Lovely Professional University: (Online Assignment - 3)

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Academic Task
(Online Assignment – 3)

Name of the faculty member: Dr. Ayesha Khatun

Course Code: HRM 203 Course Title: HRP and Development

Student Name: Akash Registration Number: 11813153

Roll Number: 30 Class: B.Tech

Section: MOM53 Batch: 2018-2022

Date of Allotment: 16/10/20 Date of Submission: 30/10/20



1 I dream of being so good at what I do that my expert advice will be sought continually. 5

2 I am most fulfilled in my work when I have been able to integrate and manage the efforts of 4

3 I dream of having career that will allow me the freedom to do a job my own way and on my 3
own schedule.

4 Security and stability are more important to me than freedom and Autonomy. 10

5 I am always on the lookout for ideas that would permit me to start my own enterprise. 2

6 I will feel successful in my career only if I have a feeling of having made a real 10
contribution to the welfare of society.

7 I dream of a career in which I can solve problems or win out in situations that are extremely 5

8 I would rather leave my organization than to be put in a job that would compromise my ability 5
to pursue personal and family concerns

9 I will feel successful in my career only if I can develop technical or functional skills to a very 6
high level competence.

10 I dream of being in charge of a complex organization and making decisions that affect many 5

11 I am most fulfilled in my work when I am completely free to define my own tasks, schedules 4
and procedures.

12 I would rather leave my organization altogether than accept an assignment that would 4
jeopardize my security in that organization.

13 Building my own business is more important to me than achieving a high-level managerial 2

position in someone else's organization.

14 I am most fulfilled in my career when I have been able to use my talents in the service of 5

15 I will feel successful in my career only if I face and overcome very difficult challenges. 5
16 I dream of a career that will permit me to integrate my personal, family, and work needs. 5

17 Becoming a senior functional manager in my area of expertise is more attractive to me than 3

becoming a general manager.

18 I will feel successful in my career only if I become a general manager in some organization. 5

19 I will feel successful in my career only if I achieve complete autonomy and freedom. 4

20 I seek jobs in organizations that will give me a sense of security and Stability. 6

21 I am most fulfilled in my career when I have been able to build something that is entirely the 5
result of my own ideas and efforts.

22 Using my skills to make the world a better place to live and work is more important to me than 5
achieving a high-level managerial position.

23 I have been most fulfilled in my career when I have solved seemingly unsolvable problems or 5
won out over seemingly impossible odds.

24 I feel successful in life only if I have been able to balance my personal, family, and career 5

25 I would rather leave my organization than accept rotational assignments that would take me 2
out of my area of expertise.

26 Becoming a general manager is more attractive to me than becoming a senior functional 5

manager in my current area of expertise.

27 The chance to do a job my own way, free of rules and constraints, is more important to me 3
than security.

28 I am most fulfilled in my work when I feel that I have complete financial and employment 5

29 I will feel successful in my career only if I succeed in creating or building something that is 3
entirely my own product or idea.

30 I dream of having a career that makes a real contribution to humanity and society. 6

31 I seek out work opportunities that strongly challenge my problem solving and/or competitive 4

32 Balancing the demands of personal and professional life is more important to me than 4
achieving a high-level managerial position.
33 I am most fulfilled in my work when I have been able to use my special skills and talents. 4

34 I would rather leave my organization than accept a job that would take me away from the 1
general managerial track.

35 I would rather leave my organization than accept a job that would reduce my autonomy and 1

36 I dream of having a career that will allow me to feel a sense of security and stability. 6

37 I dream of starting up and building my own business. 2

38 I would rather leave my organization than accept an assignment that would undermine my 3
ability to be of service to others.

39 Working on problems that are almost unsolvable is more important to me than achieving a 2
high-level managerial position.

40 I have always sought out work opportunities that minimize interference with personal or 5
family concern.


S.NO Autonomy/ Security/ Technical General Entrepreneurial Service Pure Lifest

Independen- Stability Function Management Creativity Dedication Challeng -yle
ce Competence to a Cause e
1. 3 4 1 2 5 6 7 8
3 10 5 4 2 10 5 5
2. 11 12 9 10 13 14 15 16
4 4 6 5 2 5 5 5
3. 19 20 17 18 21 22 23 24
4 6 3 5 5 5 5 5
4. 27 28 25 26 29 30 31 32
3 5 2 5 3 6 4 4
5. 35 36 33 34 37 38 39 40
1 6 4 1 2 3 2 5
TOTAL 15 31 20 20 14 29 21 24


Five Security/Stability
Four Service Dedication to a Cause
Three Lifestyle
Two Autonomy/Independence
One Entrepreneurial Creativity

Test Score Analysis

TOP MOST PRIORITY (Stability/Security):

According to score I as a person want a job in which there is stability and security. And I want to
join Indian army as an officer, in which I will definitely get security and stability.

BOTTOM MOST PRIORITY (Entrepreneurial Creativity):

From starting I didn’t have any interest in starting my own business or doing entrepreneurship.
So the results are matching my interest



 Want to join Indian Army as an Officer

 Results are matching with my goal interests :
1. Security/Stability(Most Important):
According to score I as a person want a job in which there is stability and security. And I want
to join Indian army as an officer, in which I will definitely get security and stability.
2. Service Dedicated to a Cause(Important):
I always wanted to serve my nation. I wanted to dedicate my whole life to serve my nation for its
welfare and sovereignty.
3. Lifestyle(Moderately Important):
Lifestyle for me is not that much important priority but giving a good lifestyle to my family was
always my priority, which I will get in armed forces like Home services, Medical assistance,
Security etc.
4. Autonomy/Independence(Less Important):
Independence is a different perspective and following seniors and guardians is different.
According to me my seniors, teachers, parents and guardians are always right and working under
their guidance is the best thing one can have.
5. Entrepreneurial Creativity(Least Important):
From starting I didn’t have any interest in starting my own business or doing entrepreneurship.
So the results are matching my interest


1. “Career Anchors” represents one’s combination of perceived career competence and

includes talents, motives, values and attitudes that give stability and direction to a
person’s career. It is regarded as the “motivator” or “driver” of that person.
2. Many people are not really clear about their need and competencies and make an
inappropriate career choice, that lead to dissatisfaction and frustration at work,
incompatible at workplaces with their true values, resulting in feelings of unrest and
discontent and lost in productivity
3. Career Anchors helps an individual in conceptualizing his own perceived career.
4. Career anchor theory focuses on the “Internal Career”, the career as experienced by the
career occupant.
5. All career occupants must recognize and define their career anchors in order to make a
good and effective choice about their career future moves.
6. If individuals don’t know their anchors, they are very vulnerable to being given
assignments or promotions that don’t fit their self images at all, leading to unproductive
and stressful work situations and opportunities.
7. By analyzing their own career histories and the reasons for the choices they have made in
the past, they can identify what is important to them and use that knowledge in making
better career choices.
8. For example, people early in their careers may want to develop an expertise and relate to
the technical/functional anchor.
9. Later on they may want to be in charge of a department or division and switch to a
general managerial anchor.
10. And if life priorities change, they may identify most closely with the lifestyle or service


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