PPM Syllabus

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Indira School of Career Studies

Course Outline/Syllabus: Principles & Practice of Management

Level A, Part 1

Reference Books:
• Essentials of Management: Koontz & Weihrich (Tata McGraw Hill, 7th Edition)
• Principles & Practice of Management: L.M.Prasad (Sultan Chand & Sons)

Course Objective:
Introduction of the Trainees to the Management Process, giving an
overview of the different domains and their linkages using case-lets & case
studies to demonstrate practicability.

Principles & Practice of Management

Module 1 Management: An Introduction
Module 2 Development of Management Thought
Module 3 Organizational Planning & Decision Making
Module 4 Organizing and Organizational Design
Module 5 Staffing & Directing
Module 6 Leading & Controlling
Module 7 Total Quality Management

1: Management: An Introduction

1.1 Management Definition

1.2 Management as a Process
1.3 Managerial Levels
1.4 Management Functions
1.5 Nature of Management
1.6 Management- An Art, a Science. And a Profession
1.7 Qualities of a Manager
1.8 Roles performed by managers
1.9 Skills needed by managers
1.10 Introduction to Managerial Environments

2: Development of Management Thought

2.1 Scientific Management

2.2 Management Process or Administrative Management
2.3 Bureaucratic Approach
2.4 Human Relations Approach
2.5 Behavioral Science Approach
2.6 Quantitative Approach
2.7 Decision theory Approach
2.8 Empirical Approach
2.9 Systems Approach
2.10 Contingency Approach
2.11 Management by Objectives (MBO)
2.12 Tom Peters 7S Approach
2.13 Michael Porter’s Value Chain

3: Organizational Planning & Decision Making

3.1 Planning Definition

3.2 Nature
3.3 Benefits
3.4 Limitations
3.5 Types of Planning
3.6 Planning Process
3.7 Significance of forecasting
3.8 Concept of Decision Making
3.9 Stages in Rational Decision Making
3.10 Techniques of Decision Making

4: Organizing and Organizational Design

4.1 Introduction to organizing

4.2 Introduction to Organization
4.3 Formal and Informal Organization
4.4 Introduction to Authority, Responsibility and Accountability
4.5 Delegation of Authority
4.6 Decentralization of Authority
4.7 Centralization of Authority
4.8 Span of Management
4.9 Organization Structure
4.9.1 Line Organization
4.9.2 Line & Staff Organization
4.9.3 Matrix Organization
4.10 Departmentation
4.11 Departmentation Typology

5: Staffing & Directing

5.1 Meaning of Staffing

5.2 Nature of Staffing (Human Resource Management)
5.3 Functions of Staffing
5.4 Introduction to Direction
5.5 Principles of Direction
5.6 Introduction to Supervision

6: Leading & Controlling

6.1 Significance of leadership

6.2 Functions of a leader
6.3 Concept of Organizational Control
6.4 The Organizational Control Process
6.5 Organizational Control Techniques
6.6 Introduction to Coordination

7: Total Quality Management

7.1 Principles & Practice

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