Park 2020

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Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (2020) 73, 1130–1134

Location of the split line of the deep

temporal fascia when reducing a zygomatic
arch fracture
Jung-Ah Park a, Shin-Hyo Lee a, Tae-Jun Ha a, Je-Sung Lee a,
Hye-In Lee a, Soon-Heum Kim b, Ki-Seok Koh a, Wu-Chul Song a,∗
Departments of Anatomy, Research Institute of Medical Science, Konkuk University School of Medicine,
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Research Institute of Medical Science, Konkuk
University School of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Received 17 September 2019; accepted 5 January 2020

KEYWORDS Summary Background: The deep temporal fascia (DTF) is known to separate into two layers
Split line of deep that descend to attach to the zygomatic arch. When surgeons reduce an isolated fracture of the
temporal fascia; zygomatic arch through a temporal approach, the temporal incision site needs to be superior
Deep temporal fascia; to the split line of the DTF.
Zygomatic arch Materials and Methods: Sixty-seven hemifacial cadavers were investigated after removing the
fracture; skin, subcutaneous tissue, and superficial temporal fascia. The superficial layer of the DTF was
Gillies approach exposed. We cut the superficial layer along the line along, which it adhered to the deep layer
inseparably. The heights of the split line of the DTF from the superior border of the zygomatic
arch and from the top of the helix were measured at three points: at the jugale, zygion, and
3 cm from the tragus.
Results: In all cases there were thick identifiable deep layers of the DTF. The mean heights of
the split line of the DTF from the superior border of the zygomatic arch were 49.8, 46.7, and
42.6 mm at the jugale, zygion, and 3 cm from the tragus, respectively; the corresponding mean
heights of the split line from the top of the helix were 19.1, 15.6, and 11.4 mm.
Conclusions: Knowledge of the mean height of the split line of the DTF will be helpful for
surgeons to determine the temporal incision site for ensuring the safe reduction of a zygomatic
arch fracture.
© 2020 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by El-
sevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


∗ Corresponding Understanding the precise anatomy of the fascial layers,

E-mail address: [email protected] (W.-C. Song). fat pads, and their topographic relationships with nerve
1748-6815/© 2020 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Split line of deep temoporal fascia 1131

and vessels in the temporozygomatic area is important for Materials and methods
ensuring the safety of surgical procedures performed by
surgeons in this area. Although many studies have investi- This study investigated 67 hemifacial specimens obtained
gated the complex anatomical structures in this area, the from 57 fixed and 10 fresh Korean adult cadavers. The
literature contains confusing descriptions of the anatomical mean age at the time of death was 78.4 years, with an age
layers and fat pads with different denomination1 , 2 . The range of 56–97 years. The specimens comprised 45 sides
anatomical layers of the temporal area above the zygomatic from 25 males and 22 sides from 11 females. Appropriate
arch (in the order from superficial to deep) are the skin, sub- consents and approval were obtained from the families
cutaneous tissue, superficial temporal fascia (temporopari- before the specimens were used. After removing the skin
etal fascia), loose areolar tissue, deep temporal fascia (DTF, from the temporozygomatic area, we removed the subcuta-
temporal fascia), temporalis muscle, and periosteum1 , 3 , 4 . neous tissue, superficial temporal fascia, and loose areolar
The DTF is a fascial layer covering the lateral surface tissue. We then exposed the superficial layer of the deep
of the temporalis muscle and it has been widely accepted temporal fascia (SLDTF), lifted up the SLDFT and identified
that this layer is divided into two layers: superficial and the location where SLDTF fused with DLDTF using a blunt
deep1 , 3 , 4 . These two layers run downward and attach to instrument. After confirming the accurate location of split
the lateral and medial borders of upper surface of the line, we cut the SLDTF along the line along which it adhered
zygomatic arch, and between the two layers there is a to the DLDTF inseparably. Removing the SLDTF exposed the
superficial temporal fat pad that contains the middle tem- superficial temporal fat pad, in which the middle temporal
poral vein, which is a branch of retromandibular vein1 , 5 . vein was found buried (Figure 1).
The relationships of these fascial attachments are of clin- Two lines were created: (1) one following the superior
ical importance when performing a closed reduction of border of the zygomatic arch and (2) the other parallel to
an isolated zygomatic arch fracture through a temporal the superior border of the zygomatic arch at the uppermost
approach, which is also known as the Gillies approach6–8 . point of the helix. The heights of the split line of the
In this approach, after performing a scalp incision in the DTF from the superior border of the zygomatic arch were
temporal area, the elevator is inserted into the deep measured at three points: at the jugale, zygion, and 3 cm
layer of the deep temporal fascia (DLDTF), so that it is from the tragus (Figure 2A). The jugale is defined as the
located posteriorly to the zygomatic arch when elevating point where the frontal and temporal processes of the zy-
the fractured fragment3 . Therefore, it is helpful to know gomatic bone meet, and the zygion is defined as a point of
where the DTF splits into two layers when surgeons per- the most-lateral outer curvature of the zygomatic arch5 , 10 .
form temporal incision superior to the split line of the We measured the height of the split line from the top of the
DTF. helix at the three same points, as well as the distance be-
However, the authors of one study questioned whether tween the line at the top of the helix and the upper margin
there are actually two layers of the DTF9 . They reported of the middle temporal vein at the zygion (Figure 2B).
that there were no thick identifiable fascial layers covering Two observers measured the heights of the split line
the temporalis muscle in 130 surgery cases, and so con- twice. The interobserver and intraobserver reproducibilities
cluded that the DTF comprises a single layer rather than of the height measurements of the split line were evaluated
two layers. by calculating the intraclass correlation coefficients. We
The aim of this study was to identify whether the DTF also evaluated the side-related and sex-related differences
comprises two layers and, if so, to measure the height of in the heights of the split line, as well as differences be-
the split line of the DTF from the superior border of the tween the fresh and fixed cadavers using Student’s t-test.
zygomatic arch in the presence of the two layers. All data analyses were performed using the Statistical

Figure 1 Cadaveric dissection of temporozygomatic area. (A) Removal of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, superficial temporal
fascia, loose areolar tissue, and the exposure of the superficial layer of the deep temporal fascia (SLDTF). (B) Cutting and lifting up
the SLDTF and the exposure of superficial temporal fat pad (STFP). (C) Cutting off the superficial layer of the deep temporal fascia
where it tightly adheres to the deep layer of the deep temporal fascia (DLDTF) to show split line (black dots) of the deep temporal
fascia. The middle temporal vein (MTV) is embedded in the superficial temporal fat pad.
1132 J.-A. Park, S.-H. Lee and T.-J. Ha et al.

Figure 2 The heights of the split line of the deep temporal fascia (DTF) at three points: the jugale, the zygion, and 3 cm from the
tragus. The split line of the DTF is shown with black dots. (A) The heights of the split line from the superior border of the zygomatic
arch (black arrows) were measured. (B) The heights of the split line of the deep temporal fascia from the top of the helix (black
arrows) were measured. The vertical distance between the line at the top of the helix and the upper margin of the middle temporal
vein at the zygion (red arrow) was measured.

gomatic arch were 49.8 ± 5.8, 46.7 ± 5.4, and 42.6 ± 8.0 mm
Table 1 The heights of the split line of the deep temporal
(mean±SD) at the jugale, zygion, and 3 cm from the tra-
fascia from the superior border of the zygomatic arch and from
gus, respectively; the corresponding heights of the split line
the top of the helix at three points; the jugale, zygion, and a
from the top of the helix were 19.1 ± 10.9, 15.6 ± 9.6, and
distance of 3 cm from the tragus. The negative value represents
11.4 ± 10.8 mm. The intraobserver and interobserver repro-
that the split line was beneath the line drawn at the level of the
ducibilities of the height measurements of the split line
superior border of the helix.
from the superior border of the zygomatic arch and from the
Jugale Zygion 3 cm from top of the helix were excellent overall (ICC > 0.9 for all).
the tragus We compared the mean heights of the split line of the
From superior border of zygomatic arch DTF between males and females, between right and left
Mean ± SD 49.8 ± 5.8 46.7 ± 5.4 42.6 ± 8.0 sides, and between fixed and fresh cadavers. The mean
Range 33.6–59.8 33.3–60.6 26.9–57.5 height of the split line appeared to be somewhat longer in
males than in females, but the difference was only signifi-
From the top of helix
cant (p < 0.05) at the jugale. The height of the split line at
Mean ± SD 19.1 ± 10.9 15.6 ± 9.6 11.4 ± 10.8
the jugale was significantly shorter in females than in males
Range −11.4–40.1 −6.5–35.1 −12.5–30.6
(p < 0.05). There were 34 and 33 measurements made
on the right and left sides, respectively, and no significant
side-related difference was found (p > 0.05). The measured
Package for the Social Sciences (version 24 for Windows, mean height of the split line appeared to be slightly larger
SPSS Statistics, IBM, Chicago, IL, USA). The criterion for in fresh cadavers than in fixed cadavers, but the difference
statistical significance was p < 0.05. was not significant (p > 0.05). The distance between the
line at the top of the helix and middle temporal vein at
the zygion was –3.5 mm on average, and the maximum and
Results minimum distances were 26.1 and –25.4 mm, respectively.

A thick DLDTF could be identified between the superficial

temporal fat pad and the temporalis muscle in all speci-
mens. In most cases the SLDTF was present as a thick layer Discussion
lying above the superficial temporal fat pad, but in some
cases the SLDTF was mixed with a superficial temporal The DTF is generally known to constitute a thick single layer
fat pad at the lower part, and therefore it appeared like at the upper part, starting from the superior temporal line,
an incomplete fascia rather than a complete fascia. The and it separates into two layers as it descends toward the
inferior part of the DTF was attached to the superior border zygomatic arch3 . However, where the DTF divides into su-
of the zygomatic arch rather than the medial surface. perficial and deep layers has been controversial. Campiglio
The maximum, minimum, and mean heights of the split et al. reported that the DTF splits into two separate sheets
line of the DTF from the superior border of the zygomatic at 5 cm above the zygomatic arch11 , while Deepika et al.
arch and from the top of the helix are listed in Table 1. The reported that the temporalis fascia separated into two
heights of the split line from the superior border of the zy- layers at 2–3 cm above the zygomatic arch12 . Babakurban et
Split line of deep temoporal fascia 1133

Figure 3 Surgical reduction of zygomatic arch fracture through Gillies approach. (A) Temporal incision at hair-bearing area and
the insertion of the elevator deep to the fractured zygomatic arch. (B) Diagrammatic coronal section of temporozygomatic area
showing the appropriate route of dissection deep to DLDTF. (C) The diagrammatic coronal section of temporozygomatic area showing
that dissection between the two layers of the deep temporal fascia has the possibility of a middle temporal vein injury and the
inappropriate position of the elevator. DLDTF, deep layer of the deep temporal fascia; SLDTF, superficial layer of the deep temporal

al. investigated the mean vertical lengths of the superficial facial fractures14 , 15 . Surgical treatment of an isolated zygo-
temporal fat pad between the two layers of the DTF, and matic arch fracture depends on the presence of functional
found that these lengths were 37, 24, and 23 mm in the and cosmetic impairment16 . One of the main surgical ap-
anterior, middle, and posterior parts, respectively1 . The proaches for the closed reduction of an isolated zygomatic
results of the present study are in agreement with all these arch fracture is a temporal approach, which was first in-
previous studies indicating that the DTF splits into two troduced in 1927 by Gillies17 , 18 . In the Gillies approach, the
identifiable layers. We measured the heights of the split temporal incision begins at 1 to 2 cm above and anterior to
line of the DTF from the superior border of the zygomatic the helix of the ear to avoid the superficial temporal artery,
arch in this study at three different points because the and the surgeon passes the elevator deep into the DLDTF, so
location of the split line differs in the anterior to posterior that the elevator is placed medially when reducing the frac-
parts due to the presence of the fat pad between the two tured segment of the zygomatic arch (Figure 3A and B)16 .
layers. The mean heights of the split line tended to be Approaching the temporal area through dissection between
higher at the anterior part, being 49.8, 46.7, and 42.6 mm the two layers of the DTF instead of dissection beneath both
at the jugale, zygion, and 3 cm from the tragus. of its layers can damage the middle temporal vein, which
Li et al. claimed that there was no definite DLDTF above is buried in the superficial temporal fat pad (Figure 3C)19 .
the zygomatic arch in 130 surgery cases9 . They found only An even more serious aspect of dissection between the two
a small amount of loose connective tissue between the layers of the DTF is that the surgeon may not place the
temporalis muscle and superficial temporal fat pad in a elevator medial to the zygomatic arch, because the inferior
few cases, and so considered that the DTF comprised a part of the DTF abuts the superior border of the zygomatic
single layer rather than two layers9 . In the present study, arch rather than its medial surface (Figure 3C). Therefore,
we found two clearly identifiable layers: one covering the the temporal incision would be better to be done superior
temporalis muscle and the other covering the superficial to the split line, which indicates the importance of knowing
temporal fat pad. The DLDTF was a thick layer along the where the DTF is divided into two layers.
entire course to the zygomatic arch, whereas the SLDTF The most frequently observed type of isolated fracture
(covering the superficial fat pad) lost its fascial layer just of the zygomatic arch is an M-shaped fracture with bone
above the zygomatic arch and became mixed with the fat displacement but with all the fracture sites still in con-
pad to appear like a cribriform fascia in certain cases. tact13 , 15 . The zygomatic arch is weakest at approximately
The location of the split line of the DTF and two fas- 1.5 cm posterior to the zygomaticotemporal suture, in the
cial attachments to the zygomatic arch can be applied zygomatic process of the temporal bone20 . The importance
clinically when reducing an isolated zygomatic arch. The of accurately locating where the elevator is inserted under
zygomatic arch is susceptible to local trauma, such as the fractured segment of the zygomatic arch means that the
due to sports injuries and physical assaults, because it is heights of the DTF measured at the zygion and 3 cm from the
a laterally prominent element of the craniofacial skele- tragus in the present study could be useful for determining
ton13 , 14 . Isolated fractures of the zygomatic arch represent the optimal temporal incision site in patients with isolated
approximately 10% of all zygomatic fractures and 5% of all zygomatic arch fracture. Our results indicate that the
1134 J.-A. Park, S.-H. Lee and T.-J. Ha et al.

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