Dynamic Analysis of Rotors: Comparison Between The Simplified One-Dimensional Results and Those Obtained Through 3-D Modeling
Dynamic Analysis of Rotors: Comparison Between The Simplified One-Dimensional Results and Those Obtained Through 3-D Modeling
Dynamic Analysis of Rotors: Comparison Between The Simplified One-Dimensional Results and Those Obtained Through 3-D Modeling
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
E-mail: [email protected],mario.silvagni @polito.it
The traditional approach to rotordynamic analysis is based on modeling rotor shafts as beams
and elements like discs, joints, gearwheels, etc. as concentrated masses, often provided with
moments of inertia. This approach is usually referred to as one-dimensional (1-D) modeling. The
models based on it may have different complexity, spanning from elementary 2 degrees of
freedom models (the Jeffcott rotor), to models with 4 d.o.f. up to general multi d.o.f. models based
either on the transfer matrices approach of the Finite Elements Method (FEM) [1-4].
The limitations of 1-D rotordynamics are mainly two:
1. The first drawback is linked with the beam-like nature of the shafts. It is well known that the
Euler-Bernoulli model can be used only for fairly slender beams and that even the
Timoshenko beam cannot model correctly beams with a too low slenderness. Moreover, the
rotors of many turbines include tubular shafts with large diameter and small thickness, and in
this case the natural frequencies linked with bending in the circumferential direction, not
obtained using beam models, may lay in the same range as those linked with bending in the
axial direction. A similar effect is linked to some rotor configurations that can be assimilated
more to drums than to shafts.
2. The second limitation of 1-D rotordynamics is the impossibility of accounting for the
flexibility of discs, that may, in some cases, affect the dynamic behavior of actual rotors. This
can be corrected by resorting to the so-called 1 1/2-D approach, in which the discs are
modeled using annular elements whose displacements are developed in Fourier series along
the angle. The main drawback of this approach is that of being limited to thin discs having an
overall axy-symmetrical shape. The advantage is that the model is only marginally more
complicated than that obtained through the 1-D approach [5, 6].
Although it is possible to show that the modes in which the geometric centers of the cross
sections don't displace laterally are uncoupled with the overall rotor modes, these local modes may
be important in assessing the global dynamics of the rotor [5-7].
The only way to include all these effects in the analysis is to resort to full three-dimensional (3-
D) modeling of the rotor, a thing that is made possible by using the FEM. Even if the basic
foundations of 3-D rotordynamics were defined since a long time [8], the application of 3-D
modeling of rotors is not as easy as it could be expected, since not all commercial FEM codes are
suitable for rotor modeling, and those which are, acquired this capability only recently. A problem
that can be encountered in 3-D rotor modeling is linked with the symmetry classes of the rotor: the
analysis should be performed with reference to an inertial frame if the rotor is axially symmetrical,
while a rotor-fixed frame must be used if the rotor is not such, provided that the stator has axial
symmetry. If both rotor and stator have no symmetry axis, an equation of motion with time-
dependent coefficients is obtained in any reference frame and no closed form solution can be
Actually the axial symmetry of both stator and rotor are not strictly required, since it may be
substituted by the simpler cyclic symmetry, but in this case a modal computation must be
performed [9].
It must be expressly stated that the greatest advantage of 3-D rotordynamics is not so much in
the results it allows to obtain but on its compatibility with the models that must be anyway built in
the overall Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) process. A 3-D model of the rotor and often of the
whole machine must anyway be made, while a beam model, like the one required for the simpler
approaches to rotordynamics, has to be expressly built through specific, labor intensive,
computations, since the conversion is not easily automated. The building of 1-D, and even more 1
1/2-D, models requires more common sense and engineering knowledge than the application of
algorithms, a thing that rules out a simple automatization of the procedure.
This notwithstanding, industrial applications of 3-D rotordynamics are still less common than
what could be thought, and ad hoc, 1-D, and even 1 1/2-D rotordynamic codes still find a
widespread application.
The aim of the present paper is to evaluate, through a number of examples, how accurate are
the results of the simple 1-D and 1 1/2-D models when compared with complex 3-D models even
in conditions that usually are considered beyond the applicability of the simplified models. This
comparison is based on a simplified geometry, usually referred to as Stodola-Green rotor.
( )
the length BG is rigid, the stiffness matrix is
12 −6l +l
( )
EI b
K= (3)
l 3 (1 + φ ) − 6 lb + l l 2 (4 + φ ) + 6l l + 3l 2
b b b
I =
(d o − d i ), φ =
π 4 4 12 EIχ
and the shear factor χ takes a value of 10/9 in the case of circular or annular cross section.
The case of the Euler-Bernoulli beam can be studied by simply assuming that φ = 0.
Figure 1: a): Sketch of a Stodola-Green rotor; b): model as a rotor with 4 d.o.f.
Tab. 1. First critical speed (in rad/s) for different values of the slenderness α of the beam,
computed with the various models.
α 5 10 20 40 100
4 d.o.f. – Euler-Bernoulli 5,892 1,473 368.2 92.1 14.7
4 d.o.f. – Timoshenko 5,134 1,417 364.6 91.8 14.7
DYNROT 1-D 5,125 1,416 364.5 91.8 14.7
DYNROT 1 1/2-D 5,078 1,410 364.0 91.8 14.7
ANSYS 1D 5,077 1,414 364.4 91.8 14.7
ANSYS 3D 5,114 1,428 366.8 92.2 14.7
Figure 3: a): Critical speed as a function of the inner diameter of the beam; b) Critical speed as
a function of the slenderness.
Owing to the low slenderness, the Euler Bernoulli beam gives results far higher than those due
to the Timoshenko beam (owing to neglecting the shear compliance, the beam is way too stiff,
relative error between 35% and and 45%). The mass of the beam affects the results to a lesser,
although noticeable, extent. However, the difference between the results obtained for all wall
thicknesses down to just 0.5 mm (thickeness/diameter ratio of 0.00125, slenderness of 3.54) is of
about 1.5% between the DYNROT model and the ANSYS 3D model.
4.2 Campbell diagram
The Campbell diagram is computed only for the case with the minimum thickness, 0.5 mm
(slenderness of 3.55). The results are shown in Fig. 4.
Figure 4 Campbell diagram for the Stodola-Green rotor with a very thin walled beam.
The natural frequencies at zero speed computed using the same models are reported in Tab. 1.
Tab. 1. Natural frequencies (in Hz) at zero speed, computed with the various models.
Bending Axial Torsional
Multiplicity 2 2 1 1 2 2
4 d.o.f. – Euler-Bernoulli 83.51 561.66 208.65 146.22 - -
4 d.o.f. – Timoshenko 69.92 345.66 208.65 146.22 - -
DYNROT 1-D (massless) 63.41 310.04 208.65 146.21 - -
DYNROT 1(1/2)-D (massl.) 63.41 309.82 208.61 146.15 - -
DYNROT 1-D 63.28 308.31 208.97 145.72 - -
DYNROT 1(1/2)-D 63.28 308.11 208.06 145.66 - -
ANSYS 3D 62.66 304.88 208.30 145.62 314.31 317.36
The results are quite close to each other. It is remarkable that the results obtained using the
Timoshenko beam are so good (in case of the first mode) even with a slenderness of only 3.55.
The worst results for the second mode can be ascribed to the fact that the mass of the beam has
been neglected in the 4 d.o.f. model. The 2 higher modes obtained from the 3-D FEM model are
due to multilobe deformations.
Tab. 2. Natural frequencies (in rad/s) at zero speed, computed with the various models. In the case
of ANSYS models also the cases in which the disc is modeled using shell elements are considered.
The shaft is modeled either with beam or with solid elements. The first 4 lines refer to models in
which the mass of the shaft has been neglected
Bending Torsional Axial
Multiplicity 2 2 2 1 1
4 d.o.f. (Euler-Bernoulli) 292.6 1,591.5 - 454.8 7,333.3
4 d.o.f. (Timoshenko) 292.0 1,577.7 - 454.8 7,333.3
DYNROT 1-D (massless) 292.0 1,577.5 - 454.8 7,333.3
DYNROT 1(1/2)-D (massless) 289.7 812.2 6,355.3 451.1 1,058.2
DYNROT 1-D 278.6 1,459.3 5,959.7 454.4 6,776.1
DYNROT 1(1/2)-D 276.8 796.8 4,124.9 450.7 1,058.2
ANSYS (beam+shell elements) 279.9 766.6 4,190.9 450.4 1,037.4
ANSYS (beam+solid l elements) 274.2 657.8 4,068.0 437.0 969.1
ANSYS (solid+shell l elements) 280.4 722.6 4,153.2 448.0 1.005.3
ANSYS (solid+solid l elements) 281.2 757.9 4,159,6 450.4 1,023.8
• The commercial 1-D FEM code yields results that are practically coincident with those of the
DYNROT code, used to produce a 1-D model.
• The results obtained from the ANSYS models (here a model with beam elements for the shaft
and shell elements for the disc, ANSYS 1 1/2D, was considered together with the full 3D
model, ANSYS 3D) diverge from those obtained using DYNROT at increasing speed. This
behavior was unexpected and requires further study. It will be the subject of a future paper.
To clarify the matter, other tests were performed by including only the gyroscopic terms but
not centrifugal stiffening. In this case the DYNROT and ANSYS results were practically
coincident. This allows to focus further studies on the way centrifugal stiffening is accounted for.
Centrifugal stiffening has some effect even on the first mode; on the other modes these effects
are much larger. This consideration is however likely to depend much on the rotor configuration
and may be impossible to generalize it.
The simple Stodola-Green rotor here studied allows to draw some considerations about rotor
modeling of different complexity, that can have some general applications. The main conclusions
• The simplified 4-degrees of freedom models yield good results provided that the mass of the
shaft is small when compared with that of the rotor (a fairly obvious conclusion).
• The Euler Bernoully beam model works well if the slenderness of the beam is high. This may
again appear obvious, but it is less obvious that this model is here shown to yield correct
results for a slenderness α as low as 10. The Timoshenko beam model has here been shown
to work very well for values of α as low as 5 and in some cases even 3.5.
• The beam model is able to predict accurately the dynamic behavior of thin walled hollow
beams. In this case even a beam with a slenderness of 3.55 and with a thickness/diameter
ratio of 0.00125 can be modeled using the 1-D model. Such a thin walled beam has vibration
modes that cannot be computed using the 1-D model; however, these modes are uncoupled
with the dynamics of the rotor as a whole and can be dealt with as ‘local modes’.
• In case the discs are thin, their dynamics cannot be neglected, even if the first bending and
torsional modes may be exceptions from this viewpoint. The presence of thin discs makes
centrifugal stiffening an important issue, that compels to use the 1 1/2 –D or the 3-D
approach. However, the results obtained using the ANSYS code diverge from those obtained
using the DYNROT code. This behavior, which apparently is due to the way centrifugal
stiffening ia accounted for, needs to be clarified and further study is needed. It will be the
subject of a future paper.
The above conclusions were drawn from a much simplified model, the Stodola-Green rotor.
Some of them can be generalized, but all generalization require care when are based on purely
numerical computations. Further studies based on rotor configurations more close to those
encountered in applications, and specifically on rotors provided with blades, are needed.
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