The Noble Metals
The Noble Metals
The Noble Metals
Peter Thornton
1 Introduction
As last year, it has been necessary to exclude some good work to meet space
restrictions. In particular, some solution studies and theoretical work has been
omitted and organometallic chemistry has been included only to the extent that
it casts light on the behaviour of the metal atoms rather than the ligands. Within
each section compounds are normally described in order of decreasing oxidation
state, and, within each sub-section, in the order halogen > chalcogen > pnictide
> Group 14 > metal.
A major three-volume work on metal clusters includes chapters on noble metals.1
General reviews including noble metal chemistry cover metallomesogens,2 and
hemilabile ligands, many of which are chelating phosphines in which the other donor
is so weak it can easily be substituted without losing the phosphine co-ordination.3 A
general review on metallodendrimers describes the shape of the topic systematically.4
These metals also feature in a review which discusses metal boryl compounds and
M^B links.5 Among organometallic topics, reviews cover cluster chemistry,6
indenyls,7 and oxazoline complexes.8
2 Ruthenium
The most interesting new ternary oxide is Sr2Ru3O10, obtained as a minor product
from the hydrothermal reaction of hydrated Sr(OH)2 and RuO2 under oxidising
conditions. The structure contains rutile-like RuO2 units linked by RuO6 octahedra;
the Sr2 ions are nine-co-ordinate.9
A new synthesis of AgRuF6 is reported, using the reaction of AgF with a high
oxidation state £uoride or £uoro-complex in anhydrous HF.10 Studies of [GeF3]ÿ
complexes prepared in aqueous HF include [RuCl6ÿn(GeF3)n]4ÿ (n 1 to 3); some
complexes of Os, Rh and Ir were also reported.11
DOI: 10.1039/b003155k Annu. Rep. Prog. Chem., Sect. A, 2000, 96, 279^315 279
1-Nitrosonaphthol (HL) forms [RuL3]ÿ with RuII, showing N,O-chelation; the
three unco-ordinated oxygens can then bind to Ni2, giving [Ni{RuL3}2].12 The
bridging formates in [Ru2(O2CH)2(CO)4(PPh3)2] can oxidise primary alcohols
RCH2OH to give [Ru2(m-O2CR)2(CO)4(PPh3)2] (R Pr or Bui) but other
ruthenium(I) dinuclear carboxylate-bridged complexes of this type reacted with
R0 OH to give [Ru2(m-OR0 )2(CO)4(PPh3)2] (R Ph, Bun or Me2CHCH2CH2).13
Treating [Ru2(O2CBut)4(H2O)2] with the nitroxide L1 gives the polymeric chain
complex [{Ru2(O2CBut)4(L1)2}] [{Ru2(O2CBut)4(H2O)2}]2n, which appears to show
antiferromagnetism between nitroxides and ferromagnetism between these and the
metal together with a high zero ¢eld splitting.14a The ¢rst room temperature
mesomorphism in a mixed valence compound was found in the palmitoleate
[Ru2{O2C(CH2)7CHCH(CH2)5Me}5], made from [Ru2Cl(OAc)5] by removal of
chloride with Ag followed by carboxylate exchange.14b
Polypyridyl complexes
Hydride ^ carbonyl ^ phosphine complexes are dominant in this area. The reaction of
[RuClH(CO)(PPh3)3] with CH2CMeCH2OH is unusually varied depending on the
conditions; one phosphine is lost, but the resulting complex may be one
with Z4-CH2 CMeCO, a dimethylacetate or a chelating complex of
HOCH2CMeCH2ÿ.67 Developments in the chemistry of 16-electron square pyrami-
dal ruthenium(II) complexes include (a) the crystal structures of
[RuC1X(CO)(PPri3)2] (X Cl or H) and of [RuClPh(CO)(PBut2Me)2], (b) the
multistep removal of chloride from the last of these to give [RuPh(CO)(PBut2Me)2],
whose IR spectrum shows that agostic interactions persist in solution, (c) the
cleavage of the Ru^Ph bond by catechol^borane or Me3SiCCH and (d) the
progressive substitution of chloride by methyl in [RuCl2(CO)L2] (L PPri3 or
PBut2Me).68 The crystal structure of [Ru(H)2(CO)(PPh3)3]CH2Cl2 shows a very
short H H contact of 204 pm between co-ordinated hydride and a hydrogen
at the 2 position of a phenyl. Studying the published data showed 24 other ruthenium
compounds which showed such distances shorter than 220 pm.69
A search for new simple carbonyl and carbene hydridoruthenium complexes was
rewarded by ¢nding that RuCl3xH2O reacts with PPhPri2 in methanol and
triethylamine to give [RuClH(CO)(PPhPri2)3], which reacts with CO, CH2N2 and
PhCHN2 (L) to give [RuClH(CO)L(PPhPri2)2] and [RuCl2H(CO)(PPhPri2)2]ÿ,
the latter having cis-chlorides and trans-phosphines.70 A rare organometallic
cyanate complex [RuH(NCO)(CO)(PPh2Me)3] is formed from [RuCl3(PPh2Me)3]
and NaNCO in ethanol, but using the PPh3 analogue led to solvent involvement
in the reaction to form [Ru(NCO)(OAc)(CO)(PPh3)2].71
The attractive ¢eld of aquaorganometallic complexes has been boosted by the
reaction of [Ru(O3SCF3)2(CO)2(dppe)] with atmospheric water to yield
[Ru(O3SCF3)2(CO)(H2O)(dppe)] and with water in chloroform to give
[Ru(CO)(H2O)(dppe)]2.72 The use of the bulky diphosphine But2PC2H4PBut2
(L) to make [RuCl2(CO)L], with subsequent conversion into trans-[RuClH(CO)2L],
allowed formation of ¢ve-co-ordinate [RuH(CO)2L] by substitution of chloride
3 Osmium
Osmium( III)
Osmium( II)
Polypyridyl complexes
Organo-osmium compounds
Only one report of a mixed oxide deserves mention, the synthesis of the ¢rst
rhodium(IV) perovskite compounds La2MRhO6 (M Mg or Zn) by heating Rh2O3
with metal nitrates. These have the expected low magnetic moments, attributed to
both spin^orbit coupling and antiferromagnetism.142
Rhodium( III)
A new form of SrRh2O4 was obtained by heating SrCO3 and Rh in air at tempera-
tures of up to 1150 C; it contains RhO6 octahedra and trigonal prismatic Sr2.143
The normal spinel CuRh2O4 has been prepared from CuO and Rh2O3 at 1150 C;
it shows an antiferromagnetic transition at 21.9 K.144
Treating carboxylic acids or amino acids with the superoxide complex
[Rh2(O2)(OH)2(H2O)n]3 gave [Rh2(O2)(OH)(O2CR)4], with the amino acids con-
ferring stability on RhIII2^superoxide units.145 A mono-Schiff base derivative of
2,6-diformyl-4-methylphenol reacts with [RhCl(PPh3)3] and dilute HCl to give a
chelating acylphenoxide (Lÿ) complex [RhCl2L(PPh3)2]; similar compounds can
be made by replacing HCl with HNO3 or RCO2H.146 The limited range of
chalcogenophenoxide complexes of RhIII is extended by the reaction of
[Rh(CO)(PMe3)Cp] with Ph2E2 (E S, Se or Te) to give [Rh(EPh)2(PMe3)Cp],
allowing multinuclear NMR spectroscopic studies.147 The reaction of RhCl3 with
meso-(tetramesityl)octaphenylporphyrin in PhCN gives a metalloporphyrin polymer
with links through a nitrile N and the deprotonated 3 position on the phenyl ring of
PhCN.148 A thorough study of rhodium(III) Tp complexes includes the syntheses
and structures of various complexes [RhCl2(Tp)L] and [RhCl3Tp]ÿ.149 A new con-
venient synthesis of [RhCl2Ph(PPh3)2] uses the reaction of RhCl33H2O with SbPh3,
to give [RhCl2Ph(SbPh3)3], followed by treatment with PPh3.150
Some binuclear bis(carbene) complexes show remarkable reactivity.
[Rh2Cl2(m-CPh2)2(m-SbPri3)] undergoes stepwise replacement of Cl by acac on
reaction with Tl(acac), but without change in the bridging system. The reaction
of this product with CO results in substitution of CO for the stibine, but reaction
with PPri3 gives [{Rh(PPri3)(m-CPh2)2{Rh(acac)2}] with migration of acac and gen-
eration of a mixed valence complex, carbonylation of which gave [{Rh(CO)3}-
Rhodium( II)
A wide ranging survey of the 103Rh NMR spectra of diphosphine (L) complexes
[Rh(acac)L] concludes that chemical shifts are much more affected by geometrical
effects than electronic ones.158 The solvent dmf acts as a source of CO when
RhCl33H2O is re£uxed in it to give [RhCl2(CO)2]ÿ. Similar behaviour is found
for Ir, but RuCl33H2O gives [RuCl3(CO)2(dmf)]ÿ.159 The reaction of
[RhR(C2H4)(triphos)] (R Me, Et or Ph) with white phosphorus in thf gave
[Rh(Z1:Z2-P4R)(triphos)], the ¢rst example of converting P4 into a P^C bond using
a transition metal complex.160 The Tp derivative HB(2,4-Cl2-3,5-Me2pz)3 (L) forms
[RhL(CO)(PMePh2)2], with only one N atom bonded to Rh, but it also has an agostic
B^H^Rh bond. 161 The ¢rst oxidative additions of [RhR(pnp)] (R Me or Ph) have
been reported to give [RhRI2(pnp)] with I2 or [RhMeRI(pnp)] with MeI; for the
latter pair, that with R Me underwent reductive elimination of C2H6 with TlBF4
in acetone, but that for R Ph did not.162 Mixed metal cubane complexes derived
from sul¢de-bridged [M2S2(m-S)2(Et2dtc)2] (M Mo or W) include [{Rh(cod)}2-
{MCl(Et2dtc)}2(m3-S)4], made from a reaction with [RhCl(cod)]2; an iridium ana-
logue was also prepared as well as compounds derived from [M0 Cl(PPh3)3]
(M0 Rh or Ir).163 The ¢rst linkage isomers of ketene, Ph2CCO (L), in com-
plexes have been found in the rhodium(I) indenyls [Rh(C9H7)(PPri3)L], one isomer
using co-ordination through C C and the other through C and O.164 Use of
the diphosphine ligand MeN(PF2)2 (L) allowed a photochemical investigation of
the reactions of the rhodium(II) dimer [Rh2Br4L] with other phosphines (L0 ). These
¢rst gave [Rh2Br2L3L0 ] which contains Rh0 and RhII not RhI. Further reaction with
L0 gave [Rh2L3L0 2].165
Iridium( V)
A new synthesis of [IrF6]ÿ salts in anhydrous HF uses the reaction of AgF, or the
Ag salt of a complex £uoroanion, with a high oxidation state £uoride or a
£uoro-complex.10 The iridium(V) organometallics [IrMe3X(Cp*)] (X Cl or
O3SCF3) have been made from HX and [IrMe4Cp*]; treatment with phosphines gave
such complexes as [IrMe3(PMe3)Cp*], while an excess of phosphine gave loss of
MeCp* and formation of, for example, [IrMe2(dppm)2].168
Iridium( III)
New CuIr2Te4, made from the elements at 950 C, is believed to have a defect NiAs
structure; its magnetism shows a maximum susceptibility and electrical resistivity
around 190 K, thereby differing from other CuIr2X4 compounds.169
The study of some hydride complexes was assisted by the use of para-hydrogen to
assist assignments and mechanistic studies. The molecules studied included
[IrCl(H)2(PPh3)2], now shown to have inequivalent hydrides, and the reaction prod-
ucts of hydrogen with [IrCl(AsPh3)3].170 The few known anionic iridium hydride
complexes have been augmented by [IrX3H(PPri3)2]ÿ formed in the reaction of
[IrX(H)2(PPri3)2] (X Cl or I) with Xÿ.171 The chemistry of tellurium(IV) ligands
has been extended by the reaction of Vaska's compound with TeCl4 to give
[IrCl2(TeCl3)(CO)(PPh3)2] and the synthesis of ruthenium complex.172a The lability
of the two hydride ligands in the diphosphinoalkyl complex [Ir(H)2-
{CH(C2H4PBut2)2}] allows reaction with CO2 to give an isolable bidentate bicar-
bonate complex; a formate intermediate was found by NMR spectroscopy.172b
A new improved synthesis of [Ir(terpy)2]3 and its analogues uses the reaction of
IrCl3 with the ligand in glycol at 160 C, followed by heating under re£ux with more
ligand, all this in the dark.173 The reaction of [IrCl(cod)]2 with Ph2PC5H4N, CdI2 and
CO gave a donor ^ acceptor Ir!Cd complex with bridging Ph2PC5H4N, but reaction
of [IrCl(CO)(Ph2PC5H4N)2] with HgCl2 resulted in oxidative addition to
[{IrCl2(CO)(m-Ph2PC5H4N)2HgCl].174 [Ir2Cl2(L12)4] is the ¢rst paddle wheel/
Iridium( II)
6 Palladium
The silver salt of [PdF6]ÿ has been formed from AgF or the silver salt of a £uoroanion
and a high oxidation sate £uoride or £uoro complex.10 The ¢rst alkaline earth metal
palladates(IV), M4PdO6 (M Ca or Sr), have chains of face-shared PdO6
Palladium( II)
7 Platinum
The silver salt of [PtF6]ÿ has been formed from AgF or the silver salt of a £uoroanion
and a high oxidation sate £uoride or £uoro complex, while LiPtF6 has been prepared
from Li2PtF6 and £uorine in HF.10 [Pt(OAc)Me3(dppe)], prepared from
[PtIMe3(dppe)] and AgOAc, loses MeOAc on thermolysis, the ¢rst high yield
C^O reductive elimination from PtIV.229 Crystal structure determinations for
[PtL2(NH2CH2CMe2CH2NH2)] (H2L CH2CHCH2CR(CO2H)2; R H or
CH2CH) show that for R H, L co-ordinates through two carboxylates, but
for R CH2CH, L co-ordinates through one carboxylate and one alkene.
The co-ordination mode in solution depends on solvent and temperature.230 It is
surprising that no platinum complexes of MeC(NH2)3 (L) have been reported,
but octahedral [PtL2]4 can be made from L and K2PtCl6 with catalytic K2PtCl4.
Platinum( II)
An important new book on cisplatin has been published,261 the editor of which has
also written a review on platinum complexes which emphasises those with
Seven new platinum(IV) dipeptide complexes are claimed to be the ¢rst of this type
and are readily characterised by 195Pt NMR spectroscopy.263 The functionalisation
of cyclopeptides using metal atoms was achieved by the synthesis of
cyclo-[Gly-L-CysPt(terpy)]nCln (n 3 or 4), leading to possible interesting metal
and organic chemistry.264 Protonation of the 1-methyluracilate (L19) complex
trans-[Pt(L19)2(NH3)2] to form trans-[Pt(HL19)2(NH3)2]2 gives greatly enhanced
water solubility. This property is employed in reactions with metal salts to give trans-
[{Pt(L19)2(NH3)2}Ag3]3 and trans-[{Pt(L19)2(NH3)2}2AgNa(H2 O)4]2; the latter is
claimed to be the ¢rst nucleobase complex of three different metal ions.265 The
tetranuclear [Pt(L)(en)]4 (L uracilate) complex can adopt a cone conformation
in which exocyclic oxygen atoms can co-ordinate other metal ions at the cone apex.
Anions such as [Me3SiC3H6SO3]ÿ are held in the calixarene-type cone for the com-
plexes of Be and Zn.266
8 Silver
Further to the syntheses of silver salts of high oxidation state metal ions mentioned
earlier,10 treating Ag with AgF3 in anhydrous HF gave red-brown AgIAgIIIF4. This
diamagnetic compound then decomposes to paramagnetic AgF2. Some [AgF]
chemistry was also studied, ¢nding that [AgF][AsF6] disproportionated to Ag[AsF6]
and [AgIIF]2[AgIIIF4][AsF6], which could also be prepared by another route.286 A
kinetic study of amino acid oxidations by silver(III) periodate complexes showed
[Ag(O6IH2)(H2O)2] was the best oxidant.287
9 Gold
New reviews include one on AuII which makes careful distinction between genuine
examples and compounds containing both AuI and AuIII.301 Another review deals
with compounds AuIII and AuI derived from acac.302
The compound formed from aqueous NaOH and [Au(HL)2] (HL 2-imida-
zolidinethione), formerly believed to be [(AuHL)2O], has now been shown
crystallographically to be tetranuclear [AuL]4.309 The steric hindrance in the thiols
4-Me2NC6H4SH (HL) and (4-Me3NC6H4SH) (HL0 ) prevents the usual Au^Au
interactions occurring in the linear complexes [AuL(PPh3)] and [AuL0 (PPh3)].310
The crystal structure of the pyrimidinethiol (HL) complex [Au2L2] shows this
has the expected head to tail con¢guration with a short Au-Au intramolecular dis-
tance of 273.7 pm, but the predominant intermolecular attraction is through the
overlap of the pyrimidine rings rather than an aurophilic interaction.311
Intermolecular interactions in gold chemistry are very subtle, as shown by complexes
of polyphosphines and quinoline-2-thiol (HL). Among products of this type are
[(AuL)2(m-Ph2PC4H8PPh2)]2, with two dinuclear units associated by Au^S links,
[(AuL)4{m-C2H4PPh2)3}], with two intramolecular aurophilic attractions, and
[(AuI)3{m-PhP(C2H4PPh2)2}], which has both Au^Au and Au^I intermolecular con-
tacts.312 Following examples involving O or S, the ¢rst m4-Se gold cluster,
[(AuPPh3)4Se]2 has been made from [(AuPPh3)2Se] and [Au(SO3CF3)(PPh3)].313
The product from fusing K2Te, SnTe, Sb, Au and Te under Ar reacts with Bu4NBr
in en to give [NBu4]3[AuSnTe6], which can be considered as a gold complex of
[Te2Sn(m-Te)2SnTe2]4ÿ which acts as a bidentate ligand through one terminal Te
on each Sn and has a severely bent Te^Au^Te angle of 166.6 . The cluster is described
as the smallest ternary Zintl telluride anion yet made. 314
The relatively neglected area of gold(I) N-donor complexes should be stimulated
by the discovery that the complex [AuCl(2-NH2C2H4N)], formed from the amine
(L) and [AuCl(SMe2)], contains equimolar amounts of [AuClL], [AuL2] and
[AuCl2]ÿ, all linear and with co-ordination by the pyridine N atom. 315 The ¢rst
complex of acetonine (L20), a useful but elusive synthetic intermediate, was formed
by reaction of [AuCl(tht)] with NH3 and acetone, giving [Au(L20)2].316 Aziridine
Rare gold(0) complexes of some macrocyclic phosphines such as L21 have been made
starting with AuGaCl4.321 A patient wait of six weeks allowed completion of the
reaction of [Au55Cl6(PPh3)12] with Na2B12H11SH, to form Na24[Au55-
(B12H11SH)12Cl6]. The exchange of sodium for tetraoctylammonium confers useful
organic solubility on the salt.322
1 Metal Clusters in Chemistry, ed. P. Braunstein, L.A. Oro and P.R. Raithby, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim,
2 B. Donnio and D. W. Bruce, Struct. Bonding (Berlin), 1999, 95, 193.
3 C. S. Sloane, D. A. Weinberger and C. A. Mirkin, Prog. Inorg. Chem., 1999, 48, 233.
4 F. J. Stoddart and T. Welton, Polyhedron, 1999, 18, 3575.
5 M. R. Smith, Prog. Inorg. Chem., 1999, 48, 505.
6 B. F. G. Johnson, Coord. Chem. Rev., 1999, 190^192, 1269.
7 V. Cadierno, J. D|¨ ez, M. P. Gasama, J. Gimeno and E. Lastra, Coord. Chem. Rev., 1999, 193^195,
8 M. Gömez, G. Muller and M. Rocamora, Coord. Chem. Rev., 1999, 193^195, 769.
9 C. Renard, S. Daviero^Minaud and F. Abraham, J. Solid State Chem., 1999, 143, 266.
10 O. Graudejus, S. H. Elder, G. M. Lucier, C. Shen and N. Bartlett, Inorg. Chem., 1999, 38, 2503.
11 P. G. Antonov, T. N. Lizogub, I. A. Agapov and D. S. Manasevich, Zh. Prikl. Khim., 1998, 71, 1057;
Chem. Abstr., 130, 190960m.
12 A. K. Das, A. Rueda, L. R. Falvello, S.-M. Peng and S. Bhattacharya, Inorg. Chem., 1999, 38, 4365.
13 J. Soler, I. Moldes, E. de la Encarnaciön and J. Ros, J. Organomet. Chem., 1999, 580, 108.
14 (a) Y. Sayama, M. Handa, M. Mikuriya, I. Hiromitsu and K. Kasuga, Chem. Lett., 1999, 453; (b) J. F.
Caplan, C. A. Murphy, S. Swansburg, R. P. Lemieux, T. S. Cameron and M. A. S. Aquino, Can. J.
Chem., 1998, 76, 1520 (published 1999).
15 T. Furuhashi, M. Kawano, Y. Koide, R. Somozawa and K. Matsumoto, Inorg. Chem., 1999, 38,
16 K. Matsumoto, T. Koyama and Y. Koide, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1999, 121, 10913.
17 T. Koyama, Y. Koide and K. Matsumoto, Inorg. Chem. 1999, 38, 3241.
18 R. Maiti, M. Shang and A. G. Lappin, Chem. Commun., 1999, 2349.
19 S. F. Lessing, S. Lotz, H. M. Roos and P. H. van Rooyen, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1999, 1499.
20 W. Levason, S. D. Orchard and G. Reid, Chem. Commun., 1999, 993.
21 W. Levason, S. D. Orchard, G. Reid and V.-A. Tolhurst, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1999, 2071.
22 T.-Y Liu, Y. C. Chen, C.-C. Tai and K. S. Kwan, Inorg. Chem., 1999, 38, 674.
23 C.-L. Lin, K. Hung, A. Yeh, H.-T. Tsen and C.-C. Su, Inorg. Chem., 1999, 38, 411.
24 D. R. Frasca and M. J. Clarke, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1999, 121, 8523.
25 C. W. Bezerra, S. C. da Silva, M. T. P. Gambardella, R. H. A. Santos, L. M. A. Plicas, E. Tfouni and D.
W. Franco, Inorg. Chem., 1999, 38, 5660.