Pats 200508-086ds
Pats 200508-086ds
Pats 200508-086ds
Computed tomography has revolutionized diagnostic radiology axis), and overlapping image reconstruction could be used to
with the introduction of spiral CT in the early 1990s, allowing for improve longitudinal resolution. Volume data became the very
the first time the acquisition of volume data without the danger basis for applications, such as CT angiography (CTA) (3), which
of misregistration or double registration of anatomical details. The has revolutionized noninvasive assessment of vascular disease.
next revolution occurred in 1998 when all major CT manufacturers The ability to acquire volume data also paved the way for the
introduced multislice CT (MSCT) systems, which typically offered development of three-dimensional image processing techniques,
simultaneous acquisition of four slices, providing considerable im-
such as multiplanar reformations, maximum intensity projec-
provement towards the goal of isotropic three-dimensional im-
tions, surface shaded displays, or volume-rendering techniques,
aging. The most recent generation of MSCT systems acquire 64
which have become a vital component of medical imaging today.
slices per rotation, enabling a whole body CTA with 1,500 mm scan
range and an isotropic resolution of down to 0.4 mm in only 22–
Ideally, volume data are of high spatial resolution and iso-
25 s. The tube and the detector measurement system belong to tropic in nature (i.e., each image data element [voxel] is of equal
the most important system components of a CT system, having a dimensions in all three spatial axes), as a basis for image display
large influence on system performance. For example, new rotating in arbitrarily oriented imaging planes. For most clinical scenar-
envelope tube design principles allow for faster rotation times and ios, however, single-slice spiral CT with 1 s gantry rotation time
for double z-sampling techniques in order to increase resolution. is unable to fulfill these prerequisites. To avoid motion artifacts
The applied dose is ultimately the limiting factor for the improve- and to use the contrast bolus optimally, spiral CT body examina-
ment of image quality and increase in isotropic resolution. In order tions need to be completed within a certain time frame, ordinarily
to make best diagnostic use of the applied dose, sophisticated dy- one patient breathhold (25–30 s). If a large scan range, such as
namic dose adaptation techniques to patient size and geometry the entire thorax or abdomen (30 cm), has to be covered within
have been developed. a single breathhold, a thick collimation of 5 to 8 mm must be
used. Although the in-plane resolution of a CT image depends
Keywords: computed tomography design; computed tomography
on the system geometry and on the reconstruction kernel se-
principles; multislice computed tomography; spiral computed
lected by the user, the longitudinal (z-) resolution is determined
by the collimated slice width and the spiral interpolation algo-
Computed tomography (CT) was introduced in the early 1970s rithm. Using a thick collimation of 5 to 8 mm results in a consider-
and has revolutionized not only diagnostic radiology but also the able mismatch between the longitudinal resolution and the
whole field of medicine. The introduction of spiral CT in in-plane resolution (ordinarily 0.5–0.7 mm depending on the
the early 1990s constituted a fundamental evolutionary step in reconstruction kernel). With single-slice spiral CT, the ideal of
the development and ongoing refinement of CT imaging tech- isotropic resolution can only be achieved for very limited scan
niques (1, 2). Until then, the examination volume had to be ranges (4).
covered by subsequent axial scans in a “step-and-shoot” mode. Strategies to achieve more substantial volume coverage with
Axial scanning required long examination times because of the improved longitudinal resolution include the simultaneous ac-
interscan delays necessary to move the table incrementally from quisition of more than one slice at a time and a reduction of
one scan position to the next, and it was prone to misregistration the gantry rotation time. The ability at that time to decrease
of anatomic details (e.g., pulmonary nodules) because of the rotation times substantially was limited by mechanical forces on
potential movement of relevant anatomic structures between the rotating part of the gantry and also by the need to increase
two scans (e.g., by patient motion, breathing, or swallowing). X-ray flux accordingly. Because most of the flux the X-ray tube
With spiral CT, the patient table is continuously translated while is producing was blocked by the collimation of the X-ray tube
scan data are acquired. A prerequisite for spiral scanning was window, this flux could be used by multiple detector rows with
the introduction of slip-ring gantries, which eliminated the need no additional energy cost. Interestingly, the very first medical CT
to rewind the gantry after each rotation and enabled continuous scanners were two-slice systems, such as the EMI head scanner
data acquisition during multiple rotations. For the first time, (EMI, London, UK) introduced in 1972 or the Siemens SIRE-
volume data could be acquired without the danger of misregistra- TOM introduced in 1974 (Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen,
tion or double registration of anatomic details. Images could be Germany). With the advent of whole-body fan beam CT systems
reconstructed at any position along the patient axis (longitudinal for general radiology, two-slice acquisition was no longer used.
Apart from a dedicated two-slice system for cardiac applications,
the IMATRON C-100 (General Electric Healthcare, Waukesha,
WI), introduced in 1984, the first step toward multislice acquisi-
tion in general radiology was a two-slice CT scanner introduced
(Received in original form August 5, 2005; accepted in final form September 21, 2005)
in 1993 (Elscint TWIN; Philips Medical Systems, Best, The
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Gerhard Kohl, Netherlands). In 1998, all major CT manufacturers introduced
M.S., Siemens Medical Solutions, CT, 1 Siemens Street, Forchheim 91301, Germany.
E-mail: [email protected]
multislice CT (MSCT) systems, which typically offered simulta-
neous acquisition of four slices at a rotation time of 0.5 s, provid-
The color figures for this article are on pp. 499–500.
ing considerable improvement of scan speed and longitudinal
Proc Am Thorac Soc Vol 2. pp 470–476, 2005
DOI: 10.1513/pats.200508-086DS resolution and better use of the available X-ray power (5–7).
Internet address: These developments were quickly recognized as revolutionary
Kohl: Introduction to Multislice CT 471
improvements that would eventually enable users to do real because the longitudinal resolution of about 1 mm does not fully
isotropic three-dimensional imaging. Consequently, all vendors match the in-plane resolution of about 0.5 to 0.7 mm in a routine
pushed toward more and more slices, effectively rendering the scan of the chest or abdomen. For large volumes, such as CTA of
number of slices into the most important performance character- the lower extremity run-off (8), thicker (e.g., 2.5 mm) collimated
istic of a CT scanner. slices had to be chosen to complete the scan within a reasonable
Simultaneous acquisition of M slices results in an M-fold time frame. Scan times were often too long to allow image
increase in speed if all other parameters, such as slice thickness, acquisition during pure arterial phase. For a CTA of the circle
are unchanged. This increased performance of MSCT compared of Willis, for instance, a scan range of about 100 mm must be
with single-slice CT allowed for the optimization of a variety of covered. With four-slice CT, at 1-mm collimated slice width,
clinical protocols. The examination time for standard protocols pitch of 1.5, and 0.5-s gantry rotation time, this volume can be
could be significantly reduced, which proved to be of immediate covered in about 9-s scan time, not fast enough to avoid venous
clinical benefit for the quick and comprehensive assessment of overlay assuming a cerebral circulation time of less than 5 s. For
trauma victims and noncooperative patients, and for breathhold ECG-gated coronary CTA, stents or severely calcified arteries
imaging. Alternatively, the scan range that could be covered constituted a diagnostic dilemma, mainly because of partial
within a certain scan time (e.g., breathhold time) was extended volume artifacts as a consequence of insufficient longitudinal
by a factor of M, which is relevant for oncologic staging or for resolution (15).
CT angiography with extended coverage, for example of the As a next step, the introduction of an eight-slice CT system in
lower extremities (8) or the coverage of the complete lung. The 2000 enabled shorter scan times, but did not yet provide improved
most important clinical benefit, however, proved to be the ability longitudinal resolution (thinnest collimation 8 ⫻ 1.25 mm).
to scan a given anatomic volume within a given scan time with The latter was achieved with the introduction of 16-slice CT
substantially reduced slice width, at M times increased longitudi- (16, 17), which made it possible routinely to acquire substantial
nal resolution. This way, for many clinical applications the goal of anatomic volumes with isotropic submillimeter spatial resolu-
isotropic resolution was within reach with four-slice CT systems. tion. Improved longitudinal resolution goes hand in hand with
Examinations of the entire thorax (9) or abdomen could now considerably reduced scan times that enable high-quality exami-
routinely be performed with 1- or 1.25-mm collimated slice nations in severely debilitated and severely dyspneic patients
width. MSCT also dramatically expanded into areas previously (Figure 1). For patients with suspicion of ischemic stroke, both
considered beyond the scope of third-generation CT scanners the status of the vessels supplying the brain and the location of
based on the mechanical rotation of X-ray tube and detector, the intracranial occlusion can be assessed in the same examina-
such as cardiac imaging with the addition of ECG gating capabil- tion (18). Additional brain perfusion CT permits differentiation
ity. With a gantry rotation time of 0.5 s and dedicated image of irreversibly damaged brain tissue from reversibly impaired
reconstruction approaches, the temporal resolution for the ac- tissue at risk (19). Examining the entire thorax (350 mm) with
quisition of an image was improved to 250 ms and less (10, 11), submillimeter collimation requires a scan time of approximately
which proved to be sufficient for motion-free imaging of the 11 s. Because of the short breathhold time, central and peripheral
heart in the mid- to end-diastolic phase at slow to moderate pulmonary embolism can be reliably and accurately diagnosed
heart rates. With four simultaneously acquired slices, coverage (20, 21). A 16-slice CT enables whole-body angiographic studies
of the entire heart volume with thin slices and ECG-gating within with submillimeter resolution in a single breathhold. Compared
a single breathhold became feasible, enabling noninvasive visual- with invasive angiography, the same morphologic information
ization of the coronary arteries (12–15). is revealed (22, 23). ECG-gated cardiac scanning with 16-slice
Despite all these promising advances, clinical challenges and CT systems benefits from both improved temporal resolution
limitations remained for four-slice CT systems. True isotropic achieved by gantry rotation times down to 0.375 s and improved
resolution for routine applications had not yet been achieved, spatial resolution.
Figure 3. Basic system components of a modern third-generation CT
The fundamental demands on a modern volume scanner can be system.
summed up in the following two requirements: continuous data
acquisition (the possibility to reconstruct images at any z-position);
and ability to scan a long distance in short time without compro-
mising longitudinal (z-) resolution. The first requirement calls angiographic examinations generally benefit from lower tube
for a spiral acquisition. The breakthrough of spiral MSCT since voltage, resulting in a higher contrast resolution for CTA using
1998 is caused by the fact that it is able to fulfill the second iodine-based contrast material.
requirement: the maximum z-resolution is defined by the detec- In a conventional tube design, an anode plate of typically
tor size alone rather than by a combination of spiral pitch and 160- to 220-mm diameter rotates in a vacuum housing (Figure 5,
detector collimation as in single-slice spiral. Moreover, multislice top). The heat storage capacity of anode plate and tube housing
spiral scanners provide the new feature of allowing specification (measured in megaheat units) determines the performance level:
of the z-resolution in the reconstruction phase, after the scan the bigger the anode plate, the larger the heat storage capacity,
has been done.The technical challenges of MSCT are manifold. and the more scan seconds can be delivered until the anode
A detector capable of measuring several thousand channels at plate reaches its temperature limit. Typically, a conventional
a time has to be built; the data have to be transferred to the state-of-the-art X-ray tube has a heat storage capacity of 5 to 9
image reconstruction system; and a suitable reconstruction algo- megaheat units, realized by thick graphite layers attached to the
rithm has to be devised.
The basic system components of a modern third-generation
CT system are shown in (Figure 3). Third-generation CT scan-
ners use the so-called rotate–rotate geometry, in which both the
X-ray tube and the detector rotate about the patient (Figure 4).
In an MSCT system, the detector comprises several rows of 700
and more detector elements that cover a scan field of view of
usually 50 cm. The X-ray attenuation of the object is measured
by the individual detector elements. All measurement values
acquired at the same angular position of the measurement system
are called a projection of view. Typically, 1,000 projections are
measured during each 360⬚ rotation.
The overall performance of a CT system depends on several
key components. These components include the X-ray source,
a high-powered generator, detector and detector electronics,
data transmission systems (slip-rings), and the computer system
for image reconstruction and manipulation.
State-of-the-art X-ray tube and generator combinations pro-
vide a peak power of 60 to 90 kW, usually at various, user-
selectable voltages (e.g., 80, 100, 120, and 140 kV). Different
clinical applications require different X-ray spectra and hence
different kilovolt settings for optimum image quality or best Figure 4. Measurement principle of a modern third-generation CT
possible signal-to-noise ratio at lowest dose. As an example, CT system.
Kohl: Introduction to Multislice CT 473
backside of the anode plate. The heat produced in the anode during most of the X-ray quanta. This resulted in great challenges to
X-ray emission is mainly dissipated by thermal radiation, and only manufacture such detectors, especially in combination with a
a small percentage by thermal conduction (see Figure 5, top multirow design.
[p. 499]). Constructive efforts aim at increasing both heat storage A CT detector must provide different slice widths to adjust
capacity and heat dissipation rate (e.g., by increasing the anode the optimum scan speed, longitudinal resolution, and image
diameter, by using circular grooves in the anode support to noise for each application. With a single-slice CT detector, differ-
increase the contact area for improved cooling, or by using spe- ent collimated slice widths are obtained by prepatient collima-
cial liquid-metal vacuum bearings that allow for a faster anode tion of the X-ray beam (Figure 7).
rotation). An alternative design is the so-called rotating envelope For M ⬎ 2, this simple design principle must be replaced by
tube (Straton; Siemens, Forchheim, Germany; see Figure 5, bot- more flexible concepts requiring more than M detector rows
tom, for a schematic drawing, and Figure 6 [p. 500] for a picture). simultaneously to acquire M slices. To be able to select different
The anode plate constitutes an outer wall of the rotating tube slice widths, several detector rows are electronically combined
housing; it is in direct contact with the cooling oil and can be to a smaller number of slices according to the selected beam
effectively cooled by thermal conduction. This way, a very high collimation and the desired slice width.
heat dissipation rate of 5 megaheat units/min is achieved, elimi- For the four-slice CT systems introduced in 1998, two detector
nating the need for heat storage in the anode, which consequently types have been commonly used. The fixed-array detector con-
has a heat storage capacity close to zero. Because of the fast sists of detector elements with equal sizes in the longitudinal
anode cooling, rotating envelope tubes can perform high-power direction. A representative example for this scanner type, the
scans in rapid succession. With the Straton tube, five full-power GE Lightspeed scanner (General Electric Healthcare), has 16
10-s spirals are possible within 100 s. Ultimately, the performance detector rows, each of them defining 1.25-mm collimated slice
of both conventional and rotating envelope tubes is limited by width in the center of rotation (6). The total coverage in the
the maximum heat dissipation of the CT system itself. Because longitudinal direction is 20 mm at isocenter; because of geometric
there are no moving parts and no bearings in the vacuum, the magnification the actual detector is about twice as wide. By
tube design can be small and compact (anode diameter, 12 cm) prepatient collimation and combination of the signals of the
and has the potential better to withstand the high gravitational individual detector rows, the following slice widths (measured
forces associated with gantry rotation times of less than 0.4 s. at isocenter) are realized: 4 ⫻ 1.25 mm, 4 ⫻ 2.5 mm, 4 ⫻ 3.75
Because of the central rotating cathode, permanent electromag- mm, 4 ⫻ 5 mm (Figure 8, top left). The same detector design is
netic deflection of the electron beam is needed to position and used for the eight-slice version of this system, providing 8 ⫻
shape the focal spot on the anode. The versatile electromagnetic 1.25– and 8 ⫻ 2.5–mm collimated slice width.
deflection is a prerequisite for the double z-sampling technology A different approach uses an adaptive array detector design,
used in a recently introduced 64-slice CT system. which comprises detector rows with different sizes in the longitudinal
With increasing number of detector rows and decreasing gantry direction. Scanners of this type, the Philips Mx8000 four-slice scan-
rotation times, the data transmission systems of MSCT scanners ner and the Siemens SOMATOM Sensation 4 scanner (Siemens
must be capable of handling significant data rates: a four-slice CT Medical Solutions), have eight detector rows (5). Their widths in
system with 0.5-s rotation time roughly generates 1,000 ⫻ 700 ⫻ the longitudinal direction range from 1 to 5 mm (at isocenter)
4 ⫻ 2 bytes ⫽ 5.6 megabytes (MB) of data per rotation, corre- and allow for the following collimated slice widths: 2 ⫻ 0.5 mm,
sponding to 11.2 MB/s; a 16-slice CT scanner with the same 4 ⫻ 1 mm, 4 ⫻ 2.5 mm, 4 ⫻ 5 mm, 2 ⫻ 8 mm, and 2 ⫻ 10 mm
rotation time generates 45 MB/s; and a 64-slice CT system can (Figure 8, center left).
produce up to 180 to 200 MB/s. The acquired signal of every
The selection of the collimated slice width determines the
detector element is during this process digitized by analog-digital
intrinsic longitudinal resolution of a scan. In a step-and-shoot
(A/D) converters in the submillisecond range with typically 16-
axial mode, any multiple of the collimated width of one detector
bit resolution.
slice can be obtained by adding the detector signals during image
This stream of data is a challenge for data transmission off
reconstruction. In a spiral mode, the effective slice width, which
the gantry and for real-time data processing in the subsequent
is usually defined as the full width at half maximum of the spiral
image reconstruction systems. In modern CT systems, contactless
slice sensitivity profile, is adjusted independently in the spiral
transmission technology is generally used for data transfer, which
interpolation process during image reconstruction. Hence, from
is either laser transmission or electromagnetic transmission with
a coupling between a rotating transmission ring antenna and a the same dataset, both narrow slices for high-resolution detail or
stationary receiving antenna. In the image reconstruction com-
puter images are reconstructed at a rate of up to 40 images/s
using special array processors.
Modern CT systems generally use solid-state detectors. Each
detector element consists of a radiation-sensitive solid-state mate-
rial (e.g., cadmium tungstate or rare earth-based material such as
gadolinium-oxide, gadolinium oxi-sulfide, or yttrium-gadolinium-
oxide with suitable dopings), which converts the absorbed
X-rays into visible light. The light is then detected by a Si-
photodiode. The resulting electrical current is amplified and
converted into a digital signal. Key requirements for a suitable
detector material are good detection efficiency and very short
afterglow time to enable the fast gantry rotation speeds that are
essential for ECG-gated cardiac imaging. Gas detectors, such as
the Xe-detectors used in previous generations of single-slice
CT systems, have become obsolete because of their inherent Figure 7. Illustration of prepatient collimation of the X-ray beam to
limitations. To achieve acceptable detection efficiency, the Xe- obtain different collimated slice widths with a single-slice CT detector
chambers had to be designed deep enough to absorb and convert or a dual-slice CT detector. FOV ⫽ field of view.
for three-dimensional postprocessing and wide slices for better width can be obtained. The Philips Brilliance 40 scanner (Philips
contrast resolution or quick review and filming may be derived. Medical Systems) provides 40 slices with 0.625-mm collimation
The established 16-slice CT systems have adaptive array de- or 32 slices with 1.25-mm collimation, with coverage of 40 mm
tectors in general. A representative example for this scanner at the isocenter (Figure 8, center right). Both Toshiba and GE
type, the Siemens SOMATOM Sensation 16 scanner, uses 24 use fixed-array detectors for their systems. The Toshiba Aquilion
detector rows (16, 17). The 16 central rows define 0.75-mm colli- scanner has 64 detector rows with a collimated slice width of 0.5
mated slice width at isocenter, the four outer rows on both sides mm. By appropriate combination of the signals of the individual
define 1.5-mm collimated slice width (Figure 8, bottom left). The detectors, 32 slices with either 0.5- or 1-mm collimated slice
total coverage in the longitudinal direction is 24 mm at the width can be acquired simultaneously. The total z-coverage at
isocenter. By appropriate combination of the signals of the indi- the isocenter is 32 mm. The GE VCT scanner has 64 detector
vidual detector rows, either 12 or 16 slices with 0.75- or 1.5-mm rows with a collimated slice width of 0.625 mm, enabling the
collimated slice width can be acquired simultaneously. The GE simultaneous read-out of 64 slices (Figure 8, bottom right), with
Lightspeed 16 scanner (General Electric Healthcare) uses a simi- a total coverage of 40 mm in the longitudinal direction. As a
lar design, which provides 16 slices with either 0.625- or 1.25-mm representative example, Figure 9 (p. 500) shows a picture of a
collimated slice width. The total coverage in the longitudinal detector module of the SOMATOM Sensation 64. Each module
direction is 20 mm at the isocenter. Yet another design, which consists of 40 ⫻ 16 detector pixels and the corresponding elec-
is implemented in the Toshiba Aquilion scanner (Toshiba Medical tronics. The antiscatter collimators are diagonally cut to open
Systems Corp., Tokyo, Japan), allows the use of 16 slices with 0.5-, the view on the detector ceramics.
1-, or 2-mm collimated slice width, with a total coverage of 32
mm at isocenter. DOSE AND DOSE REDUCTION
In 2004, the latest generation of MSCT systems providing
more than 16 slices was introduced. The Siemens SOMATOM With MSCT, a certain dose increase compared with single-slice
Sensation 64 scanner has an adaptive array detector with 40 CT is unavoidable because of the underlying physical principles.
detector rows. The 32 central rows define 0.6-mm collimated The collimated dose profile is a trapezoid in the transverse direc-
slice width at the isocenter, the four outer rows on both sides tion. This is a consequence of the finite length of the focal spot
define 1-mm collimated slice width (Figure 8, top right). The and the prepatient collimation. In the plateau region of the
total coverage in the longitudinal direction is 28.8 mm. Using a trapezoid, X-rays emitted from the entire area of the focal spot
periodic motion of the focal spot in the z-direction (z-flying focal illuminate the detector. In the penumbra regions, only a part of
spot), two subsequent 32-slice readings with 0.6-mm collimated the focal spot illuminates the detector, whereas other parts are
slice width are slightly shifted in the z-direction and combined blocked off by the prepatient collimator. With single-slice CT,
to one 64-slice projection with a sampling distance of 0.3 mm at the entire trapezoidal dose profile can contribute to the detector
the isocenter. With this technique, 64 overlapping 0.6-mm slices/ signal and the collimated slice width is determined as the full
rotation are acquired. Alternatively, 24 slices with 1.2-mm slice width at half maximum of this trapezoid. With MSCT, only the
Kohl: Introduction to Multislice CT 475
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