Distance Relay Editor Users Manual
Distance Relay Editor Users Manual
Distance Relay Editor Users Manual
ASPEN Distance Relay Editor is a proprietary computer program of Advanced Systems for Power Engineering, Inc.
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ASPEN DistriView, ASPEN OneLiner, ASPEN Power Flow, ASPEN Overcurrent Relay Editor, ASPEN
Distance Relay Editor, ASPEN Batch Short Circuit Module, ASPEN PowerScript and ASPEN Relay
Database are trademarks of Advanced Systems for Power Engineering, Inc.
The distance relay characteristics used by ASPEN OneLiner/DistriView are stored in a binary file called the
distance relay library. The ASPEN Distance Relay Editor is an auxiliary program for maintaining the distance
relay library.
You will see the Main Window when the program starts up.
Each relay type in the distance relay library is an instance of a method, which encapsulates the basic relay
technology. The following is a list of methods currently available:
GCX: This method simulates the GCX relay, which has a mho characteristics with 2 reactance lines.
HZ: This method simulates the HZ balanced-beam relay with circular characteristics.
HZM: This method simulates the HZM balanced-beam relay with circular characteristics. Offsets are
HCZ: This method simulates the 2-zone balanced-beam relay with variable time delay in zone 2.
KD: This method simulates the well-know 3-phase KD phase relay.
Mho: This method simulates the mho characteristics created by the classic phase-comparator method.
Mho4: This is identical to the Mho method, except Mho4 can have up to four zones (instead of 3).
Quad: This method simulates the quadrilateral relay. Phase comparators are used to model the straight-line
Quad4: This is identical to the Quad method, except Quad4 has 4 zones (instead of 3) and the resistive
blinders for each zone can be specified independently.
RAZOA: This method simulates the ABB RAZOA relay.
REL316 and REL316_4: This method simulates the ABB REL316 relay.
REL521 : This method simulates the ABB REL521 relay.
7SA513: This method simulates the Siemens 7SA513 relay.
7SA511: This method simulates the Siemens 7SA511 relay.
More details on each of these methods will be given later in this section.
Phase Relay
BC Unit Vb-Vc Ib-Ic
CA Unit Vc-Va Ic-Ia
AB Unit Va-Vb Ia-Ib
Ground Relay
A Unit Va Ia + 3 K Io
B Unit Vb Ib + 3 K Io
C Unit Vc Ic + 3 K Io
The logic for zone 3 is identical to that for the Mho method.
The reactance-line characteristics are simulated by comparing the phase between (V-XI) and XI. The quantities V
and I are identical to those used by the Mho method, and X is the zone reactance. This checking is done
separately for the three units in each zone.
The GCX characteristics are shown below.
The KD Method models the original KD relay as well as a number of electromechanical and microprocessor relay
types that utilize the same basic technology. The KD Method can be applied to phase relays only.
Each zone has two units: the 3-phase unit and the phase-to-phase unit. The zone reach and the characteristic
angle for the two units are specified separately by the user, and they do not have to be the same. For each unit,
three voltages, x, y and z are computed based on the voltages, currents and zone reach. The unit is considered
tripped if the voltage phasor x-y leads the phasor z-y.
The program logic employs a very short-term self-polarized voltage memory when a phase voltage is below 0.01
secondary volts. The memory-voltage option and duration you selected for the relay type have no effect on this
3-Phase Unit
Variable Definition
x Va + 1.5 (Ib+Ic) Z
y Vb
z Vc
Phase-To-Phase Unit
Variable Definition
x Va - (Ia-Ib) Z
y Vb
z Vc - (Ic-Ib) Z
(Note: The variable Z in the first table is the reach of the 3-phase unit. The variable Z in the second table is the
reach of the phase-to-phase unit. The reach of the 3-phase unit and the reach of the phase-to-phase unit need
not be identical.)
The KD Method does not allow offsets, but you can have the relay characteristics shifted slightly to include the
The graphical characteristics of the KD Method are the same as those of the Mho Method.
The parameters for the KD method are as follows:
Parameter Meaning
Z_1 Imp 3P Zone 1 reach in secondary ohms for the 3-phase unit.
Z_1 Imp PP Zone 1 reach in secondary ohms for the phase-phase unit.
Z_1 Ang 3P Zone 1 characteristic angle in degrees for the 3-phase unit.
Z_1 Ang PP Zone 1 characteristic angle in degrees for the phase-phase unit.
Z_2 Inc. Origin Zone 2 is shifted slightly to include the origin if this value is 1.
Z_2 Imp 3P Zone 2 reach in secondary ohms for the 3-phase unit.
Z_2 Imp PP Zone 2 reach in secondary ohms for the phase-phase unit.
Z_2 Ang 3P Zone 2 characteristic angle in degrees for the 3-phase unit.
Z_2 Ang PP Zone 2 characteristic angle in degrees for the phase-phase unit.
Z_2 Delay Zone 2 time delay in seconds
Z_3 Inc. Origin Zone 3 is shifted slightly to include the origin if this value is 1.
Z_3 Imp 3P Zone 3 reach in secondary ohms for the 3-phase unit.
Z_3 Imp PP Zone 3 reach in secondary ohms for the phase-phase unit.
Z_3 Ang 3P Zone 3 characteristic angle in degrees for the 3-phase unit.
Z_3 Ang PP Zone 3 characteristic angle in degrees for the phase-phase unit.
Z_3 Delay Zone 3 time delay in seconds
The HZ Method is for relay types of the balanced-beam design. This method can be used for phase relays only.
The relay type modeled with the HZ method is assumed to have a built-in directional unit that is identical in
design as those in directional overcurrent phase relays. Specifically, the inputs to the three directional units are:
Directional Unit
Vp Current
Phase A Vb-Vc Ia
Phase B Vc-Va Ib
Phase C Va-Vb Ic
The characteristic angle of the phase comparator is such that the maximum torque occurs when the current is 30
degrees ahead of the polarizing voltage. The memory voltage and duration specify for the relay type determines
which voltages used to compute the quantity Vp for the directional unit. The memory voltage is not used for
other purposes.
The balanced beam relay is modeled as a magnitude comparator. The voltage and current inputs are these:
Zone 1 and Zone 2
BC Unit Vb - Vc Ib - Ic
CA Unit Vc - Va Ic - Ia
AB Unit Va - Vb Ia - Ib
Zone 3
BC Unit Vb - Vc Ib
AB Unit Va - Vb Ia
CA Unit Vc - Va Ic
Each zone has three units. Each unit is considered tripped if the magnitude of V is at least 5 volts and the
magnitude of (Z I) is greater than the magnitude of V. A zone is considered tripped if the directional unit indicates
that the fault is in the tripping direction and one or more units of that zone are tripped.
The characteristics of the HZ method are circles centered at the origin.
The delay for zone 1 is value of "Zone 1 Delay" in the dialog box.
The delay for zone 1 is value of "Zone 1 Delay" in the dialog box.
Parameter Meaning
Z1 Zone 1 enable. 0 for disabled, 1 for non-directional, 2 for forward and 3 for reverse.
Z1-X Zone 1 reactance reach. Z1-X must be greater than 0.05 and less than 130.
Z1-R Zone 1 resistance phase-phase. Z1-R must be greater than 0.05 and less than 65.
Z1-RE Zone 1 resistance phase-earth. Z1-RE must be greater than 0.05 and less than 65
Z2 Zone 2 enable. 0 for disabled, 1 for non-directional, 2 for forward and 3 for reverse.
Z2-X Zone 2 reactance reach. Z2-X must be greater than 0.05 and less than 130.
Z2-R Zone 2 resistance phase-phase. Z2-R must be greater than 0.05 and less than 65.
Z2-RE Zone 2 resistance phase-earth. Z2-RE must be greater than 0.05 and less than 65.
Z2-T Zone 2 delay. Z2-T must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 32.
Z3 Zone 3 enable. 0 for disabled, 1 for non-directional, 2 for forward and 3 for reverse.
Z3-X Zone 3 reactance reach. Z3-X must be greater than 0.05 and less than 130.
Z3-R Zone 3 resistance phase-phase. Z3-R must be greater than 0.05 and less than 65.
Z3-RE Zone 3 resistance phase-earth. Z3-RE must be greater than 0.05 and less than 65.
Z3-T Zone 3 delay. Z3-T must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 32.
Z1B Overreach zone 1B enable. 0 for disabled, 1 for non-directional, 2 for forward and 3
for reverse.
This section documents the commands in the Main Window.
Main Window Commands
The Main Window opens libraries and distance relay types. The commands in the Main Window are described in
Section 3.2.
If the current library has been modified, a dialog box will appear asking
you whether the changes should be saved.
2. Click on "Yes" if you wish to save the updated library; otherwise click on "No".
The program will shut down and its window will disappear.
A dialog
box will appear displaying the parameters of the relay type and method.
3. Select the relay types you would like to copy. Click on "Select All" to copy all
relay types or click on them individually in the list box.
The relay types you have selected will become highlighted.
4. Click on "Copy".
The selected relay types will be copied into the distance relay library.
5. Click on "Done" to close the dialog box.
Edit Command 36
Quad and Quad4 Method 11
Exit Command 35
RAZOA Method 16
GCX Method 9
REL316 Method 17
REL316_4 Method 19
H Relay Type 2, 4, 5
HCZ Method 15 delete 36
HZ Method 13 edit 36
HZM Method 14 view 36
Voltage Memory 4, 6