2018-2019 Course Syllabus
Ms. Carey
[email protected] Homework will be checked for effort, some
will be collected for a grade on the class day
(207) 377-2228 that the homework is due.
ext 3206
There will almost always be a quiz in middle
I am available every day after school of each chapter to check for understanding.
and I can be available before school If you wish to fix a grade on a quiz you may
by appointment. I will have a make points back for half credit, after
having some remediation with me after
calendar up in the classroom that will
school, but not during class time. Expect a
specify week by week availability. mini quiz next class period after new
material to check for understanding.
Summative Assessments:
There will be some tests and projects for
Supplies end of chapter assessments. If there is a
test, you will know ahead of time, and you
An important part of high school is will get a day to review in class beforehand.
developing effective organizational If there is a project, you will get class time
to work on it. Questions are always
strategies and habits.
welcomed, but not the day of a test.