Optimization Methods For Spur Gear Dynamics: Marco Barbieri Giorgio Scagliarini
Optimization Methods For Spur Gear Dynamics: Marco Barbieri Giorgio Scagliarini
Optimization Methods For Spur Gear Dynamics: Marco Barbieri Giorgio Scagliarini
Table 1. Parameter ranges for the optimization
k0 c
ωn = me ; ζ= 2me ωn ; τ = ωn t ;
Tg x strings, it is possible to use them to find minima of
T̄g = 2
bme ωn ; x̄ = b multivariable functions through a discretization of the
domain. The three transformations resemble the evo-
and: lution of biological systems. At the first stage, selec-
tion, the objective function is evaluated for each mem-
N ber of the actual population and a new set of points is
k̄j cos j ωωm
k̄j = 2
me ωn ; k̄(τ ) = 1 + n
τ − ϕj ; extracted from the actual one by means of a stochastical
N sampling in which better elements have higher proba-
−j ωωm bility of extraction. Crossover, which acts like chro-
k̄bs (τ ) = 1 + k̄j cos n
τ + ϕj − j dg1
j=1 mosome recombination, combines the extracted solu-
(11) tions in order to search different areas of the parameter
Dynamic transmission error is computed using an im- space. Since some regions of the space could not be
plicit Runge-Kutta numerical integrator. reached by crossover, mutation adds a random varia-
tion of points inside the population.
3 Profile modifications An optimization strategy based on genetic algorithms
Profile modifications are micro-geometrical removals is proposed and applied to an actual gear pair. Tab. 2
of material both from the tip and from the root of the shows data of the case study.
tooth. The parameters that define these profile modi-
fications are the roll angle of start and magnitude re-
lief at the tip, the roll angles of start and magnitudes Data Pinion Gear
of relief at the root; this way the parameter space is Number of teeth 28 43
8-dimensional. Fig 2 shows the parameters defining
Module [mm] 3 3
Pressure angle [Deg] 20 20
mag Base radius [mm] 39.467 60.610
Theoretical pitch radius [mm] 42 64.5
Thickness on theoretical pitch circle [mm] 6.1151 6.7128
Addendum modification [mm] 1.927 2.748
Face width [mm] 20 20
Hob tip radius [mm] 0.9 0.9
RELIEF Outer diameter [mm] 93.1 139.7
Root diameter [mm] 79.1 126.2
Inner diameter [mm] 40 40
Figure 2. Representation of profile modification parameters
Mass [kg] 0.71681 1.9823
Inertia [kg m2 ] 0.0008076 0.0047762
Young’s modulus [M P a] 206000 206000
tooth profile modifications. The type of the modifica- Poisson’s coefficient 0.3 0.3
tions can be linear or parabolic with respect to the roll Center distance [mm] 111
angle. Since parabolic modifications give worst results Backlash [mm] 0.3461
in optimization [6], linear modifications are consid-
Backlash (2b) on the line of action [mm] 0.312
ered. Ranges spanned by each parameter are reported
Backside stiffness phase [rad] 1.594232
in Tab. 1.
Transmission ratio 0.6511
Contact ratio 1.28565
4 Optimization Torque (Tg1 ) [N mm] 470000
Genetic algorithms are optimization methods that start
Damping coefficient (ζ) 0.01
from an initial population of points and improve it
through the iterative application of three transforma-
Table 2. Geometrical data for the case study (courtesy of CNH Case
tions: selection, crossover and mutation. Although dis-
New Holland)
crete in nature, since genetic algorithms work on bit
4.1 Effectiveness of optimization Number of strings in the population
At a first stage, the proposed algorithm is used to find 50
an optimum set of profile modifications for a specific
torque value, i.e. the nominal torque. Two differ- Crossover probability pc 1
ent objective functions, peak to peak of STE (CASE Mutation rate pm 0.4
B) and mean value of the first seven harmonics of
STE (CASE C) are applied and their dynamic effec- Multiplier for the fitness scaling 1.5
tiveness is compared to that of a pure involute pro- cmult
file (CASE A). Fig 3 shows the dynamic results: the Number of iterations niter 60
amplitude-frequency diagram is obtained starting from
strongly perturbed initial conditions. This approach,
Table 3. Parameters of the genetic optimization
even though produces lower vibration levels, is con-
sidered to be more realistic because the operating en-
vironment is subjected to strong perturbations. Mini-
mizations at the nominal torque value of peak to peak different torque values.
of STE produces the best results in terms of vibration
reduction. In the following, we will consider the har-
monic content of STE, instead of the peak to peak, be-
cause it is the direct source of excitation and for this 100% T
66% T
reason can be related to the dynamic behaviour. 0.3 33% T
RMS Amplitude
Case A
0.4 Case B
Case C
0.35 0.15
RMS Amplitude
0.15 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Normalized frequency !/!nat
RMS Amplitude
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Normalized frequency !/!nat
2.5 3 t,s
Case D Case E
Pinion Gear Pinion Gear
Tip Relief
αts [deg] 34.488 30.006 32.715 30.886
magt [mm] 0.039 0.037 0.022 0.020
Root Relief !
αrs [deg] 23.455 25.168 21.947 22.545 r,e
αre [deg] 14.433 20.576 14.433 20.576
magr [mm] 0.010 0.000 0.006 0.002
4.4 Reliability analysis Figure 6. Example of k-chart used to represent tolerances in gear
Considering the set of optimal profile modifications profile
proposed in Tab. 4 Case D , it can be seen that the mag-
nitudes lie in the range 0 − 40µm, which is usually 0.45
the same size of the allowable manufacturing error. To Case A
0.4 Case D
simulate the profile error, a random profile is consid- Case F
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