5 Emc Techniques For Heatsinks Taster

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EMC techniques for heatsinks taster

Helping you solve your EMC problems

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Module 5: Heatsinks and EMC 1 of 37

Keith Armstrong

emc14f v2.2

Module 5: EMC
techniques for heatsinks

EurIng Keith Armstrong CEng, FIET, Senior MIEEE, ACGI

phone/fax: +44 (0)1785 660 247
[email protected]
5.0.1 www.cherryclough.com 1 of 73

emc14f v2.2

5.1 Importance of controlling stray heatsink currents

5.2 Ceramic and plastic heatsinks have no stray currents
5.3 Returning stray heatsink currents to their sources
5.4 Using the PCB’s Reference Plane as a heatsink
5.5 Practical RF-bonding issues
5.6 Heat sink RF resonances
5.7 Resonance effects of heat sink shapes, fins, pins,
and the locations of the semiconductors
5.8 Heat pipes
5.9 Some techniques that could be useful
5.10 Low-inductance bonding to control resonances to GHz
5.11 Combining shielding with heatsinking
5.12 Some useful references
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EMC Technologies Pty Ltd

Module 5: Heatsinks and EMC 2 of 37

Keith Armstrong

emc14f v2.2

5. EMC techniques
for heatsinks

Importance of controlling
stray heatsink currents

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emc14f v2.2

Controlling stray heatsink currents

■ An IC or transistor fitted with a heatsink has a
significant stray capacitance to that heatsink…
– because its thermal interface washer is thin,
and has a high value of dielectric constant (εr)...
● and sometimes devices are bonded directly to a heatsink

– when the voltages of the IC or power transistor fluctuate,

this stray capacitance injects stray currents into
conductive heatsinks…
– returning these stray currents to their sources,
– the power supply for the IC or transistor,
– is very important indeed for controlling EMC emissions
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EMC Technologies Pty Ltd

Module 5: Heatsinks and EMC 3 of 37

Keith Armstrong

emc14f v2.2

Stray C
Stray C
Stray C
Stray C

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emc14f v2.2

5. EMC techniques
for heatsinks

Ceramic and plastic heatsinks
have no stray currents

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EMC Technologies Pty Ltd

Module 5: Heatsinks and EMC 4 of 37

Keith Armstrong

emc14f v2.2

Ceramic or plastic heatsinks

■ ....have no stray currents, because they are not
conductive (e.g. “CeramCool”, “CoolPoly”)...
– and they do not need thermal insulating washers so can
sometimes have better heat dissipation than metal...
● as well as having no EMC emissions...

– and some can have metallised/etched surfaces, like a

single-layer PCB, allowing direct bonding of devices...
● especially good for power LED arrays

■ But device heatsink ‘tabs’ will still emit...

– so some of the following techniques may still be required
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emc14f v2.2

Examples of thermally-conductive
plastic heatsinks
For ICs For LED lamp
(glued in place with housings
thermally-conductive epoxy)

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EMC Technologies Pty Ltd


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