Fighting Sail Reference Sheet: The Turn Sequence

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• The Initiative Phase: This phase determines which player will act first for
the turn.
• The Sailing Phase: The first player sails his entire fleet, followed by the
second player.
• The Cannon Phase: The first player fires the cannons of his fleet, then the
second player follows suit.

Highest die roll is first player for the turn. Re-roll ties on the first turn of the game
only. If a tie is rolled from the second turn onwards, the first player from the previous
turn becomes the second player in the new turn.
If you are using the advanced rules for weather changes, look up on the Weather
Deck the die roll that gave the tied result.


• 1: Becalmed.
• 2–3: The wind changes 1 point clockwise.
• 4–5: The wind changes 1 point counter-clockwise.
• 6: The wind picks up to a gale.

• Roll a number of dice equal to the ship’s Sailing stat.
• The target number depends on the ship’s attitude towards the wind.
• Each success rolled = 1 sailing point.
• If no successes are rolled, the ship gets one free sailing point unless it was In
Irons or had an Anchor token.

Attitude Sailing Points Notes

Reaching 4+  

Running 4+ Cannot tack or wear

Close-Hauled 5+  

In Irons 6 No free sailing point


 Option Cost Movement Turn
If it moves the full 2”, up to
Manoeuvre 1 sailing point Up to 2”
30° in either direction
Tack 2 sailing points 2” Up to 90° towards the wind

Wear 1 sailing point 2” Up to 90° away from the wind


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• A valid target is within range, within your ship’s firing arc, and within line
of sight.
• Measure range from mainmast to mainmast.
• Roll a number of dice equal to the ship’s Gunnery stat. If the ship has any
Damage tokens, its Gunnery stat is halved, rounded up.
• Place a Cannon token next to the ship.
• The number needed to hit and cause explosions depends on the range.

Range Distance Hits Explosions

Short 0–6” 3+ 5+

Medium 6–12” 4+ 6

Long 12–18” 5+ n/a

For each explosion, roll a further Gunnery die. These extra dice do not cause more
explosions unless you have a raking shot.

• The target rolls a number of dice equal to its Hull stat. Each 4+ rolled cancels
out a hit. Look up any remaining damage on the Damage Deck and apply
the effects.
• The target’s fleet loses fleet morale equal to the amount of damage taken, to a
maximum of the target’s Hull stat.


• 0 or less: No effect
• 1: Disrupted – the ship gets an Anchor token unless it already had one.
• 2: Shaken – the ship gets an Anchor token. If it already had one, it gets a
Damage token instead.
• 3: Light Damage – the ship gets an additional Damage token and an Anchor
token unless it already had one.
• 4: Heavy Damage – the ship gets two additional Damage tokens and an Anchor
token unless it already has one.
• 5 or more: Catastrophic Damage – the ship is sunk.


• 1+: Gunnery and Boarding stats are halved, rounded up.
• 3: If the ship fails its damage control Discipline test, it strikes its colours and is
removed from play.
• 4+: The ship sinks. Remove it from play.


• Each ship rolls a number of dice equal to its Boarding stat. Each 4+ scores
a hit.
• If the defender rolls at least as many hits as the attacker, it repels the attack and
there is no further effect.
• If the attacker rolls more hits than the defender, the defending ship is taken
as a prize. The attacker’s fleet gains morale equal to the defending ship’s Hull
stat and the defender’s fleet loses the same amount. The attacking ship gets
a Damage token, unless it already had one. The defending ship is removed
from play.


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