Fund Flow
Fund Flow
Fund Flow
Fixed liabilities
Current liabilities Share capital
Bank overdraft Reserve and surplus
Outstanding expenses Debentures
Accounts payable Long term loans
Current liabilities
Other liabilities 1767.5 576.72 1190.75
Short term borrowings 1881 1236 645.02
Bills for collections 4522.2 4477.4 44.85
CA - CL 7186.7 4181.7
Steps in prepration
Statement of cash from operation in this we will find out the
cash profit of the company
Preparation of cash flow statement in which we will explain
various in flows and out flows of cash. Here we will take the
opening cash balance of the company and add various
inflows to it and deduct various outflows. Finally we will get
the closing cash balance of the company.
Depreciation 35.15
Interest Payable 12.52
Amortizations 33.86
Provisions 80.80
5684.13 5684.13