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Honors Geometry

2018-2019 Course Syllabus

Ms. Carey
[email protected] Homework will be checked for effort, some
will be collected for a grade on the class day
(207) 377-2228 that the homework is due.
ext 3206
There will almost always be a quiz in middle
I am available every day after school of each chapter to check for understanding.
and I can be available before school If you wish to fix a grade on a quiz you may
by appointment. I will have a make points back for half credit, after
having some remediation with me after
calendar up in the classroom that will
school, but not during class time. Expect a
specify week by week availability. mini quiz next class period after new
material to check for understanding.

Summative Assessments:
There will be some tests and projects for
Supplies end of chapter assessments. If there is a
test, you will know ahead of time, and you
An important part of high school is will get a day to review in class beforehand.
developing effective organizational If there is a project, you will get class time
to work on it. Questions are always
strategies and habits.
welcomed, but not the day of a test.

The following tools are recommended Participation:

to help keep you organized and be I expect you to put effort into the class and
successful: participate in all activities. You will need to
ü Three Ring Binder step outside of your comfort zone and try
new things. My class is a new surprise every
ü Loose lined Paper
day, so be prepared!
ü Scientific Calculator (recommended)
ü Writing Utensils
ü Laptop
Late Work & Absent Policy

If you are absent it is your responsibility to check the Grading

class website for notes, and also to check your class
bin for handouts. I will not completely reteach a lesson
to you, but I will answer questions. Homework will be
accepted late for partial credit, only until the test for
that chapter. After the test date, homework grades will
not be changed for that chapter. Summative Assessment (45%)

In the event of an absence, if you miss a class when Homework (15%)

homework was due, you have two school days to get it
to me. If you are absent on a day that homework is
assigned, you have two class periods to get that Classwork, Quizzes,
completed assignment to me. If you are absent two Participation (40%)
days, during which homework is assigned, you have
four extra days to hand it in.
Midterm/ Final (20%) Of the
Goals 3
Students will develop skill and understanding Expectations
ü Be Prepared
1. Compass and straight edge constructions Come to class on time. This means being in your
2. The use of formal logic in geometric and seat at the start time, focused and ready to
learn with the necessary supplies.
algebraic proofs
3. The meaning of points, lines, and planes ü Be Respectful
4. The concepts of congruency and congruent Respect yourself and others. Respect our class
triangles time and our materials.
5. The properties of special segments in
ü Do Your Best
Be responsible for your learning; work hard and
6. The classification and measure of polygons do your best. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
and quadrilaterals
7. The concepts of transformations
8. The concepts of similarity and similar
“It always seems
9. Right triangle relationships
10. Circle relationships impossible until it’s
11. The calculation of perimeters and areas of done.”
polygons – Nelson Mandela

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