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Project PDF
Project PDF
Introduction brand, taste etc. This study helps in obtaining the right and
adequate information about the behavior of the consumers using
Access to clean water is a vital issue in the world today, water purifier as the market growth is on an increasing trend
spanning across multiple dimensions, including environmental today.
policy, industry, technology, and of course, poverty. More than
1/3 of the world’s renewable fresh water is used for agricultural, Objectives of the Study: The following are the objectives of
industrial, or domestic purposes. The majority of these uses the study. i. To know the factors influencing the choice of
release compounds back into the water that make it unsafe; we buyers while making the purchase of water purifier. ii. To
have become addicted to methods that poison surrounding measure the satisfaction level of the consumer and determine
bodies of water. Several million tons of pesticides, fertilizers the factors influencing satisfaction. iii. To know the problems
and synthetic compounds from industrial and consumer faced by the consumers’ of water purifier.
products find their way into natural waters every year. It is now
widely accepted that for many people, access to clean and safe Methodology
water in sufficient quantities is the most serious challenge of
survival in the twenty first century1. Aim of the study: To know the awareness level of consumers
towards water purifier.
Even in small amounts, these compounds can have detrimental
effects on sanitation, with proven long-term consequences for Research design: The researcher had adopted descriptive
aquatic stability and human health. Now, let’s consider the fact research design for the present study in order to describe the
that 1/3 of the world’s population lives without access to clean awareness level of consumers towards water purifier.
water: clearly, we have a problem. Technology must be paired
with concern for the environment and public health in order to Universe: The universe of the study comprises all the
deal with the need for a fast, inexpensive, and energy- consumers’ who are using water purifier residing in Erode town.
conserving method of water purification. Purified water
provides cleaner water for household needs. Cooking with and Sampling technique: For this study both primary data and
drinking purified water helps to ensure a family's peace of mind secondary data has been used. The primary data was collected
by knowing there is no foreign matter in their water. Many from respondents through questionnaire that contain list of
people prefer the flavor of pure water. questions related to this study. Convenient sampling method
was adopted in selecting the respondents. Information has been
The success of any product mainly depends upon the preference collected from a sample of 250 respondents. The secondary data
and satisfaction of the consumers. The preference of a product, required for the study have been collected from the books,
in turns depends upon many factors such as quality, price offer, magazines, journals and websites.
Table–2 Table–6
Gender of The Respondents Number of members in the family
Gender No. of Respondents Percentage Number of No. of Respondents Percentage
Male 112 45 members
Female 138 55 Below 3 members 51 20
3 to 6 members 155 62
Total 250 100 Above 6 members 44 18
Source: Primary data Total 250 100
Source: Primary data
Table-2, reveals that majority (55%) of the respondents are
female. Table-6, refers that majority (62%) of the respondents are
belonging to 3 to 6 members’ family.
Educational Qualification of the Respondent Table–7
Educational No. of Monthly income of the respondents
Qualification Respondents Monthly income No. of Percentage
Illiterate 40 16 Respondents
School level 50 20 Below Rs.25,000 98 39
Graduates 95 38 Rs.25,000 to Rs. 50,000 111 44
Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 75,000 32 13
Professional 65 26
Above Rs.75,000 9 4
Total 250 100 Total 250 100
Source: Primary data Source: Primary data
Table-3, denotes that majority (38%) of the respondents are Table-7, reveals that the majority (44%) of the respondents were
graduates. earning monthly income of Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 50,000.
Table–4 Table–8
Occupation of the Respondents Source of drinking water
Occupation No. of. Percentage Water source No. of Percentage
Respondents Respondents
Business man 68 27 Municipal Water 59 24
Professional 55 22 Bore Well 126 50
Employed 44 18 Well Water 37 15
Other Sources 28 11
Others 83 33
Total 250 100
Total 250 100 Source: Primary data
Source: Primary data
Table-8, shows that majority (50%) of the respondent’s source
Table-4, refers that majority (33%) of the respondents are of water is Bore well.
belonging to other occupation (student, housewife, etc).
Table–5 Brand of water purifier
Nature of the family Using of brand No. of Percentage
Nature of the No. of Percentage Respondents
Family Respondents Aquaguard 76 30
Nuclear Family 147 59 Pureit 85 34
Joint Family 103 41 Kent 36 15
Total 250 100 Wave 25 10
Others 28 11
Source: Primary data
Total 250 100
Source: Primary data
Table-5, shows that majority (59%) of the respondents are
belonging to Nuclear family.
Table-9, reveals that majority (34%) of the respondents are Table-13, denotes majority (52%) of the respondents are highly
using Pureit water purifier. satisfied about the taste of water in the water purifier.
Table–10 Table–14
Source of information about the brand Level of satisfaction with respect to price
Information about the No. of Percentage Level of Satisfaction No. of Percentage
brand Respondents Respondents
Advertisement 71 28 Highly Satisfied 49 20
Dealers and Representatives 99 40 Satisfied 165 66
Friends and Relatives 64 26 Dissatisfied 36 14
Others 16 6 Total 250 100
Total 250 100 Source: Primary data
Source: Primary data
Table-14, denotes that the majority (66%) of the respondents are
Table-10, shows that majority (40%) of the respondent’s source satisfied about the price of the water purifier.
of information about the brand is through Dealers and
Representatives. Table–15
Level of satisfaction with respect to brand
Table–11 Level of Satisfaction No. of Respondents Percentage
Period of usage Highly Satisfied 70 28
Period of usage No. of Percentage Satisfied 170 68
Respondents Dissatisfied 10 4
Less than one year 45 18 Total 250 100
1 to 2 years 87 35 Source: Primary data
2 to 3 years 62 25
More than 3 years 56 22 Table-15, denotes that majority (68%) of the respondents are
Total 250 100 satisfied about the brand of the water purifier.
Source: Primary data
Table-11, shows that majority (35%) of the respondents are Level of satisfaction with respect to service cost
using the purifier for 1 to 2 years. Level of Satisfaction No. of Percentage
Table–12 Highly Satisfied 70 28
Level of satisfaction with respect to quality Satisfied 112 45
Level of Satisfaction No. of Percentage Dissatisfied 68 27
Respondents Total 250 100
Highly Satisfied 107 43 Source: Primary data
Satisfied 141 56
Dissatisfied 2 1 Table-16, denotes that majority (45%) of the respondents are
Total 250 100 satisfied about the service cost of the water purifier.
Source: Primary data
Table-12, denotes that majority (56%) of the respondents are Overall level of satisfaction
satisfied about the quality of water purifier. Level of No. of Percentage
satisfaction Respondents
Table–13 Highly satisfied 101 40
Level of satisfaction with respect to taste Satisfied 137 55
Level of No. of Percentage Dissatisfied 12 5
Satisfaction Respondents Total 250 100
Highly Satisfied 131 52 Source: Primary data
Satisfied 115 46
Dissatisfied 4 2 Table-17, denotes that majority (55%) of the respondents are
Total 250 100 satisfied about the overall level of satisfaction.
Source: Primary data
Chi-Square Test: To find out the association between the age Suggestions: i. Most of the people are not much aware of the
and level of satisfaction in performance, gender and level of Water purifier. Hence, manufactures should create awareness
satisfaction in performance, monthly income and level of about water purifier through more colorful advertisements and
satisfaction in performance, the age and level of satisfaction in free gifts. These advertisement measures attract more number of
taste, occupation and level of satisfaction in price and monthly people to buy the water purifier and this in turn would boost up
income and level of satisfaction in price, the monthly income volume of sales. ii. Better advertisement and awareness about
and level of satisfaction in brand the chi-square test was used the quality of water has to be created among the people residing
and findings of the chi-square test is as follows: i. There is close in rural areas. iii. Cost of the service has to be reduced. Quality
relationship between the age and level of satisfaction in and warranty period should be increased. iv. There is more
performance. ii. There is close relationship between the gender wastage of water in the purification process. So the wastage
and level of satisfaction in performance. iii. There is close should be reduced.
relationship between the monthly income and level of
satisfaction in performance. iv. There is no significant Conclusion
relationship between the age and level of satisfaction in taste. v.
There is close relationship between the occupation and level of In today’s world of rapidly changing technology consumer’s
satisfaction in price. vi. There is close relationship between the preference are frequently changing. The various competitors in
monthly income and level of satisfaction in price. vii. There is this market are adopting new marketing strategies to retain their
close relationship between the monthly income and level of market share. Majority of the consumers have locality for their
satisfaction in brand. own brand and for meeting the changing environment the firm
has to be constantly innovative and understand the consumer’s
Weighted Score Analysis: To know the reasons for selecting needs and wants.
the particular brand of water purifier and the problem faced by
the respondents the weighted score analysis are used. The purpose for water purifiers is to remove solid particulate
matter form water. Solid particle filters are designed to catch
It is concluded from the above analysis that the maximum of the solid particles and remove them from drinking water. Purified
respondents face the problems of electricity charges while using water provides cleaner water for household needs. Cooking with
the water purifier. and drinking purified water helps ensure a family's peace of
mind by knowing there is no foreign matter in their water.
Reason for selecting particular brand
Factors 1 2 3 4 5 Total Score Rank
Brand name 41 71 80 31 27 818 2
Quality 114 53 41 33 9 980 1
Price 56 65 52 42 35 815 3
Guaranty 32 39 58 75 46 686 4
Model 18 18 20 74 120 490 5
Source: Primary Data
It is concluded from the above analysis that a maximum of the respondents are influenced by quality of the water purifier.
Problems faced by the respondents
Problems 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total Score Rank
Price 15 26 64 48 25 30 42 950 4
Wastage of Water 67 73 37 16 20 22 15 1275 2
Electricity Charges 85 71 15 15 25 24 15 1324 1
Maintenance 33 23 48 33 41 42 30 978 3
Size 8 21 40 56 47 42 36 867 6
Quality 15 28 27 38 46 46 50 886 5
Service 28 15 21 48 32 50 56 835 7
Source: Primary Data