A-1130 Plant Integrity Management IHC Membership Review

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DRAFT FOR IHC Association

Membership review
Comments Due 22 December 2020




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IGC DOC 190/14


 EIGA 2014 - EIGA grants permission to reproduce this publication provided the Association is acknowledged as the source


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 EIGA 2014 - EIGA grants permission to reproduce this publication provided the Association is acknowledged as the source


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IGC DOC 190/14



Table of Contents

1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................

2 Scope and purpose...........................................................................................................................................

2.1 Scope.....................................................................................................................................................

2.2 Purpose..................................................................................................................................................

3 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................

4 Plant integrity management program...............................................................................................................

4.1 General..................................................................................................................................................

4.2 Organisational arrangements for integrity management.......................................................................

4.3 Technical arrangements for integrity management...............................................................................

5 Data gathering...................................................................................................................................................

6 Risk assessment...............................................................................................................................................

6.1 Operational excursions and fitness for service assessment.................................................................

6.2 Modifications..........................................................................................................................................

7 Inspection plan..................................................................................................................................................

7.1 Selection of inspection types.................................................................................................................

7.2 Strategies for determining testing or inspection interval.......................................................................

8 Inspection..........................................................................................................................................................

8.1 Individuals involved................................................................................................................................

8.2 Inspections during plant shutdowns......................................................................................................

8.3 Management of findings during inspection............................................................................................

9 Post assessment.............................................................................................................................................

9.1 Assessment of deterioration................................................................................................................

9.2 Changes to subsequent inspections....................................................................................................

9.3 Assessment record..............................................................................................................................

9.4 Repair, rerate, or retire........................................................................................................................

9.5 Incomplete or postponement of inspections........................................................................................

10 Inspection, testing, and preventive maintenance reporting............................................................................

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11 Record keeping...............................................................................................................................................

12 Integrity management of electrical, control, and instrumentation systems and equipment...........................

12.1 Degradation mechanism of electrical, control, and instrumentation equipment.................................

12.2 Integrity management..........................................................................................................................

13 Degradation mechanism.................................................................................................................................

13.1 General or local corrosion....................................................................................................................

13.2 Atmospheric corrosion.........................................................................................................................

13.3 Galvanic corrosion...............................................................................................................................

13.4 Erosion corrosion.................................................................................................................................

13.5 Stress corrosion cracking....................................................................................................................

13.6 Pitting (crevice) corrosion....................................................................................................................

13.7 Fatigue cracking...................................................................................................................................

13.8 Corrosion fatigue..................................................................................................................................

13.9 Erosion.................................................................................................................................................

13.10 Cavitation corrosion.............................................................................................................................

13.11 Carbon dioxide (sweet) corrosion........................................................................................................

13.12 Hydrogen sulphide (sour) corrosion....................................................................................................

13.13 Microbiological corrosion.....................................................................................................................

13.14 Metal dusting........................................................................................................................................

13.15 Creep...................................................................................................................................................

13.16 Concrete degradation..........................................................................................................................

13.17 High temperature hydrogen attack......................................................................................................

13.18 Aluminum sensitisation........................................................................................................................

14 Detection and sizing of defects and damages................................................................................................

14.1 Inspection procedures.........................................................................................................................

14.2 Inspection methods..............................................................................................................................

15 References......................................................................................................................................................
IGC EIGA 902/01

16 Additional references......................................................................................................................................


Figure 1—Integrity management work process.......................................................................................................


Appendix A—Cryogenic coldbox located pressure equipment (Informative).......................................................

Appendix B—Cryogenic bulk storage tanks at production sites (Informative)......................................................

IGC DOC 190/14



1 Introduction
This publication has been prepared by industrial gas companies to establish a common position and give guid -
ance on plant integrity management. This topic is also referred to as plant ageing and is increasingly included
in authority inspections of plants subject to regulations such as Directive 2012/18/EU on the control of major-
accident hazards involving dangerous substances (Seveso III Directive) and Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) Process Safety Management (PSM) in Title 29 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations,
etc. [1, 2]. 1

Ageing is not about the age of the equipment. It is about its condition and how that changes over time. Ageing
is the effect whereby equipment suffers some form of material deterioration and damage (usually, but not nec-
essarily, associated with time in service) with an increasing likelihood of failure over the lifetime. For more infor-
mation, see HSE RR823, Plant Ageing Study – Phase 1 Report and HSE RR823 Summary Report, Managing
Ageing Plant—A Summary Guide [3, 4].

The integrity of equipment can be ensured by:

 operation of the equipment within design conditions;

 documented programme of procedures, training, inspections, tests; and

 preventive/predictive maintenance including inspection based upon good engineering practice, applicable
codes, standards, specifications, and manufacturers' recommendations.

It is important to recognise that equipment can be subject to ageing, can contribute to the health, safety, and
environmental performance of a plant, and/or can compromise the performance if they fail or collapse. There -
fore, a broad view is required when assessing the potential impact of ageing at a given installation.

2 Scope and purpose

2.1 Scope

This publication gives generic guidance on integrity management of process plants including, but not limited to,
air separation plants, HYCO plants, cylinder filling plants, and carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide plants. The goal
is to keep hazardous fluids and energy contained in order to maintain safe working conditions for personnel
and prevent unacceptable environmental releases. The information contained in this publication applies to both
new and existing equipment. Integrity management starts when the equipment is first put into service and con -
tinues throughout its lifecycle.

This includes:

 piping;

 static and rotating equipment;

References are shown by bracketed numbers and are listed in order of appearance in the reference section
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 equipment civil structures and foundations;

 electrical, control, and instrumentation equipment;

 pressure vessels; and

 combinations thereof.

The user is cautioned that this publication is not a design handbook and does not exclude the need for compe -
tent engineering judgement and interpretation. To the extent that they exist, national laws may supersede the
information included in this publication.

2.2 Purpose

The purpose of this publication is to give guidance on plant integrity management to operations management
within the industrial gases industry to ensure the safety of equipment. The industrial gases industry has fewer
damage mechanisms than the general process industry. This publication identifies damage mechanisms spe-
cific to the industrial gases industry, explains the basis for them, and provides guidance on how to develop an
integrity management programme. This publication does not give guidance on plant reliability or efficiency.

3 Definitions
For the purpose of this publication, the following definitions apply.

3.1 Publication terminology

3.1.1 Shall

Indicates that the procedure is mandatory. It is used wherever the criterion for conformance to specific recom -
mendations allows no deviation.

3.1.2 Should

Indicates that a procedure is recommended.

3.1.3 May

Indicates that the procedure is optional.

3.1.4 Will

Used only to indicate the future, not a degree of requirement.

3.1.5 Can

Indicates a possibility or ability.

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3.2 Technical definitions

3.2.1 Ageing

Effect whereby a component or equipment suffers some form of material deterioration and damage usually, but
not necessarily, associated with the time in service with an increasing likelihood of failure over its lifetime.

3.2.2 Competent person(s)

Individual or a group of people who have the theoretical knowledge, practical experience, and training to iden -
tify design defects, to detect defects, to assess their importance, and to ultimately endorse equipment as fit for
continued service.

NOTE—In some countries, regulations require that the final endorsement be carried out by a notified body/competent au -
thority/accredited organisation.

3.2.3 Formal periodic inspection plan

Defines what inspections shall be carried out, when, by whom, and how the results should be reported.

3.2.4 Process plants

Assembly of process equipment and piping including their primary protection devices; electrical, control, and in -
strumentation equipment; and equipment civil structures and foundations.

4 Plant integrity management programme

4.1 General

For more information, see EEMUA 231, The mechanical integrity of plant containing hazardous substances—A
guide to periodic examination and testing; HSE RR509, Plant Ageing: Management of Equipment Containing
Hazardous Fluids or Pressure; and Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), Dealing with Aging Process
Facilities and Infrastructure [5, 6, 7].

Successful management of plant integrity requires a clear strategy not just for periodic inspection, but for the
whole lifecycle of the plant. This is especially important on sites storing and processing hazardous substances,
where the effects of integrity failure can have serious consequences.

The requirements for inspection may change throughout the equipment life. In the early stages, it may be nec -
essary to ensure that a whole range of issues potentially arising from the design, manufacture, and first expo -
sure to service conditions are addressed. It can also be required to test assumptions on active degradation
mechanisms or verify predicted rates. This can lead to relatively shorter intervals between inspections, com-
pared to later stages of its life.

With further service, degradation can begin to accumulate. Safety margins such as remaining corrosion al-
lowance or remaining fatigue life can decrease. Degradation rates can increase and overall confidence in the
mechanical integrity can decrease. Service periods between inspections may be reduced. For more informa -
tion, see HSE RR509 [6].
IGC DOC 190/14



While this publication focuses on inspection and how to define rules for inspection, it is very useful to put this
into context as this is only one element of an integrity management programme. The design of a plant can im -
pact the integrity management programme. Getting the original plant specification correct is key so the plant is
designed to be suitable for the intended duty.

Key to maintaining integrity is the assessment of the results of inspections, especially when the report states
that the equipment has defects.

Any integrity management system should be able to provide answers to the following questions:

 What pressure systems and equipment storing, processing, or transferring hazardous substances are on

 Who is responsible for these pressure systems and equipment;

 What considerations are given to equipment ageing and life extension;

 What company strategies or policies are in place for managing ageing;

 What records/documentation about the equipment are maintained;

 Can your company demonstrate it has the competencies required;

 What provisions are in place for the retention and use of corporate knowledge;

 Does the plant/equipment have a retirement date;

 How well is the equipment life cycle known;

 How aware is your company of the indicators of ageing;

 Does the approach to inspection take account of the stage of equipment life;

 What options are considered when ageing related damage is detected;

 How is fitness for service assessed for aged components and components where the remaining life is un-

 What procedures are used in the event that equipment requires repair;

 What procedures are in place regarding revalidation of equipment;

 Does the formal periodic inspection plan reflect the equipment’s age; and

 What policies are in place for determining the end of equipment life.
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4.2 Organisational arrangements for integrity management

A thorough, organised, and unified integrity management program provides the means to improve the safety of
process plants. Such a program provides the information for operations management to allocate resources for
prevention, detection, and mitigation actions that can result in improved safety and a reduction in the number of
incidents. An integrity management program requires a multidisciplinary approach with a range of different dis-
ciplines and competencies bringing the required information and controlling the whole process from planning
and execution through to decision making and review.

4.2.1 Competence

Those responsible for managing and undertaking maintenance, testing, and inspection shall be competent.
Someone with an appropriate engineering qualification and relevant experience should manage the mainte-
nance, inspection, and testing systems and arrangements.

Inspection bodies shall be able to demonstrate competence.

Non-destructive examination (NDE) personnel shall be able to demonstrate training and competence. Official
certification can be achieved under either an outside body certification or an employer-based scheme.

In addition to the formal arrangements for qualification and accreditation described previously, an effective
plant integrity management program requires consideration of all aspects of the potential degradation, inspec -
tion, and assessment of the equipment involved. Therefore, the team involved requires competency to provide
input in the following areas:

 design of the equipment;

 process conditions and potential consequences of a loss of containment;

 operating conditions;

 maintenance;

 materials technology (including corrosion or metallurgy expertise, where relevant);

 risk assessment; and

 inspection techniques.

The use of third parties in equipment integrity management shall have checks in place to confirm the compe -
tency of those parties involved. These shall include competence checks as part of the selection and monitoring
processes for contractors. Where in-house resources are used, it is equally important that there are means to
ensure the competence of those involved.

4.2.2 Roles and responsibilities

The clarification of roles and responsibilities is required to ensure that the different parties involved in an plant
integrity management program interact effectively, and each role is filled by competent persons and regulatory
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requirements are met. Arrangements shall ensure independence of the inspection body from the site operating
and supply requirements.

The responsibility for assessment of the integrity of the plant and/or equipment shall be clearly defined. This as-
sessment is required to determine fitness for continued service and may involve specification of conditions for
continued service or repair.

It is important to ensure that whoever is responsible for integrity assessment is able to undertake this task with -
out undue influence from other parts of the organisation that can have other potentially conflicting responsibili-
ties or priorities. Furthermore, those in ultimate authority for the site or company operations should be able to
demonstrate a commitment to equipment integrity by providing the necessary independence to those they
charge with making key decisions regarding fitness for service.

Operations management shall ensure the plant is maintained in a safe condition. While site operations man -
agement can seek to rely on third party expertise to help ensure equipment integrity, they should be aware that
the responsibilities cannot be delegated.

4.3 Technical arrangements for integrity management

The integrity management program shall include the following elements:

 data gathering;

 risk assessment;

 inspection plan;

 inspection; and

 post assessment.

Figure 1 shows an overview of an integrity management work process. Elements of this process may vary on a
case-by-case basis (for example, individual equipment, multiple pieces of similar equipment, or generic equip -
ment classes across multiple plants).
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Figure 1—Integrity management work process

5 Data gathering
Data shall be gathered and should be maintained for the life of the plant. This data can build up a written his -
tory and can reveal ongoing problems/failure modes. The amount and quality of data can improve the validity of
the integrity management program. Data can include, but are not limited to, records for:

 design and construction;

 baseline inspections (first inspection performed based on damage mechanisms);

 operational history (for example, process upset, operational excursions);

 maintenance (planned and reactive);

 weather and ambient conditions;

 inspection and assessment;

 damage and repair;

 modification;
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 equipment failures and malfunctions; and

 preventative and mitigation measures.

Data may also be collected for plants and equipment other than those that are being assessed.

A data management system such as a database should be used for the management of data.

6 Risk assessment
Risk is typically described as the product of two primary factors. The probability of failure (PoF) and the result -
ing consequences of the failure (CoF). For more information, see ISO 31000, Risk management—Guidelines
[8]. Risk assessments serve to organise data and information and to help prioritise and plan activities as well as
to determine which inspection, prevention, and/or mitigation activities are performed and when.

For each piece of included equipment, the failure mechanism(s) shall be identified considering the substances
and processes contained within the equipment and their effects on the materials of construction. See Section
13. A risk assessment based on the relevant degradation mechanism(s) shall be performed and the results
used to develop an inspection methodology and frequency for each piece of included equipment. The inspec -
tion strategy for a piece of equipment can be a mixture of activities to address equipment integrity issues (i.e.,
safety and environmental concerns) and maintenance investments to promote reliable and efficient operations.
Not all loss of containment events for industrial gas processes are equipment integrity issues. The nature of the
fluid (pressure, temperature, composition) and location of the equipment relative to individuals that can be im -
pacted by a loss of containment event are all important considerations for determining whether a loss of con -
tainment event should be considered an equipment integrity issue.

6.1 Operational excursions and fitness for service assessment

Operating conditions should not differ from the operating range originally considered for the design without a
management of change (MOC) process [9]. However, operational excursions where the actual operating condi -
tions exceed those for which the equipment was designed can cause permanent damage.

Where an operational excursion has occurred, operations management should consult with a competent per-
son and jointly agree if a fitness for service assessment is required. This assessment is outside the normal
schedule of inspections as specified in the inspection programme and is designed to detect and assess
whether or not the equipment has been damaged as a result of the excursion.

6.2 Modifications

There may be times during the life of the plant when it needs to be modified. The driver for this may be a de-
sired process change or in response to revised best practice or regulation for that industry. Whatever the driver,
the modification shall be subject to a MOC process, including appropriate risk assessments [9]. If there is a
modification, the risk assessment shall be reviewed to determine if any changes are required.
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7 Inspection plan
The inspection plan is an essential part of an integrity management programme. It is used to define what in -
spections and tests shall be carried out, how often, by whom, and how the results should be reported. It also
specifies what preparatory work shall be undertaken to allow the inspection to proceed. Therefore, it is impor-
tant that the plan is carefully worded and is prepared by one or more competent person with an extensive and
detailed knowledge of the equipment and the processes contained within the plant.

The aim of an inspection is to ensure that the equipment is fit for continued service. However, the specific ob-
jectives of any inspection or test may vary; therefore, it is important to be clear about what an inspection is in -
tended to achieve.

It is important to complete an inspection before equipment is put into service for the first time.

 Initial inspection (precommissioning)—This inspection is normally carried out before plant or equipment is
entered into service for the first time and ensures that the equipment has been designed and manufactured
in accordance with all the relevant drawings and specifications. This is used to assist in the establishment
of the initial integrity of the plant/equipment and also allows for material thickness measurements to be
taken before any deterioration has taken place; and

 First inspection (post commissioning)—This inspection establishes a baseline and provides an early oppor-
tunity to identify any issues with the design, manufacture, or installation once the plant/equipment has en -
tered into service. The benefit of this inspection is greatest if the period between commissioning and the
first in-service inspection is minimised before possible degradation mechanisms can create significant
damage and provides the most value for plant processes that are unfamiliar to operations management.

Local, regional, or national regulations covering the inspection of equipment shall be followed.

The industrial gases industry generally does not carry out periodic inspection of cryogenic equipment within a
coldbox or cryogenic bulk storage tanks. See Appendix A and B for more information.

7.1 Selection of inspection types

Inspection types shall be selected to monitor for damage from known degradation mechanisms. Additional in -
spections may be selected to identify or account for unexpected mechanisms. This may include a combination
of special inspections and periodic inspections.

There is a range of inspection options available. These include simple checks to complex inspections. The
value of the inspection is a function of the applicable potential degradation mechanisms, the frequency of in -
spection, and the effectiveness of inspection.

The exact nature of the inspection type to be used is a matter for consideration in formulating the formal peri -
odic inspection plan. Inspection types include:

 Internal inspection—An inspection of the interior of the equipment. This type of inspection requires access
to the internal components and surfaces of equipment. Certain equipment can be difficult and costly to pre-
pare for internal access. There can also be confined space issues to consider and whether an inspector
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entering the equipment presents a risk. If alternative non-invasive techniques are to be considered, the al -
ternative inspection techniques shall be evaluated to determine whether they have equivalent capability of
detecting the degradation mechanisms as internal inspection;

 External inspection—An inspection undertaken from the exterior only. This type of inspection examines the
equipment for signs of external degradation, deformation, and process leakage. The inspection also exam-
ines the equipment support, grounding, ladders, platforms, and other associated pieces of hardware;

 In-service inspection—An inspection of the equipment while in operation that uses non-destructive meth -
ods to monitor damage mechanisms associated with the equipment’s service. The non-destructive meth -
ods are selected specifically for the potential damage mechanism and take into consideration limitations of
the method. Also known as an on-line inspection; and

 Routine inspection—An inspection that typically consists of brief checks on equipment condition at a basic
level. These checks can provide value because they can detect unusual conditions or incipient damage,
can be performed on a regular basis, and at a high frequency in comparison to more detailed inspections.
They are particularly useful for equipment in remote locations where damage could otherwise go unde -
tected for some time.

At a minimum, the inspection of equipment shall include an external visual inspection. This can often be sup -
plemented by an internal inspection if a degradation mechanism affecting the inner surface has been identified
or is suspected.

An inspection may be made up of a combination of inspection strategies supplemented with routine inspec -
tions. Typically, the preferred inspection method is NDE. However, in some cases integrity assessment may be
based on destructive examination of samples removed from the equipment. For instrumentation and electrical
equipment, an inspection method may include functional testing.

Specific types of inspection methods are described in Section 14.

7.2 Strategies for determining testing or inspection interval

There are a number of approaches to determining the interval between inspections or testing. One option is to
use a prescriptive approach. This is based on information that may be provided by the equipment manufac -
turer, technical literature, regulation, and industry or company experience.

Another option is to carry out a risk-based inspection (RBI), which is a recognised formal method of identifying
appropriate inspection techniques, where these should be applied, and how often for a piece of equipment. The
term RBI is often used to refer to the formal process whereby a group of individuals with a detailed knowledge
of the item of equipment being considered reviews the process and design of the equipment, assesses the
likely modes of failure, and agrees how these can be mitigated by routine inspection. The final outcome is a di -
rected inspection plan. In a RBI, the review of the design of the equipment and processes involved leads to the
identification of the hazards of failure and lists a number of possible failure mechanisms. These are then used
to assess the risk associated with the failures and ways that these can be mitigated. If these mitigation mea-
sures include the examination of the equipment, then an inspection plan is drawn up to define that inspection. A
RBI may justify inspection methods that are more effective, less invasive, and safer to implement than more
conventional basic internal inspections. For more information on RBI, see API 580, Risk Based Inspection [10].
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A third option is to calculate the next inspection interval as a proportion of remaining life, based on measured or
predicted degradation rates. This is considered an evidence-based approach. This approach requires a safety
factor to be applied to account for uncertainty in the rate of degradation. The concept of half remaining life is
commonly used. Examples of an evidence-based approach are in Section 6 of EEMUA 159, Above Ground
Flat Bottomed Storage Tanks: A Guide to inspection maintenance and repair and API 510, Pressure Vessel In-
spection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair and Alteration [11, 12].

Predicted degradation rates are usually the most accurate when based on historical evidence from the equip -
ment and process in question. However, where this is not available, evidence from similar situations or degra-
dation rates taken from published guidance may be used. The reliability of predictions should always be consid-
ered when basing assumptions upon them, and attempts should be made to build up historical evidence and in-
crease the reliability over time.

8 Inspection
It is often impractical to carry out the inspection if the equipment is not prepared correctly. Therefore, it is im-
portant that the formal inspection plan clearly defines all the steps that need to be taken to prepare the equip-

Safety aspects of preparing for and carrying out an inspection such as confined space, work permit, energy iso -
lation are outside the scope of this publication. However, these aspects shall be considered as a part of a for-
mal inspection plan.

8.1 Individuals involved

It is important that during an inspection the inspector knows what to look for. Although some modes of deterio -
ration may have been identified prior to the inspection, the inspector should always be prepared for other types
of damage.

Periodic inspection involves a number of parties, each having an important role in the success of the integrity
assessment. They include:

 Operations management of the equipment including the planning department as well as production, main -
tenance, and procurement staff;

 Notified body/competent authority/accredited organisation—for example, employees of operations man-

agement or third-party organisations;

 NDE contractors employed to carry out supplementary activities in support of the periodic inspection; and

 Contractors employed to prepare the plant for inspection—for example, scaffolding, insulation, or refractory
contractors, tank or vessel cleaners etc.

All of those identified previously need to establish and maintain effective methods of communication in order to
carry out a suitable inspection plan.
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8.2 Inspections during plant shutdowns

Within the process industries, it is common for plants to be periodically shutdown for overhaul and mainte-
nance, making large numbers of equipment available for inspection at the same time. This can introduce its
own issues to the inspection process. For the effective planning of a shutdown, it is important that sufficient
time is allocated for inspection of the plant. This should include allowance for:

 Plant preparation including scaffolding, removal of insulation, depressurising, purging, cleaning, isolation
from all sources of energy and chemicals, and necessary arrangements for confined space entry;

 Initial overview inspection—allowing time to carry out a plant walk around to establish general condition or
identify any obvious defects/deterioration;

 Detailed inspection in accordance with any existing formal inspection plan. This should include any supple-
mentary NDE activities; and

 Whenever possible, time to respond to potential repairs that could be required as a result of the inspection.
Those involved in the shutdown should be able to respond to the demands placed upon them by the re -
quirement for inspection, including time pressures placed upon them to get the plant back into operation.

Any variations from the inspection plan should be fully justified and not affect the safety of the plant. The justifi-
cation needs to be based on continued plant safety and not operational demands. This requires the indepen-
dence of decision making. Justifications should be fully documented.

8.3 Management of findings during inspection

It is important that any discrepancies and deviation from the inspection plan are effectively communicated to
the appropriate decision makers including:

 Inability to complete an inspection due to time or access restrictions—the inspector needs to clearly identify
what affect this could have on establishing the suitability of plant for continued service;

 Defects/deterioration that could require remedial work within a specified time or require changes to future
inspection plan; and

 Defects/deterioration found that require immediate rectification. It is important that this is communicated so
that the appropriate remedial action is taken.

9 Post assessment
All inspection and testing findings shall be assessed. Individuals conducting the assessment should have the
necessary competencies to carry out this review/assessment.

The assessment is to provide for a final adjudication of the inspection and test findings and to ensure that a fi-
nal, formal documented statement is made on the suitability of the equipment to return to service or not.
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9.1 Assessment of deterioration

As part of the assessment, any deterioration identified during inspections and tests shall be reviewed. This can
be within previously defined limits (for example, corrosion allowance) and be considered acceptable to allow
continued use. In other cases, further work is required. This process is often referred to as a fitness for service
assessment or engineering criticality assessment and is a re-evaluation of the integrity for continued service.

Fitness for service assessment can cover a wide range of activity from a screening engineering assessment to
detailed design review and possibly finite element analysis. As a minimum for assessment of deterioration,
rates of deterioration should be determined to confirm that the equipment can remain safe to operate until the
next inspection and the remaining life of the equipment.

9.2 Changes to subsequent inspections

As with any other working document, the formal inspection plan should be reviewed to ensure that it is still rele -
vant and fulfils its prime purpose of defining the inspection required.

A suitable opportunity for this review is immediately after a scheduled inspection when the formal inspection
plan was used, especially for the first time in a number of years. Reviewing the formal inspection plan at this
time allows the inspector who has just completed the inspection to make comments and to take account of the
experience. In particular, care needs to be taken to ensure that any deterioration noted has been as a result of
one of the modes of deterioration already included in the inspection plan. If this defect is as a result of an unex -
pected damage mechanism, then it needs to be added to the inspection plan along with the inspection neces-
sary to look for it.

Deterioration identified during inspections should be incorporated into the inspection plan to advise where fu -
ture inspections and tests need to be concentrated. In addition, where other equipment is in service in a similar
duty then consideration needs to be given to the updating or amending of the plan for that equipment to reflect
the deterioration identified elsewhere.

Where no deterioration is noted, this should also be incorporated into the plan.

9.3 Assessment record

The documented assessment record should include:

 Inspection reports;

 Clear and unambiguous statement(s) as to the equipment’s ongoing fitness for service;

 Record(s) of deterioration;

 Prediction that current deterioration can remain within acceptable limits by the next inspection;

 Dates for future inspections to be carried out. This is typically a calendar date but may also include addi-
tional parameters such as running hours, operational cycles, changes in process;

 Limitations to the equipment’s use;

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 Statement that the formal inspection plan continues to remain suitable or details of any necessary changes
required to the plan; and

 Details of required repairs when the equipment is not considered suitable for further service.

9.4 Repair, rerate, or retire

Usually a repair is the preferred route to return the plant to the original duty. Repairs need thorough specifica-
tion and planning to ensure that the original duty can be maintained. On completion of repairs, further inspec -
tion may be required to verify that the repair is satisfactory.

When repairs are necessary for the continued use of equipment, these should be carried out to recognised
standards and plan to complete the repairs. As a minimum, the following documentation shall be kept:

 Specification of and approval for the repair;

 MOC records; and

 Quality assurance requirements.

The information relating to the repair should be included and/or referenced within the final, documented
review/assessment and the repairs confirmed to be satisfactory.

Repairs are not always possible or cost effective and an alternative is to rerate the plant and continue to use it
for a less arduous application (for example, at a less demanding pressure or temperature).

When a repair or rerating is not possible, retirement/decommissioning and replacement of the equipment may
be the only option.

Any repair, rerate, or replacement shall be covered by a MOC process. See EIGA Doc 51, Management of
Change [9].

9.5 Incomplete or postponement of inspections

Situations can arise when it is not possible to complete a formal inspection on equipment at the scheduled
time. However, the inspection should not be just allowed to become overdue or remain incomplete. A formal
process to postpone the inspection due date or complete the inspection should be undertaken.

Equipment should be subject to a process, including competent assessment and approval, to provide justifica-
tion and independent oversight of the proposed postponement or incompletion.

10 Inspection, testing, and preventive maintenance reporting

Equipment integrity inspections are inspections whose intent is to prevent loss of containment that can result in
unacceptable safety or environmental risk. Following any equipment integrity inspection, testing, and preventa-
tive maintenance (ITPM) task, it is imperative the results of the task are well documented and the operations
management of the plant/equipment has systems and processes in place to manage the ITPM task report doc-
umentation. It is the responsibility of the competent person to generate the ITPM inspection results in a for-
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malised report and send to the integrity management team (or individuals identified by the team). It is highly
recommended for the person performing the ITPM task to review the past maintenance strategies and perfor -
mance of the plant/equipment. This review can include known damage mechanisms, reliability and failure his-
tory, past ITPM tasks conducted, corrosion readings at circuit condition monitoring locations (CMLs), any past
fitness for service assessments, past inspection methodologies, and required acceptance criteria. Any trending
anomalies observed from the plant/equipment review should be referenced in the ITPM report.

The purpose of the ITPM inspection report is to clearly record the inspection, stating what task was performed
as well as to provide the results of the overall integrity of the plant/equipment. The report should meet any spe -
cial requirements predetermined in the inspection plan and should be timely and accurate. The inspection re-
sults should be documented every time an ITPM task is performed for the equipment and/or its ancillaries, re -
gardless of who conducts the task.

The results of an ITPM inspection report may differ slightly based on the type of ITPM task being conducted
but, at a minimum, the inspection report should contain the following information:

 name and address of the site;

 identification of the plant or equipment;

 inspection plan;

 name and company of the inspector(s);

 date;

 inspection types;

 equipment that was examined/not examined;

 results of NDE reports;

 overall condition assessment of the plant/equipment; and

 results including any plant or equipment anomalies.

Additional suggested information to be included in the ITPM inspection report includes:

 qualification records of the personnel;

 spare parts or other materials used or replaced;

 quality assurance (QA) and/or MOC records;

 condition of the equipment;

 any abnormal operating conditions since last inspections;

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 remaining life calculations; and

 recommended corrective actions.

11 Record keeping
As part of a plant integrity management system, it is necessary for operations management to keep accurate,
up to date records. This ensures that decisions about the specific integrity of an individual piece of equipment
can be easily traced and justified. These records should include:

 documentation confirming the safe operating limit of the equipment;

 manufacturing information such as material information, welding information, testing information, etc.;

 planned and reactive maintenance;

 reports of inspection/testing;

 information on any repairs/modifications;

 formal inspection plans including records of amendments;

 information relating to incomplete inspections or postponements;

 operating conditions and the operating history of the plant/equipment;

 associated risk assessments, periodic reviews, ageing plant reviews; and

 other reports that contain information relevant to the assessment of safety.

While the previous list is not completely exhaustive, it is a good guide as to the type of information that is nec -
essary. See Section 5.

These records should be accessible by the relevant personnel involved in integrity management.

12 Integrity management of electrical, control, and instrumentation and safety

This section is intended to provide guidance regarding technical and managerial issues surrounding ageing of
electrical, control, and instrumentation (EC&I) and safety systems.

Any EC&I system is potentially within scope if its failure can cause an unacceptable event/energy release/

Examples of components and equipment with the possibility to lead to dangerous events/energy release/leaks:

 contactors/breakers (high voltage: possibility of arc flash);

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 transformers (in dry transformers: arc due to loss of phase insulation; high voltage oil-filled transformers:
porcelain ejection and possible fire due to bushings' loss of insulation);

 connection box for the power cables (rainwater ingress); and

 impulse tubing of transmitters (rupture of tubing, coupling coming loose).

Examples of components ensuring that the plant or equipment stays within safe operating limits:

 safety instrumented system (SIS) components:

 sensors (pressure, level, temperature)

 logic solver

 control elements (generally valves, sometimes motors);

 pressure relief devices and shutoff valves; and

 electric motors (for example, as part of backup systems for permanent cooling).

Safety systems are designed to isolate, contain, or release energy in controlled manner through shutdown sys-
tems, trips, alarms, etc. (for example, overfill protection systems for bulk storage tanks).

For managing major hazards, it shall be clear which of these EC&I systems are safety critical. This may be es -
tablished through a variety of techniques including safety integrity level (SIL) assessment, layer of protection
analysis (LOPA), hazard identification (HAZID), and hazard and operability (HAZOP) studies.

12.1 Degradation mechanism of electrical, control, and instrumentation systems and equip-

EC&I systems and equipment can be affected by the same degradation mechanisms as mechanical equipment
such as corrosion, erosion, fatigue, etc. However, they can also be subject to more EC&I specific degradation
mechanisms. These include physical mechanisms such as:

 impact damage or surface abrasion;

 overheating/burn damage;

 blockage;

 instrumentation aspects such as instrument drift;

 exposure to environmental conditions; and

 water ingress.
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As with mechanical plant activities, quality control of plant painting activities can affect EC&I systems (for ex-
ample, the painting of flameproof glands or painting over instruments).

EC&I systems typically have a shorter working life compared to some mechanical systems due to the software
that is used, which can become obsolete or difficult to support.

On the other hand, software-based EC&I systems can provide significant advantages to safety in terms of im -
proved control and diagnostic information as well as providing economic advantages compared to older style
analogue systems.

12.2 Integrity management

The subject of ageing of EC&I systems and equipment differs from mechanical parts:

 Many of the components of EC&I systems can be tested at reasonable impact (during a regular mainte -
nance stop) and can be changed out at relative low cost;

 EC&I components are subject to both infant mortality and aging effects. A maintenance programme should
include tasks to address validation of the initial installation and ongoing service of the EC&I component.
For components being part of a safety instrumented loop, databases with failure rates are typically used to
determine a proper test frequency; and

 Generally, components of EC&I systems that are part of a protection loop are fail safe. Defects usually lead
to a plant reliability issue (shutdown of the unit) rather than an integrity issue.

Integrity shall be ensured for the instrumentation field equipment such as tubing that can lead to an unaccept-
able safety or environmental risk in case of failure.

Since the 1990s, international standards such as IEC 61508-5, Functional Safety Of Electrical/Electronic/Pro-
grammable Electronic Safety-Related Systems - Part 5: Examples Of Methods For The Determination Of
Safety Integrity Levels and IEC 61511, Functional safety-Safety instrumented systems for the process industry
sector-Part 1: Framework, definitions, system, hardware and application programming requirements have pro-
vided a lifecycle-based framework for successfully deploying such systems [13, 14]. Also, a number of guid-
ance documents have been produced (for example, EEMUA 222, Guide to the application of IEC 61511 to
safety instrumented systems in the UK process industries) [15].

With care, even sophisticated EC&I equipment can be kept working to a remarkable age. Other equipment may
need replacing after short timescales. Digital (or software–based) equipment shows a tendency to have signifi-
cantly shorter lifecycles.

For more information, see HSE RR823 and its accompanying Summary Report [3, 4].

13 Degradation mechanism
This section provides a brief, but not exhaustive, introduction to the more common mechanisms that lead to
age related deterioration of process equipment. The mechanisms discussed include corrosion, cracking, and
material deformation, which are caused by process and environmental conditions.
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It is intended to provide concise and focused information for non-specialists (for example, those involved in
management of ageing plants) to help them understand the key issues affecting mechanical integrity of process

Comprehensive listing and information on damage mechanisms in process plants for equipment engineers,
specialists, and inspectors can be obtained from documents such as API 571, Damage Mechanisms Affect-
ing Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry [16].

13.1 General or local corrosion

Corrosion is a chemical reaction between the materials of the pressure system and the process fluid or the ex-
ternal environment.

 Wet aqueous corrosion is the most commonly encountered form of corrosion, which takes place when
moisture is present at less than its dew point;

 Dry hot corrosion can take place at temperatures greater than 400 °C (752 °F);

 General corrosion (a uniform loss of wall thickness) of pressure systems can be hazardous and result in
potential catastrophic failure; and

 Localised corrosion, pitting, or crevice corrosion can be damaging to equipment and be difficult to detect
due to its localised nature and speed of development; however, it is more likely to lead to a leak before fail -

The presence of corrosion does not indicate that the equipment is not fit for service, just that the equipment is
ageing. In cases of metal loss less than the specified allowance, an assessment or a fitness for service review
should be completed to determine suitability for continued service.

The impact of corrosion can be eliminated or reduced at the equipment design stage by considering factors
such as material selection, protective coatings, cathodic protection, and water treatments. At the design stage,
a corrosion allowance is also normally included for ferrous equipment intended to operate in a corrosive envi -

13.2 Atmospheric corrosion

Corrosion due to the effects of moisture and oxygen combined with contaminants such as sulphates, nitrates,
chlorides on exposed structures.

Atmospheric corrosion is similar to wet corrosion but generally occurs at a lower rate unless pollutant levels are
high, for example, in marine or industrial (sulphate or nitrate) environments.

Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is the external corrosion of steel equipment and structures that occurs under -
neath jacketed thermal or acoustic insulation. CUI can occur when moisture and pollutants (for example, chlo-
rides) get under insulation and create aggressive localised damage. When undetected, CUI can lead to the
shutdown of a process unit or an entire facility, and in rare cases it can lead to a process safety incident. CUI
depends on many parameters such as metal temperature, insulation material and design, equipment material,
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and external environment. For more information on CUI, see API RP 583, Corrosion Under Insulation and Fire-
proofing [17].

13.3 Galvanic corrosion

Corrosion due to electrochemical action between two metals with different electrode potentials. For example, if
a cell is allowed to form with an electrolyte linking steel and aluminium, the aluminium becomes the anode and
corrodes. If the surface area of the steel is much larger than that of the aluminium, the rate of loss of aluminium
is proportionately greater.

13.4 Erosion corrosion

Erosion corrosion is caused by high flow or abrasive process conditions stripping the metal surface. This mech -
anism is more commonly known as flow accelerated corrosion. Erosion corrosion is a combined effect where
the corrosion product layers is stripped away by the erosion mechanism.

13.5 Stress corrosion cracking

Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a form of corrosion where a corrosive element such as chlorides or caustics
penetrates a stressed material forming corrosion between material grain boundaries.

SCC is a condition that requires the simultaneous presence of a susceptible material, a tensile stress, and a
susceptible environment. Stainless steels (with chlorides) and brasses (with ammonia) are particularly vulnera-
ble to SCC. Carbon steels can be affected (ammonia or nitrates). The rate of corrosion increases with tempera -
ture until moisture is no longer present.

SCC can occur under insulation or in confined spaces where pollutants can concentrate.

13.6 Pitting (crevice) corrosion

A form of galvanic corrosion where an electrolytic cell is established in the same material, usually under debris
deposits. Corrosion is in localised areas and can rapidly advance through otherwise sound material. This form
of attack is one of the main forms of corrosion observed in corrosion-resistant steels.

Crevice corrosion is a similar mechanism to pitting corrosion. Attack typically forms around and under items
such as washers and bolts.

13.7 Fatigue cracking

Fatigue cracking is the formation of cracks due to cyclic mechanical or thermal loading over time.

Cracks are most likely to form at high stress concentrations or notch areas such as weld seams and nozzle
welds. The cracks propagate through the material thickness due to repeated loading until failure.

Fatigue can be reduced at the design stage by lowering material stress and stress ranges, lowering stress con -
centrations, and using lower strength materials with high fracture toughness.
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Bolts in systems under cyclical stress shall be designed and installed with sufficient prestressing so that the
bolts are not subject to cyclical stress.

13.8 Corrosion fatigue

Corrosion fatigue is a damage mechanism from the effect of both corrosion and fatigue. Specific corrosion cre -
ates areas of stress concentration that become crack initiation sites for fatigue cracking.

13.9 Erosion

Erosion is where material is removed by the scouring action of a fluid or particles contained within the fluid. Ex -
amples include:

 flow impingement points for fluids containing rust particles;

 pressure system leaks within perlite insulation where the abrasive perlite erodes the metal and increases
the leak rate; and

 steam leaks where the steam condition change erodes joint faces.

13.10 Cavitation corrosion

A form of mechanical damage to metal surfaces caused by the implosion of cavitation bubbles. The energy di -
rected into the material when the bubbles implode can cause significant metallurgical damage and material
loss. Examples are at the pump inlet, at the discharge of a valve or regulator in two-phase flow.

13.11 Carbon dioxide (sweet) corrosion

Carbon dioxide (sweet) corrosion is corrosion as a result of dissolved carbon dioxide forming an acidic (sweet)
solution, which results in metal wall thinning and shallow pitting. Under high flow conditions, deep elongated
pits are sometimes observed. Low alloy steels are more susceptible to this form of corrosion. Typically at tem-
peratures greater than 80 °C (176 °F), an iron carbonate film can result in lower than expected corrosion rates.

13.12 Hydrogen sulphide (sour) corrosion

Hydrogen sulphide (sour) corrosion is corrosion as a result of dissolved hydrogen sulphide forming an acidic
(sour) solution. The low solubility of the resulting iron sulphide results in the formation of a dark black film that
protects the steel from aggressive corrosion; however, any break in the iron sulphide layer can result in very
severe pitting.

13.13 Microbiological corrosion

Microbiological corrosion is caused by the contamination and growth of micro-organisms such as bacteria and
algae. The micro-organisms attach to metal surface causing pits and cavities. This form of corrosion is typically
found in stagnant water, dead legs, and bottom of tanks.

Conditions required for microbiological corrosion include bacterial life, sulphide, carbon, water, close to neutral
pH, and temperature suitable for bacterial life.
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13.14 Metal dusting

Metal dusting is a type of high temperature corrosion that occurs in the temperature range of 400 °C to 800 °C
(752 °F to 1472 °F) and in a carbon monoxide-hydrocarbon atmosphere with high carbon activity. Metal dusting
is characterised by pitting and soot on the surface. This degradation mechanism includes the deposit of carbon
on the surface of the metal, diffusion into its structure, and growth of graphite grains that eventually leads to de -
struction of the material.

13.15 Creep

Creep is a time dependent deterioration at elevated temperatures in constant stress conditions resulting in de -
formation of the metal, wall thickness reduction, and potential stress rupture. At the design stage, consideration
should be given to the material creep threshold and range in relation to its required operating conditions.

13.16 Concrete degradation

Process equipment are typically supported by concrete structures that are also subject to deterioration over
time. The principal causes of concrete deterioration are settlement, erosion, cracking, and deterioration of con-
crete initiated by carbonation, attack by underground water, frost, chlorides, alkalis, and acids.

Some mechanisms of concrete deterioration are:

 Carbonation, which is a slow and continuous process that occurs when concrete reacts with carbon dioxide
from the air. It results in the formation of calcium carbonate and water;

 Deterioration of concrete exposed to underground water that can be caused by chemical attack, by cyclic
changes in temperature, and by freezing moisture;

 Expansion of freezing moisture in porous concrete, or in concrete with minor settlement cracks or tempera-
ture cracks can result in deterioration and/or the development of serious structural cracks; and

 Lubrication oil leak of a machine onto the concrete foundation may lead to concrete deterioration.

Monitoring and assessment are covered by EN 1504-9, Products and Systems for the Protection and Repair of
Concrete Structures. Definitions, Requirements, Quality Control and Evaluation of Conformity. General Princi -
ples for Use of Products and Systems [18].

13.17 High temperature hydrogen attack

High temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA) is a degradation mechanism occurring in dry hydrogen atmospheres
at elevated temperatures (typically greater than 400 °C (752 °F) for chromium molybdenum steels and 210 °C
(410 °F) for carbon steels) and with sufficient hydrogen partial pressure. The hydrogen molecule dissociates
into atomic hydrogen and then either decarburises the surface or diffuses into the steel where it reacts with cer -
tain metal carbides to form methane gas. This gas accumulates in the grain boundaries and precipitate inter-
faces, slowly increasing in pressure and volume thus leading to cracking. For mor information on HTHA, see
API 941, Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures in Petroleum Refineries and
Petrochemical Plants [19].
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13.18 Aluminum sensitisation

Under thermal conditions, aluminum alloys from the 5000 family (magnesium-containing aluminum alloys) can
suffer precipitations at grain boundaries of intermetallic compounds (Mg 2Al3 and Mg5Al8).
This sensitisation impairs the corrosion resistance towards intergranular corrosion and SCC as well as the me -
chanical properties due to the variation in the microstructure (for example, the precipitation of β-phase and/or
decrease in solute magnesium concentration in the matrix). Sensitisation is increased by the magnesium con -
tent of the alloy, the service temperature, and holding time.

14 Detection and sizing of defects and damages

14.1 Inspection procedures

An inspection is most effective if the potential damage mechanisms and locations where that damage is most
likely to occur have been identified, and methods to detect any significant defect are considered in advance of
any inspection. Inspections methods can be a combination of either destructive testing or non-destructive ex-
amination (NDE).

For each inspection, a procedure should be written and validated by a competent person. The goal of the in -
spection, precautions, and the type of defect and characterisation requirements should be described.

14.2 Inspection methods

The following section gives a summary of inspection methods suitable for the detection, sizing, and assess -
ment of different types of damage. This summary is not meant to be exhaustive. For further information, see
HSE RR509 [6].

NDE can be used to effectively monitor corrosion rates, crack propagation, and other damage mechanisms;
however, it is important to understand the reliability, capability, and limitations of any NDE technique used. Se-
lecting the appropriate NDE method for the potential damage mechanism is critical to developing a successful
inspection plan. These techniques require a competent person to correctly interpret the results and avoid possi -
ble false indications.

For example, NDE can be required to measure the remaining wall thickness where corrosion or erosion could
have removed some of the original material or examine for other signs of damage. In most cases, the type of
NDE should be specified in the formal inspection plan. However, it is important not to make the formal inspec-
tion plan so specific that it reduces the freedom of the inspector to use a different technique if considered rele -

Depending on the NDE method applied, additional specific procedures may be necessary before putting the
equipment back in operation (for example, cleaning for oxygen service, degaussing after magnetic particle in -

14.2.1 Visual inspection

Visual inspection is one of the most effective inspection techniques, which offers a large amount of information
in a short time and allows other methods to be applied where appropriate.
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A visual inspection can only be effective with adequate access, surface preparation (if necessary), lighting,
competence, and physical ability (eyesight) of the person conducting the inspection.

Remote forms of inspection including the use of binoculars, digital cameras, drones, endoscopes, and
borescopes can be used to enhance visual inspection.

14.2.2 Wall thickness measurement

The wall thickness of a pressure system is often measured using ultrasonic equipment. This can determine ma -
terial loss due to damage mechanisms such as corrosion, erosion, metal dusting, etc. The equipment requires
calibration, interpretation, and often internal or external surface preparation. Basic digital thickness meters may
not be sufficient for some inspections. Damage in the form of pitting may require the use of additional tech -
niques such as pit depth gauges or other forms of inspection.

Any method used shall take account of paint thickness.

14.2.3 Dye penetrant examination

Dye penetrant examination is regularly used to detect cracking or other defects such as weld porosity on bare
metal surfaces.

This method is simple but can give false positives and requires a competent person for correct interpretation. It
may not identify significant cracks that are in compression.

This method is a quick and flexible method for detecting surface breaking cracks and is commonly used to sup -
port examinations that are looking for defects that have developed in service. This may not be effective on sur -
faces that have been painted if the paint has not been adequately removed.

14.2.4 Magnetic particle inspection

Magnetic particle inspection is regularly used to detect cracking on magnetic pressure equipment.

This method is widely used for carbon steel material. However, it is ineffective on austenitic stainless steel, alu -
minium, and copper-based materials.

14.2.5 Ultrasonic testing

A variety of ultrasonic test methods are available and commonly used for identifying crack-like indications in
pressure systems. Each method has its advantages and limitations.

Both surface and sub-surface indications can be identified. With appropriate calibrated equipment, complex
joints such as nozzle welds can be effectively examined and internal surface defects identified from the outside.

This method is commonly used to support examinations that are looking for defects that have developed in ser-
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14.2.6 Eddy current examination

Eddy current examination methods are available and commonly used for identifying a variety of different de -
fects. Each method has its advantages and limitations. The selection of the specific technique is determined by
materials of construction and the purpose of the inspection.

14.2.7 Radiographic examination

Radiographic examination (X-ray or Gamma ray) is a common method for examining, approving, and recording
new construction welds. Radiography is particularly good at identifying voids, inclusions, lack of fusion, poor
weld profiles etc. Radiography can be used for in-service damage such as determining wall loss on small bore
piping or crack detection on welds but has limitations on its detection limits that shall be considered when de -
veloping an inspection plan.

14.2.8 Thermography

Thermography is a method of viewing the temperature profile of pressure systems and equipment. It can be
used to check for cryogenic leakage, insulation degradation, electrical hot spots, etc.

15 References
Unless otherwise specified, the latest edition shall apply.

[1] Directive 2012/18/EU on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances (Seveso III
Directive), European Parliament and The Council of the European Council. www.europa.eu

[2] Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29 (Labor), U.S. Government Printing Office. www.gpo.gov

[3] HSE RR823, Plant Ageing Study – Phase 1 Report, Health and Safety Executive. www.hse.gov.uk

[4] HSE RR823, Summary Report, Managing Ageing Plant—A Summary Guide, Health and Safety Executive.

[5] EEMUA 231, The mechanical integrity of plant containing hazardous substances—A guide to periodic ex-
amination and testing, EEMUA. www.eemua.org

[6] HSE RR509, Plant Ageing: Management of Equipment Containing Hazardous Fluids or Pressure, Health
and Safety Executive. www.hse.gov.uk

[7] Dealing with Aging Process Facilities and Infrastructure, Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS).

[8] ISO 31000, Risk management—Guidelines. International Organization for Standardization. www.iso.org

[9] EIGA Doc 51, Management of Change, European Industrial Gases Association. www.eiga.eu

[10] API 580, Risk Based Inspection, American Petroleum Institute. www.api.org
IGC DOC 190/14



[11] EEMUA 159, Above ground flat bottomed storage tanks: A guide to inspection maintenance and repair,
EEMUA. www.eemua.org

[12] API 510, Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair and Alteration, American
Petroleum Institute. www.api.org

[13] IEC 61508-5, Functional Safety Of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-Related Systems-

Part 5: Examples Of Methods For The Determination Of Safety Integrity Levels, European Committee for Stan-
dardization. www.cen.eu

[14] IEC/EN 61511, Functional Safety-Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector, European
Committee for Standardization. www.cen.eu

[15] EEMUA 222, Guide to the application of IEC 61511 to safety instrumented systems in the UK process in-
dustries, EEMUA. www.eemua.org

[16] API 571, Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry, American Petro-
leum Institute. www.api.org

[17] API 583, Corrosion Under Insulation and Fireproofing, American Petroleum Institute. www.api.org

[18] EN 1504-9, Products and Systems for the Protection and Repair of Concrete Structures. Definitions, Re-
quirements, Quality Control and Evaluation of Conformity. General Principles for Use of Products and Systems,
European Committee for Standardization. www.cen.eu

[19] API 941, Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures in Petroleum Refineries
and Petrochemical Plants, American Petroleum Institute. www.api.org

[20] EIGA Doc 170, Safe Design and Operation of Cryogenic Enclosures, European Industrial Gases Associa-
tion. www.eiga.eu

NOTE—This publication is part of an international harmonisation programme for industry standards. The technical content of
each regional document is identical, except for regional regulatory requirements. See the referenced document preface for a
list of harmonised regional references.

[21] EIGA Doc 127, Bulk Liquid Oxygen, Nitrogen and Argon Storage Systems at Production Sites, European
Industrial Gases Association. www.eiga.eu

NOTE—This publication is part of an international harmonisation programme for industry standards. The technical content of
each regional document is identical, except for regional regulatory requirements. See the referenced document preface for a
list of harmonised regional references.

16 Additional references
EIGA Doc 40, Work Permit Systems, European Industrial Gases Association. www.eiga.eu

EIGA Safety Info HF-01, Human Factors – An Overview, European Industrial Gases Association. www.eiga.eu
IGC DOC 190/14



EIGA Safety Info HF-02, Individual “Training and Competence”, European Industrial Gases Association.

EIGA Safety Info HF-05, Task Maintenance Error, European Industrial Gases Association. www.eiga.eu

IGC DOC 190/14



Appendix A—Cryogenic coldbox located pressure equipment

A coldbox is the cylindrical or rectangular enclosure, typically metal, surrounding the cryogenic pressure equip -
ment (distillation columns, exchangers, separators, vessels, associated piping, instrumentation).

The industrial gases industry generally does not carry out periodic inspection of cryogenic equipment within a

Periodic inspections of cryogenic equipment are not carried out for the following reasons:

 Industry operating experience;

 Cryogenic plants are constructed from materials that have low corrosion potential. These materials retain
their corrosion resistance at temperatures less than ambient and experience shows that corrosion at cryo -
genic temperatures is negligible;

 Process fluids are dry, clean, and non-corrosive;

 Limited impact of the traditional failure mechanisms for such equipment: namely erosion and fatigue due
to the external cryogenic coldbox structure;

 Design and construction are carried out to well established and internationally recognised codes and stan -
dards. Design takes into account pressures, loadings, temperature changes, and movements expected
during normal running and during startup and shutdown;

 Operating mode of a cryogenic air separation plant is generally steady state with few pressure and temper-
ature variations;

 Materials used in the construction have high fracture toughness characteristics. The critical defect size for
the initiation of an unstable fracture can allow a defect to be detected from an increase in coldbox pressure
or from the presence of cold patches well before the critical defect size is reached; and

 Materials used in the construction have significantly enhanced yield and ultimate tensile strengths at their
working temperature. For example, at cryogenic temperature the ultimate tensile strength of austenitic
stainless steel is approximately twice that at ambient temperature.

In industry, there have been incidents where failure of the enclosure has been reported. A periodic inspection
and maintenance plan shall be set up to ensure integrity of the enclosure (for example, tightness, embrittlement
of the carbon steel structure, purge gas, icing, perlite level, vacuum). Inspections should confirm that the envi -
ronment within the coldbox is dry, inert, and that there are no indications of cryogenic and/or pressure leaks.

The inspection includes actions to manage the risk of pressure release and loss of cryogenic inventory from
coldbox located pressure equipment. Guidance on coldbox design is given in EIGA Doc 170, Safe Design and
Operation of Cryogenic Enclosures [20].
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IGC DOC 190/14



Appendix B—Cryogenic bulk storage tanks at production sites

The industrial gases industry generally does not carry out periodic internal inspection of cryogenic bulk storage
tanks at production sites.

Periodic internal inspections of cryogenic storage tanks at production sites are not carried out for the following

 Industry operating experience;

 Inherently stable and benign conditions within an operating cryogenic storage tank and an absence of the
traditional failure mechanisms for such equipment namely corrosion, erosion, and fatigue;

 Cryogenic storage tank inner vessels are constructed from materials that are corrosion resistant. These
materials retain their corrosion resistance at temperatures less than ambient and experience shows that
corrosion at cryogenic temperatures is negligible;

 Process fluids are dry, clean, and non-corrosive;

 Design and construction are carried out to well established and internationally recognised codes and stan -
dards. Design takes into account pressures, loadings, temperature changes, and movements expected
during normal running and during startup and shutdown. The design also takes into account that inner tank
and associated piping are largely inaccessible within an outer jacket;

 Operating mode of cryogenic storage tanks is generally steady state with few pressure and temperature

 Materials used in the construction have high fracture toughness characteristics. The critical defect size for
the initiation of an unstable fracture can allow a defect to be detected from an increase in interspace pres-
sure or from the presence of cold patches well before the critical defect size is reached,; and

 Materials used in the construction have significantly enhanced yield and ultimate tensile strengths at the
working temperature. For example, at cryogenic temperature the ultimate tensile strength of austenitic
stainless steel is approximately twice that at ambient temperature.

An annual inspection should be carried out to guard against any degradation mechanisms developing and to
confirm that the environment within the tank outer jacket is dry and inert and that there are no obvious indica -
tions of cryogenic and/or pressure leaks. Additional periodic assessments may be considered. Aspects of these
assessment may include:

 service history review; and

 external inspection review including previous reports, relief valve inspections, etc.
IGC DOC 190/14



The annual inspection includes actions to manage the risks from overpressure and overfilling that may result in
loss of containment. Guidance on the design of bulk cryogenic tanks is given in EIGA Doc 127, Bulk Liquid
Oxygen, Nitrogen and Argon Storage Systems at Production Sites [21].

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