Fraud Resilient Mechanism For Micro Payments at Point of Sales
Fraud Resilient Mechanism For Micro Payments at Point of Sales
Fraud Resilient Mechanism For Micro Payments at Point of Sales
Cybercrimes which are most common nowadays which includes earliest forms of credit card and debit
card theft. Point of sale (PoS) is the place where the attackers often aim at steal such customer data by
targeting it. This scenario produces a shift in purchase method from classic credit cards to new approches
such as device-based payments. Nowadays, crypto-currencies and decentralized payment system are
increasingly popular, fostering a shift from physical to digital currencies. However, such payment techniques
are not common place, due to several unresolved issues, including a lack of widely accepted standards,
limited interoperability among systems and, most importantly, security. To the best of our knowledge, Fraud
Resilient Mechanism For Micro-Payments at Point of sale is the first solution that can provide secure fully
off-line payments while being resilient to all currently known PoS breaches. Our solution improves over up to
date approaches in terms of flexibility and security.
Copyright © 2017 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
All rights reserved.
However, such payment techniques are not yet III. ATTACK METHODS
commonplace, due to several unresolved issues, Only a subset of the attacks listed in Table 1
including a lack of widely-accepted standards, represents real dangers in a fully off-line scenario.
limited interoperability among systems and, most In fact, in such a scenario only vendor and
importantly, security. Off-line scenarios are harder customer devices are involved in the transaction
to protect, customer data is kept within the PoS for and no connection to the external world is
much longer time, thus being more exposed to provided. In Figure 3 a general picture of all
attackers. Skimmers in this attack, the customer possible PoS system threats is given. It is clear
input device that belongs to the PoS system is from the picture that, no matter what the
replaced with a fake one in order to capture environment and the architectural design of the
customer’s card data. The main issue with a fully EPS are (boxes 1, 2 and 3), customer data needs at
off-line approach is the difficulty of checking the some point to be sent back to the bank or to the
trustworthiness of a transaction without a trusted coin element issuer. This means that the data read
third party. In fact, keeping track of past from the customer’s card can be stolen within the
transactions with no available connection to card reader (label A), within the cash register or
external parties or shared databases can be quite back office server (label D), while in transit between
difficult, as it is difficult for a vendor to check if the devices (label B) or while in transit to the bank
some digital coins have already been spent. (label C).
the help of an insider or via a backdoor. RAM • Data in memory: the target of this attack is card
scrapers work by examining the list of processes data that is feed into the PoS system by some input
that are running on the PoS system and by device. One way to avoid such attack is by
inspecting the memory for customer’s card data
encrypting the card data as soon as possible and
such as account numbers and expiration dates.
by keeping it encrypted as long as possible through
its life within the system.
• Data in transit: the target of this attack is the
data that is exchanged between all the entities of
the system that processes customer’s data. Even in
fully off-line electronic payment systems, this
attack is still available. In fact, a payment system is
usually composed by two or more elements and
card data is exchanged between all of them. The
technologies that are normally used for addressing
the data in transit vulnerability include SSL, TLS
and, IPsec .
• Data at rest: the target of this attack is the card
• Forced off-line authorization: In this scenario, data stored in non-volatile memories within the
the attacker exploits a DoS attack to force the PoS system. The only way to avoid such kind of attack
system to go off-line. By doing so, the attacker will is to avoid any data storage at all. Now that all the
force the payment card data to be locally data breaches and attacks models have been
processed. This means that any data read from the described, it is possible to introduce our solution.
card will be locally decrypted and verified, thus After the description of both the architecture and
creating an opportunity for the attacker to easily the protocol being used, it will be shown how our
collect all the required information. proposed system is the first solution able to provide
a fraud resilient off-line micro-payment scheme.
dump coins from another customers. Last but not faults within integrated circuits. However, as
least, an attacker cannot pretend to be another explained in we consider this kind of attack an
customer with a different ID because it will not be overkill.
able to compute his private key. • Repudiation: Fraud Resilient Mechanism for
• Reverse Engineering: By design, any attempt to offline Micropayments at point of sales does not
tweak and steal any useful information from either provide a transaction dispute protocol phase.
the identity or the coin element will alter the However, while the payment transaction is
behavior of the PUFs thus rendering the elements
accomplished in a fully off-line scenario, any
no longer usable.
• Denial of Services: Fraud Resilient Mechanism additional operation is accomplished on-line. In
for offline micropayments at point of sales uses an this way, the customer cannot repudiate a valid
initial pairing process. Such step cannot be transaction (the log entry for that transaction will
accomplished by an attacker as it requires a be notified on-line by the vendor) and the same
security code to be manually type do the applies for the vendor (a repudiated valid
customer’s device. As such, DoS attacks are transaction cannot be spent). So far, resiliency to
mitigated. Even
the attacks has been shown. Next, other
considerations are shared based on the different
attacker models.
• Malicious Customer: As shown at the beginning
of this section, forgery, dump, and reply attacks are
mitigated by design.
• Malicious Vendor: The only feasible attack for a
malicious vendor is the deletion of past transaction
entries from the storage device. However, this is not
possible as the storage device is assumed to be
kept physically secure by the vendor.
• Ubiquitous: The smarter attack that can be
unleashed by such an attacker is the stealing of
information from each device involved in the
transaction. However, as described later in this
section, Fraud Resilient Mechanism for
Micropayments at point of sales proved to be
resilient to data breaches.
In this paper we have introduced Fraud Resilient
Mechanism for Micropayments at point of sale is,
to the best of our knowledg, this is first
data-breach-resilient fully off-line micropayment
approach. The security analysis shows that Fraud
Attacks over the coin element Resilient Mechanism for Micropayments at point of
if the attacker is a malicious vendor, each sale does not impose trustworthiness
transaction has to be confirmed by the customer assumptions. Further, Fraud Resilient Mechanism
thus preventing batch attacks where either the for Micropayments at point of sales is only the first
identity or the coin element are repeatedly solution in the literature where no customer device
challenged. data attacks can be exploited to compromise the
• HW Modification: Again, by design, it is not system. This has been achieved mainly by PUF’S
possible for an attacker to either add or modify or architecture and protocol design. Our analysis
remove any element belonging to either the identity shows that Fraud Resilient Mechanism for
or the coin element without changing its behavior. Micropayments at point of sales is the only
• HW Eavesdropping: Solutions have been proposal that enjoys all the secure micro-payment
proposed in the literature that use photon counting solution require properties, which gives flexibility
APD modules and photon emission microscope when considering the payment medium (types of
with In GaAs image sensors together with Focused digital coins). Finally, some issues which are open
Ion Beam (for short, FIB) systems in order to locate are identified which are left for future process. In
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