An Overview of Orthodontic Wires: Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs March 2014
An Overview of Orthodontic Wires: Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs March 2014
An Overview of Orthodontic Wires: Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs March 2014
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Review Article
Received 18 September 2013; Accepted 1 December 2013; Available online 1 March 2014
Orthodontic wires are components of fixed appliances used to carry out the necessary tooth movements as part of orthodontic
treatment. A variety of materials like metals, alloys, polymers and composites are used to produce orthodontic wires. The
properties of orthodontic wires are evaluated by various laboratory tests like tensile, torsional, and bending tests. However, oral
conditions may influence their behaviour and it is important for the clinician to understand the properties of orthodontic wires
as well as their clinical implications to turn out optimal results. This article reviews different materials used for manufacturing
orthodontic wires and their properties along with clinical implications.
oxide layer, which blocks the further oxygen diffusion to a lower nickel content, higher corrosion resistance, and
the underlying mass [9]. improved mechanical properties. These properties have
made these wires to be chosen instead of titanium wires
Commercially available stainless steel wires have a range since titanium wires are expensive. [19].
of values both for elasticity and yield strength related to
the change in different parameters at their production stage Cobalt-chromium wires
such as freezing and incandescence during cold working.
Stainless steel wires produce higher forces applied during A cobalt-chromium-nickel alloy known as elgiloy is
shorter time periods since they have lower spring back available in wire and band forms for various dental
ability and also store less energy compared to those of appliances. These alloys were originally developed for
beta-titanium or nickel-titanium [10]. use as watch spring by ELGIU national company. These
wires are available in different tempers depending on
Stainless steel wires can be soldered with different amount of cold work that has been done [20] and are
biomechanical attachments, using a fastening agent. New usually color-coded. High spring tempers (red),
welding techniques such as LASER or tungsten inert gas semispring temper (green), soft or ductile tempers
(TIG) are recommended for use in orthodontics without (yellow) are the different types available. They are easy
a fastening agent to produce satisfactory results. But, they to bend. They can be heat hardened at 482° C for about 7
are too expensive and require the use of sophisticated minutes after manipulation to increase hardness (strength)
laboratory equipment [11]. approximately equal to that of stainless steel. Non-heat
treated cobalt-chromium wires have a smaller spring-back
The corrosion resistance of stainless steel is good in than stainless steel wires [21]. These wires have excellent
general, but releases nickel and chromium in fewer resistance to tarnish and corrosion, are inexpensive and
amounts and may induce hypersensitivity reactions [12]. can be soldered (fluoride fluxes are used) and welded.
In a study, Kolokitha et al., concluded that orthodontic High formability combined with increased elasticity and
treatment is not related to an increased likelihood of yield strength following heat treatment by 10% and 20-
hypersensitivity reactions to nickel unless there is a history 30%, respectively, have made Blue Elgiloy, a cobalt-
of skin piercing [13]. chromium wire type, popular in clinical practice.
Stainless steel wires have a lower bracket-wire friction Beta-titanium wires
than other types of wires [14-16], and this friction can be
further reduced by using nanotechnology applications These wires are also known as titanium-molybdenium
[17]. Australian wires are a kind of stainless steel wires alloy (TMA) (ORMCO, Orange, CA, USA) or Titanium-
available in different grades with gradually increasing Niobium (ORMCO, Orange, CA, USA), and were
stored energy values (resiliency). These wires contain introduced in 1979 as an orthodontic wire [22,23].
more amount of carbon content that is up to 10 times Modulus of elasticity of these wires is lower than half of
higher than that in a standard stainless steel orthodontic stainless steel wires and almost twice that of Nitinol
wire (up to 0.20%) and this results in increased surface [24,25].
roughness, hardness, porosity, and susceptibility for
breakage during clinical bending, particularly for higher These wires demonstrate good formability, but should not
grades [18]. So their use is restricted to biomechanical be strongly bent for there is a risk of breaking. Electrical
attachments. welding of biomechanical attachments is possible, but
overheating should not be done as it makes the wire more
Recently, super stainless steels have been developed with brittle. According to a recent study, beta-titanium wires
R.S. Kotha, R.K. Alla, M. Shammas, R.K. Ravi
are better in terms of joinability than stainless steel wires recommended by Burstone et al in 1985. They exhibited
since they demonstrate higher resilience and better surface 4.4 times the spring-back of stainless steel wires and 1.6
and structural characteristics, which indicates only a times the spring-back of the original Nitinol wires if a
minor change in wire properties after welding [26]. constant force in the middle of its deactivation range [34].
Resistance to corrosion is similar to that of cobalt- The Japanese NiTi (Sentalloy, DENTSPLY GAC
chromium and stainless steel wires and also is a good International, Bohemia, NY) wire was introduced by
biocompatible material due to the absence of nickel. Their Miura et al. in 1986 [35]. Their properties were almost
resistance to corrosion is due to the formation of a surface similar to Chinese NiTi wires [36]. NeoSent alloy wires
passivation oxide layer [27], but exposure to fluoride and Copper-Nickel-Titanium alloy (Cu-Ni-Ti) wires were
agents leads to the degradation, subsequent corrosion, and developed in early 1990s. The NeoSent alloy wires have
qualitative alteration of the wire’s surface [28]. The a pure shape memory in oral cavity temperature [31].
duration of wire exposure to fluoride agents appears to
play a major role [29]. These wires are highly expensive NeoSent alloys always have the austenitic structure at
and more bracket-wire friction than any other alloy [15,16, oral temperature since those alloys attain the complete
30]. austenitic structure below the oral temperature. Nitinol
wires attain austenitic structure at much higher than oral
Alpha-beta titanium alloy has been introduced recently. temperature. Copper- Nickel-Titanium wires (Cu-Ni-Ti)
Alpha-beta titanium alloy is also called as TiMolium, it attain austenitic structure at different temperatures (270
has stiffness and other characteristics (such as elasticity C, 350 C and 400 C). Nitinol SE (Nitinol Super Elastic)
and yield strength) are between the values set for stainless wires are superplastic. They have a pure shape memory
steel and beta-titanium wires [16]. and are highly sensitive to changes in temperature
affecting their mechanical properties [37], but in vivo they
Nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) wires do not have a thermoelastic shape memory [9].
A wrought Ni-Ti alloy known as Nitinol (Nickel-Titanium Nickel-titanium wires have a higher energy storage
naval ordinance laboratory) was introduced in 1972. It is capacity than beta-titanium or stainless steel wires when
characterized by its high resiliency, limited formability, activated with the same amount of bending [9,10]. The
shape memory or thermal memory, and pseudoelastic or chief advantage of these wires is their increased elasticity
superelasticity. Two major phases and one intermediate that allows a wide deflection and activation range by
phase can be found in Ni-Ti alloys at different delivering low forces [38], and their corrosion resistance
temperatures. Major phases are austenitic at higher [39]. The disadvantages include low formability, they are
temperature that is in body centered cubic structure (BCC) expensive and cannot be welded or fused [9]. The friction
and the other one is martensitic phase at lower temperature develops at bracket-wire interface is more with Nitinol
that is in hexagonal close packed structure (HCP). The wires followed by beta-titanium, stainless steel and
intermediate phase, delays the transition from austenite chromium-cobalt wires [15]. Nitinol wires are more likely
to martensite upon cooling until lower temperatures are to fail due to normal wear if they remain in the oral cavity
achieved [31]. for many days. This kind of wear is more with larger or
rectangular section wires than smaller section wires [40].
Phase transformation (from BCC austenitic to HCP
martensitic) can be seen by decreasing the temperature Stainless steel wires and Nitinol wires have good
from an elevated temperature and can also be induced by resistance to corrosion since they can form a passivation
the application of stress and a volumetric change is oxide layer such as chromium oxide and titanium oxide
associated during this transition. This transformation layers respectively [39].
results in two unique features such as shape memory and
pseudoelasticity or superelasticity [32]. Multistranded wires
An Overview of Orthodontic Wires
arch wires for more than a decade. These materials have which comprises of 3 layers. Inner core is silicon dioxide
got many advantages over the conventional metallic alloys core, middle layer is made with silicon resin and the outer
as they are highly esthetic [44,45], biocompatible [45- layer is nylon layer. Core provides the force for moving
47]. Other advantages include hydrolytic stability, less tooth, middle layer protects the core from moisture and
water sorption [45,48], stiffness is same as metallic wires also provides strength and the outer layer prevents damage
[49], post processing formability [45,50] and sliding to the wire and also further increases the strength. Optiflex
mechanics [45,51] are good. However, there is a chance is very flexible and is effective in moving teeth using
of wearing of these arch wires at the interface [45,51], light continuous force.
chances of leaching of glass fibers within the oral cavity.
Teflon coated stainless steel arch wires
Marsenol is a tooth coloured elastomeric poly tetra
Teflon is coated on stainless steel wire by an atomic fluroethyl emulsion (ETE) coated nickel titanium wire.
process that forms a layer of about 20-25ìm thickness on The working characteristics of these wire are similar to
the wire that imparts to the wire a hue which is similar to an uncoated super elastic Nickel titanium wire.
that of natural teeth [52]. Teflon coating protects the
underlying wire from the corrosion process. However, Lee White wire
corrosion of the underlying wire is likely to take place if
Lee white wires were manufactured by LEE
it is used for longer period in the oral cavity since this
pharmaceuticals. It is a resistant stainless steel or Nickel
coating is subject to flaws that may occur during clinical
titanium arch wire bonded to a tooth colored epoxy
use [53,54].
coating. The epoxy coating which is completely opaque
Bioforce wires does not chip, peel, scratch or discolour.
BioForce is aesthetic and is part of the first and only family Conclusion
of biologically correct archwires. “Bioforce archwires’
were introduced by GAC. The Ni-Ti Bioforce wires apply Metals, alloys, polymers and composites are the materials
low, gentle forces to the anterior teeth and increasingly used for producing orthodontic wires. Each type of
stronger forces across the posterior teeth until plateauing material has its advantages over the other. However, the
at the molars. The level of force applied is graded practitioner should have a thorough knowledge of the
throughout the arch length according to tooth size. mechanical and physical properties of wires to determine
their clinical behaviour and to achieve a satisfactory and
Optiflex predictable outcome. Fiber reinforced composites are
regarded as the cutting edge of orthodontic materials due
Optiflex is a most aesthetic orthodontic arch wire designed to their excellent esthetics, strength and the ability to
by Dr. Talass and manufactured by ORMCO. It has highly customize their properties to the needs of the practitioners.
aesthetic appearance as it is made of clear optical fiber,
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