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International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 2018; 21: 114–117


Does long term colchicine prevent degradation of collagen

fiber network in osteoarthritis?
Ragini SRIVASTAVA,1 Siddharth K. DAS,1 Gautam GOEL,1 Akash ASTHANA2 and
Girdhar G. AGARWAL2
Department of Rheumatology, K.G. Medical University, and 2Department of Statistics, Lucknow University, Lucknow, India

Aim: Several studies have shown that colchicine exhibits an improvement in the symptoms of knee osteoarthri-
tis (OA) but its effect on disease progression is unknown. To clarify the mechanism of action this study was
done to see if colchicine prevents degradation of collagen fiber network in OA by studying serum cartilage oligo-
meric matrix protein (COMP) levels, a marker of cartilage turnover, over a period of 1 year.
Methods: Seventy-five patients received colchicine plus paracetamol and 75 received placebo alone for the
same time period. Serum COMP assays were done at baseline, 2 months and 1 year by enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay. These markers were compared between visits using repeated measures analysis of
Results: Serum COMP levels in the paracetamol-alone group did not show significant change between baseline
and 2 months; however, there was a significant increase in serum COMP levels from 2 months to 1 year, sug-
gesting increased uncoupling of proteoglycans from collagen and disease progression. No such change was seen
in the colchicine group, signifying lack of progression of disease in this group.
Conclusion: Colchicine may act as a disease-modifying agent in OA.
Key words: Colchicine, collagen, COMP, osteoarthritis.

INTRODUCTION drug known to prevent crystal-induced inflammation, is

also known to improve symptoms of OA.1–3
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the commonest arthritis, charac-
In OA there is an increase in cartilage turnover,4 with
terized by progressive degradation of articular cartilage,
increased release of soluble molecular fragments for
formation of new bone and acute flares of inflamma-
degradation of joint components into synovial fluid
tion. So far, the mainstay of treatment has been symp-
and serum. Serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein
tomatic, being directed at management of chronic
(COMP) or thrombospondin 5 is a non-collagenous
symptoms and possible prevention of acute attacks of
protein present in the extracellular matrix of cartilage
inflammation. OA is associated with calcium-contain-
and is predominantly produced in joints. It is released
ing crystals (Calcium pyrophosphate and Basic Calcium
prior to breakdown of the collagen network; it is
phosphate) in the majority of patients. Colchicine, a
responsible for collagen fibrilogenesis and stabilizes the
collagen network.5,6 An increased concentration of
COMP reflects an on-going disease process and is a
more sensitive and earlier measuring tool than
Correspondence: Professor Siddharth K. Das, Department of
Rheumatology, King George Medical University, Lucknow, radiological changes.7 Here we report that long-term
226018, UP, India. Email: [email protected] colchicine use prevents a rise in serum COMP,

© 2017 Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Colchicine prevents degradation in osteoarthritis

suggestive of stabilization of collagen II and proteogly- the study from each group as samples could not be
can attachment. collected at week 8, thus 57 patients in the colchicine
group and 57 patients in the placebo group were
This study was conducted on 150 OA patients attending Comparison of serum COMP between visits
the Rheumatology Out Patient Department, King A one-way repeated measures ANOVA was performed for
George’s Medical University (KGMU), Lucknow, India each group separately, as one of the main assumptions
and who were not taking drugs having effects on carti- of two-way repeated ANOVA, interaction among the visits
lage metabolism. Patients with raised uric acid and groups, was not satisfied. In the colchicine group
(> 6.0 mg), gout and other inflammatory disorders the repeated measures ANOVA showed no significant
were excluded from the study. Non-steroidal anti- change in serum COMP. In the placebo group a signifi-
inflammatory medications were not used in patients for cant increase (at 10% level of significance) was recorded
the duration of the study. Seventy-five patients with in serum COMP (P = 0.089). The pair-wise comparison
visual analogue scale (VAS) pain score of 20–70 were showed that a significant increase (P = 0.015) in serum
taking colchicine 0.5 mg twice daily with paracetamol COMP was obtained from 2 months to 1 year.
1 g thrice daily (standard therapy prescribed in the (Tables 1,2 and Fig. 1).
Department of Rheumatology, KGMU), whereas 75
patients were taking paracetamol 1 g thrice daily alone
as standard therapy for OA.7
Serum COMP was measured at baseline, at 2 months Soluble biomarkers have been used to predict or evalu-
and at the end of study, that is 1 year. Serum COMP ate severity of OA or its occurrence or progression.
was measured by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosor- However, these studies show contradictory results.8,9
bent assay (ELISA) technique, utilizing two monoclonal These contradictions stem from the complexities of the
antibodies directed against separate antigenic determi- disease and its progression. The biomarkers are prod-
nants on the human COMP molecule (Nordic Bio- ucts which are released from tissues of joints when
sciences, Herlev, Denmark). these products are formed and released either during
the synthesis or degradation of these tissues. In OA
Statistical analysis there is progressive damage to different tissues. How-
Statistical analysis was performed for the patients com- ever, there is a simultaneous repair process going on. A
pleting at least 2 months of treatment. This was done patient with early OA and minimal cartilage damage
so that a second sample was available for each study may have highly active degeneration and regeneration
patient. The serum COMP observations for 2 months going on simultaneously, resulting in high levels of
were carried forward for the end of study if the patient degeneration and regeneration markers, where as a
was absent for final assessment. The serum COMP patient with marked cartilage loss but having a quies-
levels between baseline, 2 months and the end of the cent disease may not have active degeneration and
study were compared using repeated measures analysis regeneration going on with resultant low biomarker
of variance (repeated measures ANOVA). For pair-wise levels. Also the rate of degeneration and regeneration
comparison F-test was used. The analysis was per- may vary from time to time, further complicating the
formed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences situation. Apart from the diseased joints, normal bones
(SPSS) software version 21.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, and cartilage are present in other joints as well, and
USA). have effects on biomarker levels. As a result, degenera-
tion and regeneration markers of bone and cartilage
have inconsistent results when viewed in respect to clin-
RESULTS ical signs, cartilage thickness and progression. In a dif-
A total of 150 patients were enrolled and 75 received ferent strategy, Gineyts et al.10 used biomarkers to
paracetamol plus colchicine and 75 received paraceta- assess effectiveness of ibuprofen in patients with OA,
mol alone. Two patients in the colchicine plus paraceta- suggesting that biomarkers can be used to assess
mol group and seven in the paracetamol alone group responses in patients. Here, we report serum COMP
were excluded from the study as they were found to be levels as a marker of active disease to assess the mecha-
outliers. Further, 16 and 11 patient were excluded from nism of action of colchicine.

International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 2018; 21: 114–117 115

R. Srivastava et al.

Table 1 Comparison of serum cartilage

Serum COMP Baseline 2 months 1 year F (P-value)
oligomeric matrix protein (COMP)
ng/ml Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
between various visits for the colchicine
Colchicine plus 12.51 (21.82) 12.47 (20.56) 14.82 (21.26) 0.162 (0.850) and without colchicine groups using
paracetamol repeated measures analysis of variance
Paracetamol alone 17.41 (21.40) 16.51 (24.91) 26.31 (29.76) 2.51 (0.089)

Table 2 Comparison of serum cartilage oligomeric matrix remained untouched in the colchicine group but rose
protein (COMP) between 2 months versus baseline and significantly in the patients only on paracetamol
1 year versus 2 months for the colchicine and non-colchicine between 2 months and 1 year. This could signify rapid
groups using F-test collagen fibril formation, uncoupling of collagen from
aggrecan and active cartilage degeneration in the pla-
Serum COMP 2 month versus 1 year versus
baseline F (P-value) 2 months F
cebo group.
(P-value) Stable serum COMP levels in the colchicine group indi-
cate stability of the cartilage, prevention of uncoupling of
Colchicine plus < 0.001 (0.996) 1.005 (0.323)
collagen from proteoglycans and the possibility that col-
chicine may act as a disease-modifying agent in OA.
Paracetamol 0.031 (0.862) 6.529 (0.015)
Calcium-containing crystals (CPPD as well BCP) and
monosodium urate (MSU) crystals have not been stud-
ied here and this is a drawback of the study. However,
as regards CPPD crystals, most patients with knee OA
Colchicine have calcium containing either CPPD or BCP crystals in
the joint fluid or in the cartilage,11 hence it is expected
that there would be no difference in the presence of
25 CPPD crystals in both groups. All patients had normal
serum uric acid and the prevalence of MSU crystals in
20 such patients is rare.
Biological actions of colchicine on serum COMP
15 levels can only be a matter of conjecture. A Medline
search of colchicine and serum COMP did not show/
10 produce any result. Hence, possibly there is no direct
action of colchicine on serum COMP levels. The postu-
5 lated anti-inflammatory mechanism of action of colchi-
cine in OA and crystal arthritis is via blocking the
Base line Week 8 Week 52 inflammasome pathway.12 It has been shown that col-
chicine reduces formation of interleukin (IL)-1b levels
Figure 1 Comparison of serum cartilage oligomeric matrix in crystal arthritis13 and coronary syndrome.14 In turn,
protein (COMP) between the colchicine and non-colchicine IL-1b has been shown to be correlated with serum
groups at baseline, week 8 and week 52 (mean  SE).
COMP levels in OA and Kashin-Beck disease.15,16 Possi-
bly downstream IL-1b-mediated inflammation is
COMP or thrombospondin 5, is a non-collagenous responsible for cartilage degradation/regeneration and
protein present on the surface of collagen and is said to rise in serum COMP levels. By stabilizing the inflamma-
be responsible for rapid collagen fibrilogenesis from some pathway, colchicine may be acting as a disease-
multiple collagen molecules. It has also been shown to modifying agent in OA.
bind to aggrecan and thus would have a key role in nor-
mal cartilage physiology. Increased COMP levels indi-
cate rapid regeneration that usually follows active
degeneration and possibly uncoupling of collagen from The authors would like to acknowledge Ms Pallavi
aggrecan. However, in this report mean COMP levels Hajela for her technical support. The study was

116 International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 2018; 21: 114–117

Colchicine prevents degradation in osteoarthritis

supported by Indian Council of Medical Research grant 5 Heinegard D, Lorenzo P, Onnerfjord P, Saxne T (2015).
no 5/4-5/3/Ortho/06-NCD-I. None of the authors have Articular cartilage. In: Hochberg MC, Silman AJ, Smolen
any industrial links or affiliations to which there are JS, Weinblatt ME, Weisman MH (eds) Rheumatology, 6th
any conflicts of interest. edn, pp 33–41. Elsevier, MOSBY, Philadelphia.
6 Chen FH, Herndon ME, Patel M, Hercht JT, Tuan RS, Law-
ler J (2007) Interaction of Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Protein/Thrombospondin 5 with Aggrecan. J Biol Chem
282, 24591–8.
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analyzed the samples and interpreted the data, criti- OARSI guidelines for the non-surgical management of
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content and finally approved the article. SKD concep- 8 Sowers MF, Karvonen-Gutierrez CA, Yosef M et al. (2009)
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provided study material, critically revised the article for predict X ray defined knee osteoarthritis severity and and
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predicts progression of joint damage in patients with knee
revised the article for important intellectual content
osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum 46, 2613–24.
and finally approved the article. GGA critically revised 10 Gineyts E, Mo JA, Ko A et al. (2004) Effects of ibuprofen
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finally approved the article. in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 63,
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