Superficie de Revolução

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J. Geom.

104 (2013), 85–106

c 2013 Springer Basel
published online April 9, 2013
DOI 10.1007/s00022-013-0149-3 Journal of Geometry

Some classification of surfaces of revolution

in Minkowski 3-space
Miekyung Choi, Young Ho Kim and Dae Won Yoon

Abstract. We study the surfaces of revolution with the non-degenerate

second fundamental form in Minkowski 3-space. In particular, we inves-
tigate the surfaces of revolution satisfying an equation in terms of the
position vector field and the 2nd-Laplacian in Minkowski 3-space. As a
result, we give some new examples of the surfaces of revolution with light-
like axis in Minkowski 3-space.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010). 53A35, 53B30.

Keywords. Surfaces of revolution, Laplace operator, Minkowski space.

1. Introduction
Let x : M → Em be an isometric immersion of a connected n-dimensional
manifold in Euclidean m-space Em . Denote by H and Δ the mean curvature
and the Laplacian of M with respect to the Riemannian metric on M induced
from that of Em , respectively. Takahashi [7] proved that the submanifolds in
Em satisfying Δx = λx, that is, all coordinate functions are eigenfunctions of
the Laplacian with the same eigenvalue λ ∈ R are either the minimal subman-
ifolds of Em or the minimal submanifolds of hypersphere Sm−1 in Em .
As an extension of Takahashi theorem, Garay [4] studied hypersurfaces in Em
whose coordinate functions are eigenfunctions of the Laplacian, but not nec-
essarily associated to the same eigenvalue. Specifically, Garay [4] considered
hypersurfaces in Em satisfying the condition
Δx = Ax,

M. Choi was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the
Korean Government [NRF-2009-351-C00009]. Y. H. Kim was supported by Basic Science
Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by
the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2010-0007184).
86 M. Choi et al. J. Geom.

where A ∈ Mat(m, R) is an m × m-diagonal matrix, and he proved that such

hypersurfaces are minimal in Em and open pieces of either round hyperspheres
or generalized right spherical cylinders.
Related to this, Dillen et al. [3] investigated surfaces in E3 whose immersion
satisfies the condition
Δx = Ax + B, (1.1)
where A ∈ Mat(3, R) is a 3 × 3-matrix and B ∈ R . In other words, each coor-
dinate function is of usual 1-type in the sense of Chen [2]. For the Lorentzian
version of surfaces satisfying (1.1), Alı́as et al. [1] proved that the only such
surfaces are minimal surfaces (H = 0) and open pieces of Lorentz circular cyl-
inders, hyperbolic cylinders, Lorentz hyperbolic cylinders, hyperbolic spaces
or pseudo-spheres.
If a hypersurface M has the non-degenerate second fundamental form h, then
it is regarded as a new (pseudo-)Riemannian metric on M . So, considering
condition (1.1), we have the following question:
“Classify all hypersurfaces with the non-degenerate second fundamental form
h in Euclidean m-space or Minkowski m-space satisfying the condition
Δh x = Ax + B, A ∈ M at(m, R), B ∈ Rm , (1.2)
where Δ is the 2nd-Laplacian formed with h.”
For the above question, Kaimakamis and Papantoniou [5] proved that the sur-
faces of revolution with space-like axis or time-like axis in Minkowski 3-space
E31 satisfying condition (1.2) with B = 0 are minimal surface, pseudo-sphere
or hyperbolic space in E31 .
In this article, we completely classify surfaces of revolution in Minkowski 3-
space E31 satisfying condition (1.2). Also, it is to complete Kaimakamis and
Papantoniou’s classification of surfaces of revolution in E31 .

2. Preliminaries
Let E31 be Minkowski 3-space with the scalar product of index 1 given by
·, · = −dx20 + dx21 + dx22 , where (x0 , x1 , x2 ) is a standard rectangular coor-
dinate system of E31 . A vector x of E31 is said to be space-like if x, x > 0 or
x = 0, time-like if x, x < 0 and light-like or null if x, x = 0 and x = 0. A
time-like or light-like vector in E31 is said to be causal.
Now, we define a surface of revolution M in Minkowski 3-space E31 .
Let γ : I = (a, b) ⊂ R → Π be a curve in a plane Π of E31 and l a straight
line which does not intersect the curve γ. A surface of revolution M is a non-
degenerate surface revolving the curve γ around the axis l. Depending on the
axis being space-like, time-like or light-like, there are three types of motions.
If the axis l is space-like (resp. time-like), then l is transformed to the x1 -axis
or x2 -axis (resp. x0 -axis) by the Lorentz transformation. Therefore, we may
Vol. 104 (2013) Classification of surfaces of revolution 87

consider the x2 -axis (resp. x0 -axis) as the axis l if it is space-like (resp. time-
like). If the axis is light-like, we may assume that the axis is the line spanned
by the vector (1, 1, 0). Thus we consider the surfaces of revolution in E31 with
space-like, time-like or light-like axis, respectively (cf. [6]).
Case 1 The axis l is space-like.
Suppose that the profile curve γ lies in the x1 x2 -plane or x0 x2 -plane. Then the
curve γ can be represented by γ(u) = (0, f (u), g(u)) or γ(u) = (f (u), 0, g(u))
for some smooth functions f and g on an open interval I = (a, b).
On the other hand, a subgroup of the Lorentz group which fixes the vector
(0, 0, 1) is given by
⎛ ⎞
cosh v sinh v 0
⎝ sinh v cosh v 0 ⎠
0 0 1
for v ∈ R. Hence the surface M can be parameterized by
x(u, v) = (f (u) sinh v, f (u) cosh v, g(u)), f (u) > 0 (2.1)
x(u, v) = (f (u) cosh v, f (u) sinh v, g(u)), f (u) > 0 (2.2)
for v ∈ R.
Case 2 The axis l is time-like.
Without loss of generality, we may assume that the profile curve γ lies in the
x0 x1 -plane and so is given by γ(u) = (g(u), f (u), 0) for some positive function
f = f (u) on an open interval I = (a, b). Since a subgroup of the Lorentz group
which fixes the vector (1, 0, 0) is given by
⎛ ⎞
1 0 0
⎝ 0 cos v − sin v ⎠
0 sin v cos v
for v ∈ R, the surface of revolution M revolving γ around the axis Ox0 can be
written as
x(u, v) = (g(u), f (u) cos v, f (u) sin v)
for v ∈ R.
Case 3 The axis l is light-like.
In this case, we may suppose that the axis l is the line spanned by the vector
(1, 1, 0) and the curve γ lies in the x0 x1 -plane of the form γ(u) = (f (u), g(u), 0),
where f = f (u) is a positive function and g = g(u) is a function satisfying
p(u) = f (u) − g(u) = 0 for all u ∈ I. We notice here that a subgroup of the
Lorentz group which fixes the vector (1, 1, 0) is given by
⎛ 2 2 ⎞
1 + v2 − v2 v
⎝ v2 1 − v2
v −v 1
88 M. Choi et al. J. Geom.

for v ∈ R. The surface of revolution M may be parameterized by

v2 v2
x(u, v) = f (u) + p(u), g(u) + p(u), p(u)v
2 2
for v ∈ R.
Let {x1 , x2 } be a local coordinate system of M . For the components hij (i, j =
1, 2) of the non-degenerate second fundamental form h on M , we denote by
(hij ) (resp. H) the inverse matrix (resp. the determinant) of the matrix (hij ).
By the 2nd-Laplacian Δh of the second fundamental form h on M , we mean
that it is formally defined by (cf. [5])

1 ∂
Δh = −  |H| hij . (2.3)
|H| i,j=1 ∂xi ∂xj

3. Some examples
Before going into the study about surfaces of revolution in Minkowski 3-space
E31 satisfying condition (1.2), let us see some examples of surfaces in E31 .
Example 3.1. (Catenoid of the 1st kind). A catenoid of the 1st kind is param-
eterized by (Fig. 1)
x(u, v) = (u, sinh u cos v, sinh u sin v).
It is a space-like surface of revolution with time-like axis in E31 . We can check
that the 2nd-Laplacian Δh x of x satisfies
⎛ ⎞
0 0 0
Δh x = ⎝ 0 2 0 ⎠ x.
0 0 2
Example 3.2. (Catenoid of the 2nd kind). Let M be a space-like surface of
revolution with space-like axis in E31 with parametrization (Fig. 2)
x(u, v) = (cos u cosh v, cos u sinh v, u).

Figure 1 Catenoid of the 1st kind

Vol. 104 (2013) Classification of surfaces of revolution 89

Figure 2 Catenoid of the 2nd kind

Figure 3 Catenoid of the 3rd kind

It is called a catenoid of the 2nd kind in E31 . We can show that the 2nd-Lapla-
cian Δh x of x is given by
⎛ ⎞
2 0 0
Δh x = ⎝ 0 2 0 ⎠ x.
0 0 0

Example 3.3. (Catenoid of the 3rd kind). A catenoid of the 3rd kind is param-
eterized by (Fig. 3)
x(u, v) = (u, cos u cos v, cos u sin v).
It is a time-like surface of revolution with time-like axis in E31 . Furthermore,
the 2nd-Laplacian Δh x of x satisfies
⎛ ⎞
0 0 0
Δh x = ⎝ 0 2 0 ⎠ x.
0 0 2
Example 3.4. (Catenoid of the 4th kind). Consider a catenoid of the 4th kind
parameterized by (Fig. 4)
x(u, v) = (sinh u cosh v, sinh u sinh v, u).
It is a time-like surface of revolution with space-like axis in E31 . Also, it satisfies
⎛ ⎞
2 0 0
Δh x = ⎝ 0 2 0 ⎠ x.
0 0 0
90 M. Choi et al. J. Geom.

Figure 4 Catenoid of the 4th kind

Figure 5 Catenoid of the 5th kind

Example 3.5. (Catenoid of the 5th kind). Let M be a time-like surface of

revolution with space-like axis in E31 with parametrization (Fig. 5)
x(u, v) = (cosh u sinh v, cosh u cosh v, u).
It is said to be a catenoid of the 5th kind in E31 . We can easily see that the
2nd-Laplacian Δh x of x satisfies
⎛ ⎞
−2 0 0
Δh x = ⎝ 0 −2 0 ⎠ x.
0 0 0

Remark. The catenoids of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th kind are all minimal

Example 3.6. (Pseudo-sphere). A pseudo-sphere S21 (c, r) centered at c =

(0, 0, a) with the radius r given by
S21 (c, r) = {(x0 , x1 , x2 ) ∈ E31 | − x20 + x21 + (x2 − a)2 = r2 }
Vol. 104 (2013) Classification of surfaces of revolution 91

is a totally umbilical time-like surface in E31 . In this case, it is parameterized

x(u, v) = (r sin u sinh v, r sin u cosh v, r cos u + a)
and is a surface of revolution with space-like axis in E31 . On the other hand, it
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
2 0 0 0
1 1
Δh x = ⎝ 0 2 0 ⎠ x + ⎝ 0 ⎠ .
r r
0 0 2 −2a
Example 3.7. (Hyperbolic space). A hyperbolic space centered at c = (a, 0, 0)
with the radius r given by
H2 (c, r) = {(x0 , x1 , x2 ) ∈ E31 | − (x0 − a)2 + x21 + x22 = −r2 }
is a totally umbilical space-like surface. We can give a parametrization by
x(u, v) = (r cosh u + a, r sinh u cos v, r sinh u sin v).
It is a surface of revolution with time-like axis in E31 . Also, it satisfies
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
−2 0 0 2a
1 1
Δh x = ⎝ 0 −2 0 ⎠x + ⎝ 0 ⎠.
r r
0 0 −2 0

4. Surfaces of revolution with space-like axis or time-like axis

In this section, we classify the surfaces of revolution with space-like axis or
time-like axis in E31 satisfying the condition
Δh x = Ax + B, (4.1)
where A = (aij ) ∈ Mat(3, R) (i, j = 1, 2, 3) and B = (b1 , b2 , b3 ) ∈ R .
Let M be a surface of revolution given by (2.1) with space-like axis, that is,
x(u, v) = (f (u) sinh v, f (u) cosh v, g(u)).
We may assume that γ is parameterized by the arc-length, i.e., it satisfies
(f  (u))2 + (g  (u))2 = 1.
Then, the components of the first fundamental form of the surface are given
g11 = 1, g12 = 0, g22 = −f 2 (u).
On the other hand, the unit normal vector field U of M is obtained by
U = (g  sinh v, g  cosh v, −f  ),
from which, the components of the second fundamental form of M are obtained
h11 = f  (u)g  (u) − f  (u)g  (u), h12 = 0, h22 = f (u)g  (u). (4.2)
92 M. Choi et al. J. Geom.

Therefore, using the data described above, the mean curvature H is given by
1 g
H= f  g  − f  g  − . (4.3)
2 f
We put
f  (u) = cos t, g  (u) = sin t
for some smooth function t = t(u). Since the second fundamental form h of M
is non-degenerate, the function t is non-vanishing everywhere. Furthermore,
the mean curvature H given by (4.3) becomes
1 sin t
H= −t − . (4.4)
2 f
By a straightforward computation, the 2nd-Laplacain Δh x of x with the help
of (2.3) and (4.2) turns out to be [5]
Δh x = (Φ1 (t(u)) sinh v, Φ1 (t(u)) cosh v, Ψ1 (t(u))), (4.5)
1 cos t t 2H cos t
Φ1 (t(u)) = − sin t − − + ,
sin t 2t t sin t
sin t t 2H cos t
Ψ1 (t(u)) = cos t − + .
2t t sin t
By the assumption (4.1) and the above Eq. (4.5), we get the following system
of differential equations:
Φ1 (t(u)) sinh v = a11 f sinh v + a12 f cosh v + a13 g + b1 , (4.6)
Φ1 (t(u)) cosh v = a21 f sinh v + a22 f cosh v + a23 g + b2 , (4.7)
Ψ1 (t(u)) = a31 f sinh v + a32 f cosh v + a33 g + b3 . (4.8)
From (4.6), (4.7) and (4.8), we easily deduce that a12 = a21 = a13 = a23 =
a31 = a32 = 0, b1 = b2 = 0 and a11 = a22 , i.e., the matrix A is diagonal. We
put a11 = a22 = λ and a33 = μ, λ, μ ∈ R. Then, the system reduces now to the
following equations
Φ1 (t(u)) = λf, (4.9)
Ψ1 (t(u)) = μg + b3 . (4.10)
We discuss five cases according to the constants λ and μ.
Case 1 λ = μ = 0.
In this case, combining (4.9) and (4.10) we can easily get b3 cos t = 2. So, the
function f  (u) = cos t is a constant. It is a contradiction to the second funda-
mental form to be non-degenerate. Thus, there are no surfaces of revolution
with space-like axis satisfying (4.1).
Case 2 λ = μ = 0.
From (4.9) and (4.10), we obtain
λf sin t − λg cos t = −2 + b3 cos t.
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Differentiating the above equation with respect to u, we have

λf f  + λgg  + b3 g  = 0,
which implies
2 b3
f + g+ = r2
for some constant r. Thus, the surface of revolution satisfies the equation
−x20 + x21 + (x2 + bλ3 )2 = r2 , that is, M is an open piece of the pseudo-sphere
S21 (c, r) centered at c = (0, 0, − br3 ) with radius r on E31 .
Case 3 λ = 0, μ = 0.
In this case, (4.9) and (4.10) imply
−2 − λf sin t + b3 cos t = 0,
from which, by differentiating and using (4.4) we get
b3 t
2H cos t − sin t = 0, (4.11)
or, equivalently
−λ sin t cos t
t = , (4.12)
where P = λf cos t + b3 sin t.
Differentiating Eq. (4.12), we have
λ2 sin t cos t
t = (2λf cos3 t + b3 sin t − 2b3 sin3 t). (4.13)
Substituting (4.12) and (4.13) into (4.10), we get
α2 f 2 + α1 f + α0 = 0, (4.14)
α2 = −2λ2 b3 cos2 t,
α1 = λb3 sin t(sin2 t − 2b3 cos t),
α0 = −b23 sin2 t cos t.
Differentiating Eq. (4.14), we get
β2 f 2 + β1 f + β0 = 0, (4.15)
β2 = −4λ3 b3 cos2 t,
β1 = −λ2 b3 sin t cos t(− cos3 t + sin2 t cos t + 2b3 cos2 t + 2b3 ),
β0 = −2λb23 sin2 t cos2 t(− cos t + b3 ).

From (4.14) and (4.15), we obtain

(α1 β2 − α2 β1 )f + α0 β2 − α2 β0 = 0. (4.16)
94 M. Choi et al. J. Geom.

If we take the differentiation of the above equation once again, we get

γ1 f + γ0 = 0, (4.17)
γ0 = −2λ5 b23 sin t cos2 t(2 cos6 t − cos4 t − 8 sin2 t cos4 t + 4 sin2 t cos2 t
+ 2 sin4 t cos2 t − 4 sin2 t + 8 sin4 t + 2b3 cos5 t + 12b3 sin2 t cos3 t
−2b3 cos3 t − 6b3 sin2 t cos t),
γ1 = 2λ4 b33 sin2 cos3 t(−9 cos4 t + 3 sin2 t cos2 t + cos t + 4 sin2 t
+ 4b3 cos3 t − 6b3 sin2 t cos t).
Thus, (4.16) and (4.17) yield
(α0 β2 − α2 β0 )γ1 − (α1 β2 − α2 β1 )γ0 = 0.
By a long computation, the above equation becomes
4λ4 b53 sin3 t cos5 t(−24b3 sin2 t cos5 t − 4b3 sin2 t cos t + 4 sin2 t cos6 t
− 2b3 sin4 t cos3 t + 12b23 sin2 t cos4 t + 6b3 sin2 cos3 t − sin4 t cos4 t
+ sin2 t cos3 t + 2 sin2 t cos t + 5 cos8 t − 12b23 cos4 t + 12b23 cos6 t
+ 4b3 sin4 t cos t − 2b3 cos2 t − 14 sin2 t cos4 t + 4b3 cos3 t + 16b3 cos5 t
− 10 sin4 t cos2 t − 22b3 cos7 t + 2b3 cos4 t + 8 sin2 t − 2 cos6 t + 2 cos4 t
− 8 sin4 t − cos5 t) = 0.
Therefore, we have b3 = 0 because λ = 0. In this case, from (4.11) the mean
curvature H vanishes identically, that is, M is minimal. Thus, M is an open
piece of the catenoid of the 5th kind as time-like surface according to [8].
Case 4 λ = 0, μ = 0.
The system of Eqs. (4.9) and (4.10), in this case, takes the form
Φ1 (t(u)) = 0,
Ψ1 (t(u)) = μg + b3 . (4.18)
It follows −2 + μg cos t + b3 cos t = 0 and by differentiating we have
μ cos t −2μ2 sin t cos t
t = , t = .
μg + b3 (μg + b3 )2
From which, the first equation of (4.18) becomes
sin t
μf = .
1 − 12 cos2 t
If we differentiate once again, we have cos2 t = 1, a contradiction. Thus, in
this case, there are no surfaces of revolution satisfying (4.1).
Case 5 λ = 0, μ = 0 and λ = μ.
From (4.9) and (4.10), we have
λf sin t − μg cos t − b3 cos t = −2.
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Differentiating the above equation, we obtain

(μ − λ) sin t cos t
t = ,
2 3
((2μ − λ) sin2 t + (2λ − μ) cos2 t)t + 2t
t = , (4.19)
(λ − μ) sin t cos t
where Q = λf cos t + μg sin t + b3 sin t.
Substituting (4.19) into (4.9) and (4.10), we can easily find
Q cos t 2ν sin t cos t
+ − 2λνf sin t + 3λ − 2μ = 0, (4.20)
f Q
Q cos t 2ν sin t cos t
+ − 2ν(μg + b3 ) cos t − λ + 2μ = 0, (4.21)
f Q
where ν = μ − λ. By using μg cos t = λf sin t − b3 cos t + 2, we show that
Eq. (4.20) is equivalent to Eq. (4.21). Multiplying Qf cos t to (4.20), we have
the following algebraic equation
δ3 f 3 + δ2 f 2 + δ1 f + δ0 = 0,
δ3 = λ2 ν sin t, δ2 = λ(ν − λ + 2ν sin2 t),
δ1 = (ν − 3λ + ν sin2 t) sin t, δ0 = −2 sin2 t.
By [5, p. 87], we can show that either λ = μ or λ = 0 or μ = 0, a con-
tradiction. Therefore, there are no surfaces of revolution with space-like axis
satisfying (4.1).
Now, let us consider a surface of revolution M given by (2.2) with space-like
axis, that is,
x(u, v) = (f (u) cosh v, f (u) sinh v, g(u)).
We may assume that the parameter u is the arc-length of the profile curve
2 2
γ(u) = (f (u), 0, g(u)), that is, it satisfies −f  + g  = −ε(= ±1).
In this case, the components of the first and the second fundamental form of
M are given by, respectively
g11 = −ε, g12 = 0, g22 = f 2 (u),
h11 = −f (u)g (u) + f (u)g  (u),
h12 = 0, h22 = −f (u)g  (u).
Using the same method as above, we have the following:
If ε = −1, M is an open part of the hyperbolic space H2 (c, r) centered at
c = (0, 0, − br3 ) with radius r, or minimal surface, i.e., it is an open part of the
catenoid of the 2nd kind as space-like surface according to [8].
If ε = 1, M is an open part of the pseudo-sphere S21 (c, r) centered at c =
(0, 0, − br3 ) with radius r, or minimal surface, i.e., it is an open part of the
catenoid of the 4th kind as time-like surface.
Consequently, we have
96 M. Choi et al. J. Geom.

Theorem 4.1. Let M be a surface of revolution with space-like axis in Minkow-

ski 3-space. Then, it satisfies the condition Δh x = Ax + B for some constant
matrix A ∈ M at(3, R) and some constant vector B ∈ R if and only if one of
the the following statements holds:
1. M is an open piece of the catenoid of the 2nd kind, the 4th kind or the
5th kind.
2. M is an open piece of the pseudo-sphere S21 (c, r) for a constant vector c
and r > 0.
3. M is an open piece of the hyperbolic space H2 (c, r) for a constant vector
c and r > 0.
Let M be a surface of revolution with time-like axis given by
x(u, v) = (g(u), f (u) cos v, f (u) sin v)
for v ∈ R. We assume that the profile curve γ(u) = (g(u), f (u), 0) in the x0 x1 -
2 2
plane is of unit speed, that is, it satisfies −g  + f  = −ε(= ±1). Then the
natural frame {xu , xv } is given by
xu = (g  (u), f  (u) cos v, f  (u) sin v),
xv = (0, −f (u) sin v, f (u) cos v),
and the unit normal vector field U is obtained by
U = −(f  (u), g  (u) cos v, g  (u) sin v).
Thus, the components of the first and the second fundamental form of M are
given by, respectively
g11 = −ε, g12 = 0, g22 = f 2 (u),
h11 = f  (u)g  (u) − f  (u)g  (u), h12 = 0, h22 = f (u)g  (u).
First of all, we consider the case:
2 2
f  − g  = −1. (4.22)
In this case, the mean curvature H is given by
1     g
H= f g −f g + . (4.23)
2 f
From (4.22), we may put
f  (u) = sinh t, g  (u) = cosh t
for some smooth function t = t(u). Since the second fundamental form h of
M is non-degenerate, the function t is non-vanishing everywhere. Then, the
mean curvature H given by (4.23) becomes
1  cosh t
H= t + .
2 f
On the other hand, the 2nd-Laplacain Δh x is given by [5]
Δh x = (Ψ2 (t(u)), Φ2 (t(u)) cos v, Φ2 (t(u)) sin v), (4.24)
Vol. 104 (2013) Classification of surfaces of revolution 97

1 sinh t t 2H sinh t
Φ2 (t(u)) = cosh t + + − + ,
cosh t 2t t cosh t
cosh t t 2H sinh t
Ψ2 (t(u)) = sinh t + − + .
2t t cosh t
Suppose that the surface M satisfies Eq. (4.1). Then from (4.24), we obtain
the following system of ordinary differential equations:
Ψ2 (t(u)) = a11 g + a12 f cos v + a13 f sin v + b1 ,
Φ2 (t(u)) cos v = a21 g + a22 f cos v + a23 f sin v + b2 ,
Φ2 (t(u)) sin v = a31 g + a32 f cos v + a33 f sin v + b3 ,
which imply a12 = a21 = a13 = a23 = a31 = a32 = 0, b2 = b3 = 0 and
a22 = a33 . We put a22 = a33 = λ and a11 = μ. Then, the above system
Ψ2 (t(u)) = μg + b1 , (4.25)
Φ2 (t(u)) = λf. (4.26)
In order to solve the system, we split it into five cases according to the con-
stants λ and μ.
Case 1 λ = μ = 0.
From the above system of ODEs, we obtain b1 sinh t = 2. From this, the func-
tion f  (u) = sinh t is a constant. It is a contradiction to the fact that M has
the non-degenerate second fundamental form. Thus, there are no surfaces of
revolution with time-like axis satisfying (4.1).
Case 2 λ = μ = 0.
From (4.25) and (4.26), we obtain
λf cosh t − λg sinh t = 2 + b1 sinh t.
Differentiating the above equation with respect to u, we have
(λf sinh t − λg cosh t − b1 cosh t)t = 0
or, equivalently
f f  − gg  − g = 0.
It follows
2 b1
f − g− = r2
for some constant r. Thus, M is an open part of a pseudo-sphere S21 (c, r)
centered at c = ( br1 , 0, 0) with radius r on E31 .
Case 3 λ = 0, μ = 0.
By combining (4.25) and (4.26), we get
2 − λf cosh t + b1 sinh t = 0.
98 M. Choi et al. J. Geom.

If we take the differentiation of the above equation, then we obtain

b1 cosh t 
2H sinh t − t = 0, (4.27)
that is,
−λ sinh t cosh t
t = , (4.28)
where R = λf sinh t − b1 cosh t.
By differentiating Eq. (4.28), we get
λ2 sinh t cosh t
t = (2λf sinh3 t − b1 cosh t − 2b1 cosh3 t). (4.29)
Substituting (4.28) and (4.29) into (4.25), we have
η2 f 2 + η1 f + η0 = 0,
η2 = −2λ2 b1 sinh2 t,
η1 = λb1 cosh t(− cosh2 t + 2b1 sinh t),
η0 = −b21 sinh t cosh2 t.
By using the same as that of Case 3 in Theorem 4.1, we can also obtain
b1 = 0,
which implies from (4.27) that the mean curvature H vanishes identically, i.e.,
the surface is minimal. Thus, M is an open part of the catenoid of the 3rd
kind as time-like surface.
Case 4 λ = 0, μ = 0.
From the system of Eqs. (4.25) and (4.26), we have
Ψ2 (t(u)) = μg + b1 ,
Φ2 (t(u)) = 0. (4.30)
From (4.30), we have 2 + μg sinh t + b1 sinh t = 0, it follows
μ sinh t 2μ2 sinh t cosh t
t = − , t = .
μg + b1 (μg + b1 )2
Therefore, the second equation of (4.30) becomes
cosh t
μf = − .
1 + 12 sinh2 t
By differentiating the above equation, cosh2 t = 0, i.e., g  = 0. It is a con-
tradiction. Thus, in this case, there are no surfaces of revolution satisfying
Case 5 λ = 0, μ = 0 and λ = μ.
From (4.25) and (4.26), we have
λf cosh t − μg sinh t − b1 sinh t = 2. (4.31)
Vol. 104 (2013) Classification of surfaces of revolution 99

Differentiating the above equation, we obtain

(μ − λ) sinh t cosh t
t = ,
2 3
((2λ − μ) sinh2 t + (λ − 2μ) cosh2 t)t + 2t
t = , (4.32)
(λ − μ) sinh t cosh t

where S = λf sinh t − μg cosh t − b1 cosh t.

Substituting (4.32) into (4.25) and (4.26), we can obtain the following equa-
S sinh t 2ν sinh t cosh t
+ − 2ν(μg + b1 ) sinh t + λ − 2μ = 0,
f S
S sinh t 2ν sinh t cosh t
+ − 2λνf cosh t − 3λ + 2μ = 0, (4.33)
f S

where ν = μ − λ.
By multiplying Sf sinh t to (4.33) and using (4.31), we get

ξ3 f 3 + ξ2 f 2 + ξ1 f + ξ0 = 0,


ξ3 = λ2 ν cosh t, ξ2 = λ(λ − ν − 2ν cosh2 t),

ξ1 = (ν − 3λ + ν cosh2 t) cosh t, ξ0 = −2 cosh2 t.

By [5, p.91], we conclude that either λ = μ or λ = 0 or μ = 0, a contradiction.

Therefore, there are no surfaces of revolution satisfying (4.1) in this case.
Lastly, we consider ε = −1, that is, M is a space-like surface. Quite similarly
as before, we can show that M is an open part of the hyperbolic space H2 (c, r)
centered at c = ( br1 , 0, 0) with radius r, or the catenoid of the 1st kind as
space-like surface.
Consequently, we have
Theorem 4.2. Let M be a surface of revolution with time-like axis in Minkow-
ski 3-space. Then, M satisfies the condition Δh x = Ax + B for some constant
matrix A ∈ M at(3, R) and some constant vector B ∈ R if and only if one of
the following statements holds:

1. M is an open piece of the catenoid of the 1st kind or the 3rd kind.

2. M is an open piece of a pseudo-sphere S21 (c, r) for a constant vector c

and r > 0.

3. M is an open piece of a hyperbolic space H2 (c, r) for a constant vector c

and r > 0.
100 M. Choi et al. J. Geom.

5. Surfaces of revolution with light-like axis

Let M be a non-degenerate surface of revolution with light-like axis in E31
parameterized by
v2 v2
x(u, v) = (f (u) + p(u), g(u) + p(u), p(u)v), (5.1)
2 2
where p(u) = f (u) − g(u) = 0. Since M is non-degenerate, −f  (u)2 + g  (u)2
never vanish and thus p (u) = f  (u) − g  (u) = 0 everywhere. We may take the
parameter in such a way that
p(u) = −2u.
Let k(u) = f (u)+u. Then, the functions f and g in the definition of the profile
curve γ look like
f (u) = k(u) − u, g(u) = k(u) + u.
Thus, (5.1) can be rewritten as the form [6]:
x(u, v) = (k(u) − u − uv 2 , k(u) + u − uv 2 , −2uv).
Using the natural frame {xu , xv } of M , the components of the first fundamen-
tal form of the surface are
g11 = 4k  (u), g12 = 0, g22 = 4u2 .
It follows that the unit normal vector field U of M is given by
U=  (uk  (u) + u + uv 2 , uk  (u) − u + uv 2 , 2uv).
2 u |k  (u)|

From this, the components of the second fundamental form h are

−uk  (u) 2u2
h11 =  , h12 = 0, h22 =  .
u2 |k  (u)| u2 |k  (u)|
Since the second fundamental form h of M is non-degenerate, we get
uk  (u)
= 0.
k  (u)
If M is a space-like surface, that is, k  (u) > 0. By a direct computation, the
2nd-Laplacian Δh x of an isometric immersion x is obtained by

h k  (u)(k  (u) − uk  (u)) 
Δ x= k (u) − 1 − v 2 , k  (u) + 1 − v 2 , −2v
2uk  (u)2

+2 k  (u) (1, 1, 0). (5.2)
Suppose M satisfies the Eq. (4.1), that is, Δh x = Ax + B for some matrix
A = (aij ) and constant vector B. Then, (4.1) and (5.2) give the following
Vol. 104 (2013) Classification of surfaces of revolution 101

k  (u)(k  (u) − uk  (u))  
k (u) − 1 − v 2 + 2 k  (u)
2uk (u)
= a11 (k(u) − u − uv 2 ) + a12 (k(u) + u − uv 2 ) − 2a13 uv + b1 , (5.3)

k  (u)(k  (u) − uk  (u))  
k (u) + 1 − v 2 + 2 k  (u)
2uk (u)
= a21 (k(u) − u − uv 2 ) + a22 (k(u) + u − uv 2 ) − 2a23 uv + b2 , (5.4)

k  (u)(k  (u) − uk  (u))v

uk  (u)2
= a31 (k(u) − u − uv 2 ) + a32 (k(u) + u − uv 2 ) − 2a33 uv + b3 . (5.5)
Combining (5.3) and (5.4), we have

k  (u)(k  (u) − uk  (u))
− = (a11 + a12 − a21 − a22 )k(u)
uk  (u)2
− (a11 − a12 − a21 + a22 )u − (a11 + a12 − a21 − a22 )uv 2
− 2(a13 − a23 )uv + b1 − b2 . (5.6)
Since Eq. (5.6) is a polynomial in v with functions of u as the coefficients, we
a11 + a12 − a21 − a22 = 0, a13 − a23 = 0. (5.7)
From (5.7), Eq. (5.6) reduces now to the following equation

k  (u)(k  (u) − uk  (u))
= (a11 − a12 − a21 + a22 )u + b1 − b2 . (5.8)
uk  (u)2
Combining (5.5) and (5.8), we have
(−a11 + a12 + a21 − a22 )uv − (b1 − b2 )v
= (a31 + a32 )(k(u) − uv 2 ) + (−a31 + a32 )u − 2a33 uv − b3 . (5.9)
Since Eq. (5.9) is a polynomial with respect to v, we find
a31 + a32 = 0, −a31 + a32 = 0, a11 − a12 − a21 + a22 = 2a33 , b1 = b2 , b3 = 0,
which imply a31 = a32 = 0. Thus, Eq. (5.8) can be reduced as

k  (u)(k  (u) − uk  (u))
= 2a33 u. (5.10)
uk  (u)2
By adding (5.3) and (5.4), we obtain

k  (u)(k  (u) − uk  (u))  
(k (u) − v 2 ) + 4 k  (u)
uk (u)
= 2(a11 + a12 )(k(u) − uv 2 ) − (a11 − a12 + a21 − a22 )u
− 4a13 uv + 2b1 . (5.11)
From this, we get

k  (u)(k  (u) − uk  (u))
= 2(a11 + a12 )u, a13 = 0. (5.12)
uk  (u)2
102 M. Choi et al. J. Geom.

By (5.10) and (5.12), a11 + a12 = a33 . From the above equations involving aij ,
the matrix A has the form as the following:
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
a11 a12 0 b1
A = ⎝ −a12 a22 0 ⎠ , B = ⎝ b1 ⎠ ,
0 0 a33 0
where a11 + a12 = −a12 + a22 = a33 .
On the other hand, Eq. (5.11) with the help of (5.10) becomes

a33 uk  (u) + 2 k  (u) = a33 k(u) + 2a12 u + 2b1 . (5.13)
Thus, from (5.10) and (5.13) we have the system of differential equations as
k (u)(k (u)−uk (u))
uk (u)2 = 2a33 u, (5.14)
a33 uk  (u) + 2 k  (u) = a33 k(u) + 2a12 u + 2b1 ,
where a11 + a12 = a33 .
On the other hand, differentiating the second equation of (5.14) with respect
to u gives
k  (u)
a33 uk  (u) +  = 2a12 . (5.15)
k  (u)
Now, we deal with (5.14) and (5.15) according to three cases concerning the
constants a12 and a33 .
Case 1 a33 = 0. In this case, from the first equation in (5.14) and (5.15), we

k  (u)(k  (u) − uk  (u)) k  (u)
= 0,  = 2a12 . (5.16)
uk  (u)2 k  (u)
Since the second fundamental form is non-degenerate, k  (u) = 0. Hence, a
general solution k(u) of (5.16) is given by
k(u) = λ2 u3 + c,
where λ = a12 = 0 and c is a constant of integration. Substituting the function
k(u) to in the second equation of (5.14), we can easily obtain b1 = 0 and so
B = 0. Also, the matrix A becomes
⎛ ⎞
−λ λ 0
⎝ −λ λ 0 ⎠ .
0 0 0
Consequently, the surface M is parameterized by
1 2 3 1
x(u, v) = λ u − u − uv 2 + c, λ2 u3 + u − uv 2 + c, −2uv (5.17)
3 3
for some constants λ = 0 and c (Fig. 6).
Case 2 a33 = 0 and a12 = 0.
Vol. 104 (2013) Classification of surfaces of revolution 103

In this case, combining the first equation in (5.14) and (5.15) we get the fol-
lowing ODE:
k  (u) − 2a233 u2 k  (u)2 −
k (u) = 0,
from which, the general solution of the equation is given by
k(u) = − + c,
μ2 u
where μ = a33 and c is a constant of integration. Substituting the solution k(u)
in the second equation in (5.14), we have b1 = − 21 μc and B = − 21 μc(1, 1, 0).
Also, the matrix A reduces to μI3 , where I3 denotes the identity matrix of
degree 3. Thus, M is parameterized by
1 1
x(u, v) = − 2 − u − uv 2 + c, − 2 + u − uv 2 + c, −2uv (5.18)
μ u μ u
for some constants μ = 0 and c (Fig. 7).
Case 3 a33 = 0 and a12 = 0.
In this case, combining the first equation in (5.14) and (5.15) yields
k (u) + 4a12 a33 u − k  (u) = 2a233 u2 k  (u)2 . (5.19)
From this, k  (u) is given by
4a212 u
k  (u) = .
2a12 a33 u2 + 1
It follows that the general solution k(u) of (5.19) can be given by
a12  a33 2 1 
k(u) = 
ln  u + 2  du + c1 u + c2 , (5.20)
a33 2a12 4a12

Figure 6 Surface given by (5.17)

Figure 7 Surface given by (5.18)

104 M. Choi et al. J. Geom.

where c1 and c2 are constants of integration. Thus, M is parameterized by

x(u, v) = (k(u) − u − uv 2 , k(u) + u − uv 2 , −2uv), (5.21)

where k(u) is the function defined by (5.20) (Figs. 8, 9).

Similarly, we have the same conclusion as in case of time-like surface, that is,
k  (u) < 0.
Consequently, we have
Theorem 5.1. Let M be a surface of revolution with light-like axis in Minkow-
ski 3-space satisfying the condition Δh x = Ax + B for some constant matrix
A ∈ M at(3, R) and some constant vector B ∈ R. Then M is an open part of
the surface of revolution given by (5.17), (5.18) or (5.21).
Theorem 5.2. (Classification) Let M be a surface of revolution with the non-
degenerate second fundamental form h in Minkowski 3-space E31 satisfying the
condition Δh x = Ax + B for a matrix A ∈ M at(3, R) and a vector B ∈ R.
Then, M is one of the following:

Figure 8 Surface given by (5.21)

Figure 9 Graph of k(u) given by (5.20)

Vol. 104 (2013) Classification of surfaces of revolution 105

1. M is an open piece of a catenoid of the 1st kind, the 2nd kind, the 3rd
kind, the 4th kind or the 5th kind.
2. M is an open piece of a pseudo-sphere S21 (c, r) for some constant vector
c and r > 0.
3. M is an open piece of a hyperbolic space H2 (c, r) for some constant vector
c and r > 0.
4. M is open piece of the surface given by (5.17), (5.18) or (5.21).

Combining Theorem 4.1, Theorem 4.2 and the result of [1,8], we have
Theorem 5.3. Let x : M → E31 be an isometric immersion of a surface of
revolution with the non-degenerate second fundamental form h in E31 , whose
axis is space-like or time-like. Then, the following are equivalent:

1. Δx = Ax + B for a matrix A ∈ M at(3, R) and a vector B ∈ R3 .

2. Δh x = Ax + B for a matrix A ∈ M at(3, R) and a vector B ∈ R3 .
3. M is an open piece of a catenoid of the 1st kind, the 2nd kind, the 3rd
kind, the 4th kind or the 5th kind.
4. M is an open piece of a pseudo-sphere S21 (c, r) for a constant vector c
and r > 0.
5. M is an open piece of a hyperbolic space H2 (c, r) for a constant vector c
and r > 0.

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106 M. Choi et al. J. Geom.

Miekyung Choi
Department of Mathematics Education and RINS
Gyeongsang National University
Jinju 660-701, Korea
e-mail: [email protected]

Young Ho Kim
Department of Mathematics Education
Kyungpook National University
Taegu 702-701, Korea
e-mail: [email protected]

Dae Won Yoon

Department of Mathematics Education and RINS
Gyeongsang National University
Jinju 660-701, Korea
e-mail: [email protected]

Received: 14 February 2012.

Revised: 31 January 2013.

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