Ijarcce 41
Ijarcce 41
Ijarcce 41
Keywords: Internet, online shopping, credit card, e-commerce security, fraud detection, Hidden Markov Model.
In day to day life credit cards are used for purchasing visible to an external observer and therefore states are
goods and services with the help of virtual card for online ``hidden'' the outside; hence the name Hidden Markov
transaction or physical card for offline transaction. In a Model. Hence, Hidden Markov Model is a perfect solution
physical-card based purchase, the cardholder presents his for addressing detection of fraud transaction through credit
card physically to a merchant for making a payment. To card. One more important benefit of the HMM-based
carry out fraudulent transactions in this kind of purchase, approach is an extreme decrease in the number of False
an attacker has to steal the credit card. If the cardholder Positives transactions recognized as malicious by a fraud
does not realize the loss of card, it can lead to a substantial detection system even though they are really genuine. In
financial loss to the credit card company. In online this prediction process, HMM consider mainly three price
payment mode, attackers need only little information for value ranges such as:
doing fraudulent transaction (secure code, card number,
expiration date etc.). 1) Low (l),
In this purchase method, mainly transactions will be done 2) Medium (m) and,
through Internet or telephone. To commit fraud in these 3) High (h).
types of purchases, a fraudster simply needs to know the First, it will be required to find out transaction amount
card details. belongs to a particular category either it will be in low,
Most of the time, the genuine cardholder is not aware that medium, or high ranges.
someone else has seen or stolen his card information. The
only way to detect this kind of fraud is to analyze the III. APPLICATION DESCRIPTION
spending patterns on every card and to figure out any In existing models, the bank is verified credit card
inconsistency with respect to the “usual” spending information, CVV number, Date of expiry etc., but all
patterns. Fraud detection based on the analysis of existing these information are available on the card itself.
purchase data of cardholder is a promising way to reduce Nowadays, bank is also requesting to register your credit
the rate of successful credit card frauds. Since humans card for online secure password. In this new model, after
tend to exhibit specific behaviouristic profiles, every feeding details of card at merchant site, then it will transfer
cardholder can be represented by a set of patterns to a secure gateway which is established at bank’s own
containing information about the typical purchase server. But, it is not verifying that the transaction is
category, the time since the last purchase, the amount of fraudulent or not. If hackers will get secure code of credit
money spent, etc. Deviation from such patterns is a card by phishing sites or any other source, then it is very
potential threat to the system. difficult to trace fraudulent transaction. In proposed model
based on HMM will help to verify fraudulent of
II. HIDDEN MARKOV MODEL transaction during transaction will be going to happen. It
A Hidden Markov Model is a finite set of states; each state includes two modules are as follow
is linked with a probability distribution. Transitions among
these states are governed by set probabilities called IV. ONLINE SHOPPING
transition probabilities. In a particular state a possible It comprises with many steps, first is to login into a
outcome or observation can be generated which is particular site to purchase goods or services, then choose
associated symbol of observation of probability an item and next step is to go to payment mode where
distribution. It is only the outcome, not the state that is credit card information will be required. After filling all
Copyright to IJARCCE DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2015.4341 169
ISSN (Online) 2278-1021
ISSN (Print) 2319-5940