Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of AZ31 MG Alloy Processed by Two-Step Equal Channel Angular Extrusion
Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of AZ31 MG Alloy Processed by Two-Step Equal Channel Angular Extrusion
Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of AZ31 MG Alloy Processed by Two-Step Equal Channel Angular Extrusion
A new equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) processing, two-step ECAE, was applied to control the microstructure and mechanical
properties of AZ31 Mg alloy. The ultra-fine grain size of 0.5 Am has been produced, and both the ductility and yield stress of the alloy were
significantly increased after the processing, which is ascribed to grain refinement as well as incomplete dynamic recovery and
recrystallization during the second-step ECAE at 453 K.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Mechanical properties; Microstructure; Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE); AZ31 Mg alloy
In this study, a new ECAE processing procedure, named 3. Results and discussion
two-step ECAE, was applied to improve both the strength
and the ductility of AZ31 Mg alloy. The processing 3.1. The microstructure and mechanical properties of ECAE
temperature of the second step could be lower than that of AZ31 alloy
first step in the two-step ECAE. Emphasis was placed on the
relationship between microstructure evolution and mechan- ECAE processing was carried out at the temperature
ical properties. ranging from 473 K to 573 K for the as-received alloy in our
study. However, cracks appeared when the processing
temperature was lower than 498 K. The samples processed
2. Experimental by ECAE at a constant temperature were named ECAE
alloy in this study. Fig. 1 shows the optical photographs of
The material used in the present study was a commercial as-received alloy, four-pass ECAE specimen processed at
Mg–Al–Zn alloy, AZ31, and was received as a commer- 523 K and at 498 K, respectively. The average grain sizes of
cially extruded bar with a grain size of 20 Am. The ECAE these AZ31 alloys were determined to be 20, 5, and 2 Am,
specimen was cut to 10 mm 10 mm 65 mm. ECAE was respectively. The refinement of the grain size after ECAE
carried out on the as-received material through a die made processing proves that the processing temperature is an
of H13 steel with an internal angle of 908 between the important factor used to control the microstructure of AZ31
vertical and horizontal channels. The strain intensity e n alloy, lower processing temperature, and finer grain size,
could be calculated by the equation: e n = 1.15Ncotan (//2) which is similar with the results in the previous reports
[12], where N is the pass number, so the strain of each pass [4–6]. The grains in the ECAE AZ31 alloy are equiaxed and
is 1.15. Graphite was used as lubricant. The ECAE homogeneously distributed, which suggests that recrystalli-
processing was carried out at the temperature ranging from zation took place during ECAE processing.
453 K to 573 K, with a constant processing rate of 16.8 Fig. 2 shows the stress–strain curves of as-received alloy,
mm/min, All processings were conducted by rotating each four-pass ECAE specimen processed at 523 K and at 498 K.
sample about the longitudinal axis by 908 in the same
direction between consecutive passes, designated as route
Bc [13]. Repetitive pressings of the same sample were
performed up to four or five passes, with a strain equivalent 250
to 4.6 or 5.75. The flat tensile specimens with a gauge
section of 10 mm 3 mm 1.5 mm were cut from the 200
stress (MPa)
5µm 5µm
The elongation of the four-pass ECAE specimen processed Fig. 3 shows the optical photographs of five-pass ECAE
at 523 K and 498 K increased to 35% and 32%, respectively, specimen processed at 498 K and two-step ECAE alloy at a
from 21% of as-received alloy, but their yield strength given strain of 5.75. Their grain sizes were determined to be
decreased to 113 MPa and 136 MPa from 153 MPa, 2 and 0.5 Am, respectively. So ultra-fine grains in
respectively. The plots indicate that the ductility of the submicrometer range can be produced by the two-step
AZ31 alloy is enhanced effectively, but its yield strength is ECAE by lower processing temperature. It should be noted
decreased markedly by ECAE processing even with the that the grains in the two-step ECAE AZ31 are not fully
grain refined effectively. So the ECAE temperature is an resolved by OM, indicating that it may not be fully
important factor to control the mechanical properties of the recrystallized. Further observations by TEM were carried
AZ31 Mg alloy at a given strain intensity e n . The higher is out to show microstructure evolution of the alloy during the
the processing temperature, the higher is the elongation but two-step processing.
the lower is the yield stress. Fig. 4 shows the TEM micrographs of as-received ECAE
and two-step ECAE alloys. In Fig. 4(a), there are a few
3.2. The microstructure and mechanical properties of two- dislocations in the interior of large grains and careful
step ECAE AZ31 alloy observation reveals that the grain boundaries are high angle
grain boundaries. In Fig. 4(b), there were also a few
The results in Figs. 1 and 2 indicate that the grain dislocations in the interior of grains in spite of large
refinement and the yield stress of ECAE AZ31 alloy have straining by ECAE and effective grain refining. Most of
been improved by lowering the processing temperature. In the grain boundaries are revealed to be high angle grain
this study, a new two-step ECAE was designed to lower the boundaries and fully defined subgrain boundaries, which
processing temperature for AZ31 alloy. Repetitive extru- suggests that dynamic recovery and recrystallization took
sions of the sample were performed up to four passes at 498 place during ECAE at 498 K. In Fig. 4(c), within grains and
K and continually performed one more pass at 453 K, and on the grain boundaries, many dislocations are visible, and
the sample processed by the procedure was named two-step there are incompletely developed subgrains and cell
ECAE alloy. structure formed by the tangled dislocations. It suggests
Fig. 4. The TEM photographs of (a) as-received alloy; (b) AZ31 alloy after ECAE: 498 K/5 passes; and (c) AZ31 alloy after two-step ECAE: 498 K/4 pass–453
K/1 pass.
2270 L. Jin et al. / Materials Letters 59 (2005) 2267–2270
subgrains and cell structure formed in the AZ31 alloy by
two-step ECAE, which probably results in increasing yield
stress of AZ31 Mg alloy. It indicates that the grain boundary
250 structure and dislocation substructure, besides grain size and
texture, play an important role on the mechanical properties
200 of AZ31 Mg alloy. It can be concluded that the two-step
Stress (MPa)
50 A: As-received 4. Conclusion
B: ECAEed AZ31 alloy (498k/5pass)
0 C: Two-step ECAEed AZ31 alloy
(498k/4pass-453k/1pass) The processing temperature is an important factor that
affects the microstructure and mechanical properties of the
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Mg alloy by ECAE. The two-step ECAE processing was
Strain (%) successfully applied to control the microstructure and
mechanical properties of the AZ31 alloy by lowering the
Fig. 5. Engineering stress–strain relations for the two-step ECAE AZ31 Mg
processing temperature to 453 K. The ultra-fine grain of 0.5
Am has been obtained, and both the ductility and strength of
that dynamic recovery and recrystallization do not fully take the alloy were improved significantly after the processing,
place when the processing temperature decreases to 453 K which can be explained by grain refinement as well as
for the two-step ECAE AZ31 Mg alloy. incomplete dynamic recovery and recrystallization during
Fig. 5 shows the stress–strain curves of as-received alloy, the processing.
ECAE alloy, and two-step ECAE alloy. For the ECAE alloy,
the elongation increases to 34% from 21% of as-received
alloy; however, the yield stress decreases to 104 MPa from References
152 MPa. For the two-step ECAE alloy, the elongation
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