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NAME: ___________________________________________ SCORE:

General Instructions: PRINT THIS SHEET and staple this along with your answer sheets. All answers must be
HANDWRITTEN, complete with solutions in yellow paper. Sign the honor code at the end of the exam. Remember.

(25 pts) A cylindrical sphalerite particle with length 0.02cm and diameter 0.015cm approaches terminal velocity (ρ =
3900 kg/m3) in a tall column of water (ρ = 1000 kg/m3, µ = 0.001 Pa-s). If the sphalerite particle settles down sideways
(horizontally), what is the terminal velocity of the particle? Assume that the effective diameter of the particle is the
second longest dimension of the particle.

(35 pts) A spherical granite particle (ρ = 2750 kg/m3) with a diameter of 0.5 cm traverses a column of water (ρ = 1000
kg/m3, µ = 0.001 Pa-s) of infinite length.

a. (15 pts) Find the terminal velocity of the particle.

b. (20 pts) If the particle is released from the top of the column from rest, find the distance traveled by the particle
after 5 seconds. You may use numerical methods. Remember that the drag force coefficient varies with
respect to velocity. (CLUE: Integrate the differential equation with respect to velocity. Recall the relations from
physics, a = dv/dt, and v = ds/dt where a is the acceleration, v is the velocity and s is the displacement).

Sphalerite particles (ρ = 3900 kg/m3; shaped as small spheres) are settling by gravity in in a tall column of water (ρ =
1000 kg/m3, µ = 0.001 Pa-s). The diameter of sphalerite are 0.65 cm. The volume fraction of sphalerite in water is 0.20.

a. (10 pts) Find the porosity of the sphalerite should it settle.

b. (15 pts) Find the unhindered settling terminal velocity of the sphalerite particles.
c. (15 pts) Find the hindered settling terminal velocity of the sphalerite particles.

Honor Pledge

On my honor, I hereby pledge that I did not engage in any form of cheating during this Preliminary Examination, nor
did I tolerate or coerce any of my classmates to do the same. I understand that I shall automatically fail Particulate
Technology if I am proven to have violated this pledge. So help me God.

Signature of Student over printed name

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