Fighting Sail Reference Sheet: The Turn Sequence
Fighting Sail Reference Sheet: The Turn Sequence
Fighting Sail Reference Sheet: The Turn Sequence
Highest die roll is first player for the turn. Re-roll ties on the first turn of the game
only. If a tie is rolled from the second turn onwards, the first player from the previous
turn becomes the second player in the new turn.
If you are using the advanced rules for weather changes, look up on the Weather
Deck the die roll that gave the tied result.
• Roll a number of dice equal to the ship’s Sailing stat.
• The target number depends on the ship’s attitude towards the wind.
• Each success rolled = 1 sailing point.
• If no successes are rolled, the ship gets one free sailing point unless it was In
Irons or had an Anchor token.
Attitude Sailing Points Notes
Reaching 4+
Close-Hauled 5+
Short 0–6” 3+ 5+
Medium 6–12” 4+ 6
For each explosion, roll a further Gunnery die. These extra dice do not cause more
explosions unless you have a raking shot.
• The target rolls a number of dice equal to its Hull stat. Each 4+ rolled cancels
out a hit. Look up any remaining damage on the Damage Deck and apply
the effects.
• The target’s fleet loses fleet morale equal to the amount of damage taken, to a
maximum of the target’s Hull stat.