Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel vs. Weathering Steel (2006)

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Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel vs.

Weathering Steel
Hot-Dip Performance & Weathering
Galvanized Steel Condition Steel
Hot-dip galvanized steel is produced by Weathering steel is a corrosion-resistant
dipping bare steel in a bath of molten zinc Unaffected by weathering Fa t i g u e L i f e Reduced by weathering steel that initially corrodes.The presence of
metal. A protective coating is formed by a corrosion products then limits any further
metallurgical reaction between iron and Protects substrate steel Corrodes the same as oxidation of the metal.
zinc,providing both a barrier and cathodic from corrosion
Constant Wetting
unprotected carbon steel
protection that protets steel from corrosion.
Provides excellent Corrodes the same as
Fa y i n g S u r f a c e s
corrosion protection unprotected carbon steel

Prepare via sweep blast or Expensive preparation and

solvent cleaning excessive paint absorption
Traps moisture inside, resulting in
Protected inside and out Tu b u l a r S h a p e s
increased corrosion rate
Can’t distinguish patina rust from
Visual and/or magnetic gauge Inspection loose corrosion products of
accelerated corrosion
Easily estimated for
Corrosion Rate Unknown
most environments

Good protection of substrate steel R o a d S a l t E f f e c t Accelerated corrosion/loss of mass

No visible corrosion products Stains concrete
HDG steel electrical distribution pole Weathering steel electrical distribution pole
90’ long x 6’ wide (approx.) Size Limitations None

Environmental Exposure
Poor corrosion protection,
Good corrosion protection Sea Coast
chlorides cause pitting

Chemical Poor corrosion protection,

Good corrosion protection
(Airborne) accelerated patina consumption

Moisture may accelerate corrosion,

especially on faying surfaces,
Excellent corrosion protection Ve g e ta t i o n
enough to exert excessive force
on bolted connections

No corrosion products Electrical Significant corrosion products

Widely-used, no arcing Corrosion products cause arcing

Excellent corrosion protection High-humidity/Fog Poor corrosion protection

American Galvanizers Association Phone: 720-554-0900 Fax: 720-554-0909 [email protected]

Performance & Condition Notes
Fatigue Life Tubular Shapes • Based on extensive studies of HDG steel in virtually
• Weathering steel is progressively corroding, • Serious corrosion occurs on the inside of every atmospheric condition, HDG steel has over 80
sometimes at an increasing rate if moisture is tubular/enclosed shapes of weathering steel. years of history, and corrosion rates can easily be
prevalent. Thus, there is a loss of steel mass and the Weathering steel will condense moisture inside, or estimated. More often than not, hot-dip galvanizing
fatigue strength is lessened. This means that a design design characteristics will allow moisture to enter the protects steel beyond the expected life of a structure.
using weathering steel may require thicker sections in enclosure and accelerate corrosion. There are light
order to account for the loss of cross-section. poles that have failed, causing fatal consequences,
and bridges exhibiting excessive corrosion. Road Salt Exposure
• Hot-dip galvanized (HDG) steel protects the substrate • Weathering steel is adversely affected by exposure to
steel and there is no loss of steel mass. • Regardless of moisture level, HDG steel provides road salts. Corrosion rates are accelerated, and the
corrosion protection both inside and out. design strength is lessened.
Constant Wetting • The chlorides in road salts make an aggressive attack
• Weathering steel exposed to constant wetting will Inspection on the zinc coating of hot-dip galvanized steel, but
corrode the same as unprotected carbon steel. • It is impossible to distinguish between the patina rust protection of the substrate steel from corrosion is
Weathering steel needs to have a 50-50 wet/dry cycle that minimizes the corrosion rate of weathering steel still achievable.
in order to form the stable patina of tightly-bound and the voluminous rust that occurs when the
corrosion products. weathering steel is losing significant mass. Extensive
and expensive testing is required to determine if Appearance
• HDG steel will protect the underlying substrate for • Weathering steel will develop a dark brown, rather
weathering steel has the design strength during the
many years, regardless of the exposure to moisture. consistent, patina over a three-to-five-year period.
intended lifetime of the structure.
However, because the appearance often has an
• HDG steel is inspected visually, and any substrate architecturally aesthetic purpose, it is necessary to
corrosion is obvious. Repairs can be made blast or wire brush the surface in order to establish a
• Weathering steels are high-strength steels but, in
immediately to extend the life of the steel. To uniform initial appearance. When in contact with
general, are used because of their corrosion
determine the expected life of the coating, a simple concrete, the corrosion products of weathering steel
properties. Painting would seem to counteract the
magnetic thickness measurement can be taken using bleed onto the concrete and create an unsightly stain.
logic of using weathering steels. However, weathering
inexpensive, hand-held tools.
steel can be painted, but the patina is difficult to • HDG steel initially exhibits a bright silver-gray
remove and the clean steel tends to require excessive appearance and then progresses within six to 24
paint material in order to deliver a decent Corrosion Rate months to the matte gray look that lasts for decades.
coating appearance. • Weathering steel corrodes at unpredictable rates and The corrosion of zinc is slow, and the corrosion
corrosion will accelerate when moisture is prevalent. products are virtually invisible to the naked eye.
• HDG steel does require preparation and, depending
Since corrosion is constantly occurring and the
on the age of the coating, may range from a sweep
weathering steel is losing cross-sectional thickness,
blasting or solvent wipe to an economical hot-
planning maintenance is unknown.
water/steam pressure wash.

Environmental Exposure Notes

Sea Coast Exposure • Chemicals can be aggressive to HDG steel as well, Electrical Industry
• Weathering steel performs poorly when exposed to but only after a number of years will the entire zinc • The buildup of weathering steel corrosion products
salt air. Pitting and accelerated corrosion may coating be consumed. HDG steel is often painted in may allow arcing of electrical current from pole to
compromise steel integrity. order to achieve a long-lasting coating to protect the pole. This may cause fires and power failures.
• The zinc coating of HDG performs well in salt substrate steel. • HDG steel is used extensively by the power
air exposure. industry for generation, transmission, and distribution,
Vegetation without incident.
Chemical Exposure (airborne) • The buildup of vegetation and organic material on and
• Weathering steel does not perform well when around weathering steel concentrates moisture. High Humidity/Fog Exposure
corrosive airborne chemicals are abundant. The Constant exposure to moisture is adverse to the • Weathering steel exhibits accelerated corrosion when
patina is rapidly consumed and the steel corrodes at patina and excessive corrosion will occur. frequent high humidity and/or fog conditions exist.
rates approximated to that of unprotected steel. • HDG steel is unaffected by the presence of vegetation • HDG steel is unaffected by such conditions as the
or organic material. stable zinc patina is unreactive.

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