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(A Correlation study of 2nd semester
students of English Education
Background of study
English language learning is important as
International language communication.

English language learning has 4 sub-skills which are


There are some factors affect speaking skill,

1. vocabulary mastery.
2. self confidence.
In order to avoid bias analysis, there are 3 research

1. is there any correlation between students vocabulary

mastery and students speaking ability at English Education
Department ?
2. is there any correlation between students’ self confidence
and students speaking ability at English Education
3. is there any correlation between students vocabulary
mastery, self confidence and students speaking ability at
English Education Department?
This research focus on the 2nd semester students of
English Education Department of IAIN Ponorogo in
academic year 2017-2018
There are some theory related to the point
of the research:
Vocabulary and speaking ability:
 ( Roger, Diane and Steve: 142),
Vocabulary is important than grammar
for communication purpose.
 ( Woro Hestiningsih : 2016: 211),
vocabulary is core component of
language proficiency and provide much
of the basis for how well learner speak,
listen, read, and write
Self confidence and Speaking Ability:

(Safa Muhammad Al-Hebaish: 2012: 61) stated that

among the four language skills, the achievement of
oral performance is thought to be highly correlated
with self- confidence.

(Rubio: 2007) that foreign language learners who

possess general self-confidence perform well and
most likely believe themselves to be capable learners.
Research Design = quantitative research design

Research Method = correlational method, multiple


Independent/ predictor variable = students vocabulary

mastery and self confidence

Dependent/ criterion variable = students speaking ability

The researcher calculated the data by using SPSS 19.00

programm for windows.
Population= 103 students
Sample = 78 students
Instrument of Data Collection
1. Test (students’ vocabulary mastery)
2. Questionnaire (self confidence)
3. Documentation ( students’ speaking ability)

Technique of Data Analysis

1. Assumption test
2. Hypothesis Test
3. Discussion
The instrument must be valid and reliable:

Vocabulary test: There was 25 items test and after

getting validity test, it became 20 items, so, 20 items
were valid

Self confidence questionnaire : There was 36 items of

quistionnaire and after getting validity test, it became
25 items of questionnaire.
Result of the calculation

The correlation of students Vocabulary mastery & speaking ability


ery speaking_ability
vocabulary_mastery Pearson Correlation 1 .802

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 78 78
speaking_ability Pearson Correlation .802 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 78 78

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The correlation of students self confidence &
speaking ability

self_confidence speaking_ability
self_confidence Pearson Correlation 1 .914

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 78 78
speaking_ability Pearson Correlation .914 1


N 78 78
The correlation of students vocabulary
mastery, self confidence & their speaking
Model Summary

Change Statistics

Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square

Model R R Square Square the Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
1 .919 .844 .840 4.632 .844 202.645 2 75 .000

a. Predictors: (Constant), self_confidence, vocabulary_mastery

Based on the calculation, the result indicated:

1. There is correlation between students’ vocabulary

mastery (X1) and speaking skill (Y). The coefficient
of correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery
and speaking skill (rx1y) is 0,802. It means, there is
correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and
students’ speaking ability for second semester
students of English Education Department.
2. there is correlation between self confidence (X2) and
speaking ability (Y). The coefficient of correlation
between self confidence and speaking ability (rx2y) is
0,914. So, there is strong correlation between self
confidence and students speaking ability
3. The calculation showed there is correlation between
students’ vocabulary mastery (X1), self-confidence
(X2) simultaneously and students’ speaking ability
(Y). The value of coefficient of multiple correlations
(R) is 0,919. Furthermore, the value of significance F
change is 0,000. Because of sig F change (0,000) <
0,005, it means that there is correlation between
students’ vocabulary mastery (X1), self-confidence
(X2) simultaneously and students’ speaking ability
(Y) of second semester students in English Education

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