A Short Guide To Your Respirator
A Short Guide To Your Respirator
A Short Guide To Your Respirator
Types of Respirators The respirator you have been issued is known as an Air-Purifying
Respirator and was specifically selected based on the hazard you
There are many types of respirators available. Each type of are anticipated to be exposed to. Should the hazard change, the
respirator can protect against specific contaminants. For example, respirator type you use may also need to be changed.
a filtering facepiece will protect an individual from exposure to low
levels of non-hazardous dust but will not protect an individual from Air-purifying respirators have filters
exposure to vapors. Some types of respirators are shown below. or cartridges that filter out or
absorb contaminants in the air.
These filters/cartridges often look
something like this
Filtering Facepiece
Filters/cartridges are designed for
specific types of contaminants. For instance, some
filters/cartridges will filter out particulate while others absorb
solvent vapors. The filters/cartridges you have been issued with
Half-Mask Air Purifying your air-purifying respirator were selected based on the
contaminant(s) you may be exposed to and the known or
anticipated levels of those contaminants. If contaminants and/or
the levels of contaminants in your environment change, call the
EHS office to make sure the filters/cartridges you have will work.
Hood or Helmet Supplied Air Also keep in mind that filters/cartridges expire with use and time.
Filters designed to handle particulate can essentially clog after
being used in environments with high levels of particulate or after
being used over and over again. When filters become clogged,
you may find that its more difficult to inhale when youre wearing
your respirator.
Full-Face Air Purifying
Cartridges designed to absorb vapors can expire when they
become full and cant absorb any more. When vapor cartridges
become full, vapors can travel right through the cartridges rather
than becoming absorbed. This phenomenon is called break-
Self-Contained through. A cardinal sign of break-through is when you can smell
Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) the contaminant while youre wearing your respirator with proper
cartridges for the contaminant.
Call the EHS Office to figure out how often you need to change
your filters/cartridges or if you experience filter clogging and/or
break-through as described above.
Hint: Store all vapor-absorbing cartridges in a sealed plastic bag to prevent them
from becoming full prematurely.
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Inspecting Your Respirator
Step #3 - Inspect the Valves
Regardless of what type of respirator you use, you should always Check for detergent residue, dust, grime, or dirt on the valves or
inspect it before putting it on and using it. The manufacturer of valve seats. Remove deposits with mild soap and water rinse
your respirator often supplies a booklet (usually located in the thoroughly.
respirators storage box) that provides information about your Check for tears in or distortion of the valves/valve seats. If noted,
respirator including a diagram of the parts of the respirator. call the EHS Office for replacement valves.
Familiarize yourself with the parts of your respirator before
inspecting it. The following are some guidelines on how to inspect Step #4 Inspect Filters/Cartridges & Associated Elements
your respirator:
Check that you have the proper cartridge/filter for the hazard.
Step #1 Inspect the Facepiece Ensure that the gaskets inside
the cartridge/filter receptacles
Is the facepiece grimy and dirty? If so, clean it (a cleaning are in place and in good shape.
procedure is discussed later in this booklet). Check the threads on both the
Check for any obvious cracks, tears, or holes. If there are any, cartridge/filter and the
obtain a new facepiece from the EHS Office. cartridge/filter receptacles. If
Check for distortion or warping of the facepiece. If you notice they are worn, call EHS to
any, allow the facepiece to sit on an open surface for 30 minutes replace the cartridge/filter
to see if the distortion/warping disappears. If not, obtain a new and/or the receptacles.
facepiece from the EHS Office. Check the cartridge/filter
For full facepieces, check the viewing lens for cracks or housings for dents or cracks. If
scratches. If scratches/cracks are noted, call the EHS Office to you detect any imperfections, call EHS to replace them.
replace the lens. Ensure that the cartridge/filters and the receptacles are tightly
connected before putting on the respirator.
Step #2 Inspect the Headstrap(s)
and Neckstrap
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User Seal Check Inhale gently so that you feel/see the facepiece collapse slightly
Hold your breath for about 10 seconds while the facepiece is
Always perform a user seal check before entering the hazardous collapsed
If the facepiece remains collapsed without leakage, youve
environment with your respirator on. This check helps to ensure
than an adequate seal is achieved between the facepiece and achieved a satisfactory fit.
your face. Always remember if the respirator isnt properly
sealed to your face, it will not be effective in protecting you from If you achieved a satisfactory fit during both tests, youre ready to
the hazard. wear your respirator. If not, tighten or adjust your respirator and
perform the user seal check again until youve achieved a proper
The following are instructions on how to perform a user seal fit.
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Fit Testing Maintenance & Storage
To ensure that your respirator fits your face well enough and offers The best thing you can do for your respirator is clean it.
adequate protection, MIT EHS administers a fit test. This test Respirators that are not cleaned wear out fast, sometimes dont fit
consists of you wearing your respirator while it is outfitted with a well, and can often feel uncomfortable on your face. Storage of
special adaptor and hooked up to a fit testing machine. The your respirator is also a very important consideration.
machine monitors the levels of
harmless particles inside the How to Clean Your Respirator
facepiece of your respirator and
compares them to the levels of Remove the cartridges/filters and set them aside in a dry area
harmless particles in ambient air Remove the exhalation valve cover, the exhalation valve, the
around you - the lower the levels of inhalation valves, the head/neck straps, and the cartridge/filter
particles inside your mask, the better receptacles with gaskets from the facepiece. These components
the fit. During your fit test, you will and the facepiece should be wet-cleaned, as described below.
be asked to perform some activities Fill a small wash tub or sink with warm water mixed with a mild
while wearing your respirator (e.g., detergent (like Alconox or dish detergent) or with a cleaner
breathing normally, breathing deeply, recommended by the
talking, bending at the waist). respirator manufacturer
Clean the respirator
Lots of changes can happen in one components in the water-
year - your job duties may change, detergent solution. A bristle
you may take up running and lose a lot of brush (not wire) can be used to
weight, or you may have acquired a new set facilitate dirt removal.
of dentures. Because so many changes If the detergent you use does
can take place over a year, the way your not contain a disinfectant,
respirator fits you may change. Therefore, immerse the cleaned
you must have a fit test annually. MIT EHS components for 2 minutes in a
will contact you when youre close to your fit cleanser or disinfectant that is
test due date. You need to then call the specially made for respirators.
EHS office at x2-3477 to schedule a fit test Rinse the respirator
appointment. components thoroughly in warm, preferably running, water.
Rinsing completely is very important detergent residue left on
Please remember to shave off any facial the respirator components can irritate skin or can speed up the
hair that may interfere with the respirator- deterioration of the respirator.
to-face seal before your fit test if you Hand-dry the respirator components with a lint-free cloth or air-
come with a beard, we may be forced to dry the respirator components by laying them flat on a clean
turn you away until you can return clean- surface. Do not hang the respirator up by the straps! This can
shaven. cause warping.
After thorough drying, reassemble the respirator. Keep the
cartridges/filters separate from the facepiece.
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How to Store Your Respirator
If you have any further questions about your respirator, the MIT
Make sure your respirator is completely dry before putting it
Respiratory Protection Program, or any concerns related to your
away respirator, contact the MIT EHS office at x2-3477 or at
Put your cartridges/filters in a clean plastic bag and seal it
[email protected].
Place your respirator inside a plastic bag, seal it, and place it
inside a sturdy box (the bag and box your respirator came in are
good for storage). Dont put the cartridges in the box if their
presence causes the
respirator to be
Store the box and
cartridges in a place
that is free from
excessive dust, sunlight,
extreme temperatures,
excessive moisture, and
damaging chemicals
Always keep in mind
that the respirator
should maintain its natural position while being stored avoid
storing other items on top of your respirator box that will
compress the box!
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Annual Fit Test Quiz
5. Describe in your own words what break-through means.
1. It is essential to check the condition of your respirator and its
components and perform a user seal check before
a) Solvent vapors
b) Cement or plaster dust
c) Wood dust
d) Fiberglass particles
a) Facepiece
b) Inhalation valve
c) Headstrap
d) All of the above
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I:\Respiratory_Protection_Program\General Program Documents\User Guide - January 2007\A Short Guide to Your Respirator.doc