a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Novel therapies for rheumatoid arthritis also include the use of naturally occurring compounds pos-
Received 14 July 2015 sessing antioxidant properties. In the present work, the effects of oral administration of quercetin were
Received in revised form investigated in a rat model of adjuvant arthritis. Arthritis was induced by a single intradermal injection of
14 August 2015
heat-inactivated Mycobacterium butyricum in incomplete Freund's adjuvant. The experimental groups
Accepted 17 August 2015
were treated with an oral daily dose of 150 mg/kg b.w. of quercetin for 28 days. Results indicated that
Available online 20 August 2015
quercetin was able to ameliorate all markers of inflammation and oxidative stress measured. Quercetin
lowered levels of interleukin-1b, C-reactive protein, and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 and restored
plasma antioxidant capacity. In addition, quercetin inhibited the enzymatic activity of pro-inflammatory
Adjuvant arthritis 12/15-lipoxygenase in lung and liver and increased the expression of heme oxygenase-1 in joint and lung
NF-kB of arthritic rats. Finally, quercetin inhibited the 2-fold increase of NF-қB activity observed in lung, liver
ERK pathway and joint after induction of arthritis.
Inflammation © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Oxidative stress
0003-9861/© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
C. Gardi et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 583 (2015) 150e157 151
a dose dependent manner. TNF-a is present in synovial fluid and oxidized low density lipoprotein (Ox-LDL) and high sensitivity CRP
induces the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in synovial did not show any significant difference between QUE and placebo
cells of patients with RA. The suppression was dose dependent and groups [24]. On the opposite, in an ex vivo study, where neutrophils
probably induced by the inhibition of TNF-a mediated nuclear were isolated from RA patients versus healthy subjects and stim-
factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-kB) ulated by in vitro prepared immune complex before treatment with
activation [16]. A decade later, the anti-RA capacity of QUE was 4 different flavonols (galangin, kaempferol, QUE, and myricetin),
confirmed in synoviocytes isolated from rabbit where the molecule QUE was the most effective in reducing superoxide anion produc-
inhibited proliferation of 30e40% at very low micromolar concen- tion with an IC50 of 1.71 mM [25]. It is worthwhile to note that the
trations (<10 mM). It must be considered that proliferation of syn- applied concentrations were in the physiological range of those
oviocytes in RA contributes to the establishment of the so-called measured in vivo after supplementation with QUE or other flavo-
“pannus formation”, a lesion accompanied by restriction of joint nols [15,26]. Matsuno et al. [27] performed a study with osteoar-
movement and the generation of pro-inflammatory cytokines [17]. thritic patients and RA patients, in which QUE was administered in
In human rheumatoid synovial fibroblasts activated by interleukin form of glucosamine-chondrotin-QUE glucoside combination. The
1 beta (IL-1b), QUE inhibited proliferation and induced apoptosis patients were treated for 3 months with oral doses of QUE gluco-
starting from 20 mM concentration. The mode of action was double: side (45 mg/day). Significant improvement in pain symptoms, daily
i. inhibition of both the expression of IL-1b-induced mRNA and activities (walking and climbing up and down stairs) and changes
protein of matrix metalloproteases MMP-1, MMP-3, and COX-2 and in the synovial fluid properties were observed in osteoarthritic
PGE2 production; ii. inhibition of extracellular signal-regulated patients. No beneficial effects were observed in RA subjects [27].
kinases (ERK) signal pathways and NF-kB activation both medi- Therefore, in our study we re-investigated the effect of QUE
ated by IL-1b [18]. orally administered in a dose of 150 mg/kg in AA with the aim to
The anti-RA effect of QUE was confirmed in several animal prove its anti-arthritic potential, as well as to study its mechanisms
models of experimentally induced arthritis. In a rat model of gouty of action. We focused on the key two processes in arthritis:
arthritis, QUE treatment (100e400 mg/kg) ameliorated edema by inflammation and oxidative stress. Both processes were evaluated
decreasing histological signs of acute inflammation and attenuating in plasma and in selected tissues as joint, liver and lung
several markers of inflammation [19]. QUE was more effective than homogenates.
hesperidin, but less than rutin (all tested at a dose of 80 mg/kg and
administered intraperitoneally) in inhibiting acute and chronic 2. Materials and methods
inflammation in rats where experimental arthritis was induced
following the method of adjuvant-carrageenan-induced inflam- 2.1. Animals, experimental design and treatments
mation [20]. Considering that rutin differs from QUE for the pres-
ence of rutinose in position 3, it is possible to hypothesize that the Male Lewis rats weighing 160e180 g were obtained from the
2-fold higher efficacy of rutin than QUE in arthrogram scores can be Breeding Farm Dobra Voda (Slovakia). The rats had free access to
attributed to pharmacokinetic factors [20]. In a subsequent work, standard pelleted diet and tap water. The experimental protocol
the same group, comparing the effects of different flavonoids on was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Institute of the
different rats and mice models, confirmed that rutin was the only Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology, by the Slovak State
effective against chronic-like arthritis, principally in adjuvant Veterinary and Food Administration in accordance with the Euro-
arthritis (AA), but QUE resulted the most active in reducing the paw pean Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for
edema induced by carrageenan [21]. In AA induced in female Lewis Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes, and by Slovak legis-
rats by subcutaneous injection of inactivated Mycobacterium lation. AA was induced by a single intradermal injection of heat-
butyricum, oral administration of QUE (5 160 mg/kg) clearly inactivated M. butyricum in incomplete Freund's adjuvant (Difco
decreased clinical signs of arthritis. Importantly, the dosage was Laboratories, Detroit, MI, USA). The injection was performed near
selected to be comparable to that administered to patients affected the tail base. The experiment included healthy animals (CO),
by prostatitis who received QUE as dietary supplement 1 g/day healthy animals treated with QUE (CO-Q) in an oral daily dose of
[22]. When the molecule was given by intracutaneous injection in 150 mg/kg b.w. (body weight) during 28 days, arthritic animals not
AA-induced rats at lower doses (5 60 mg/kg), the anti-arthritic treated (AA), arthritic animals treated with QUE (AA-Q) in an oral
effects were similar, while injection of relatively low doses daily dose of 150 mg/kg b.w. during 28 days. In each group 10 an-
(5 30 mg/kg) prior to AA induction significantly reduced arthritis imals were used. After the animals have been sacrificed under deep
signs, suggesting multiple approaches (different doses and modes ketamin/xylasine anesthesia, blood for plasma preparation and
of administrations) to exploit the clinical potentiality of QUE as an tissues for homogenate preparation (joint, lung and liver) were
anti-arthritic agent. Finally, analysis of cumulated arthritic scores taken at the end of the experiment (day 28). Tissue were imme-
clearly indicated that high oral doses were most efficient in diately frozen and stored at 80 C until analysis. Blood samples
reducing arthritic signs, followed by lower intracutaneous thera- were centrifuged at 2400 g for 15 min at 4 C and stored at 80 C
peutic or preventive QUE doses [22]. until analyses.
More recently, the study of the effects of QUE in RA was
extended to human subjects with contradictory results compared 2.2. Change of body weight
to pre-clinical studies. In a randomized controlled trial aimed to
investigate the efficacy of antioxidant supplementation in RA pa- Change of body weight (CBW; g) was measured on days 1, 14 and
tients, QUE was administered together with vitamin C 28. CBW was calculated as the difference of the body mass
(166 mg þ 133 mg/capsule, respectively) for 4 weeks in 26 subjects. measured on days 14 and 28 and the body weight measured at the
No changes in the levels of serum pro-inflammatory cytokines and beginning of the experiment (day 1).
C-reactive protein (CRP) in RA patients after supplementation were
observed [23]. In a more recent work, 51 women affected by RA 2.3. Arthritic score
were supplemented with 500 mg/day of QUE for 8 weeks. As in the
previous study, measurements of several markers of inflammation, The arthritic score was measured as the total score of hind paw
such as plasmatic total antioxidant capacity, malondialdehyde, volume (ml, max. points 8) plus paw diameter of forelimb (mm,
152 C. Gardi et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 583 (2015) 150e157
max. points 5) plus diameter of scab in the site of M. butyricum liver tissues). Linoleic acid (99%, SigmaeAldrich, USA) was used as a
application, measured parallel to the spinal column (mm, max. substrate prepared in solubilized state in the concentration of
points 5) for each animal [28]. 0.2143 105e0.7143 105 M as previously described [4]. The
assay of LOX was monitored as an increase in the absorbance at
2.4. Measurement of C-reactive protein (CRP) in plasma 234 nm which reflects the formation of the hydroperoxylinoleic
acid. For the LOX activity assay, an UV/VIS Spectrometer Per-
For the determination of rat CRP concentration in plasma (mg/ kineElmer Lambda 35 (USA) was used. The reaction medium
ml), the ELISA kit from Immunology (Consultant Laboratories, Inc.) contained a 50 mM TriseHCl buffer (pH 7.0), 2.5 mL of the enzyme
was used. The reaction of secondary biotin-conjugated anti-rat CRP protein and solubilized linoleic acid.
antibody was evaluated by streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase
(HRP). The tetramethylebenzidine reaction with HRP bound to 2.9. Immunoblot analysis of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1)
immune complex was measured at 450 nm (Microplate reader
Labsystems Multiskan RC). The results were calculated using the Protein samples from joint and lung homogenates were
standard calibration curve on internal standards. resolved on a 10% SDS-polyacrylamide gel and transferred onto
nitrocellulose membrane (Whatman GmbH, Dassel, Germany).
2.5. Measurement of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) in Immunoblots were performed using primary antibodies for HO-1
plasma (1:1000; Abcam, Cambridge, UK) and b-actin was used as loading
control. Immunodetected proteins were visualized using ECL kit
For determination of MCP-1 concentration in plasma (pg/ml), (BioRad, Hercules, CA, USA).
Instant ELISA kit from eBioscience® was used. Assay procedures
were applied as described in the product manual. Rat chemokine
2.10. Preparation of whole cell extract for NF-kB determination
present in the samples binds to anti-rat chemokine antibodies
adsorbed to the microwells. The reaction of secondary biotin-
Whole cell extracts from joint, left lung and liver were prepared
conjugated anti-rat chemokine antibody was evaluated by
by using Active Motif nuclear extract kit (Carlsbad, CA, USA) as
streptavidin-HRP. Tetramethyl-benzidine reaction with HRP bound
described by the manufacturer. Protein concentration in whole cell
to immune complex was measured at 490 nm in comparison with
extracts was determined by the Bradford protein assay (BioRad)
reference wavelength 620 nm (microplate reader MRX II, Dynex,
using bovine serum albumin as standard. NF-kB activation was
USA). The results were calculated from standard calibration curve
monitored by TransAM NF-kB p65 Transcription Factor Assay Kit
on internal standards.
(Active Motif). Absorbance was measured at 450 nm using micro-
plate reader (Perkin Elmer Applied Biosystems). Results were
2.6. Measurement of interleukin 1b (IL-1b) in plasma
expressed as absorbance per milligram of total protein.
For the determination of IL-1b concentration in plasma, the
ELISA kit from R&D Systems Quantikine® was used. Assay pro- 2.11. Western blot analysis of extracellular signal-regulated protein
cedures were used as described in the product manual. Rat cytokine kinase (ERK)
present in the samples binds to anti-rat cytokine antibodies
absorbed in the microwells. The reaction of secondary biotin- Phosphorylation of ERK was analyzed by Western blotting.
conjugated anti-rat cytokine antibody is evaluated by HRP. The Samples were homogenized in lysis buffer (20 mM TriseHCl, pH 8,
tetramethylbenzidine reaction with HRP bound to immune com- 150 mM NaCl, 1% Triton X-100) containing protease inhibitor
plex was measured at 490 nm in comparison with the reference cocktail, 1 mM Na3VO4, 5 mM b-glycerophosphate, and protein
wavelength 620 nm (microplate reader MRX II). The results were concentration was determined by the method of Bradford [30].
calculated using the standard calibration curve on internal Sixty mg of total protein of each extract was separated by 12% SDS-
standards. polyacrylamide gel and transferred onto a nitrocellulose membrane
(Whatman). Membranes were incubated overnight at 4 C with a
2.7. Plasma antioxidant power primary antibody anti-phospho-44/42 ERK (1:1000, Cell Signaling,
Celbio, Milan, Italy) and then with the secondary antibody HRP-
The total antioxidant capacity was measured in the plasma of conjugated (BioRad) (1:5000). Immunodetected proteins were
rats treated as indicated above employing the ABTS (2,20 -azino- visualized using ECL assay kit (BioRad) following the manufac-
bis(3-ethylbenz-thiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)) radical cation decol- turer's recommended protocol. b-actin was used as the loading
orization. Briefly, a mixture containing ABTS solution (10 mM) and control.
hydrogen peroxide (2 mM) was stored in the dark at 4 C overnight
before use. The produced ABTSþ solution was diluted (1:10) to 2.12. Statistical analysis
obtain an absorbance of approximately 0.31 at 660 nm. In a cuvette
1000 mL of a buffer pH 3.6, 10 mL of plasma and finally 25 mL of ABTS Mean and S.E.M. values were calculated for each parameter in
were added before measurement of the absorbance (660 nm) after each group (8e10 animals in each experimental group). Statistically
5 min. A blank was run in each assay and determinations were significant differences among treated group, untreated group and
carried out in triplicate. Results were expressed in micromolar control groups were tested using parametric Analysis of Variance
equivalent of ascorbic acid, an antioxidant present in the plasma (ANOVA). Post hoc tests (TukeyeKramer (ANOVA)) were applied in
[29]. situation where differences among groups were significant at level
of significance a ¼ 0.05. After post hoc testing the following sig-
2.8. Tissue activity of 12/15-lipoxygenase (LOX) in liver and lung nificance designations were specified as follows: extremely sig-
nificant (P < 0.001), highly significant (P < 0.01), significant
Concentration of proteins in lung and liver homogenates was (P < 0.05), not significant (P > 0.05). Since, for measurement of
determined by using the Bradford method [30] and expressed in ABTS, HO-1 and ERK kinase samples from 4 to 5 animals were used,
mg/ml of enzyme preparation (cytosolic fraction from rat lung and unpaired Student's t-test was applied.
C. Gardi et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 583 (2015) 150e157 153
3. Results Table 2
Effect of quercetin on inflammatory markers assessed in plasma.
Table 1
Effect of quercetin on clinical markers in adjuvant arthritis.
Clinical parameters, body weight and arthritic score were measured on the 14th and 28th day. Data are means ± SEM. ***P < 0.001 vs. CO. CO, control group; AA, adjuvant
arthritis group; CO-Q, quercetin treated control group; and AA-Q, quercetin treated adjuvant arthritis group.
154 C. Gardi et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 583 (2015) 150e157
Fig. 3. Effect of quercetin on HO-1 expression in rat joint (A) and lung (B). Levels of Fig. 4. Effect of quercetin on NF-қB activation. Levels of NF-қB were assessed by
protein were measured by immunoblot and densities of the bands were quantified measuring p65 DNA binding in joint, lung and liver. Data are reported as percentage of
with an imaging densitometer. Protein quantification was expressed as a ratio to b- control values. CO joint 1.27 ± 0.02, CO lung 0.46 ± 0.04, CO liver 0.5 ± 0.06 Abs/mg of
actin. Data are means ± SEM. **P < 0.01 vs CO, ***P < 0.001 vs CO, þþP < 0.01 vs total protein. Data are means ± SEM. **P < 0.01 vs CO, ***P < 0.001 vs CO, þþP < 0.01 vs
AA, þþþP < 0.001 vs AA. CO, control group; AA, adjuvant arthritis group; CO-Q, AA, þþþP < 0.001 vs AA. CO, control group; AA, adjuvant arthritis group; CO-Q,
quercetin treated control group; and AA-Q, quercetin treated adjuvant arthritis group. quercetin treated control group; and AA-Q, quercetin treated adjuvant arthritis group.
C. Gardi et al. / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 583 (2015) 150e157 155
inflammatory cytokines and activity of LOX, mainly through the separates pro-inflammatory processes induced by RA from the
suppression of NF-kB activation. anti-inflammatory cellular responses triggered by QUE. This may be
Together with NF-kB, also ERK are central regulators in inflam- a consequence of the relatively low dose employed in the present
matory processes, including the development of RA [68,69]. Acti- work designed to mimic dietary supplementation of QUE. However,
vation of NF-kB and MAPK induces the production of pro- the effect of QUE on healthy rats observed in the present study
inflammatory cytokines and MMPs in RA [18,62]. In a murine suggests a potential preventive use of the molecule. We hypothe-
model of collagen-induced RA, the selective MEK inhibitor, size that the chronic administration of QUE at a dose superim-
PD184352, inhibited paw edema and clinical arthritis scores in a posable to that applied in the present study “before” the induction
dose-dependent manner [70]. In agreement with this observation, a of AA may result in a better response to inflammation. In fact, target
different ERK inhibitor, FR180204, has been shown to be effective tissues may react more efficiently to the pro-inflammatory insult
against RA enforcing the search for potent ERK inhibitors in the since their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant defenses have been
therapy of RA [39]. In this view, we observed an activation of ERK 44/ already potentiated by QUE. In such scenario, the threshold can be
42 in AA rats which was reduced to basal level following QUE bypassed resulting in absence of disease or a mild form of arthritis.
treatment. The easiest explanation of this result is the well-known An alternative possibility is to associate QUE with methotrexate
capacity of QUE to act as a direct inhibitor of MEK, with a Ki of (MTX) in combination therapy to follow disease progression and
about 1e2 mM [44]. Structural studies indicate that QUE directly inflammation in arthritic rats. MTX in small doses became the most
binds with MEK-1 ex vivo and in vitro in a pocket separate from but frequently used disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug in the
adjacent to the ATP-binding site of MEK-1. It is interesting that QUE therapy of RA. In AA rats, the combined administration of MTX with
exerted stronger inhibitory effects than PD098059, a well-known natural compounds (e.g., N-feruloylserotonin, pynosilvin, carno-
pharmacologic inhibitor of MEK-1 [44,71]. The capacity of QUE to sine) resulted in a potentiation of the therapeutic effect of MTX at
behave as a not-specific kinase inhibitor (reviewed in Refs. [15,44]) low dose with a significant improvement of all inflammatory
can be also evoked to explain the inactivation of NF-kB presented in markers measured [4,28,79]. Both possibilities will be investigated
Fig. 4. In fact, it has been shown that QUE inhibits both IKKa and in the near future.
IKKb with apparent IC50 values of 11 and 4 mM, respectively,
reducing the Vmax and increased the Km, indicating a mixed-type of 5. Conclusion
inhibitory mechanism [72]. On the other hand, it is also known that
QUE may attenuate in vitro TNF-a-stimulated inflammatory medi- This study demonstrated that QUE, orally administrated in a rat
ator production by suppressing the activation of the ERK-mediated model of AA, ameliorated all markers of inflammation and oxida-
NF-kB pathway that is mediated by cellular peroxides [73]. tive stress measured. The molecule achieved this goal modulating
Data discussed above suggest that the effect of QUE on the key processes involved in cellular antioxidant defenses, including
production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in AA rats could occur down-regulation of NF-kB pathway and inhibiting ERK phosphor-
through the blocking of the ERK signaling pathway and regulation ylation. The ability of QUE to trigger multiple cellular pathways is in
of NF-kB activation, indicating a protective role of QUE against agreement with its functional pleiotropy and results in an
inflammation generated by oxidative stress in AA. However, our improvement of inflammatory response and reduction of oxidative
results do not support an effect of this molecule in decreasing the stress in arthritis.
arthritic score becoming clinically relevant nor in preventing
weight loss in AA rats (Table 1). Conflict of interest
The pathophysiology of altered body weight in RA is complex
and probably multifactorial. It has been reported that high levels of The authors of this paper declare no conflict of interest.
proinflammatory cytokines, particularly TNF-a and IL-1b, lead to an
increased hepatic protein synthesis [74] and to an increase in Acknowledgments
muscle proteolysis via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, attrib-
uted in part to NF-kB activation [75,76]. Nevertheless, Roubenoff The study was supported by grants: VEGA 2/0045/11, VEGA 2/
et al. [77] correlated the weight loss with TNF-a production by 0044/15 and performed in the frame of two SAV-CNR bilateral
spleen mononuclear cells (r ¼ 0.68, P < 0.007), while a weaker projects coordinated by Dr. Katarina Bauerova (Slovakia) and Dr.
correlation was seen with IL-1 production (r ¼ 0.45, P < 0.04). In our Gian Luigi Russo (Italy) entitled: “In vitro and in vivo models of
experiment we have similarly shown that although the IL-1b arthritic processes to study the mechanisms of inflammation and
plasmatic levels were lowered in a significant way after 28-day of oxidative stress link-up: New perspectives for arthritis therapy”
QUE treatment, a correction of body weight loss was not observed. and “Phytochemicals in ameliorating rheumatoid arthritis therapy:
Apart from inflammation, observed weight loss is the result of a from preclinical studies to clinical applications.” This work was also
complex network of interconnected factors, like animal mobility partially supported by a grant from the Italian Ministry of Economy
and food intake and may participate in vicious circle that results in and Finance to the National Research Council for the project
poor disease outcomes. In adjuvant arthritis generated hind paw “Innovazione e Sviluppo del Mezzogiorno e Conoscenze Integrate
swelling caused pain and limited mobility of animals, which are ed Innovazione del Made in Italy Agroalimentare
per Sostenibilita
unable to feed ad libitum. Moreover together with hind paw joints -Legge 191/2009”.
also the temporomandibular joints are swollen and damaged.
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