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Guideline/Tool Task Usage

1) Architecture Management 5.4 RADD: Define Requirements modelling software can help to manage the volume, complexity, and versions of the
Software Architecture relationships within the requirements architecture.
2) Business Analysis Approach 2.1 EC: Prepare for Elicitation general methodology, types of stakeholders and how they should be involved, list of
stakeholders, timing of the work, expected format and level of detail of elicitation results,
and identified challenges and uncertainties.
2.2 EC: Conduct Elicitation influences how each elicitation activity is performed, as it identifies the types of outputs
that will be needed based on the approach.
2.4 EC: Communicate BA Information describes how the various types of information will be disseminated rather than what will
be disseminated. Describes the level of detail and formality required, frequency of the
communications, and how communications could be affected by the number and
geographic dispersion of stakeholders.
2.5 EC: Manage Stakeholder Collaboration describes the nature and level of collaboration required from each stakeholder group to
perform planned business analysis activities.
4.1 SA: Analyse Current State guides how the business analyst undertakes an analysis of the current state.
4.3 SA: Assess Risks guides how the business analyst analyzes risks.
4.4 SA: Define Change Strategy guides how the business analyst defines a change strategy.
9) Business Analysis Performance 1.1 PM: Plan BA Approach
Assessment 1.2 PM: Plan Stakeholder Engagement provides results of previous assessments that should be reviewed and incorporated into all
planning approaches
1.3 PM: Plan BA Governance
1.4 PM: Plan BA Information Management
13) Business Constraints 3.3. RLM: Prioritise Requirements regulatory statutes, contractual obligations and business policies define priorities
14) Business Objectives 2.1 EC: Prepare for Elicitation used to plan and prepare elicitation events, and to develop supporting materials.
2.5 EC: Manage Stakeholder Collaboration used to focus diverse stakeholders on a common vision of the desired business outcomes.
6.4 SE: Assess Enterprise Limitations are considered when measuring and determining solution performance.
6.5 SE: Recommend Actions to Increase are considered in evaluating, measuring, and determining solution performance.
Solution Value
5.3 RADD: Validate Requirements ensure the requirements deliver the desired business benefits.
5.6 RADD: Analyse Potential Value + used to calculate the expected benefit.
Recommend Soln
20) Business Policies 1.1 PM: Plan BA Approach These policies can influence the business analysis approach.
1.3 PM: Plan BA Governance define the limits within which decisions must be made. They may be described by
1.4 PM: Plan BA Information Management regulations, contracts, agreements, warranties, certifications, or other legal obligations.

4.3 SA: Assess Risks These may mandate or govern aspects of risk management.
24) Change Strategy 1.2 PM: Plan Stakeholder Engagement used for improved assessment of stakeholder impact and effective stakeholder engagement
3.3 RLM: Prioritise Requirements information on costs, timelines, and value realization to determine priority of requirements
3.4 RLM: Assess Requirements Changes describes the purpose and direction for changes, establishes the context for the change,
and identifies the critical components for change.
3.5RLM: Approve Requirements provides information which assists in managing stakeholder consensus
6.1 SE: Measure Solution Performance the change strategy used or in use to implement the potential value.
6.2 SE: Analyse Performance Measures the change strategy that was used or is in use to implement the potential value.
6.3 SE: Assess Solution Limitations the change strategy used or in use to implement the potential value.
6.4 SE: Assess Enterprise Limitations the change strategy used or in use to implement the potential value.
4.3 SA: Assess Risks provides the plan to transition from the current state to the future state and achieve the
desired business outcomes. This approach must be assessed to understand risks associated
33) Current State Description 1.2 PM: Plan Stakeholder Engagement This information will lead to more effective stakeholder analysis and better understanding
of the impact of the desired change.
1.3 PM: Plan BA Governance provides the context within which the work needs to be completed. This information can
help drive how to make better decisions.
6.5 SE: Recommend Actions to Increase used to assess alternatives and better understand the potential increased value that could
Solution Value be delivered. It can also help highlight unintended consequences of alternatives that may
otherwise remain undetected.

4.2 SA: Define Future State often used as a starting point for the future state.
4.3 SA: Assess Risks used to determine risks associated with the current state.
5.6 RADD: Analyse Potential Value + used to identify and help quantify the value to be delivered from a potential solution.
Recommend Soln
39) Design Options 4.4 SA: Define Change Strategy describe various ways to satisfy the business needs. Each option will come with its own set
of change challenges and the change strategy will be impacted by the option selected as
well as the specific change approach that will be used.
40) Domain Knowledge 3.1 RLM: Trace Requirements knowledge of and expertise in the business domain needed to support traceability.
3.3 RLM: Prioritise Requirements knowledge and expertise of the business domain needed to support prioritization.
3.4 RLM: Assess Requirements Changes knowledge of and expertise in the business domain is needed to assess proposed
requirements changes.
43) Elicitation Activity Plan 2.3 EC: Confirm Elicitation Results used to guide which alternative sources and which elicitation results are to be compared.
44) Enterprise Limitation 4.1 SA: Analyse Current State used to understand the challenges that exist within the enterprise.
45) Existing BA Information 2.1 EC: Prepare for Elicitation provide a better understanding of the goals of the elicitation activity
2.2 EC: Conduct Elicitation may guide the questions posed during elicitation and the approach used to draw out
information from various stakeholders.
2.3 EC: Confirm Elicitation Results used to confirm the results of elicitation activities or to develop additional questions to
draw out more detailed information.
48) Existing Solutions 5.5 RADD: Define Design Options existing products or services, often third party, that are
considered as a component of a design option.
49) Expert Judgement 1.1 PM: Plan BA Approach used to determine the optimal business analysis approach.
Expertise may be provided from a wide range of sources including stakeholders on the
initiative, organizational Centres of Excellence, consultants, or associations and industry
groups. Prior experiences of the business analyst and other stakeholders should be
considered when selecting or modifying an approach.
50) Future State Description 2.5 EC: Manage Stakeholder Collaboration defines the desired future state and the expected value it delivers which can be used to
focus diverse stakeholders on the common goal.
6.1 SE: Measure Solution Performance boundaries of the proposed new, removed, or modified components of the enterprise, and
the potential value expected from the future state.
6.2 SE: Analyse Performance Measures boundaries of the proposed new, modified, or removed components of the enterprise and
the potential value expected from the future state.
6.4 SE: Assess Enterprise Limitations boundaries of the proposed new, removed, or modified components of the enterprise, as
well as the potential value expected from the future state.
4.3 SA: Assess Risks determines risks associated with the future state.
5.3 RADD: Validate Requirements ensure the requirements part of the solution scope help achieve desired future state.
5.5 RADD: Define Design Options helps to ensure design options are viable.
5.6 RADD: Analyse Potential Value + ensure the design options are appropriate.
Recommend Soln
58) Governance Approach 3.3 RLM: Prioritise Requirements outlines the approach for prioritizing requirements.
3.4 RLM: Assess Requirements Changes provides guidance regarding the change control and decision-making processes, as well as
the roles of stakeholders within this process.
3.5 RLM: Approve Requirements identifies the stakeholders who have the authority and responsibility to approve business
analysis information, and explains when such approvals will take place and how they will
align to organizational policies.
61) Identified Risks 4.3 SA: Assess Risks can be used as a starting point for more thorough risk assessment. These can come from
Risk Analysis Results, from elicitation activities, from previous business analysis experience,
or based on expert opinion.
62) Information Management 3.1 RLM: Trace Requirements provides decisions from planning activities concerning the traceability approach.
Approach 3.2 RLM: Maintain Requirements indicates how requirements will be managed for reuse.
2.4 EC: Communicate BA Information how business analysis information will be packaged and communicated to stakeholders.
64) Information Management Tools 1.4 PM: Plan BA Information Management each organization uses some tools to store, retrieve, and share business analysis
information. These may be as simple as a whiteboard, or as complex as a global wiki or
robust requirements management tool.
65) Legal/Regulatory Requirements 1.3 PM: Plan BA Governance describes legislative rules or regulations that must be followed, and can be used to help
develop a framework that ensures sound business decision making.
1.4 PM: Plan BA Information Management describes legislative rules or regulations that must be followed, and helps determine how
business analysis information will be managed.
3.1 RLM: Trace Requirements may need to be considered when defining traceability rules.
3.4 RLM: Assess Requirements Changes may impact requirements and must be considered when making changes.
3.5 RLM: Approve Requirements may impact the requirements and designs approval process.
5.4 RADD: Define Requirements may impact the requirements architecture or its outputs. Additionally, contractual or
Architecture standards-based constraints may also need to be considered.
71) Methodologies and 1.1 PM: Plan BA Approach providing methods, techniques, procedures, working concepts, and rules. They may need to
Frameworks be tailored to better meet the needs of the specific business challenge.
5.4 RADD: Define Requirements predetermined set of models, and relationships between the models, to be used to
Architecture represent different viewpoints
73) Metrics & KPIs 4.2 SA: Define Future State the key performance indicators and metrics which will be used to determine whether the
desired future state has been achieved.
74) Modelling Notations/Standards 5.1 RADD: Specify and Model allow requirements and designs to be precisely specified, as is appropriate for the audience
Requirements and the purpose of the models. Standard templates and syntax help to ensure that the right
information is provided about the requirements.
75) Modelling Tools 5.1 RADD: Specify and Model facilitate drawing and storing matrices and diagrams to represent requirements. This
Requirements functionality may or may not be part of requirements life cycle management tools.
76) Organisational Performance 1.5 PM: Identify BA Performance may include performance metrics or expectations for business analysis work mandated by
Standards Improvement the organization.

77) Organisational Strategy 4.1 SA: Analyse Current State an organization will have a set of goals and objectives which guides operations, establishes
direction, and provides a vision for the future state. can be implicitly or explicitly stated.
4.2 SA: Define Future State describes the path, method, or approach an enterprise or organization will take to achieve
its desired future state. This can be implicitly or explicitly stated.
79) Potential Value 2.1 EC: Prepare for Elicitation describes the value to be realized by implementing the proposed future state, and can be
used to shape elicitation events.
5.3 RADD: Validate Requirements can be used as a benchmark against which the value delivered by reqs can be assessed.
81) Recommended Actions 2.5 EC: Manage Stakeholder Collaboration communicating what should be done to improve the value of a solution can help to
galvanize support and focus stakeholders on a common goal.
82) Requirements Architecture 3.3 RLM: Prioritise Requirements including a requirements attribute for prioritization can help the business analyst to sort
and access requirements by priority.
3.4 RLM: Assess Requirements Changes requirements may be related to each other, therefore the business analyst examines and
analyzes the requirement relationships to determine which requirements will be impacted
by a requested requirements change.
5.1 RADD: Specify and Model requirements and interrelationships among them can be used to ensure models are
Requirements complete and consistent.
85) Requirements Life Cycle 5.1 RADD: Specify and Model software products that facilitate recording, organizing, storing, and sharing requirements
Management Tools Requirements and designs.
5.2 RADD: Verify Requirements some tools have functionality to check for issues related to many of the characteristics,
such as atomic, unambiguous, and prioritized.
87) Requirements Management 3.1 RLM: Trace Requirements used to store and manage business analysis information. The tool may be as simple as a
Tools/Repository text document or as complex as a dedicated requirements management tool.
3.3 RLM: Prioritise Requirements including a requirements attribute for prioritization can help the business analyst to sort
and access requirements by priority.
3.5 RLM: Approve Requirements tool to record requirements approvals.
90) Requirements (Validated) 6.1 SE: Measure Solution Performance a set of requirements that have been analyzed and appraised to determine their value.
91) Requirements (Traced) 5.4 RADD: Define Design Options define the design options that best fulfill known requirements.
92) Risk Analysis Results EC: Manage Stakeholder Collaboration stakeholder-related risks will need to be addressed to ensure stakeholder collaboration
activities are successful.
6.2 SE: Analyse Performance Measures the overall level of risk and the planned approach to modifying the individual risks.
6.3 SE: Assess Solution Limitations the overall level of risk and the planned approach to modifying the individual risks.

6.4 SE: Assess Enterprise Limitations the overall level of risk and the planned approach to modifying the individual risks.
5.5 RADD: Analyse Potential Value and the potential value of design options includes an assessment of the level of risk associated
Recommend Solution with the design options or initiative.
97) Solution Limitation 4.1 SA: Analyse Current State used to understand the current state and the challenges of existing solutions.
98) Solution Performance Goals 4.2 SA: Analyse Current State measure the current performance of an enterprise or solution, and serve as a baseline for
setting future state goals and measuring improvement.
99) Solution Performance Measures 4.1 SA: Analyse Current State describe the actual performance of existing solutions.
100) Solution Recommendations 4.1 SA: Define Change Strategy identifying the possible solutions which can be pursued in order to achieve the future state,
which includes recommendations of SMEs, helps the business analyst determine the types
of changes to the organization.

101) Solution Scope 3.3 RLM: Prioritise Requirements considered when prioritizing requirements to ensure scope is managed.
3.4 RLM: Assess Requirements Changes Assists with fully understanding the impact of a proposed change.
3.5 RLM: Approve Requirements Assists when approving requirements to accurately assess alignment and completeness.
6.1 SE: Measure Solution Performance
6.2 SE: Analyse Performance Measures
the solution boundaries to measure and evaluate.
6.3 SE: Assess Solution Limitations
6.4 SE: Assess Enterprise Limitations
6.5 SE: Recommend Actions to Increase
Solution Value
5.1 RADD: Specify and Model boundaries of the solution provide boundaries for the requirements and designs models.
5.3 RADD: Validate Requirements ensures the requirements that provide benefit are within the scope of the desired solution.
5.4 RADD: Define Design Options defines the boundaries when selecting viable design options.
5.5 RADD: Analyse Potential Value and defines the scope of the solution that is being delivered so that a relevant evaluation can be
Recommend Solution made that is within the scope boundaries.
113) Stakeholder Analysis Results 4.1 SA: Analyse Current State stakeholders from across the organization will contribute to an understanding and analysis
of the current state.
114) Stakeholder Engagement 1.1 PM: Plan BA Approach understanding the stakeholders and their concerns and interests may influence decisions
Approach made when determining the business analysis approach.
2.2 EC: Conduct Elicitation provides collaboration and communication approaches that might be effective during
4.3 SA: Assess Risks understanding stakeholders and stakeholder groups helps identify and assess the potential
impact of internal and external forces.
117) Supporting Materials 2.2 EC: Conduct Elicitation includes any materials to prepare both the business analyst and participants before
elicitation, as well as any information, tools, or equipment to be used during the elicitation.

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