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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 8320 (2000): General Requirements and Methods of Tests

for Lead-acid Storage Batteries [ETD 11: Secondary Cells
and Batteries]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
Indian Standard
( Second Revision )

ICS 19.080,29.220.20

0 BIS 2000


NEW DELHI 110002

Jdy 2000 Price Croup 5

Secondary Cells and Batteries Sectional Committee, ET I1


This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted bythe Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
Iinalized by the Secondary Cells and Batteries Sectional Committee, had been approved by the Electrotechnical
Division Council.

This standard was first published in 1976 and was first revised in 1982. This revision has been prepared
covering the updated general requirements and methods of tests for lead-acid storage batteries based on
available technology and experience gained so far. Specific requirements and tests for particular applications
are specified in individual specifications.

All the tests specified in this standard may not be applicable to all the batteries. In case any difference exists
between this standard and the individual specification the provisions of the latter shall apply.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final
value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised).’ The number of significant places retained in
the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 8320 : 2000

Indian Standard
( Second Revision )

1 SCOPE Example :

1.1 This standard specifies the general requirements When a cell/battery is so discharged to a specific
and methods of tests for lead-acid storage batteries. end voltage that it delivers its rated capacity in
The general requirements and tests applicable to IO-h, the rating is known as 10-h rating and is
batteries for special applications, such as aircraft, designated as Cl0 rating. Similarly 5-h rating (C5)
marine and miners, cap-lamp are not covered in the would mean that the cell/battery delivers its rated
standard. capacity in 5 h.

2 REFERENCES 4.1.1 The preferred Ah rating shall be as given in

the individual specification.
2.1 The list of Indian Standards referred to in this
standard is given at Annex A. 4.1.2 For guidance, the capacities at various rates of
discharge and the corresponding final voltages are
3 TERMINOLOGY given in the individual specification. The rate of
3.0 For the purpose of this standard, the definitions discharge depends on the rated Ah capacity. The rate
given in IS 1885 (Part S), in addition to the following, of discharge in amperes shall be obtained by dividing
shall apply. the specified Ah capacity by the rated duration in
3.1 Type Tests - Tests carried out to prove
conformity with the requirements given in the 4.2 Nominal Voltage
standard. These are intended to prove the general The voltage of each cell shah be 2 V. The preferred
quality and design of a given type of battery. ’ voltages for batteries shall be as given in the
individual specification.
3.2 Acceptance Tests - Tests carried out on samples
selected from a lot for the purpose of verifying the 5 MATERIALS
acceptability of the lot. 5.1 Container
3.2.1 Lot - All batteries of the same type, design The materials for container and lid shallbe as given
and rating, manufactured by the same factory during in Table 1.
the same perio-d, using the same process and materials,
offered for inspection at a time shall constitute a lot. 5.2 Electrolyte
The sulphuric acid and water used for the-preparation
3.3 Routine Tests - Tests carried out on every
and maintenance of electrolyte shall conform to
IS 266 and IS 1069 respectively.
3.4 Individual Specification - A specification that
5.3 Sealing Compound
lays down the requirements and tests which are
applicable to a particular type of battery and makes a The sealing compound when used in sealed or closed
reference to this standard for general requirements cells, and if bitumen based, shall conform to IS 3 116.
and methods of tests. 5.4 Separators
4 RATlNGS AND DESIGNATION The synthetic separators shall conform to IS 6071.
The rating assigned to the cell/battery shall be the 6.1 Cell Lids
capacity expressed in Ah (corrected to 27°C unless The requirements for cell lids shall be as given in
otherwise specified in the relevant specification) and the individual specification,
stated by the manufacturer that would be obtained
when the celhbattery is discharged at a specific rate 6.2 Venting Device
to a specific end voltage at a specified specific gravity The venting device shall be of anti-splash type and
at the beginning of discharge of electrolyte. shall allow the gases to escape freely but shall

IS 8320 : 2000
effectively prevent acid particles or spray from coming 6.5 Sealing
out. Provision shall be made for drawing electrolyte
6.5.1 The arrangements for sealing ~between the lid
samples, checking and servicing of the electrolyte.
and the cell-box, and between the terminals posts
6.3 Electrolyte Level Indicator and the lid, shall be such as to prevent any leakage
Where specified in the individual specification, of electrolyte in service.
provision shall be made for fitting a suitable acid 6.5.2 The materials used for sealing shall not
level indicator with a view to checking the level of contaminate the electrolyte.
the acid in opaque container.
6.6 Connectors
6.4 Terminals
The requirements for terminals of cells/batteries shall The requirements for connectors shall be as given in
be as given in the individual specification. the individual specification.

Table 1 Materials for Containers and Lids

(Clause 5.1)

Type of Cell, Reference to Container Lid

Battery Unit, Indhrl A Material
or Battery Standard / Material Reference to ’
Indian Standard

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Motor cycles, IS 1145 ~Ruhber, IS 1146
auto rikshaws. plastics
and similar
Stationary, IS 1651 i) Rubber, . i) IS 1146 Rubber, plastics,
tubular plates plastics, FRP glass
ii) Lead-lined Nil
wood glass
Stationary, IS 1652 9 Rubber, i) IS 1146 Rubber, plastics,
plante plates plastics, gl=
ii) Lead-limed Nil
wood, glass
Traction IS 5154 Rubber, IS 1146 Rubber, plastics

Stationary IS 6304 i) Rubber, i) IS 1146 Rubber, plastics, glass

pasted plates plastics
ii) Lead-lined Nil
wood, glass
Train lighting IS 6848 grubber, plastics IS 1146 Rubber, plastics
and air-

Motor vehicle IS 7372 Rubber, plastics IS 1146 Rubber, plastics

Starter IS 7624 Rubber, plastics IS 1146 Rubber, plastics

for diesel
and rail cars
Electric loco- IS 7660 Rubber, plastics IS 1146 Rubber, plastics
motive and
multiple units

IS 8320 : 2000
6.7 Spray Arresters 10 CONDITIONS OF SUPPLY
The open-cells shall be provided with spray arresters 10.1 To facilitate procurement of the correct type of
of adequate area over the plates. These may be of cells and batteries, it is recommended that user should
glass sheet at least 3 mm thick or some suitable furnish the information about his requirements, given
plastics sheet and shall be adequately supported. in Annex B at the time of enquiry or order. Similarly,
the manufacturer should furnish the information given
6.8 Any other constructional requirements applicable
in Annex C.
to the particular types of cells and batteries shall be
specified in the individual specifications. 11 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TESTS
11.1 Temperature for Tests
Unless otherwise specified under various tests or in
7.1 The maximum overall dimensions, layout and
the individual specification, the temperature for tests
mass of cells and batteries shall be as specified in the
shall bebetween 20°C and 35°C preferred temperature
individual specitication.
being 27 + 2°C.
11.2 Test Requirement
8.1 Marking
11.2.1 Voltmeter
8.1.1 The following information shall be legibly and The voltmeter used for tests shall be of an accuracy
durably marked on each cell/battery: class not inferior to 0.5 in accordance with IS 1248
a> Manufacturer’s name and/or trade-mark, (Part 2). The resistance of the voltmeter used shall
be at least 1 000 ohms per volt. The range of the
b) Nominal voltage and capacity of cell or voltmeter used shall be such that the magnitude of
the voltage to be measured falls in the last third part
cl Upper and lower electrolyte levels in case of of the scale.
transparent containers,
11.2.2 Ammeter
4 Month and year of manufacture, The ammeter used for tests shall have an accuracy
4 Country of origin, and class not inferior to 1.0 [see IS 1248 (Part 2)]. The
range of ammeter used shall be such that the
f) Polarity marking.
magnitude of the current to be measured falls in the
8.1.2 The following information in addition to that last third part of the scale.
given under 8.1.1 shall be given with each&l/battery:
11.2.3 Thermometer
a) Last date of filling in and charging; A thermometer with an appropriate scale shall be
b) In the case of any charged batteries, the date used for measuring temperature and one division of
of expiry of dry charged condition together the graduated scales shall represent 1°C maximum.
with instructions thereafter; and The accuracy of the calibration shall be not worse
c) Any other additional markings as specified than 05°C.
in the individual specification. 11.2.4 Hydrometer
8.2 Packing The specific gravity of the electrolyte shall be
measured by hydrometer provided with a graduated
The cells and batteries shall be suitably packed so as
scale, one division of which shall represent 0.005
to avoid any loss or damage during transit.
maximum unit of specific gravity. The accuracy of
9 MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS calibration shall be not less than 0.005 unit of specific
9.1 The manufacturer shall supply one copy of gravity.
instruction manual for initial treatment and routine 11.3 First Charge
maintenance on service, with every batch of batteries. The cell/battery shall be first charged according to
9.2 The following information shall be provided in the manufacturers’ instructions and when fully
the instruction manual: charged the level and specific gravity of the electrolyte
of each cell shall be checked and adjusted if necessary.
a) Nominal voltage and capacity of cell or The electrolyte level shall be that recommended by
the manufacturer and shall not be less than 6 mm
b) Manufacturer’s instructions for filling, initial over top of separators.
11.4 Specific Gravity of Electrolyte
c) Normal and finishing charging rates; and The specific gravity of the electrolyte shall be as
d) Maintenance instructions. specified in the individual specification.

IS 8320 : 2000
11.4.1 After a full charge, the specific gravity and h) Test for Ah and Wh efficiencies (12.9);
temperature of the electrolyte shall be measured. The
j) Test for high rate discharge at normal
specific gravity shall be ~corrected to 27°C unless temperature (12.10);
otherwise specified in the relevant specification using
the following formula: W Test for high rate discharge at low temperature
SG,, = SG, + 0.0007 (t - 27) Test for resistance to overcharge (12.12);
where n) Test for voltage during discharge (12.13);
SG,, = specific gravity at an average electrolyte P) Life test and endurance test (12.14);
temperature of 27°C , 9) Vibration test (12.15);
SG, = specific gravity at an average electrolyte r) Bump test (12.16); and
temperature of PC, and s) Storage (12.17).
t = average temperature of electrolyte 12.1.2 Some special tests which are applicable only
during discharge (average of initial and to particular types of cells/batteries shall be specified
final temperature). in the individual specification.

11.5 Correction Factors for Capacity 12.1.3 Samples for the type tests shall be drawn at
random by the inspection -or testing authority and the
Unless otherwise specified in the individual sequence of type tests and the number of samples
specification, the capacity shall be corrected to 27°C required shall be in accordance with the individual
by the following formula: specification. If any of the samples fails in the relevant
c27 = 1 + 0.01 (r-27) type test, the testing authority may call for fresh
samples not exceeding twice the original number and
subject them again to the tests in which failure
where occurred. If there is any failure in retest(s), the type
c27 = Ah capacity at an average electrolyte shall be considered as not having passed the
temperature of 27”C, requirements.
12.1.4 Sampling Scheme and Criteria for Acceptance
c, = Ah capacity at an average electrolyte
temperature of r”C, and A recommended sampling scheme and criteria for
the acceptance of lots for various lot sizes is given in
t = Average temperature of electrolyte Annex D.
during discharge.
12.2 Verification of Conformity of Materials
12 TESTS AND REQUIREMENTS The cell/battery shall meet the requirements specified
12.1 Classification of Test under 5.
The tests shall be classified into three categories, 12.3 Verification of Constructional Requirements
namely type, acceptance and routine tests (see 3.1 The cell/battery shall meet the requirements specified
to 3.3). under 6.
12.1.1 The type, acceptance and routine tests as 12.4 Verification of Dimensions, Layout and Mass
applicable -to specific types of batteries covered by The cell/battery shall meet the requirements specified
individual specifications, shall be chosen from the under 7.
following (see also 12.1.2): 12.5 Verification of Marking and Packing
a>Verification of conformity of materials (12.2); The cell/battery shall meet the requirements of 8.
b) Verification of constructional requirements 12.6 Air Pressure Test
(12.3); This test shall be done on unfilled cell/battery and is
intended to check the sealing of each cell/battery for
c) Verification of dimensions, layout and mass
(12.4); leakage.
NOTE - The specific values of ‘0’ and ‘b’ referred under this
4 Verification of marking and packing (12.5); test method shall be given in the individual specification.

Cl Air pressure test (12.6); 12.6.1 A pressure of value ‘a’ pascals shall be created
inside the cell/battery by compressed air. The volume
0 Capacity test (12.7);
of tubes and auxiliary parts connected to the cell/
g) Test for loss of capacity on storage (12.8); battery under pressure ~shall not exceed 500 ml.

IS 8320 : 2000
12.6.2 Requirement capacities obtained by multiplying with conversion
factor expressed as percentage of the rated capacity.
The air pressure in the cell/battery 15aiter disconnection
of the compressed air supply, shall not fall from ‘a’ 12.8 Test for Loss of Capacity on Storage
to below ‘b’ pascals. The lid shall show no visible
This test shall be carried out to determine the loss of
sign of movement to air pressure.
capacity of a fully charged cell/battery left on open-
12.7 Capacity Test circuit for a specified period. The test shall be carried
NOTE - The specific values of ‘a’ to ‘f’ referred under this
out on a cell/battery which has passed the capacity
test method shall be given in the individual specification. test specified under 12.7.
12.7.1 The battery shall be given the first charge as NOTE - The values of ‘0’ and ‘b’ referred below shall be
specified in the individual specification.
specified under 11.3.
12.8.1 The batteryshall be fully charged at the current
12.7.2 After standing on open-circuit for not less
specified, by the manufacturer and it shall then be
than ‘a’ hours and not more than ‘b’ hours from the
submitted to two consecutive capacity tests in
completion of first charge, and at an electrolyte
accordance with 12.7, the value of initial capacity
temperature between 20 to 35”C, the cell/battery shall being calculated as the mean of the two results thus
be discharged through a suitable variable resistance obtained shall be denoted by C.
at a constant current of ‘c’ amperes. The discharge
shall be stopped when the closed-circuit voltage across 12.8.2 After a complete recharge and after cleaning
the cell/battery falls to ‘d’ x ‘n’ volts ivhere ‘n’ is of the electrolyte from its surface, the cell/battery
the number of cells in the battery and ‘d’ is the end shall be left on open-circuit for a period of ‘u’ days
voltage for each cell. without disturbance at a temperature of 27 + 2”C,
unless otherwise specified in the relevant specification.
If however, a test discharge can not be conducted
within-the specified rest period due to any exigencies, 12.8.3 After storage for a period specified in 12.8.2
a freshening charge may be given to the cell/battery the cell/battery shall be discharged in accordance
at normal charging rate recommended by the with 12.7. The value of capacity measured after
manufacturer for a period of 1 h for every 24 h or storage shall be denoted by c’ .
part thereof of the extended rest period. The capacity
test, however, can be started after a minimum period 12.8.4 After the discharge, the cell/battery shall be
of 2 h elapsing after this freshening charge. fully charged at the rate recommended by the
manufacturer. During discharge, hourly voltage readings
shall be taken until the closed circuit voltage across 12.8.5 The loss of capacity S expressed as a
cell/battery terminals approaches ‘e’ x ‘n’ volts, after percentage, shall be calculated from the formula:
which the readings shall be taken every 15 min until
the voltage falls to a voltage ‘f’ volts. s = C-C’
x loo
12.7.3 The temperature of electrolyte shall be taken
hourly and the average temperature PC shall be taken 12.8.6 Requirement
as the temperature of electrolyte during discharge.
The loss of capacity shall be not more than ‘b’ percent.
12.7.4 The cell/battery shall be charged at the normal
charging rate immediately after the discharge. 12.9 Test for Ampere-Hour and Watt-Hour
12.7.5 The time in hours elapsing between the
NOTE - The values of ‘u’ to ‘f’ referred below shall be specified
beginning and the end of discharge including the in the individual specification.
last period of 15 min during which the voltage first
fell to ‘1’ volts shall be taken as the period of 12.9.1 Ampere-Hour (Ah) Efficiency
discharge. This period of discharge multiplied by the A filly charged&/battery shallbe discharged
constant discharge current ‘c’ amperes shall be the at a constant current ‘a’ amperes to an end voltage
Ah capacity of cell/battery at PC which shall be of ‘b’ volts. During discharge, hourly voltage readings
corrected to 27°C in accordance with 11.5. shall be taken.until the closed-circuit voltage across
cell/battery terminals approaches Lc’ volts after which
12.7.6 Requirement
the readings shall be taken every 15 min until the
The capacity shall be within 100 and 120 percent of voltage falls to ‘a ’ value ‘d ’ volts. Careful calculation/
the rated capacity declared by the manufacturer. The measurements shall be made of the exact ~number of
120 percent limit is however, not applicable to other Ah delivered.

IS 8320 : 2000 The cell/battery shall then be recharged and NOTE-The valuesof ‘a’ to tf’ refemed in 12.11.1 and 12.11.2
shall be specified in the individual specification.
the number of Ah ascalculated in shall be
put back at the same current.
12.ll.l The ccll/battety shall be discharged at a The battery shall then be discharged for the constant currett of ‘b’ amperes. The discharge shall
second time as described in and the Ah be stopped when the closed-circuit voltage across the
delivered shall be calculated. celhbattety terminal falls to ‘c’ volts. The Ah efftciency of the battery shall be Provisions of shall apply.
percentage ratio of Ah delivered during the second
discharge ( to the Ah put in on the charge 12.11.2 Requirements
The closed-circuit voltage across the battery terminals Requirement when discharged as specified in 12.11.1 shall not fall
The Ah _efficiency when calculated as described below ‘d’ volts within 5 to 7s of start and not below
in 12i9.1.4 shall be not less than ‘e’ percent. ‘e’ volts till a time ‘f’ min has elasped.
12i9.2 Watt-Hour (wh) ESficiency 12.12 Test for Resistance to Overcharge The percentage Wh ~efftciency shall be This test shall be carried out to determine the ability
calculated by multiplying the Ah clliciency ( of the cell/battery to withstand overcharging.
by the ratio of average discharge and recharge
voltages. The values of discharge and recharge voltage NOTE - The values of ‘a’ to tf refmd below shall be specified
in the individual specification.
shall be calculated from the log-sheets for Ah
efficiency. 12.12.1 Throughout this test the cell/battery shall be Requirement immersed in a tank of water whose temperature shall
be maintained at 40 k 3°C. The cell/battery shall be
The percentage Wh efficiency when calculated as
so immersed that its top is above the water level in
described in shall be not less than ‘f’ percent.
the tank. If several celmLttery are placed in the same
12.10 Test for High Rate Discharge (HRD) at tank, a spacing of 25 mn shall be maintained between
Normal Temperature them. While the cell/ba+tery is being charged, the
This test shall be carried out on cell/battery that has level of electrolyte shall be checked daily and
been subjected to test in accordance with 12.7. The maintained at the specified level by adding distilled
initial temperature of the electrolyte in the cell and water (see 5.2).
in the central cell(s) in case of battery shall be 12.12.2 The cell/battery shall be charged continuously
~27 + 2°C. at a constant current of ‘u’ amperes for a period
NOTE -The values of ‘a’ to ‘e’ rofemd below shall be specified ‘6’ h.
in the individual specification.
12.123 After charging as specified in 12.12.2, the
12.10.1 The cell/battery shall be discharged at a
cell/battery shall be left disconnected in the tank for
constant current of ‘a’ amperes. The discharge shall
a period of ‘c’ h. The cell/battery shall then be
be stopped when the closed circuit voltage battery
discharged at a constant current of ‘d ’ amperes.
across terminals falls to ‘h’ volts. During discharge the terminals voltage 12.12.4 The charge and discharge cycle described
shall be measured 5 to 7s after the start and at 30s under 12.12.2 and 12.12.3 shall be repeated ‘e’
intervals thereal% number of times.
12.10.2 Requirement 12.12.5 Requirement
The closed-circuit voltage across battery terminals The duration of discharge during the ‘e’ cycle shall
when discharged as specified in 12.10.1 shall not fall be not less than ‘f’ min.
below ‘c’ volts within 5 to 7s of start and not below
‘d’ volts till a time ‘e’ min has elapsed. 12.13 Test for Voltages During Discharge
12.11 Test for High Rate Discharge (HRD) at Low The cell/battery need not be discharged specifically
Temperature for this test. For the purposes of this test, the voltages
This test shall be carried out on cell/battery which shall be obtained from the capacity test (see
has been subjected to one to three complete discharges in which the cell/battery meets the rated capacity.
at a rate ‘a’ amperes. For the test the temperature of 12.13.1 Requirement
the electrolyte in the cell and in the central cell(s) in
case of battery shall be maintained at 0 2 2°C for at The cell/battery shall meet the requirements given in
the individual specification.
least 2 h.

IS 8320 : 2000
12.14 Life Test and Endurance Test discharged in accordance with for each of
NOTE - The values of ‘a’ to ‘p’ referred below shall be as
the ‘K ‘-life units.
specified in the individual specification.
12.14.4 Method B
12.14.1 A fully charged cell/battery shall be taken The cell/battery shall be discharged at ‘a’
for this test and the level and specific gravity of the amperes for ‘6’ h and charged at ‘c’ amperes for ‘d’
electrolyte shall be checked and adjusted, if necessary. h. Such discharge/charge cycle shall be carried out
12.14.2 Conditioning of cell/battery shall be done as ‘e’ number of times.
per 12.12.1. NOTE - The duration of discharge and charge may be such
NOTE - There are two methods for determining life of c& that two cycles of discharge and charge be possible per day.
battery. The choice of Method A or B be specified in the individual After each services of ‘e’ cycles, the cell/
battery shall be fully recharged and capacity shall be
12.14.3 Method A checked in accordance with 12.7. The cell/battery shall be subjected to a series After the capacity test as specified
of successive charges and discharges. The current ‘a’ in the cell/battery shall be fully charged
amperes for discharge and ‘b’ amperes for charge and the cycles of discharge and charge shall be
and duration ‘c’ h for discharge and ‘d ’ h for charge. resumed. After the last charge of ‘e’ cycles of The life test shall be complete when on a
discharge, the cell/battery shall be disconnected from test discharge, in accordance with, the
the circuit and shall be left in tank on open-circuit obtained capacity falls below ‘n’ percent.
for a period of ‘f’ h. Requirement After open-circuit stand as specified
The total number of discharge (including test
in the celhhattery shall be subjected to a
discharge) shall be not less than ‘p’.
discharge test at ‘g’ amperes to a cut-off voltage of
‘h’ volts x ‘n’ where ‘h’ is the voltage per cell and 12.15 Vibration Test
‘n’ is the number of cells in a battery. After the
Respective individual specification shall specify test
completion of this discharge the battery shall be fully
schedule where applicable.
12.16 Bump Test
If for any reason the open-circuit stand period ‘j’ h
as specified in is exceeded by 2 h, the cell/ Respective individual specification shall specify test
battery in the water bath may at the option of method and requirement, where applicable.
manufacturer be kept on trickle charge at a current
12.17 Storage
I = 0.01 x (Rated Capacity) Amperes until the time
of test discharge. The unfilled cell/battery shall be stored for a period
of ‘u’ months (to be specified in the individual
1’ The combination of ‘e’ discharge-charge
specification) at the room temperature after which it
cycles and open-circuit ( discharge and
shall be tested for capacity in accordance with 12.7.
subsequent recharge ( shall form one unit
The cell/battery shall then be subjected to the high
of life.
rate discharge test (12.10) wherever applicable as After final uniTof life test, the cell/battery indicated in individual specification.
shall not be subjected to any further tests.
12.17.1 Requirement Requirement
The cell/battery shall meet the requirements specified
The cell/battery shall discharge for ‘F’ min when in the individual specification.

IS 8320 : 2000
(CZfmse 2.1)

IS No. Title IS No. Title

266 : 1993 Sulphuric acid (third revision) 1885 (Part 8) Electrotechnical vocabulary:
652 : 1960 Wooden separators for lead-acid 1986 Part 8 Secondary cells and
storage batteries (revised) batteries (first revision)

1069 : 1993 Quality tolerances for water for 3116 : 1965 Sealing compound for lead-acid
storage batteries (second revision) batteries
1145 : 1980 Lead-acid storage batteries for 4905 : 1968 Methods for random sampling
motor cycle, auto-rickshaws and
5154 : 1980 Lead-acid traction batteries (first
similar vehicles (second revision)
1146 : 1981 Rubber and plastic containers for
lead-acid storage batteries (second 6071 : 1986 Synthetic separators for lead-acid
revision) batteries (first revision)

1248 (Part 2) Direct acting indicating analogue 6304 : 1992 Stationary batteries leadeacid type
1983 electricai measuring instruments with pasted positive plates
and their accessories: Part 2 (second revision)
Ammeter and voltmeter (second
6848 : 1979 Lead *acid batteries for train
ligh .ing and air-conditioning
1248 (Part 7) Direct acting indicating analogue services yirsl revision)
1984 electrical measuring instruments
7372 : 1995 Lead-acid storage batteries for
and their accessories: Part 7
motor vehicles yirst revision)
Multifunction instruments (second
revision) 7624 : 1990 Lead-acid starter batteries for
1651 : 1991 Stationary cells and batteries, lead- diesel locomotives and rail cars
acid type with tubular positive 7660 : 1988 Lead-acid batteries for electric
plates (second revision) locomotives and electrical multi-
1652 : 1991 Stationary cells and batteries, ple units (first revision)
lead-acid type with plante positive
plates (third revision)

(Chse 10.1)

B-l When inquiring for ordering lead-acid cells and with or without trickle charging (in case of
batteires, the following information should be float working, the floating voltage, and the
furnished by the purchaser: limits of regulation be indicated);
4 Number of identical batteries required; f) Whether stands are required and if so, details
of layout or space available;
b) Number ofcells per battery;
f3) The proposed location of installation and the
c) Capacity (in ampere-hours) and the rate of expected dates of tests to be conducted;
discharge of batteries;
h) Overall dimensions (LengthxBreadthxHeight)
d) Cell/battery designation in accordance with with permissible tolerance for cell/battery;
this standard;
j) Accessories and spares required, if any; and
e) The proposed method of working, that is,
charge-discharge, float working, or standby k) Special conditions, if any.
IS 8320 : 2000

(Clause 10.1)

C-l When supplying lead-acid cells and batteries, j) Material of container;

the following particulars should be furnished by the
supplier: k) Amount and specific gravity of electrolyte per
cell required for first filling;
a> Capacity of battery and the rate of discharge;
m) Recommended specific gravity of electrolyte
b) Manufacturer’s name; at the end of a full charge;
c> Type of negative plates; n) Expected specific gravity of electrolyte at the
Method of connection between cells, that is, end of the discharge at the specified rate;
whether bolted or burnt;
P) Overall dimensions of each cell and battery;
e> Recommended starting and furnishing rates ci, Distance between the centers of cells when
of charge; erected;
r, Voltage per cell at the end of charge at the
r) Weight of cell/battery complete with acid;
finishing rate;
s) Recommended maximum period of storage
S> Recommended trickle charging rates for
before the first charge; and
different types of working;
t) Internal resistance of the cell.
hj The type and material of the separators;

(CZause 12.1.4)

D-l SCALE OF SAMPLING acceptance tests. A battery shall be declared defective

if it fails in one or more of the acceptance tests. If
D-l.1 Scale of Sampling
the number of defectives is less than or equal to C,
The number of batteries to be selected at random the lot shall be considered as conforming to equal to
from the lot shall be in accordance with co1 1 and 2 or greater~than C, the lot shall be considered as not
of Table 2. conforming to the requirements of the standard. If
In order to ensure the randomness of selection, the number of defectives in the first stage is less
random number tables shall be used (see IS 4905). than C, and greater than C,, a further sample of
same size as taken in the first stage shall be taken
D-l.2 The batteries selected as above shall be and tested. If the number of defectives in the two
subjected to the acceptance test in the order specified samples combined is less than C,, the lot shall be
in the individual specification. considered as conforming to the requirements of the
Each of the batteries selected in the first stage in standard, otherwise the lot shall be considered as not
accordance with co1 2 of Table 2 shall be tested for conforming to the requirements of the standard.

IS 8320 : 2000
Table 2 Sample Size and Criteria for Conformity
(Clauses D-l.1 and D-1.2)

Lot Size First Second 2n c, cz c,

Stage Stage

N n n

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

up to 50 2 2 4 0 1 _

5 1 to 300 3 3 6 0 1 _

301 to 500 5 5 10 0 2 2

501 to 1 000 8 8 16 0 2 2

1 001 and above 13 13 26 0 3 4

NOTE - The sampling plan given in the table envisages that lots containing about 4 percent defective batteries will be accepted 95 percent
of time, and lots containing 15 percent defective batteries will be rejected 90 percent of times.

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Strindards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for~revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot : No. ET 11 (3564).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



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