Zinc Complexes of Dipyridyl-Triazoles: U. Hartmann, H. Vahrenkamp
Zinc Complexes of Dipyridyl-Triazoles: U. Hartmann, H. Vahrenkamp
Zinc Complexes of Dipyridyl-Triazoles: U. Hartmann, H. Vahrenkamp
The ligands 3,5-di(2-pyridyl)-l,2,4-triazole (L) and 3,5-di(2-pyridyl)-4-amino-l,2,4-triazole (L') were reacted with zinc salts. With
ZnC12 1:1 complexes were obtained. Zn(NO3)2, Zn(C104)2 and Zn (BF4)2 produced 2:1 complexes. NMR and IR data indicate varying
bonding modes of the ligands and anions. A crystal structure determination of [(L')2Zn(H20)2] (C104)2 has shown the metal to be
octahedrally coordinated by two water molecules and one triazole and pyridine nitrogen atom each of the two ligands L'.
1. Introduction
Table 1
Preparative details
vigourously stirred solution of the ligand. Stirring was con- for the calculations after an empirical absorption correction
tinued for a given amount of time. Then the solution was based on psi scans. The SHELX program system [ 14] was
filtered and reduced in volume in vacuo until the complex used to solve the structure with direct methods and for the
started to precipitate. Then the reaction flask was kept at - 25 full-matrix least-squares refinement with anisotropic temper-
°C for 3 days. The colourless crystalline product was filtered ature factors. Hydrogen atoms were included with fixed
off, washed with a few ml of methanol and dried in vacuo. distances ( C - H = N - H = 0 . 9 6 .&) and a common isotropic
Table 1 lists the reaction conditions; Table 2 the elemental temperature factor. The refinement for 223 parameters con-
analyses. All complexes decompose above 250 °C without verged to an unweighted R value of 0.051 and a GOF of 1.08.
melting. The maxima in the final difference map were + 0.6 and - 0.6
e/~-3. Atomic parameters are given in Table 3; the structure
2.1. Structure determination drawing was produced with the SCHAKAL program [ 15].
See also Section 5.
Table 3 Table 4
Atomic coordinates ( 104) and equivalent isotropic displacement parameters IR data (KBr, cm - t )
(pm2× 10 - l ) for2b
Pyridine bands Anion bands
x y z U~
L 1591 1570
Zn 0 0 5000 36(1) L' 1587 1567
N(1) 5636(4) - 1688(3) 5945(4) 64(1) la 1613 1571
N(2) 2897(3) -1008(2) 5727(3) 38(1) lb 1605 1571
N(3) 1653(3) -715(2) 5956(3) 36(1) 2b 1606 1589 1570 1383 1323
N(4) 2811(3) - 1200(2) 7707(2) 33(1) 3a 1610 1595 1570 1108
N(5) 3189(3) - 1317(2) 8998(3) 44(1) 3b 1607 1590 1571 1092
N(6) -594(3) -223(2) 6793(3) 37(1) 4a 1618 1596 1570 1052
C(1) 4931(3) -1736(2) 6921(3) 36(1)
C(2) 5388(3) -2178(2) 7989(3) 35(1)
C(3) 6616(4) -2585(3) 8114(5) 54(1) Table 5
C(4) 7388(4) -2586(3) 7192(5) 57(1) tH NMR data (DMSO-d 6, internal TMS, ppm) a.b
C(5) 6899(4) -2147(3) 6101(5) 58(1)
C(6) 3577(3) -1304(2) 6789(3) 34(1) 3-H 4-H 5-H 6-H
C(7) 1602(3) -853(2) 7140(3) 32(1)
C(8) 355(3) -660(2) 7630(3) 34(1) L 7.20 8.25 8.10 8.25
C(9) 110(4) -936(3) 8786(3) 44(1) L' 7.58 8.23 8.06 8.77
C(10) -1147(4) -739(3) 9095(4) 50(1) lb 7.63 8.30 8.09 8.78
C(ll) -2102(4) -270(3) 8258(4) 49(1) 2b 7.68 8.42 8.16 8.76
C(12) - 1797(4) -29(3) 7124(4) 43(1) 3a 7.68, 7.14 8.21, 8.08 7.84, 7.27 8.42, 8.21
O(11) 936(3) 1312(2) 5681(3) 46(1) 3b 7.70 8.47 8.19 8.74
CI(1) 3864(1) 1373(1) 8272(1) 49(1) 4a 7.70, 7.08 8.21, 8.08 7.82, 7.25 8.42, 8.21
O(1) 4496(9) 631(4) 8871(8) 214(5)
0(2) 4025(7) 1398(7) 7082(5) 195(4) a Complex l a is insoluble in DMSO.
0(3) 2440(5) 1303(6) 8214(6) 144(3) b Assigned according to our experience with other polydentate pyridine-
0(4) 4434(5) 2175(3) 8898(4) 98(2) containing ligands [ 18].
• ®
N402 coordination by ligand L' and the water and nitrate dral to a very good approximation, being disturbed only by
coligands, respectively; (ii) complexes 3a and 4 a a r e tetra- the narrow chelate angle N3-Zn-N6 (see Table 6). The Zn-
hedral with an N4 coordination by one pyridine and triazole N and Zn-O distances are within the range observed for
nitrogen each of both ligands; (iii) in complexes l a and lb octahedral complexes (2.05-2.25 A) [20]. It is, however,
the ligand uses both pyridine nitrogens for coordination. noticeable that the Zn-N bond to the triazole nitrogen is 0.1
Assuming that chloride is coordinated as well this leaves two /k shorter than that to the pyridine nitrogen. The ligand L' is
alternatives: (a) a coordination polymer in which each ligand close to being completely planar. The orientation of the
links two ZnC12 units by chelating triazole-pyridine groups, uncoordinated pyridine ring is uncertain (i.e. N1 pointing
i.e. a compound with octahedral N4C12 coordination; (b) a 'inward' or 'outward') as its C and N atoms cannot be dis-
coordination polymer in which only the pyridine nitrogens tinguished crystallographically. The perchlorate ions are con-
make up tetrahedral ZnN4 units (i.e. with ZnL2 stoichiometry nected to the water ligands by a hydrogen bridge (2.91 ,~,)
in the cationic polymer backbone) and which contains between 0 3 and O l l . The perchlorate oxygen O1 is also
ZnCI42- counterions. As octahedral ZnN4CI2 complexes are within close contact (3.10 ti,) of the hydrazine nitrogen N5
unusual and as we have observed dismutation with ZnC142- which in turn is in close contact (3.14 A) with O1 of an
formation several times before [ 19] we favour the latter adjacent perchlorate ion.
assignment. The general structural features o f the metal-ligand com-
bination in 3b can be compared with those observed for the
3.3. Structure determination copper, nickel and ruthenium complexes [8-11 ], i.e. the
ligand prefers to be a planar entity, the metal-nitrogen (tri- many, quoting the depository no. CSD-401402, the authors
azole) bond is significantly shorter than the metal-nitrogen and the journal citation.
(pyridine) bond, and the N4 atom of the tfiazole or its amino
substituent do not get involved in the coordination. Unlike in
the metal complexes prepared by Reedijk and co-workers Acknowledgements
[8-10], however, the ligands L and L' do not seem to have
any binucleating tendency towards zinc. A comparable coor- This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsge-
dination of zinc by two planar heterocyclic chelate ligands in meinschaft and by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie.
the equatorial plane and by weakly bound oxygen ligands in
the axial position has been observed in [ Zn(2-pyridyl-acet-
a m i d e ) 2 ( H 2 0 ) 2 ] ( N O 3 ) 2 [21] and in some bis-bipyridyl
zinc complexes [ 22]. The bond distances in these compounds
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