Self-Ligating Brackets: An Overview: November 2011
Self-Ligating Brackets: An Overview: November 2011
Self-Ligating Brackets: An Overview: November 2011
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1. Introduction
The specialty of orthodontics has continued to evolve since its advent in the early 20th
century. Changes in treatment philosophy, mechanics, and appliances have helped shape
our understanding of orthodontic tooth movement. In the 1890‘s, Edward H. Angle
published his classification of malocclusion based on the occlusal relationships of the first
molars. This was a major step toward the development of orthodontics because his
classification defined normal occlusion. Angle then helped to pioneer the means to treat
malocclusions by developing new orthodontic appliances. He believed that if all of the teeth
were properly aligned, then no deviation from an ideal occlusion would exist. Angle and his
followers strongly believed in non-extraction treatment. His appliance, (Fig. 1), consisted of
a tube on each tooth to provide a horizontally positioned rectangular slot. Angle’s edgewise
appliance received its name because the archwire was inserted at a 90-degree angle to the
plane of insertion. The rectangular wire was tied into a rectangular slot with steel ligatures
(Proffit, 2000). A later shift in thought occurred when one of his pupils, Charles Tweed,
observed that some of the patients formerly treated by Angle exhibited a noticeable amount
of relapse. Tweed then re-treated a number of these cases by extracting four bicuspids to
resolve the crowding and in turn, developed his own treatment mechanics. Another shift in
orthodontics occurred when Larry Andrews introduced the straight wire appliance. Instead
of bending wires to place teeth in the proper orientation with an edgewise bracket,
Andrews‘ appliance had the angulation and torque values built into the brackets commonly
known as the appliance prescription. In theory, these pre-adjusted brackets eliminated the
need to repeatedly bend first, second, and third order bends each time the patient
progressed to the next wire. The straight wire appliance revolutionized orthodontics by
making the bracket much more efficient. Since then, many orthodontic companies have
developed their own bracket systems with specific prescriptions, treatment philosophies,
and mechanics. However, they all shared one common characteristic – ligatures must be
placed around tie wings on brackets to hold arch wires in the bracket slot.
as teflon for aesthetic reasons. Steel ligatures produce a variable effect on the
bracket/archwire junction depending on their tightness. The advantages with the steel
ligatures are that they do not deteriorate in the oral environment and they retain their shape
and strength. They also provide less retention of bacterial plaque and are easier to clean
than the elastomeric ligatures (Ridley et al., 1979). The drawbacks with steel ligatures are
that they are time-consuming and tiresome on the hand of operator (Maijer & Smith, 1990;
Shivapuja & Berger, 1994). Harradine, (2003), found that the use of wire ligatures added
almost 12 minutes to the time needed to remove and replace two archwires. They also
require careful tucking in of the ends to avoid soft tissue trauma and even then can
occasionally be displaced between appointments and cause discomfort (Schumacher et al.,
1990; Bendar & Gruendeman, 1993).
to inadvertent loss of ligation. Wire ligatures are good in this respect while elastic ligatures
are more easily lost. Elastic ligatures also experience significant force decay over time
(Taloumis et al., 1997).
2. Full bracket engagement
Full archwire engagement into the bracket slot is desirable to attain full expression of torque
particularly at finishing stages of treatment. Wire ligation can maintain adequate archwire
engagement between office visits. On the other hand, elastic ligatures frequently exert
insufficient force even on fairly flexible wires.
3. Quick and easy ligation
Wire ligation is a lengthy procedure and this is the main reason they are not frequently
used. Elastic ligatures are much faster to remove and replace (Türkkahraman et al., 2005)
4. Low friction
For sliding mechanics, brackets that experience low friction are the most desirable. Low
friction is important during the leveling and aligning stages of orthodontic treatment. It will
allow a more efficient force delivery, less force dissipation and thus a faster expression of
the wire. Low friction is efficient during space closure as well. Wire ligatures are superior to
brackets ligated by elastic ligatures in this respect and shown to produce only 30-50% of the
frictional forces produced by elastomerics (Shivapuja et al., 1994). Still, forces may reach
undesirable levels relative to levels considered ideal for tooth movement (Khambay et al.,
5. Improves patient comfort and hygiene
Wire ligatures can cause tissue laceration if the cut ends are exposed but they are very
hygienic. Elastic ligatures are more comfortable than wire ligatures but have the side effect
of being less hygienic.
Sliding mechanics in conventional brackets rely on filling the slot with the largest wire
possible to provide a certain degree of force control (direction and magnitude) needed to
move teeth. With enough force, teeth eventually move to the desired position. Because
archwires are held into place with either metal or elastic ligature ties, heavy forces must be
introduced into the system in order to overcome the friction created at the bracket/archwire
interface before tooth movement can occur. However, some argue that the heavy forces
generated by large sized wires and traditional ligation methods are not physiologic because
they create force systems high enough to overpower the lip, tongue, and cheek muscular.
Clinicians and manufacturers alike sought to develop a product that could replicate the time
saving properties of elastomeric modules while lessening or eliminating the friction they
caused. This eventually led to the development and popularization of selfligating brackets
because they satisfy both criteria and offer a philosophy of orthodontic treatment that
greatly differs from this classical school of thought.
3. Self-ligating brackets
3.1 Definition
Self-ligating brackets are ligatureless bracket systems that have a mechanical device built
into the bracket to close off the edgewise slot. The cap holds the archwire in the bracket slot
and replaces the steel/elastomeric ligature. With the self-ligating brackets, the moveable
fourth wall of the bracket is used to convert the slot into a tube.
6 Principles in Contemporary Orthodontics
3.3 Classification
Two types of self-ligating brackets have been developed, active and passive. These terms
refer to the mode in which they interact with the archwire. The active type (Fig. 3) has a
spring clip that encroaches on the slot from the labial/buccal aspect and presses against the
archwire providing an active seating force on the archwire and ensuring engagement such
as In-Ovation (GAC International, Bohemia, NY, USA), SPEED (Strite Industries,
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada), and Time brackets (Adenta, Gilching/Munich, Germany).
In the passive type (Fig. 4), the clip does not press against the archwire. Instead, these
brackets use a rigid door or latch to entrap the archwire providing more room for the
archwire such as Damon (Ormco/”A”Company), SmartClip™ (3M Unitek, USA), and
Oyster ESL (Gestenco International, Gothenburg, Sweden).
The first modern passive self-ligating bracket (Edgelok- Ormco Corporation, Glendora, CA)
was introduced in the early 1970s. The bracket had a round body with a rigid labial sliding
cap (Fig.6). Because of its passive nature, orthodontists found precise control of tooth
movement to be a challenge. Although many design refinements have been introduced
since, the basic design has remained unchanged.
efficacy. The proposed benefits include reduced friction between archwire and bracket,
reduced clinical forces, reduced treatment time, faster alignment, faster space closure,
different arch dimensions, better alignment and occlusal outcomes, less patient pain, and
more hygienic. However, these data come from marketing materials, nonrefereed sources,
or refereed journals. The purpose of this section is to review the clinically significant effects
of self-ligating brackets on orthodontic treatment with respect to the quality of available
scientific evidence. Comparing between self-ligating and conventional brackets in different
aspects will be addressed as well. These include:
the first 7 days was reported in these three studies involving 160 patients, with 83 in the SLB
group and 77 in the conventional bracket group. Patients in the SLB group reported a mean
difference in pain intensity of 0.99 to 5.66 points lower than in the conventional bracket
group, the greatest difference being reported 3 days after appliance placement. However,
differences were not of statistical significance.
Two studies, (Mile et al., 2006; Fleming et al., 2009), reported greater pain experience during
chairside manipulation of self-ligating appliances. However, as the mechanisms of archwire
engagement and disengagement are very different using SmartClip (Fleming et al., 2009)
and Damon 2 (Mile et al., 2006), it was felt that direct statistical comparison of this research
finding would be invalid.
access for good oral hygiene and create microbial shelters, resulting in the accumulation of
plaque. The appliance architecture specifically, the archwire ligation method is an additional
factor influencing bacterial colonization. Two trials have compared the impact of SLBs and
elastomeric ligation on plaque retention (Pellegrini et al., 2009, Pandis et al., 2010). Longer
term effects of bracket system on periodontal health and accumulation of debris has also
been assessed (Pandis et al., 2008).
Pellegrini et al., 2009, performed randomized clinical study to enumerate and compare
plaque bacteria surrounding 2 bracket types, self-ligating vs. elastomeric ligating using a
split-mouth design. Patients were recalled and assessed 1 week and 5 weeks after bonding.
Results showed that most patients bonded with self-ligating brackets had fewer bacteria in
plaque than did teeth bonded with elastomeric legated brackets both at 1 and 5 weeks after
The oral cavity is a rich ecosystem with a plethora of microorganisms. While both
periodontal disease and caries are considered multifactorial diseases, plaque bacteria are the
major factor in their onset and progression. However, there are situations which comprise
what has been termed ‘ecological stress’, referring to the shift of the microbiological balance,
creating conditions conducive to the growth, and appearance of cariogenic and/or
periodontopathic bacteria (Marsh, 2003). The different components of the fixed orthodontic
system may contribute to a shift in the balance of the oral ecology. The presence of brackets
and ligatures has been shown to be been mainly associated with increased risk of
Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli colonization, among other species, thus initiating a
series of events, which may lead to the development of pathology of the hard tissues such as
decalcification and, in specific cases, caries development. Moreover, the accumulation of
plaque and the resultant alteration of the local microbial milieu may expose the tissues to
the risk of developing periodontal inflammation (Øgaard et al., 1988; Fournier et al., 1998 ;
Naranjo et al. , 2006 ).
It has been proposed at bracket ligation mode has an effect on the microbiological profile of
the patients’ oral environment. Pandis et al., 2010, investigated the effect of bracket type
(conventional and selfligating) on the levels of streptococcus mutans and total bacterial
counts in whole saliva of , fixed orthodontic patients at the age range of 11-17 years. The
patients were subdivided into two groups with random allocation of bracket type
(conventional or selfligating). An initial saliva sample was obtained before the initiation of
treatment (T1) and a second sample 2 – 3 months following appliance bonding (T2). Salivary
streptococcus mutans and total bacteria were enumerated and analysed after growth in
culture. The levels of S. mutans in whole saliva of orthodontically treated patients do not
seem to be significantly different between conventional and self-ligating brackets. However,
the pre-treatment levels of S. mutans are significant predictors of the levels of S. mutans
after placement of orthodontic appliances.
Pandis et al., 2008, conducted a cohort study to determine values of periodontal indices for
patients treated with self-ligating and conventional brackets. All patients were 12-17 years
with aligned mandibular arches, and absence of oral habits and anterior crossbites. Outcome
variables were plaque index, gingival index, calculus index, and probing depth for the two
bracket cohorts and the results showed that under these conditions the self-ligating brackets
do not have an advantage over conventional brackets with respect to the periodontal status.
particularly critical in establishing an esthetic smile line, proper anterior guidance, and a
Class I canine and molar relationship. Undertorqued maxillary anterior teeth affect the arch
length and the space requirements. It has been shown that for every 5° of anterior
inclination, about 1 mm of arch length is generated. (O’Higgins et al., 1999) Undertorqued
posterior teeth have a constricting effect on the maxillary arch, since they do not allow
appropriate cusp-to fossa relationships between maxillary and mandibular teeth (Gioka &
Iliades, 2004). The manufacturing process of brackets results in some variation in sizes and
characteristics, including dimensional accuracy and torque prescription consistency. Various
bracket manufacturing processes such as injection-molding, casting, and milling can affect
the accuracy of the prescribed torque values, and this has been reported to be about 5% to
10% (Gioka & Iliades, 2004). Huang et al., 2009, reported that torque angle/torque moment
behavior is determined by the characteristics of the archwire. The effect of the bracket
system is of minor importance, with the exception of self-ligating brackets with an active
clip (eg. Speed), which had the lowest torquing moments of all wires.
In relation to the mandibular arch, Pandis et al., 2007; Fleming et al., 2009; and Pandis et al.,
2010, reported similar increase in the proclination of mandibular incisors associated with
both appliance systems during arch alignment. In general, lateral cephalograms were traced,
and mandibular incisor position and inclination were assessed for patients by using angular
measurements of mandibular incisor to mandibular plane, mandibular incisor to nasion-
Point B line, and mandibular incisor to Point A-pogonion line. Garino & Favero, 2003,
stated that satisfactory control of tooth positions during the horizontal, mesio-distal, and
torque movements, both in the extraction and non-extraction cases were observed in Speed
bracket system
Self-ligating brackets seem to be equally efficient in delivering torque to maxillary incisors
relative to conventional brackets in extraction and non-extraction cases. Pandis et al., 2006,
conducted a randomized clinical trial employing a random distribution of variables among
the studied populations. Similar buccolingual inclination of maxillary incisors in extraction
and non-extraction treatment with self-ligating and conventional brackets was reported.
Treatment of a crowded dental arch on a non-extraction basis, without tooth size reduction
requires an increase in arch perimeter to allow resolution of crowding and achievement of
optimum arch alignment and leveling. Without active distal movement, changes typically
involve both transverse expansion and proclination. The ideal scenario would involve little
incisor proclination and intercanine expansion, with most of the arch perimeter increase
generated by expansion across the molars and premolars. The nature and magnitude of
these arch dimensional changes have implications on the long-term stability. Marked
expansion of the intercanine dimension and excessive proclination of the mandibular
incisors are considered to be particularly unstable (Mills, 1966; Burke et al., 1998). Relapse in
such cases may develop due to constriction of the expanded intercanine dimension and
uprighting of the mandibular incisors during the post-treatment phase, and is likely to
manifest as mandibular incisor irregularity.
Three studies investigated arch dimensions in conventional and self-ligating brackets (All
used Damon brackets). Jiang & Fu, 2008, and Pandis et al., 2009, reported the changes after
treatment in their prospective studies on non-extraction basis. For intercanine and
intermolar widths, there was no significant difference between the two groups. On other
hand, Scott et al., 2008, reported the change after progressing to 0.019 x 0.025-in stainless
steel archwires in a randomized controlled trial on extraction patients with greater incisor
Self-Ligating Brackets: An Overview 15
irregularity at the beginning of the treatment. They reported greater increase in intercanine
width, probably because the canines were retracted to a wider part of the arch. Intermolar
width was not increased with self-ligating brackets in that study, and, according to the
authors, it was probably related to forward sliding of the molars into a narrower part of the
arch in the extraction patients. In addition, different archwire sequences were used for the
two groups in the studies of Jiang & Fu, 2008, and Pandis et al., 2009, whereas Scott et al.,
2008, used the same archwires for both groups. The claims that self-ligating brackets
facilitate greater and more physiologic arch expansion and, therefore, allow more non-
extraction treatment require more evidence.
making comparison unfeasible. However, they also concluded that, for non-extraction
patients with mild mandibular incisor crowding, self-ligating brackets were no more
effective at relieving irregularity.
Fig. 12. Alignment of crowded mandibular anterior teeth (canine to canine) with a
conventional edgewise brackets (Pandis et al., 2007)
Fig. 13. Alignment of crowded mandibular anterior teeth (canine to canine) with self-
ligating brackets (Pandis et al., 2007)
effect on ARR. Pandis et al., 2008, using panoramic radiographs, reported no mean
difference in the amount of apical root resorption of the maxillary incisors with Microarch
and Damon 2 systems. Similar results were obtained by Scott et al., 2008, who assessed
changes in root lengths of mandibular incisors on periapical radiographs following arch
alignment. The mean amount of resorption was slightly greater with the Damon 3 appliance
(2.26 vs. 1.21 mm), although the difference failed to reach statistical significance.
4.9 Stability
Some claim that lower forces produced by selfligating bracket systems might result in more
physiologic tooth movement and more stable treatment results. However, studies on
stability after treatment with self-ligating brackets are lacking at this time.
passive ligation mechanism has been around since their development. Proponents of an
active clip claim that it provides a “homing action” on the wire when deflected, providing
more control with the appliance (Hanson, 1980). Such brackets have a flexible clip that
creates a passive slot depth of 0.0175” to 0.020”. With small round wires, the bracket is
passive, but with larger wires the flexible clip is defected labially and provides an active
seating force on the archwire. Passive self-ligating brackets have a slot depth of 0.028” and
do not exert an active force on the wire. Those who advocate a passive clip state that there is
less friction in the appliance during sliding mechanics because the slot provides more room
for the archwire and they provide no active seating force (Damon, 1998). Several studies
have tried to determine how a self-ligating mechanism affects friction during sliding
mechanics. Active and passive self-ligating brackets showed different behavior with regard
to their resistance to sliding (Brauchli et al., 2011). These studies have all consistently found
that when a small round wire lies passively in the slot, the self-ligating brackets produce
significantly less friction than conventionally ligated brackets (Berger, 1990; Thorstenson &
Kusy, 2001). This is presumably due to the absence of the ligation that provides a seating
force against the archwire. When wires of 0.018” or larger were tested, differences in friction
have been found between various self-ligating brackets. Therefore, it might be concluded
that low friction can be achieved with the use of passive self-ligating brackets or the
combination of low-dimension archwires and active self-ligating appliances.
Fig. 14. Profile views of time2 ™ (A), in-ovation R ™ (B), speed ™ (C)
Self-Ligating Brackets: An Overview 19
Redlich et al., 2003, found that the Discovery (Dentaurum; Espringen, Germany) and Time
(American Orthodontics; Sheboygan, WI) brackets produced about twice as much friction as
the control twin bracket with wire sizes greater than 0.018”. The authors attribute the higher
frictional forces in the Time brackets to the clip exerting excessive force on the wire. Read-
Ward et al., 1997, compared friction between three self-ligating brackets; SPEED (Strite
Industries, Ontario, Canada), Activa (‘A’ Company, San Diego, CA), Mobil-Lock Variable-
Slot (Forestadent, Strasbourg, France), and a conventional twin bracket Ultratrimm
(Dentaurum, Germany). Three stainless steel wires were tested; 0.020”, 0.019 x 0.025” and
0.021 x 0.025”. They found that with the 0.020” wire, the Mobil-Lock had the least amount of
friction, which was statistically less than the SPEED and Ultratrimm brackets. No significant
difference was found between the Mobil-Lock and Activa. It is important to note that the
Mobil-Lock and Activa have a passive ligation mechanism and that the SPEED bracket is
active with a 0.020” wire. With a 0.021 x 0.025” wire, the SPEED bracket produced
significantly greater friction than either the Mobil-Lock or Activa brackets. In a similar
study, Pizzoni et al.,1998, compared the Damon SL bracket to the SPEED bracket with an
active clip and two conventionally ligated brackets. The two self-ligating brackets were not
statistically different for a 0.018” wire, but when 0.017 x 0.025” wires were used, the active
clip on the SPEED bracket produced significantly greater friction than the passive Damon
bracket. The literature supports the claim that when using larger wires, passive self-ligating
brackets produce less friction than active self-ligating brackets.
The self-ligation design (passive versus active) appears to be the primary variable
responsible for the frictional resistance generated by self-ligating brackets during
translation. Passively ligated brackets produce less frictional resistance; however, this
decreased friction may result in decreased control compared with actively ligated systems.
Badawi et al., 2008, measured the torque expressed from two passive (Damon 2 and
SmartClip) and two active (In-Ovation and Speed) self-ligating orthodontic brackets. Results
showed that active self-ligating brackets demonstrated better torque control due to their
active clip forcing the wire into the bracket slot. The active self-ligating brackets expressed
higher torque values than the passive self-ligating brackets at clinically usable torsion angles
as well. Moreover, the clinically applicable range of torque activation was greater for the
active self-ligating brackets than for the passive self-ligating brackets.
Pandis et al., 2010, conducted a randomized clinical trial to compare the time required to
complete the alignment of crowded maxillary anterior teeth (canine to canine) between
passive (Damon MX, Ormco, Glendora, Calif) and active ( In-Ovation R, GAC, Central Islip,
NY) self-ligating brackets. The results showed that active and passive self-ligating brackets
have no difference in treatment duration in the correction of maxillary anterior crowding, in
contrast to the extent of crowding, which had an effect on the duration of treatment.
R tool (GAC) which resembles a double ligature tucker and works in the same way. These
specific tools work very well and can reassure the clinician that slide closure is not being
attempted over an incompletely seated wire. They can also assist cheek/lip retraction
during slide closure and such a tool is recommended as a routine part of slide closure on
teeth where the wire requires lingual pressure for full engagement. In cases where teeth are
severely rotated and one end of the slot is too close to the adjacent tooth for an instrument to
be used to seat the wire, dental floss or a ligature wire looped over the archwire can be used
to fully engage the wire on that side. Harradine, 2003, suggested another useful manoeuvre
to engage very rotated or displaced tooth with any self-ligating bracket by closing the clip or
slide first, and then threading the aligning wire through the closed bracket before engaging
the other brackets, i.e. to first convert it to a ‘molar’ tube.
bracket, softening the adhesive and allowing bond failure between the bracket base and the
adhesive resin (Sheridan et al., 1986; Scott, 1988). This method is a quick and effective way to
debond a bracket. Its major disadvantage is related to the relatively high temperatures
generated at the heated tip. Pulpal damage and mucosal burns are possible.
3. Laser debonding
Debonding ceramic brackets was attempted using both CO2 and YAG lasers 5s in
combination with mechanical torque. The use of a laser is conceptually similar to the use of
the electrothermal approach, that is, through heat generation to soften the adhesive. The
laser approach, although still experimental, is more precise with regard to time and amount
of heat application, and therefore would have better control of the amount of heat
transmitted to the tooth (Hayakawa, 2005; Feldon et al., 2010). A major disadvantage, in
addition to the effects of the thermal energy on the pulp, is the high cost of the instrument
6.7 Retention
Retention is one of the controversies of modern orthodontics, with uncertainty being the
only certainty. Angle, 1907, stated that "the problem involved in retention is so great, often
being greater than the difficulties being encountered in the treatment of the case up to this
point". Bramante, 1990, attempted to rationalize the problem and demonstrated that teeth
moved through bone by orthodontic appliances often have a tendency to return to their
former positions. Moreover, arch form, particularly mandibular arch form, cannot be
permanently altered by appliance therapy which means that bone and adjacent tissues must
be allowed time to reorganize after treatment. Thus, definite retention is necessary if the
finished result of active orthodontic treatment is to be maintained. There is no agreement in
the literature of a uniform system of retention, and the clinical orthodontist, in consultation
with each patient, must determine the appropriate retention regime for each case.
(Zachrisson, 1986). Many appliance types have been used for the retention of post-
orthodontic treatment. The first appliances proposed were based on banded fixed
appliances (Angle, 1907), then removable retainers were advocated as Hawley retainer, clear
overlay removable retainer. Most recently, the use of bonded fixed retainers has been
introduced (Kneiflm, 1973; Rubenstein, 1976). These retainers have employed multistrand
wire include different wire types with differing diameters. The proposed advantages of the
use of multistrand wire are that the irregular surface offers increased mechanical retention
for the composite without the need for the placement of retentive loops, and that the
flexibility of the wire allows physiologic movement of the teeth, even when several adjacent
teeth are bonded (Artun, 1984).
Relapse is a long-term problem and long-term follow-up of patients is practically difficult
and financially demanding. The literature demonstrates that, at the time of writing, evidence
that addresses the effectiveness of different retention strategies used to maintain tooth
position after treatment by Self-ligating orthodontic appliances is lacking. However, Dr.
Dwight Damon proposed the use of bonded upper retainer (lateral incisor to lateral incisor)
made from 0.16"* 0.022" flat braided archwire and placed on the cingulae of upper incisors
to prevent spontaneous debonding. In the lower arch, bonded lower retainer (from canine to
canine) using 0.025 single strand stainless steel is recommended as well. Clear overlay
retainers are to be used in addition on a night time basis.
Self-Ligating Brackets: An Overview 23
8. Conclusion
Self-ligating brackets (SLBs) are not new conceptually, having been pioneered in the 1930s.
They have undergone a revival over the past 30 years with a variety of new appliances being
developed. It is divided into 2 main categories, active and passive, according to the
mechanism in which they interact with the archwire (encroaching on the slot lumen or not).
Self-ligating bracket systems were built on the philosophy of delivering light forces on a
low-friction basis, thus insuring more physiologic tooth movement and at balanced oral
These systems have been gaining popularity in recent years with a host of claimed
advantages over conventional appliance systems relating to reduced overall treatment time,
less associated subjective discomfort, promotion of periodontal health, superior torque
expression, and more favorable arch -dimensional change. Other claimed advantages
include possible anchorage conservation, greater amounts of expansion, less proclination of
anterior teeth, less need for extractions, and better infection control. However, many of these
claims were based on retrospective studies which are potentially biased as there are many
uncontrolled factors which may affect the outcome. These include greater experience,
differing archwires, altered wire sequences, changes in treatment mechanics, and modified
appointment intervals. Observer bias may inadvertently affect the outcome as the
practitioner may unknowingly be doing ‘‘a bit more’’ due to enthusiasm with the new
product. In this regard, more prospective clinical trials with randomized or consecutive
assignment and using identical wire sequences and mechanics are preferred.
While Advocates claim that low-friction SL brackets coupled with light forces enhance the
treatment efficiency and address the clinical superiority of self-ligating brackets, other team
believes that bracket type does not appear to have a significant influence on treatment
efficiency. Treatment efficiency is the product of many mechanical and biologic factors. It is
unlikely that any one factor is responsible for the efficiency and rate of tooth movement. The
biology of tooth movement is a complex and highly coordinated process at the cellular,
molecular, and genetic levels. Individual variation undoubtedly has a fundamental
underlying role in tooth movement and treatment efficiency. SL bracket systems are only a
24 Principles in Contemporary Orthodontics
tool that we use today; therefore, they are just a component of orthodontics. Among other
things, orthodontics deals with science/ evidence, psychosocial issues, record taking,
diagnoses, treatment, treatment outcomes, artistry, enhancements, and quality-of-life issues.
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