Smart Blood Finder

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific

Research and Development (IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal
ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | | Volume - 2 | Issue – 1

Smart Blood Finder

Abhijeet Gaikwad, Nilofar Mulla, Tejashri Wagaj, Raviraj Ingale,

Prof. Brrijendra Gupta & Prof. Kamal Reddy

Department of Computer Engineering, Siddhant College of Engineering,

Pune, Maharashtra, India

In case of emergency needs the most important lives 1. INTRODUCTION
saver necessity is Blood. Blood Banks are the main
providers of blood who receives blood from various Blood donation is the process of transferring blood from
donors, monitors the blood groups database and in case a healthy person to someone who needs it. It occurs
of emergencies makes the available to the hospital when a person voluntarily
luntarily has blood drawn and used for
whenever needed. The major problem faced by the main transfusions and/or made into biopharmaceutical
blood providers and the needd is the availability of donor medications by a process called fractionation. Blood
at right time. We hereby took a step forward to build a donation is very important health care and blood is a
system to create a network of people who can help each very unique and precious resource because it only can be
other in need. We propose an application where the obtained
ned from blood donors. Donors participate to save
Blood banks can timely update the Blood Stock many human beings each year, although some still die or
availability and donor and register themselves to donor suffer because of the lack of access to a safe blood
and user can find blood availability nearby him/her. In transfusion (WHO,2010). Blood is the “gift of life” that
the urgent time of a blood requirement, user can quickly transfers from a healthy individual to others
o who are sick
check for blood banks, hospitals or donor as per and in actual need of blood. In one hour’s time, from one
requirement matching a particular or related blood group unit of blood, red blood cells can be extracted for use in
and reach out to them through the App. Application trauma or surgical patients. The liquid part of the blood,
tends to provide list of blood banks in user area. A large which called Plasma, is given to patients who have
number of blood donors are attracted using an Android clotting problems.
roblems. The third component of blood is
application. Since almost everyone carries a mobile platelets, which clot the blood when there are cuts and
phone with him, it ensures instant location
ation tracking and are often used in cancer and transplant patients. Although
communication. Registered user, who is willing to the number of people who need blood is increasing and
donate blood can pledge him/her to donate and will be the availability of blood is decreasing there is no central
able to access the service. In this application we are Blood Bank that can manage the blood donation in India.
using the GPS technology that will be used to trace the
Each hospital has its own Blood Bank and its own
way to the blood bank. The user will get the route to
procedures. Each Blood Blank is responsible for the
reach the desired location and he/she won’t have to ask
management and control of transfusions and processing;
manually, therefore time can be saved.
it is also responsible for collecting
lecting the units and for the
Keywords: National Institutes of Health (NIH), donor services.
Management Information System (MIS), National Organ
The general idea of the study is to develop a Smart Blood
& Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO), Food Drug
Finder Application is to manage the records of the
Inspector(FDI), Blood Donation Chain (BD Chain),
donors and the people who need blood. Others may need
World Health Organization (WHO).
blood because of illnesses such as anemia, cancer, canc

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Dec 2017 Page: 1027
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470

bleeding disorders, and disorders of the immune system

(NIH, 2012).
Doctors may give the person whole blood or part of the
blood, depending on the person's condition. Some people 2.1 Motivation
need red cells only if they are anemic or if they lost a lot
Our analysis points out the high number of papers related
of blood after having a serious accident. For those who
to the management of storage and distribution phases.
are bleeding too much during surgery, they need plasma,
Indeed, Fig. 2 shows the percentage of the existing works
and for those who have cancer or bleeding problem, they
for each phase. It can be seen that, even though the
need platelets (Kids Health, 2012).
arrival of donors and the registration and donation
The aim of the study is to develop a Smart Blood Finder system strongly affect the entire BD chain, only the 1%
System to manage the records of the people who need of the investigations are devoted to improve these
blood they can find the available of blood in nearby aspects. Hence, we found out the necessity of more
blood banks also can find the appropriate donors who adequate analyses and studies for this phase.
can easily donate blood to them.
In particular, a relevant problem is the management of
2. PROBLEM STATEMENT donors’ appointments and visits, as it has a significant
impact on the effectiveness of the entire BD chain and on
In spite of the potential availability of the blood donors donors’ motivation. Increasing the number of donations
not more than 5% of the total Indian population donates improves the performance of the system, but also an
blood. Advancement and surgeries in medical science effective management of donors’ arrivals along with the
has increased the blood demand. Also blood-donors days may optimize the daily production of bags with
usually don’t come to know about the receivers in need respect to the demand. Indeed, an unbalanced feeding of
of the blood. These reasons motivate us to develop a blood bags undermines the entire BD chain; this is not
more efficient system that will assist in exploring only a theoretical problem, but from the discussion with
information to the people about the present blood several blood providers this is the actual bottleneck of
donation system. As the existing application lack the the entire system in the practice. Returning donors’
concept of Blood Availability in Blood Banks as well as appointments could be scheduled in advance, but not all
donor interested in donating the blood this application donors are willing to accept pre-scheduled appointments,
overcomes the drawbacks by introducing the concept of or they often require appointments at the beginning or at
sharing Blood Banks contacts and blood availability in the ending of the day rather than at noon. Thus, an
Blood Banks as well as Donor details available nearby important future research is the development of
depending on the constraint for donation required for optimization models and techniques for providing an
particular donor. efficient appointment scheduling, also in the light of
balancing the production. The existing studies solved
these problems by using simulation models; however,
they do not fit the DB system since they do not take
walk-in donors into account. The historical data collected
by the BD centers can be exploited in these models, to
forecast the walk-in donors’ arrivals and increase the
efficiency of the system. An effective application system
is also needed in BD, as

Figure1: Problem statement

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470

Fig. 2: Percentage of the existing works for each phase, considering 156 papers on blood management found
in the literature (research updated at December 2014; papers on social and physiological aspect neglected)
Smart Blood Finder System is a concept to combine the As mentioned, demand prediction is another crucial issue
donation system with donors, Blood Providers and Blood in BD system management. Inaccurate estimations of
Needy preferences and their points of view. Such an blood demand may lead to disruptive consequences.
application system (e.g., an on-line system) could be a
solution to join donors, Blood Providers and Blood For example, underestimation leads to low quality of the
Needy at the same platform and to encourage volunteer service, out-of-stock and additional expenses; on the
donations and Smart Blood Supply. other hand, overestimation leads to overproduction and
overstocking, together with increased costs and clinical
Storage is another important step of the system. A and ethical problems in throwing bags away. Demand
successful storage management should guarantee a variation is an important factor to which the entire
proper balancing between the blood to hold and that to process must properly react; for example, blood
transfer, to keep blood in optimal conditions and to avoid inventory management becomes critical in case of
expiring and discharging. increased demand, and the related decisions must be
taken on time. However, meeting the demand is not easy
This also stresses the importance of an adequate feeding since also the number of donors is difficult to foresee;
with respect to the demand. hence, an integrated approach that considers the variation
of both demand and donor arrivals should be required to
The storage problem is widely studied in the literature
better manage the BD chain.
(the 39%of the investigations in Fig. 2). Existing models
are generally based on the analysis of the normalized Finally, transportation and delivery of blood products are
stock level, and they aim at predicting and reducing largely addressed by means of optimization tools.
outdated bags and blood shortage. Nevertheless, an Generally, the existing works deal with the routing of
integrated management with blood feeding, i.e., with delivery vehicles for the distribution of blood
donor appointment scheduling, might increase the components. As a future research line, with the increase
efficiency of the whole BD chain and reduce both in the use of blood components, an emerging logistics
outdated bags and blood shortage. problem is the distribution of different products, while
taking into account both their different shelf lives and
cost minimization (multi criteria objective).

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470

2.2 LITERATURE REVIEW  Online Blood bank management system using

This section explores literature review. For more details,
see table 1 The main aim of this project is to save lives of people by
providing blood. Our project Online Blood Bank system
 Android Blood Donor Life Saving Application in using Android is developed so that users can view the
Cloud Computing information of nearby hospitals, blood banks. This
project is developed by three perspective i.e. hospital,
Emergency situations, such as accidents, create an
blood bank and patient/donor. We have provided security
immediate, critical need for specific blood type. In
for authenticated user as new user have to register
addition to emergency requirements, advances in
according to their type of perspective and existing user
medicine have increased the need for blood in many on-
have to login. This project requires internet connection.
going treatments and elective surgeries. Despite
This application we are developing helps to select the
increasing requirements for blood, only about 5% of the
nearby hospital online instantly by tracing its location
Indian population donates blood. In this paper we
using GPS. We are also proving a alert system for severe
propose a new and efficient way to overcome such
accidents as using that function an ambulance will be
scenarios with our project. We have to create a new idea,
sent to your destination without any wastage of time.
just touch the button. Donor will be prompted to enter an
This application reduces the time to a greater extent that
individual's details, like name, phone number, and blood
is searching for the required blood through blood banks
type. After that your contact details will appear in
and hospitals. Thus this application provides the required
alphabetical order on the screen; the urgent time of a
information in less time and also helps in quicker
blood requirement, you can quickly check for contacts
decision making.
matching a particular or related blood group and reach
out to them via Phone Call/SMS through the Blood  Android Blood Bank
donor App. Blood Donor App provides list of donors in
your city/area. Use this app in case of emergency. A Blood is a saver of all existing lives in case of emergency
large number of blood donors are attracted using an needs. The task of blood bank is to receive blood from
Android application. Cloud- based services can prove various donors, to monitor the blood groups database and
important in emergency blood delivery since they can to send the required blood during the need to the hospital
enable central and immediate access to donors' data and in case of emergencies. The problem is not insufficient
location from anywhere. Since almost everyone carries a number of donors, but finding a willing donor at the right
mobile phone with him, it ensures instant location time. We want to build a network of people who can help
tracking and communication. The location-based app, each other during an emergency. This application timely
operational on android platform, will help users easily updates the information regarding the donors where the
find donors of matching blood groups in their location administrator accesses the whole information about
and access their mobile numbers for instant help. Only a blood bank management system. Donor will be prompted
registered person, with willingness to donate blood, will to enter an individual's details, like name, phone number,
be able to access the service. and blood group. In the urgent time of a blood
requirement, you can quickly check for blood banks or
This project aims to create a web application known as hospitals matching a particular or related blood group
cloud application for android mobiles. The sole purpose and reach out to them through the App. Blood bank App
of this project is to develop a computer system that will provides list of blood banks in your area. A large number
link all donors. The system will help control a blood of blood donors are attracted using an Android
transfusion service and create a database to hold data on application. Since almost everyone carries a mobile
stocks of blood in each area as data on donors in each phone with him, it ensures instant location tracking and
city. Furthermore, people will be able to see which communication. Only a registered person, with
patients need blood supplies via the website. They will willingness to donate blood, will be able to access the
be able to register as donors and thus receive an SMS service. In this application we are using the GPS
from their local clients who needs blood to donate blood technology that will be used to trace the way to the blood
in cases of need. The website will help develop public bank. The user will get the route to reach the desired
awareness amongst its visitors of the hospitals’ need for location and he won't have to ask manually, therefore
blood in order to supply the appropriate donors time can be saved.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470

We have proposed an efficient and reliable android blood these improved system. In case of emergency
bank application. The service provided by the proposed requirement the blood donor can place a request. The
system is needed and valuable to health sector where a wireless internet technique enables the flow of data to
quality of blood is considered for the safety of the work more rapidly and conveniently.
patient. The donor will get himself registered through

Table 1: comparison between blood bank systems

Sr.No. Year System Advantages Limitations
1 2014 Android Blood Donor Develop a computer It does not allow integration
lifesaving application insystem that will link all with blood donor
cloud computing donor management system
2 2016 Online Blood bankFor faster communication The system does not give
management systembetween agent using emergency services
using android restful services
3 2016 Android Blood Bank Wireless internet It reveals real time location
technique enable the flow of donor which is not good
of data to work more for security purpose.
4 2016 An efficient android app This application will help It does not have control
for blood donation to develop public limit over professional
process awareness along its visitor blood donors.
of the hospital

3. PROPOSED SYSTEM 3.1. System Architecture

We have proposed an efficient and reliable smart blood The person who need to blood may use different ways,
finder application. The service provided by the proposed such as:
system is needed and valuable to health sector where a
availability of blood is considered for the safety of the  Asking family and friends for a suitable blood
patient. The donor will get himself registered through donor.
these improved system. In case of emergency
requirement the blood donor can place a request. The  Make several contacts at hospitals to find a blood
wireless internet technique enables the flow of data to donor.
work more rapidly and conveniently. The most
significant results of this study are:  Search via the internet for donors by using social
media like Twitter and Facebook.
 Manage the records of donors, blood banks, and
recipients. Use the Smart Blood Finder Application to find donors
 Each Blood bank can register on the website and and the hospital that makes a blood donation.
make its own account that contains information The best solution it is use the Smart Blood Finder
about the blood bank. Application to help the needy find blood donors in quick,
 Encourage voluntary blood donations. perfect and safety way also with less effort.
 Make it easier for donors to find the appropriate
recipients to whom to donate blood by searching in
the website by blood type.
 Ease the distribution of blood in various hospitals.
 Hospitals, donors, and recipients can add their own
comments in the feedback section about the
 Educate the community on the benefits of blood

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470

Fig. 3: System details of Blood needy contacting Blood donor/ Blood

Service Providers through proposed system.
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