safe competitiveness. Join the movement
and Seabrook has a team captain responsible for ways to travel. When we’re able to ride a and support our work by visiting
assembling their squad and collecting money. bike, walk or use public transit, it means
September 28, 2018 9

IOP Rec Department hosts Wellness Fair


f you missed the Community
Wellness Fair at the IOP Rec
on Friday, September 21…
well, you missed it.
Blood screening for
cholesterol, skin cancer
screening, flu shots, hearing
tests, coupons, freebies and
a drawing for a $260 pillow…
could it get any better? Yes,
it could and it did…with
“hands-on” massage therapy
and full-body stretching
demonstrations from at least
three practices. Residents
who participated left loose and
The Wellness Fair provided
an interactive, informative,
one-stop “shop” not only for
residents to engage with local
health-care professionals, but
also to catch up with the likes
of Mayor Jimmy Carroll and
Council members, Norma Jean
Page and the friendly staff of
the Rec Department, members
of the IOP Fire Department,
and neighbors, all of whom
were in attendance. Did you know that the IOPFD will assist works/mosquito-about.php to learn more.
Did you know that the batteries in your you in testing and/or replacing your smoke Did you know that you should have your
hard-wired smoke detector should be changed detector, free of charge? hearing checked every year, just as you
semi-annually? “A great way to remember Did you know that Charleston County will (hopefully) undergo an annual eye exam?
this is to change the batteries when you send an inspector to your home, also free of Or that regular stretching and/or massage
move your clocks forward or back, in the charge, to advise you on ways you can help therapy will improve circulation, and
spring and fall,” suggested IOPFD Captain JT diminish the mosquito population in your potentially alleviate aches and pains without
Hall. Furthermore, that smoke detector, even yard? And that there are environmentally the use of drugs?
though hard-wired, should be replaced every friendly mosquito repellants? Go to Or that minor skin wounds, such as cuts,
10 years. public- scrapes and scratches heal most efficiently
when kept moist with petroleum jelly, such
as Vaseline?
These are just a smattering of the
fascinating facts offered by over two dozen
Kudos to the entire staff of the IOP Rec,
who hosted a yet another fabulous event,
and thanks to the exhibitors for their time,
expertise and goodies.

(above) Charleston County Public Works employees

(l-r) John Lovelenad, Sakora Green and Ed Harne are
all about mosquito control. (middle) Sarah, from Atlantic
Spine Clinic releases tension from the shoulders of
IOP resident Lois Klein.(left) IOP Rec Department
Community Specialist Holly Norton experiences the
benefits of Holistic Healing Touch.
September 28, 2018 11

Locals support hurricane relief efforts




he Town of Sullivan’s local pilots, private planes and
Island and the City of Isle municipal airports.
of Palms Fire Departments “They are making contacts
are joining forces to assist in with locals and finding exactly
Hurricane Florence recovery what they need. Volunteer pilots
efforts in North Carolina. are using their airplanes and
Specifically, both Fire delivering it to the exact locations
Departments are collecting of need. We are limited by what
supplies such as water, diapers we can do with a vehicle right
and wipes, non-perishable foods, now,” says Chief Graham, so the
cleaning supplies, new blankets, airplanes make it more efficient.
and personal hygiene products. The deadline for donations to
Building supplies and waterproof the Fire Departments’ supply
tarps are also needed. Don’t feel drive is October 3. There are
like lugging stuff to and fro? Operation Airdrop was established in response to Hurricane Harvey as an efficient way
three drop off sites on IOP: City
Walmart gift cards are always to provide emergency, disaster relief. Hall, the Public Safety Building,
welcomed, and easily portable. and the IOP Rec Center. On
“People helped us; now it’s time the funds raised will benefit IOP Fire Chief Ann Graham Sullivan’s, items may be dropped
to help them,” stated IOP Mayor communities in need; South began collecting relief supplies off at the Fire Station. At this
Jimmy Carroll. He described Carolina communities first,” with the intention of trucking time donations of clothing are
how he attempted to see some of Carroll elaborated. them north before she learned not needed.
Florence’s devastation firsthand Leading by example, Sullivan’s about Operation Airdrop, a local Monetary contributions to the
on Sunday, September 23, Island Mayor Pat O’Neil stated effort coordinated by retired Air Lowcountry Mayors’ Disaster
trying to ride his motorcycle “I have personally donated to it, Force Colonel Julie Grundahl. Relief Fund may be made online at
to Bucksport, SC. “ The water and urge my Sullivan’s Island “We’ve already sent three large CoastalCommunityFoundation.
was still cresting in the Pee Dee neighbors to make a financial loads of water, food, diapers org. You may designate
River, the Waccamaw River…the contribution to it,” referencing and cleaning supplies since “Lowcountry Mayors’ Disaster
roads were impassable. We were the Mayors’ Relief Fund. He we teamed up with Operation Relief Fund” in the comments
spared; we were lucky.” continued, “I also fully support Airdrop, volunteer group lead by section to insure your
Carroll went on to explain the the two islands’ Fire Departments retired Col Julie from Air Force contribution is directly received
Lowcountry Mayors’ Disaster in their collection of supplies for working out of Mount Pleasant by our neighbors affected by
Relief Fund, established our neighbors up the coast…a airport,” explains Chief Graham. Florence.
through the Coastal Community great way to acknowledge support Operation Airdrop was “Let’s all give what we can to
Foundation of South Carolina. we got from small North Carolina established in response to these two worthy efforts” urged
“One hundred percent of communities after Hugo.” Hurricane Harvey and utilizes Mayor O’Neil.
September 29 Is l a nd E y e C a l e nda r October 11
ONGOING WHEN: 10-11 a.m. our games or bring your own. and adults) WHEN: 9:30 a.m.-1p.m. of Music. Reception to follow in WHERE: Downtown Charleston Charleston Symphony. For info and
WHAT: Beachfront Lights Out MORE INFO: Toddler Day classes 843.883.3914. WHERE: CCPL Poe Branch Library MORE INFO: Charleston the Hill Gallery at the Marion and WHEN: Throughout the month reservations visit
WHERE: all seaward, beachfront are designed for toddlers (18 WHEN: 10:30 a.m. Horticulture Society will host Wayland H. Cato, Jr. Center for the MORE INFO: The Fall Tours of
properties months – 3 years) and a parent, Second Monday of the Month MORE INFO: Learn the basics butterfly specialist, entomologist Arts, 161 Calhoun St. To RSVP for Homes, History & Architecture
WHEN: 9 p.m.- 8 a.m. grandparent, or friend to play and of watercolor painting with local and past director of Cypress the reception and for tickets email presented by the Preservation Tuesday, Oct. 9
MORE INFO: US Fish and explore in The Charleston Museum. WHAT: IOP Clean Up Crew instructor Hannah Heyward. Gardens, Dwight Williams. [email protected]. Society of Charleston. Curated
WHERE: City restrooms on Front Beach WHAT: POE-etry Writers Group
Wildlife Service discourages With a focus on developing fine Registration required, space is Attendees will also have the Tours, Garden Walks and Talks. WHERE: CCPL Poe Branch Library
the use of outdoor lights when motor skills. $6 Members/$9 WHEN: 5:30-6:30 p.m. limited - call 843-883-3914 or chance to win some plants and New this year is a series of tours
not required, in order to protect Non-Members. To register visit MORE INFO: Volunteers only email [email protected]. to tour Middleton that afternoon. Thursday, Oct. 4 that take guests into private
WHEN: 10:30 a.m.
MORE INFO: Gather with fellow
nesting sea turtles. When on the need to put in 30 minutes of Seating is limited. For tickets and gardens rarely open to the public.
cleanup time and afterward can WHAT: Shakespeare’s The Tempest poets to share and improve your
beach at dark, use red filters on WHAT: Adaptive Surfing info visit WHERE: Simons Center for the For tickets and schedule visit work. Call for info 843.883.3914.
flashlights. Artificial light such gather at an island business. WHERE: Folly Beach County Park
Thursdays You are also welcome start your Arts, 54 St. Philip St.
as flashlights without filters WHEN: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
and flashlights on phones are WHAT: Mah Jongg Nights trash collection at a different MORE INFO: Pre-registration Sunday, Sept. 30 WHEN: 7:30 p.m. on 10/4 and
Thursday, Oct. 11
prohibited on the beach at night. (adults) section of beach and join is required. Adaptive surfing WHAT: Parklands Foundation
10/6, 2 p.m. on 10/7
MORE INFO: Directed by Paul
Saturday, Oct. 6
WHERE: CCPL Poe Branch Library us as you finish. Follow IOP staff will provide instruction WHAT: Wide Angle Lunch
WHEN: 5:30-8:00 p.m. Cleanup Crew on Facebook, or Sunset Cruise Rolfes, presented by the College WHAT: IOP Connector Run/ WHERE: Charleston Library
Mondays and assistance in a controlled WHERE: Boarding in Shem Creek of Charleston’s Department of Walk for the Child
MORE INFO: Learn to play the email susanhillsmith@gmail. environment. Participants Society, Main Reading Room
WHAT: Memoir Writing Circle  fun and fast-paced game of com to sign up for the crew’s WHEN: Board at 4:30 p.m., cruise Theatre and Dance. Tickets WHERE: start at IOP Fire Station WHEN: 12:30 p.m.
must meet guidelines prior 5-7 p.m. may be purchased by calling WHEN: Registration at 6 a.m.,
WHERE: CCPL Poe Branch Library American Mah Jongg.  Beginners e-newsletter. to registration, available at MORE INFO: Jeb Hallett,
WHEN: 10:30 a.m. welcome. 843.883.3914. MORE INFO: Cruise aboard 843.953.6306 or by emailing race at 8 a.m. “Curiosity-The Key to Life.” the Palmetto Breeze to raise [email protected]. MORE INFO: 26th annual 5k/10k
MORE INFO: Come and share Third Friday of the Month For additional questions, call Explore why curious people
your stories. 843.883.3914. WHAT: Jazz Night money for The Genesis Project to hosted by the IOP Exchange may be more engaged, healthier
  WHERE: The Refuge, IOP WHAT: Homeschool History Days 843.795.4386. support swimming instruction WHAT: Wide Angle Lunch Club benefits local organizations
WHERE: Charleston Museum, and happy with life. Seating is
Tuesdays WHEN: 6:30-9:30 p.m. at a future pool undergoing WHERE: Charleston Library working to prevent child abuse. limited. For more information
360 Meeting St. WHAT: Tribute to Louis and Ella construction in Hollywood, SC. Society, Main Reading Room Cash awards for winners.
MORE INFO: The Todd Beals Trio call 843.723.9912 or visit
WHAT: Toddler Storytime hosts jazz every Thursday night. WHEN: 10-11 a.m. WHERE: Gaillard Center $50 ticket includes beer, wine WHEN: 12:30 p.m. Afterparty with live music, food
WHERE: CCPL Poe Branch Library MORE INFO: A special program WHEN: 7:30 p.m.
Traditional swing tunes, ballads and hors d’oeurves. The event MORE INFO: Dr. Sundar and family fun. Register online at
WHEN: 10:30 a.m. for home schooling families. MORE INFO: Trumpeter/vocalist is for ages 21 and up only. Balasubramanian, “Good Health
and bossa novas. Singers & horn Byron Stripling and vocalist WHAT: Lit After Dark: “The
MORE INFO: Enjoy picture players welcome. For info visit These programs feature one of Info and tickets available at & Good Breathing.” A look into
books, flannel board fun, sing-a- our field trip classes, a chance Carmen Bradford join the CSO Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural the mechanisms of ancient mind- WHAT: Swanky Southern Soirée History” (adult)
longs, poetry and activities that to go through the Museum, for an evening of jazz duets and body practice, Yogic breathing. WHERE: Country Club of Charleston
encourage language skills. (Ages and an activity. Free with paid solos in celebration of American WHERE: CCPL Poe Branch Library
Seating is limited. For more WHEN: 6:30 p.m.
2-3 with adult) 843.883.3914. Fridays admission. To register visit legends Louis Armstrong and Ella Tuesday, Oct. 2 information call 843.723.9912 or MORE INFO: Charleston
WHEN: 6:30 p.m.
MORE INFO: Come for a
WHAT: Board Game Afternoon Fitzgerald. For details and tickets visit Symphony Orchestra League,
(family) visit WHAT: Clara Yang, pianist discussion of “The Sixth
Wednesdays WHERE: Sottile Theater Inc. hosts cocktails, a southern- Extinction: An Unnatural History”
WHERE: CCPL Poe Branch Library
WHAT: Toddler Days WHEN: 1:30-3:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29 WHAT: Butterfly Symposium WHEN: 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 4 inspired gourmet dinner, exclusive
curated shopping opportunities
by Elizabeth Kolbert. Call for info
WHERE: Charleston Museum, MORE INFO: Come play with WHERE: Middleton Place MORE INFO: Presented by the 843.883.3914.
360 Meeting St. WHAT: Watercolors 101 (teens College of Charleston’s Department WHAT: 42nd Fall Tour of Homes and live music to benefit the

Sullivan’s Island West Ashley Downtown

$5 Gamechangers Special Bar Menu Specials Every Night
10pm-12am 10pm-12am 10pm-1am

Check our IG @ HomeTeamBBQ for new items

& munchie inspiration -
Acme Lowcountry Kitchen
island eats
week. Delivery available. $ Pizza 450
Specializing in local and 882-8088 Sizable pizza joint serving hefty
sustainable seafood. All Altantic pies and housemade ice cream,
Ocean sourced Seafood. $$-$$$ 2019 Middle St, Sullivan's Island plus breakfast & coffee. $$
886-FISH (3474) 2213-B Middle St, Sullivan's
31 JC Long Blvd, Isle of Palms The Dinghy Island
Laid back Key West Vibe, great
Beard Cat’s food options, unique beers on 843.789.4107
Gelato made from locally sourced tap, spacious side porch, and live
ingredients, and coffee shop that music. $-$$ Pizza Hut
sits below Obstinate Daughter. $ 242-8310 Now serving Isle of Palms in the
416-5020 Harris Teeter shopping center. 8 JC Long Blvd, Isle of Palms Deliver right to your door or get
2063 Middle St, Sullivan’s Island carryout. $
Ben & Jerry’s Dunleavy’s Pub 886-5759
Set in a cabin like building, this
Enjoy an array of ice cream 1515 Palm Blvd, Isle of Palms
flavors, from Chocolate Therapy, Irish bar stages weekly live folk,
to Peach Cobbler on Isle of Palms’ country & acoustic music. $-$$
883-9646 Poe’s Tavern
Front Beach. $ Famous for their gourmet burgers
2213 Middle St., Sullivan's Island and chicken sandwiches, this Poe- inspired eatery also features great
your island hair salon 1009 Ocean Blvd, Isle of Palms High Thyme deals on fresh fish tacos. $$
A small island bistro, with a wide
843-883-9101 The Boathouse
Fresh, local seafood, and range of dishes, from seafood,
2205 Middle St, Sullivan's Island phenomenal sunset views from tapas on Tuesday, and a Sunday 2210 Middle St, Sullivan’s Island
the upper deck on Breach Inlet. brunch. $$-$$$
$$-$$$ 883-3536 Republic Ice Cream
886.8000 Local ice cream shop serving 2213 Middle St, Sullivan’s Island homemade ice cream and local
101 Palm Blvd, Isle of Palms Charleston coffee. $
Home Team BBQ
Not limited to barbeque, this 2120 Middle St., Sullivans Island
Cafe Paname casual eatery also serves salads,
Family owned and operated coffee wraps, tacos, and quesadillas, Saltworks Dockside Deli
shop serving locally roasted coffee. $$ Sunday Brunch. $$ Located inside the Isle of Palms
885-6303 883-3131 Marina Market, come enjoy breakfast, smoothies, and
cafepanameiop 2209 Middle St, Sullivan’s Island sandwiches. $-$$
1202 Palm Blvd., A, Isle of Palms 883-3355
Chills 360 Hip eatery serving Mexican
Dallas based shop serving Thai 50 41st Ave, Isle of Palms
favorites, including tacos & tortas,
inspired rolled ice cream. $ with an island vibe. Live music, Seabiscuit Cafe
242-8469 outdoor seating. $$ A bright, cozy cafe with nautical 882-8172 touches serving a simple menu of
1515 Palm Blvd, Isle of Palms homestyle breakfast & lunch. $-$$
Coconut Joe’s & 2205 Middle St, Sullivan’s Island
Island Joe’s Coffee Morgan Creek Grill 21 JC Long Blvd, Isle of Palms
Spectacular views of the Atlantic Relax with a front row seat on Sullivan’s
on the rooftop bar and live music the Intracoastal Waterway while Grab a casual dinner of fried
every night during the summer. enjoying fresh seafood and flounder or crab cakes in a cozy
$-$$. Island Joe’s next door southern hospitality. $$ atmosphere as well as lunch on
featuring coffee and ice cream. $ 886-8980 the weekends. $$
886-0046 883-3222 8040 1st Ave, Isle of Palms
1120 Ocean Blvd, Isle of Palms 2019 Middle St, Sullivan’s Island
The Obstinate Daughter
The Co-Op Restaurant serving contemporary Windjammer
A gourmet deli specializing in Southern cuisine, pizza & pasta in Lively spot with a bar menu, a deck
breakfast and lunch sandwiches a rustic, coastal-inspired space. overlooking the water, and beach
as well as local coffee. Enjoy $$-$$$ volleyball court out back.$-$$
pantry staples including beer 416-5020 886-8596
and wine along with locally made
products and house made take 2063 Middle St,Sullivan’s Island 1008 Ocean Blvd, Isle of Palms
and go meals. Open 7 days a

off-island eats
Regional Italian restaurant featuring 2664 Highway 17N, Mt. Pleasant 3008 N Highway 17, Mt Pleasant
fresh pastas, fior di latte mozzarella
and Neapolitan style pizzas from the Ghost Monkey Nano Brewery Rusty Rudder
wood burning oven. $$$ Features a consistent rotation of locally Easygoing hangout offering American
843.884.6969 brewed beer made in Mount Pleasant. eats such as BBQ, seafood & steak, Taproom, live music, food. $$ plus a bar & outdoor seats. $$
976 Houston Northcutt Blvd, Mt. Pleasant 843.352.3462 843.388.3177
Bistro Toulouse 522 Wando Ln, Mt Pleasant 3563 N Hwy 17, Mt Pleasant
Parisian-style nook serving seasonal, H&R Sweet Shop Sewee Restaurant
regional French dishes with a modern Famous redfish and rice, fried Southern-style seafood & other fried
twist, plus global wines. $-$$ chicken, shrimp, bbq ribs. $ fare in a casual joint with checkered
216-3434 843.884.2118 tables & homey decor. $$ 102 Royall Ave, Mt Pleasant 843.928.3609
1220 Ben Sawyer Blvd, Mt Pleasant
Jack's Cosmic Dogs 4808 N Hwy 17, Awendaw
Bon Banh Mi Kitschy space-themed spot serving
Southeast Asian Cuisine, Rice Bowls, hot dogs topped with creative Stack’s Coastal Kitchen
Noodles, Sandwiches, Small Plates, condiments, plus sides & ice cream. $ Join us for lunch, where we offer
Vegetarian Options $ 884-7677 fresh soup, salads, and sandwiches.
388-7080 Enjoy dinner in a casual bistro-style 2805 N Hwy 17, Mt Pleasant setting, nice selection and outdoor
1440 Ben Sawyer Blvd, Mt Pleasant seating. $$
Eggs Up Grill
Not Just Franks 843.388.6968
Quick and tasty breakfast and lunch
Relaxed chain serving a menu of
stand. Egg sandwiches, hot dogs, 1440 Ben Sawyer Blvd, Mt. Pleasant
breakfast, burgers & sandwiches in a
salads, grilled and deli sandwiches. $
colorful setting. $-$$
September 28, 2018 15


the art of mystery writing



ave you wondered if you
could write a mystery or
thriller? Could you conceive
of an intricate plot? Write a first
page that commands the reader’s
interest? Develop engaging
characters? Plant clues so deftly
that the reader doesn’t piece them
all together until the final “Aha!”
On Thursday, Oct. 18, at 6
p.m., in the Ft. Moultrie Visitor
master of the mystery and thriller MINI SAFARI JET SKIING
genre, author Leonard Goldberg Author Leonard Goldber MD. $50 PER TICKET - GOLF CART
M.D., talk about the art of mystery
writing and his newest book, A MOON BOUNCE 1 WEEK (KEOWEE VINEYARDS)
Study in Treason: A Daughter of and television projects. FACE PAINTING
Sherlock Holmes Mystery (2018, Dr. Goldberg has deep roots in
St. Martin’s Press). This is the the Lowcountry. He is a native of
second book in his new mystery Charleston who grew up spending (*MUST BE PRESENT TO RECEIVE DOOR PRIZES.) HALEY MAE CAMPBELL
series featuring the daughter of summers on Sullivan’s Island. CHARLESTON HISTORICAL TOURS AT THE IOP MARINA STORE/OSPREY 1:00-3:30PM
He spent most of his career as a WATER ACTIVITIES THE LAUREN HALL BAND
Sherlock Holmes who is heir to his ECO EXCURSIONS
unique talent for deduction. This clinical professor and physician at GIFT CERTIFICATES
very enjoyable series is in set the UCLA and became an international RENTALS
bestselling author with a series of MERCHANDISE & MORE!
early 1900s and cleverly written in
the style of the original Sherlock medical thrillers written during
Holmes books. his medical career. He currently
A highly engaging speaker, lives on Sullivan’s Island.
Dr. Goldberg is the author of This event is free and open
bestselling and award-winning to the public. Co-sponsored by
Battery Gadsden Cultural Center,
and selected by the Book of the
Month Club and The Mystery, preserving
Guild. They have been featured as the culture of art and history
People magazine's "Page-Turner on Sullivan’s Island. Contact
of the Week" and optioned for [email protected] or
development as motion picture 843.906.0091.

Breac h Inlet Tide Char t

Date High Tide Low Tide
Sep 28 10:30am/10:54pm 4:18am/4:49pm
Sep 29 11:14am/11:39pm 5:01am/5:38pm
Sep 30 12:06pm 5:49am/6:33pm
Oct 1 12:33am/1:05pm 6:43am/7:34pm
Oct 2 1:36am/2:11pm 7:44am/8:39pm
Oct 3 2:45am/3:20pm 8:50am/9:45pm
Oct 4 3:54am/4:27pm 9:57am/10:47pm
Oct 5 5:00am/5:29pm 11:02am/11:45pm
Oct 6 6:01am/6:25pm 12:02pm
Oct 7 6:57am/7:18pm 12:38am/12:58pm
Oct 8 7:50am/8:07pm 1:27am/1:51pm
Oct 9 8:40am/8:54pm 2:14am/2:42pm
Oct 10 9:28am/9:39pm 3:00am/3:31pm
Oct 11 10:14am/10:24pm 3:44am/4:19pm

Hurricanes, storms etc., are NOT

included in the predictions. Tidal current
direction changes and tide time predictions can be very
different. Tide predictions are PREDICTIONS; they can be
wrong so use common sense.
3400 Palm Boulevard | Isle of Palms
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$2,989,000 | 11 bedrooms/10.5 bath $2,098,000 | 4 bedrooms/4 baths $1,390,000 | 36 bedrooms/2
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