Log Portrait Letter 5x5
Log Portrait Letter 5x5
Log Portrait Letter 5x5
after spending a long time on experiments, writes a report explaining his results.
However, he had difficulties correlating his results into a simple pattern. The
second researcher discovered that these data can be described by a well known
classical formula. He shared this information with the first researcher informally.
A few months later, the first researcher published a paper explaining all the data
using the formula suggested by the second researcher without acknowledging his
contribution. Should he have done so? Was he right in his position that since it was
advisability of adding a third condenser to the structure. The structure had been
Jackson did not review the original design, but he was responsible for the group
under his supervision. In checking the design, Jackson discovers that the original
placement of reinforcing steel did not provide adequately for earthquake loading.
The inadequacy although real, is probably not too significant. The structure has
been in service for two years without incident, but there has not been an