Respiratory Protection For Producers: Respirator Types
Respiratory Protection For Producers: Respirator Types
Respiratory Protection For Producers: Respirator Types
where there is the potential for respiratory hazard: • environment is oxygen-deficient, such as in silos and
manure pits
• working in dusty buildings or fields • contaminant level is very high (i.e. beyond the
• entering silos or manure pits capability of the air-purifying respirator to capture and
• handling mouldy hay filter it)
• applying pesticides or fertilizers • contaminant is highly toxic
Depending on the specific hazard, failing to wear the No matter what respirator type is required, ensure that the
proper respirator, or wearing it improperly, can result in model chosen is approved by a safety standards agency
health effects ranging from temporary such as the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
discomfort to long-term lung problems Health (NIOSH) or the Canadian
and even death. Standards Association (CSA).
Respirators can be categorized into two classes: APRs also come in two-strap and adjustable strap models.
Two-strap models give a much better fit. Masks with only
• air-purifying respirators one strap typically don’t provide a seal.
• atmosphere-supplying respirators
There are two basic APR types: non-powered and
It is very important to have the right type of respirator for powered.
each individual situation.
Non-powered air-purifying respirators Table 1. Dust mask filtering efficiency
Several types of non-powered air-purifying respirators are Filter
available: efficiency Not oil Very oil
(per cent) resistant O il resistant resistant
1. Disposable dust masks
95 N95 R95 P95
Disposable dust masks protect workers against nuisance
and non-toxic dusts (such as dust in pig or poultry barns), 99 N99 R99 P99
but they are not effective against toxic gases and vapours. 99.97 N100 R100 P100
They last for one day and are the least expensive form of
2. Reusable dust and mist masks
Reusable air-purifying respirators are the type commonly
used to protect the user from dusts and mists. These masks
operate like disposable masks, but the filters are
replaceable. The filters should be replaced when the user
finds it difficult to breathe through them.
When using chemical cartridge respirators: attached hose leading to a canister mounted on the
wearer’s belt. Chin-type canisters also are available, but
• Choose the type of cartridge that is designed for the they have somewhat smaller capacities.
specific respiratory hazards faced.
• Set a regular schedule for replacing the cartridges to Powered air-purifying respirators
ensure continued safe use. When the cartridge’s capacity
Powered air-purifying respirators are equipped with high-
is exhausted, contaminants will be able to pass through
efficiency particulate air filters. These respirators can be
it and be inhaled.
effective for use in livestock buildings with high levels of
• Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for replacing the dust or in areas with high concentrations of pesticides, but
cartridge. they CANNOT be used in oxygen-limited
environments such as silos and manure pits.
Ensure the mask fits the user properly. When it comes to
effective protection, a good fit is as important as the These respirators consist of mechanical filters, chemical
regular replacement of the cartridges. cartridges or both. They are powered by batteries that
blow filtered air into a faceplate. They are particularly
4. Gas masks
useful for workers with beards or glasses.
Gas masks are more effective than chemical cartridge
respirators against high concentrations of toxic gases and Follow a regular schedule for replacing the batteries, filters
vapour. The chemical filter in the gas mask removes toxic and/or cartridges for continued safe use.
vapours and particles from the air, such as fumigants in
buildings. It is important to select the correct type of Atmosphere-Supplying Respirators
canister for the specific hazards being dealt with.
These respirators are for use in oxygen-deficient
Gas masks have replaceable canisters that are larger than environments. They come in two types: supplied-air
the cartridges used in chemical cartridge respirators. The respirators and self-contained breathing apparatus.
canisters also contain a larger volume of chemical sorbent
1. Supplied-air respirators (SAR)
than do the cartridges; as such, they may be used for
longer periods than the chemical cartridges before Supplied-air respirators are available in two styles: with a
breakthrough occurs. Follow a regular schedule for hose mask with a blower, or with an emergency air-supply.
replacing the canisters. The emergency air-supply respirators are designed ONLY
for escape purposes and are not intended for use when
When it comes to good protection, the fit of the mask to working in manure pits or silos.
the individual is as important as the volume of chemical
sorbent. Gas masks usually have a full-face piece with an
* Adapted from How to Protect Yourself from Respiratory Hazards, University Extension, University of Missouri Columbia
2. Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) Buying the right respirator
SCBAs offer the best protection to agricultural workers Respirators are available from the manufacturer, through
entering oxygen-deficient areas or other atmospheres mail-order catalogues or local farm supply stores. Most
immediately dangerous to life. SCBA have either an open types of respirators are available from a safety supply store.
circuit or closed circuit design. The closed circuit design
involves a re-breathing device. The open circuit SCBA It is critical to buy the correct type of respirator for each
expels the exhaled air into the atmosphere instead of re- particular situation. Table 3 summarizes the appropriate
circulating it. types of respirators for a variety of hazards. Check that the
respirator has a label showing that it has been approved by
SCBAs have the advantage of an independent supply of a recognized safety standards agency such as the NIOSH
breathable air. However, they do have shortcomings: or the CSA.
• properly assessing the situation where the respirator will Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for wearing
be used the respirator. Check for a proper seal each time the
• selecting the appropriate type of respirator for that respirator is worn. An easy way to check the seal is to
situation conduct a positive or negative fit check:
• ensuring the respirator fits the user properly
• regularly maintaining the respirator
* Adapted from How to Protect Yourself from Respiratory Hazards, University Extension, University of Missouri-Columbia
** Approved by a recognized safety standards agency
• For a positive check, cover the exhalation valve with the • Wearing a respirator that does not seal properly to the
palm of the hand and exhale so that air builds up inside face is as dangerous as not wearing one at all:
the respirator. If there is a leak, the wearer will feel it – have the respirator properly fitted to the wearer by
against the skin of his/her face. qualified personnel
• For a negative fit check, cover the cartridge(s) with – each time it is used, test the respirator to ensure a
both hands and inhale. If there is no leakage, the mask proper seal
will be drawn tightly to the wearer’s face.
– most types of respirators will not properly seal if the
Most types of respirators will not seal properly if the user has a beard or moustache
wearer has a beard or moustache. Such facial hair should • Read and carefully follow all use and safety instructions
either be shaved off, or the user should wear a powered for the respirator.
air-purifying respirator (see above) if that type is • Maintain, clean and store respirators in a safe, sanitary
appropriate for the respiratory hazard involved. Industries location.
require that workers be clean-shaven if they have to wear
• Different types of respirators require different amounts
of maintenance. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
and maintain the respirator carefully and regularly.
Maintenance and storage
• Training is essential for the proper use of respirators.
Different types of respirators require different amounts of
maintenance. Carefully read and follow the manufacturer’s
instructions for maintaining the respirator. Follow a
regular schedule for replacing filters and/or cartridges/ For more information
canisters. The following two videos may help train those using
Periodically inspect the respirator for damage and dirt.
Look for the following: • Respirators and How to Use Them (12 min.): This video
explains the use of respiratory equipment.
• excessive dirt around the face piece
• Fit Testing Respirators (12 min.): This video explains the
• detergent residue
procedures for testing, maintaining and using
• missing valve covers respiratory equipment.
• a cracked face piece
These videos are available by calling Digital-2000 at
• breaks, tears or loss of elasticity in the head straps
(800) 334-1523 or by visiting
NEVER attempt to repair a damaged respirator beyond
replacing the replaceable parts, such as filters and head
straps. Contact the manufacturer for parts for the References
particular respirator. Do not try to substitute parts from Some of the information in this publication is adapted
other respirators because they might prevent a total seal. from:
Store respirators in a safe, clean location. • Using and Selecting Respirators, University of Maine
Cooperative Extension Bulletin #2331
• How to Protect Yourself from Respiratory Hazards,
Summary University Extension, University of Missouri-Columbia
• Try to minimize exposure to dust and harmful gases. • Respiratory Protection in Agriculture, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University
• Use respiratory protection when working in an
environment with dust or harmful gases. • Good Farming Is No Accident, Government of Manitoba
• Be sure to select the respirator type designed for the • Workplace Safety and Health Manual for Alberta Hog
specific hazard faced. Choose a model that has been Farmers, Alberta Pork
approved by a recognized safety standards agency.