CROSS Newsletter 16
CROSS Newsletter 16
CROSS Newsletter 16
NEWS ITEM However, the fact that the report was sent is a cause for concern and it
Draft report on the collapse of the Dallas is an ethical question rather than a technical question. Chartered
Cowboys indoor practice facility May 2 Engineers are bound by the rules of their professional Institutions and
2009 generally have a ‘duty of care’ to their fellow engineers and to the
NIST, the US National Institute of Science public. CROSS is unable to become directly involved as such action is
and Technology, has published its draft contrary to its method of operation and beyond its own resource
report into the collapse in May 2009 of a capacity. However, it would suggest that those mentioned in the report,
fabric covered steel frame structure during and who are concerned, express their views in writing through the line
windy conditions which injured twelve management of the company. Management needs to be aware of the
people, one seriously. Extracts from the legal consequences to their company and to themselves individually
Principal Findings are given below and the should a serious event occur as a result. More likely is the realisation
full report can be downloaded from: of PI claims resulting from poorly executed design or controls.
The way in which a concern is raised is important and can have a
major impact on the outcome. On flight decks there are three levels of
The following factors were found to be increasing emphasis when one pilot is worried about the actions of
primary contributors to the collapse of the another, particularly when the comments are being made from a junior
structure: to a senior.
1. Wind loads used for both the original 1. I am concerned about…..
2003 design and for a 2008 upgrade 2. I am uncomfortable with……
differed from wind loads calculated 3. I believe the situation is unsafe……
based on the provisions of both the This method could be adopted when an Engineer is raising a concern
ASCE 7-98 and ASCE 7-05 Standards, with superiors. The ethical issue becomes more difficult if the advice is
producing significantly lower design ignored and the individual with the concern has to consider where else
demands. to go. If there is a real danger of a failure that could endanger lives
2. Frame member capacities reported in the then a local authority or HSE could be approached. (Report 161)
original 2003 design were considerably
larger than the capacities calculated by SUBSTITUTION OF COLD ROLLED HOLLOW
NIST based on the AlSC specifications. SECTIONS FOR HOT ROLLED HOLLOW
3. Details of joints, particularly at the knees
of the frames, produced large bending
We, says another reporter, carry out the structural design work for a
moments and shear forces in the chords
number of modular building manufacturers. Very recently we have
of the frame that were not considered in
been advised by two of them that their buyers have purchased cold
the design.
formed hollow sections rather than the hot formed hollow section which
4. Reinforcements added in 2008 had a we clearly identified in our calculations. (They have done this because
minimal effect as they affected only the cold formed sections are cheaper although of a lower specification.)
compressive capacity of selected We are concerned that buyers of structural materials sometimes seem
members; the most critical members to be cost driven and do not appreciate the importance of the steel
were not reinforced. grade. Whilst we have become aware of at least two instances where
Based upon the observations made during this has happened, and have been able to take steps to remedy it,
the field reconnaissance and the results of there may be others where there are buildings with structurally
the analysis in which the demand-capacity inadequate members.
ratios were ranked in descending order to CROSS comments: This is not the first time that SCOSS has become
identify a sequence of member failures, aware of unauthorised changes being made without the knowledge of
NIST identified the likely collapse sequence the designers. The unauthorised use of non-structural steel box
for the structure. (A failure sequence is sections and changes to structural fixings are two more examples. It is
given in the report) difficult for the designer to prevent others from effecting changes other
than by making it clear, on drawings, or in accompanying issue slips,
NIST has identified a recommendation for
that all changes are to be referred to the designer.
improved safety of fabric covered steel
frame structures. NIST believes the Those responsible for value engineering also need to ensure that their
recommendation is realistic, appropriate, decisions do not affect the original design criteria. Concerns of this
and achievable within a reasonable period of type need to be brought to the attention of buyers and quantity
time. surveyors. Designers need to remain vigilant to ensure that the
materials they specify are used on site. (Report 158)
NIST recommends that fabric covered steel
frame structures be evaluated to ensure the
adequate performance of the structural
The issue relates to the collapse of falsework erected to construct an
framing system under design wind loads. Of
insitu, reinforced concrete, circular water retaining structure. It was to
particular concern are (1) the use of the
be about 20m diameter by 15m high, with a cupola roof – a typical
fabric covering to provide lateral bracing for
digester tank on a sewage treatment works. The company that
structural frames, (2) determination of the
employed the reporter was the design and build contractor for a
appropriate enclosure classification in the
NEWS ITEM (continued) number of tanks on the site. The formwork/falsework system was a
calculation of internal pressures for design proprietary system, not commonly available in the UK. It comprised an
wind loads, and (3) the ability of the outer formwork skin designed to go into ring tension, and an inner
structural system, including the lateral formwork skin designed to go into ring compression. Because the latter
bracing, to maintain overall structural would be subject to buckling action, it was supported by backing
integrity. falsework, which consisted of a circular truss made up from adjustable
Sections were fixed together by dowelling pins. There was thus a high
shear force acting on the pins when the falsework was subjected to
wet concrete pressures. The tank wall was on the second lift, so at
about +6m above ground level. A working platform was fixed at top of
shutter level, incorporating a concrete hopper travelling on rails to
deposit wet concrete into the formwork – hence a further local vertical
load. The falsework failed during concrete placement and a partial
collapse of the system occurred. Fortunately, nobody was seriously
injured. Collapse appeared to have occurred because of shear failure
of the pins, which exhibited crystalline fracture surfaces indicating
brittle failure. The reporter had several sent away to a testing lab,
which reported yield strengths in the range of about 250 N/mm2. In
other words, mild steel.
Buckling of the steel frame of the Dallas As part of the investigation, the reporter reviewed the only available
Cowboys practice facility is seen in the design calculations for the temporary works. These had been
upper left of the photograph (marked by translated from the original documents by a non-technical person, and
arrow). the following points were evident:
Credit: NIST 1. The calculations were for a different diameter tank and less onerous
Comment: The speed with which the results 2. The limits for the calculations had been exceeded.
of the NIST investigation have been 3. The pin in the model calculations was about 7mm diameter, with a
published, and the unequivocal nature of UTS of about 700 N/mm2. whereas the pin that failed was about
their recommendation, means that the 6mm diameter, with a yield strength of about 250 N/mm2.
owners of all fabric covered structures in the
US must take steps to reassure themselves The technical reason for failure was under-strength pins which failed in
that their buildings are safe. The shear, in a temporary structure with little or no redundancy. Beneath
recommendation may also be applicable the obvious technical shortcomings, there were significant managerial
elsewhere and there are likely to be major and cultural issues in this case. It was these underlying problems that
consequences. Once the final report is had ultimately permitted the gross technical errors to occur.
published, NIST will brief and provide CROSS comments: There was obviously a lack of supervision and of
technical support on the recommendation to the appreciation of the importance of temporary works. The Final
the American Society of Civil Engineers Report of the Advisory Committee on Falsework, HMSO, June 1975,
(ASCE) committee currently developing a often referred to as the Bragg Report drew attention to the fundamental
building standard specifically for tensioned importance of the role and functions of the “Temporary Works co-
fabric structures. NIST also will brief the ordinator”. There is always a danger in using standard designs,
appropriate committee of the International particularly those which may have been translated from another
Code Council (ICC) on the study’s language and which may have used different Codes. Information about
recommendation for use in improving the responsibilities associated with temporary works can be found in
provisions in ICC’s model building code. The the Institution of Civil Engineers Conditions of Contract
Advisory Group on Temporary Structures
(AGOTS) at the Institution of Structural BS 5975:2008 Code of practice for temporary works procedures and
Engineers will be keeping a close watch on the permissible stress design of falsework requires a careful approach
the situation. to falsework with design and review undertaken by competent persons
and the appointment of a Temporary Works Co-ordinator to oversee
the process. There are also CDM obligations. (Report 150)
What should be reported? legal action against any part of the Council in default. Some
departments complied, but a lot of others did not, because they said
• concerns which may require industry or that they did not have the funding to comply with these requirements.
regulatory action In general the control of these structures, whether temporary staging,
• lessons learned which will help others gantries etc for an event or the public art type was very poor. On some
• near misses and near hits occasions I actually dismantled structures, because they were too
dangerous to leave standing. In the past, such matters would be the
• trends in failure responsibility of the Borough Engineer, but in today’s world of
“outsourcing” this is an expense too far.
CROSS comments: Although a public body cannot serve a legal
Benefits notice on itself the duty for safety remains with the authority or public
body. Others in a similar situation have advised that a carefully worded
• unique source of information
letter to the director responsible for commissioning the work with a
• better quality of design and construction reminder regarding the director’s personal duty tends to have the
• possible reductions in deaths and desired effect. The Highway Authority and Building Control both have
injuries responsibilities and appropriate powers to deal with such issues and
sometimes the licence for an event is the means of exercising control.
• lower costs to the industry
Those who might be involved should read the reports on the
• improved reliability ‘Dreamspace’ prosecution (Safety and Health Practitioner July 2009
and the correspondence September 2009 p19) and note their
corporate and individual responsibilities. By allowing such situations to
occur senior managers in particular are putting themselves at risk of
Supporters prosecution. (Report 157)
• Association for Consultancy and
• British Parking Association DAMAGE STRUCTURES
• Communities and Local Government There is increasing pressure from advertisers and others to make use
of existing highway and building features to hang banners and
• Construction Industry Council decorative lights. So says an engineer who is closely involved with city
• Department of the Environment centre schemes. Often, he goes on, it is desired to suspend quite large
• Health & Safety Executive banners between lighting columns across the street. In general lighting
columns [unless specials are requested] are not designed to support
• Highways Agency any loads other than their self weight and wind loading. They are
• Institution of Civil Engineers tested and certified accordingly. It is also necessary to proportion the
• Institution of Structural Engineers foundations correctly against the greater overturning forces. Often
such banners are put up without any thought being given to the
• Local Authority Building Control
engineering considerations.
• Scottish Building Standards Agency Decorative lights such as those commonly erected during the
• UK Bridges Board Christmas season (as well as other times of the year) require especial
care when it is desired to fix to existing features. In city centres, where
there is often a clutter of existing street furniture, it is preferable to fix to
buildings rather than provide dedicated columns. The problem lies in
determining an appropriate fixing point at the correct level along the
sides of the street and then tensioning up the support wires. Usually
the buildings are in private ownership and very rarely are there
drawings of the structure. The cladding of the buildings will have fixings
in indeterminate condition and will not have been designed for
additional loading from the suspended lights. It is tempting on
occasions to fix to the easy points such as parapets and balcony
railings. Often these are the most exposed structural elements in the
poorest condition. This is especially the case in masonry where the
bed joint mortar may well have perished.
As computing power develops and large banner production techniques
advance it is tempting for some designers to be ever more ambitious
with their proposals. However this is often accompanied by the lack of
experience in the practicalities of component fabrication and erection
and maintenance. Also there is a general lack of thought as to how the
public may react to the completed object. It is incumbent upon
designers to try to foresee the unforeseeable in terms of loading and
unusual uses or misuse. This may result in a good concept not being
able to be transformed into serviceable reality.
REGISTRATION FOR CROSS CROSS comments: We read press reports about ‘the health and
NEWSLETTERS safety’ brigade banning bunting at local events because of concern
over insurance issues, and these may be over-reactions, but
To register for CROSS Newsletters go to
decorations do appear to be getting heavier and more elaborate The
the new website and on the right hand side
Highway Authority and Building Control have responsibilities and
of every page there is a ‘Register’ box. Enter appropriate powers to deal with such issues but the engineering
your name and email address and click the ramifications of hanging heavy decorations from buildings may not be
‘Register’ button. An email will be returned appreciated by the sponsors. Fixings should be designed for the
to your address confirming that you are on required loads with appropriate factors of safety and “pull-out” tests
the list of subscribers. conducted to ensure adequate standards. At another Local Authority
Christmas decorations were taken down following damage to a
building because the installer was unaware of the need for multiple
REPORTING fixings to distribute the loads. Temporary TV screens are of concern to
Use either the ‘How to report’ button on the SCOSS and are referred to in the 2007 biennial report. Some displays
top of the website or the similarly labelled require independent temporary structures to be licensed, and this may
button on the right hand side to send on-line be a way of controlling connections to inappropriate part of buildings.
or off-line reports. It is simple, confidential, CROSS will endeavour to raise this matter this with highways
and could be important. authorities to highlight that there have been failures and that concerns
have been raised? (Report 159)
HOW TO REPORT The property is on the left and the access road on the right of this
sketch provided by the reporter.
Please visit the web site CROSS comments: If this is an adopted public highway, it is a matter
for the Highway Authority, which may not be the Local Authority.
However if it can be shown, or suspected, that the wall is dangerous
for more information. then a Local Authority has powers under the Building Act to take action
in respect of a dangerous structure. Section 77 of the Building Act
When reading this Newsletter online 1984 states that the authority may apply to a magistrate’s court, and
click here to go straight to the reporting the court can then require the owner to remove the danger or in default
page. the local authority can carry out the work required to make the
structure safe. Section 78 of The Building Act allows the local authority
to carry out work in an emergency if they consider that the structure is
Post reports to: imminently dangerous. (Report 129)
CH29 9AJ Issue No 17 January 2010
UK Issue No 18 April 2010
Issue No 19 July 2010