Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Suter (27 Scra 152) Facts
Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Suter (27 Scra 152) Facts
Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Suter (27 Scra 152) Facts
SUTER(27 SCRA 152) conduit of the partner-spouses; it wasorganized for legitimate business
purposes, Thechange in its membership brought about by themarriage is
not a ground for withdrawing thepartnership from coverage under §24 of
In 1947 the tax code requiring it to pay income tax. What is taxable is theincome of
both spouses in their individual capacities.
A limited partnership, “William J.Suter ‘Morcoin’ Co., Ltd.”, was formed with
WilliamSuter as general partner, Julia Spirig and GustavCarlson as limited 3. IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FORAUTHORITY TO CONTINUE USE OF
partners, each contributing to thepartnership. In 1948, Suter married Spirig THE FIRMNAME ‘OZAETA, ROMULO, ETC.Facts:
andthereafter, Carlson sold his share in the partnershipto Suter and his wife.
Two petitions were filed, one by the survivingpartners of Atty. Herminio
The limited partnership hadbeen filing its income tax returns (ITRs) as
Ozaeta and the other bythe surviving partners of Atty. Alexander
acorporation w/o objection from the CIR. Later in anassessment, the CIR
Sycippraying that they be allowed to continue using thenames of
consolidated the income of thefirm and the individual incomes of partner-
partners who had passed away in their firmnames. Both petitions
spousesresulting in a determination of a deficiency incometax against
were consolidated.
Suter. Suter protested and requestedcancellation and withdrawal but was
denied by theCIR. Suter appealed to the Court of Tax Appeals w/creversed Petitioners Arguments:
CIR’s decision.
Under the law, a partnership is not prohibitedfrom continuing its business
(1) Should the corporate personality of thepartnership be disregarded for under a firm namewhich includes the name of a deceasedpartner. In
income tax purposessince partner-spouses form a single taxable fact, art. 1840 of the civil codeexplicitly sanctions the practice.
unit?(2)Was the partnership dissolved after the marriageof partner-spuses
and subsequent sale of Carlson of his participation in the partnership?
In regulating other professions, such asaccountancy and engineering,
the legislaturehas authorized the adoption of firm nameswithout any
restriction as to the use, in suchfirm name, of the name of the
deceasedpartner, the legislative authorization given tothose engaged
CTA decision affirmed
in the practice of accountancy –a profession requiring the same
. The limited partnershipwas not a universal partnership but a particular degree of trustand confidence in respect of clients as thatimplicit in the
one.A universal partnership requires either that theobject of the association relationship of attorney andclient – to acquire and use a trade
be all the present propertyof the partners, as contributed by them to name,strongly indicates that there us no fundamentalpolicy that is
thecommon fund, or else “all that the partners mayacquire by their industry offended by the continued use bya firm of professionals of a firm name
or work during theexistence of the partnership”. In the instant case, allof the whichincluded the name of a deceased partner, atleast where such
contributions were fixed sums of money andneither of them were industrial firm name has acquired thecharacteristics of a ‘trade name’
partners. Thus it wasnot a partnership that spouses were forbidden toenter
under the 1889 Civil Code. The capital contributions of partner-spouses
wereseparately owned and contributed by them beforetheir marriage; The Canon of Professional Ethics are nottransgressed by the continued
and after they were joined inwedlock, such contributions remained use of the nameof a deceased partner in the firm name of a
theirrespective separate property under the Spanish CivilCode. Thus, the lawpartnership as declared by Canon 33 adoptedby American Bar
individual interest of each did notbecome common property of both after Association declaring that‘The continued use of the name of a
theirmarriage.In this case the limited partnership is not a merebusiness deceasedor former partner when permissible by localcustom, is not
unethical, but care should betaken that no imposition or deception •
ispracticed through this use.’
A partnership for the practice of law cannot belikened to partnerships
• formed by otherprofessionals or for business. For one thing, thelaw on
accountancy specifically allows the use of a trade name in connection
There is no possibility of imposition ordeception because the deaths of
with the practice of accountancy. ‘A partnership for the practice
theirrespective deceased partners were well –publicized in all
of law is not a legal entity. It is a mere relationshipor association for a
newspapers of generalcirculation for several days.
particular purpose.’ It is not apartnership formed for the purpose of
• carrying ina trade or business or of holding property. Thus,it has been
stated that the used of an assumedor trade name in law practice is
No local custom prohibits the continued use of a deceased partner’s improper.
name in a professionalfirm name; and
The continued use of a deceased partner’sname in the firm name
of law partnerships hasbeen consistently allowed by U.S. Courts and The right to practice law is not a natural orconstitutional right but is in
isan accepted practice in legal profession of most countries in the the nature of aprivilege or franchise. It is limited to persons of good
world. moral character with special qualificationsduly ascertained and
certified. The right doesnot only presuppose in its possessor
Issue: integrity,legal standing and attainment but also theexercise of
a special privilege,
Whether or not a firm name engaged in thelegal profession should
continue using the name of partners who had passed away. highly personaland partaking of the nature of a public trust.
SC ruling:
No. •
• The continued use of a deceased or formerpartner’s name in the
firm names of lawpartnerships not sanctioned by local custom dueto
The use in partnership names of the names of deceased partners will
the possibility of deception upon the publicwhere the name of
run counter to Article1825 of the CC which provides that names in afirm
a deceased partner continuesto be used. The possibility of deception
name of a partnership must either be thoseof living partners and, in the
upon thepublic, real or consequential, where the name of a deceased
case of non –partners, should be living persons who can besubjected
partner continues to be used cannotbe ruled out. A person in search of
to liability. In fact, art. 1825 prohibitsa third person from including his
legal counselmight be guided by the familiar ring of adistinguished
name in thefirm name under pain of assuming the liability of a partner.
name appearing in a firm title. Inaddition, there’s no local custom within
The heirs of a deceased partner in alaw firm cannot be held liable as
our jurisdiction that sanctions the practice of continued use of a
the oldmembers to the creditors of a firm particularlywhere they are
deceased partner’s name.Courts take no judicial notice of custom. A
non-lawyers. With regard to art.1840, it treats more of a commercial
localcustom as a source of right cannot beconsidered by a court
partnershipwith a good will to protect rather than aprofessional
of justice unless suchcustom is properly established by
partnership, with no saleable goodwill but whose reputation depends
competentevidence like any other fact. Merely becausesomething is
on thepersonal qualifications of its individual members. Thus, it has been
done as a matter of practice doesnot mean that Courts can rely on the
held that a saleable goodwillcan exist only in a commercial partnership
same forpurposes of adjudication as a juridical custom. Juridical
andcannot arise in a professional partnershipconsisting of lawyers.
custom must be differentiated fromsocial custom. The former can
supplementstatutory law or be applied in the absence of such statute.
Not so with the latter.
4. Gregorio Ortega, Tomas del Castillo, Jr. and Benjamin Bacorro v. CA,
SEC and Joaquin Misa
G.R. No. 109248 July 3, 1995
The petitioner and private respondents arebrothers and sisters who
are co-owners of certainlots at the in Quezon City which were then
Ortega, then a senior partner in the law firm Bito, Misa, and beingleased to SHELL. They agreed to open and operate agas station
Lozada withdrew in said firm. thereat to be known as Estanislao
ShellService Station with an initial investment of PhP15,000.00 to be
He filed with SEC a petition for dissolution and liquidation of
taken from the advance rentalsdue to them from SHELL for the
occupancy of thesaid lots owned in common by them. A joint
SEC en banc ruled that withdrawal of Misa from the firm had affidavitwas executed by them on April 11, 1966. Therespondents
dissolved the partnership. Reason: since it is partnership at will, agreed to help their brother, petitionertherein, by allowing him to
the law firm could be dissolved by any partner at anytime, such operate and manage thegasoline service station of the family. In order
as by withdrawal therefrom, regardless of good faith or bad not torun counter to the company’s policy of appointingonly one
faith, since no partner can be forced to continue in the dealer, it was agreed that petitioner wouldapply for the
partnership against his will. dealership. Respondent Remedioshelped in co-managing the business
with petitionerfrom May 1966 up to February 1967.On May 1966, the
parties entered into an AdditionalCash Pledge Agreement with SHELL
wherein it wasreiterated that the P15,000.00 advance rental shallbe
Issue: 1. WON the partnership of Bito, Misa & Lozada (now Bito, Lozada,
deposited with SHELL to cover advances of fuel
Ortega & Castillo) is a partnership at will; 2. WON the withdrawal of Misa
topetitioner as dealer with a proviso that saidagreement “cancels and
dissolved the partnership regardless of his good or bad faith;
supersedes the JointAffidavit.”
The CA erred in interpreting the legalimport of the Joint Affidavit vis-à- 6. Campos Rueda & Co v Pacific Commercial (44 Phil 916)
vis the AdditionalCash Pledge Agreement. Because of Facts:
the stipulationcancelling and superseding the Joint Affidavit,whatever
partnership agreement there Campos, Rueda & Co., a limited partnership, is indebted to the
was in saidprevious agreement had thereby been abrogated.Also, the appellants: Pacific Commercial Co. ,Asiatic Petroleum Co,
CA erred in declaring that a partnership wasestablished by and among and International Banking Corporation amounting to not less than
the petitioner and theprivate respondents as regards the ownership P1,000.00(which were not paid more than 30 days prior to the date of
and /oroperation of the gasoline service station business. the filing by petitioners of the applicationfor voluntary insolvency).The
trial court denied their petition on the ground that it was not proven, nor
alleged, that the membersof the firm were insolvent at the time the
There is no merit in the petitioner’s application was filed. It also held that the partners are personally and
contentionthat because of the stipulation cancelling andsuperseding solidarily liable for the consequences of the transactions of the
the previous joint affidavit, whateverpartnership agreement there partnership.
was in said previousagreement had thereby been Issue:Whether or not a limited partnership may be held to have
abrogated. Saidcancelling provision was necessary for the JointAffida committed an act of insolvency.
vit speaks of P15,000.00 advance rentalstarting May 25, 1966 while the
latter agreementalso refers to advance rentals of the same Held: Yes. A limited partnership¶s juridical personality is different from
amountstarting May 24, 1966. There is therefore aduplication of the personality of its members. Ongeneral principle, the limited
reference to the P15,000.00 hence theneed to provide in the partnership must answer for and suffer the consequence of its acts.
subsequent document that Under our Insolvency Law, one of the acts of bankruptcy upon w/c an
it“cancels and supercedes” the previous none.Indeed, it is true that adjudication of involuntary insolvencycan be predicated is the failure
the latter document is silent asto the statement in the Join Affidavit that to pay obligations.The failure of Campos, Rueda & Co., to pay its
the valuerepresents the “capital investment” of the parties inthe obligations constitutes an act w/c is specifically provided for in the
Insolvency Law for declaration of involuntary insolvency. The petitioners It has been the universal practice in the Philippine Islands since
have aright to a judicial decree declaring the involuntary insolvency of American occupation,and was the practice prior to that time, to treat
said partnership. companies of the class to which the plaintiff belongs as legal or juridical
entities and to permit them to sue and be sued in the name of
7. G.R. No. L-8576 February 11, 1915VARGAS and COMPANY,
thecompany, the summons being served solely on the managing age
plaintiff-appellee,vs. nt or other official of thecompany specified by the section of the Code
of Civil Procedure referred to. The plaintiff bringsthis action in the
CHAN HANG CHIU, ET AL., company name and not in the name of the members of the firm.
Actionsagainst companies of the class to which plaintiff belongs are br
ought, according to theuninterrupted practice, against such
Facts: companies in their company names and not against theindividual
partners constituting the firm. In case the individual members of the firm
On the 19th day of August, 1911, an action was begun by Chan Hang must beseparately served with process, the rule also prevails that they
Chiu against theplaintiff in this case as a mercantile association duly must be parties to the action,either plaintiffs or defendant, and that the
organized under the laws of the PhilippineIslands, to recover a sum action cannot be brought in the name of or againstthe company
of money. The summons and complaint were placed in the hands of itself.2. If it is necessary to serve the partners
thesheriff, delivering to and leaving with one individually, they are entitled to be heardindividually in the action and
Jose Macapinlac personally true copies thereof, hebeing the they must, therefore, be made parties thereto so that they can
managing agent of said Vargas & Co. at the time of such service. On beheard. It would be idle to serve process on individual members of a
July 2, 1912, the justice's court rendered judgment against Vargas & Co. partnership if the litigationwere to be conducted in the name of the
for the sum of 372.28.It is plaintiff’s contention that
partnership itself and by the duly constituted officials of the partnership
Vargas & Co. being a partnership, it is necessary, inbringing an action exclusively.
against it, to serve the summons on all of the partners, deliveringto each In this case, is apparent that the plaintiff is acting contrary to its ownco
one of them personally a copy thereof; and that the summons in this ntention by bringing the action in the name of the company. If not
casehaving been served on the managing agent of the company only, served withprocess, then the action should be brought in the individual
the service was of no effect as against the company and the members names of the partnersand not in the name of the company itself.
thereof and the judgment enteredby virtue of such a service was void.
Whether or not it is indispensable in bringing Facts:
an action to a partnership to servesummons to all parties thereof.
On May 1, 1953, Ang Pue and Tan Siong, both Chinese citizens,
organized the partnership Ang Pue & Company for aterm of five years.
No, it is dispensable. Prior to the expiration of the five-year term, the partners amended the
original articles of partnership soas to extend the term of life of
Reasons: the partnership to another five years. However, when the amended
articles were presentedfor registration in the Office of the SEC,
registration was refused upon the ground that the extension was in
violation of RA1180
– them from the tax liability of the unregistered partnership. Hence, the
petitioners were required to pay the deficiency income tax assessed.
an act prohibiting the extension of the term of a partnership not wholly
formed by Filipinos. ISSUE:
• Issue:
For tax purposes, the co – ownership of inherited properties What is the nature of the mercantileestablishment, Teck Seing & Co.,
is automatically convertedinto unregistered partnership the moment Ltd.?
thesaid common properties and/or incomesderived therefrom are use
as a common fundwith the intent to produce profits for the heirsin
proportion to their respective shares in theinheritance as determined in : The contract of partnership established ageneral partnership.By
a projectpartition. This is because from the moment of such partition, process of elimination, Teck Seing & Co., Ltd. Isnot a corporation nor an
the heirs are entitled already totheir respective definite shares of estate accidental partnership (jointaccount association). To establish a limited
andthe incomes thereof, for each of them tomanage and dispose of partnership, there must be, atleast, one general partner and the name
as exclusively his ownwithout the intervention of the other heirs of at leastone of the general partners must appear in the firmname. This
andaccordingly he becomes liable individually forall taxes in requirement has not been fulfilled. Thosewho seek to avail themselves
connection therewith. If after suchpartition, he allows his share to of the protection of laws permitting the creation of limited
be held incommon with his co – heirs under a singlemanagement to be partnershipsmust the show a substantially full compliance withsuch
used with the intent of making profit thereby in proportion to hisshare, laws. It must be noted that all the requirementsof the Code have been
there can be no doubt that even if nodocument or instrument were met w/ the sole exception of that relating to the composition of the firm
name. The legal intention deducible from the acts of theparties controls
in determining the existence of apartnership. If they intend to do a thing
w/c in lawconstitutes a partnership, they are partners althoughtheir very
purpose was to avoid the creation of suchrelation. Here the intention of
the persons makingup, Teck Seing & Co., Ltd. Was to
establishpartnership w/c they erroneously denominated as alimited