BT4 Specs
BT4 Specs
BT4 Specs
1.1 SCOPE OF WORK: The work covered under this Contract consists of the furnishing all
materials, labor, equipment, transportation, incidentals, facilities, and superintendence
necessary to complete the project In accordance with true intent these Specifications
and Contract Drawings.
1.2 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: The Contractor shall be responsible for carefully
examining, comparing and verifying the data furnished by the Plans and Specifications.
In case of obscurity or discrepancy in the Plans and Specifications, the Contractor shall
submit the matter to the Architect or his authorized representative for the proper
explanation or necessary correction, before any adjustment shall be made. Any
adjustment by the Contractor without such determination shall be at his risk and
Omitted or wrongly described details of work, which are manifestly necessary to carry
out the true intent of the drawings and specifications, shall be performed as if fully and
correctly set forth and described in the drawings and specifications.
The Owner may, from time to time, make changes in the specifications and construction
drawings. However, if the cost to the Contractor shall be materially increased by such
change, the Owner shall pay the Contractor for the reasonable cost in accordance with
the changes.
1.3 LAWS TO BE OBSERVED: The contractor shall comply with all the laws, City or
Municipal Ordinances and all government Specifications and regulations in so far as
they are binding upon or affecting the portion of the work hereto. The Contractor or
those engaged thereon shall obtain all necessary licenses and permits and pay all taxes
or fees, which may due to the local and/or National Government in connection with the
prosecution of the work. He shall also be responsible for all damages to persons or
property that may occur.
2.1 MATERIALS: Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new and free from
defects and imperfections. The quality of materials shall be of the best grade of their
respective kinds for the purpose. The work shall be performed in the best and most
acceptable manner in strict accordance with the requirements of the Plans and
Specifications. Preference will be given to articles or materials that are locally
manufactured, conditions of quality and price being equal.
3.1 WORKMANSHIP: Workmanship shall be in accordance with the best standard practices
and all operations required under any and all parts of the Specifications shall be
undertaken In a neat, workmanlike manner. Only skilled personnel with sufficient
experience in similar operations shall be allowed to undertake the same.
Any alteration or revision on the execution of Drawings without approval from the
Architect shall be under subsequent rejection and shall make the Contractor responsible
and liable for any workmanship and execution defects.
3.2 TEMPORARY FACILITIES: The Contractor shall provide and maintain adequate
weather-tight temporary facilities with water, light, and toilet facilities. He shall keep such
places clean and free from flies. He shall remove all connections and appliances
connected there with prior to the completion of the Contract and leave the premises
perfectly clean.
The Contractor shall furnish all temporary lights and power and shall pay all expenses in
connection therewith. Furthermore, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all water
expenses for building purposes that are required by all trades.
3.3 PROTECTION OF WORK AND OWNER’S PROPERTY: The Contractor shall put up
safety measures and continuously maintain adequate protection of all his work from
damage and shall protect the Owners property, as well as all materials furnished and
delivered to him by the Owner. He shall make good any such damage, injury or loss,
except such as may be caused by agents or employees of the Owner, or due to causes
considered as an Act of God.
4.1 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: Whenever the Contractor is not at the site, orders
maybe given by the Owner to his authorized representative and shall be accepted and
complied to by the superintendent or foreman of the Contractor.
4.2 INSPECTION OF WORK: The Architect or Owner shall, at all times, have access
to the work whenever it is in preparation or progress and the Contractor shall provide
facilities for such access for inspection. The manner of work and all materials and
equipment used therein shall be subject to inspection, tests, and approval of the Owner.
4.3 CONSTANT SUPERVISION. The Contractor shall ensure that the project will have
constant supervision by a competent superintendent, who shall be present where
construction is being carried on at all times during the working hours.
4.4 DISPUTES: The Architect shall, within a reasonable time, make decision on all claims of
the Owner or Contractor and on all matters relating to the execution and progress of the
work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents.
4.4 CLEAN UP: The Contractor, prior to the turn over of the work to the Owner, shall
remove any excess materials, waste, debris, rubbish, and all construction and
installation equipment and tools from the premises.
1.1 WORK INCLUDED: Work in this section includes the complete clearing of site,
general site grading, excavating, filling and backfilling.
2.1 EXCAVATION. The contractor shall perform excavation of every type of material
encountered within the limits of the project to the lines, grades, and elevations
indicated and as specified herein. Grading shall be in conformity with the typical
sections shown and shall be finished within a tolerance of 25/100 foot of the grades
indicated. Satisfactory excavated materials shall be transported to and placed in fill
areas within work limits. Unsatisfactory materials encountered below the established
sub-grade shown under building or paved areas shall be excavated 300 mm or 31 cm
below grade and replaced with satisfactory materials as directed. In the event that it
is required to remove unsatisfactory material to a greater depth than specified, an
adjustment in the contract price will be made in accordance with the contract.
Surplus satisfactory excavated material not required for fill or embankment shall be
disposed of to the designated waste or spoil areas. Unsatisfactory excavated
material shall be disposed of in designated wastes or spoil areas. Excavation and
filling shall be performed in manner and sequence that will provide proper drainage at
all times.
2.2 CUTTING, FILLING AND GRADING. Cutting, filling and grading will be done to
bring all areas of the respective surfacing as fixed by the finished grade.
1.1 WORK INCLUDED : This section covers the furnishing of all materials, labor and
equipment necessary to perform the completion of ground and soil treatment for
termite control.
1.2 QUALIFICATION: Specified work shall be done only by licensed and certified pesticide
applicators. Applicator shall be familiar with all the works Involved and shall hire only
skilled personnel familiar with soil and ground treatment works.
1.3 GUARANTEE: The applicator shall give a certificate of guarantee for a minimum of
five years to a maximum of 20 years. Soil poisoning treatment shall be provided to
prevent subterranean termites from attacking the building or its contents for a period
of not less than five (5) years and a maximum of twenty (20) years guarantee.
3.1 Pesticide shall be applied by or under the direct supervision of a certified pesticide
A. Apply an overall treatment under entire surface of floor slab, including entrance
platform, at the rate of 4 liters solution per square meter. If fill is washed gravel or
other coarse material, apply at the rate of 7 liters solution per square meter.
1.1 SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor,
and other services necessary for the completion of all interlock concrete paver works as
herein called for and as shown on the drawings.
A. The General Contractor shall be responsible for the subgrade preparation providing
allowance for the finished level equal to the thickness of the interlock concrete pavers
plus 30mm for the thickness of compacted sand.
A. SAMPLES: Submit samples of Concrete Paving Stones with the different colors.
2.2 FINE AGGREGATES. Fine aggregates shall be clean, hard, natural sand
or manufactured sand, or a combination of both.
2.4 WATER. Mixing water for concrete shall be fresh, clean, and potable.
MOIST CURING. Unformed surfaces shall be covered with burlap or other approved fabric-
type mats and shall be kept continually wet. Forms shall be kept continually wet. If forms
are removed before the end of the curing period, curing shall be continued on unformed
surfaces that will be unexposed in the finished work.
1.1 SCOPE. This section includes concrete masonry unit work, complete.
4.1 WORKMANSHIP. Concrete masonry walls shall be carried up level and plumb
all around. One section of the walls shall not be carried up in advance of the
others unless specifically approved. Unfinished work shall be stepped back
for joining with new work. Heights of masonry at each floor, and at sills and
heads of opening shall be checked with an instrument to maintain the level of
the walls. Door and window frames, louvered openings, anchors, pipes, ducts
and conduits shall be built-in carefully and in a neat manner as the masonry
work progresses. Spaces around metal doorframes shall be filled solidly with
mortar. Concrete masonry units shall be handled with care to avoid chipping,
backing, and spilling of faces and edges. Structural steel work, bolts,
anchors, inserts, plugs, ties, lintels, and miscellaneous metal work specified
elsewhere shall be placed in position as the work progresses. Unless
directed otherwise, partitions shall extend from the floor to the bottom of the
floor or roof construction above. Non-load-bearing partitions and interior
walls shall be securely anchored to the construction above in a manner that
provides lateral stability while permitting unrestricted deflection of
construction above, scaffolding well-braced and securely tied in position.
Overloading of scaffolding will not be permitted.
1.1 DESCRIPTION: The contents of this section apply to all sections of this division unless
otherwise specified or modified.
1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS: Comply with the latest edition of the following of the
following as applicable unless otherwise specified or modified:
Specification for Structural Joists using ASTM A-325-76a Bolts.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the fabrication, correct fitting and alignment of
the various metal items or component members. However, the Fabricator shall permit
the Architect or an independent inspection agency, if engaged by the Owner, to inspect
work In progress in his shop. Such Inspection shall not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibility to furnish materials and workmanship in accordance with the Contract
All materials shall be handled and stored in such manner as to prevent damage or
disfigurement. Finished items or components shall be stored above ground on
platforms, pallets, or other supports and protected from harmful elements.
The installer shall protect any existing work subject to damage during the installation of
specified work and shall adequately protect specified work during installation. The
installer shall protect finished work that is readily subject to damage by subsequent work
or environmental conditions immediately following the installation thereof.
Facilities shall be provided by the Contractor, as needed, for the proper inspection of the
specified work, including temporary platforms, hoists, protective devices, electric
current, etc. Improper workmanship, as determined by the Architect, shall be corrected
and replaced, at no additional cost to the Owner,
Separate dissimilar metals, and metals from soil and other corrosive surfaces, with a 30-
mil coating of Bituminous compound, SSPC Paint 12, unless permanent separation is
2.3 BOLTS AND NUTS shall conform to the requirements for regular
hexagon bolts and nuts of ANSI 818.2.1 and 818.2.2. Materials shall conform
to ASTM 307.
3.1 GENERAL. Except as modified herein, fabrication shall be in
accordance with the applicable specifications and standards of the American
Institute of Steel Construction. Workmanship shall be equal to standard
commercial practice in modern structural shops. Portions of the work
exposed to view shall be finished neatly.
Structural materials, either plain or fabricated, shall be stored above the
ground on platforms, skits, or other supports. Material shall be kept from dirt,
grease, and other foreign matter, and shall be protected as far as practicable
from corrosion. All materials shall be clean and straight. If straightening or
flattening is necessary, it shall be done by a process and in a manner that will
not damage the material. Shearing, flame- cutting and chipping shall be
done carefully and accurately. The radii of a re-entrant gas-cut fillet shall be
not less than 25 mm and as large as practi cable. The top and bottom
surfaces of base plates, cap plates of columns and sole plates shall be
planed, or the plates shall be hot straightened and parts of members in
contact with them shall be faces.
3.2 SHOP PAINTING. All structural steel work, except zinc coated surfaces and
steelwork to be embedded in concrete or mortar, shall be shop painted.
Surfaces to be welded shall not be coated within 75 mm of the weld, prior to
welding. Surfaces shall be thoroughly dry and clean when the paint is
applied. No painting shall be done in wet weather except under cover; the
temperature shall be above 45 degrees F. but not over 90 degrees F. Paint
shall be applied thoroughly. Surfaces that will be concealed or inaccessible
after assembly shall be painted prior to assembly.
1.1 WORK INCLUDED. This section covers the furnishing of all materials, labor, equipment,
and everything listed or mentioned on the drawings and necessary in performing all
operations for the completion of all finish carpentry works in accordance with all
applicable drawings and subject to the terms and conditions of the contract.
If required by the Architect, the Manufacturer of specified work shall show evidence of
his experience, including a list of projects for which he manufactured work similar in
scope and quality to the specified work.
For actual cutting and fitting of trim and finish materials, use only competent finish
carpenters, who have been thoroughly trained and experienced in the skills required,
who are completely familiar with the materials Involved and the manufacturers’
recommended methods of installation, and who are thoroughly familiar with the
requirements of this work.
In the acceptance or rejection of finish carpentry, no allowance will be made for lack
of skill on the part of the workmen.
All means necessary must be utilized to protect the material of this section before,
during, and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of all
other trades. All finish materials must be stored at 12-inch minimum above the floor.
In the event of damage, all necessary repairs and replacements must be immediately
made, subject to the approval of the Architect and at no additional cost to the Owner.
1. Prior to all work covered in this Section, the installed work of all other trades must
be carefully inspect to verify that all such work is completed to the point where this
installation may properly commence.
2. Verify that finish carpentry may be completed in strict accordance with the original
design and all pertinent Codes and Regulations.
2. Do not proceed with the installation in areas of discrepancy until all such
discrepancies have been fully resolved.
B. Before specified material or system is installed, the manufacturer shall inform the
Contractor, in writing, that he is familiar with the quality of workmanship of the
installer and approves him as the installer of his material or system for this specific
A. Deliver materials to the project site with manufacturers label intact and legible. Where
materials are factory-packaged, same shall be delivered In the original sealed
B. Specific item and/or its components shall be handled in such manner as to prevent
damage or deformation. Same shall be properly protected from harmful elements or
damage by other work prior to its Incorporation into the project
A. All caulking and sealant work shall be warranted, in writing, against all defects of
materials and application for a period of five (5) years after date of acceptance.
B. Any failure that may occur within this period due to defective materials and/or
application shall, upon written notice of same, be repaired or replaced with proper
materials and/or labor, as approved by the Architect and at no additional cost to the
A. Facilities shall be provided by the Contractor as needed for the proper inspection
of specified work by the Manufacturer and the Architect.
A. CAULKING: Vegetable oil and/or resin base, gun grade, elastic compound,
conforming to FS TT-C-598B, Type I, color as selected by Architect from the
manufacturers Standard Color Range. Dow Coming or Euxit 950.
C. JOINT BACKING: Back-up material to have outside diameter at least thirty (30%)
percent greater than joint width and shall be one of the following: Oakum, picked dry
and free of oil and tar; closed-cell Neoprene, tubular or rod stock; or Polyethylene rod
A. SEALANT for building construction perimeter joints such as windows, doors, panels,
expansion joints, control joints, coping, etc., shall be a two-component non-staining
elastomeric sealing compound based on liquid Polysulfide Polymer. Dow Coming or
Euxit 950.
A. Caulking compound shall be installed in interior joints, Including joints around pipes,
conduits and ducts, which penetrate interior walls and partitions and all other
locations so indicated In the drawings.
A. Do not apply exterior sealant in damp or rainy weather or until surfaces have
thoroughly dried from the effects of such weather.
B. Install specified material only after preparatory work has been approved and when
adjoining work is in proper condition to receive it. Apply to masonry joints before they
have been treated with a water-repellant or masonry preservative.
A. GENERAL: All joint surfaces must be dry, thoroughly clean, free from grease, oil,
wax, lacquer, paint or other foreign matter. At Contractors option, sealant filler back-
up material may be placed in exterior joint flush with exposed surfaces to avoid early
contamination of joint prior to proper scheduling for sealing of joint and as a
temporary weather seal. When sealing of joint takes place, the filler shall be recessed
into the joint to the proper depth as herein specified. Any damaged back up material
shall be replaced prior to sealing.
particles, dirt, paint, foreign matter, or curing compound by sandblasting or other
approved means and prime. Exposed fine aggregate of concrete surfaces to be
A. GENERAL: Install backing, of type and size specified, at proper depth in joint to
provide specified joint dimension. Caulking or sealant compound shall not be applied
without backing. Install bond-breaking tape where back-up is a solid material. Tubular
or rod stock backing shall be rolled into the joint to avoid lengthwise stretching and
shall not be twisted or braided.
B. Take care not to smear adjoining surfaces with caulking or sealant compound. Finish
exposed butt joint surfaces slightly concave by tooling unless otherwise indicated or
directed by the Architect.
A. At the end of each day, installer shall remove from the project site all accumulated
trash generated by his work.
B. Upon completion of specified work, thoroughly clean all surfaces of sealing materials,
masking tape, etc.
1.1 DESCRIPTION: The metal roofing required for this work is indicated on the drawings.
1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE: Work shall be done by thoroughly trained and experienced
workmen, who are completely familiar with the materials involved and the recommended
methods of installation.
A. PROTECTION: The Roofing Contractor shall use all means necessary to protect the
materials before, during and after installation. All roofing materials shall be stored in a
covered shelter or covered completely with loose tarpaulin or similar materials and
stock with one end slightly elevated.
1.4 SUBMITTALS: Samples of finishes and accessories, shop drawings showing materials,
layouts, details of construction, installation and all necessary dimensions shall be
2.1 MATERIALS: All metal roofing shall be horizontal Rib Design Pre-painted metal roofing,
U-RIB Roof as manufactured by U-ROOF Steel Corporation.
2.2 THICKNESS: 0.4mm to 0.6mm thick, (Ga. 26) Coloroof sheets for roofing and 0.4mm
thick. (GA. 26) for flashing. Use Ga. 24 stainless steel gutters.
2.4 FASTENING: Fastened by metal cleats, which are mounted on the roof structure by
means of self-drilling screws, wood screws or stove bolts. Location of fasteners are
along trusses and rafters.
2.5 ACCESSORIES: Provide all accessories indicated In the drawings or necessary for the
completion of work. Use Individual hip and ridge caps.
2.6 INSULATION: Use POLYISOCYANURATE Foam with foil on one side under
metal roofing. Approved supplier Is Ultra DongShin Corporation.
B. Rafters and trusses should be straight, level and parallel to each other.
C. Regular spacing between rafters and trusses should be based on metal thickness
and profile of roof to be installed.
D. Provide top girt along ridge line and bridging at midspan between rafters along valley
gutter line.
E. Double rafters should be provided with 0.10 meter (4’) clear space between rafters
along valley gutter line.
A. Roof framing should be well anchored, straight, level and parallel to each other.
B. Check that all gutter and eave lines are perpendicular by using the 345 triangle
method or by Intersecting method.
C. Install the main gutter before the hip and valley gutters.
B. Scaffoldings should have protective caps on the points of contract with the roof and
should be rested gently on the roof edges, gutters and end-flashings to prevent dents
and scratches.
C. Roof traffic should be minimized. When crossing the roof area, walking should be
conducted along roof frame locations, along overlaps or on wooden planks laid over
the roof panels.
A. Pick up all discarded scrap materials, especially ferrous metals such as nails and
C. Clean all gutters of leaves and other waste refuse to prevent clogging at
downspout areas and to allow the continuous flow of water.
B. All Bracing and sun louvers shall be straight, level and parallel to each other.
C. Regular spacing between sun louvers should be based on metal thickness and profile
specified In the drawings.
B. Scaffoldings should have protective caps on the points of contract with the sun
louvers and should be rested gently on the walls to prevent dents and scratches.
A. Pick up all discarded scrap materials, especially ferrous metals such as nails and
A. INCLUDED: All items and components forming any portion of the Steel Doors and
Frames, including louvers, glass stops, hardware provisions, etc., all work to install
same in place.
A. SHOP DRAWINGS: Within 35 days after awarding of contract, and before any metal
doors and frames are delivered to the job site, submit shop drawings, brochures, and
Installation instructions to the Architect for review in accordance with the provisions of
these specifications. Clearly show detail of each frame type, elevations of each door
type, conditions of openings with various wall thickness and materials, typical and
special details of door construction, method of assembling sections; location,
reinforcement and Installation requirements for hardware; size, shape, and thickness
of materials.
B. SCHEDULES: Submit door and frame schedule relating type of door and frame to be
installed in each opening.
C.BROCHURES: Submit 12 corner sample showing construction and finish.
A. METAL FLUSH DOOR: Covering for doors shall be heavy duty mild steel, Ga. 18 with
a 2 hour fire rating & filled with fiberglass insulation. Standard duty frames shall be
mild steel Ga.16 tubular framing, unless indicated otherwise. Frames shall be
bonderized and prime finish painted. Refer to plans for location and design of metal
D. TOP FILLER CHANNELS: Provide 18-gauge integral filer channels to close tops of
the exterior doors if not already closed in basic construction.
G. LOUVERS: Louvers for doors shall be of sizes indicated, built into door, sightproof
stationary type, with ” Z ” blades with spacing as indicated on the drawings, and
formed from mild steel, standard ga. 16, Door manufacturer's standard louver may be
employed subject to the approval of the Architect.
B. Remove all oil, grease, sand, dirt or other foreign substance. After cleaning,
chemically treat metal surfaces to assure maximum paint adherence. After cleaning,
follow with dip or spray coat of rust inhibitive metallic oxide, zinc-chromate or
synthetic resin metal primer on all exposed surfaces, baked-on or ovendried. Finish
surfaces shall be smooth and free from irregularities and rough spots.
A.CONCRETE WALLS: Install frames In forms plumb and to true planes, securely
anchoring in-place prior to placing concrete. Provide welded anchors and horizontal
stiffeners to prevent jambs from bowing.
B. MASONRY WALLS: Erect in position, plumb and securely anchor to floor and brace.
Install horizontal spreaders to keep jambs from bowing and fill solid with grout and
A. SHOP DRAWINGS: Indicate dimensions and elevation of each door type, location in
building of each door, and pertinent erection instructions.
B. SAMPLES: Submit samples of corner section of each type of door cut diagonally with
twelve-inch sides, showing construction and finish.
Specified work shall be protected against damage and dampness during transportation
to project site. Damaged items shall be replaced without additional cost to the Owner.
Specified work shall be delivered to the building, in which it is to be installed and at such
time when the normal temperature and humidity conditions approximate the interior
conditions that will exist when the building is occupied.
Specified work shall be guaranteed for two (2) years starting from date of Owners
acceptance against warping, twisting or manufacturing defects. During the ” Warranty
Period”, the contractor, shall ascertain that each wood door shall be equal in quality to
the original specifications; the contractor shall make the necessary adjustments without
additional cost to the Owner, including all labor costs of handling and refinishing. The
Contractor further agrees to make the replacement within ten (10) days after the receipt
of notice from the Owner.
D. TOP AND BOTTOM EDGES: Hardwood or soft wood in accordance with the
MANUFACTURER’S latest printed standards. Top and bottom edges of doors shall
be sealed with spar varnish or other approved sealer prior to shipment
Sliding doors shall be from Tanguile, kiln-dried frames with 6 mm. Tanguile plywood
B. CLEARANCES: Door clearances shall be 1/8-Inch at head and lock stile, 1/6-inch at
hinge stile, and 1/2-inch at bottom including thickness of resilient floor covering,
unless otherwise indicated.
C. CONSTRUCTION: Stiles and rails shall be mortised and provided with the necessary
rabbets to receive the specified type of panel. All joints shall be made with water
resistant glue. The assembled door frames shall be held in retainers until the glue
has dried and attained its strength.
Panels shall be true to shape and profiles and shall be uniform throughout for doors
of the same type. Mouldings shall be solid with sharp and clean cut profiles. All joints
at corners shall be mitered.
D. FINISH: Upon completion of each door unit, the door shall be sanded free of machine
marks, which will show through the finish. Verify from Plans for the finish of all doors.
1.1 The general conditions, supplementary general conditions, alternates, if any, drawings
and all other contract documents are a part of this section of the specifications and all
provisions contained in them are so binding as though incorporated herein. Submission
of proposal implies that the bidder is fully familiar with all requirements of said
The work in this section shall include the furnishing of all items of finish hardware as
hereinafter specified, or obviously necessary, for completion of this project excepting
the items specifically excluded from this section.
Upon award of the contract, the successful Contractor shall submit six (6) typewritten
hardware schedules to the Architect for approval. Each schedule shall contain a door
index, listing each door or opening on the project and the hardware for said opening. In
addition, each schedule shall have a complete keying lay-out, and explanation of the
abbreviations and symbols used in the schedule. Each item of hardware listed is to be
clearly identified by manufacturer, manufacturers’ number and finish. Schedules not
complying with the above will be rejected. The hardware supplier shall be responsible
for checking and interpreting the detailed drawings to insure the proper fit and operation
of all items of finish hardware.
The Architect retains the authority to approve or reject any schedule based upon the
general quality of the product submitted and its compliance with the specifications. The
Contractor shall be prepared to furnish samples, at the Architect’s request, of any item
he proposes as substitute. Samples will be held until completion of the project and then
will be returned to the Contractor.
The Contractor shall forward template information to all related trades requiring said
information for preparation of their products to fit the finish hardware. Template
submission shall be made In accordance with the latest recommended standards.
All specified materials furnished under this section shall be free from defects and
blemishes. The hardware supplier shall repair or replace any item of finish hardware,
which may prove to be defective before final acceptance of work.
2.1 LOCKSETS: All doors shall have Schlage, Orbit design in satin chrome finish. Comfort
rooms shall have Schlage A4OS privacy lock. For doors that will require deadbolts, use
Schlage BI6ON in satin chrome finish. Use Ives 262 flushbolts In satin chrome finish for
inactive leaf doors.
2.2 HINGES: All hinges shall be contractor supplied and installed. Use Lawrence or Stanley,
3-1/2 '' x 3-1/2’ minimum size, non ferrous hinge with stainless steel non-removable pin
for door opening outside, loose pin for average doors and ball bearing for high
frequency doors and doors equipt with door closers. Provide 4 pcs for door width of
0..90 meters or more, 3 pcs. for door width of 0..90 meters or less.
2.3 FLOOR HINGES: Pivot hinges shall be provided for all doors that swing both ways,
unless otherwise specified. Pivot hinges shall be Mckinney -Ajax 3001 in satin brass
finish or approved equal.
2.4 FLUSH BOLTS: Stainless steel flush type, for the inactive leaf of double doors, Ives 258
or Ryobi..
2.5 DOOR CLOSERS: LCN 1073 series, surface mounted for all Rest Room doors, for all
toilet and shower doors, and for one leaf of double doors, unless otherwise indicated.
2.6 CABINET HARDWARE: Cabinet pulls shall be provided for all cabinets, hardware as
approved by Architect. All cabinet doors shall be provided with self-adjusting action
latch. Drawers shall have painted galvanized steel drawer guides, Mckinney, Hettich or
approved equal.
2.7 OTHER HARDWARE: Refer to Architect for all other hardware items not indicated
herein, such as door silences, stoppers, pulls, and the like.
2.8 ALUMINUM DOOR & WINDOW HARDWARE: Shall be integrated in the manufacture of
all aluminum sections, manufacturer-supplied. Submit sample for approval.
2.9 METAL AND FIBERGLASS DOOR HARDWARE: Shall be integrated In the manufacture
of all metal and fiberglass sections, manufacturer-supplied. Submit samples for
2.11 OTHER HARDWARE: not indicated herein shall be approved by the architect and shall
be contractor Installed and supplied.
3.1 All hardware shall be installed in a neat, workmanlike manner following the
manufacturers’ instructions. Fasteners supplied with the hardware shall be used to
secure hardware to wood surfaces. Appropriate and applicable fasteners used for
hardware shall be protected from paint, stains, blemishes and damage. All hardware
shall be properly adjusted and checked in the presence of the Architect or his
representative to show that all hinges, locks, latches, bolts and door closers operate
properly. After the hardware is checked, the keys shall be tagged, identified and
delivered to the Owner.
All locks shall have two (2) keys with the lock number stamped upon them and with the
After all the locks have been installed and upon completion of the work, the keys shall,
in the presence of the Architect, be shown to operate their respective locks and shall be
tagged correspondingly.
1.1 WORK INCLUDED: Glass and Glazing required for this work includes, but is not
necessarily limited to, float glass, plate glass, and plate glass mirrors.
B. CODES AND STANDARDS. In addition to complying with all pertinent Codes and
Regulations, comply with all pertinent recommendations contained In the Glazing
Manual of the Float Glass Marketing Association.
1.3 SUBMITTALS OF SAMPLES. Samples of each type of glass and glazing material shall
be submitted
A. Deliver materials to the project site in an undamaged condition and in their original
unopened containers bearing label clearly identifying manufacturers name, brand
and grade. Upon delivery, the Contractor shall check for any damage. Glass found
damaged shall not be used in the work. Materials shall be stored out of contact with
the ground, under cover and protected from damage. Label shall be affixed to each
pane of glass indicating thickness and shall remain on glass until final cleaning.
Specified work, adjacent work and materials shall be protected against damage during
progress of the work.
Glass damaged due to improper handling or setting shall be replaced at no extra cost to
the Owner.
Work-in-place, of which glazing is in any way dependent, must be examined and actual
dimensions verified before fabrication and installation. Specified work must be
coordinated with the work of other trades. Any defect, which may influence satisfactory
completion and performance of the work must be reported, in writing, to the Architect.
Absence of such notification shall be construed as acceptance of work-In-place. Exterior
glazing materials shall not be installed in damp weather or when ambient temperature is
below 40’ Fahrenheit.
The Glass Manufacturer shall provide written material guarantee for a period of ten (10)
years, beginning at substantial completion of project, guaranteeing glass against all
defects and loss of hermetic seal. The General Contractor shall provide written
guarantee for labor to replace defective glass during Glass Manufacturers 10-Year
Material Guarantee Period.
mm. thick clear and frosted glass, refer to plans for thickness locations.
mm thick, annealed float glass; 6-10 mm thick obscured float glass.
Refer to Plans for thickness locations.
C. MIRROR: Provide 6 mm thick plate or float glass quality Q2 facial mirrors with 5 year
B. Before glazing, clean all rabbets to receive panels with cleaning solvent equal to
Benzene or Naptha, or as recommended by Glazing Compound Manufacturer. Under
no circumstances shall panels be installed in wet, dirty or oily rabbets.
The contents of this section apply to all section of this Division unless otherwise
specified or modified.
B. Before specified material or system is installed, the manufacturer shall Inform the
Architect, in writing, that he is familiar with the quality of workmanship of the installer
and approves him as the installer of his material or system for this specified project.
A. Deliver materials to the project site with manufacturers’ labels intact and legible.
Where materials are factory-packaged, same shall be delivered in original sealed
B. Handle specified Item and/or its components in such manner as to prevent damage
or deformation. Properly protect same from harmful elements or damage by other work
prior to its incorporation into the project.
C. Materials shall be stored in areas where products will not be subjected to moisture or
to temperature or humidity extremes.
A. The installer shall protect any existing work subject to damage during installation of
specified work.
B. The installer shall protect finished work that is readily subject to damage by
subsequent work or environmental conditions.
A. At the end of each day, the installer shall remove from the project site all
accumulated trash generated by his work.
B. Upon completion of specified work, all surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt or
other foreign materials in accordance with manufacturers latest printed directions.
The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced.
The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only.
A. Federal Specification:
A. Term Usage: The term plastering for this work shall apply to both interior and exterior
works of walls and ceilings in smooth finish. The term stuccoing for this work shall
apply to exterior works of walls in textured finish.
B. Exterior walls, where indicated shall have stucco painted finish; and simulated wood
concrete finish as indicated on Plans.
B. PROTECTION FROM SUN AND DRY WINDS: During the application of the finish
coat, and for a period of 48 hours following the completion of finish coat application
for any given area, the surface of the plaster and stucco shall be protected from
direct sunlight and direct winds. Use of tarpaulins or other temporary means may be
A. PORTLAND CEMENT: ASTM C 150, gray Portland cement type 1,11 or Ill; white
Portland cement, Type I or Ill with 1/2-inch chopped alkali resistant fiberglass strands,
minimum 1 1/2-pounds per sack cement
B. PLASTIC CEMENT: ASTM C 150, Type I or II, except for the limitations on insoluble
residue, air entrainment, and additions subsequent to calcination. Plasticizing agents
may be added to Portland cement Type I and II In the manufacturing process, but not
In excess of 12 percent of the total volume with 12.5 mm (112’) chopped alkali
resistant fiberglass strands, minimum I-1/2 pounds per sack of cement.
I. Sand for Portland Cement Plaster and Stucco: ASTM C 144, except gradation of
sand shall conform to the following requirements:
Sand for finish Coats: Sand for finish coat shall be white and shall be graded within the
limit shown above for basecoats, except that the sand shall pass the No. 8 sieve, and
for smooth the sand shall pass the No. 30 sieve.
E. WATER: Clean, fresh, suitable for domestic consumption, and free of mineral and
organic substances that affect the hardening or durability of the plaster or stucco.
F. LIME : Shall be hydrated lime with the requirement that the unhydrated Calcium
Oxide and Magnesium Oxide in the hydrated product shall not exceed 8% by weight,
calculated on the “as received” basis.
2.2 PROPORTIONING AND MIXING: Except where specified otherwise, materials are
specified on a volume basis and shall be measured in approved containers, which will
ensure that the specified proportions will be controlled and accurately maintained during
the progress of the work. Measuring materials with shovels’ “shovel count" will not be
permitted. Ready-mix plaster(s) and stucco shall be prepared for use by the addition of
water only.
1. Portland Cement Plaster and Stucco Basecoats: Mix scratch coat In the proportion of
one part by volume of Portland cement to not less than 2 1/2 nor more than 4 parts
by volume of damp loose sand. Mix brown coat in the proportion of one part by
volume of Portland cement and not less than 3 nor more than 5 parts by volume of
damp loose sand. Workability shall govern the actual amount of lime and sand used
in the scratch and brown coats.
2. Masonry Cement Plaster and Stucco Basecoat: Mix scratch coat in the proportion of
one part by volume of masonry cement to not less than 2 1/2 nor more than 4 parts
by volume of damp loose sand. Mix brown coat in the proportion of one part by
volume of masonry cement to not less than 3 nor more than 5 parts by volume of
damp loose sand.
Brown coat shall have the same proportion of sand used in the scratch coat or a
greater proportion of sand than used in the scratch coat, within the limit specified.
3. Scratch Coat for Ceramic Tile Backing: Mix scratch coat in the proportion of one part
by volume of Portland cement to 3 parts by volume of damp loose sand.
proportion of one part by volume of masonry cement to not less than 2 parts by
volume of damp loose sand.
A. Except where hand mixing of small patches is approved, mix materials in approved
mechanical mixers of the type in which the quality of water can be controlled
accurately and uniformly. While the mixer is in continuous operation, add
approximately 90 percent of the estimated quantity of water, half of the sand, and all
of the cementitious materials. Introduce the other one-half of the sand into the mixer
in that sequence and mix thoroughly with the remainder of the water until the mixture
is uniform in color and consistency. Avoid excessive mixing or agitation. Discard
plaster and stucco, which has begun to set before It is used; re-tempering will not be
permitted. Do not use frozen, caked, or lumped materials. Empty mixers and mixing
boxes after each batch s mixed and keep free of old plaster. Mix ready-mixed plaster
and stucco in accordance with the manufacturers printed instructions.
A. Clean surfaces to which plaster or stucco is to be applied of all projection, dust, loose
particles, grease, bond breakers, and foreign matter.
B. Do not apply plaster and stucco directly to: (1) surfaces of masonry or concrete that
have been coated with bituminous compound or other waterproofing agents, or (2) to
surfaces that have been painted or previously plastered.
C. Before plaster or stucco work is started, wet masonry and concrete surfaces
thoroughly with a fine fog spray of clean water to produce a uniformly moist condition.
Check metal grounds, corner beads, screeds, and other accessories carefully for
alignment before the work is started. Check expansion and control joints and
supporting metal structures to ensure that expansion and control joints can move
(2) While holding cone firmly against base plate, fill cone with plaster taken directly
from the hose or nozzle of the plastering machine, tamping with a metal road
during filling to release air bubbles.
(3) Screed off plaster level with top of cone. Remove cone by lighting it straight up
with a slow and smooth motion.
(4) Place cone in a vertical position adjacent to freed plaster sample, using care not
to jiggle base plate.
(5) Lay a straightedge across top of cone, again being careful not to vibrate cone.
Measure slump in inches from the bottom edge of the straightedge to the top of
the slumped plaster sample.
3.3 PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER: Apply base coats with sufficient pressure to curl
the keys around the back of metal lath or wire fabric and to provide good bond on
masonry or concrete bases.
1.1 WORK INCLUDED: This section includes the materials and procedures required to
achieve finishes on concrete surfaces as stated in the schedule.
A. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: Concrete floor slabs subject to live loads shall have a
concrete screed with a maximum thickness of 2” (50mm) and a minimum
compressive strength of 1500psi (10MPa).
E. PLAIN CEMENT FINISH: Plain cement finish shall be floated to a compact and
smooth surface. The top surfaces shall then be steel trowelled to an even, hard
surface, free from low and high spots.
A. Class A tolerances shall be true planes within 1/8-inch in 10ft as determined by a 10-
foot straightedge placed anywhere on the slab in any direction.
B. Class B tolerances shall be true planes within 1/4-inch in 10ft as determined by a 10-
foot straightedge placed anywhere on the slab in any direction.
3.1 AS-CAST PLYWOOD FINISH (Form Finish and Fair-Faced Concrete Finish)
Concrete shall be cast against forms constructed of plywood not less than 16mm (5/8”)
thick or of boards lined with tempered hardboard not less than 5mm(3/16”) thick. The
arrangement of plywood sheets or liner sheets shall be orderly and symmetrical, and
sheets shall be in as large sizes as are practicable. Sheets showing torn grain, worn
edges, patches or holes from previous use ot other defects which will impair the texture
of concrete surfaces shall not be used. All fins on the surface shall be completely
After the concrete has been placed, struck off, consolidated, and leveled, the concrete
shall not be worked further until ready for floating. Floating shall begin when the water
sheen has disappeared, and/or when the mix has stiffened sufficiently to permit the
proper operation of a power driven float. The surface shall then be consolidated with
power driven floats. Hand floating with wood or cork-faced floats shall be used in
locations inaccessible to the power-driven machine. Trueness of surface shall be
checked at this stage with a 10-foot straightedge applied at not less than two (2)
different angles. All high spots shall be cut down and all low spots filled during this
procedure to a Class B tolerance. The slabs shall then be refloated immediately to a
uniform, smooth, granular texture.
A. Where a troweled finish is specified, the surface shall be finished first with power
floats, as specified above where applicable, then with power trowels, and finally with
hand trowels.
B. The first troweling after power floating shall be done by a power trowel and shall
produce a smooth surface which is relatively free of defects which may still contain
some trowel marks. Additional troweling shall be done by hand after the surface has
hardened sufficiently. The final troweling shall be done when a ringing sound is
produced as the trowel is moved over the surface.
E. All edges and tooled joints shall be finished with a 3mm (1/8”) radius tool.
A. Smooth rubbed finish shall be produced on freshly hardened concrete. All necessary
patching shall have been done immediately after forms have been removed and
rubbing shall be completed not later than the following day. Surfaces shall be wetted
and rubbed with carborundum brick or other abrasive until a uniform color and texture
is produced. No cement grout or slush shall be used other than the cement paste
drawn from the “green” concrete itself by rubbing process.
B. Rubbing procedure shall be approved by the Architect before starting the work.
1.1 SUBMITTALS: Submit samples of each type and color of Ceramic Tiles, grout and joint
fillers. Samples of tile patterns shall be not less than 450 mm x 450 mm (18” x 18”) in
1.2 PROTECTION AND DAMAGED WORK: Specified work and adjacent work and
materials shall be protected against damage during progress of specified work until
completion. Spaces, in which tile work is being set, shall be closed to traffic and other
work until tile has firmly set. Suitable notices shall be posted or other provisions made
to the effect that no one shall work around freshly-tiled walls nor walk upon freshly-tiled
floor for not less than seven (7) days after the tile has set. Damaged or defective work
shall be repaired or replaced to the Architect’s satisfaction. Cracked, chipped or
otherwise defective tile will not be accepted.
B. DESIGN: Ceramic tiles shall have the sizes indicated on the plans and all accessory
tiles shall be in matching size; all accessory tiles shall be as required for conventional
mortar installation.
C.COLORS: All ceramic tiles shall be in colors selected by the Architect and Interior
Designer from the Manufacturers range of standard colors and patterns in the
specified products.
MORTAR. All mortar setting bed for use on floors and walls shall be a blend of Portland
Cement, graded sand and additives, or equal.
A. COLOR: Grouting shall be in colors selected by the Architect form the manufacturer’s
standard range of colors.
All other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper tile
installation, shall be as selected by the Contractor, subject to the approval of the
C. The tile base shall join the floor surface with a cove shape. The top of the base shall
be a bullnose.
A. Set ceramic floor tile firmly in setting bed, for a true surface. Joints shall be straight,
level, perpendicular, and of even width not exceeding 1/16 inch. Joints in floor and
wall tile work shall be level.
B. Setting bed for mortar-set floor tile shall be placed to a thickness of 3-6 mm on a
working area of not more than 1 sq. m. Solid-bed fixing Is recommended for wet
conditions and ceramic floor tiles, but, otherwise, the adhesive should be horizontally
ribbed with a notch trowel before fixing the tiles.
C. Fix tiles by pressing into place, beginning at the bottom in the case of wall tiles, and
at center markings in the case of floor and pool tiles. Make sure that the back of each
tile is not less than 75% in contact with the adhesive.
D. Clean off surplus adhesive with a damp cloth. Leave for a minimum of 24 hours to set
before grouting ceramic wall tiles with Grout. When fixing ceramic floor tiles, no traffic
should be allowed for 4 days after completion.
A. Mix the grout powder with water to a smooth thick consistency. Avoid over-wetting.
Leave to stand for about 15 minutes before using
B. Apply to the tile joints with the squeegee, brush, or sponge working the grout in
thoroughly to ensure total compaction. Remove surplus grout with a damp sponge.
1.1 WORK INCLUDED: This section includes the furnishing, delivering, and installation of
all Local Stones and the like.
A. Samples of approved sizes, design and pattern.
B. Shop drawings showing layout and pattern and dimensions.
C. Grouting materials.
2.1 MATERIALS: Local Stones as indicated on plans. Refer to plans for exact location.
Present samples to Architect for approval.
2.2 SIZE: Verify Architect and submit sample of finish for approval.
2.3 GROUT: Shall have a minimum width of 3mm to a max. of 16mm, ABC tile grout or
Architect’s approved equal.
2.4 SETTING BED: Mortar setting bed shall be 25mm minimum to 31mm, 1:2 mixture.
Grouting shall be in colors selected by the Architect from the manufacturer's standard
range of colors.
A. PROTECTION: Protect specified work and adjacent work and materials against
damage during progress of specified work until completion. Post suitable notices or
make other provisions to the effect that no one shall work around freshly-laid walls
not less than seven (7) days after the stone has set. Damaged or defective work
shall be repaired or replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. Cracked, chipped, or
otherwise defective stone will not be accepted.
B. SETTING: Set stone firmly in setting bed for true surface. Joints should be straight,
level and of even width not exceeding 15mm. Joint depth is approximately 6mm to
A. INCLUDED All items and components forming any portion of the Suspended Ceiling
Subsystem and all work to install same.
A. SHOP DRAWINGS: Submit copies of ceiling layout indicating the location of all light
fixtures, diffusers, etc. Show details of installation, Including all special conditions,
such as hanger spacing, fastening details, splicing method for main and cross
runners, change in levels, and supports at ceiling fixture. Lay out system to permit as
large border units as possible.
The term “PAINT " as used herein, includes emulsions, enamels, paints, varnishes,
sealers, and other coatings, whether used as prime, intermediate, or finish coats.
A. The Owner reserves the right to subject material samples to test at his expenses. If
such material tests do not meet the specified standards, the cost will be charged to
the Contractor.
A. Submit 2 samples of each and every color or finish (including all coats). Where the
same color or finish Is to be applied over different materials, samples of each shall
be submitted on different materials, where practical.
A. Specified materials shall be delivered to the job site bearing manufacturers’ name,
brand name, type of paint, analysis showing all important constituents of the paint,
color of paint and instructions for thinning.
B. Specified item and/or its components shall be handled in such manner as to prevent
damage. The same shall be properly protected from harmful elements or damage by
other work prior to its incorporation Into the Project.
C. Store materials in a well ventilated space designated for the storage and mixing of
paint. Materials delivered to the site shall be properly stored as to minimize
exposure to extremes of temperature.
A. Paint materials shall be properly protected from damage, providing for adequate
storage space. Take all necessary precautions to prevent fire, such as keeping oily
rags in U. L. approved metal containers or removing from building at the end of each
day’s work.
B. All work fittings, furniture, etc., are to be suitably protected during execution of the
work. Splashes on floors, walls, etc. are to be removed during progress of work and
on the whole, left clean and perfect upon completion.
1. The material manufacturer shall state the lead content on the label of any paint
product container based on metal percentage of total solids.
2. The label of any paint product exceeding 0.5% lead content shall include the
following statement: “This paint contains more than 0.55 lead content and shall
not be used on surfaces accessible to children.”
B. All voids, cracks, nicks, etc., will be repaired with proper patching material and
finished flush with surrounding surfaces.
C. Marred or damaged shop coats on metal shall be spot-primed with appropriate metal
Painting Contractor shall be responsible for painting mechanical and electrical items as
specified herein. No name plates, rotating shafts, bearing bronze, electrical windings or
valve stems shall be painted, nor shall any part furnished in nickel or chrome plated be
Upon completion of the building, the Painting Contractor shall remove all paint spots
from all finished work, remove all empty cans and leave the entire premises free from
rubbish or other debris caused by his work. He shall remove his equipment from the
premises. He shall clean off all glass free from paint spots and smears and shall present
the work clean and free from all types of blemishes.
A. Materials are specified to establish the standards of grade and quality desired for
the work, principal pigments and vehicle types and minimum percentage of solids
content by volume.
B. The top quality / first class paints of the following brands:
1. Boysen Paints
2. Nation Paints
C. The products of Manufacturers not named may be submitted for use provided they
are equal in quality and grade to the primers and finishes specified as approved by
the Architect. If substitute paint products are desired, a statement shall be submitted
to the Architect giving the Manufacturers name, proposed primer and finish for each
paint system, analysis for each type of paint, and the use or uses Intended. Failure to
submit such statements will be cause for rejection.
Refer to Finish Schedule. All work Is to be completed without deviation from these
unless written approval Is received from the Architect. No extra cost shall be allowed
because of the color variety scheduled.
B. Do not apply exterior paint in damp or rainy weather or until surfaces have thoroughly
dried from the effects of such weather.
New Surface:
Surface to be painted should be clean and dry, free from oil, grease, dust,
dirt, contaminants and all loose girt or mortar; sand rough edges remaining,
countersink nail heads for putty applications.
Dust off surfaces completely then wipe with a clean rag.
Remove scaling, flaking, blistering, and peeling off paint either with the
use of B-141 BOYSEN PAINT AND VARNISH REMOVER, wire brushing,
scraping, or water blasting. Let dry.
New Surface:
Surface to be painted should be clean and dry, free from oil, grease, dust,
dirt, wax, solder flux, and other contaminants by wiping with mineral spirits or
paint thinner.
Remove rust by wire brushing, sanding or scraping.
Where maximum performance of protective coatings is necessary (e.g.
Industrial Plants), prepare surface by blast cleaning.
Sand wire brush or scrape rusted metals and apply BOYSEN METAL
ETCHING SOLUTION # 71 to remove rust. Let it stay for 10 to 15 minutes. Be
sure to wash off surface thoroughly with mineral spirits, letting it dry before
applying paint. Primer should be applied a few hours after application of B-71
before rust sets in.
New Surface:
Surface to be painted should be clean and dry, free from oil, grease, dust,
dirt, contaminants and all loose girt or mortar.
Treat with B-44 BOYSEN MASONRY NEUTRALIZER. Mix (1) liter of B-44
with (16) liters of water. Apply liberally by brush and let dry overnight.
Rinse with water to remove white crystals that form on the surface. Let
Oil-Based caulking compound surfaces to be painted shall be prepared by
removing all foreign materials.
B. PAINT MIXING: Paint mixing and thinning shall be done only in accordance with
directions of Manufacturer. Paint must be strained free from all skin and extraneous
substances and shall be thoroughly mixed in a clean container during use.
C. METHODS OF APPLICATION: Exterior first coats and Interior first coats shall be
applied by brush, except on shop-primed surfaces, which shall be applied by brush
or roller. All primer shall be applied by brush. Succeeding coats over field-primed
surfaces and all coats over shop-primed surfaces may be applied by brush roller or
spray. Distemper brushes are to be of approved type and less than 15 cm In width.
Rollers for applying enamel shall have a short nap. Spray equipment shall be as
recommended by the manufacturer of the paint used. Areas inaccessible to spray
painting shall be coated by brushing or suitable method.
D. COATING: Consecutive coats of paints are to be slightly differing tints except in the
case white. Each coat shall be allowed to harden before the next Is applied. Rubbing
down between coats is to be done with fine abrasive paper.
E. WOOD FINISHING: Wood to have natural satin varnish finish shall be stained as
required and sealed as soon as such Items are delivered to the job site. Seal all ends
to exclude moisture. Knotting shall be carried out by using shellac dissolved in spirit
or approved ready mixed compound.
H. FINAL TOUCH-UPS: Upon completion, finish work shall be touched-up and restored
where damaged and left in good condition.
Painting Systems shall be applied to surfaces as scheduled. All walls to be painted shall
be plastered prior to painting. All under slabs to be painted shall have fair-faced
4.2 FILM THICKNESSES: As recommended by paint manufacturer for the paint specified,
includes thickness in mils and number of coats.
1. Painted Doors, jambs, cabinets, shelves (Semi - gloss finish, lacquer type spray)
2. Plain painted surfaces such as walls & partitions (Semi-gloss finish- Alkyd type)
2. Gloss Finish (Epoxy type ) for metal elements and doors, wrought iron grilles, W.
I. railing , B. I. and G. I. pipe handrails
1.1 SCOPE/WORK INCLUDED. Work in this section includes furnishing all
labor, materials, equipment, incidentals, procedures and supervision necessary
for the installation of the plumbing system.
1.2 SUBMITTALS. The Contractor shall furnish, for approval, full Information
and satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials or articles he
will Incorporate in the work.
manufactured by Emerald Vinyl Corporation.
1. Couplings and pipe fittings shall be of the heavy duty type and as
recommended by the pipe manufacturer.
1. Angle, check and glove valves shall be bronze, 125 pounds, and
type as suitably for the application. Check valves shall be swing types.
2. Gate valves. All valves used for shut-off valves or gate valves shall
be bronze, with screwed ends, and 125 pounds' pressure capacity.
D. HOSE BIBB shall be with metal handle, heavy duty type, chrome plated,
compression type, with hose threads; size shall be as indicated.
B. FLOOR DRAIN shall be stainless steel with strainer, size 100 mm x 100
mm with stainless fastening screw.
3.3 ROUGH-IN FOR PIPES AND FITTINGS shall be carried along with the
building construction. Correctly located openings of proper sizes shall be
provided where required in the walls and floors for the passages of pipes. All
items to embedded in concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned and free from all rust
and scale.
4.1 TESTS. All defects disclosed by tests shall be rec tified and the test repeated.
All labor, materials and equipment used for tests shall be provided by the
The contractor shall furnish to the Owner a written guarantee covering the
satisfactory operations of the plumbing installation. This shall be for a period of
one year after the date of acceptance. During this period, the contractor shall
repair or replace any defective work and pay for any repair or replacement cost.
All damages due to improper use or caused by the Owner or his
representatives/employees shall be at the Owner’s expense.
1.1 SCOPE / WORK INCLUDED. Work in this section includes the furnishing of all
labor, materials, equipment, procedures, incidentals, and superintendence
required for the installation of a water service system. Service lines shall include
the pipelines from the main water distribution to the building service at a point
approximately 1.5 m from the building.
2.2 SERVICE STOPS shall be all bronze with flange, joint coupling and
threads on inlet. Stops shall be tested to minimum hydraulic pressure of 200
pounds per square inch.
Before acceptance for domestic operation, each unit of completed supply line
and distribution system shall be disinfected, as specified below. After pressure
test has been made, the unit to be disinfected shall be thoroughly flushed with
water until all entrained dirt and mud has been removed before introducing the
chlorinating material. The chlorinating material shall provide a dosage of not
less 50 parts per million and shall be introduced into water lines in an approved
manner. Treated water shall be retained in pipe long enough to destroy all non-
spore-forming bacteria. Except where a shorter period is approved, retention
time shall be at least 24 hours. This shall produce not less than 10 PPM of
chlorine at extreme end of line - at the end of retention period. All valves on
lines being disinfected shall be opened and closed several times. Samples of
water shall be taken from points in the system in sterilized containers for
bacterial examination. Disinfection shall be repeated until tests indicate
absence of pollution for at least 2 full days. System will not be accepted until
satisfactory bacteriological results have been obtained.
B. Fittings and specials for use with PVC pipe shall have a strength
not less than the pipe and shall be manufacturer’s standard product, as
C. Jointing material. Coupling and sealing rings for pipe couplings and
fittings shall conform to manufacturer’s recommendation, as approved.
2.2 CONCRETE PIPES. Pipes from septic tank to the storm drainage line
shall be tongue and groove non-reinforced concrete pipes.
2.4 SEPTIC TANK. Provide septic tank as indicated with complete piping and
fittings. Cover shall be pre-cast concrete of type and size indicated. The word
“SEPTIC” at least 50 mm high, shall be marked or cast into cover so as to be
plainly visible. Septic tank cover shall be provided with steel lifting handle.
Upon completion of the construction of the sanitary sewers, the contractor shall
remove all surplus construction materials and debris resulting from the work.
1.1 SCOPE / WORK INCLUDED. Work in this section covers the requirements for a
complete electrical installation, including the furnishing of all labor, materials,
equipment, tools, transportation, storage, incidentals and superintendence
necessary to accomplish the electrical installation. The work includes, but is not
necessarily limited to, the installation of interior lighting and power system. If
anything has been omitted in any item of works usually furnished, which are
necessary for the completion of electrical works, then such items must be
1.5 SUBMITTAL. The contractor shall submit for approval one sample
of each fixture, wires and wiring devices. For circuit breakers, boxes and panel
boards, catalogs or brochures may be submitted.
2.1 LIGHTING FIXTURES AND LAMPS. The Contractor shall provide and install all
lighting fixtures of the size and type as indicated on the drawings. All fixtures
shall be wired and installed complete, including all lamps and/or tubes,
transformers, ballasts, supports, brackets, canopies, globes and other parts and
devices necessary for complete installation and operation.
B. Fluorescent tubes shall be standard cool white rapid start of wattage and
quantity shown.
2.3 WIRES AND CABLES for lighting, intercom, telephone, televisions and other
requirements shall be “COLUMBIA” as manufactured by ” COLUMBIA Wires and
Cables Corporation ” or approved equivalent. Sizes and type of wires shall be as
indicated, and shall pass the stringent quality requirements set by the Ministry of
International Trade and Industry of Japan and the Philippine standards.
B. Wires or cables for lighting and power systems shall be plastic insulated
for 600 volt working pressure, type THW unless otherwise noted on plans or
specified below. All wires AWG No. 8 and larger shall be stranded copper.
C. Control leads for motors or lighting shall be type THW for lighting and
power systems. No wire smaller than No. 12 gauge or as indicated shall be
used, except for control leads.
2.4 CONDUIT for interior systems shall be uPVC V2000 Rigid Electrical conduits
manufactured by Emerald Vinyl Corporation or approved by the Architect.
B. No wire shall be pulled into any conduit until the conduit system is
complete in all details; in the case of concealed work, until all rough
plastering or masonry has been completed; in the case of exposed work, until
the conduit has been completed in every detail.
A. All outlets of whatever kind for all systems shall be provided with a
suitable fitting which shall be either a box or other device specially designed
to receive the type of fittings to be mounted thereon.
C. In the case of fixtures, their outlet fittings shall be provided with suitable
fixture supports of a size and kind required by the fixture to be hung. Fixture
studs in general shall be 3/8 inch.
D. All outlets on exposed conduit work shall be cast alloy conduit fittings of
proper type, as manufactured by (MANUFACTURER’S NAME), or approved
2.7 JUNCTION AND PULL BOXES. Junction and pull boxes, of code
gauge steel, shall be provided for facilitating the pulling of wires and cables.
Pull boxes in finished places shall be located installed with the permission and
to the satisfaction of the Construction Architect/Engineer.
2.8 WALL RECEPTACLES. Receptacle outlets shall be for flush
mounting duplex rated at 15 amp., 250 volts, parallel slots with grounding slot.
Type and color of receptacle outlet plates shall be as selected by the Architect
and appropriate samples of outlets and plates shall be submitted prior to
purchase of devices.
B. 220- volt lighting panels shall be equipped with 20A circuit breakers
in the branch circuits and a three-pole circuit breaker in the main unless
noted otherwise on plans. As indicated on plans the panels shall be
assembled in two or more selection if over 20 two-pole circuits or 40 one pole
circuits. Circuit breakers shall be (MANUFACTURER’S NAME).
B. Pull boxes of not less than the minimum size required by the Philippine
Electrical Code shall be constructed of code gage galvanized sheet steel.
Boxes shall be furnished with screw-fastened covers. Where several feeders
through a common pull box, the feeders shall be tagged to indicate clearly
the electrical characteristics, circuit number, and panel designation.
4.4 DEVICE PLATES OF THE ONE-PIECE TYPE shall be provided for all
outlets and fittings to suit the devices installed. Plates on unfinished walls and
on fittings shall be of zinc-coated sheet or cast metal having rounded or beveled
edges. Plates on finished walls shall be of steel with ivory baked-enamel finish.
Screws shall be of metal with countersunk heads, in a color to match the finish
of the plate. Plate shall be installed with all four edges in continuous contact
with finished wall surfaces without the use of mats or similar devices. Plaster
filling will not be permitted. Plates shall be installed with an alignment tolerance
of 1/6 inch. The use of sectional type device plates will not be permitted. Plates
installed in wet locations shall be gasketed. Device plates for telephone and
inter-communication outlets shall have a 3/8 inch bushed opening in center.
4.11 EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS. All wiring for the connection of motors and
control equipment shall be furnished and installed under this section of the
specification, except as otherwise specifically noted or specified. Automatic-
control wiring, signaling, and protective devices are not included in this section,
but shall be furnished and installed under other sections of the specifications.
Control wiring not shown on the electrical drawings shall be furnished.
5.1 All wiring shall be tested for circuit continuity to assure that the wiring
system is free of short circuit, accidental grounding or other defects prior to
normal system operation. Tests shall be performed after all wiring is completed,
and again after fixtures and equipment are connected and ready for use.
5.2 After the Contractor has assured himself that the wiring systems are free
of faults, the Contractor shall then energize the systems from their normal power
sources and confirm that all systems are operational as required by the contract
documents, prior to final inspection.