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PONOVO - PowerTest Basic en V2.20

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PowerTest Basic Modules


2F, 4Cell, Tower C, In.Do Mansion

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Basic Modules
VERSION: PowerTest Basic-AE-2.20
DATE : 04/07/2013

This manual is the publisher of PONOVO POWER CO., LTD. To make any kind of copy of this
manual please contact PONOVO POWER CO., LTD in advance.

This manual represents the technical status for the moment of publishing. The product information,
description and specifications mentioned in the manual do not have any contact binding force and
PONOVO POWER CO., LTD remains the right to make modifications to the technical
specifications and configurations without prior notice. PONOVO POWER does not take
responsibility to the possible error/mistakes in this manual.

PowerTest Basic Modules

1. QuickTest …………………… 3
a) General…………………… 3
b) Test mode selection…….. 3
c) Generate report in
manual mode……………. 4
d) QuickTest(4V,3I)………… 4
 Manual test mode…… 4
 Lock control button…. 6
 Auto test mode………. 6
e) QuickTest(4V,6I)………… 7
f) QuickTest(VL-L,3I)……. 8
g) QuickTest(sequence)…… 9
h) QuickTest(Power)……….. 9
i) QuickTest(Z, I Const)…… 10
j) QuickTest(Z,V Const) …… 10
k) QuickTest(Z,Zs Const) …… 11
l) Time…………………… 12
2. State Sequence……………………. 13
a) State Sequence(4V,3I) …… 14
 Trigger condition…… 14
 Short circuit calculation……15
 Differential calculation…… 15
 Binary output control…… 15
 Goose publish setting…… 16
 Hold time…… 16
 Set group parameters…… 16
b) State Sequence(4V,6I) …… 17
3. CB Operate.…………………………. 18
4. Ramp.…………………………. 24
a) Typical test applications…. 24
b) Concept of RAMP………… 24
c) Set group settings……….. 25
d) Set group parameters…… 25
e) Set assessment criterion… 25
f) Set test parameters………. 26
5. Harmonic……………………. 29
6. Non-electricity Check………… 32
7. TransPlay(4V,3I) ………………. 33

PowerTest Basic Modules

General Test mode selection
QuickTest provides several sub-modules for In all above mentioned modules we can select
quick and fast test purpose. to control the output manually or automatically.
Provides 4 voltage and 3
current sources
Provides 4 voltage or 6 Click button and we see the
Quick Test(4V or following screen.
voltage and 6 current
Provides L-L voltage,
QuickTest(VL-L,3I) zero sequence voltage
and 3 current sources
Provides voltage and
QuickTest(Sequence) current in sequence
By default the test mode is Manual.
components mode
Provides the way to
QuickTest(Power) control three phase If we change the test mode from Manual to
powers Auto then we may have different ways to
Quickly test distance control the selected variable automatically.
QuickTest(Z,I Const) relay with constant
Quickly test distance
QuickTest(Z,V Const) relay with constant
Quickly test distance I
QuickTest(Z,Zs Const) relay with constant
system impedance
Time Used to check the
tripping time
Edit more complicated
State Sequence(4V, 3I) state sequences in 3
current mode
State Sequence(4V, 6I) Edit more complicated
state sequences in 6
current mode
Simulate the whole test
CB Operate
Realize the ramping for
Ramp(3I) different quantities in 3
current mode
Edit harmonic
components to the output
Manual check module to
Non-electricity Check
be included in a test plan
Play back COMTRADE
format file

PowerTest Basic Modules

Generate report in manual mode

In manual mode test report can not be
generated automatically.

To generate the test report we can select

Enter Results to edit the test result.

In this module we have 4 voltage and 3 current
sources available for test purpose.
Click Add to pop-up the following window
Current sources are internally configured as 3
phase output mode (see

Manual test mode

In this mode we can manually control all
sources to change with set steps.
Fill in the test name and test result and click
OK to confirm the operation.

Then we’ll have the following display

Sources available to control

We have the following sources available to

In this way we can get the test report with the

We can control the amplitude, phase angle
test name and results we have entered.
and frequency of voltage and current sources.

PowerTest Basic Modules

---------------------------------------------- Select control step

Here we can set the control step
Note: in case Vdc is not used to supply
auxiliary DC voltage to drive relay we can also
control it here.
GOOSE publishing related setting
If the optional IEC61850 application facility is
equipped we can set GOOSE publishing
Zero sequence voltage setting here.
Vz here is used to simulate the open delta
voltage of PT, i.e. VZ= 3(Va + Vb + Vc)

Select variable to control Note: for more information about optional
Following variables can be selected to control IEC61850 test application please contact the
Va Control Va
Vb Control Vb
Vc Control Vc
Control Vz (zero sequence
Vz Set outputs as DC
We can set all available sources as DC output
Va,Vb Control Va,Vb at same time
by selecting this selection box.
Vb,Vc Control Vb,Vc at same time
Vc,Va Control Vc,Va at same time
Va,Vb,Vc Control Va,Vb,Vc at same time
Ia Control Ia
With this selection the setting for angle and
Ib Control Ib frequency will not be allowed to change
Ic Control Ic
Ia,Ib Control Ia,Ib at same time
Ib,Ic Control Ib,Ic at same time
Ic,Ia Control Ic,Ia at same time
Ia,Ib,Ic Control Ia,Ib,Ic at same time
Vdc Control auxiliary DC
Ia+Ib Control Ia+Ib (parallel output)
Ia+Ib+Ic Control Ia+Ib+Ic (parallel output) Ext. time
When this time is set here the output time will
be extended even after relay trips.
Select quantity to control
For each selected variable we can select the
following quantities to control.
This time setting is normally used in the test
Amplitude Control the amplitude application where we need to consider the
Angle Control the phase angle circuit breaker mechanism operation time.
Control the frequency
(not valid for Vdc)

PowerTest Basic Modules

Set binary output Step 3:

Here we can control the binary output at any Start output and the button becomes
time during the test process by selecting the
selection box. Step 4:
Press Lock button

Step 5:
Modify voltages and currents to faulty status

Trip time display Step 6:

If relay trips we can see the trip time here Press Lock button to release the lock.

At the same time the internal timer will start.

When relay trips the timer will stop and the
tripping time will be displayed.
Output control button
When test is started we can use these two
buttons to control the variable of the selected Auto test mode
quantity with set step.
In this mode we can select different way to
control the output automatically.

Following control modes are available for


time Test trip time

Lock control button from-to Test pickup
This control button is designed to test the relay Test pickup and trip
tripping time in manual mode. from-to+time
Test pickup and
Before test is started this button is Test pickup, drop-off
not activated and trip time

In auto test mode some more test parameters

will be allowed to set
Example: test the relay tripping time with
Lock button in manual mode
Step 1:
Make wiring, connecting voltage and current
outputs to relay and connect relay tripping
output to binary input 1

Step 2:
Set normal voltages and currents for a health Set start and end value
system In Auto mode the selected variable will ramp
with the set start and stop value.

PowerTest Basic Modules

from: the start point from where the

variable will ramp QuickTest(4V or
to: the stop point. If relay does not trip 6V,6I)
during the ramping process the test
will terminate at this point In this module we have 4 voltage or 6 voltage
and 6 current sources available for test

Note: the ‘from’ value must be set in the
way that relay will not trip at this setting. For
some type of relay, such as low voltage relay,
the ‘from’ setting is larger than ‘to’ setting
---------------------------------------------- The way to set those test parameters are
exactly same as QuickTest(4V,3I) except the
following points.
Set step time
Here we can set the control step Select variable to control
Following quantities can be selected to control

Va Control Va
Vb Control Vb
---------------------------------------------- Vc Control Vc
Note: due to communication requirement Control Va,Vb,Vc at same
between test set and external computer the time
step time can not be set less than 2s in order Control Vz (zero sequence
to test the trip time
Va,Vb Control Va,Vb at same time
---------------------------------------------- Vb,Vc Control Vb,Vc at same time
Vc,Va Control Vc,Va at same time
Va’ Control Va’
Vb’ Control Vb’
Vc’ Control Vc’
Control Va’,Vb’,Vc’ at same
Ia Control Ia
Ib Control Ib
Ic Control Ic
Control Ia,Ib,Ic at same
Ia’ Control Ia’
Ib’ Control Ib’
Ic’ Control Ic’
Ia’,Ib’,Ic’ Control Ia’,Ib’,Ic’ at same

PowerTest Basic Modules

Control all currents ast QuickTest
same time
Frequency Control frequency (Sequence)
In this module we have the facility to control
the sequence components for voltage and
QuickTest(VL-L,3I) current

In this module we have the facility to control

the line-line voltage, 3V0 (zero sequence
voltage) and 3 currents (in 3 current output

Select variable to control

Following quantities can be selected to control

Control positive sequence

component of voltage
Select variable to control Control negative sequence
Following quantities can be selected to control component of voltage
Control zero sequence component of
Vab Control Vab voltage
3V0 Control 3V0 Control positive sequence
Ia Control Ia component of current
Ib Control Ib Control negative sequence
component of current
Ic Control Ic
Control zero sequence component of
Ia,Ib Control Ia,Ib at same time I0
Ib,Ic Control Ib,Ic at same time
Vdc Control auxiliary DC
Ic,Ia Control Ic,Ia at same time
Ia,Ib,Ic Control Ia,Ib,Ic at same time
Vdc Control auxiliary DC

PowerTest Basic Modules

QuickTest(Power) QuickTest
In this module we can control the outputs in (Z, I Const)
the form of power.
This module provides a simple way to test
impedance relay with constant current.

Manual test mode

Select variable to control
Following quantities can be selected to control In this mode we can manually check the relay
operation at given set points.
Sa(Pa,Qa) Control phase A output power
Sb(Pb,Qb) Control phase B output power
Sc(Pc,Qc) Control phase C output power
S(P,Q) Control three phase output power
Pa Control active power for phase A Here we can select different fault type
Pb Control active power for phase B
Pc Control active power for phase C
Pa,Pb,Pc Control three phase active power
Control reactive power for phase
Control reactive power for phase Here we can set the point we want to check.
B We can select to enter Z-Phi value or R-X
Control reactive power for phase value.
Control three phase reactive The point set here is also the start point from
power where we can further increase or decrease
with the set step value.

Here we set the current to be injected into the

relay under test. And this current will remain
constant during the test process.

PowerTest Basic Modules

Here we select the quantity and the variable to
change. (Z, V Const)
Following variables are available This module provides a simple way to test
 Z impedance relay with constant voltage
 R
 X
 If (can be used to test Accurate Working
Current of electromagnetic type
impedance relay)

Following quantities are available

 Amplitude
 Angle
Here we set the voltage to be injected into the
relay under test. And this voltage will remain
constant during the test process.

When we click increase/decrease button

during the test process the selected
quantity/variable will change with the step we
set here. Here we select the quantity and the variable to

Following variables are available

 Z
 R
 X
 Vf (can be used to test Accurate
Working Voltage of electromagnetic type
For earth fault we need to set earth impedance relay)
compensation factor here according to relay
setting. Following quantities are available
 Amplitude
Three types of earth compensation factor are  Angle
available for selection.

 KE ----------------------------------------------
 ZE/Z1
Note: The rest of settings are same as
QuickTest (Z, I Const)

---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
Note: In relay instruction manual we can
find out which type of the earth compensation
factor is used
PowerTest Basic Modules

QuickTest Note 2: We have assumed that the line
(Z, Zs Const) impedance and system impedance have the
same earth compensation factor. If they have
different factors then we need to use Distance
This module provides a simple way to test
module to test the relay
impedance relay with constant system
impedance ----------------------------------------------

This module is used to test trip time of AC
current or voltage type time relay.

Set group settings

Click button to enter into group
setting page
Here we set the system impedance which will
remain constant during the test process. Group setting page is shown bellow

Tset trip time setting

Here we select the variable to change.

Set group parameters
Following variables are available
 Z Click button to enter into group
 R parameter page. Group test parameter page
 X along with default settings is shown bellow
Following quantities are available
 Amplitude
 Angle Tprefault: prefault time. During this time no
voltage or current is generated
fault: prault type. Here we can select
---------------------------------------------- the fault to be simulated for the
Note 1: The rest of settings are same as test.
QuickTest (Z, I Const)
----------------------------------------------  A-E: A-E fault
 B-E: B-E fault,
 C-E: C-E fault
 A-B: A-B fault
 B-C: B-C fault
 C-A: C-A fault

PowerTest Basic Modules

 A-B-C: A-B-C fault

 3I0: use 3I0 as the quantity
to change
 I2: use I2 as the quantity to

Set test parameters

Pre-Fault parameters

Voltage can be set according the test


Current can be set according to the test


Angle can be set according to the test


Fault parameters

Voltage can be set according to the test


Current should be set large enough to

make relay trip

Angle can be set according to the test


Max. fault time

Should be set larger than tripping time setting

PowerTest Basic Modules

2.State Sequence
This module is used to define a series of test states for special test applications.

Three sub-modules are available here.

State Sequence (4V, 3I): provides 4 voltage and 3 current sources

State Sequence (4V, 6I): provide 4 voltage and 6 current sources

PowerTest Basic Modules

Test state will be switched to the next one if

State one of the condition is met

Sequence(4V,3I) Time: if the set time is over

Binary input: if selected binary input is
With this module we can generate a series of activated
states to test the tripping time Binary Input

The amplitude, phase angle, frequency and

corresponding trigger conditions for each state
can be defined

Test state will be switched to the next one if

binary input is triggered.


Trigger condition
We can define trigger condition for each test
state and when this trigger condition is met the
current test state will be switched to the next

Common trigger condition includes.

Test state will be switched to the next one if we
press button


Test state will last for the time defined here

Test state will be switched to the next one if
and when this time is over the current test
GPS pulse signal is received. In this case the
state will be switched to the next one.

Time or Binary Input ----------------------------------------------

Note: Optional PGPS-02 GPS
synchronization device should be used for this

PowerTest Basic Modules

Short circuit calculation

To easy the setting when testing impedance
relay a short-circuit calculation tool is provided.

The calculation page is shown bellow

Based on the differential relay settings the

actual test currents will be set automatically.

Binary output control

For each test state we can control the binary
output in two ways.

Case 1:

Based on the setting here the required voltage ,

current and phase angle setting will be set for
the current test state automatically.

Differential calculation
To easy the setting when testing differential The selected binary output will keep its status
relay a differential current calculation tool is during the whole process of the current test
provided. state.

Case 2:

PowerTest Basic Modules

If Change status box is selected the selected Set group parameters

binary output will last for a time set in Hold
time. Click button to enter into group
parameter page. Group test parameter page
Example: along with default settings is shown bellow
In the above example the binary output 1 will
be closed for 0.1s for the current test state

GOOSE publish setting

DC offset
If the optional IEC61850 application facility is DC offset can be added to the output signal if
equipped we can set GOOSE publishing we select Yes here. The magnitude of DC
setting here. offset is defined by

I dc =
− I max × e τ

Imax: related to the current value at the end

of last test state
Note: for more information about optional
τ time constant
IEC61850 test application please contact the
Refer to time constant
Ref. State
Here we define the binary input trigger
condition for the current test state.

Hold time No 1: we compare the current binary input

status with the one of the first test
The current test state will be extended to the state. The trigger will happen if they
time defined here. have different status.

priev: we compare the current binary input

status with the one of the last test
state. The trigger will happen if they
have different status.

In the above diagram the yellow marked part is

the extension time defined by Hold time.

PowerTest Basic Modules

State Sequence (4V

or 6V, 6I)
In this module 4 voltages or 6 voltages and 6
currents sources are provided.

The way to set group parameters and test

parameters is similar to Stat Sequence (4V,

The short circuit calculation here refers to

group 1 voltage and current sources.

PowerTest Basic Modules

3.CB Operate

This module can be used to check different protection

types of line protection system, including over ◆ can set load current and power angle to
current, line carrier, distance and check the influence of additional impedance to
zero-sequence over-current. The whole relay distance protection.
system, including auto-reclosing, tripping ◆ to simulate the closing and opening
mechanism along with/or without circuit process of circuit breaker
breaker can be checked. ◆ to simulate the coordination between line
carrier receiver and protection (binary output
will be used to simulate the line carrier receiver
Features operation). So line carrier protection can be
tested without the use of line carrier receiver.
◆ can set different fault type ◆ can do end-to-end test with GPS control
◆ can select to simulate reclosing on health mode
system, reclosing on faulty system, or ◆ can set to control the test process by
reclosing on faulty system with different faulty tripping signal from protection or by time only.
type When time control is selected we are able to
◆ can set the angle between voltage and set fault duration, dead time, fault duration
current when fault occurs; can set to add DC after reclosing and the time duration after the
offset at the time when fault comes; this is to second trip
check the Transient Overreach of distance

Typical layout of this module is shown bellow

PowerTest Basic Modules

Set group parameters Bin. Input: Fault status comes immediately

after binary input H senses the
Click button to enter into group trigger signal
parameter page. Group test parameter page
along with default settings is shown bellow GPS Fault status comes immediately
after GPS pulse signal is

Note: GPS controlled test is available with
optional PGPS-2 GPS Synchronization
Device. Please contact the manufacture for
more information

PT at
Select it according to the actual PT installation

 Busbar side
 Line side

TPrefault CT polarity
Prefault time setting. Select it according to the actual CT polarity

During this time the test set will supply normal Busbar polarity is toward busbar side
system balance voltage. Line polarity is toward line side

Trigger Mode Control Mode

There are four trigger modes can be selected Define the way to switch from one state to the
here. next one

 Time Bin. Input controlled by binary input

 Manual Time controlled by time
 Bin. Input
 GPS If Time control is selected the following
settings are to be set accordingly
Time Fault status comes immediately
after prefault time is over
Rec. Mode
Manual Fault status comes after we Type of auto reclosing
Single-phase/three-phase single phase

PowerTest Basic Modules

fault with
single phase ∣Zs∣, Phis
tripping. When Constant system impedance is selected
then we need to give settings here.
Three-phase single phase
fault with three
phase tripping CB Sim.
When optional Circuit Breaker Simulator is
NoRec no reclosing used we can need to select Yes here.

Last Time After trip Related to CB Sim.
Dead time after first tripping.
Related to CB Sim.
Last Time After Rec
Time duration after reclosing. We can simulate
another fault during this time. Fault Inception Mode:
Last time after Sec. trip Define the way to start a fault
Time duration after second tripping
 random
 fixed angle

KE Mode random the angle between voltage and

There are three types of KE mode available current at the moment of fault is
and we need to select the one according to the given randomly by test set
relay under test.
fixed angle the angle between voltage and
 ∣K0∣, Phi(K0) current at the moment of fault
 RERL, XEXL can be set here
 ∣Z0∣, Phi(Z0)

F Fault Angle
∣KE∣or RE(KE) If we select fixed angle in Fault Inc. Mode we
Setting for ∣K0∣, RERL or ∣Z0∣ need to set the angle here

Phi(KE) or Im(KE) DC offset

Setting for Phi(K0), XEXL or Phi(Z0) Here we can define if DC offset is to be added
when fault occurs

Test Mode
We can select the follow test modes. Uz Defined
Select the definition of Vz output
IConst Constant current
VConst Constant voltage  1.732*3Vo
ZsConst Constant system impedance  -1.732*3Vo
 3Vo

PowerTest Basic Modules

 -3Vo  TripA
Bin. In1
 Vs  TripABC
Bin. In2  TripB
If Vs is selected we need to set the following Bin. In3  TripABC
settings accordingly Bin. In4  Reclose
 TripA
Bin. In5
 TripABC
Phi(Uz)Ref.  TripB
Reference voltage for Vz Bin. In6
 TripABC
 TripC
Bin. In7
 TripABC
|Uz| Bin. In8  Reclose
Amplitude of Vz Select to use
 1234
Trip Sel binary 1234 or
 5678
Phi(Uz) Out1  Open The status of
Phase angle between Vz and reference  Close binary out during
voltage prefault time
Out2  Open The status of
 Close binary out during
Z-Phi or R-X
prefault time
Select to set impedance value by Z-Phi or R-X
Out3  Open The status of
 Close binary out during
prefault time
Out4  Open The status of
Configure binary inputs  Close binary out during
prefault time
Output  1234 Select to use
Click button to enter into binary time  5678 binary 1234 or
input configuration page 5678
Output  1234 Select to use
hold  5678 binary 1234 or
time 5678

TripA, TripB or TripC

If we select them then test set will sense the
binary inputs for TripA, TripB and TripC
separately and record their tripping time in the

Example: tripping time record with selection of

TripA, TripB and TripC

To simplify the wiring operation and reduce the

preparation time before the test we have
assigned each binary input here to a dedicated In this example we can see the tripping time
purpose. difference for phase A, B and C

PowerTest Basic Modules

TripABC Set test parameters

If we select them then test set will sense the
binary inputs for TripA, TripB and TripC
separately and record the latest tripping time
as the tripping time for all three phase tripping

Example: tripping time record with selection of

TripABC Name
Edit the name for the current test point

In this example the tripping time is same for Select the fault type to simulate
phase A, B and C
Z, Angle, R, X
Output time Set the impedance for the fault to simulate
Counting from the time when fault occurs and
after this time the binary output changes its Tmax
status. Total test time

I Test,V Test
Output hold time Constant current or voltage setting
The time duration for binary output after it
changes status Direction
Forward fault occurs in the forward
The diagram bellow shows the meaning of direction
Output time and Output hold time Reversed fault occurs in the reversed

Transient only one fault will be simulated
Permanent circuit breaker will be reclosed to
a faulty system and one more
tripping is expected

I Load, Power angle:

Load current and power angle before fault

Dev. fault:
Select it to activate the setting for the second
fault with different fault type

PowerTest Basic Modules

Developing Fault Test procedures


Here we can define the fault type and settings

for the second fault

PowerTest Basic Modules

This module is specially designed to realize time will appear only once during the
RAMP for different test applications. whole test process

t2: relay prefault time. This time will be

applied each time when we give the next
shot. For pulse ramp this t2 is also known
as wait time

A: Start value from where the selected

variable will ramp.

B: End value at the point the test process will


C: Step value

Typical test applications D: Step time

The module can be used for the following

typical test applications Linear ramp
The typical linear ramping process is as
 Check pick up value follows
 Check drop up value
 Test directional relay
 Check MSA( Maximum Sensitivity Angle)

Concept of RAMP
Pulse ramp
The typical pulse ramping process is as
t1: relay prepare time or reset time. This time
will appear only once during the whole
test process

A: Start value from where the selected

quantity will ramp.

B: End value at that point test process will

t1: relay prepare time or reset time. This

PowerTest Basic Modules

The definition of these parameters are shown
C: Step value bellow
Relay prepare time or reset
D: Step time time
Tprefault Prefault time or wait time
Vprefault Prefaull voltage
---------------------------------------------- Iprefault Prefault current
Note 1: In Pulse ramp mode if we set Phiprefault Prefault angle
prefault time as zero it will become linear
---------------------------------------------- Set assessment criterion
---------------------------------------------- Click Assessment to enter into criterion
Note 2: In the group setting page we can setting page
set the prefault time/voltage/current, etc

Set group settings

Click button to enter into group
setting page

Group setting page of Ramp module is shown After test is over the assessment will be done
bellow based on the criterion and the assessment
results will also be displayed here

We can select to set allowed Relative Error or

The time setting here normally indicates the Absolute Error with reference of selected
time setting of the relay under test. The quantity for record.
variable for this time setting is Tset.

By default the time setting is set as 3s

Set group parameters

Click button to enter into group
parameter page. Group test parameter page
along with default settings is shown bellow

PowerTest Basic Modules

Set test parameters Select fault type or variable

Here we can select different fault type or
Edit name of test item

We can edit name for the current test item.

Variable Available quantities
 Va
Va,Ia  Ia
 Phi(Va,Ia)
Vab  Vab
Ia+Ib+Ic  I
 Voltage
 Current
 Angle
A-B  Z
 Vdc
 Ia
 Vab
Vab,Ic  Ic
 Phi(Vab,Ic)
 Vbc
Vbc,Ia  Ia
In the above example we have changed the  Phi(Vbc,Ia)
 Vca
name of test item 1 as Test 1.
Vca,Ib  Ib
 Phi(Vca,Ib)
 Vab
Add or remove test items
Vab,Ia  Ia
 Phi(Vab,Ia)
 Vbc
Vbc,Ib  Ib
 Phi(Vbc,Ib)
 Vca
Vca,Ic  Ic
We can use these buttons add or remove test  Phi(Vca,Ic)
items.  Vb
Vb,Ib  Ib
 Phi(Vb,Ib)
 Vc
Vc,Ic  Ic
 Phi(Vc,Ic)
Frequency  Frequency

PowerTest Basic Modules

We can make the selection according to the  3I0

test requirement.  I2
 Phi(Vab,Ic)
 Phi(3V0,3I0)
Set start value  Phi(V2,I2)
Based on the faulty type or variable we select Vbc,Ia
some items in the following settings will not be Vca,Ib
allowed to make modification while some other Vab,Ia
Same as above except the items
items will require to set a value which will be Vbc,Ib
marked in yellow
regarded as the initial value when test starts. Vca,Ic
Frequency  Frequency
Set step control value
Here we can set the step control value,
including start value, stop value, step value
and step time
Select record quantity for report
Here we can select quantity which will be
recorded and in the test report.

Variable Available quantities

 Va Set step time directly
Va,Ia  Ia We can set direct step time value.
 Phi(Va,Ia)
Vab  Vab
Ia+Ib+Ic  I
 Voltage In the above example we have set 0.6s as the
 Current step time.
 3V0 (zero sequence
A+B+C voltage) Associate step time with time setting
A-E  V2 (negative sequence When we open the module by default we see
B-E component for voltage) the following expression in the step time
C-E  3I0 (zero sequence current) setting box.
A-B  I2 (negative sequence
B-C component for current) max(1.2*Tset,0.1)
C-A  Angle
 Phi(3V0,3I0) More generally it has the expression of
 Phi(V2,I2)
 Z
max (x*Test, y), where
 Vdc
 Ia
Tset: Time setting set in group setting
 Vab
 Ic x: coefficient; x can be set according
Vab,Ic our test requirement. If we set x as
 3V0
 V2 1.2 then it means we are going to set
the step time as 1.2 times of Tset

PowerTest Basic Modules

y: reference time; the actual step time Example: Typical parameter setting for testing
will be determined by comparing the Maximum Sensitivity Angle
1.2*Tset and y, whichever is larger
will be used as the step time.

Example: max(1.5*Tset,0.5) with Tset of 1s

 1.5*Tset=1.5s, larger than 0.5
 Actual step time is 1.5s

Example: max(1.5*Tset,0.2) with Tset of 0.1s

 1.5*Tset=0.15s, smaller than 0.2
 Actual step time is 0.2s Here we have selected record quantity as
Phi(Va,Ia) to enable the selection of
The y is used to avoid the situation where Tset Characteristic Angle
is very small. In that case we use y as the step

Select type of test

The following types of test are available for


Pick up check pick up

check pick up and
Pick up + drop off
drop off
Characteristic Search Maximum
Angle Sensitivity Angle

Note: To select Characteristic Angle we
need to select the record quantity as angle.

PowerTest Basic Modules

This module is used to generate harmonics for all voltage and current outputs.

The module can be used for the following applications.

 Check the 2nd and 5th harmonic restraint

 Check the harmonic measurement of the relay

The typical layout the test page is shown bellow

Set test parameters

This test parameter setting page is shown

bellow Harmonic

Here we can switch among output channels

and set the harmonic for each channels

PowerTest Basic Modules

Based on those setting we can then view the

calculated output waveform on the display Quantity: source and number of harmonic
window Step size: step value
Frequency: nominal frequency
Auto: selected quantity will ramp with
the settings bellow


Click this button to reset the harmonic setting. From: from where the quantity starts to
To: test will terminates at this value
Parameters Step time: time duration for each step

Click this button to

PowerTest Basic Modules

On harmonic display window we can see detailed information of the selected output channel

HR: the percentage of harmonic value with reference to basic value

THD: total harmonic distortion

TMS: peak current

PowerTest Basic Modules

6.Non-electricity Check
items including Name and Test Method
This module doesn’t have any output value Requires
and not judge the binary input. It will generate
a complete report for project check from
appearance and safety.

Delete Delete check items while editing

check itms
Finish Save results after finished test

Add Add check items while editing check

PowerTest Basic Modules

7.Transient Playback (4V,3I)

This module is used to play back the Channel select

COMTRADE format file.
Click to configure channels

The standard COMTRADE format includes

normally the following two parts.

CFG describe the recording channels,

including signal names, sampling frequencies,
Configure channels
DAT contain the sampling values for
each channels

Input COMTRADE file

Click button to open the

COMTRADE file In Channel A drop-down selection box we can
view all voltage channels from the
COMTRADE file and we need to assign one
When a COMTRADE file is opened we can voltage from the list to the Va output of our
see the waveform and parameters in the test set.
display windows

Combine two channels

Two channels can be combined together to

get a new output. This happens when we need
to get the voltage which is the vector
summation from two voltage channels.


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