Metro20152 CH3
Metro20152 CH3
Metro20152 CH3
All measurements require the unknown quantity to be
compared with a known quantity, called a standard.
There are certain devices in which the standards are
separated from the instrument. It compares the unknown
length with the standard. Such measurement is known as
comparison measurement and the instrument, which
provides such comparison, is called a comparator.
Comparators are generally used for linear measurements,
and various comparators available differ basically in the
methods employed for amplifying and recording the
variations measured.
Any instrument used to compare size of work
piece to known standard
Functional Requirements
High degree of accuracy and precision
The scale should be linear and have a wide range
High amplification
Good resolution
Comparator should be versatile
Classification of Comparators
Mechanical comparators
Mechanical‐optical comparator
Electrical and electronic comparators
Pneumatic comparators
Other types such as projection comparators, multi‐check
comparators, etc.
Mechanical Comparators
Dial Indicators
Dial Indicators
It is primarily used to compare work‐pieces against a master
It consists of a body with a circular graduated dial, a contact
point connected to a gear train and an indicating hand,
which directly indicates the linear displacement of the
contact point.
Dial Indicators
With the plunger set to approximately mid‐
position, the face dial is set to read zero.
From this zero reference point, two rules apply:
• As the plunger moves out of the case, the needle travels counter‐ a
NEGATIVE reading.
• As the plunger moves into the case, the needle travels a POSITIVE
Johansson Mikrokator
Johansson Mikrokator
A light pointer made of glass fixed to a thin twisted metal strip
While one end of the strip is fixed to an adjustable cantilever
link, the other end is anchored to a bell crank lever
Any linear motion of the plunger will result in a movement of
the bell crank lever, which exerts either a push or pull force on
the metal strip.
Accordingly the glass pointer will rotate either clockwise or anti‐
clockwise depending on the direction of plunger movement
A calibrated scale is employed with the pointer, so that any axial
movement of the plunger can be conveniently recorded.
Mechanical Optical Comparators
Mechanical Optical Comparator
As the name of the comparator
itself suggests, this is a part
mechanical and part optical
comparator. Small
displacements of a measuring
plunger are initially amplified by
a lever mechanism pivoted
about a point as shown in
Optical Projector
Optical projector is a versatile
comparator, which is widely used
for inspection purpose.
It is especially used in tool room
It projects a two‐dimensional
magnified image of the work‐
piece on to a viewing screen to
facilitate measurement.
Profile optical projector comparator
Electrical Comparators
They are in widespread use because of their instantaneous
response and convenience to amplify the input.
Electronic comparator, in particular, can achieve exceptionally
high magnification.
The mechanism carrying the pointer is very light and not sensitive
to vibrations.
As the instrument is usually operated on A.C. supply, the cyclic
vibration substantially reduces errors due to sliding friction.
Heating of coils in the measuring unit may cause zero drift and alter
the calibration.
This is usually more expensive than mechanical instrument.
Elements of Electrical Comparator
The plunger is the sensing element, the movement of which displaces an
armature inside a pair of coils. Movement of the armature causes change in
inductance in the two coils, resulting in a net change in inductance.
This change causes imbalance in the bridge circuit, resulting in an output.
The output display device, whether it is analog or digital, is calibrated to show
the readings in units of length, that is, linear displacement.
Electrical Comparators
An electronic gage for measuring bore diameter. The
measuring head is equipped with three carbide‐tipped steel
pins for wear resistance. The LED display reads 29.158 mm.
Source: Courtesy of TESA SA.
Sigma Electronic Comparator
The movement at the probe tip actuates inductance transducer which is
supplied with an a.c. source from the oscillator.
The transducer converts this movement into an electrical signal which is
then amplified and fed via an oscillator to the demodulator.
The current in D.C. form, then passes to the meter and the probe tip
movement is displayed as a linear measurement over a circular scale.
Sigma Electronic Comparator
Air Gauges or Pneumatic
Used to compare work piece dimensions with master gauge
by means of air pressure or flow.
Pneumatic gauge provide gauging of several features at
once, it has become essential part of production inspection
in the industry.
It is possible to gauge length, diameter, parallelism,
concentricity, etc using a simple set up.
Two types:
1. Flow ( Indicates air velocity)
2. Pressure (indicates air pressure in system)
Flow Air Gauge
Compressed air with a pressure in the
range 1.5 to 2 bars is passed through a
tapered glass column, which contains a
small metal float.
The air then passes through a rubber or
plastic hose and exits to the atmosphere
through the orifice in the gauging head.
Since the gauging head is inserted inside
the work part, which is being inspected,
there is a small clearance between the
gauging head and the work part.
This restricts the flow of air, thereby
changing the position of the float inside
the tapered glass column.
Flow Air Gauge
Rate of flow proportional to clearance
Gage set to master
Work piece larger than
hole size, float rises
Smaller, float falls Source: Mahr, S 1840 PE
Back Pressure Gauge
This system uses a two orifice arrangement as shown in figure above. While the
orifice O1 is called the control orifice, the orifice O2 is referred to as the
measuring orifice.
The measuring head gets compressed air supply at a constant pressure ‘P’,
which is called the source pressure
Depending upon the gap d, the back pressure Pb changes, thereby providing a
means for measuring dimension ‘d’.
Back Pressure Gauge
In the set up shown in figure above, the back pressure is let into a bourdon
tube, which undergone deflection depending on the magnitude of air
pressure. This deflection of the bourdon tube is amplified by lever and gear
arrangement and indicated on a dial.
Back Pressure Gauge
Mahr Federal Micro‐Dimensionair 28
Advantages of Air Gauges
Applications of Pneumatic Comparators
Pneumatic gauging is one of the widely used methods for inspection of holes.
The gauging elements can be adapted to measure nearly any feature of the hole
including diameter, roundness, squareness and straightness.