Materials Science & Engineering A: Michal Gzyl, Andrzej Rosochowski, Sonia Boczkal, Lech Olejnik
Materials Science & Engineering A: Michal Gzyl, Andrzej Rosochowski, Sonia Boczkal, Lech Olejnik
Materials Science & Engineering A: Michal Gzyl, Andrzej Rosochowski, Sonia Boczkal, Lech Olejnik
Advanced Forming Research Centre, University of Strathclyde, 85 Inchinnan Drive, Renfrew PA4 9LJ, United Kingdom
Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management, University of Strathclyde, James Weir Building, 75 Montrose Street, Glasgow G1 1XJ, United Kingdom
Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals in Gliwice, Light Metals Division, ul. Pilsudskiego 19, 32-050 Skawina, Poland
Institute of Manufacturing Processes, Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Narbutta 85, 02-524 Warsaw, Poland
art ic l e i nf o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 23 March 2015
Received in revised form
14 April 2015
Accepted 16 April 2015
Available online 27 April 2015
Mechanical properties of AZ31B magnesium alloy were modied in this work by various processing
routes of incremental equal channel angular pressing (I-ECAP) followed by heat treatment. Possible
strategies for improving ductility and strength of the alloy were investigated. Processing by routes A and
BC showed that texture plays predominant role in controlling mechanical properties at room temperature. Four passes of I-ECAP by route C followed by annealing enhanced ductility up to 0.35 of true strain.
It was found that tensile twinning was important in accommodating strain during tensile testing, which
resulted in a very good hardening behaviour. The yield strength was improved to 300 MPa by rening
grain size to 0.8 mm in I-ECAP at 150 C. The obtained structure and properties were shown to be stable
up to 150 C. True strain at fracture was increased to 0.2 after annealing at 150 C without lowering
& 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Magnesium alloys
Equal channel angular pressing (ECAP)
Severe plastic deformation (SPD)
Ultra-ne grained (UFG) material
Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)
1. Introduction
Modern lightweight materials are dynamically entering new
markets. Especially the aerospace and automotive sectors are taking
advantage of fuel savings due to weight reduction [1,2]. Magnesium
alloys are of special interest because of their low density (1.7 g/cm3)
and a high specic strength, dened as a ratio of strength to density.
However, the yield stress of magnesium alloys is still lower than
commonly used aluminium alloys, which indicates that more research
is needed in this eld. Moreover, magnesium alloys suffer from limited
formability, especially at room temperature, and low corrosion resistance. However, the latter can be also an advantage as they have been
shown to be fully dissolvable within human body, which makes them
promising materials for biodegradable implants with a higher
strength than currently used polymers [3].
One of the possible approaches to improve strength of metals and
alloys is to reduce their grain size by severe plastic deformation
(SPD). Equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) [4,5] is among the
most developed SPD processes used worldwide. The concept of ECAP
is to press a billet through an angled channel without changing
billet's dimensions. Strain introduced by simple shear at the channel's intersection usually results in signicant grain renement.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Gzyl).
0921-5093/& 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
2. Material
The most common wrought magnesium alloy AZ31B (Mg3%Al1%
Zn0.5%Mn) was used in the current study. Billets for I-ECAP experiments were machined from a hot-extruded rod and a hot-rolled plate
along extrusion and rolling directions, respectively. The bar was supplied in as-fabricated conditions (AZ31B-F) while the plate was
delivered in annealed state (AZ31B-O) by Magnesium Elektron
(Manchester, UK), in accordance with ASTM-B107 and ASTM-B90,
respectively. EBSD analysis revealed that both materials exhibited
signicantly different grain sizes, bimodal structure 10 mm/50 mm for
the rod and 8 mm for the plate. It is apparent from Fig. 1 that microstructure of the rod is much more heterogeneous than microstructure
of the plate. The extruded rod is dominated by coarse grains as large as
70 mm surrounded by colonies of small grains with an average size of
10 mm (Fig. 1a). Microstructure of the plate is homogenous with only
little fraction of coarse grains 30 mm (Fig. 1b). Textures shown in
Fig. 1(c and d) are usual bre textures observed after extrusion and
rolling of magnesium alloys. It is apparent that c-axes of hexagonal
cells are aligned perpendicularly to the directions of extrusion as well
as rolling.
3. Experimental procedure
3.1. Details of I-ECAP
Double billet variant of I-ECAP [21] with a die angle of 90 was
carried out in this work on a 1 MN hydraulic servo press. A pair of
billets, with cross-sectional dimensions 10 10 mm2 each, was fed
using a motor driven screw jack whose action was synchronized
with the reciprocating movement of the punch. Process parameters
were the same as in the previous work on I-ECAP of AZ31B [20]:
feeding stroke 0.2 mm, punch movement frequency 0.5 Hz, peakto-peak amplitude of the punch movement 2 mm. The heating of
billets was realised by holding them for 15 min prior to processing in
the preheated die. The die temperature during processing was kept
constant within 72 C, based on the readings obtained from a
thermocouple located 15 mm from the deformation zone.
Fig. 1. Microstructures and textures of as-supplied extruded rod (a,c) and rolled plate (b,d). Symbol explanation: ED extrusion direction; ND normal direction of the
plate; RD in image (c) radial direction of the rod; RD in image (d) rolling direction of the plate.
Table 1
Experimental plan of work conducted in this study.
Initial state Initial grain size, mm No. passes Route Temperaturea,C Comments
Part 1 Extruded
Part 2 Extruded
Part 3 Rolled
10/50 (bimodal)
4, 6
250, 200
4. Results
4.1. Microstructures and textures
Referring to the rst part of the experimental programme, the
average grain size of initially coarse-grained sample was rened to
4 mm by four I-ECAP passes at 250 C by route A (Fig. 3a). The
structure was relatively homogenous as standard deviation of the
measurement was 1.4 mm. Temperature reduction to 200 C in subsequent two passes led to further grain renement to 2.5 mm
(standard deviation 1 mm), as shown in Fig. 3b. As expected, smaller
grain size was obtained at lower temperature. It is apparent from
Fig. 3c that texture after four passes at 250 C is very similar to that
obtained after rolling of magnesium alloys (Fig. 1d) with c-axes tilted
at 90715 to ED in the I-ECAPed billet. Processing at 250 C/200 C
have not changed the texture signicantly, as shown in Fig. 3d. Two
overlapping peaks, indicating hcp cells tilted at 75 and 62 with
respect to ED, can be distinguished on (0001) pole gure with
maximum intensity of 11.4.
Processing by route BC led to slightly less effective grain
renement at 250 C than by route A as the grain size obtained
from EBSD was 5 mm (Fig. 4a). Moreover, structure was also more
heterogeneous since standard deviation was 3.1 mm. Texture
measurement of the sample revealed that hcp cells were tilted at
52 with respect to ED (Fig. 4c). Temperature reduction rened
grain size to 2.6 mm (standard deviation 1.2 mm) but texture has
not been changed signicantly, hcp cells are tilted at 57 and
maximum intensity increased from 16.1 to 19.5 (Fig. 4b and d).
Results obtained in the second part led to the conclusion that
microstructure after four passes of I-ECAP at 250 C via route C
was similar to that obtained using route BC as the mean grain size
was 4.5 mm. Standard deviation of 2.3 mm was also relatively high
Fig. 3. EBSD maps and corresponding micro-textures of extruded samples after I-ECAP at 250 C (a) and (c) and at 250 C/200 C (b) and (d) using route A.
Fig. 4. EBSD maps and corresponding micro-textures of extruded samples after I-ECAP at 250 C (a) and (c) and at 250 C/200 C (b) and (d) using route BC.
5. Discussion
5.1. Effects of grain size and texture on mechanical properties
Grain renement in billets subjected to I-ECAP at 250 C is related
to temperature rather than processing route. The difference between
mean grain sizes obtained by routes A and BC was within 1 mm,
which does not explain signicantly different mechanical responses
of both samples. Therefore, higher yield strength of the billet processed by route A is attributed to the strong texture with c-axes of
hcp cells almost perpendicular to tensile direction while low yield
strength after route BC is a result of hcp cells alignment favourable
for slip on basal plane; this behaviour was already analysed for
routes A, BC and C in our previous article [20].
Further processing at 200 C resulted in a very similar grain
renement to 2.5 mm for both routes and the previous difference
in grain size was levelled. Texture after processing by route BC at
200 C was not changed signicantly as basal planes were still in
positions favourable for basal slip which was conrmed by almost
Fig. 5. Optical microscope images of extruded samples after four passes of I-ECAP at 250 C by route C (a) and subsequent annealing for 6 h at 300 C (c), corresponding
microstructures after tensile testing to true train 0.15 are shown in (b) and (d), respectively.
Fig. 6. EBSD map and micro-texture of rolled sample after four I-ECAP passes by
route A with a nal temperature of 150 C.
Fig. 7. Optical microscopy images of rolled samples after nal pass of I-ECAP at 150 C followed by annealing for 1 h at 150 C (a), 200 C (b), 250 C (c), and 300 C (d).
Fig. 9. Tensile ow stress curves of extruded samples after four passes of I-ECAP at
250 C by route C and after subsequent annealing for 6 h at 300 C.
Fig. 10. Tensile ow stress curves of rolled samples after four passes of I-ECAP with
nal two conducted at 150 C (a) and after subsequent annealing for 1 h at 150,
200, 250 and 300 C (b).
6. Conclusions
Wrought magnesium alloy AZ31B was characterized after different versions of thermo-mechanical treatment, including incremental equal channel angular pressing (I-ECAP) and annealing.
Conclusions from the conducted study are listed below.
Fig. 11. EBSD (a) and twin grain boundaries (b) maps of the extruded and I-ECAPed
sample (4 passes at 250 C by route C) followed by annealing (6 h at 300 C) pulled
to true strain of 0.15. Tensile direction was horizontal.
1. Texture plays a dominant role in controlling mechanical properties after I-ECAP. It was shown that grain size reduction to
2.5 mm has not changed mechanical properties of the billet
processed by route BC while strength improvement from 150 to
205 MPa was obtained after route A, despite the same nal
grain size as after route BC.
2. The room temperature ductility of AZ31B can be increased from
0.22 of true strain at fracture after I-ECAP at 250 C via route C to
0.35 (equivalent to 42% elongation) after subsequent annealing at
300 C. The achieved ductility enhancement was attributed to:
(1) the facilitation of basal slip due to texture developed during
I-ECAP and (2) the homogenization of grain size distribution after
heat treatment leading to suppression of shear banding. Tensile
twinning was shown to play an important role in accommodating
large strain during tensile testing of the annealed sample.
3. The yield strength of AZ31B alloy was increased to 305 MPa by
I-ECAP at 150 C using route A followed by annealing at the same
temperature. Additionally, decent hardening response was
obtained with ultimate tensile stress of 380 MPa and good ductility, expressed as 0.2 of true fracture strain.
4. I-ECAP was conrmed to be a promising tool for processing of
continuous magnesium alloy billets leading to a signicant
improvement of their mechanical properties.
Financial support from Carpenter Technology Corporation is
kindly acknowledged. Part of this research was supported by the
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, United Kingdom [Grant no. EP/G03477X/1].
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