Design of Thi and Gant:) ' Structure Requi Es B Sic of Both Sta Ics and Dynamics. WH CH The Subject Engineering Mechanil::S
Design of Thi and Gant:) ' Structure Requi Es B Sic of Both Sta Ics and Dynamics. WH CH The Subject Engineering Mechanil::S
Design of Thi and Gant:) ' Structure Requi Es B Sic of Both Sta Ics and Dynamics. WH CH The Subject Engineering Mechanil::S
• To provide an introduction to the basic quantities and ideali zations
of me<:hanic5.
• To give a statement of Newton's Laws of Motion and Gravitation.
• To review the principles for applying the 51 system of units.
• To examine the standard procedures for performing numerical
• To present a general guide for solving problems.
1.1 Mechanics
M~cJllmics is a branch of Ihc ph ysical sciences lh:I' is concerned w;lh thc
Slal e of rest o r mOl ion of bodies Ihal an! subjected 10 [he :lelioll of force$.
In general. this subject c:In be subdi\'idcd into thrcc branches: rigid-body
/IIt'dllmics. df'jumlllblt'.hoffy //ICc/lOll irs. andf/ilitilllt'rlwllics. In Ihis book
we will study rigid-body mechanics since it is a basic requirement for th c
study oflhe mechanics of dcfonnablt: bodies and Ihe mechanics of Ouids.
Funhermore. rigid.body mechanics isesscmial (or the design and analysis
of many types of structuT<llmcmbcrs. mechanical components.or eli:'ctrkal
devices encountcred in I.'ngineering.
Rigid-body mechanics is divided inlo two areas: statics and dynamics.
Sfllliey deals with th e equilibrium of bodies. that is. those that arc eit her
al rCSI or move with <I constant velocity: whereas (iYIWlllieS is cona.'rncd
with thc act'Clcraled motion of bodics. We can consider statics as a
special case of dynamics. in which the acceleration is zero; however,
statics dese rves se parale trealment in engineering educa tion si nce many
objecls Me designed wilh Ihe inll.'nliol1 that they remain in equilibrium.
4 CH"'PfE~ 1 GEN~Ir"" l PR INCI PLES