Lovely Professional University: (Online Assignment - 3)
Lovely Professional University: (Online Assignment - 3)
Lovely Professional University: (Online Assignment - 3)
Academic Task
(Online Assignment – 3)
1 I dream of being so good at what I do that my expert advice will be sought continually. 5
2 I am most fulfilled in my work when I have been able to integrate and manage the efforts of 4
3 I dream of having career that will allow me the freedom to do a job my own way and on my 3
own schedule.
4 Security and stability are more important to me than freedom and Autonomy. 10
5 I am always on the lookout for ideas that would permit me to start my own enterprise. 2
6 I will feel successful in my career only if I have a feeling of having made a real 10
contribution to the welfare of society.
7 I dream of a career in which I can solve problems or win out in situations that are extremely 5
8 I would rather leave my organization than to be put in a job that would compromise my ability 5
to pursue personal and family concerns
9 I will feel successful in my career only if I can develop technical or functional skills to a very 6
high level competence.
10 I dream of being in charge of a complex organization and making decisions that affect many 5
11 I am most fulfilled in my work when I am completely free to define my own tasks, schedules 4
and procedures.
12 I would rather leave my organization altogether than accept an assignment that would 4
jeopardize my security in that organization.
14 I am most fulfilled in my career when I have been able to use my talents in the service of 5
15 I will feel successful in my career only if I face and overcome very difficult challenges. 5
16 I dream of a career that will permit me to integrate my personal, family, and work needs. 5
18 I will feel successful in my career only if I become a general manager in some organization. 5
19 I will feel successful in my career only if I achieve complete autonomy and freedom. 4
20 I seek jobs in organizations that will give me a sense of security and Stability. 6
21 I am most fulfilled in my career when I have been able to build something that is entirely the 5
result of my own ideas and efforts.
22 Using my skills to make the world a better place to live and work is more important to me than 5
achieving a high-level managerial position.
23 I have been most fulfilled in my career when I have solved seemingly unsolvable problems or 5
won out over seemingly impossible odds.
24 I feel successful in life only if I have been able to balance my personal, family, and career 5
25 I would rather leave my organization than accept rotational assignments that would take me 2
out of my area of expertise.
27 The chance to do a job my own way, free of rules and constraints, is more important to me 3
than security.
28 I am most fulfilled in my work when I feel that I have complete financial and employment 5
29 I will feel successful in my career only if I succeed in creating or building something that is 3
entirely my own product or idea.
30 I dream of having a career that makes a real contribution to humanity and society. 6
31 I seek out work opportunities that strongly challenge my problem solving and/or competitive 4
32 Balancing the demands of personal and professional life is more important to me than 4
achieving a high-level managerial position.
33 I am most fulfilled in my work when I have been able to use my special skills and talents. 4
34 I would rather leave my organization than accept a job that would take me away from the 1
general managerial track.
35 I would rather leave my organization than accept a job that would reduce my autonomy and 1
36 I dream of having a career that will allow me to feel a sense of security and stability. 6
38 I would rather leave my organization than accept an assignment that would undermine my 3
ability to be of service to others.
39 Working on problems that are almost unsolvable is more important to me than achieving a 2
high-level managerial position.
40 I have always sought out work opportunities that minimize interference with personal or 5
family concern.