GPS and GSM Based Smart Taximeter

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National Conference on “Internet of Things: Towards a Smart Future” & “Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication”

In Association With Novateur Publication
17th -18th, Feb. 2016

Paper ID: IOTTSF04

Ms. Tejaswi Bhoite[1] Ms.Komal Jagadale [2] Ms.Kamini Jha[3]
[email protected][1] [email protected][2] [email protected][3]
provide notification facility on GSM mobile
Abstract: phone. This proposed work is an attempt to
The GPS technology can be used in
order to protect citizens from overpaying. design a taxi-meter that uses the GPS to
Traditional Taxi Fare-o-meter was based on determine an accurate taxi fare based on the
optical transducer. But due to timer distance traversed and this information can
differences in the measurement module and be transmitted to a remote server using GSM
controller the readings were not accurate. modem.The purpose of this system provides
Also Taxi owner can cheat easily like the following features:
choosing longer route to earn more profit. To o Shortest path from source to destination
improve accuracy of the reading, and to o Accurate fare based on the distance
avoid cheats, GPS is to be implemented in traversed
fare measurement. GPS will also help Cab o Real time tracking
owner to keep track of his cabs. GPS based o Time to time updates through SMS with
taxi fare-o-meter can be used worldwide the help of GSM module.
since GPS system has global
scope.Consumer will also get extra benefits Block Diagram:
like SMS notifications and printed copy of

GPS-Global Positioning System, GSM-
Global System for Mobile Communication

Presently, fare-o-meters in taxis and
auto rickshaws have a few shortcomings in
them due to which the customer ends up Fig : Block Diagram of Project
spending excess money.The GSM and GPS The above block diagram consists of the
based tracking system will also provide real follwing blocks:
time vehicle location. It will notify where the 1) Microcontroller unit
vehicle is located and for how long. The 2) GPS module
system uses Global Positioning Satellites to 3) Power supply
find the geographic position and time 4) GSM module
information. The vehicle has the system 5) LCD display
installed inside it, which has an "On Board 6) Printer
Module". During motion of the vehicle, its
real-time parameters such as location are The GPS receiver module tracks the
notified by SMS. traversed route from the source to
The main aim of the project is to destination and the data is sent to the
improve accuracy of the fare-o-meter and microcontroller unit. The microcontroller
will process the data and will display the
Distance and the calculated Fare

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering, Karvenagar, Pune-52

National Conference on “Internet of Things: Towards a Smart Future” & “Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication”
In Association With Novateur Publication
17th -18th, Feb. 2016

accurately on a LCD. Using GSM And sentences also begin

module, customer will receive with $GPMSS, $GPZDA
notification regarding bookings and other
details. Printer is also to be used so that 3.GSM module:
customer will get printed advice. It is dual band GSM service works at 900 and
Hardware Part of the project: 1800 MHz.
1.Microcontroller (Atmega328) :

Fig : GSM Module SIM900A

Fig : Arduino Uno(Atmega 328)  GSM Modules are used to
It has 14 digital input/output pins. Out transfer long-distance data
of which 6 can be used for PWM signals, 6 extensively, reliably and
analog inputs, and a 16 MHz crystal accurately.
oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack,  It Supports instructions that
an UART and a reset button. use AT commands.
2.GPS Module: 4.LCD Display 2*16 :
GPS has become a widely deployed
and useful tool for vehicle applying location
and routes for cars and trucks to function
without a human driver.

Fig : LCD Display (2*16)

 A 16x2 LCD is used, it consists of
two rows
 16x2 LCD can display 16 characters
Fig : GPS module per line and there are 2 such lines. In
 The hardware interface of this LCD each character is displayed
GPS unit meets NMEA in 5x7 pixel matrix.
 GPS sentences beginning Software part of the project:
with the following 1.GSM Algorithm :
specifications: $GPGGA, Sending Message :
$GPGSA, $GPGSV, 1.1 Part I:

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering, Karvenagar, Pune-52

National Conference on “Internet of Things: Towards a Smart Future” & “Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication”
In Association With Novateur Publication
17th -18th, Feb. 2016

Fig :Message Receiving Through GSM

2. GPS Algorithm :

1.2 Part II :

Fig : Algorithm For GPS Based Techology

Working Flow of the Project :

Customer books a taxi

Customer receives msg

Fig :Message Sending Through GSM
Receiving Message : Root Seen by Display

GPS shows Shortest Dist.

At destination

Customer Receives
Fig :Flowchart of Working

Schematic Diagram :
1. GPS Schematics Diagram :

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering, Karvenagar, Pune-52

National Conference on “Internet of Things: Towards a Smart Future” & “Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication”
In Association With Novateur Publication
17th -18th, Feb. 2016

2] Interfacing of GSM with Microcontroller:

Fig : Interfacing of GSM with Controller

Fig : Schematics Diagram of GPS Results:
2. GSM Schematics Diagram : GSM is used for sending and receiving
messages using AT commands like
GPS is used in the project to calculate the
latitude and longitude of every coordinate to
which the taxi travels. The display
incorporated in the system continuously
displays the readings of GPS, and the RTC
time, it also displays indications of sending
and receiving messages, therefore the
customer is fully aware of his travel details.

Fig : Schematics Diagram of GSM

1] Interfacing of GPS with Microcontroller:

Fig : Actual output of the Project

1. Elia Nadira Sabudin, Siti Zarina
Fig : Interfacing of GPS with Controller Mohd Muji, Mohd. Helmy Abd
Wahab, Ayob Johari, Norazman Bin
Ghani,“GSM-based Notification
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering, Karvenagar, Pune-52

National Conference on “Internet of Things: Towards a Smart Future” & “Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication”
In Association With Novateur Publication
17th -18th, Feb. 2016

Speed Detection for monitoring 3. National Research Council (U.S.).

Purposes”, IEEE, Department of Committee on the Future of the
Computer Engineering, University Global Positioning System; National
Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia in 2008. Academy of Public Administration
2. Stephen Teang Soo Thong (1995). The global positioning
“Intelligent Fleet Management system: a shared national asset:
System with Concurrent GPS & GSM recommendations for technical
Real- Time Positioning improvements and enhancements.
Technology”, IEEE ,Wireless National Academies Press.
Communication Centre (WCC), p. 16. ISBN 0-309-05283-1.
Malaysia in 2007. RetrievedAugust 16, 2013., Chapter
1, p. 16.
4. Elia Nadira Sabudin, Siti Zarina
Mohd Muji, Mohd. Helmy Abd
Wahab, Ayob Johari, Norazman Bin
Ghani,“GSM-based Notification
Speed Detection for monitoring
Purposes”, IEEE, Department of
Computer Engineering, University
Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia in 2008.

5. Stephen Teang Soo Thong

“Intelligent Fleet Management
System with Concurrent GPS &
GSM Real- Time Positioning
Technology”, IEEE ,Wireless
Communication Centre (WCC),
Malaysia in 2007.

6. National Research Council (U.S.).

Committee on the Future of the
Global Positioning System; National
Academy of Public Administration
(1995). The global positioning
system: a shared national asset:
recommendations for technical
improvements and enhancements.
National Academies Press.
p. 16. ISBN 0-309-05283-1.
RetrievedAugust 16, 2013., Chapter
1, p. 16

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering, Karvenagar, Pune-52

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