Updates On Open Offer (Company Update)
Updates On Open Offer (Company Update)
Updates On Open Offer (Company Update)
SONA KOYO STEERING SYSTEMS LIMITED Registered Office: UGF- 6, Indra Prakash, 21, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi, 110001. Tel: +91 11 23311924
Open offer for acquisition of upto 51,672,877 (Fifty One Million Six Hundred and Seventy Two Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Seven only) equity shares having face value INR 1/- each (Offer Shares) of Sona Koyo Steering Systems Limited
(Target Company / Target) from the Public Shareholders (as defined below) of the Target Company by JTEKT Corporation (Acquirer) at a price of Rs. 84.00 (Rupees Eighty Four only) per Equity Share (as defined below) (Offer / Open Offer).
This detailed public statement (DPS) is being issued by Kotak Mahindra Capital Company Limited, the manager to Mr. Ramesh Suri Independent Director manner consistent with past practice. Thereafter, for another period of another 24 (twenty four) months, the
the Offer (Manager or KMCC), on behalf of the Acquirer, in compliance with regulations 13(4), 14, 15(2) and other Mr. Ravi Bhoothalingam Independent Director Target, SFAL and JSAI shall be entitled to (but shall not be under an obligation to) continue the use of the
applicable regulations of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Mr. P. K. Chadha Independent Director Brand. Additionally and without prejudice to the above, in relation to any spare parts produced by the Target,
Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 and subsequent amendments thereto (SEBI (SAST) Regulations) and pursuant to Lt. Gen. (Retd) Shamsher Singh Mehta Independent Director SFAL and JSAI, as the case may be, the Target, SFAL and JSAI shall be entitled to use the Brand in a manner
the Public Announcement (PA) filed on February 1, 2017 with the National Stock Exchange of India Limited and the consistent with past practice for a period of 10 (ten) years from the Completion Date. For this purpose, the
Mrs. Ramni Nirula Independent Director Seller has agreed to cause to be granted to the Acquirer and/or any of the Target, SFAL and JSAI, a non-
BSE Limited(NSE and BSE respectively or the Stock Exchanges, collectively) and the Target Company in terms
of regulations 3(1) and 4 of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations and filed on February 2, 2017 with the Securities and Mr. Prasan Abhaykumar Firodia Independent Director exclusive license, without any additional consideration, for use of the Brand as above.
Exchange Board of India (SEBI). 3.7 As of the date of the DPS, the authorized share capital of the Target Company is INR 271,000,000 (Indian (B) Non-compete:The Seller and/or Mrs. Rani Kapur and Mr. Sunjay Kapur have agreed that in consideration of
I. ACQUIRER, TARGET COMPANY AND OFFER Rupees Two Hundred Seventy One Million only) comprising of 271,000,000 (Two Hundred Seventy One Million the Sale Consideration received by the Seller, they shall not, directly or indirectly, compete with the Acquirer
only) Equity Shares of INR 1 (Rupee One) each. or the Target Company and/or SFAL and/or JSAI in the Republic of India with regard to the business of
1. Details of the Acquirer
3.8 The issued, subscribed and fully paid-up equity share capital of the Target Company is INR 198,741,832 manufacturing steering systems and components thereof, for a period of 2 (two) years starting from the
1.1 The Acquirer, i.e., JTEKT Corporation, is a limited liability listed company, incorporated on January 18, 1935
(Rupees One Hundred Ninety Eight Million Seven Hundred Forty One Thousand and Eight Hundred Thirty Two Completion Date. Provided however that: (i) manufacturing activities currently carried out by Sona BLW
under the laws of Japan (Enterprise Identity Number (EIN): 1200-01-079055). Its registered office is situated at
only) comprising of 198,741,832 (One Hundred Ninety Eight Million Seven Hundred Forty One Thousand and Precision Forgings Limited (Sona BLW) and its subsidiaries (none of whom manufacture steering systems
3-5-8 Minami-semba, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 542-8502 Japan, Tel: +81 52 5271905, Fax: +81 52 5271912. The
Eight Hundred Thirty Two only) Equity Shares of INR 1 (Rupee One only) each. The Target Company does not and components); and (ii) passive investments of up to 5% (five percent.) of the equity share capital or the
General Manager, Corporate Planning Department of the Acquirer is Mr. Koichi Tsujita. There has been no
have partly paid-up Equity Shares. voting rights in any listed/ unlisted entity in India by the Seller and/or Mrs. Rani Kapur and Mr. Sunjay Kapur,
change in the name of the Acquirer during the last 3 (three) years. There is no person acting in concert with the
Acquirer for the purposes of this Offer. 3.9 The Targets key financial information based on its audited consolidated financial statements as of and for the directly or indirectly, shall not be considered to be in violation of the non-compete obligation contemplated
financial years ended March 31, 2014 and March 31, 2015 and March 31,2016 audited by S.P. Puri & Co., the under the SPA.
1.2 The Acquirer primarily manufactures automotive components, sensors, bearings and machine tools &
Statutory Auditors and limited review consolidated financial results for the six months ended September 30, (C) Completion: Following the expiry of 21 (twenty one) Working Days from the date of the Detailed Public
mechatronics. The company focuses on four major product technologies: bearings, steering systems, driveline
2016 of the Target Company is as below: Statement, the Acquirer has agreed to deposit within 5 (five) Business Days from the receipt of the later of (i)
components and machine tools.
(in INR Million except for Earnings Per Share) CCI Approval; or (ii) final observations from SEBI on the draft letter of offer, deposit in the Open Offer Escrow
1.3 The Acquirer belongs to JTEKT group.
Particulars As at and for As at and for As at and for As at and for Account (as defined below), the Maximum Open Offer Consideration and complete the acquisition of Sale
1.4 The Acquirer is a widely held listed public company and has diverse shareholder base with no identified Shares from the Seller in accordance with the provisions of regulation 22(2A) of the SEBI (SAST)
financial year financial year financial year 6 months
promoter. The Acquirer is not owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by another corporation, any foreign Regulations. In terms of the SPA, the Seller and Acquirer have also agreed that, if the CCI Approval or the
ended ended ended ended
government or by any other legal or natural person. final observations from SEBI on the draft letter of offer filed by the Acquirer is received after the 21 (twenty
March 31, 2014 March 31, 2015 March 31, 2016 Sept 30, 2016
1.5 The issued and paid up share capital of the Acquirer is 45,591 Million Japanese Yen comprising of 343,286,307 one) working day period referred to above, then the Completion Date shall in no event be later than the 5th
Total Revenue 15,320 15,579 15,343 7,390
shares. The details of the major shareholders of the Acquirer as on September 30, 2016 is provided below: (fifth) business day following receipt of the later of CCI Approval or final observations from SEBI on the draft
Profit/(loss) after tax after minority
Shareholder Number of shares % of total letter offer filed by the Acquirer.
interest 678 379 370 113
(in units of 1,000) issued shares (D) Re-classification: The SPA stipulates that the Sona Promoters and Persons Acting in Concert (as defined
Earnings/(loss) per share (INR) 3.41 1.91 1.86 0.57
Toyota Motor Corporation 77,235 22.50% below) are to be re-classified as public shareholders in accordance with the provisions of regulation 31(A)
Net worth/ Shareholders Funds 3,089 3,234 3,473 3,586
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. 25,070 7.30% of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (LODR Regulations)
*Total Revenue includes other income and the Seller will also be de-classified as a promoter of the Target Company in accordance with the
Denso Corporation 18,371 5.35%
(Source: The consolidated financial information set forth above has been extracted from the Target Companys provisions of Regulation 31(A) of the LODR Regulations. In this regard, the terms of the SPA specify that on
Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. 15,485 4.51%
audited consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards notified the Completion Date, the board of directors of the Target Company will call for a meeting of the shareholders
Nippon Life Insurance Company 11,125 3.24% under the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006, (as amended) and the Companies (Accounting of the Target Company (within 30 business days of the Completion Date) to approve the re-classification of
Toyota Industries Corporation 7,813 2.28% Standards) Rules, 2014 (as amended) and other relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (and the Sona Promoters and Persons Acting in Concert and de-classification of the Seller, in accordance with the
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Ltd. 7,635 2.22% Companies Act, 1956 where applicable) and audited by the Statutory Auditors of the Target Company. provisions of Regulation 31(A) of the LODR Regulations. The Purchaser has agreed to cause the Target
Resona Bank, Ltd. 6,749 1.97% 3.10 The Targets key financial information based on its audited standalone financial statements as of and for the Company to make an application for the purposes of re-classification of the Sona Promoters and Persons
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 6,366 1.85% financial years ended March 31, 2014 and March 31, 2015 and March 31, 2016 audited by S.P. Puri & Co., the Acting in Concert as public shareholders of the Target Company and de-classification of the Seller as the
Toyota Tsusho Corporation 5,969 1.74% Statutory Auditors and limited review standalone financial results for the six months ended September 30, 2016 promoter of the Target Company, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 31(A) of the LODR
1.6 The equity shares of the Acquirer are listed in Japan on Nagoya Stock Exchange and Tokyo Stock Exchange. of the Target Company is as below: Regulations, within 10 (ten) calendar days of the receipt of the approval of the shareholders of the Target
The American Depository Receipts of the Acquirer are traded on Over The Counter (OTC) Exchange in the (in INR Million except for Earnings Per Share) Company. For the purposes of this paragraph Sona Promoters and Persons Acting in Concert collectively
United States. The equity shares of the Acquirer are not listed on any stock exchanges in India. Particulars As at and for As at and for As at and for As at and for means Mrs. Rani Kapur, Mr. Sunjay Kapur, Sumish Finance and Investment Company Private Limited, Mr.
financial year financial year financial year 6 months Jug Mohan Kapur, Ms. Sumitra Kapur, Mr. Subash Chopra, Ms. Esha Chopra, Ms. Sangeeta Chopra, Mr.
1.7 The Directors of the Acquirer are:
ended ended ended ended Aman Chopra, Ms. Mandira Koirala, Superna Motwane and Jug Mohan Kapur HUF, excluding the Seller.
Name Designation
31-Mar-14 31-Mar-15 31-Mar-16 Sept 30, 2016 (E) Sale of subsidiary to Seller: In terms of the SPA, the Acquirer and the Seller have agreed that the shares of
Seiichi Sudo Chairman Sona Skill Development Centre Limited, being an associate company of the Target Company (SSDCL)
Total Revenue 10,833 10,828 10,934 5,551
Tetsuo Agata President held by the Target Company will be sold, at a price, which shall be the higher of book value or fair value, of
Profit/(loss) after tax 517 180 250 92
Seiho Kawakami Executive Vice President SSDCL, based on the latest audited balance sheet of SSDCL dated March 31, 2016, to the Seller and/or its
Earnings/(loss) per share (INR) 2.60 0.90 1.26 0.46
Masakazu Isaka Executive Vice President nominee.
Net worth/ Shareholders Funds 2,664 2,622 2,752 2,844
Atsushi Kume Senior Executive Director (F) Representations, Warranties and Indemnities: The Seller has provided representations and warranties
*Total Revenue includes other income to the Acquirer, including but not limited to in relation to the Sale Shares (including but not limited to clear and
Hiroyuki Miyazaki Senior Executive Director
(Source: The standalone financial information set forth above has been extracted from the Target Companys marketable title to the Sale Shares and lack of encumbrances on the Sale Shares) and the Target Company
Hiroyuki Kaijima Executive Director
audited standalone financial statements prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards notified (including in relation to the compliance by the Target Company with law (including tax laws), customary to an
Tomokazu Takahashi Executive Director under the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006, (as amended) and the Companies (Accounting acquisition of such nature. In addition, the Seller has provided indemnities to the Acquirer for any losses
Takumi Matsumoto Executive Director Standards) Rules, 2014 (as amended) and other relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (and suffered by the Acquirer owing to any breach or inaccuracy of such representations and warranties.
Takao Miyatani Director Companies Act, 1956 where applicable) and audited by the Statutory Auditors of the Target Company. (G) The SPA contemplates that the Target Company, subject to relevant approvals relating to related parties,
Iwao Okamoto Director 4. Details of the Offer shall enter into an IT Services Agreement with Sona BLW, to provide certain information technology services
1.8 As on the date of this DPS, the Acquirer holds 39,947,108 (Thirty Nine Million, Nine Hundred and Forty Seven 4.1 This Offer is a mandatory offer in compliance with the provisions of regulation 3(1) and 4 of the SEBI (SAST) for a period of upto 3 (three) years.
Thousand One Hundred Eight) Equity Shares representing 20.10% of the Equity Share Capital in the Target Regulations. On February 1, 2017, the Acquirer and Seller executed a share purchase agreement (SPA), in (H) Resignation of directors: It has been agreed in the SPA that on the Completion Date, the following
Company. The Acquirer is a part of the promoter group of the Target Company. The Acquirer has nominated terms of which the Acquirer has agreed to acquire from the Seller an aggregate of 49, 914,664 (Forty Nine Million nominee directors of the Seller will resign, viz., (i) Mr. Sunjay Kapur (including as Chairman), Ms. Rani
Mr. Hidekazu Omura (Non-Executive Director) and Mr. Kiyozumi Kamiki (Deputy Managing Director) on the Nine Hundred and Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty Four) Equity Shares, comprising 25.12% (twenty Kapurand Mr. Kiran Manohar Deshmukh from the board of directors of the Target; (ii) Mr. Sunjay Kapur
Board of Directors of the Target Company. These directors shall not participate in any deliberations of the Board five point one two percent) of the Target Company (Sale Share) at price of INR 84.00 (Rupees Eight Four only) (including as Chairman), and Mr. Kiran Manohar Deshmukh from the board of directors of SFAL; and (iii) Mr.
of Directors of the Target Company or vote on any matter in relation to the Open Offer. The Acquirer has a joint per Sale Share, aggregating to INR 4,192,831,776 (Rupees Four Billion One Hundred and Ninety Two Million Sunjay Kapur (including as Chairman and Managing Director) and Mr. Kiran Manohar Deshmukh from the
venture, JTEKT Sona Automotive India Limited with the Target Company wherein the Acquirer holds 51% Eight Hundred and Thirty One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Six only). board of directors of JSAI.
stake with a business objective of manufacturing column type electric power steering (C-EPS) systems. The 4.2 This Offer is being made by the Acquirer to all the equity shareholders of the Target Company, other than the (I) Conditions Precedent: The consummation of the acquisition of the Sale Shares by the Acquirer from the
Acquirer has had several technology license/sharing arrangements with the Target Company in the past and the Acquirer, and parties to the SPA including persons deemed to be acting in concert with such parties in terms of Seller is subject to the following key conditions precedent to be satisfied by the Seller:
Acquirer continues to have technology license/sharing arrangements with the Target Company. The Acquirer regulation 7(6) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations (Public Shareholders), to acquire up to 51,672,877 (Fifty One (a) Valid and specific approvals or ratification, as the case may be, after the Execution Date, from its
and its group entities export or supply certain parts/raw material to the Target Company and its subsidiaries. Million Six Hundred and Seventy Two Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Seven only) Equity Shares shareholders, to execute the SPA, by authorizing the person signing the SPA on behalf of the Seller to so
Further, none of the directors or key managerial employees of the Acquirer have any interest in the Target representing 26.00% (twenty six percent) of the Equity Share Capital of the Target Company (Offer Size), at an sign, and also to perform its obligations under the terms of the SPA including the sale of the Sale Shares
Company. offer price of INR 84.00 (Rupees Eighty Four only) per Equity Share (Offer Price) aggregating to a total as contemplated herein, and the provision of necessary documentary evidence of the preceding to the
1.9 The Acquirer has not been prohibited by SEBI from dealing in securities pursuant to the terms of any directions consideration of INR 4,340,521,668 (Rupees Four Billion Three Hundred and Forty Million Five Hundred and Acquirer;
issued under Section 11B of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (SEBI Act) as amended or Twenty One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty Eight only) (Maximum Open Offer Consideration). As of the (b) The following Third Party approvals:
under any other regulations made under the SEBI Act. date of this DPS, there are no outstanding convertible securities, depository receipts, warrants or instruments,
1) No-objection certificate from JM Financial India Fund confirming its consent to the purchase and
1.10 The Acquirers key financial information based on its audited consolidated financial statements as of and for the issued by the Target Company, convertible into Equity Shares of the Target Company. The Offer Price will be
sale of the Sale Shares as contemplated herein and waiving any rights it may have in this respect
financial years ended March 31, 2014 and March 31, 2015 and March 31, 2016 and the half yearly results ended payable in cash by the Acquirer, in accordance with the provisions of regulation 9(1) (a) of the SEBI (SAST)
under the Shareholders' Agreement dated December 22, 2006 (as may have been amended from
September 30, 2016 audited by M/s Pricewaterhouse Coopers Kyoto, Chartered Accountants, the Statutory Regulations. If the number of Equity Shares validly tendered by the Public Shareholders under this Offer is more
time to time);
Auditors of the Acquirer, is as below: than the Offer Size, the Acquirer shall accept the Equity Shares received from the Public Shareholders on a
proportionate basis in consultation with the Manager. 2) No-objection certificate from Maruti Suzuki India Limited confirming its consent to the purchase and
(in million except for Earnings Per Share)
sale of the Sale Shares as contemplated herein and waiving any rights it may have in this respect
Particulars As at and for As at and for As at and for As at and for 4.3 As of the date of this DPS, the total equity share capital of the Target Company (Equity Share Capital) is as
under the Joint Venture Agreement dated February 4, 1986;
financial year financial year financial year 6 months ended follows:
3) No objection certificate from the following material customers of the Target Company in relation to
ended ended ended Sept 30, 2016 Particulars Number of shares % of Equity
the sale and purchase of the Sale Shares:
31-Mar-14 31-Mar-15 31-Mar-16 Share Capital
i Nissan Motor India Private Limited;
JPY INR JPY INR JPY INR JPY INR Fully paid up Equity Shares as of the DPS date 198,741,832 100.00
ii Renault Nissan Automotive India Private Limited; and
Total Revenue 1,271,854 763,112 1,368,936 766,604 1,408,441 774,643 644,516 412,490 Partly paid up Equity Shares as of the DPS date Nil Nil
iii Maruti Suzuki India Limited;
Profit/(loss) after Equity Share Capital 198,741,832 100.00
4) No objection certificate from the following lenders of the Target Company in relation to the sale and
tax (after minority Source: Target Company
purchase of the Sale Shares:
interest) 23,384 14,030 42,520 23,811 48,672 26,770 12,619 8,076 4.4 This Offer and the acquisition of shares under the SPA (Underlying Transaction) are subject to the receipt of
i Allahabad Bank;
Diluted Earnings/ the statutory approvals listed under paragraph 4.4(i) below (which condition is outside the reasonable control of
the Acquirer) ii State Bank of Hyderabad;
(loss) per share 68.3 41.0 123.9 69.4 141.8 78.0 36.8 23.5
(i) Statutory Approvals: iii State Bank of India;
Net worth/
Shareholder Funds 380,780 224,660 411,148 213,797 446,341 263,341 450,834 297,550 iv IndusInd Bank;
Receipt of approval from the Competition Commission of India (CCI) in relation to the transactions
Notes: contemplated under the SPA (CCI Approval) v Standard Chartered Bank;
1. Total Revenue includes other income As of the date of the DPS, to the best of the knowledge of the Acquirer, there are no other statutory approvals vi Kotak Mahindra Bank;
2. Earnings per share is calculated as: Net Income post minority interest/shares outstanding at the end of the required to acquire the Equity Shares of the Target Company that are validly tendered pursuant to this Offer vii Yes Bank;
respective period. and to complete the Underlying Transaction. viii IDFC; and
3. For profit and loss items assuming average convenience conversion rate of Yen 1= INR 0.55 for the financial 4.5 As contemplated under the SPA, the Seller shall ensure that the Sale Shares shall be unencumbered. ix Corporation Bank.
year ended March 31,2016, Yen 1= INR 0.56 for the financial year ended March 31, 2015, Yen 1= INR 0.60 for 4.6 The Offer is not conditional on any minimum level of acceptance by the Public Shareholders in terms of (c) There has been no material breach of any of the Sellers obligations in the SPA;
the financial year ended March 31, 2014 and Yen 1 = INR 0.64 for the half year ended September 30, 2016 regulation 19 of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations. (d) The Target Company shall have obtained the consent of the State Pollution Control Board in relation to
4. For balance sheet item, assuming convenience conversion rate of Yen 1 = INR 0.59 for the financial year 4.7 The Offer is not a competing offer in terms of regulation 20 of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations. the Target Companys factory in Tamil Nadu under the Air Act, Water Act and HW Rules; and
ended on March 31, 2016, Yen 1 = INR 0.52 for the financial year ended on March 31, 2015, Yen 1 = INR 0.59 4.8 In terms of regulation 23(1) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, in the event, by the Long Stop Date (i.e a period of (e) Each of the Seller Representations and Warranties are true, accurate and not misleading as on the
for the financial year ended on March 31, 2014 and Yen 1 = INR 0.66 for the half year ended September 30, four months from February 1, 2017) the statutory approval in Part VI (Statutory and Other Approvals) is not Completion Date.
2016 received (which is outside the reasonable control of the Acquirer)and the SPA is terminated, the Acquirer shall (J) Termination Events: The SPA provides for termination of the SPA on the following grounds:
(Source: The consolidated financial information set forth above has been extracted from the Acquirers audited have the right to withdraw the Offer. (a) if the completion has not occurred on or prior to the Long Stop Date as contemplated in the SPA; or
consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards notified under 4.9 In the event of such a withdrawal of the Offer, the Acquirer (through the Manager) shall, within two Working Days (b) if the Statutory Approvals as set out in paragraph 4.4.(i) Part I (Details of the Offer) are not received; or
the Japanese Laws and Rules and audited by the Statutory Auditors of the Acquirer.) (as defined under the SEBI (SAST) Regulations) of such withdrawal, make an announcement of such withdrawal (c) any of the parties to the SPA becomes insolvent or bankrupt or is dissolved or liquidated or an application
2. Details of the Seller stating the grounds and reasons for the withdrawal in accordance with regulation 23(2) of the SEBI (SAST) is made for insolvency, bankruptcy, dissolution or liquidation against such party and the same is not
2.1 The details of the Seller have been set out hereunder: Regulations. dismissed within 6 (six) months.
Name of Nature of Registered office Part of Shares/Voting Rights % of Equity 4.10 The Equity Shares will be acquired by the Acquirer fully paid-up, free from all liens, charges and encumbrances III. SHAREHOLDING AND ACQUISITION DETAILS
Seller Entity Promoter held in Target Share Capital and together with the rights attached thereto, including all rights to dividend, bonus and rights offer declared 1. The current and proposed shareholding of the Acquirer in the Target Company and the details of its acquisition
Group of Company before as on the thereof, and the tendering Public Shareholder shall have obtained all necessary consents for it to sell the Equity are as follows:
Target entering into the date Shares on the foregoing basis.
Details Acquirer
Company SPA with the of this DPS 4.11 In terms of regulation 25(2) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, the Acquirer has no intention to restructure or
Acquirer alienate, whether by way of sale, lease, encumbrance or otherwise, any material assets of the Target Company Number of Equity %
or of its subsidiaries or of entities controlled by the Target Company during the period of two years following the Shares/Voting Rights
Sona Autocomp Public UG-6, Indra Prakash, Yes 49,914,664 25.12%
Holding Limited unlisted 21, Barakhamba Road, completion of the Offer except: Shareholding as on the PA date 39,947,108 20.10%
Company New Delhi 110001 (i) in the ordinary course of business; or Shares acquired between the PA date and the DPS date Nil Nil
Total 49,914,664 25.12% (ii) on account of regulatory approvals or conditions, or compliance with any law that is binding on or applicable Shareholding as on the DPS date 39,947,108 20.10%
2.2 The Seller was initially incorporated in India under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, with the name to the operations of the Target Company; or Shareholding after completion of acquisitions under the
Mandira Investment & Finance Co. Pvt. Ltd. vide Certificate of Incorporated dated 12 February, 1982, which (iii) as has already been disclosed by the Target Company in the public domain. SPA (as a % of Equity Share Capital)* 89,861,772 45.22%
was changed to Sona Autocomp Holding Private Limited vide Certificate of Incorporation dated 9th August, 4.12 If and when the Acquirer intends to alienate any material asset of the Target Company or its subsidiaries, within a Post Offer shareholding (as a % of Equity Share Capital)** 89,861,772 45.22%
2007 and finally the name of Company was changed to Sona Autocomp Holding Limited vide Certificate of period of 2 (two) years from completion of the Offer, the Target Company shall seek the approval of its Post Offer shareholding (as a % of Equity Share Capital)*** 141,534,649 71.22%
Incorporation dated 12th March, 2014. The Seller is a Promoter of the Target. The registered office of the Seller is shareholders as per the proviso to regulation 25(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations. * This is the sum of all the equity shares being sold by Seller
located at UGF-6, Indraprakash, 21, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 110 001. 4.13 If the acquisition of the Offer Shares results in the public shareholding in the Target Company falling below the ** Minimum shareholding assuming no shares are acquired in the Open Offer.
2.3 The Seller belongs to Sona group and is a not a listed entity. minimum level required for continued listing under Regulation 38 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India *** Maximum shareholding assuming full subscription in the Open Offer.
2.4 The Seller has not been prohibited by the SEBI from dealing in securities pursuant to the terms of any directions (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and Rule 19A of the Securities Contract 2. None of the members of the board of directors of the Acquirer hold any Equity Shares of the Target Company.
issued under Section 11B of the SEBI Act as amended or under any other regulations made under the SEBI Act. (Regulation) Rules, 1957, then the Acquirer shall participate in the Institutional Placement Programme (be it by IV. OFFER PRICE
3. Details of the Target Company way of issue of fresh shares of the Target Company or an offer for sale) and shall comply with the applicable
provisions of Chapter VIII A (Institutional Placement Programme) of the SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure 1. The Equity Shares of the Target Company are listed on the NSE and the BSE.
3.1 The Target Company is a public company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 on June 2. The trading turnover in the Equity Shares based on the trading volumes during the twelve months prior to the
14, 1984, in New Delhi, India. The name of the Target Company has not undergone any change in the last 3 Requirements) Regulations, 2009.
4.14 The Manager to the Offer shall not deal, on their own account, in the Equity Shares of the Target Company during month of the PA on the BSE and NSE is as given below:
(three) years.
the Offer Period. Stock exchange Total traded volumes Weighted average number of Trading
3.2 The registered office of the Target Company is situated at UGF- 6, Indra Prakash, 21, Barakhamba Road, New during the 12 calendar Equity Shares during the 12 turnover %
Delhi - 110001, Tel. +91-11- 23311924. The Company Identification Number of the Target Company is II. BACKGROUND TO THE OFFER
months preceding date calendar months preceding (A/B)
CIN:L29113DL1984PLC018415. 1. The Offer is being made by the Acquirer to the Public Shareholders of the Target Company in accordance with
of the PA (A) date of the PA (B)
3.3 The Equity Shares are presently listed on BSE (Scrip Code: 520057) and NSE (Scrip ID: SONASTEER). The regulation 3(1) and regulation 4 of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
NSE 71,177,624 198,741,832 35.81%
ISIN of the Target Company is INE 643A01035. For the purpose of this DPS Equity Shares mean the fully paid- 2. The Acquirer and the Seller have entered into the SPA, pursuant to which the Seller has agreed, subject to the
terms and conditions set out in the SPA, to collectively sell, and the Acquirer has agreed to purchase, for cash, BSE 28,501,200 198,741,832 14.34%
up equity shares having a face value of INR 1 (Rupee One) each of the Target Company carrying voting rights
and including any security which entitles the holder thereof to exercise voting rights. the Sale Shares. The details of the Sale Shares being sold under SPA are set out below: (Source: www.nseindia.com, www.bseindia.com)
3.4 The Equity Shares are frequently traded on both the Stock Exchanges within the meaning of the explanation Seller Number of Sale Shares Percentage of Equity 3. Based on the above, the Equity Shares are frequently traded in terms of regulation 2(1)(j) of the SEBI (SAST)
provided to regulation 2(1)(j) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations. Share Capital Regulations.
3.5 The Target Company is a manufacturer of steering systems in the passenger car and utility vehicle market in Sona Autocomp Holding Limited 49,914,664 25.12% 4. The Offer Price of INR 84.00 (Rupees Eighty Four only) per Equity Share is justified in terms of regulation 8(2) of
India, catering to passenger cars, utility vehicles and light commercial vehicles. The customers of the Target the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, being the highest of the following parameters:
Total 49,914,664 25.12%
include major vehicle manufactures in India. The Target Company has operations across India through its 7 SL. No. Details
3. The Offer Price will be payable in cash by the Acquirer, in accordance with the provisions of regulation 9(1)(a) of
Plants (2 plants in Gurgaon, 3 plants in Dharuhera, 1 plant in Chennai and 1 in Sanand). The product portfolio of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011. A The highest negotiated price per Equity Share of the Target Company for any
the company includes high performance rack and pinion manual steering gear, hydraulic power steering system, acquisition under an agreement attracting the obligation to make a public
4. The Acquirer sees significant opportunities in the Indian Auto Component Sector. The Acquirer will benefit from
recirculating ball screw assembly, column type electric power steering for passenger Vehicle, tilt & telescopic announcement of an open offer i.e. the price per share under the SPA INR 84.00(1)
the Target Companys expertise and strong market position in auto components business. The Acquirer also
steering column, intermediate shaft, advanced column & telescopic Intermediate shaft for commercial vehicles, envisages to expand its presence in India and the Transaction provides this opportunity to the Acquirer. The B The volume weighted average price paid or payable per Equity Share for
electric power assist module (EPAM) for off highway and farm sector, rear axle assy and driveline products. Acquirer can strengthen its global operations, creating the facilities acquired as a manufacturing hub for global acquisitions by the Acquirer during the fifty two weeks immediately preceding
3.6 The board of directors of the Target Company, as of the date of this DPS, is provided below: exports. the date of the PA NOT APPLICABLE
Name of Director Designation 5. Key Terms of SPA C The highest price per Equity Share paid or payable for any acquisition by
Mr. Sunjay Kapur Chairman the Acquirer during the twenty six weeks immediately preceding the date of
The key terms of the SPA for the acquisition of the Sale Shares by the Acquirer from the Seller are:
Mr. Kiran Manohar Deshmukh Executive Vice Chairman (A) Brand: It is agreed that on and from the date of completion of sale by the Seller and purchase by the Acquirer
D The volume weighted average market price per Equity Share for a period of
Mr. Kiyozumi Kamiki Deputy Managing Director (Nominee of JTEKT Corporation) of all of the Sale Shares in accordance with the provisions of the SPA (Completion Date) and till March 31,
sixty trading days immediately preceding the date of the PA as traded on the
Mr. Hidekazu Omura Non-Executive Director (Nominee of JTEKT Corporation) 2018, the Target, Sona Fuji Kiko Automotive Limited (a subsidiary of the Target) (SFAL) and JTEKT Sona
Stock Exchanges, being the only Stock Exchanges on which the Equity
Mr. Toshiya Miki Non-Executive Director (Nominee of Maruti Suzuki India Limited) Automotive India Limited (JSAI), shall use the Brand (Brand means the Sona name and logos, S
Shares were listed during such period and such shares being frequently
device logo and Slogan Driving Tomorrow)in their corporate name as well as for business and operational
Mrs. Rani Kapur Non-executive Director (Non-Independent) traded INR 75.32
purposes including in all communications including on letterhead, email signature and similar stationary in a
continued on next page...
...continued from previous page.
Note: the acquisition under the SPA or the acquisition of the Offer Shares, specified in this DPS or those which become THE DETAILED PROCEDURE FOR TENDERING THE SHARES IN THE OFFER WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE
1. Further details in respect of the negotiated price have been set out in Part II: BACKGROUND TO THE applicable prior to completion of the Offer are not received, or if any of the conditions set out in paragraph 4.4 of LETTER OF OFFER.
OFFER Part I (Details of the Offer) above, which is outside the reasonable control of the Acquirer, are not satisfied, the IX. OTHER INFORMATION
2 The Offer Price would be revised in the event of any corporate action like bonus, rights, split, etc., is Acquirer shall have the right to withdraw the Offer. In the event of such a withdrawal of the Offer, the Acquirer 1. In terms of the SPA, post consummation of the Underlying Transaction the Acquirer along with the Target
undertaken by the Target Company, if the record date for effecting such corporate actions falls three Working (through the Manager) shall, within two Working Days (as defined in the SEBI (SAST) Regulations) of such Company shall take all steps as are necessary to re-classify the following promoter entities as public
Days (as defined under the SEBI (SAST) Regulations) prior to the commencement of the tendering period withdrawal, make an announcement of such withdrawal stating the grounds for the withdrawal in accordance shareholders of the Target Company and de-classify the Seller as the promoter of the Target Company:
for the Offer. with regulation 23(2) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations.
Name Shares Held as on % age of
5. The Offer Price of INR 84.00 is highest of all of the above parameters mentioned in the SEBI (SAST) VII. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITY Date of DPS Share Capital
Regulations. No. Activity Schedule (Date and Day) Sunjay Kapur 3,300 0.00%
6. There have been no corporate actions by the Target Company warranting adjustment of any of the relevant price 1. PA February 1, 2017, Wednesday Jug Mohan Kapur 34,000 0.02%
parameters under regulation 8(9) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations. 2. Publication of this DPS February 8, 2017, Wednesday Sumitra Kapur 2,000 0.00%
7. The Offer Price is subject to revision, if any, pursuant to the SEBI (SAST) Regulations or at the discretion of the 3. Filing of the draft letter of offer with SEBI February 15, 2017, Wednesday Subash Chopra 75,000 0.04%
Acquirer at any time prior to 3 (three) Working Days (as defined in the SEBI (SAST) Regulations) before the
4. Last date for public announcement for competing offer(s) March 2, 2017, Thursday Esha Chopra 150,000 0.08%
commencement of the tendering period in accordance with Regulation 18(4) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations. In
the event of such revision, the Acquirer is required to (i) make corresponding increases to the amount kept in the 5. Last date for receipt of SEBI observations on the draft letter of Sangeeta Chopra 15,000 0.01%
escrow account, as set out in paragraph 2 of Part V (Financial Arrangements)of this DPS; (ii) make a public offer (in the event SEBI has not sought clarifications or additional Aman Chopra 21,000 0.01%
announcement in the newspapers where this DPS is published; and (iii) simultaneously with the issue of such information from the Manager to the Offer) March 9, 2017, Thursday Mandira Koirala 8,000 0.00%
public announcement, inform SEBI, the Stock Exchanges and the Target Company at its registered office of such 6. Identified Date# March 14, 2017, Tuesday Superna Motwane 6,000 0.00%
revision in terms of Regulation 18(5) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations. 7. Last date by which the letter of offer (Letter of Offer) is to be Jug Mohan HUF 329 0.00%
V. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS dispatched to the Public Shareholders whose name appears on Rani Kapur 6,000 0.00%
1. The total funding requirement for the Offer, assuming full acceptance, i.e. for the acquisition of 51,672,877 (Fifty the register of members on the Identified Date March 21, 2017, Tuesday Sumish Finance and Investment Company Private Limited 3,640 0.00%
One Million Six Hundred and Seventy Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Seven only) Equity Shares, at 8. Last date for upward revision of the Offer Price / Offer Size March 22, 2017, Wednesday Total 324,269 0.16%
the Offer Price of INR 84.00 (Rupees Eighty Four only) is INR 4,340,521,668 (Rupees Four Billion Three 9. Date by which the committee of the independent directors of the
Hundred and Forty Million Five Hundred and Twenty One Thousand Sixty Hundred and Sixty Eight only). The aforementioned entities hold 0.16% of the total Equity Share Capital and are not involved in the day-to-day
Target Company shall give its recommendation to the operations of the business of the Target Company. These entities will cease to exercise any control post
2. The Acquirer has adequate resources to meet the financial requirements of this Open Offer and by way of shareholders of the Target Company for this Offer March 23, 2017, Thursday consummation of the Underlying Transaction and will be declassified as promoters and reclassified as public
security for performance by the Acquirer of its obligations under the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, the Acquirer has 10. Date of publication of Offer opening public announcement in the shareholders in accordance with applicable laws. It is clarified that the shares held by the entities so reclassified
created an escrow account named JTEKT CORP - ESCROW ACCOUNT (the Open Offer Escrow Account) newspapers in which this DPS has been published March 27, 2017, Monday as public shareholders after the consummation of the Underlying Transaction shall not be counted for the
with Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited (acting through its office at 5 C / II, Mittal Court, 224, Nariman Point, Mumbai - purposes of meeting the requirement of minimum public shareholding as required Regulation 38 of the LODR
11. Date of commencement of the tendering period
400 021, the Escrow Bank). The Open Offer Escrow Account comprises a sum of INR 1,085,130,417/- Regulations and Rule 19A of the Securities Contract (Regulation) Rules, 1957. Please refer to Paragraph 5(D) of
(Offer Opening Date) March 29, 2017, Wednesday
(Rupees One Billion Eighty Five Million One Hundred and Thirty Thousand Four Hundred and Seventeen only), Part II (Background to the Offer) for further details in this regard.
being 25% of the Maximum Open Offer Consideration. The amount kept in the Open Offer Escrow Account is 12. Date of closure of the tendering period (Offer Closing Date) April 12, 2017, Wednesday
2. The Acquirer and its directors accept full responsibility for the information contained in the PA and this DPS (other
non-interest bearing. The Open Offer Escrow Account is in compliance with the requirements of deposit of 13. Last date of communicating the rejection/ acceptance and
than such information as has been obtained from public sources) and shall be responsible for the fulfillment of
escrow amount as per regulation 17 and regulation 22(2) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations. The source of funds is completion of payment of consideration or refund of Equity
obligations under the SEBI (SAST) Regulations in respect of this Offer.
international and from internal accruals of the Acquirer. Shares to the shareholders of the Target Company April 27, 2017, Thursday
3. This DPS and the PA shall also be available on SEBIs website (http://www.sebi.gov.in).
3. The Acquirer has also been sanctioned an unconditional and irrevocable line of credit of upto INR 14. Last date for publication of post-Offer public announcement in
3,255,391,251(Rupees Three Billion Two Hundred and Fifty Five Million Three Hundred and Ninety One the newspapers in which this DPS has been published May 5, 2017, Friday
Thousand Two Hundred Fifty One only) by Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation amounting to 75% of the # Issued by the Manager to the Offer
The Identified Date is only for the purpose of determining the Public Shareholders as on such date to whom the
Maximum Open Offer Consideration (Line of Credit). The Line of Credit is exclusively for meeting the Letter of Offer would be posted. It is clarified that subject to paragraphs 3 and 4 of Part VI (Statutory and Other Kotak Mahindra Capital Company Limited
Acquirers obligations under the Offer and to purchase the shares tendered in the Offer. The Line of Credit will be Approvals) above, all the Public Shareholders (registered or unregistered) of the Target Company are eligible to 27 BKC, 1st Floor, Plot No. C-27, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex,
in force till such time as all Offer formalities under the Regulations are completed and duly certified to that effect participate in this Offer at any time on or prior to the Offer Closing Date. Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051,
by KMCC, the Manager to the Offer. Tel: +91 22 4336 0128, Fax: +91 22 6713 2447
4. Rajesh Thakkar (MZSK & Associates), Chartered Accountant, has, vide his certificate dated January 31, 2017, Email: [email protected]
certified that the Acquirer has adequate financial resources through verifiable means to fulfill its obligations 1. All the Public Shareholders, whether holding the shares in physical form or dematerialized form, registered or Contact Person: Mr. Ganesh Rane
under this Offer. unregistered are eligible to participate in this Offer at any time during the Tendering Period for this Offer. SEBI Registration Number: INM000008704
5. The Manager to the Open Offer has entered into an agreement with the Acquirer, and the Escrow Bank (the 2. Persons who have acquired Equity Shares but whose names do not appear in the register of members of the
Escrow Agreement) pursuant to which the Acquirer has solely authorized the Manager to the Open Offer to Target Company on the Identified Date, or unregistered owners or those who have acquired Equity Shares after
Registrar to the Offer
realize the value of the Open Offer Escrow Account as per the provisions of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations. the Identified Date, or those who have not received the Letter of Offer, may also participate in this Offer.
Karvy Computershare Private Limited
6. Based on the above, the Manager to the Open Offer is satisfied that firm arrangements have been put in place by 3. The Open Offer will be implemented by the Company through Stock Exchange Mechanism made available by
the Stock Exchanges in the form of separate window (Acquisition Window) as provided under the SEBI Karvy Selenium, Tower-B, Plot No. 31 & 32,
the Acquirer to fulfill its obligations in relation to this Open Offer through verifiable means in accordance with the Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Mandal,
SEBI (SAST) Regulations. (SAST) Regulations and SEBI circular CIR/CFD/POLICY/CELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015 issued by SEBI and
Hyderabad, Telangana, 500 032
as amended via SEBI circular CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated December 9, 2016.
VI. STATUTORY AND OTHER APPROVALS Tel: +91 40 6716 2222, Fax: +91 40 2343 1551
4. NSE shall be the Designated Stock Exchange for the purpose of tendering Shares in the Open Offer. Email: [email protected], Contact Person: M Murali Krishna
1. To the best of the knowledge of the Acquirer, there are no statutory or other approvals required to complete the
acquisition under the SPA and the Offer as on the date of this DPS, except as set out in paragraph 4.4.(i) of Part I 5. The Acquirer has appointed Kotak Securities Limited (Buying Broker) for the Open Offer through whom the SEBI Registration Number: INR000000221
(Details of the Offer) and paragraph 5(J) of Part II (Background to the Offer). If, however, any statutory or other purchases and settlement of the Offer Shares tendered in the Open Offer shall be made.
approval becomes applicable prior to completion of such acquisition, the Offer would also be subject to such The Contact details of the Buying Broker are as mentioned below: EXECUTED by the Acquirer acting through their duly authorised representatives
other statutory or other approval(s) being obtained. Kotak Securities
2. In case of delay in receipt of any statutory approval to be obtained by the Acquirer, SEBI may, if satisfied that such 27 BKC, C 27, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, For and on behalf of JTEKT Corporation
delay in receipt of the requisite statutory approval(s) was not attributable to any willful default, failure or neglect Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400051
on the part of the Acquirer to diligently pursue such approval, and subject to such terms and conditions as may be Contact Person: Ms. Naaz Khan
specified by SEBI, including payment of interest in accordance with regulation 18(11) of the SEBI (SAST) Tel: +91-22-30305757, Website: www.kotaksecurities.com Sd/-
Regulations, permit the Acquirer to delay the commencement of the tendering period for the Offer pending SEBI Registration No. NSE Capital Market: INB230808130; Name: Koichi Tsujita
receipt of such statutory approval(s) or grant an extension of time to the Acquirer to make the payment of the BSE Equity: INB010808153, CIN: U99999MH1994PLC134051 Designation: General Manager, Corporate Planning Department
consideration to the Public Shareholders whose Offer Shares have been accepted in the Offer. 6. The process for tendering Offer Shares by Public Shareholders holding physical Equity Shares will be separately Date: February 7, 2017
3. In terms of regulation 23(1) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, in the event that the approvals, whether relating to enumerated in the Letter of Offer. Place: 15th Floor, Midland Square, 4-7-1 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450-8515, Japan
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