Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel vs. Weathering Steel (2006)
Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel vs. Weathering Steel (2006)
Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel vs. Weathering Steel (2006)
Weathering Steel
Hot-Dip Performance & Weathering
Galvanized Steel Condition Steel
Hot-dip galvanized steel is produced by Weathering steel is a corrosion-resistant
dipping bare steel in a bath of molten zinc Unaffected by weathering Fa t i g u e L i f e Reduced by weathering steel that initially corrodes.The presence of
metal. A protective coating is formed by a corrosion products then limits any further
metallurgical reaction between iron and Protects substrate steel Corrodes the same as oxidation of the metal.
zinc,providing both a barrier and cathodic from corrosion
Constant Wetting
unprotected carbon steel
protection that protets steel from corrosion.
Provides excellent Corrodes the same as
Fa y i n g S u r f a c e s
corrosion protection unprotected carbon steel
No visible corrosion products Stains concrete
HDG steel electrical distribution pole Weathering steel electrical distribution pole
90’ long x 6’ wide (approx.) Size Limitations None
Environmental Exposure
Poor corrosion protection,
Good corrosion protection Sea Coast
chlorides cause pitting