IPPD Form 1

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School Year 2018-2019

Name of Teacher: EMMANUEL C. PATARAY Position: MT1
School: Pussian Elementary School District: Alcala East District Division: Cagayan Region: 02
Professional Development To enhance competencies in teaching by improving knowledge and skills in maintaining safe and conducive learning environment to
Goal: provide healthy psychological atmosphere and to understand and accept the learners diverse knowledge and experiences to improve
learners performance.
(What competencies will I (What professional activities will I (What will I do to access my (When I do expect to have What NCBTS competencies What learner’s performance
enhance?) undertake to achieve my objective?) resources?) accomplished the would I have enhanced?) would have been improved?
To improve my knowledge Attend District, Division and Register to seminars June 2018 Knowledge and skills in Improved learners
and skills in maintaining National Seminars and Trainings .School fund, April 2019 making the classroom performance by
safe and conducive . LAC Session MOOE,SEF,INSET and environment safe and maintaining conducive
learning environment . Interact with peers and co- fund conducive for learning classroom management
workers . Peer and co-worker (S.2.2)
. Coordinates with parents and . PTA projects
other external stake holders
To improve my classroom Attend District, Division and Personal expenses, June 2018 Knowledge and skills in Enhanced rapport between
management skills by National Seminars and Trainings . School fund, MOOE, April 2019 classroom setting for learners and teacher
creating a learning on classroom management skill SEF, INSET, fund healthy psychological
environment that is free On line study on psychological .Surf internet Information climate
from any psychological aspects like individual differences and feedback (S. 2.5)
threats among learners
To determine understand Attend District, Division and Register in the District, June 2018 Enhance knowledge and Increased internet of
and accept the learners National Seminars and trainings Division and National April 2019 skills in teaching diverse various learners to lesson
diverse knowledge and Seminars and Training learners activities
experiences (S. 3.1)

I am a Professional teacher. I am responsible for my personal and professional growth. I commit my best to attain the goal and objectives I have set hereunto to my professional
development, not only for my benefit but also for my school’s improvement and most of all, for my learner’s progress.

Signature: EMMANUEL C. PATARAY Date: ___________________________

Master Teacher 1
Attested to:
MATDA G. NACENO, T3 Date: ___________________________
Advised by:
JANETTE V. SALEM, T3 Date: ____________________________
School Head

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