Jar Water Plant
Jar Water Plant
Jar Water Plant
No resettlement is necessary for this proposed project. The project will located at ----------------------. The
project will not only play a role for meeting the demand of bricks in the local market but also give an
opportunity to the local investors for the economic development of the country. Total fixed cost of the
project has been estimated at Tk.3084.98 Lac (including IDCP Tk.246.95), and total estimated initial
working capital of the project is Tk.386.87 Lac. It is expected that the project will run at 70%, 75% and
85% at 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year respectively and will generate net profit of Tk.1444.89 Lac,
Tk.1899.26 Lac and Tk.2340.67 Lac respectively.
17. IRR and BCR: The expected IRR (Internal Rate of Return) is above 33.34% and BCR (Benefit-Cost
Ratio) of the project is 1.45: 1.00.
18. Debt-Service Coverage Ratio: The service coverage ratio of the project is to be expected at 1.83
times, 1.97 times and 2.08 times for 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year respectively.
19. Financial Institutions applied for Loan: Commercial Bank/Financial Institution (ADB Refinance
Facility Scheme (BB).