Installation Manual
Installation Manual
Installation Manual
Table of Contents Multi-DENCO
5 Installation ................................................................................. 37
5.1 Requirements and considerations ........................................................... 37
5.2 Substructures ........................................................................................... 39
5.3 Unit placement ......................................................................................... 41
5.4 Clearance and Access ............................................................................. 42
5.5 Installing enclosed accessories ............................................................... 44
5.6 Installation of outdoor units ...................................................................... 47
5.7 Fan touch protection ................................................................................ 50
5.8 EC Declaration of Conformity .................................................................. 50
8 Commissioning ......................................................................... 77
8.1 Requirements ........................................................................................... 77
8.2 Pre-commissioning procedure .................................................................. 78
8.3 Commissioning procedure ........................................................................ 83
8.4 Post-commissioning procedure ................................................................ 93
9 Operation ................................................................................... 94
9.1 Requirements ........................................................................................... 94
9.2 General operation ..................................................................................... 94
9.3 Alarms and error messages ...................................................................... 96
The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without
express authorization is prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the
event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
The following pages demonstrate the possible type code and options for a
Multi-DENCO unit. The DENCO OfficeCool short type code is listed on page 12.
Please note that the type code is subject to updates and addition due to our continuous
improvement process, therefore for the latest options available please contact your
local office.
Basic Unit
Compressor control
Panel configuration
Air flow direction
Heat exchanger
Cooling system
Power supply
Unit size
A Air cooled
C Chilled Water
X Split System
010 Size 010
018 Size 018
030 Size 030
045 Size 045
065 Size 065*
092 Size 092*
130 Size 130*
D Downflow
U Upflow
P Front full height panel
F Front air inlet grille panel
L Front low level air discharge panel
S Standard heat exchanger
C CombiCool
L Large heat exchanger
I Inverter compressor scroll
F Fixed speed compressor scroll
N Not fitted
S Steam humidifier standard conductivity
L Steam humidifier low conductivity
H Steam humidifier high conductivity
N Not fitted
4 Filter G4
7 Filter F7
P EC plug fan
E Electric heating
T Modulating electric heating
N Not fitted
R Remote signal 0-10 V
1 3~ 400 V, N, PE, 50 Hz
7 3~ 400 V, N, PE, 60 Hz
Service connections
Key Refrigeration
Compressor size
Expansion valve
Liquid receiver
RE Refrigeration
D R410A
1 Single circuit
N Small compressor
C Standard compressor
N Not fitted
E Electronic expansion valve
N Not fitted
S Shut off valves compressor and liquid line
L Shut off valve liquid line
S Solder connections
T Twin solder connections
L Refrigerant leakage detection
N Not fitted
N Not fitted
C Commissioning front connection points
N Not fitted
Valve actuator
Valve type
Key Water
Valve kv
D Denco
WA Water
S Shut off valves chilled water
N Not fitted
B Threaded pipework connections (BSPT)
G Flange pipework connections PN06
D DODC actuator
0 0-10 V actuator, drive open, spring return
N Not fitted
C kv = 1.0
D kv = 1.6
E kv = 2.5
F kv = 4.0
G kv = 6.3
H kv = 10
I kv = 16
J kv = 25
K kv = 40
L kv = 63
M kv = 100
X Small
Y Standard
N Not fitted
Water temperature
Key CombiCool
Valve actuator
Valve type
Valve kv
D Denco
CC CombiCool
S Shut off valves chilled water
N Not fitted
B BSP pipework connections
G Flange pipework connections PN06
F Flange pipework connections PN16
S Solder connections
N Not fitted
T Temperature monitoring probes
N Not fitted
2 2-way water valve
P 2-way water valve, pressure independent
3 3-way water valve
B 3-way water valve with bypass & regulating valve
N Not fitted
D DODC actuator
0 0-10 V actuator, drive open, spring return
N Not fitted
C kv = 1.0
D kv = 1.6
E kv = 2.5
F kv = 4.0
G kv = 6.3
H kv = 10
I kv = 16
J kv = 25
K kv = 40
L kv = 63
M kv = 100
X Small
Y Standard
N Not fitted
Smoke detection
Ambient tempe-
Water detection
Air volume flow
Interface BMS
control indoor
rature control
power supply
power supply
Key Controls
Pump signal
Main switch
Run status
Fan speed
Air sensor
CO Controls
C C5-12 controller
N Not fitted
L LonWorks interface
B BACnet MS/TP interface
E BACnet I/P, SNMP, Webpage interface
N Not fitted
T Touch screen display
N Not fitted
R Run status unit
N Not fitted
W Water detection, sensor tape and drain pan sensor
1 Water detection, 1 spot sensor and drain pan sensor
2 Water detection, 2 spot sensors and drain pan sensor
4 Water detection, 4 spot sensors and drain pan sensor
6 Water detection, 6 spot sensors and drain pan sensor
N Not fitted
1 Return Air T&H sensor
2 Return Air T&H sensor, 10 m cable
7 Return Air T&H + Supply Air Temp sensors
8 Return Air T&H + Supply Air T&H sensors, 10 m cable
9 Return Air T&H + Supply Air Temp sensors, 10 m cable
A Return Air T&H, 10 m cable + Supply Air Temp sensors
B Return Air T&H, 10 m cable + Supply Air T&H sensors, 10 m cable
N Not fitted
S Standard languages
O Other language (special)
N Not fitted
P Floor void air pressure control (APS)
S Fan speed control cooling demand
N Not fitted
V Air volume flow monitoring
N Not fitted
E Energy monitoring
N Not fitted
S Pump signal CombiCool free-cooling
N Not fitted
A Ambient temperature control CombiCool free-cooling
N Not fitted
M Main switch
D Dual power supply (ATS), inbuilt
S Smoke detection
N Not fitted
P Condensate pump
T Trend BMS interface
1 Condensate pump and Trend BMS interface
L LECU Interface
N Not fitted
U Uninterrupted power supply controls
N Not fitted
Connection position
Installation wheels
Air grille unit top
Display position
Filter gauge
Key Casing
Unit colour
CA Casing
N Not fitted
R White
N Not fitted
D Air damper
S Standard panels
N Not fitted
S Standard packaging (Domestic)
Outdoor Unit *
Outdoor system
Heat exchanger
Airflow direction
Deliver external
Refrigerant cir-
Liquid receiver
Liquid receiver
Power supply
outdoor units
Unit colour
Number of
Winter kit
soft start
Unit size
OU Outdoor unit
C Condenser
D R410A
008 008
013 013
021 021
026 026
032 032
050 050
075 075
100 100
E EC fan
A AC fan with fan speed controller
F AC fan
1 Single circuit
N Not fitted
1 3~ 400 V, N, PE, 50 Hz
2 1~230 V, N, PE, 60 Hz
3 1~265 V, N, PE, 60 Hz
5 1~230 V, N, PE, 50 Hz
6 3~460 V, N, PE, 60 Hz
7 3~ 400 V, N, PE, 60 Hz
W Winter kit, -40 °C ambient
D Winter kit with double pressure relief valve, -40°C ambient
N Not fitted
B Blygold heat exchanger coating
E Epoxy heat exchanger coating
N Not fitted
N Not fitted
R Aluzinc
O Other unit colour (special)
S Standard packaging (Domestic)
E Wooden crate packaging (Ex-
H Horizontal airflow
V Vertical airflow
1 1 outdoor unit
2 2 outdoor units
O External unit is included in package
N Deliver without external unit
P Liquid receiver with pressure relief valve
D Liquid receiver with double pressure relief valve
B Liquid receiver with pressure relief valve and pump-down
C Liquid receiver with double pressure relief valve and pump-down
N Not fitted
1 7L
2 12L
3 15L
4 18L
5 21L
6 25L
7 30L
8 36L
A 50L
N Not fitted
* A-Version, X-Version and H-Version
Unit size
Key Ac-
AC Accessories
010 Size 010
018 Size 018
030 Size 030
045 Size 045
065 Size 065
092 Size 092
130 Size 130
BAS Base stand
PLI Plinth
PLIO Plinth, other colour (special)
TIL Raised floor tile support
PUM Condensate pump
PUH Condensate pump at humidifier
DAM Shut off damper
DAMC Shut off damper
TRA Underfloor unit drip tray
1WA Horizontal 1 way air discharge
1WAO Horizontal 1 way air discharge, other colour (special)
3WA Horizontal 3 way air discharge
3WAO Horizontal 3 way air discharge, other colour (special)
FI4 G4 Spare filter set
FI7 F7 Spare filter set
FI4C G4 Spare filter set
FI7C F7 Spare filter set
REM Remote monitoring touch screen display
TOU Touch up paint kit
D10 Ceiling connection duct 100 mm
D15 Ceiling connection duct 150 mm
D20 Ceiling connection duct 200 mm
D25 Ceiling connection duct 250 mm
D30 Ceiling connection duct 300 mm
D35 Ceiling connection duct 350 mm
D40 Ceiling connection duct 400 mm
D45 Ceiling connection duct 450 mm
D50 Ceiling connection duct 500 mm
D55 Ceiling connection duct 550 mm
D60 Ceiling connection duct 600 mm
D65 Ceiling connection duct 650 mm
D70 Ceiling connection duct 700 mm
D75 Ceiling connection duct 750 mm
D80 Ceiling connection duct 800 mm
D85 Ceiling connection duct 850 mm
D90 Ceiling connection duct 900 mm
D95 Ceiling connection duct 950 mm
D99 Ceiling connection duct 1000 mm
TRE Trend BMS interface
CEC Central Controller
PLV Plant Visor
TSD Top-side-down duct
Compressor control
Panel configuration
Heat exchanger
Cooling system
Power supply
Air routing
Unit size
D Denco
O Chilled water OfficeCool
H Split System OfficeCool
010 Size 010
018 Size 018
030 Size 030
045 Size 045
D Downflow
U Upflow
P Front full height panel
S Standard heat exchanger
H Heat pump heat exchanger
N Not fitted
S Steam humidifier standard conductivity
L Steam humidifier low conductivity
H Steam humidifier high conductivity
N Not fitted
4 Filter G4
7 Filter F7
W Filter washable G4
P EC plug fan
N Not fitted
1 3~400 V, N, PE, 50 Hz
6 3~460 V, N, PE, 60 Hz
1.1 Introduction
We would like to thank you for purchasing our products.
Multi-DENCO units are intended and designed for indoor installation for cooling, hea-
ting, humidification, dehumidification and filtering of air at atmospheric pressure. The
units are designed as refrigeration systems and/or chilled water systems and it is prohi-
bited to use our units for any other purposes. The equipment has been designed and
manufactured within a 'Quality Assurance System' within a strict quality controlled env-
ironment to ensure that it reaches you in perfect condition.
For help, assistance, spares or your local office, please visit the following website for
contact details in your region:
GASES 1015
There are 3 versions of the Multi-DENCO product: A-Version, C-Version and X-Ver-
sion. These versions have some common elements and also individual characteristics.
Common features & – 7 standard box sizes (010, 018, 030, 045, 065, 092 and 130)
options – Cooling capacities up to 150 kW
– Available with both upflow or downflow air paths
– Large EC plug fans
– Integrated or remote temperature and humidity sensors
– Large surface area for heat exchanger coil
– Available with full panel doors or with grilles within the doors
– Humidification and heating options available
– Standard control software and hardware that is compatible for all versions
– Building Management System (BMS) interface compatible
A-Version – Refrigeration based cooling
– R410A used as standard
– Inverter compressors as standard (fitted in indoor unit)
– Electronic expansion valve as standard (fitted in indoor unit)
– Typically supplied with an outdoor condenser
C-Version – Water based cooling
– Can operate with Glycol
– A method of heat rejection separate to Multi-DENCO unit (e.g. Chiller)
– Can be provided with 3-way, 2-way or 2-way PICV valves and a variety of actuators
X-Version – Refrigeration based cooling
– R410A used as standard
– Available for sizes 010 to 045
– Inverter compressors as standard (fitted in outdoor unit)
– Electronic expansion valve as standard (fitted in outdoor unit)
– Typically supplied with an outdoor condensing unit
CombiCool Coil (Optional) A and C-Version units can be upgraded to have inbuilt redundancy. A unit with a Com-
biCool coil, consists of a primary and a secondary circuit. The primary circuit will be a
chilled water cooling circuit. When parameters leave the allowable boundaries (e.g.
chilled water inlet temperatures are too high) then the primary circuit will stop and the
secondary circuit will be activated (e.g. the A-Version DX circuit) to continue the coo-
ling process. A CombiCool coil can also be used in a FreeCool strategy.
1.4 DENCO-OfficeCool
DENCO-OfficeCool is a separate version of the Multi-DENCO design and custom-
made for use in an office environment or similar requiring comfort cooling. The units
consist of one Zone unit to many Local Environmental Control Units (LECUs) to give
temperature control through a raised floor.
Typically, DENCO-OfficeCool units are in downflow air configuration, but Upflow units
can be used with a 'top side down duct'. This can be referred to as 'Underfloor Air Con-
O-Version – Water based cooling
– Can operate with Glycol
– A method of heat rejection separate to Multi-DENCO unit (e.g. Chiller)
– Can be provided with 3-way or 2-way valves and a variety of actuators
– Available for sizes 010 to 045
– Acoustic insulation and slower fan speeds
H-Version – R410A used as standard
– Available for sizes 010 to 045
– Inverter compressors as standard (fitted in outdoor unit)
– Acoustic insulation and slower fan speeds
– Heat pump options available
Please refer to Controls Operation Manual for details about software and control
operation of your Multi-DENCO!
This manual is valid only for configurations built from our standard catalogue.
Any units designed or supplied under special configurations (sometimes referred to
as 'Engineering Specials'), may not be covered by previous, existing or future
Please refer to your sales/support contact for any information regarding special
Here you will find additional details on using the Multi-DENCO unit.
No smoking
Warning of electricity
Environmental damage
Indicates an extremely hazardous situation which will result in death or serious irre-
versible injury, if the safety instruction is not followed.
High concentration of refrigerants in the air can result in death or serious in-
High concentration of refrigerants in the air may have an anaesthetic effect and
cause unconsciousness. Prolonged exposure may cause irregular heartbeat and
sudden death. Very high concentration of refrigerant may cause suffocation by
reduced oxygen content in the surrounding air.
• You should therefore only work in an adequately ventilated environment, and
exercise due care and attention when carrying out the work.
• Wear protective clothing and, if necessary, an autonomous breathing apparatus.
Indicates a hazardous situation which can result in minor or moderate injury, if the
safety instruction is not followed.
Environmental Damage!
• Dispose of all components and materials (such as water-glycol mix) depending
on material type in an environmentally friendly manner and in accordance with
the local codes, practices and environmental regulations.
Damage to the unit!
• Do not mix up cables during connecting.
• Use the unit wiring diagram to check electrical cablings.
Filters (especially used or dirty filters) are easily flammable. Leaking refrigerant can
catch fire and emit noxious substances.
– No smoking is allowed in direct proximity of any aspect of the
Multi-DENCO system.
– No open flames near the system.
To comply with EN 378-3 you must wear suitable Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) at any point working on a Multi-DENCO unit. As a minimum we recommend:
• Wear safety footwear
• Wear eye protection
• Wear protective gloves
• Wear protective clothing
If operating for a prolonged period of time, noise reducing ear protection may be requi-
• Always conduct your own personal risk assessment to evaluate any further
At any time the unit is operational, rotating machinery and electrically charged com-
ponents are present. When the unit is not electrically isolated:
• Ensure all guards and doors are closed.
• Only remove guards or open doors:
– When the unit has been electrically isolated.
– Sufficient time has been allowed for the rotating fan momentum to cease.
– Sufficient time has been allowed for inverter circuits to discharge.
Refer to 'Field Charge' on the unit serial plate (see chapter 1.2) in regards to system
refrigerant volume.
• Always refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from the supplier.
– Information relating to hazards, handling and storage, first aid amongst other
information is contained within the MSDS.
• Store these document(s) along with the Multi-DENCO documents.
Features of R410A:
– Non-combustible
– No direct toxic effect
– Colourless and odourless
– Heavier/denser than air
– Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases as defined by the Kyoto Protocol
– Ozone-depleting potential OPD: 0
– Greenhouse potential GWP: 1980
– Water hazard class WGK: 1, with a slight risk to water
Due to the nature of a refrigeration circuit, a Multi-DENCO system can contain dan-
gerously hot and dangerous cold aspects within the same system or circuit. Failure
to wear PPE could result in moderate injury.
• Review the appropriate chapters for further information.
• Never touch any part of the refrigeration circuit with unprotected skin.
• Always conduct your own personal risk assessment to evaluate any further
Properties of different glycols can vary significantly between different types of glycols
and different manufacturers
• Always refer to manufacturer’s information for usage guidelines
• Always handle and dispose in accordance with local codes, practices and
environmental regulations.
2.10 Disposal
Main and operating supply materials shall be disposed of according to material type in
a safe and environmentally friendly manner – always refer to your local by-laws and
Country specific legislation (also refer to section 12.2 Disposal).
• Any individual working on this system shall be suitably qualified and licensed for the
region that the system in installed within.
• Within the European Union, refrigeration circuit operators shall be in accordance
with (EC) No 842/2006 Articles 4 & 5.
• All personnel involved with the system must understand and observe any local
legislation regarding safe working practice.
2.12 Noise
The sound power level of the unit can rise up to 98 dB(A) according EN ISO 3745
accuracy class 1.
3 Technical Description
3.1.1 DENCO-OfficeCool
This is a variation of a Multi-DENCO unit designed specifically to address the needs of
comfort cooling. The design is aimed at reducing fan velocities, reduced sound and
features for integration with Local Environment Control Units (LECUs) allowing for
adjustable environment to suit comfort levels. These are available as direct expansion
or chilled water versions.
DENCO-OfficeCool design are mostly similar to the requirements and design of
Multi-DENCO units. Within this manual, any differences in the design will be explained.
Outdoor Ambient Air Temperature Minimum (Standard) °C -20 N/A -15 N/A
Outdoor Ambient Air Temperature Minimum (with low ambient kit) °C -40 N/A N/A N/A
1 4.32 MPa for unit sizes 010 to 065. 3.00 MPa for unit sizes 092 & 130
Default configuration for standard design. 1.00 MPa for certain configurations
Heating (if fitted) If the indoor temperatures are too low then the heating function will be activated. There
are several options for this operation allowing the heating to be a start/stop operation
or variable. When heating is required, the fans can increase their speed.
Humidification (if fitted) If the humidity levels are below the requirements then the humidifier will be activated
to add more moisture to the air. The amount of moisture added to the air varies propor-
tionally to the demand, with the humidifier able to operate between 25 - 100% of its
rated capacity.
Dehumidification (if enabled) As a default factory settings, dehumidification is a secondary priority compared to tem-
perature control, therefore it will only become active and maintained if the temperature
limits are met during the whole operation. If at any point, those limits are not met, the
dehumidification operation will be stopped and the unit will operate on a temperature
control basis.
To perform dehumidification, the unit cools at a higher rate (i.e. over-cools the air) to
create condensate on the the heat exchanger coil. Heating options can then be used
to re-heat the air before it leaves the unit.
Software settings can be changed to deactivate the dehumidification modes, even if
components are fitted.
CombiCool (if fitted) The CombiCool options has two separate cooling circuits. CombiCool can be fitted to
A- & C-versions of the Multi-DENCO units.
The CombiCool circuit is the primary circuit and is chilled water. The secondary circuit
relates to the version (e.g. A-Version, C-Version). The unit will only operate one circuit
at a time.
If the CombiCool circuit is unable to meet the cooling requirements of the room then
the unit changes to use the 'secondary' circuit. When possible, the unit will try to switch
back to the 'primary' CombiCool circuit.
This feature is ideal to provide internal redundancy to each unit.
CombiCool FreeCool The unit is fitted with the same CombiCool Coil as above, but can be configured with a
(if fitted) FreeCool strategy. When the Cooling Demand is low, the unit will operate with only the
FreeCool circuit operating. If this demand increases above a certain threshold, the unit
will then activate its secondary circuit (direct expansion or chilled water) and both cir-
cuits to operate at the same time to meet the cooling requirements.
An ambient sensor can be used to measure the outdoor temperatures. If the ambient
temperature is high (above a set value), then the FreeCool circuit will be deactivated
and only the secondary circuit will operate. Once the ambient temperature has reduced
then the FreeCool circuit will become available again.
Running redundancy Instead of the standby unit(s) remaining off, running redundancy allows all units to ope-
rate at the same time, reducing their cooling requirements. This is can be referred to
as 'Hot/Cold Standby'.
Each unit will operate on 'part load', reducing the speed of the fans and other variable
components. The network would still have backup capability: if a unit developed a fault
the other units would use their spare capacity to meet the cooling requirements.
By operating in part load, there are significant energy savings when compared to a tra-
ditional 'Duty/Standby' operation. The diagram shows an example of savings available:
Sensor averaging Sensor averaging can be calculated on temperature, humidity or both, when
Multi-DENCO units are connected in a network. Each unit sends their sensor readings
to every unit in the network. Each unit then takes all the values and calculates the aver-
age independent of the network units.
This gives the advantage of balancing the cooling requirements across all of the units
within a room, rather than on individual airflows. The software has features to allow for
sensor, communication or unit failure, so that the values do no distort the average
value and the unit can change back to 'stand-alone' if necessary.
Automatic Pressurisation APS ensures a constant pressure in the floor plenum by the Multi-DENCO unit. This
System (APS) can help reduce hot spots and allows for fast reaction to changes in airflow.
This also saves energy as the Multi-DENCO fans only supply the same amount of air
to the floor void, as the amount of air being removed by servers.
For datacentres, this feature can be especially efficient when combined with cold-aisle
3.5 Components
5 EC fan
All Multi-DENCO units use direct driven, variable speed, high efficiency EC plug back-
ward curved fan with three dimensional profiled blades as standard. The impeller is
optimally balanced according to ISO1940 and fan speed modulates on standard set-
The fan is made of a composite material and variable speed regulation is performed
using a 0-10 V control signal. An EC drive motor with an internal overload protection is
integrated in the fan. Fan operation is monitored using a current relay. In the event of
a fan failure, all other functions are interlocked, to prevent their operation.
6 Filters
Multi-DENCO units are provided with G4 class filters as standard, with high efficiency
G7 filters or G4 washable filters (limited regions) available. The filters are positioned
directly in front of the coil and are replaceable from the front of the unit. Other filters
can be supplied upon request.
7 Humidifier
An electrode boiler humidifier can be installed into the unit to allow humidity to be con-
trolled. The humidifier generates steam using proportional regulation of untreated
mains cold water. Electrode boiler humidifiers generate sterile, odourless steam free
of mineral deposits. The humidifier has an inlet hose connection and a water drain
connection to remove any remaining water.
8 Electric heater
Units with electrical heating are equipped with sturdy sheathed elements with stainless
steel finning and rated to operate at black heat in order to prevent annealing conditions
and sparking. Overheat protection is provided through a thermostat (Klixon). The
available heating duty is sufficient to prevent low supply temperatures in the dehumi-
dification mode.
Electric heating can also have an integrated thyristor control to provide variable heating
loads and closer control.
Low-pressure, hot water options are also available as an alternative heating method.
9 Electronic Expansion Valve (EEV)
The electronic expansion valve is an efficient, service friendly, refrigerant metering
device that accurately controls the superheat of the refrigerant within the cooling coil.
It is controlled through set parameters in the C5-12 controller and software and requi-
res no external adjustment throughout its working life.
The EEV has the ability to close itself in the event of a power failure by using a power
supply stored within the C5-12 controller.
10 and 11 Compressor and inverter
Multi-DENCO units use variable speed inverter compressors. These operate using
R410A and have a high efficiency using a permanent magnet and brushless DC
Within the unit, the configuration can be; single compressor, in tandem with a fixed
speed compressor or in tandem with another inverter compressor.
The compressors are provided with Neoprene anti-vibrational mounts, motor protec-
tion against overcurrent and thermal overload and are able to perform periodical oil
reclaim on a cyclical basis.
Units using only fixed speed compressors are only available for size 010 and 018.
3.6.1 Condensers
A-Version units typically use condensers to reject the heat that the Multi-DENCO unit
has absorbed from the room. They consist of a large coil and a fan to condense the
R410A gas into a liquid form. Condensers can be supplied with AC or EC fans and can
be installed with vertical or horizontal airflow.
Nominal duties for condensers range from 5kW to 100kW when using a 15°C tempe-
rature differential. The refrigerant gas inlet and liquid outlet pipes are terminated as
stub connections, sealed to contain a low-pressure nitrogen holding charge (5 psig/
0.35 bar).
Condensers can be installed either with a direct 1 to 1 relationship with the indoor unit
or 2 condensers can be used with a single Multi-DENCO unit as part of 1 single circuit.
This arrangement is refer to as 'twin condensers'.
3.6.2 Chillers
C-Version units are typically used with chillers (usually several are connected to the
same chiller). The water inlet temperature and the room set point can determine the
capacity of the unit when using chilled water from a chiller.
Chillers can bring benefits of several economies of scale for larger operations and
allow for multiple functions to source the same chiller for heat rejection. We are able to
offer freecooling chillers that can use low ambient temperatures to minimise energy
Separate operating manuals are supplied.
4.1 Delivery
On receipt, the equipment should be carefully checked against the despatch note and
examined for completeness and damage.
It is necessary to take photographs of all visible transit damage.
Missing parts or claims of shipping damage shall only be reported to the transport
insurance, if the damage has been confirmed by the delivering carrier.
We recommend to keep the equipment in the original packaging for protection, ease
of handling, shipping and storage. Remove the original packaging only before instal-
If the unit is stored for a period of time before installation or commissioning, it must
be protected from the elements, build-up of dust and dirt!
4.2 Handling
Multi-DENCO units are heavy and can have a high centre of gravity. Failure to
safely secure the equipment may result in death or serious injury.
• See unit's serial plate or documents for weight information.
• Always use proper and suitable lifting equipment for each movement.
• When moving using a fork lift truck or a stack-a-truck – secure the unit against
• Never stand beneath suspended loads.
• Before lifting or shipping the unit, make sure that all mountings are fixed and
• Only use lifting gear with sufficient load carrying capacity.
• Never use damaged lifting equipment.
• Ropes/chains shall not be knotted or be exposed to sharp edges.
• Only use ropes/chains of the same length.
• Move the unit carefully without fast irregular movements.
• Always set the unit down gently, without a large impact.
• Take steps to avoid twisting the cabinet during positioning.
• If necessary, use a specialist company to transport the unit.
The only valid dimensional drawing is enclosed with the unit documentation.
4.3 Storage
Storage conditions for uninstalled units
Air temperature: -20 °C to +50 °C
Air humidity: up to 90 % (relative humidity with no condensation)
During storage, the unit and packaging must be in a protected environment and not
exposed to the outdoor environment.
5 Installation
Note on unit assembly and installation!
Placement, installation and assembly should only be carried out by qualified person-
nel and must observe relevant accident prevention regulations, as well as other
recognized health and safety codes of practice.
Information on moving the unit!
If the units have been moved from one plant/location to another, they will need to be
re-commissioned even if the new room layout is similar.
Dusty environments can damage electronic printed circuit boards.
• Ensure the Multi-DENCO unit is protected from dust during installation
• Clean unit before first use
Humidity sensors can be damaged by aggressive vapours (e.g. chlorine
or acetone)
• Ensure possible vapours are removed from the local environment before
• Ensure the room has a good 'air tightness' to prevent any entry of vapours.
– Ensure that the site is level and that it can support the weight of the equipment, so
that no vibrations or operating noise occurs when the unit is operating.
– The unit should be set in an upright position - level in both directions. Failure to carry
out levelling correctly may cause operational problems; particularly to the drainage.
Possible misalignment of panels will indicate that the unit is not level.
– The unit should be installed so that it is only accessible to trained and authorised
– Sufficient clearance in front of the unit must be ensured for maintenance and
service jobs.
– (If applicable to local regulation) Check installation site fulfill requirements as defined
in EN 378-3:2008+A1:2012.
– It is recommended that once the the Multi-DENCO unit is located, then it is fixed in
placed (e.g. bolted, bracketed etc) to prevent unwanted movement or vibrations.
5.2 Substructures
Fig. 5-1
Fig. 5-2
Fig. 5-3
Fig. 5-4
Fig. 5-5
Multi-DENCO units are heavy and can have a high centre of gravity. Failure to
safely secure the equipment may result in death or serious injury.
• Never stand beneath suspended loads.
Multi-DENCO units are heavy and can have a high centre of gravity. The unit, or
parts of the unit can, tip and fall. Failure to safely install the equipment may result
in death or serious injury.
• Secure the unit against tipping before removing the unit from the pallet.
• Do not lean against or lean objects against the unit.
• Do not expose any part of your body, limbs or hands to the space between the
unit and any substructures (see chapter 5.2) or between the unit and the ground.
During installation and placement, weight loads may be increased or concentra-
ted. Failure to account for this can cause damage to the floor or the unit.
• Ensure the floor can withstand the weight and forces of the unit, lifting equipment
and operators.
• For installation on a raised floor, ensure flooring can support increased point
We recommend using two heavy-duty jacks. Always refer to the manu-
facturer's instructions when operating the heavy-duty jacks. For further
advice, consult your local office.
We strongly recommend using a third party, specialist lifting company to offload and
position all Multi-DENCO equipment.
5.4.1 Clearance
Tab. 5-1:
Fig. 5-8
Columns A, B and D are recommended minimum values to ensure satisfactory
operation by your Multi-DENCO unit.
Column C is the mandatory minimum values to ensure serviceability for your
Multi-DENCO unit.
Column C is ONLY the minimum service requirements and does not reflect any
safety requirements that may affect your local region. Refer to your local Health and
Safety regulation for aisle clearances and free space requirements to ensure a safe
working environment.
5.4.2 Access
Multi-DENCO has been designed to be serviceable exclusively through the front doors
of the unit (the curved panels). Access to the right hand side panel (as you face the
unit) can increase the speed of service, but is not mandatory.
Multi-DENCO units are compact and efficient design, therefore the larger the clearance
all around the unit, the easier service and repair work can be conducted.
The doors are hinged and removable. Some frame mullions are removable for assi-
sting in removing larger components.
Doors and panels can weigh up to 11kg and easily tip and fall.
• Ensure panels are held in place when fixings are being removed.
• Ensure doors are properly attended when being removed.
• Use access platforms for units that are installed above floor height.
• To open the front doors, use the key supplied with the unit to release the 1/2 turn
• Before removing a door with an integrated display remove the cable between the
C5-12 controller and the display module.
• Release the upper hinge retainer and remove panel.
• To reinstall the doors, first lift the panel and clip into the bottom retainer. Release the
top retainer, shift the panel upwards to the unit and clip into the top retainer.
• The rear and side panels can be removed by unscrewing six screws (per panel). It
is recommended to, use a vacuum lifting tool for holding panels.
5.4.4 Ductwork
On units where ductwork is to be fitted, ductwork connections must be completed
before any pipework and electrical connections are made.
Care must be taken when fixing ductwork to the unit that all panels and metal plates
can be removed and are not impeded by rivets, 'tec-screws' and other fixings!
Fig. 5-9
Fig. 5-10
Take care when locating the remote air sensor as the unit will attempt to control the
conditions of the room based on the sensor location. Do not place the sensor in
areas of draft or anywhere near a heat source that could provide a 'false reading'!
Important Note!
The water detection tape should be installed prior to commissioning and the end
user should be made aware that, upon contact with water, an alarm is generated by
the controller as an indication of the presence of water. This alarm is not critical to
the unit's operation, therefore the unit will continue to operate. The alarm does not
protect the unit from water build up, it simply highlights the issue, therefore at every
occurrence of the alarm it should be investigated to find the cause and rectify the
issue. If an under unit drip tray is supplied it is ideal to mount the sensors within the
drip tray (see Fig. 5-1 on page 39).
Fig. 5-13
• The sensor tape should be routed on the floor where it is likely to come into contact
with any leaking water.
• If possible, run the tape around the perimeter of the unit around the base stand feet
(if fitted).
• The water sensor needs to be fitted to the floor in such a way that it maintains a
contact with the surface at all times but will not come into contact with any vibrating
parts that could cause damage to the sensor. A quick curing, non-conductive epoxy
resin or silicone sealant is an effective way to keep the water sensor in its correct
Fig. 5-14
Water detection spot • Spot sensors are also available for water detection.
sensors • These should also be installed in the under unit drip tray (if included).
• Distribute the sensors evenly to help ensure all areas under the unit can detect a
water build up.
Fig. 5-15
Outdoor condensers use exposed heat exchanger coils, which have thin metallic
fins. These fins can cause cuts to limbs.
• Ensure cut protective PPE is worn.
• Do not handle the condenser in the region where the coil is exposed.
5.6.1 Requirements
– Condensers are design for outdoor installation
– As standard, condensers can operate in temperatures as low as -20 °C
– Winter kits are available for very low ambient conditions (down to -40 °C)
– For condensers to be installed in a coastal region or an area of high corrosion,
– The unit is supplied with epoxy or Blygold® coated coil
– The outdoor unit has sufficient housing and protection from the elements of the
local environment
– All pipework and interconnecting electrical cables are insulated and protected
from the environment
5.6.2 Separation
The separation between the indoor Multi-DENCO unit and the outdoor condenser
must be within the following limits for the interconnecting pipework requirements:
– No more than 35 m above the height of the indoor unit
– No more than 10 m below the height of the indoor unit
– The interconnecting pipework between the indoor and the condenser must be less
than 100 m
For more details about interconnecting pipes, please see chapter 6.
5.6.3 Positioning
The condenser must be installed on a level surface that can support the weight of the
equipment and allowing for access from all sides. If multiple condensers are used for
1 indoor unit, the condensers must be installed on the same level and the same
distance to the indoor unit.
Whenever possible, shelter condensers from winds and avoid prevailing winds blowing
directly onto the fan(s) or the heat exchanger. Always bolt down units to ensure secure
fixing to location.
Consideration should also be given to minimising the noise created by the condenser.
Pipework and cabling running underneath the unit should be configured so as not to
obstruct airflow.
Pipework and cabling underneath the unit can cause a reduction in airflow as well as
an increase in noise as air passes around the obstruction.
All outdoor units should be fixed to a rigid structure using the holes provided (wherever
possible). If the units are in an exposed situation and normal bolting is not practical,
then alternative brackets, fixings or adhesive should be used.
Condensers are delivered with the mounting legs loose, allowing for installation on site
to decide the orientation of the unit (vertical or horizontal). The legs have been desi-
gned to maximise the clearances onto the coil, so it is essential they are installed cor-
The hot gas discharge line MUST be positioned at the top of the condenser for hori-
zontal airflow (labelled as 1 on the diagrams below). Therefore, the liquid line (labelled
as 2) will be at the bottom of the unit.
Vertical airflow condensers must not be installed upside down.
Fig. 5-16
5.6.4 Clearances
Condensers must be located in an unobstructed position to ensure adequate air circu-
lation through the cooling coil. Care must be taken to avoid air recirculation from one
unit to another.
Clearances around the condensers must be in accordance with condenser specific
drawings supplied in the unit documentation.
Horizontal airflow
Fig. 5-17
Vertical airflow
Definition of 'L' and 'W' Y must be greater than 2X Requirements if more Solid obstructions along any
than one unit is installed two walls.
by a solid wall.
When multiple units are located When multiple units are located alongside When multiple units are located alongside
with solid obstructions along any two solid obstructions and two louvered sec- one solid obstruction and three louvered
three sides, the open side must tions: C + D > L sections: B + C + D > L
give free air to each of the units. The total free area of the louvres should not The total free area of the louvres should
be less than 70%. Fan discharge should be not be less than 70%. Fan discharge
level with the top of the louvres. should be level with the top of the louvres.
Fig. 5-18
It is the responsibility of the installer to carry out the assessment and to prepare the EC
Declaration of Conformity. For the installation of the interconnecting pipework and
electrical cabling, the declaration must then be signed by your legally responsible
representative (which may be the Managing Director of the Company).
The installer will need to consider some or all of the following:
1. Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
2. EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
3. Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
4. Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU
5. EC type examination certificate:
6. Applied Harmonised Standards:
7. Safety of machinery: Electrical equipment:
8. Safety of machinery: Basic design, concept and technical principle:
9. EMC emissions for residential, commercial and light industrial environments:
10. EMC immunity for industrial environments:
11. Refrigerating Systems:
12. Pressure equipment for refrigerating systems and heat pumps (General piping)
13. Applied National Standards/Technical Specifications:
6 Medium Connections
When routing pipework, take due care that air flow is not obstructed as this may
reduce the efficiency of the system.
6.1 Requirements
– (For refrigeration circuits) Only pipe sizes recommended by FläktGroup are allowed.
Incorrect pipe sizing can cause compressor damage and void the warranty.
– Every part of all circuit(s) (cooling and heating) must be designed and installed to
national and local standards and regulations.
– Piping must be properly sized to meet the design requirements.
– Mechanical connections shall only be carried out by qualified licensed staff or other
individuals with proper professional training and experience in the relevant accident
prevention regulations, as well as other generally recognized safety and occupatio-
nal health codes.
Only copper refrigerant lines meeting EN 12735-1:2010 standards shall be used for
refrigeration pipework installation. R410A is the standard refrigerant used within
Multi-DENCO units, ensure that pipework used is suitable for the higher pressures
used with this refrigerant.
The relevant requirements of the standard, especially apply to:
– Quality of internal surfaces
– Sealed pipe ends
– Pipe labelling
– Testing
– Pressure resistance
Short line lengths Keep the pipe length as short as possible. The greater the distance between the air
handling unit and the outdoor heat rejection unit, the greater the pressure drops in
connected pipes, resulting in reduced energy efficiency of the unit.
Liquid receivers Installing a refrigerant receiver is not mandatory. With long pipe runs and low ambient
temperature operation of the unit it is, however, recommended to install a refrigerant
receiver. If a receiver is not installed, the refrigerant should be selected and charged
with extreme care. When charging the unit with refrigerant at low ambient temperature,
ensure that the system is not overfilled and the unit can be trouble-free operated at high
ambient temperature as well. Consider the manufacturer's instructions on layout of a
refrigerant receiver and installation manual on mounting a receiver.
6.2.1 Pipework
All pipework must be installed in accordance with EN 378-4 and with recognised good
refrigeration practices in a tidy manner. Any further local legislation may vary, but must
be observed.
Within the EU, certain systems may be subject to mandatory requirements of the Pres-
sure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU. To know the classification of your equipment,
refer to the serial plate on each unit.
Details of the maximum lengths of interconnecting pipework are in chapter 5.6.2.
6.2.3 Sizing
Prior to installation it is particularly important to check the correct size refrigeration
pipework is being installed. Contact your local representative if you are unsure.
Only the pipe sizes listed below are ALLOWABLE for each size. ONLY these sizes
MUST be used for both horizontal and vertical risers. This table is for REFERENCE
FINAL and ULTIMATE responsibility for pipe sizing is of the contractor or installer.
The below table is for GUIDANCE ONLY to specify the range of sizes applicable. It
is necessary that suitably qualified engineers conduct their own, separate calculati-
ons to determine the sizing suitable for the application.
Pipe sizing When sizing pipework, consideration should be given with regards to adequate oil
return during all conditions.
It is also important that the pressure drops in pipework are minimised to avoid unneces-
sary decreases in capacity. Larger pipe sizes reduce gas velocity and make oil return
more difficult to accomplish. Smaller pipe diameters increase oil velocity, but will be
more susceptible to high pressure drops.
Metric (mm) 10 12 16 18 22 28 35 42 2 x 22 2 x 28
Imperial (Inch) 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-5/8 2 x 7/8 2 x 1-1/8
Liquid z z z z
Discharge z z z
Liquid z z z
Discharge z z
Liquid z z z
Discharge z z z
Liquid z z z
Discharge z z z
Liquid z z
Discharge z z
Liquid z z
Discharge z z z
Liquid z z
Discharge z z z
Tab. 6-1
Discharge Line: Recommended pressure drop = 1.0K, Max pressure drop = 2.5K
Liquid Line: Max pressure drop = 1.5K
For condensing units, see separate installation manual.
Horizontal airflow
Isometric View
Top View
Fig. 6-1
Vertical airflow
Fig. 6-2
Fig. 6-3
6.2.6 Insulation
For insulating pipework:
– All insulation (e.g. Armaflex or equivalent) shall be class O minimum 3/8" wall thick-
– All joints and edge splits must be glued or taped on suction lines
– Vapour sealing is not required on hot gas lines
– Any painting of insulation installed outdoors must be completed in line with manu-
facturer's guidelines
Each site must be individually assessed depending on pipework exposure, position,
length and accessibility to pipework, but for Multi-DENCO units:
A-Version: Discharge lines and liquid lines do not need to be insulated, but may be required due
to site conditions and accessibility to pipework. We recommend insulating the liquid
line in the raised floor to avoid heating the cold air.
X-Version: Both lines (suction and expansion) MUST be insulated.
We recommend using a wheel cutter as the best method for cutting pipework.
6.2.8 Brazing
Brazed joints are to be made with Easy-Flo® or similar copper alloy rod. Flux is not
required for joining copper to copper. When bronze or brass is involved, Silver-Flow®
self-fluxing rod or similar is required.
When soldering or brazing, purge a small amount of dry nitrogen through the
pipe to prevent oxidation and scaling internally. Failure to purge nitrogen whilst
brazing will result in scale build up and this WILL block the
Electronic Expansion Valve (EEV).
Any subsequent scale found within the valve body may result in voiding of
It is necessary to create a positive pressure inside the pipe. Before applying heat to
pipes, remove Schraeder valve cores and open any other valves, solenoids etc. which
will cause a build-up of pressure in the line and, therefore, blowholes in the joint. Also,
any valve seats, gaskets, capillaries etc. that may be damaged by heat, flux or dry
nitrogen must be removed or protected, (e.g. wrap in a cold damp cloth.).
When making soldered or brazed joints, it is essential that the surfaces to be joined are
clean. Unclean metals do not take the flux properly, which results in bare spots over
the brazing alloy and will not flow. Thin films of soldering alloy make the strongest
joints. Clearances of between 0.02 mm to 0.07 mm are all that are required. Too much
clearance prevents the proper capillary action, wastes alloy, promotes a weak joint and
allows ingress of soldering material in the lines. After completion of joints ensure that
all surplus flux is thoroughly cleaned off. Flux left on the pipes looks unsightly and can
cause oxidisation, pitting and prematurely age the tubing.
If the condenser(s) are installed ABOVE the Multi-DENCO unit, for the discharge line:
– The condenser must be NO MORE than 35 m above the Multi-DENCO unit
– 'P' traps must be installed at the bottom of EVERY vertical riser in the discharge line,
including pipework outside of riser cupboards (Detail 1)
– For every max. 5 m of vertical pipework, and 'S' trap must be installed (Detail 2)
– At the top of every riser a bend should be used to prevent oil return (Detail 3)
– Use a 1% slope in the direction of refrigerant flow (Detail 3 & 4)
Failure to install sufficient oil traps can cause a lack of lubrication in a compressor
resulting in poor performance or failure.
The last trap (detail 3 in Fig. 6-4) prevents liquid refrigerant travelling backwards
to the compressor outlet.
• Ensure suitable oil traps are installed as per Fig. 6-4.
When the condenser is located BELOW the Multi-DENCO unit, oil traps are not requi-
red. Consideration must be given to ensure that the liquid line pressure losses are not
excessive (see chapter 6.2.3 'Sizing' for more information).
Fig. 6-5
Each fan assembly is heavy and can weight up to 36 kg (special designs could
weigh more).
• Conduct a risk assessment and plan any manoeuvre before starting any work.
• Ensure a safe lifting procedure is observed.
1 Remove the 2 x 4.8 mm self-tapping screws that connect the mullion to the horizontal
2 Remove the 2 x 4.8 mm self-tapping screws that connect the mullion to the bracket and
vertical frame
3 Loosen the fan inlet ring (6 x M6x25 bolts) but DO NOT REMOVE THE BOLTS
4 Remove the bolts used to fix the fan assembly to rails. Once unscrewed, remove the
assembly by pulling it towards the front of the unit as far as possible. Then lift the
assembly up and remove it from the unit.
The procedures below are according to EN 378 and are the minimum standards
expected during leak, pressure and strength testing. Always refer to your country/
region specific legislation.
Leak testing A thorough leak test must be performed to ensure that the system is 'leak tight'. It must
be carried out at pressure, using oxygen-free nitrogen. This can be carried out at rela-
tively low pressures (see below) in accordance with safe methods of working and good
refrigeration practice
Certification On all new installations once the system is found to be leak free, a label stating date
and time and final pressure reading is to be attached to the pipework inside the unit.
A pressure test certificate must be signed, witnessed and passed to the commissioning
The use of 'tracers' or 'dyes' are not permitted on Multi-DENCO units under any cir-
Depending upon your commercial agreement, you may be required to perform the
vacuuming and oil and refrigerant pre-charging of the system, before the commis-
sioning engineer's arrival.
For details of this 'Pre-Commissioning Procedure' please see chapter 8 'Commis-
sioning' and in particular chapter 8.2.6 'Initial charge for refrigerant circuits'.
Important safety information is listed at the start of chapter 8, therefore read the
whole chapter IN FULL before commencing any work.
In operation, the humidifier can produce hot water vapour. The vapour, tubing that
it is directed through and areas that it has been in contact with can be hot and will
cause scalding or burns.
• Always allow time for the humidifier and affected regions to cool sufficiently before
starting any work
• Do not touch affected regions with unprotected skin.
Some units will have two separate drains to connect (humidifier/condensate).
Local and regional legislation will require a minimum quality standard for drainage.
• Ensure the drainage system is reviewed during installation and assessed for
possible issues, such as, blockage, overflow, contamination and Legionella.
Direct connection to a waste network is not allowed. Ensure drain has an air break
fitted as shown in Fig. 6-6.
The chilled water circuit must be protected from fouling, freezing or solid materi-
als. Failure to do so may result in poor performance or system failure.
• Install at least 1 water strainer per hydraulic circuit
• Provide frost protection though glycol or trace heating on external pipework
• Chemically treat condenser water served by an open evaporative cooling tower.
• Ensure filtration of solid materials within the circuit
We recommend using a plate heat exchanger for system separation.
A good water quality – e.g. salt and lime free drinking water – considerably increases
the service life and efficiency of the unit and the connected secondary system.
• Check the limit values in the table once a year to avoid damage to the hydraulic
system components.
6.6.2 Glycols
Glycols and other anti-freeze materials can be harmful for humans and animals.
• Prior to use, refer to the supplier's Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
• If ingested, seek urgent medical help.
The following recommendations are based on using the brands Antifrogen® N for
ethylene glycol and Antifrogen® L for propylene glycol. Other suppliers and variety
may have different properties or hazard warnings.
• Always refer to the supplier's information and the MSDS.
Excessive volumes of glycol within a chilled water system can result in poor heat
transfer, increased viscosity and possible damage to pumps and valves.
• Glycol content must be less than 50% of total system content.
Incorrect fitting of water inlet and outlet connections can result in leaks and cooling
capacity reduction.
• Counter hold connection fittings to prevent damage.
– We recommend using a pipe wrench.
Access to water pipe connections can sometimes be difficult if there is no side access.
The procedure to remove indoor fans to allow easier access to the connections is in
chapter 6.2.11.
There are three different available connections depending on the size of the equip-
ment (see unit type code)
– 'BSP pipework connections'
– 'Flange pipework connections'
– 'Solder connections'
• Connect the piping system, to the chilled water inlet/outlet in accordance with best
practice and conforming to and local and national regulations.
7 Electrical Connections
When making an electrical installation, the installer must:
• be qualified and licensed according to local and regional regulation.
• Observe regulation relating to electrical power supply for the installation region
• Observe the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
• Provide potential equalisation
• Equipped, and any connected component, must be wired with an earth
The electrical wiring must be installed fully and correctly.
Failure to do so may result in damage to components and failure to operate.
• Always refer to the 'unit-specific' wiring diagram.
• Never connect multiple units to the same mains power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can invalidate warranty.
7.1 Requirements
Before making electrical connections, check the following:
– The mains power supply properties comply with EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009 and the
power requirements of the unit.
– Mains power supply voltage tolerance should not exceed ± 10% with a maximum
phase difference of 3%.
We recommend installing power surge protection devices in areas of poor quality
electrical supply.
When connecting the supply voltage, make sure to observe the clockwise rotating
direction! If the rotation direction is incorrect, an adjustment shall be performed by
changing the phases using the main connection of the unit. Change the phase
sequence of the power supply lines through other.
Never change the wiring in the unit control cabinet.
If NO door interlocked isolator is fitted to the unit, a multi-core cable must be used
for unit power (to avoid cable breaks by the hinged cabinets) and a means of isola-
tion must be provided meet country specific regulations. Always refer to local and
country specific electrical regulations when installing power supplies. A maximum
distance of 1m from the unit is recommended.
If the unit is supplied with an "Automatic Transfer Switch (Dual Power Supply)", this will
be in a different location to the isolator.
7.3.1 A-Version
Condensers (DMOUCD) that are supplied with A-Version Multi-DENCO units are pro-
vided with their OWN SEPARATE ISOLATOR.
For condensers, the following power and controls layouts are possible:
1 Condenser 2 Condenser
AC fans with Winter Kit Not Required 3 Core + Earth Not Required 3 Core + Earth
Separate Power**
EC Fans with Winter Kit* 2 Core Screened 4 Core + Earth 2 Core Screened 4 Core + Earth
We recommend any 2 core screened data cable for control wiring, for example:
– Beldon 8761
– Alpha 2401C
– BICCH8082
Tab. 7-1
Power supply is dependent on outdoor unit's size. See electrical drawing for details.
Multi-DENCO X-Version and DENCO-OfficeCool units are provided with PAC interface
control boards to allow for control of condensing units. If 2 outdoor units are required,
2 boards will be provided.
Designated terminal blocks are available within the controls cabinet for connecting of
the outdoor condensing unit for power supply.
For further details please see the unit specific electrical contract drawing.
This chapter is for C5-12 controls only.
For all electric connections ensure that control and safety signals (24V AC) are run
in a separate cable to the mains power cable (e.g. 400V AC/230V AC). Where
power and signal/control cables have to run together, then a minimum gap of 30 mm
between each category is to be maintained. Ideally, power and signal/control cables
should never cross, but if unavoidable, ensure that they cross at 90°.
If networking multiple Multi-DENCO units together it is strongly recommended that
this is carried out by an experienced FläktGroup engineer due to its complex nature.
Your local office can help you arrange this.
Up to a maximum of
15 units on the network
Fig. 7-3
Serial Card
Interface Card
Terminals Notes
6–5 Remote On/Off for activating and deactivating the unit via a normally open volt free contact by others.
3–5 Emergency Off, a volt free contact (supplied by others) opening, deactivates the unit (e.g. used in a fire alarm system)
10 – 11 The unit's critical alarm indication e.g. HP/LP, Airflow, High Temperature.
12 – 13 The unit's maintenance alarm indication e.g. Dirty Filter, humidifier.
17 – 5 Alarm contact of condensate pump (optional accessory)
100 – 101 Indication of unit’s operation (i.e. fans enabled)
+VDC – GND – U1 – U2 Air intake sensor
+VDC – GND – U3 – U8 Air discharge sensor (optional, only if the item is fitted).
Serial Card Interface cards for building management (optional).
Rx-/Tx- - Rx+/Tx+ - GND Unit’s network terminals for connecting multiple units. Displays already connected to these terminals.
-------- Cabling provided by others.
# Volt free contacts (voltage or signal to be provided by others).
* On-site volt free contacts must be provided (if function is required remove jumper).
Tab. 7-2
Wiring that is not isolated from active (live) components of non-SELV or non-
PELV circuits may induce power than can cause damage to control boards.
This may cause poor operation or system failure.
• Use double or reinforce insulation on electrical wiring external to the unit.
8 Commissioning
8.1 Requirements
– Different options can require different commissioning procedures (e.g. winter kit).
– This chapter applies to initial commissioning as well as re-commissioning due to
extended shut down periods or relocation.
– Only R410A can be used in Multi-DENCO systems.
• Check that the unit configuration (listed on the serial plate) matches what has been
• Check the "Pre-Commissioning Checklist" (chapter 13.1) has been completed and
has been filed appropriately
• Check that a copy of this manual is available
• Check a copy of the electrical drawings/wiring diagrams are available
Multi-DENCO unit
• Check the unit internally and externally for any damage
• Photograph and record any damage (including shipping damage) and inform the
end user
• Check the unit has the minimum clearances available (chapter 5.1)
• Check that the fans inside the unit can rotate freely
• Check the unit is mounted suitably within the room (e.g. if on a base frame)
• Check that the entire heat exchanger is protected by the air filter(s)
• (If fitted) check the humidifier is supplied with water and that the earth bonding
device is secured to the incoming pipework
• Check that the condensate drain is connected correctly and water can drain freely,
for both coil condensate and humidifier (if fitted)
• Check interconnecting services, Mechanical and Electrical, have been installed as
per requirements in chapter 6 & 7 respectively
• Check the dimensions of raised floor is sufficient for airflow (if used)
• Check floor tiles do not prevent the opening of panels and doors
• (If used) check all dampers (including fire protection) are fully open
• (For humidity control) check the control space/installation room is vapour sealed and
fresh air is not supplied excessively
Outdoor unit
• Check the unit is installed with appropriate clearances and the fans and coils are
free to operate (chapter 5.6.4)
• (If powered from indoor unit) check the unit's isolator is set to the 'ON' position
• If separates power supply, leave isolator in the OFF position
8.2.4 Checking water circuits (C-Version, O-Version, CombiCool, Hot Water Heating)
• Check the hydraulic connections have been made correctly
• Check the hydraulic circuit is fitted with a water filter
• Check the water pipework is clean and has been flushed
• Check all shut off valves within the unit are open
• Check all filling valves and vent cocks are closed
• Check any water circuit safety devices for proper function
When commissioning a unit with the option: "Automatic Transfer Switch (Dual
Power Supply)" it is important to check the electrical supply of BOTH the incoming
supplies. Both electrical supplies must match the requirements of the unit name-
plate. Also the phase rotation of both incoming supplies must be checked.
Select a primary supply using the supplied key and test that the dual power supply
changes over when the primary supply is lost. Then select the other supply to be the
primary power supply and carry out the test again.
• Check any electrical installation has been conducted as per the unit specific contract
electrical drawing
• Check all electrical connections are tight
• Check earth conductors are connected correctly and the earth terminals are secured
• Check any signal and mains power cables are segregated
• Check inside of the control cabinet for loose connections or damaged components
• Tighten all supply terminals in the motor terminal clamps
• Ensure temperature and humidity sensors are adequately protected by their
ONLY when all the above checks been completed can the unit's circuit breakers
(MCBs) can be set to the ON position.
No refrigerant commissioning can commence until the commissioning engineer has
reviewed the 'Pressure Test Certificate' (chapter 13.1) and ascertained what gas
and pressure the system is at.
Any work on the refrigerant system must only be carried out by suitably trained and
qualified personnel. Refer to local and national regulations and guidelines.
The recommended procedure requires a triple evacuation, whilst adding any addition
oil before adding the initial charge. It is as follows:
Initial evacuation
• Connect the service manifolds to the Multi-DENCO system in an appropriate and
safe manner.
• Make sure that all system valves are open (i.e. shut off valves)
• If the system contains Oxygen-Free Nitrogen (OFN), carefully purge the gas to
atmosphere in accordance with safe working practices
• Connect the vacuum pump to the service manifolds
• Achieve a vacuum of at least two Torr (2.6 mBar)
Adding oil
If the interconnecting pipe length (one-way) is greater than 20 metres, it is likely that
more oil would be required for the system. Your local representative can advise on the
amount of oil required (if supplied with the required information).
• Add the required oil to the system (under vacuum) via the discharge line.
Excessive oil added to a stationary compressor may cause a hydraulic lock and
damage the unit during start up. This will void warranty.
• During evacuation, oil must be added into the discharge line.
Non-return valves are installed in the compressor discharge line to prevent
the oil travelling against the flow direction (into the compressor).
Multi-DENCO units can contain two different types of compressors – each with their
own oil type. Please follow the below recommendations:
A-Version - Size 010 - 065 A-Version - Size 092 - 130
Emkarate RL68H Emkarate RL32H
Mobil Arctic EAL68
Alternative oils are compatible with the original oil type used, therefore these can
be mixed and alternatives can be used as "top up".
For X-Version & H-Version units, refer to the separate condensing unit installation
manual for compatible oil types.
Tab. 8-1
Adding refrigerant
The initial 'charge' of refrigerant that is added to the system is not an exact measure,
but a volume of refrigerant to enable the system to start initially. This first charge should
always go into the liquid line of the unit and be approximately 75% of the planned
charge amount.
Your sales/support representative should be able to give you an estimate of total
system charge (if supplied with the required information).
• Add an 'inital-charge' of refrigerant R410A until 'high' and 'low' side pressures are
equal. Be careful that no liquid refrigerant is injected into the compressors.
• Close off the manifold valves and record the quantity of refrigerant added.
It is important that the volume of refrigerant added during the initial charge is recor-
ded accurately. When commissioning it is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT for the total
refrigerant weight to be added to the unit's nameplate. Ensure the pre-charge mea-
surement is accurate and this information is provided to the commissioning
Refrigeration devices that are not calibrated can result in safety and
protection features being disabled. Failure to calibrate during commissioning
will void the warranty.
For chilled water units, review and complete requirements of chapter 8.3.6 before
enabling the unit.
Once the electric power supply is connected and energised, there is a risk of
electric shock during commissioning. Also inverter circuits may store electrical
energy for some time after isolation.
• Once isolated, allow time for stored energy to fully decay before operating on
inverter based circuits.
With the initial charge added and the devices calibrated the unit can be enabled by the
following order:
• Enable any isolator or circuit breakers in the main power distribution board (both
boards for units with dual power supply)
• Ensure the outdoor unit's isolator is set to 'ON' (if applicable)
• Enable any 'in-line' isolation for the Multi-DENCO unit
• Set the door interlock isolator (if fitted) to the 'ON' position
• Wait 1 - 2 minutes for the unit to start up
• When display is active, press the 'Enable' button in the bottom left corner of the
9 The unit will now being to operate and control to the default settings in the
C5-12 controller.
When commissioning a refrigerant circuit for a Multi-DENCO unit it is important that
the compressors are operating at a high speed. Once the high speed is achieved,
time should be allowed for the system to stabilise.
If fitted, it is important to consider the state of BOTH compressor speeds to under-
stand the unit's operating level. For example, an inverter compressor may be ope-
rating at low speeds (< 50 RPS), but if the other compressor is active then the unit
will be operating at above 50% capacity. Compressor speeds can be viewed in the
'Engineering level' of the C5-12 controller display.
With a stable system, additional refrigerant can be progressively added to the circuit to
bring the system to the required charge. When adding refrigerant, the following proce-
dure and advice applies:
• Refrigerant should be added to the suction line as liquid
• A metering valve on a set of manifold gauges should be used
• Any refrigerant should be added as lightly/slowly as possible
Large concentration of liquid refrigerant entering the compressor can cause
'hydraulic lock' and permanently damage the compressor.
• Add refrigerant in no more than 0.5 kg additions.
• Allow the system to stabilise after each addition.
– It may take several minutes for the system to stabilise.
– Adding refrigerant too quickly can cause an 'over-charged' condition.
Refrigerant is damaging to the environment.
• Never discharge refrigerant to the atmosphere.
• Recover any refrigerant and dispose of according to national/regional
* For this scenario, this must be observed in the sight glass for the fixed speed compressor.
If either scenario requires additional 'top-up' of oil, ensure this is conducted whilst the
unit is off and deactivated.
• Check for an established water flow
• Check that any temperature sensors are securely fastened to the correct pipework
• Take readings of water temperature sensors and compare these values with the
values displayed on the C5-12 controller: all probes and sensors MUST be
• Check for correct rotation in the water pump and any air within the water system is
being removed by the pump or by air purge valves
• (If applicable) add, as required, pressure to any expansion vessels
• (If applicable) sample and check Glycol concentration (more details below)
• Record all details to the commissioning report
Low levels of glycol or inhibitors can cause corrosion of steel or iron
• Ensure minimum concentration of inhibitor is above 20%.
Coolant concentrations are determined by first deciding what freeze and/or burst pro-
tection is appropriate for the application, based on operating temperatures or ambient
Fig. 8-1: Kittiwake hand held
Freeze protection This is imperative when a system requires pumping. It is achieved when glycol concen-
trations in a system are sufficient to prevent ice crystals from forming when the fluid
experiences the lowest temperature for its application.
Burst protection This is achieved when the concentration of glycol in a system is high enough to prevent
the fluid from freezing solid. The glycol concentration will be lower than that of a 'Freeze
Protected' system, therefore it can form ice crystals at low temperatures (being a semi-
fluid state) and will no longer be pump-able. When ice crystals being to form the solu-
tion will expand.
The table refers to general percentage concentration of Ethylene Glycol. Always con-
tact the manufacturer for specific values for their variant of Glycol:
-7 16 11
-12 25 16
-18 32 21
-23 39 26
-28 44 31
-34 48 36
-40 52 37
-46 55 38
Tab. 8-3
Ethylene glycol gives added protection against system damage from bursting:
– On freezing water expands about 9%
– This volume change may rupture piping and cause catastrophic system failure
– Adding ethylene glycol significantly reduces the expansion the solution upon free-
zing, thus reducing the likelihood of system pipes bursting
– The higher the ethylene glycol concentration, the less the expansion
– Pure ethylene glycol does not expand at all upon freezing
Refer to the Tab. 8-3 for freeze and burst protection. In a system not operational in win-
ter, it may be sufficient to choose a lower fluid concentration, one that merely protects
against bursting, since some crystal formation in the fluid will not be harmful.
The following instructions are for 2-port PICV valves used with C5-12 controllers in
Multi-DENCO units. For all other configurations or equipment please see separate
manuals or contact your local office.
1. Calculate the 'system refrigerant'.
– This is the refrigerant required to charge a standard system without a winter kit
option (indoor/outdoor unit and interconnecting pipework).
2. Calculate the refrigerant required to fill the liquid receiver to 80% (see Tab. 8-4).
Overfilling of liquid receivers can result in poor system performance or failure.
• The liquid receiver should never exceed 80% full.
Condenser Liquid Receiver – 100% Capacity 100% Filled – R410A 80% Filled – R410A
Size Litres kg kg
DMOUCD008 7 7 5.6
DMOUCD013 7 7 5.6
DMOUCD021 12 12 9.6
DMOUCD026 15 15 12.0
DMOUCD032 18 18 14.4
DMOUCD050 21 21 16.8
DMOUCD075 21 21 16.8
Tab. 8-4
At average condensing temperatures of 41 °C with 6 K sub-cooling; 35 °C liquid temperatures. Density = 1 kg/L3.
3. Before adding refrigerant, set the condenser fans to minimum speed and lowest
pressure setting.
– This is to allow the liquid receiver to be assessed whilst the fans are operating.
To change the required settings for C5-12 controls, you must use the display of the
unit, which requires the unit to be enabled. To perform safely you must observe the
• Enable power to the unit and set the local isolator to the 'ON' position
• Wait for the unit to finish its start-up procedure
• DO NOT press the 'Enable' button on the home screen (bottom left hand corner)
• Navigate to the condenser settings (Advanced Level)
• Modify settings as advised
• Navigate to the home screen
• Set the local isolator to the 'OFF' position and remove power from the main
power distribution board
9 The unit is now ready for charging
5. When liquid is observed, you will find that you have not use all of the estimated
refrigerant (system and liquid receiver)
– You will have only filled the liquid receiver to its minimum level (Fig. 8-2)
Required level
Fig. 8-2
• Add ALL the remaining estimated refrigerant to the system to fill the liquid
receiver further.
6. Once all the refrigerant has been added, the liquid receiver needs to be checked.
• Measure the ambient temperature on the face of the condenser coil.
• Take several measurements at different positions and calculate an
average value.
• Using the average temperature, the level of the liquid receiver should match
Tab. 8-5
• For example; if the temperature is above 20°C, the liquid receiver should only be
80 % full (no liquid refrigerant in the condenser coil)
• Otherwise; if ambient temperature is 0°C on the day of commissioning, then the
liquid receiver should be about 30 % full (lots of liquid refrigerant in the condenser
7. Once the refrigerant level is correct, perform standard calibration checking (chapter
8. The condenser fan settings should then be restored to 24 Bar and left on 'Minimum
Speed' control.
8.4.1 Nameplate
Once the commission has been successfully completed, it is a LEGAL REQUIRE-
MENT that the total refrigerant charge for the whole system is written onto the unit's
You will see space for this to be written on the bottom left corner of the serial plate.
For filter switches, we recommend the following settings:
– G4 = 0.7mbar (70 Pa)
– G7 = 1.2 mbar (120 Pa)
These values are based on standard pressure drops when fans operating at max
velocity. Different values may be required if fans are operating at lower speeds (as
alarm may not occur until fan increases speed to compensate for dirty filters).
9 Operation
More comprehensive details and explanation on the control and regulation of the
Multi-DENCO units are available in Controller Manual.
This manual does not cover control of units that have been provided "without controls".
9.1 Requirements
Prior to using a Multi-DENCO unit, a full and safe installation and commission must
have been conducted by a suitably qualified personnel and a record of both processes
must be stored. The commissioning report (chapter 13.3) must have been sent to your
local sales office to validate warranty during operation.
Before use all operators MUST be familiar with the following:
– The contents of this manual
– Safety assessment for the location where the Multi-DENCO unit is situated
– Location of the associated outdoor unit (if applicable)
– Location of power distribution board isolator
– Location of the mains isolator
– Either fitted within the door of the Multi-DENCO unit or within 1m of the unit
– Location of circuit breakers (MCBs) inside the Multi-DENCO unit
– Shut off (isolation) valves for the Multi-DENCO unit including (if applicable):
– Refrigerant circuit
– Chilled Water Circuit
– Hot Water Circuit
– Humidifier Circuit
During operation:
• Do not open any doors.
• Do not remove any panels of an operating unit.
• Do not remove any floor tiles near to the unit.
• Do not conduct any work above or below the unit.
• Do not insert any tools through any of the grilles of the unit.
Multi-DENCO units use fans which are regulated independently by the main control
board. Removing guards whilst unit is operational risks death or serious injury.
Inverters also store energy for a period of time after isolation.
• Disable the unit.
• Electrically isolate the unit.
• Wait AT LEAST 5 minutes.
9 Once fan momentum has ceased and the inverter energy discharged, you can
open the doors and conduct work.
• To stop the Multi-DENCO unit, simply press the ON/OFF button on the home
9 The screen will display 'UNIT OFF BY KEYBOARD' if successful.
Multi-DENCO units use fans which are regulated independently by the main control
board. Removing guards whilst unit is operational risks death or serious injury.
Inverters also store energy for a period of time after isolation.
• Disable the unit.
• Electrically isolate the unit.
• Wait AT LEAST 5 minutes.
9 Once fan momentum has ceased and the inverter energy discharged, you can
open the doors and conduct work.
Having deactivated the unit (chapter 9.2.5) and waiting AT LEAST 5 MINUTES, you
can disconnect the unit by:
• Switch the isolator to the 'OFF' position for the outdoor unit (if applicable)
• Switch the isolator to the 'OFF' position on isolator fitted to the unit (or within 1m)
• Switch the isolator to the 'OFF' position at the mains distribution board
When the isolator fitted to the unit (or within 1 m) is in the OFF position, the first half
of the isolator could still be live (with electrical power).
• To ensure safe operations, ensure that the circuit has been isolated in the OFF
position at the mains distribution board and suitably locked to prevent inadvertent
re-connection of electrical power.
Resetting of alarms without rectifying the cause can lead to extended unit damage,
which may result in the voiding of the warranty.
Whilst cleaning, thin fins present a risk of cutting. Panels and doors can be heavy
and present a crushing risk when being removed.
• Do not touch the coil with unprotected skin.
• Ensure doors are properly attended when being removed.
• Use access platforms for units that are installed above floor height.
Damaging fins or louvres during the cleaning process will reduce the
unit's cooling capacity.
10.2 Servicing
Routine, planned maintenance visits will be required throughout the year to
maintain efficiency and may also be a legal requirement depending on Country spe-
cific legislation.
The intervals of service will depend entirely on the operating conditions of your room.
This can be as often as once per month for critical, production essential equipment.
Your FläktGroup representative will be able to assist you with arranging a maintenance
contract that will suit your needs.
Items of equipment attached to the refrigerant circuit, for instance the H.P.
switch (Fig. 10-1), are often protected by a schrader core. If this is the case the
connecting nut is painted red. If the connecting nut has no red paint then you
must assume that no Schraeder core is present and therefore the whole
system refrigerant charge will have to be recovered before the component
can be removed
Fig. 10-1
Interval Action
Monthly 1: Check cleanliness of filters – inspect for break up and suitable sealing. Replace if necessary.
2: (If fitted) check cleanliness of grilles.
3: Check cleanliness both inside and outside of the unit.
Every 1: Check that the evaporating and condensing pressures are acceptable.
Three 2: Check safety protection features, such as low pressure and temperature alarms, operate correctly.
Months 3: Check capacity control for correct operation and configuration.
4: Check electrical connections for tightness. Repair or replace all damaged terminals.
5: Check all component electrical currents are within acceptable limits.
6: Check refrigerant sight glass.
7: Check condensate drain for free flow and drainage.
8: Check for refrigerant leaks 1: Inspect all accessible refrigeration pipework with an electronic leak detector paying
particular attention to flexible tubes, capillary tubes etc. Check all accessible pipework fixings for tightness and
9: Inspect oil charges and levels to identify any loss since last inspection – rectify as necessary.
10: Inspect fan touch protection devices for compliance and functionality.
11: Check operation of on-board electrode steam boiler humidifier (if fitted): Check drain down and fill function,
disposal pumps and bottle current. Replace any expired bottles.
Yearly 1: Test the high pressure safety switch cut out and adjust/replace as necessary (see chapter 8.3.5 'Commissioning
refrigerant circuits' on page 84).
After 5 1: (If fitted) it is recommended that the pressure relief valve is replaced.
years of
Tab. 10-1
1The equipment should be thoroughly tested to ensure there are no refrigerant leaks to comply with EN 378-4:2008+A1:2012
Associated equipment should also be service in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.
During any service or at any time that the refrigeration system is opened, a replace-
ment filter drier (molecular sieve type) should be fitted. These can contain a propor-
tion of activated oxides that absorb weak acids and remove them from the system.
The units are designed for continuous operation and it is recommended that the
system is kept running overnight and at weekends to maintain stable room conditi-
Short periods Should you require the equipment to be closed down for the weekend or Bank Holi-
days, no special precautions are required.
Each unit may simply be turned off by pressing the On/Off icon.
Alternatively, the "On/Off Times" can be configured in the controller software.
Long periods If the plant is to be shut down for longer periods (up to a month) this can be done by
switching off at the on/off icon, then opening the Main Isolator, and closing the local
mains water supply to the humidifier. When re-starting the plant, follow the same
instructions but in the reverse order.
Indefinitely When the equipment is to be taken out of service for an indefinite period we recom-
mend a qualified air conditioning engineer. An engineer will also be required for the
restarting of the equipment.
For units fitted with chilled water cooling and/or hot water heating, the mains power
should remain "ON" for at least the stroke time of the valve actuator to ensure that the
valve closes fully.
A quality, routine, planned maintenance program should be implemented from com-
missioning. Failure to have a maintenance program in place during the warranty
period may invalidate the warranty.
In the event of persistent faults, room conditions going out of specification or pos-
sible refrigerant leaks you must contact competent maintenance & service technici-
ans to rectify your problems. Your local representative should be able to help you
with this.
If you find that your room conditions are outside of design specifications, there are
some simple areas that you can check to gather valuable information:
– Have conditions within the room changed?
– Has the equipment been recently moved?
– Has the airtightness of the room been compromised (e.g. door/window open)?
– Is there new equipment with higher/lower heat load?
– Is the air path temporarily blocked?
– Has additional cooling equipment been added to the room?
– Have the grille tiles been moved?
– Observing the unit status:
– Has the unit got power from the main distribution board?
– Is the unit isolator in the ON position?
– Is the unit display working?
– What does the unit status description say?
– Is the unit controlled via BMS? What are the current commands?
– Is the unit a part of a network – is it currently in duty or standby mode?
– Can you hear the fans operating?
– Observe what previous alarms have been made (and dismissed)
– Have the set-points been modified?
– When was the last service?
Multi-DENCO units use fans which are regulated independently by the main control
board. Removing guards whilst unit is operational risks death or serious injury.
Inverters also store energy for a period of time after isolation.
• Disable the unit.
• Electrically isolate the unit.
• Wait AT LEAST 5 minutes
9 Once fan momentum has ceased and the inverter energy discharged, you can
open the doors and conduct work.
Below is a list of conventional alarms or issues that, if initially installed and commissio-
ned properly, have a small chance of occurring. Before addressing the fault and pos-
sible remedy, please observe the following:
• Always refer to the correct electrical drawing for the equipment.
• Regular maintenance is the most effective measure to preventing any issues.
• Refrigerant leak testing must only be conducted by suitably qualified engineers
• If troubleshooting requires adjustments to the controller's settings, please refer to
the separate controller manual before proceeding.
• All person(s) must know the location of protection features for the unit (e.g. isolation
points) before conducting any work
• For water based circuits; plant hydraulic settings should not be altered as this may
affect the balance of the complete system. Rebalancing of a system can be a costly
operation, therefore any adjustments must be conducted by qualified individuals
with full knowledge of the system design and requirements.
The following table contains a sample list of mechanical issues and possible remedies
to fix them. A list of common control issues can be found in the separate controller
Due to the relationship between temperature and humidity, high temperature and
low humidity or alternatively low temperature and high humidity can occur at the
same time. To resolve such situations, always address the temperature first, before
taking measures to resolve humidity.
Low pressure in refrigeration sy- Possible leak in pipework Investigate location of leak and repair. Once repair perform
stem (low pressure alarm) pressure tests and re-commission
Tab. 11-1
High pressure in refrigeration sy- Too much refrigerant within Refer to commissioning report and compare current conditi-
stem system ons with conditions during commissioning. If significant
changes then perform re-commission the unit.
Fuse or relay fault Review the unit to check for damage to any fuse or relay that
is part of the refrigeration circuit operation
Outdoor heat exchanger is Clean heat exchanger fins and clear debris in and around
blocked/dirty unit
Indoor fans not operating Blocked filter alarm Check the coil filters for cleanliness, clean or replace as
Fan motor failure The fan and the motor are a dynamic pair, therefore the fan
assembly must be replaced
Fan relay not activating Check the fan relays (1 relay per fan)
Unit off by… Check the controller display to see if the unit has been
disabled by; BMS, Time or Keyboard. If the unit is also part
of a network, it could be on a ‘Stand-by’ status.
Outdoor fans not operating Outdoor unit isolated Check the isolator on the unit is set to the ON position
Condensing pressures below If the refrigerant circuit pressure is below the condenser’s
the minimum requirements set-point the fans will not activate – observe the pressure in-
creasing in the unit controller and check fans start when
pressure increases sufficiently
Outdoor unit not receiving con- Compare terminals at outdoor and indoor units to check ca-
trol signal from indoor unit ble integrity
No image on the display No power to the unit Check the power supply at the mains power distribution
board and at the local isolator.
Display unit cable disconnected Deactivate the unit and open the door with the display. In-
spect the connection and cable at the display and the con-
Unit not cooling/heating/ Airflow failure alarm Check fan operation and suitable clearances in and around
humidifying/dehumidifying the fan. Check output of the controller to the fan and each
fan relay is energised.
Heater over-temperature alarm Check the heater thermostat for functionality, replace if
(heating only) necessary and check function of heaters.
Water detection alarm Standard configuration disables the humidifier only. Settings
available in the controller allow for whole unit operation to be
stopped. Inspect underneath the unit for presence of water
and check coil condensate tray.
Sensor failure Certain temperature and pressure sensors, upon failure, will
disable functions of the unit. Refer to the controls manual to
see what function is affected by each sensor.
Low oil level (functions disabled Check for possible leaks and the recent operations of the
by compressor alarms) unit (to ensure suitable functionality). Add oil as necessary
and re-commission the unit.
Tab. 11-1
12.1 Dismantling
To dismantle a Multi-DENCO unit, proceed as follows:
• Refrigeration circuits
• A specialist refrigeration engineer should be employed to recover and safely
dispose of the refrigerant gas and any associated oils and glycols prior to cutting
and capping off the refrigerant pipework
• A qualified electrical contractor should be employed to remove/recover the
main(s) and any interconnecting cabling
• Once mechanically and electrically separated from the system, attend to releasing
the Multi-DENCO unit from any fixings to the floor or other sub-structures
• Prepare the unit for handling and transportation as per chapter 4
12.2 Disposal
• Dispose of all components and materials in accordance with local codes,
practices and environmental regulations.
13 Appendix
Please note that these documents are samples from the time of publishing and may
not be the latest revision. For copies of the latest versions, please contact your local
sales office who will be able to provide them in either electronic or printed form.
e – Co
ning Check
C klist
As a pre
e-requisite to accepting a firm boo oking for co
ommissionin ng we need clarification
n that all
aspectss of the insttallation are
e ready for u eed without delay whenn we arrive on site.
us to proce
Will you
u please the erefore com mplete all re
elevant secttions of this
s form and ee-mail backk to your
designaated FläktGroup contac ct.
Tick Boxes
Checklist Item Commentss
Yes No
Is equip pment in correct positio ons,
mounte ed on floor stands
s (if required) and d
levelledd up.
Is work area clean, tidy, safe, and
accessiible? If areaa has raised d floor is it
complete and free from hazarrds.
Are all ggrilles and ductwork
d co
omplete and d
ready fo or use?
Has reffrigeration pipework
p beeen pressure e
tested a and test cerrtificates ava ailable for
our insp pection and retention?
Is all refrigeration pipework
p installed,
connected, evacua ated, and le eft with a
holding charge of refrigerant.
Is mains cold wate er supply pip pework
connected and pre essure available
(equipm ment with hu umidifiers only)
Is chille
ed water or condenser
c water
pipeworrk installed,, fitted with auto air
vents, sstrainers, annd dosing pots,
p tested
and sysstems filled and vented d?
Failure to compplete this form or failure to haave all required items ready for
f commissio oning may resuult
in an aborttive visit by ou
ur commissioniing engineer, Your
Y signature on page 2 autthorises the
a of a
any abortive co osts according
Page 1 of 3 DQ
QA880 – Re
ev DH1
Tick Boxes
Checklist Item Comments
Yes No
If chilledd water or condenser
c water
system is to be fille ed with a gly
ycol mix haas
this bee en done and d accurate
concentration read dings available for our
Is drainage pipewo ork connected and
Are con ndensate pu umps fitted and tested
with ele ectrical suppply and pipe
ework and
has inte ernal packinng been rem moved.
Has ma ains power supply
s beenn installed,
connected, phase rotation che ecked, and
power a available at isolators.
Has inte erconnectinng electrical wiring bee n
installed d and conne ected as peer wiring
diagram ms.
Have firre shutdown n connectioons been
installed d and verifie
ed as operaating
Have ex xternal stop
p – start con
nnections (iff
required d) been insttalled and te
Have in nterconnection cables (Denconet)
been installed utilis sing correctt Belden
type cable and leftt for our con nnection.
Do main ns power su upplies – ca
ables have
source isolation tha at compliess with the
current electrical re egulations.
Is secure on-site parking
p available for ou
commis ssioning eng gineer’s vehhicle?
Is an H & S inductiion required d before ourr
commis ssioning eng gineer can commence
1. To comply with F-Gas regulationss where the e system ha
as refrigerannt charge (s
supply &
commission n projects) clients musst have their own engin
neer on site
e for the duration of
the works to add refrig
gerant to sysstems and create the relevant
r sta
atutory recorrds.
3. If the equip
pment is to
o be conneccted to a BMS
B system
m then clien
nts must ha
ave their
own BMS engineer
e onn site.
Failure to compplete this form or failure to haave all required items ready for
f commissio oning may resuult
in an aborttive visit by ou
ur commissioniing engineer, Your
Y signature on page 2 autthorises the
a of a
any abortive co osts according
Page 2 of 3 DQ
QA880 – Re
ev DH1
eted By:
On Beh
half Of:
Failure to compplete this form or failure to haave all required items ready for
f commissio oning may resuult
in an aborttive visit by ou
ur commissioniing engineer, Your
Y signature on page 2 autthorises the
a of a
any abortive co osts according
Page 3 of 3 DQ
QA880 – Re
ev DH1
Site Address
Contract Number
Air Handling Unit Reference
Air Handling Unit Type
Condenser Unit Type
We certify that the following pressure tests have been completed with dry nitrogen
Before working on this equipment, ensure that all incoming electrical connections are isolated and
checked as voltage free by a competent person.
Refer to appropriate electrical wiring schematic for all external wiring
Section A: 1 copy for completion by contracts engineer in respect of each model or variant on site.
All boxes in section A to be completed before handing - sending to commissioning engineer.
Contract's Engs Name Date Required & Agreed
End User's Name
Induction Required If Yes State Time Of Start
Client's Name
Installer's Name
Site Address
Site Contact's name Contract Number
Site Contact's Tel No Quantity of this model
Air Balance Yes / No Supply Only Yes / No
Water Balance Yes / No Supply & Install Yes / No
Design RA Condition Temperature c Design RA Condition Humidity % RH
Design Total Cooling Kilowatts Design Sensible Cooling Kilowatts
AHU Model No Heat Rejection Model No
PPE Requirements
Parking on Site Do Site Specific RAM's apply
Special Instructions
Section B: For completion by commissioning engineer for each unit on site before starting commissioning. MANDATORY
AHU Serial No. Heat Rejection Serial Nos
AHU Location AHU Site Reference No.
Heat Load Available During Commissioning Process
Check piping installation complies with O&M manual & Approved Code of Practice-DX Installations Initial Box =
Check & confirm interconnecting wiring and unit mains power supply matches contract wiring diagram Initial Box =
Work may not proceed until the above checks have been completed and the initial box filled in and the contract technical data has
been added. All instrumentation must be covered by a current calibration certificate including pressure gauges, vacuum gauges,
thermometers, airflow meters, ammeter, multimeter, etc.
Low pressure transducer set correctly & functions Head pressure control function & setting correct
High pressure transducer set correctly & functions High temperature alarm set and function operating
High pressure switch set correctly & functions Low temperature alarm set and function operating
Airflow failure transducer set correctly & functions Filter blocked transducer set correctly & functions
Water detection operates ( if fitted & laid out) Alarm output relays set up and operating correctly
Layout of the suction lines has been checked Superheat stable and correctly set as TI & OEM
Discharge line temperature sensor fixing checked System correctly evacuated before charging
Discharge line traps fitted if required Any additional oil added taken from new can
Requirement for crankcase heating checked System fully leak tested after commissioning
Fans free from vibration at all speeds Condensers correctly installed
Discharge pressure is at least 1.8 times suction pressure Pressure transducer readings checked
DQA892 Multi Denco Charging procedure followed Spare
You are verifying that key issues - functions have been checked and conform to the requirements- settings in the O & M manual
Please Detail Any Checks - Measurements Not Completed And Reasons Why
Please detail all site related issues (not equipment) found during commissioning that might affect performance and reliability
Please detail any issues or site related problems (not equipment) with air distribution in the conditioned space
Additionally Complete And Sign Page 4 for DX Units Charged In The Field
F-Gas regulation No 842/2006 Record Log Sheet Information For Owners Use - Answer All Questions
Plant Name Reference Number
Location of Plant Serial Number
Plant Operator Plant Operator
Operator Contact
Cooling Loads Served
Refrigerant Type Quantity Installed
Plant Manufacturer Year of Installation
Refrigerant Additions (If none state none)
Date Engineer Amount Added in KG Reason for Addition
Engineers Full Name Date
Engineers Signature
FläktGroup is the European market leader for smart and energy efficient Indoor Air
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than a century of accumulated industry experience. The widest product range in the
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are always by your side, ready to deliver Excellence in Solutions.