DisasterManagement Syllabus

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Disaster Management and Mitigation


 The course is framed to provide an overview of the occurrence, causes and consequences of
different disasters.
 To provide broad understanding about the basic concepts of Disaster Management with
preparedness as a Civil Engineer.
 To gain a preliminary understanding of approaches of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
 It introduces formulation of management plan and disaster mitigation strategies.

Module I

Introduction - Concepts and definitions: Disaster, hazard, vulnerability, resilience, risks,

frequency and details, capacity, impact, prevention, mitigation.

Module II

Disasters - Disasters classification; natural disasters (floods, draught, cyclones, volcanoes,

earthquakes, tsunami, landslides, coastal erosion, soil erosion, forest fires etc.); manmade
disasters (industrial pollution, artificial flooding in urban areas, nuclear radiation, transportation
accidents, terrorist strikes, etc.); hazard and vulnerability profile of India, mountain and coastal
areas, ecological fragility.
Disaster Impacts - Classification, Causes, Impacts including social, economic, political,
environmental, health, psychosocial, etc.- Differential impacts- in terms of caste, class, gender,
age, location, disability, etc. Dos and Don’ts during various types of Disasters.

Module III

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)- Disaster management cycle – its phases;

prevention, mitigation, preparedness, relief and recovery; structural and non-structural
measures; risk analysis, vulnerability and capacity assessment. Emerging approaches in Disaster
Management - Three stages: Pre-disaster stage (preparedness), Emergency stage and Post
Disaster stage – Rehabilitation. Roles and responsibilities of government, community,
local institutions, NGOs and other stakeholders; Policies and legislation for disaster risk
reduction, DRR programmes in India and the activities of National Disaster Management
Module IV

Disasters, Environment and Development - Factors affecting vulnerability such as

impact of developmental projects and environmental modifications (including of dams, landuse
changes, urbanization etc.), sustainable and environmental friendly recovery;
reconstruction and development methods.

Disaster management: applications and case studies - Landslide Hazard Zonation: Case Studies,
Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings and Infrastructure: Case Studies, Drought
Assessment: Case Studies, Coastal Flooding: Storm Surge Assessment, Floods: Case Studies;
Forest Fire: Case Studies, Man Made disasters: Case Studies, Space Based Inputs for Disaster
Mitigation and Management and field works related to disaster management.

OUTCOMES: The students will be able to

 Differentiate the types of disasters, causes and their impact on environment and society,
 Assess vulnerability and various methods of risk reduction measures as well as mitigation,
 Draw the hazard and vulnerability profile of India, scenarios in the Indian context,
 Disaster damage assessment and management.

Text/Reference Books

 Tushar Bhattacharya, “Disaster Science and Management”, McGraw Hill India

Education Pvt. Ltd., 2012.
 Pradeep Sahni, “Disaster Mitigation: Experiences and Reflections”, Prentice Hall,
 Singhal J.P. “Disaster Management”, Laxmi Publications, 2010.
 Donald Hyndman & David Hyndman, “Natural Hazards & Disasters” , Cengage
Learning, 2010.
 Singh B.K., Handbook of Disaster Management: Techniques & Guidelines, Rajat
Publication, 2008.
 Govt. of India: Disaster Management Act , Government of India, New Delhi, 2005.
 Government of India, National Disaster Management Policy,2009.

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