TCL Stretch

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Zong-Ming Li, Jie Tang, Matthew C. Chakan, Rodrigo Kaz, Ashish D. Nimbarte

Hand Research Laboratory

Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery and Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh
Email: Web:

INTRODUCTION pisiform, hook of hamate, tuberosity of

scaphoid and ridge of trapezium (Figure 1).
The transverse carpal ligament (TCL) forms The flexor tendons and median nerve were
the palmar roof of the carpal tunnel and removed to clear the carpal tunnel.
plays a critical role in regulating carpal
tunnel mechanics (Brooks et al., 2003;
Kiritsis and Kline, 1995). The mechanical
constraint of the TCL predisposes the
median nerve to compression and the
ensuing carpal tunnel syndrome. Transecting
the TCL, whether by open or endoscopic
carpal tunnel release procedures, is the
standard surgical treatment of carpal tunnel
syndrome. Even though carpal tunnel release
has existed for over 70 years, we have (A)
limited knowledge of the mechanical
properties of the carpal tunnel and the TCL.
Common complications and recurrence
associated with TCL transection continues
to challenges us to develop alternative CTS
treatments without cutting the TCL (Sucher,
1993; Berger, 2005). Yet, understanding
carpal tunnel mechanics is critical to the
development of such alternatives. The
purpose of this study was to investigate the (B)
expansion of the carpal tunnel with palmarly Figure 1: Cadaveric preparation of the
directed force on the TCL from within the carpal tunnel (A) and the transverse carpal
carpal tunnel. ligament (B)

METHODS The bony surface within the carpal tunnel

was digitized to determine the cross-
Five fresh frozen cadaveric hands were sectional area formed by carpal bones. Then
dissected to expose the TCL by removing specimen was mounted on a dorsal support
the skin, fascia, and fat while the ligament in full supination and approximately 20° of
insertion sites to carpal bones were kept wrist extension on a custom platform. A
intact. The TCL was recognized by its lever, which rotated about a suspended,
transverse fibers and insertions at the threaded rod, was inserted under the central
line of the TCL so that the midpoint of the Area Height
central line located 150 mm from the lever’s

Area (mm*mm)
200 6

Height (mm)
fulcrum. The lever was then made parallel to 4
the table surface and loaded, at a distance of 160
450 mm from the fulcrum. With this lever
device, the TCL was stretched by a palmarly 120 0
directed force from within the carpal tunnel. 0 50 100 150 200
A steel plate was passed through the carpal Stretching force (N)
tunnel to stabilize the hand. The palmar Figure 3: Average cross-areas of the carpal
surface of the TCL was digitized while the tunnel and TCL arch heights with increasing
TCL was being stretched. Eight constant stretching forces
force levels were applied to the TCL,
ranging from 10 N to 200 N. The cross- DISSCUSSION
sectional area was determined at the middle
level between the trapezium and scaphoid. Our study demonstrates the stretchability of
the TCL and the resulting expansion of the
RESULTS carpal tunnel. The result of about 30%
carpal tunnel expansion by a small
The area defined by the carpal bones stretching force of 10 N suggests that the
without the TCL-formed arch was 128.2 ± TCL is accommodating with the variation of
24.2 mm2. The TCL formed an arch that carpal tunnel pressure in a physiological
expanded the carpal tunnel with increasing environment. Greater than 50% carpal
loading (Figure 2 and Figure 3). With the tunnel expansion is available under
TCL stretching and arch formation, the relatively large stretching force (> 200 N).
cross-sectional areas of the carpal tunnel Future studies are needed to investigate the
were 165.0 ± 24.9 mm2 at 10 N, and 194.3 ± viscoelastic properties of the TCL and to
21.4 mm2 at 200 N, representing increases explore the potential of permanent residual
of 28.7% and 51.6%, respectively. The TCL deformation. The mechanical properties of
arch heights were 2.8 ± 0.3 mm at 10 N and the TCL may be exploited for the
5.4 ± 0.4 mm at 200 N. development of alternative carpal tunnel
syndrome treatments, such as manipulative
procedures (Sucher, 1993) and balloon
carpal tunnel plasty (Berger, 2005).


Berger (2005), Personal communications.

Brooks, et al. (2003), Clin Biomech, 18,
Kiritsis and Kline (1995), J Hand Surg, 20,
Sucher (1993), J Am Osteopath Assoc, 93,
Figure 2: Surface plots of the transverse ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
carpal ligament before and after stretching at
200 N The Pittsburgh Foundation

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