Dalang SLC
Dalang SLC
Dalang SLC
Robert C. Dalang1
Abstract. These notes give an overview of recent results concerning the non-linear
stochastic wave equation in spatial dimensions d ≥ 1, in the case where the driving
noise is Gaussian, spatially homogeneous and white in time. We mainly address issues
of existence, uniqueness and Hölder-Sobolev regularity. We also present an extension
of Walsh’s theory of stochastic integration with respect to martingale measures that
is useful for spatial dimensions d ≥ 3.
Key words and phrases. Stochastic partial differential equations, sample path
regularity, spatially homogeneous random noise, wave equation.
MSC 2000 Subject Classifications. Primary 60H15; Secondary 60J45, 35R60,
Partially supported by the Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research.
1 Introduction
The stochastic wave equation is one of the fundamental stochastic partial differential
equations (s.p.d.e.’s), of hyperbolic type. The behavior of its solutions is signifi-
cantly different from those of solutions to other s.p.d.e.’s, such as the stochastic heat
equation. In this introductory section, we present two real-world examples that can
motivate the study of this equation, even though in neither case is the mathematical
technology sufficiently developed to answer the main questions of interest. It is how-
ever pleasant to have such examples in order to motivate the development of rigorous
A DNA molecule can be view as a long elastic string, whose length is essentially
infinitely long compared to its diameter. We can describe the position of the string
by using a parameterization defined on R+ × [0, 1] with values in R3 :
u1 (t, x)
~u(t, x) = u2 (t, x)
u3 (t, x)
Here, ~u(t, x) is the position at time t of the point labelled x on the string, where
x ∈ [0, 1] represents the distance from this point to one extremity of the string if the
string were straightened out. The unit of length is chosen so that the entire string
has length 1.
A DNA molecule typically “floats” in a fluid, so it is constantly in motion, just
as a particle of pollen floating in a fluid moves according to Brownian motion. The
motion of the particle can be described by Newton’s law of motion, which equates the
sum of forces acting on the string with the product of the mass and the acceleration.
Let µ = 1 be the mass of the string per unit length. The acceleration at position x
along the string, at time t, is
∂ 2~u
(t, x),
and the forces acting on the string are mainly of three kinds: elastic forces F~1 , which
include torsion forces, friction due to viscosity of the fluid F~2 , and random impulses
F~3 due the the impacts on the string of the fluid’s molecules. Newton’s equation of
motion can therefore be written
∂ 2~u
1· = F~1 − F~2 + F~3 .
This is a rather complicated system of three stochastic partial differential equa-
tions, and it is not even clear how to write down the torsion forces or the friction term.
Elastic forces are generally related to the second derivative in the spatial variable,
and the molecular forces are reasonably modelled by a stochastic noise term.
The simplest 1-dimensional equation related to this problem, in which one only
considers vertical displacement and forgets about torsion, is the following one, in
which u(t, x) is now scalar valued:
∂2u ∂2u Z 1
(t, x) = (t, x) − k(x, y) u(t, y) dy + Ḟ (t, x), (1.1)
∂t2 ∂x2 0
where the first term on the right hand side represents the elastic forces, the second
term is a (non-local) friction term, and the third term Ḟ (t, y) is a Gaussian noise,
with spatial correlation k(·, ·), that is,
where δ0 denotes the Dirac delta function. The function k(·, ·) is the same in the
friction term and in the correlation.
Why is the motion of a DNA strand of biological interest? When a DNA strand
moves around and two normally distant parts of the string get close enough together,
it can happen that a biological event occurs: for instance, an enzyme may be released.
Therefore, some biological events are related to the motion of the DNA string. Some
mathematical results for equation (1.1) can be found in [18]. Some of the biological
motivation can be found in [7].
The study of the internal structure of the sun is an active area of research. One
important international project is known as Project SOHO [8]. Its objective was to
use measurements of the motion of the sun’s surface to obtain information about the
internal structure of the sun. Indeed, the sun’s surface moves in a rather complex
manner: at any given time, any point on the surface is typically moving towards or
away from the center. There are also waves going around the surface, as well as shock
waves propagating through the sun itself, which cause the surface to pulsate.
A question of interest to solar geophysicists is to determine the origin of these
shock waves. One school of thought is that they are due to turbulence, but the
location and intensities of the shocks are unknown, so a probabilistic model can be
A model that was proposed by P. Stark of U.C. Berkeley is that the main source
of shocks is located in a spherical zone inside the sun, which is assumed to be a ball
of radius R. Assuming that the shocks are randomly located on this sphere, the
equation for the pressure variations throughout the sun would be
! !
~ · 1 ~ ~ · F~ (t, x) ,
(t, x) = c2 (x) ρ0 (x) ∇ ∇u − ∇ (1.2)
∂t ρ0 (x)
where x ∈ B(0, R), the ball centered at the origin with radius R, c2 (x) is the speed of
wave propagation at position x, ρ0 (x) is the density at position x and F~ (t, x) models
the shock that originates at time t and position x.
A model for F~ that corresponds to the description of the situation would be 3-
dimensional Gaussian noise concentrated on the sphere ∂B(0, r), where 0 < r < R.
A possible choice of the spatial correlation for the components of F~ would be
δ(t − s) f (x · y),
We consider first the case of an equation with constant coefficients. Let L be a
partial differential operator with constant coefficients. A basic example is the wave
Lf = 2 − ∆f.
Then there is a (Schwartz) distribution G ∈ S 0 (R+ × Rd ) such that the solution of
the p.d.e.
L u = ϕ, ϕ ∈ S(Rd ),
∗ ϕ
u = G (t,x)
where ∗
(t,x) denotes convolution in the (t, x)-variables. We recall that S(Rd ) denotes
the space of smooth test functions with rapid decrease, and S 0 (R+ × Rd ) denotes the
space of tempered distributions [13].
When G is a function, this convolution can be written
u(t, x) = G(t − s, x − y) ϕ(s, y) ds dy.
R+ ×Rd
∂2f ∂f ∂2f
Lf = 2 + 2c(t, x) + 2 (d = 1),
∂t ∂t ∂x
the Green’s function has the form G(t, x ; s, y) and the solution of
Lu = ϕ
Example 2.2 The wave equation. The partial differential operator is
Lu = − ∆u.
The form of the Green’s function depends on the dimension d. We refer to [16] for
d ∈ {1, 2, 3} and to [6] for d > 3. For d = 1, it is
G(t, x) = 1{|x|<t} ,
which is a bounded but discontinuous function. For d = 2, it is
1 1
G(t, x) = √ q 1{|x|<t} .
2π t2 − |x|2
and for d odd, let σtd (dx) be the uniform surface measure on ∂B(0, t) with total mass
td−1 . Then for d odd, G(t, x) can formally be written
!N (d)
1 ∂
G(t, x) = cd ds,
s ∂s s
Existence and uniqueness of the solution to the stochastic wave equation in spatial
dimension 1 is covered in [17, Exercise 3.7 p.323]. It is a good exercise that we leave
to the reader.
Problem 1. Establish existence and uniqueness of the solution to the non-linear wave
equation on [0, t] × R, driven by space-time white noise :
∂2u ∂2u
− 2 = σ(u(t, x)) Ẇ (t, x)
∂t2 ∂x
with initial conditions
u(0, ·) =
(0, ·) ≡ 0.
The solution uses the following standard steps, which also appear in the study of the
semilinear stochastic heat equation (see [17] and [9]):
- define the Picard iteration scheme;
- establish L2 -convergence using Gronwall’s lemma;
- show existence of higher moments of the solution, using Burkholder’s inequality
E(|Mt |p ) ≤ cp E(hM it ); (2.3)
Problem 2. Let G be the Green’s function of the wave equation, as defined in Example
2.2. For d = 1 and d = 2, check that
Z t Z
u(t, x) = ds dy G(t − s, x − y) ϕ(s, y)
0 Rd
(t, x) − ∆u(t, x) = ϕ(t, x).
Having solved the non-linear stochastic wave equation driven by space-time white
noise in dimension d = 1, it is tempting to attempt the same thing in dimension
d = 2. We are going to show that there is a fundamental obstacle to doing this.
To this end, consider the linear case, that is, σ ≡ 1 and b ≡ 0. The mild solution
given in (2.2) is not an equation in this case, but a formula:
u(t, x) = G(t − s, x − y) W (ds, dy)
1 1
= √ q 1{|y−x| <t−s} W (ds, dy),
[0,t]×R2 2π (t − s)2 − |y − x|2
= +∞.
In particular, there is no mild solution to the wave equation (2.2) when d = 2.
There have been some attemps at overcoming this problem [11], but as yet, there
is no fully satisfactory approach to studying non-linear forms of the stochastic wave
or heat equations driven by space-time white noise in dimensions d ≥ 2.
A different tack is to consider spatially homogeneous noise, which we introduce
3 Spatially homogeneous Gaussian noise
Let Γ be a non-negative and non-negative definite tempered measure on Rd , so that
Γ(dx) ≥ 0, Z
Γ(dx) (ϕ ∗ ϕ̃)(x) ≥ 0, for all ϕ ∈ S(Rd ),
where ϕ̃(x) = ϕ(−x), and there exists r > 0 such that
Γ(dx) < ∞.
Rd (1 + |x|2 )r
According to the Bochner-Schwartz theorem [13], there is a nonnegative measure
µ on Rd whose Fourier transform is Γ: we write Γ = Fµ. By definition, this means
that for all ϕ ∈ S(Rd ),
Γ(dx) ϕ(x) = µ(dη) Fϕ(η) .
Rd Rd
where η · x denotes the Euclidean inner product. The measure µ is called the spectral
Definition 3.1 A spatially homogeneous Gaussian noise that is white in time is an
L2 (Ω, F, P )−valued mean zero Gaussian process
F (ϕ), ϕ ∈ C0∞ (R1+d )
such that
E(F (ϕ) F (ψ)) = J(ϕ, ψ),
where Z Z
J(ϕ, ψ) = ds Γ(dx) (ϕ(s, ·) ∗ ψ̃(s, ·))(x).
R+ Rd
In the case where the covariance measure Γ has a density, so that Γ(dx) = f (x) dx,
then it is immediate to check that J(ϕ, ψ) can be written as follows:
J(ϕ, ψ) = ds dx dy ϕ(s, x) f (x − y) ψ(s, y).
R+ Rd Rd
Using the fact that the Fourier transform of a convolution is the product of the Fourier
transforms, this can also be written
J(ϕ, ψ) = ds µ(dη) Fϕ(s)(η) Fψ(s)(η).
R+ Rd
Example 3.2 (a) If Γ(dx) = δ0 (x), where δ0 denotes the Dirac delta function, then
the associated spatially homogeneous Gaussian noise is simply space-time white noise.
(b) Fix 0 < β < d and let
Γβ (dx) = β .
One can check [15, Chapter 5] that Γβ = Fµβ , with
µβ (dη) = cd,β .
We point out that if β ↑ d, then the spatially homogeneous Gaussain noise Fβ with
the covariance measure Γβ converges weakly to space-time white noise. Indeed, the
spectral measure µβ converges weakly to a multiple of Lebesgue measure on Rd , which
is the spectral measure of space-time white noise, since F(dη) = δ0 .
where the stochastic integral on the right-hand side is Walsh’s martingale measure
stochastic integral.
The underlying filtration (F t , t ≥ 0) associated with this martingale measure is
given by
F t = σ Ms (A), s ≤ t, A ∈ Bb (Rd ) ∨ N , t ≥ 0,
where N is the σ-field generated by all P -null sets.
4 The wave equation in spatial dimension 2
We shall consider the following form of the stochastic wave equation in spatial di-
mension d = 2:
− ∆u (t, x) = σ(u(t, x)) Ḟ (t, x), (t, x) ∈ ]0, T ] × R2 , (4.1)
A first step is to examine the linear equation, which corresponds to the case where
σ ≡ 1:
− ∆u (t, x) = Ḟ (t, x), (4.3)
with vanishing initial conditions. The mild solution should be
u(t, x) = G(t − s, x − y) M (ds, dy).
We know that the stochastic integral on the right-hand side is not defined for space-
time white noise, so let us determine for which spatially homogeneous Gaussian noises
it is well-defined. This is the case if
Z t Z Z
ds dy dz G(t − s, x − y) f (y − z) G(t − s, x − z) < +∞,
0 R2 R2
or, equivalently, if Z t Z
ds µ(dη) |FG(s)(η)|2 < +∞. (4.4)
0 R2
Calculation of FG
In principle, the Green’s function of a p.d.e. solves the same p.d.e. with δ(0,0) (t, x) =
δ0 (t) δ0 (x) as right-hand side :
− ∆G = δ0 (t) δ0 (x). (4.5)
For fixed t > 0, the right-hand side vanishes. We shall take the Fourier transform in
x on both sides of this equation, but first, we observe that since
FG(t)(ξ) = Ĝ(t)(ξ) = ei ξ·x G(t, x) dx,
it is clear that
∂ 2 G(t) ∂ 2 Ĝ(t)
F (ξ) = (ξ),
∂t ∂t2
and, using integration by parts, that
F(∆G(t)) = ei ξ·x ∆G(t, x) dx
= ∆(ei ξ·x ) G(t, x) dx
= −|ξ|2 FG(t) (ξ).
∂ 2 Ĝ(t)
(ξ) + |ξ|2 Ĝ(t) (ξ) = δ0 (t).
For fixed ξ, the solution to the associated homogeneous ordinary differential equation
in t is
sin(t|ξ|) cos(t|ξ|)
Ĝ(t)(ξ) = a(ξ) + b(ξ) .
|ξ| |ξ|
The solution that we seek [16, Chapter I, Section 4] is the one such that Ĝ(0)(ξ) = 0
and dĜ(0)
(ξ) = 1, so we conclude that for t ≥ 0 and ξ ∈ R2 ,
FG(t) (ξ) = . (4.6)
Condition (4.4) for existence of a mild solution on [0, T ] to the linear wave equation
(4.3) becomes
sin2 (s|η|)
ds µ(dη) < +∞.
0 R2 |η|2
Using Fubini’s theorem, one can evaluate the ds-integral explicitly, or simply check
c1 Z T
sin2 (s|η|) c2
≤ ds 2
≤ ,
1 + |η| 0 |η| 1 + |η|2
so condition (4.4) on the spectral measure becomes
µ(dη) < +∞. (4.7)
R2 1 + |η|2
Example 4.1 Consider the case where f (u) = |x|−β , 0 < β < d. In this case,
µ(dη) = cd,β |η|β−d dy, so one checks immediately that condition (4.7) holds if and
only if β < 2. Therefore, the spatially homogeneous Gaussian noise is defined for
0 < β < d, but a mild solution of the linear stochastic wave equation (4.3) exists if
and only if 0 < β < 2.
We consider equation (4.1). The following theorem is the main result on existence
and uniqueness.
Proof. This proof follows a classical Picard iteration scheme. We set u0 (t, x) = 0,
and, by induction, for n ≥ 0,
un+1 (t, x) = G(t − s, x − y) σ(un (s, y)) M (ds, dy).
Before establishing convergence of this scheme, we first check that for p ≥ 2,
We apply Burkholder’s inequality (2.3) and use the explicit form of the quadratic
variation of the stochastic integral [9, Theorem 5.26] to see that
Z t Z Z
E (|un+1 (t, x)|p ) ≤ cE ds dy dz G(t − s, x − y) σ(un (s, y))
0 R2 R2
×f (y − z) G(t − s, x − z) σ(un (s, z)) .
We apply the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality to the expectation and use the Lipschitz
property of σ to bound this by
Z t Z p −1
C ds µ(dη) |FG(t − s)(η)|
0 R2
Z t Z Z
× ds dy dz G(t − s, x − y) f (y − z) G(t − s, x − z)
0 R2 R2
× (E (1 + |un (s, y)|p ))1/2 (E (1 + |un (s, z)|p ))1/2 .
Let t
J(t) = ds µ(dη) |FG(t − s)(η)| ≤ C µ(dη) .
0 R2 R2 1 + |η|2
Z t
p −1 p
E (|un+1 (t, x)| ) ≤ C (J(t)) 2 ds 1 + sup E (|un (s, y)| )
0 y∈R2
× µ(dη) |FG(t − s)(η)|2
Z t
≤ C̃ ds 1 + sup E(|un (s, y)|p ) .
0 y∈R2
Therefore, if we set
Mn (t) = sup E (|un (t, x)|p ) ,
then Z t
Mn+1 (t) ≤ C̃ ds (1 + Mn (s)) .
Using Gronwall’s lemma, we conclude that
We now check L2 -convergence of the Picard iteration scheme. By the same rea-
soning as above, we show that
Z t
sup E (|un+1 (t, x) − un (t, x)|p ) ≤ C ds sup E (|un (s, y) − un−1 (s, y)|p ) .
x∈R2 0 y∈R2
Gronwall’s lemma shows that (un (t, x), n ≥ 1) converges in L2 (Ω, F, P ), uniformly
in x ∈ R2 .
Uniqueness of the solution follows in a standard way: see [9, Proof of Theorem
6.4]. 2
Hölder-continuity (d = 2)
Theorem 4.3 (The Kolmogorov Continuity Theorem). Suppose that there is q > 0,
ρ ∈ ] dq , 1[ and C > 0 such that for all x, y ∈ Rd ,
Lq -moments of increments
and so, by Burkholder’s inequality (2.3),
E (|u(t, x) − u(s, y)|p )
Z t Z Z
≤CE dr dz dv (G(t − r, x − z) − G(s − r, y − z)) f (z − v)
0 R2 R2
p/2 !
× (G(t − r, x − v) − G(s − r, y − v)) σ(u(r, z)) σ(u(r, v))
Z Z Z p −1
≤C dr dz dv |G() − G()| f ( ) |G() − G()|
× dr dz dv |G() − G()| f ( ) |G() − G()|
×E |σ(u(r, z))|p/2 |σ(u(r, v))|p/2 ,
where the omitted variables are easily filled in. The Lipschitz property of σ implies a
bound of the type “linear growth”, and so, using also the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality,
we see that the expectation is bounded by
C sup (1 + E(|u(r, z)|p )) .
r≤T, z∈R2
Z t Z Z
J(t, x ; s, y) = dr dz dv |G(t − r, x − z) − G(s − r, y − z)| f (z − v)
0 R2 R2
×|G(t − r, x − v) − G(s − r, y − v)|.
We have shown that
E (|u(t, x) − u(s, y)|p ) ≤ (J(t, x ; s, y))p/2 .
Therefore, we will get Hölder-continuity provided, for some γ > 0 and ρ > 0, we can
establish an estimate of the type
J(t, x ; s, y) ≤ c(|t − s|γ + |x − y|ρ ).
Indeed, this will establish γ21 -Hölder continuity in time, and ρ1
-Hölder continuity in
in space, for all γ1 ∈ ]0, γ[ and ρ1 ∈ ]0, ρ[.
Analysis of J(t, x ; s, y)
If there were no absolute values around the increments of G, then we could use the
Fourier transform to rewrite J(t, x ; s, y), in the case x = y and s > t, for instance,
Z s Z
J(t, x ; s, x) = dr µ(dη) |FG(t − r)(η) − FG(s − r)(η)|2
0 R2
Z t Z
+ dr µ(dη) |FG(t − r)(η)|2 .
s R2
We could then analyse this using the specific form of FG in (4.6). However, the
presence of the absolute values makes this approach inoperable. By a direct analysis
of J(t, x ; s, x), Sanz-Solé and Sarrá [12] have established to following results. If
µ(dη) < ∞, for some a ∈ ]0, 1[,
R2 (1 + |η|2 )a
then t 7→ u(t, x) is γ1 -Hölder continuous, for
γ1 ∈ 0, ∧ (1 − a) ,
and x 7→ u(t, x) is γ2 -Hölder continuous, for γ2 ∈ ]0, 1 − a[.
When µ(dη) = |η|−β dη, these intervals become
# " # "
1 2−β 2−β
γ1 ∈ 0, ∧ and γ2 ∈ 0, .
2 2 2
We note that the best possible interval for γ1 is in fact ]0, 2−β
[ (see [5, Chapter 5]).
where G(s, ·) is the Green’s function of the wave equation (see Example 2.2) and
Z(s, y) is a random field that plays the role of σ(u(s, y)).
We shall assume for the moment that d ≥ 1 and that the following conditions are
We note that FG(s)(ξ − η) is given in (4.6), so that (H2) is a condition on the
spectral measure µ, while (H1) is a condition on Z.
Fix ψ ∈ C0∞ (Rd ) such that ψ ≥ 0, supp ψ ⊂ B(0, 1) and
ψ(x) dx = 1.
For n ≥ 1, set
ψn (x) = nd ψ(n x).
In particular, ψn → δ0 in S 0 (Rd ), and F ψn (ξ) = F ψ(ξ/n), so that |F ψn (ξ)| ≤ 1.
Gn (s, ·) = G(s) ∗ ψn ,
so that Gn is a C0∞ -function. Then
vGn ,Z (t, x) = Gn (s, x − y) Z(s, y) M (ds, dy)
IGn ,Z = dx E (vGn ,Z (t, x))2
Z Z t Z Z
= dx ds dy dz Gn (s, x − y)Z(s, y) f (y − z)
Rd 0 Rd Rd
× Gn (s, x − z) Z(s, z).
Using the fact that the Fourier transform of a convolution (respectively product) is
the product (resp. convolution) of the Fourier transforms, one easily checks that
Z t Z Z
IGn ,Z = ds dξ E |FZ(s, ·)(ξ)| µ(dη) |FGn (s, ·) (ξ − η)|2 .
0 Rd Rd
We note that:
(a) the following inequality holds:
Z t Z
I˜Gn ,Z = ds E kZ(s, ·)k2L2 (Rd ) sup µ(dη) |FGn (s, ·)(ξ − η)|2 ; (5.3)
0 ξ∈Rd Rd
(c) by elementary properties of convolution and Fourier transform,
E kvG,Z (t)k2L2 (Rd ) = IG,Z ≤ I˜G,Z .
We use the following notation for the stochastic integral that we have just defined:
vG,Z (t) = G(s, · − y) Z(s, y) M (ds, dy).
For t fixed, vG,Z (t) ∈ L2 (Rd ) is a square-integrable function that is defined almost-
The definition of the stochastic integral requires in particular that hypothesis (H2)
be satisfied. In the case where
One checks [4] that this is the case if and only if 0 < β < 2.
where v0 ∈ L2 (Rd ) and ṽ0 ∈ H −1 (Rd ). By definition, H −1 (Rd ) is the set of square-
integrable functions ṽ0 such that
kṽ0 k2H −1 (Rd ) = dξ |F ṽ0 (ξ)|2 < +∞.
Rd 1 + |ξ|2
We shall restrict ourselves, though this is not really necessary (see [4]) to the case
where Γ(dx) is as in (5.4), and 0 < β < 2.
K D = { y ∈ Rd : d(y, D) ≤ T }
and d(y, D) denotes the distance from y to the set D, and on the noise Ḟ (s, y) for
y ∈ K D(s) , 0 ≤ s ≤ T , where
n o
K D (s) = y ∈ Rd : d(y, D) ≤ T − s .
− ∆u (t, x) = 1K d (t) (x) σ(x, u(t, x)) Ḟ (t, x).
We shall make the following linear growth and Lipschitz continuity assumptions
on the function σ.
(a) |σ(x, u)| ≤ c(1 + |u|) 1K D (x) , for all x ∈ Rd and u ∈ R;
Definition 6.1 An adapted and mean-square continuous L2 (Rd )-valued process (u(t), 0 ≤
t ≤ T ) is a solution of (6.1) in D if for all t ∈ ]0, T ],
u(t) 1K D (t) = 1K D (t) G(t) ∗ v0 + G(t) ∗ ṽ0
Z !
+ G(t − s, · − y) σ(y, u(s, y)) M (ds, dy) .
Theorem 6.2 Let d ≥ 1. Suppose 0 < β < 2 ∧ d and that the assumptions above on
σ are satisfied. Then (6.1) has a unique solution (u(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T ) in D.
Proof. We use a Picard iteration scheme. Set
u0 (t, x) = G(t) ∗ v0 + G(t) ∗ ṽ0 .
We first check that u0 (t) ∈ L2 (Rd ). Indeed,
d d
G(t) ∗ v0 = F G(t) · Fv0
dt L2 (Rd )
dt L2 (Rd )
cos(t|ξ|) 2
= dξ |ξ| · Fv0 (ξ)
Rd |ξ|
≤ kv0 kL2 (Rd ) ,
and, similarly,
kG(t) ∗ ṽ0 kL2 (Rd ) ≤ kṽ0 kH −1 (Rd ) .
One checks in a similar way that t 7→ u0 (t) from [0, T ] into L2 (Rd ) is continuous.
We now define the Picard iteration scheme. For n ≥ 0, assume that (un (t), 0 ≤
t ≤ T ) has been defined, and satisfies (H1). Set
where Z
vn+1 (t) = G(t − s, · − y) σ(y, un (s, y)) M (ds, dy). (6.3)
By induction, Zn (s, y) = σ(y, un (s, y)) satisfies (H1). Indeed, this process is
adapted, and since
kσ(·, un (s, ·)) − σ(·, un (t, ·))kL2 (Rd ) ≤ Ckun (s, ·) − un (t, ·)kL2 (Rd ) ,
it follows that s 7→ un (s, ·) is mean-square continuous. One checks that un+1 also
satisfies (H1): this uses assumption (a).
Therefore, the stochastic integral (6.3) is well-defined. Let
Mn (r) = sup E kun+1 (t) − un (t)k2L2 (K D (t))
= sup E kvn+1 (t) − vn (t)k2L2 (K D (t))
= sup E G(t − s, · − y)
0≤t≤r [0,t]×Rd
× (σ(y, un (s, y)) − σ(y, un−1 (s, y))) M (ds, dy)
L2 (K D (t))
Z t
≤ sup ds E kσ(·, un (s, ·)) − σ(·, un−1 (s, ·))k2L2 (K D (t)) J(t − s),
0≤t≤r 0
where Z
sin2 (s|ξ − η|)
J(s) = sup dη |η|β−d .
ξ∈Rd Rd |ξ − η|2
A direct calculation shows that
that is, Z r
Mn (r) ≤ C Mn−1 (s) ds.
Theorem 7.1 (The Sobolev Embedding Theorem). Suppose that g ∈ W p,q (O).
Then x 7→ g(x) is ρ̃-Hölder continuous, for all ρ̃ ∈ ]0, ρ − dq [ .
We recall [14] that the norm in the space W p,q (O) is defined by
kgkqLq (O) = |g(x)|q dx
|g(x) − g(y)|q
kgkqp,q,O = dx dy .
O O |x − y|d+ρq
Our first objective is to determine conditions that ensure that
E kvG,Z kqLq (O) < +∞.
An estimate in Lp -norm
Theorem 7.2 Suppose 0 < β < 2. Fix T > 0, q ∈ [2, +∞[ and let O ⊂ R3 be a
bounded domain. Suppose that
Z t
ds E kZ(s)kqLq (Ot−s ) < +∞.
Then Z t
E t
kvG,Z kqLq (O) ≤C ds E kZ(s)kqLq (Ot−s ) .
Proof. We present the main ideas, omitting some technical issues that are handled
in [5, Proposition 3.4]. First, we check inequality with G replaced by Gn :
E kvG kq
n ,Z Lq (O)
Z Z !
= dx E Gn (t − s, x − y) Z(s, y) M (ds, dy)
O [0,t]×R3
Z Z t Z Z
≤ dx E ds dy dz Gn (t − s, x − y) Z(s, y) f (y − z)
O 0 R3 R3
×Gn (t − s, x − z) Z(s, z) .
Z t Z Z
µn (t, x) = ds dy dz Gn (t − s, x − y) f (y − z) Gn (t − s, x − z).
0 R3 R3
Assume that
sup µn (t, x) < +∞. (7.2)
n, x, t≤T
= IG , |Z 1Ot−s+1/n |
q/2 .
By Fatou’s lemma,
E kvG,Z kqLq (O) t
≤ lim inf E kvG n
kq q
,Z L (O)
k→∞ k
Z t
≤ lim inf ds E kZ(s)kqLq (Ot−s+1/nk )
k→∞ 0
Z t
= ds E kZ(s)kqLq (Ot−s ) .
since 0 < β < 2. This completes the proof. 2
We consider here a spatially homogeneous Gaussian noise Ḟ (t, x), with covariance
given by f (x) = |x|−β , where 0 < β < 2. We seek an estimate of the Sobolev norm
of the stochastic integral vG,Z . We recall that the Sobolev norm is defined in (7.1).
Theorem 7.3 Suppose 0 < β < 2. Fix T > 0, q ∈ ]3, +∞[, and let O ⊂ R3 be a
bounded domain. Fix γ ∈ ]0, 1[, and suppose that
Z t
ds E kZ(s)kqW γ,q (Ot−s ) < +∞.
Consider !
2−β 3 h
ρ ∈ 0, γ ∧ − .
2 q
Then there exists C < +∞ (depending on ρ but not on Z) such that
Z t
E t
kvG,Z kqρ,q,O ≤C ds E kZ(s)kqW ρ,q (Ot−s ) .
Remark 7.4 In the case of the heat equation, spatial regularity of the stochastic
integral process, that is, of x 7→ vG,Z (x), occurs because of regularity of the heat
kernel G, even if Z is merely integrable. Here, the spatial regularity of vG,Z is due to
the regularity of Z.
Proof of Theorem 7.3. The key quantity that we need to estimate is
t t
|vG,Z (x) − vG,Z
E dx dy .
O O |x − y|3+ρq
Let ρ̄ = ρ + 3q , so that 3 + ρ q = ρ̄ q. If we replace G by Gn , then the numerator above
is equal to
Z t Z q
ds (Gn (t − s, x − u) − Gn (t − s, y − u)) Z(s, u) M (ds, du) ,
0 R3
If we had G instead of Gn , and if G were smooth, then we would get a bound involving
an exponent of |x − y|, even if Z were merely integrable.
Here we use a different idea: we shall pass the increments on the Gn over to the
factors Z f Z by changing variables. For instance, if there were only one factor involv-
ing increments of Gn , we could use the following calculation, where Gn is generically
denoted g and Z f Z is denoted ψ:
du (g(x − u) − g(y − u)) ψ(u)
= du g(x − u) ψ(u) − du g(y − u) ψ(u)
R3 R3
Z Z !
= dũ g(ũ) ψ(x − ũ) − dũ g(ũ) ψ(y − ũ)
R3 R3
= dũ g(ũ) (ψ(x − ũ) − ψ(y − ũ)).
Using this idea, it turns out that the integral on the right-hand side of (7.3) is equal
Ji,n (x, y),
Z t Z Z
Ji,n (x, y) = ds du dv Gn (s, u) Gn (s, v) hi (t, s, x, y, u, v),
0 R3 R3
h1 (t, s, x, y, u, v) = f (y − x + v − u) (Z(t − s, x − u) − Z(t − s, y − u))
×(Z(t − s, x − v) − Z(t − s, y − v),
h2 (t, s, x, y, u, v) = Df (v − u, x − y)Z(t − s, x − u)
×(Z(t − s, x − v) − Z(t − s, y − v)),
h3 (t, s, x, y, u, v) = Df (v − u, y − x)Z(t − s, y − v)
×(Z(t − s, x − u) − Z(t − s, y − u)),
The term Tn1 (t, O). Set
µn (x, y) = sup du dv Gn (s, u) Gn (s, v) f (y − x + v − u)
s∈[0,T ] R3 R3
= sup µ(dη) ei η·(x−y) |FGn (s)(η)|2 ,
s∈[0,T ] R3
so that
sup µn (x, y) < +∞
dP dx dy ds du dv Gn (s, u) Gn (s, v) f (y − x + v − u)
and there is an analogous expression for Tn1,2 (t, O). We note that for x ∈ O, when
Gn (s, u) > 0 (resp. for y ∈ O, when Gn (s, v) > 0), x − u ∈ Os(1+1/n) (resp. y − u ∈
Os(1+1/n) ), so
Z t
Tn1,1 (t, O) ≤ ds E kZ(t − s)kqρ,q,Os(1+1/n) sup µn (x, y).
0 n,x,y
The same bound arises for the term Tn1,2 (t, O), so this gives the desired estimate for
this term.
We shall not discuss the terms Tn2 (t, O) and Tn3 (t, O) here: the interested reader
may consult [5, Chapter 3], but we consider the term Tn4 (t, O).
The term Tn4 (t, O). In order to bound Tn4 (t, O), we aim to bring the exponent q/2
inside the ds du dv integral, in such a way that it only affects the Z factors but not f .
|D2 f (v − u, x − y)|
µn (x, y) = sup du dv Gn (s, u) Gn (s, v) . (7.4)
s∈[0,T ] R3 R3 |x − y|2ρ̄
We will show below that
sup µn (x, y) ≤ C < +∞, (7.5)
n≥1, x,y∈O
which will turn out to require quite an interesting calculation. Assuming this for the
moment, let p = q/2. Then, by Hölder’s inequality,
E |J4,n (x, y)|p
|x − y|2pρ̄
Z t Z Z
≤ sup (µn (x, y))p−1 ds du dv Gn (s, u) Gn (s, v)
n,x,y 0 R3 R3
|D2 f (v − u, x − y)|
× E (|Z(t − s, x − u)|p |Z(t − s, x − v)|p ) .
|x − y|2ρ̄
This quantity must be integrated over O × O. We apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequal-
ity to the measure ds du dv(· · · )dP , and this leads to
Z t
Tn4 (t, O) ≤ sup (µn (x, y)) ds E kZ(s)kqLq (O(t−s)(1+1/n) ) .
n,x,y 0
In the case of a Riesz kernel f (x) = |x|−β , x ∈ R3 , we can write
Taking into account the definition of µn (x, y) in (7.4), this inequality leads to the
|x − y|2
µn (x, y) ≤ sup du dv Gn (s, u) Gn (s, v) |u − v|−(β+2) .
s∈[0,T ] R3 R3 |x − y|2ρ̄
(2) Our covariance function kβ (x) = |x|−β is a Riesz kernel. These kernels have
the following property:
|x|−d+a+b = dz kd−b (x − z) |z|−d+a (7.6)
= Ib | · |−d+a . (7.7)
This equality can be viewed as saying that |z|−d+a is “bth derivative (or Laplacian)”
of |z|−d+a+b , in the sense that
(−∆)b/2 |z|−d+a+b = |z|−d+a .
and !
2 b
2 x
|D kd−a−b (u, x)| ≤ |x| dw kd−a (u − |x|w) D kd−b w, .
Rd kxk
Set b = α = 2ρ̄ and a = 3 − α − β, where α + β ∈ ]0, 2[ . Looking back to (7.4),
these two relations lead to the following estimate:
1 Z Z
µn (x, y) ≤ sup du dv Gn (s, u) Gn (s, v) |x − y|α
s∈ [0,T ] |x − y|α R3 R3
2 x
× dw kα+β (v − u − |y − x|w) × D k3−α w,
R3 |x|
Z Z !
≤ sup sup du dv Gn (s, u) Gn (s, v) kα+β (v − u − |y − x|w)
s∈ [0,T ] x,y,w R3 R3
2 x
× sup dw D k3−α w, .
x kxk
The double integral above is finite since α+β < 2. Indeed, taking Fourier transforms,
the shift −|y − x|w introduces a factor eiη·|y−x|w , which is of no consequence. The
second integral is finite (and does not depend on x). For this calculation, see [5,
Lemma 2.6]. 2
a smooth function u0 (t, x) (whose smoothness depends only on the regularity of the
initial conditions), and then check that regularity is preserved at each iteration step
and passes to the limit. The details are carried out in [5, Chapter 4]. The main result
is the following.
(a) the initial value v0 is such that v0 ∈ C 2 (R3 ) and ∆v0 is Hölder continuous with
exponent γ1 ;
α ∈ ]0, γ1 ∧ γ2 ∧ [, (8.1)
there is C > 0 such that for all (t, x), (s, y) ∈ [0, T ] × D,
E |u(t, x) − u(s, x)|2 ≥ c2 |t − s|2−β .
This implies in particular that t 7→ u(t, x) and x 7→ u(t, x) are not γ-Hölder continu-
ous, for γ > 2−β
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